ROAD SAFETY AUDIT Maple Street (Route 85) at ­ Walker Street & Mill Street South ­ City of Marlborough October 2013 Prepared For: Massachusetts Department of Transportation Prepared By: Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc Union Station – Suite 219 2 Washington Square Worcester, MA 01604 Road Safety Audit— Maple Street (Rt. 85) at Walker St & Mill St South Marlborough, MA Prepared by Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. Table of Contents � Background ................................................................................................................................. 1 � RSA Process................................................................................................................................. 1 � Project Location and Description.............................................................................................. 3 � Relevant RSA Data ..................................................................................................................... 6 � Audit Observations ................................................................................................................... 11 � Potential Safety Enhancements ............................................................................................... 17 � Summary of Road Safety Audit............................................................................................... 21 � List of Appendices Appendix A: RSA Meeting Agenda Appendix B: RSA Audit Team Contact List Appendix C: Detailed Crash Data Appendix D: Additional Information Appendix E: Road Safety Audit References List of Figures Figure 1. Locus Map.............................................................................................................................. 4 List of Tables Table 1 - Participating Audit Team Members ........................................................................................... 2 Table 2 – Roadway Functional Classifications.......................................................................................... 3 Table 3 - Traffic Volume Summary........................................................................................................... 7 Table 4 – Intersection Crash Rates ............................................................................................................ 8 Table 5 – Intersection Crash Summary: January 2008 - May 2013........................................................... 9 Table 6 – Estimated Time Frame and Cost.............................................................................................. 18 Table 7 - Potential Safety Enhancement Summary.................................................................................. 22 Page i Road Safety Audit— Maple Street (Rt. 85) at Walker St & Mill St South Marlborough, MA Prepared by Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. Background � Defined by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) as a “formal safety performance examination of an existing or future road or intersection by an independent, multidisciplinary team”, a road safety audit (RSA) investigates safety issues and identifies potential safety improvements. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts through the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) requires a RSA for HSIP-eligible locations in order to receive safety-related funding. The outcome of an RSA can be evaluated and included as part of any future or current design process. Any short-term, low-cost potential improvements should be considered by the responsible agency for implementation prior to any significant reconstruction efforts. The Maple Street (Route 85) intersection with Walker Street and Mill Street South has routinely been noted as having a cluster of vehicle crashes that is high enough to make it eligible for HSIP funding. The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) has requested an RSA be performed at this intersection prior to advancing the design of proposed improvements. A 25% design for the Route 85 Reconstruction Project was submitted in 2008 by SEA Consultants, Inc. (now part of Kleinfelder) but was not accepted nor advanced to a Design Public Hearing. The Project is currently listed on the 2016 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for the Boston Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). Safety improvements that are identified as a result of this RSA may be incorporated into the 25%, 75%, 100% or Final design plans. The City’s Engineering and Public Works departments could implement the short-term, lower cost safety measures prior to any major re-construction efforts covered by the TIP design. RSA Process An RSA was conducted on Monday, September 16, 2013 at the Route 85 intersection with Walker Street and Mill Street South, with pre- and post-audit meetings held at the Marlborough Department of Public Works, which is within the overall project limits. The specific agenda for the day may be found in Appendix A. In total, nine (9) team members participated in the road safety audit, and as indicated in Table 1, representatives were present from State, Regional and Local agencies and included a crosssection of engineering/planning, operations, and enforcement expertise. A complete list of contact information for the participants may be found in Appendix B. Prior to the day of the RSA, Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. (VHB) compiled crash data for the intersection using Crash Reports from January 2008 through May 2013 obtained from the City of Marlborough. From this data, a collision diagram was prepared and the crash history was summarized in tabular and chart format. This material was distributed to all RSA invitees. A detailed discussion of crash history along the corridor is provided herein and all backup crash data are included in Appendix C. A pre-audit meeting was held at 135 Neil Street (Department of Public Works) on the morning of the RSA prior to the site walk with all participants to review the materials provided by VHB. Participants were reminded that the RSA was a collaborative effort to ensure a thorough understanding of the Page 1 Road Safety Audit— Maple Street (Rt. 85) at Walker St & Mill St South Marlborough, MA Prepared by Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. intersection deficiencies and safety concerns. As an active discussion, participants provided an initial list of specific issues and concerns. Armed with this information and the Safety Review Prompt List provided by MassDOT, the audit team walked the area surrounding the intersection to review the safety issues identified in the pre-meeting and identify additional concerns to be added to the list. Following the site walk, participants held a postmeeting to discuss potential short-term and intermediate/long-term countermeasures for each safety concern. It was discussed whether the intermediate/long-term countermeasures could be addressed in the current 25% design for the TIP project. Table 1 - Participating Audit Team Members Audit Team Member Agency/Affiliation Tom Cullen Marlborough DPW – Engineering Tim Collins Marlborough DPW – Engineering Tim Naze Marlborough Police Seth Asante Boston MPO Corey O’Connor MassDOT Highway Division Safety Management Unit Lisa Schletzbaum MassDOT Highway Division Safety Management Unit Alolade Campbell MassDOT Highway Division, District 3 Traffic Christine Keches Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc Greg Russell Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc Page 2 Road Safety Audit— Maple Street (Rt. 85) at Walker St & Mill St South Marlborough, MA Prepared by Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. Project Location and Description � Marlborough is a Massachusetts municipality with a population of 38,499 (2010 US Census) located in Middlesex County approximately 25 miles west of Boston. Route 85 provides a vital north-south link for communities to access other regional roadways (including Route 9, Route 20 and I-90/MassPike), shopping centers, businesses and educational facilities. This RSA was conducted as part of the Route 85 Reconstruction Project, which covers Route 85 between the Southborough Town Line north to John Street, which is just south of the Downtown. As mentioned previously, the Project is currently listed on the Boston MPO’s 2016 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). A 25% Design was previously submitted in 2008 for the Project, but was not accepted and was not advanced to the Design Public Hearing. The RSA focused on the intersection of Maple Street (Route 85) with Walker Street and Mill Street South, which is the southernmost signalized intersection located on Route 85 in Marlborough. The intersection is located approximately one-third of a mile north of the Southborough Town Line. This segment of Route 85, and in turn this specific intersection, is critical in that it controls the flow of commuter traffic to/from areas south of the City including Route 9 and Interstate 90 (MassPike) (See Figure 1). Walker Street provides access to Route 85 for the residential areas of Framingham Road and Farm Road, which lie immediately to the east of Route 85. The Kane Elementary School is also located to the east of this intersection, which also serves residences on the west side of Route 85. Mill Street South, which connects to Brigham Street, provides access to several commercial and industrial properties, as well as a back route into the neighboring Town of Southborough. This intersection is located approximately 1.5-miles south of the entrance to the Marlborough branch of the Assabet River Rail Trail, which is a popular regional destination. It should be noted that this intersection was designed to be coordinated with the signalized intersection of Route 85 and South Street, which is located approximately 800-feet to the north, although how well the coordination is working (or if it is operating as a coordination system) remains in question. All roadways within the audit limits are City-owned and maintained. The functional classification of each roadway within the audit area is presented in Table 2. Table 2 – Roadway Functional Classifications Street Classifications Maple Street (Route 85) Urban Minor Arterial Walker Street Urban Collector Mill Street South Urban Collector Regulated speed limits in the audit area are 35 mph on Maple Street (Route 85) and 25mph on Brigham Street, which connects to Mill Street South immediately west of the intersection. No Special Speed Regulations were found for Walker Street or Mill Street South. Page 3 TREET REE T LL RE ET CE EET ST RO AD MI TR RIVER S MILL S H ST G HAM SOUT M IN FRA NORT H \\maworc\projects\12406.00\GIS\Project\Fig-1-Aerial_Locus.mxd NT RAL V U 85 STR EN EXT EET EET STR UTH LM HO SO E LK WA ET T RE S R SIO N RSA Location V U 85 MI LL RI GH AM ST ET RE E RE T ST B Source: USGS 2008 ³ 0 150 Figure 1 Aerial Locus Map 300 600 Feet September 2013 Maple Street (Rt. 85) at Walker Street Marlborough, Massachusetts Road Safety Audit— Maple Street (Rt. 85) at Walker St & Mill St South Marlborough, MA Prepared by Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. Maple Street (Route 85) is classified as an urban minor arterial within the audit area. The cross-section of Maple Street varies from a 2-lane to 4-lane roadway as it moves through the City of Marlborough. Maple Street is a 2-lane roadway as it approaches the audit area from the south before quickly widening to a 4lane roadway approximately 200’ south of its intersection with Walker Street and Mill Street South. The 4-lane cross section continues north through the audit area for approximately 1,000’ before tapering back to 2 lanes north of South Street. Walker Street and Mill Street South intersect Maple Street from the east and west, respectively, to form a four-way signalized intersection. Maple Street bends to the east at an approximately 30 degree angle as it passes through the Walker Street intersection; when traveling north. Mill Street South enters the intersection from the southwest at a skewed angle of approximately 40 degrees. Both the northbound and southbound Maple Street approaches consist of two general purpose lanes. The term “general purpose lane” refers to a travel lane where all available movements are permitted. If there is a single lane on an approach to an intersection, left-turn, right-turn, and through movements are permitted unless otherwise restricted. If an approach has two general purpose lanes, the left-hand lane is for leftturn and through movements and the right-hand lane is for through and right-turn movements. The two southbound lanes quickly taper to a single lane as traffic moves past the north driveway of the Gold’s Gym (420 Maple Plaza). Shoulders on Maple Street are approximately 1-foot wide where there is a four lane cross-section, but they widen out to as much as 8-feet just south of the intersection as the crosssection narrows to two lanes. The westbound Walker Street approach consists of a shared leftturn/through lane and a designated right-turn lane; which totals approximately 140-feet. Walker Street (as well as Framingham Road and Farm Road) has a 24-hour Restriction for Commercial Vehicles over 2 ½ tons; however, the sign is located on Walker Street approximately 10’ east of Maple Street and is blocked by trees and not visible. The eastbound Mill Street South approach consists of a designated left-turn lane, through lane and a short (approximately 30-feet) channelized right-turn lane that operates under yield control. There are sidewalks and crosswalks on all approaches to the intersection; however the sidewalk on the southeast corner serves primarily to facilitate crossings at the intersection only as it does not extend down Walker Street or Maple Street. It should be noted that the available right-of-way (ROW) along Maple Street is restricted due to the presence of buildings and drive aisles located at the back of the existing sidewalks. This traffic signal is fully-actuated with concurrent pedestrian phasing and, as previously mentioned, it is not known if this signal is operating under coordination. A leading protected left phase is provided for the southbound Maple Street approach, while all other movements at the intersection are permissive. There are four mast-arms present with high-mount signal heads, equipped with back plates, for all approaches. Both Maple Street approaches have supplemental side-of-pole mounted signal heads, while the Mill Street South approach has a supplemental post-top mount signal. All vehicular traffic signal heads have 12” indications and are equipped with LED modules. Pedestrian signal heads are solid HAND/MAN indications. Pedestrian push buttons at this location are ADA-compliant, although not an accessible pedestrian signal (APS)-type and are not all located within the MUTCD-compliant distances from the crosswalks. This location is equipped with emergency vehicle pre-emption capabilities. This intersection, based on previous studies and input from local officials, appears to operate at a modest level-of-service (LOS). It should be noted, however, that the intersection appears to not be operating to its fullest capacity, as vehicles on Maple Street (northbound) tend to use only the outside general purpose lane in Page 5 Road Safety Audit— Maple Street (Rt. 85) at Walker St & Mill St South Marlborough, MA Prepared by Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. order to avoid getting stuck behind a left-turning vehicle. As a result of this, extensive vehicle-queues along Maple Street have been observed (by City personnel) during peak commuter periods. Key businesses surrounding the intersection include several auto dealerships and repair facilities (Maple Street Auto Center, Quality Automotive, Kraft Tire & Auto Center, Al Brodeur’s Auto Body), MetroWest Lawn & Power Equipment, and 420 Maple Plaza, which includes Gold’s Gym, a Church and several smaller commercial businesses. The Women’s Veterans Monument and a historic mile marker are located in the northwest quadrant of the intersection between Maple Street and Central Mill Street. It was also noted by City Personnel that a Cumberland Farms convenience store and gas station is proposed in the northeast corner of the intersection (currently MetroWest Lawn & Power Equipment); the project is currently being reviewed by the City. The MetroWest Regional Transit Authority (MWRTA) has a scheduled stop (Route 7) adjacent to this intersection. The outbound stop (northbound) is on Maple Street and is adjacent to the Gold’s Gym, while the inbound stop (southbound) is adjacent to Maple Street Auto. The bus currently stops in the outside travel lane and well south of the intersection. There are twelve (12) scheduled stops at this location in each direction on a weekday and five stops per day on weekends. This route provides service between the MWRTA Central Hub in Framingham and the intersection of Broad Street and Lincoln Street in Marlborough, via Route 9, Route 30 and Route 85. Relevant RSA Data Bus Facilities There are two bus stops located on either side of Maple Street, just south of the Walker Street intersection adjacent to the Gold’s Gym and Maple Street Auto properties. These bus stops serve MWRTA Route 7, which makes 12 stops per day on a weekday and 5 stops per day on weekends. This route provides service between the MWRTA Central Hub in Framingham and the intersection of Broad Street and Lincoln Street in Marlborough, via Route 9, Route 30 and Route 85. Traffic Volumes Traffic volume data was collected for the original TIP design in November 2005 and are detailed in Table 3. The relatively high volumes, especially during peak periods, and associated congestion along Maple Street (Route 85) and the related driver frustration can have an effect on crash history in the area surrounding the intersection in question. The reverse directional split during the peak hours speaks to the commuter nature of this segment of Route 85. Page 6 Road Safety Audit— Maple Street (Rt. 85) at Walker St & Mill St South Marlborough, MA Prepared by Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. Table 3 - Traffic Volume Summary � Location Maple Street (north of Walker Street) Maple Street (south of Mill Street) 1 2 3 4 Average Weekday Daily Traffic 1 Volume 25,165 21,370 Peak Hour Peak Hour Traffic 3 Volume K4 Factor Directional Distribution AM 2,000 7.9 67% Southbound PM 2,250 8.9 59% Northbound AM 1,735 8.1 67% Southbound PM 2,090 9.8 56% Northbound Average Weekday Daily Traffic (AWDT) volume in vehicles per day (vpd). Based on the classification counts, approximately 11% of the vehicles were not classified. This volume has not been added to the volume listed above and a higher percentage may be a truer representation of truck usage of these roadways. Peak hour traffic volumes in vehicles per hour (vph). K-Factor is the percent of daily traffic occurring during the peak hour: expressed as a percentage. Traffic Patterns This intersection serves as a critical intersection node in the City’s roadway network. This intersection, along with the intersection of South Street and Route 85 to the north, is used by residents to travel between I-495 and the commercial areas to the west, and the residential neighborhoods off Farm Road to the east which serves as a means to bypass Downtown Marlborough and Route 20. This traffic pattern generates a high number of southbound left-turns from Maple Street and westbound right-turns from Walker Street. Any changes to lane designations or signal phasing at the Walker Street signal could potentially alter traffic patterns outside the audit area as it would be more difficult to navigate through this intersection (longer delays, queues, etc.). This will be further investigated as the overall TIP project design advances. It was noted by City personnel that if a no right-turn-on-red (RTOR) restriction was placed on the Walker Street approach, vehicles may begin bypassing this intersection in favor of the unsignalized intersection of Framingham Road with Route 85 to use a quicker alternative route. Crash History Historical crash data was obtained from the Marlborough Police Department for the study intersection from January 2008 through May 2013 and are provided in Appendix C. As mentioned previously, this intersection is also listed as a Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) vehicle crash cluster based on MassDOT’s 2008, 2009 and 2010 data – the most recent MassDOT data available. A tool to measure the relative safety of an intersection is the comparison of a calculated crash rate with the State and District average. Using standard MassDOT formulas, Table 4 summarizes the crash rates, in the unit of crashes per million entering vehicles, calculated for the audit area intersections. The current official statewide crash rate is 0.80 for signalized intersections. The District 3 average (The MassDOT District designation for Marlborough) crash rate for signalized intersections is 0.89. Page 7 Road Safety Audit— Maple Street (Rt. 85) at Walker St & Mill St South Marlborough, MA Prepared by Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. Table 4 – Intersection Crash Rates � Intersection Maple Street at Walker Street and Mill Street South Crash Rate Intersection Control Compared to State Rate Compared to District Rate 1.0 Traffic Signal Above Above As shown in the above table, the audit area intersection is above both the State and District average. Crash trends and contributing factors to the collisions can be identified through the analysis of the Crash Reports. The Collision Diagram VHB prepared prior to the RSA, and provided in Appendix C, was used to perform an in-depth analysis of the reported crashes. Table 5 summarizes the crashes by type, severity, time-of-day, pavement conditions and lighting conditions. Following the table is a breakdown of the crashes for trends and possible contributing factors. Page 8 Road Safety Audit— Maple Street (Rt. 85) at Walker St & Mill St South Marlborough, MA Prepared by Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. Table 5 – Intersection Crash Summary: January 2008 - May 2013 � Maple Street (Rt. 85) at Walker Street/ Mill Street South Year 2008 11 2009 4 2010 8 2011 11 2012 7 2013 2 Total 43 Collision Type Angle 16 Head-on 2 Rear-end 10 Sideswipe, same direction 11 Single vehicle crash 2 Non Motorist (Bike, Pedestrian) 2 Crash Severity Non-fatal injury 7 Property damage only (none injured) 36 Time of Day Weekday, 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM 5 Weekday, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM 12 Saturday, 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM - Weekday, other time 20 Weekend, other time 6 Pavement Conditions Dry 28 Wet 10 Snow 5 Lighting Conditions Daylight 29 Dawn 1 Dusk 4 Dark – Lighted Roadway 9 Page 9 Road Safety Audit— Maple Street (Rt. 85) at Walker St & Mill St South Marlborough, MA Prepared by Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. From January 2008 through May 2013, there were forty-three (43) reported crashes at the signalized intersection of Maple Street at Walker Street and Mill Street South. The majority of crashes were anglecollisions (18, including 2 bicycle-related crashes), followed by sideswipes (11, 10 of which involved vehicles traveling in the same direction) and rear-end crashes (10). Two of the angle collisions involved a vehicle running a red light. The second most frequent type of crash was side-swipe collisions. Six (6) sideswipe crashes were noted south of the intersection; three southbound and three northbound. The preponderance of sideswipe crashes is most likely related to the short merge/diverge distance south of the intersection in combination with the location relative to the Gold’s Gym driveways. A total of six (6) crashes were noted in the vicinity of the Gold’s Gym driveways, all of which occurred during times that would be considered peak commuting and work-out/exercise times (weekdays at approximately 7AM, 1PM and 5PM). There were a total of two (2) crashes at this intersection that involved bicycles, one of which resulted in an injury to the cyclist. In each case the bicycle originated from Walker Street. In summary, the audit area has experienced a number of angle, rear-end, and sideswipe-type collisions over the analysis period. Other notable summaries include: • Approximately 16% of crashes (7 out of 43) resulted in personal injury. • Approximately 32% of crashes (14 out of 43) occurred at night or at dusk/dawn. • Approximately 47% of crashes (20 out of 43) occurred between the months of December and March. • Approximately 35% of crashes (15 out of 43) occurred with either wet or snow covered roadway conditions. • Approximately 21% of crashes (9 out of 43) involved vehicles traveling through a red light. • Approximately 62% of drivers that were involved in crashes (48 out of 78) were between the ages of 30 and 59. Given the wide spread of crash types at the intersection, the following appear to be the major contributing factors for crashes at this location: (i.) a general lack of capacity (possibly due to underutilized inside travel lanes), (ii.) the skewed alignment of Mill Street South to Maple Street, (iii.) the close proximity of curb cuts to the intersection, (iv.) the lack of an advance phase or dedicated lane in the northbound direction; and (v.) driver error or unawareness. Page 10 Road Safety Audit— Maple Street (Rt. 85) at Walker St & Mill St South Marlborough, MA Prepared by Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. Audit Observations � At the pre-audit meeting held prior to the site walk, materials provided by MassDOT were reviewed and participants provided an initial list of specific issues and concerns. Armed with issues and concerns and the Safety Review Prompt List provided by MassDOT, the audit team walked the area surrounding the intersection to point out the safety issues identified in the pre-meeting and expanded the list to include additional items. • Speed - The speed limit along Maple Street (Route 85) within the audit area is 35 mph. Speeds were noted up to 40 mph depending on the traffic conditions at the times. Due to the congestion along the corridor during peak commuting hours, traffic generally flows at the speed limit or slightly lower through the area. During the field walk it was noted that some turning movements were being made at higher speeds due to the “wide open feel” of the intersection. This was specifically mentioned regarding the southbound right-turn onto Mill Street South, where there is little deflection to right-turn vehicles. Also, vehicles turning left from Mill Street South use the full two-lane width of the Maple Street northbound departure lanes to travel faster through the intersection. • Roadway alignment and cross-section – Maple Street (Route 85) is generally straight approaching the audit area from the south; however, it bends approximately 30-degrees to the east as it passes through the intersection. Alignment and cross-section concerns include the following: o Horizontal Curvature: The horizontal curve on Maple Street, through the intersection, combined with several back-of-walk obstructions, limits intersection sight-distance for motorists making the right-turn-on-red maneuver from Walker Street and pedestrians crossing the Walker Street crosswalk. Obstructions restricting sight lines include the existing building on the northeast corner (at the back of sidewalk), the retaining wall and guard rail on the southeast corner of the intersection, .as well as dumpsters and private signs on the 420 Maple Plaza property. The curvature of the roadway also impacts vehicles attempting to exit driveways located north of the intersection. Photo 1 – Looking South From Walker St Photo 2 – Looking North From Walker St Page 11 Road Safety Audit— Maple Street (Rt. 85) at Walker St & Mill St South Marlborough, MA Prepared by Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. o Vertical Curvature: The crest vertical curve on Maple Street located just south of the intersection contributes to the restricted sight lines for vehicles turning right-on-red (or exiting) from Walker Street and driveways located on the northeast side of the intersection. o Roadway Cross Section: The cross section on Maple Street south of the intersection, departing the intersection, narrows quickly resulting in a short merge area, amongst several conflicting driveways. o Lane Width: Travel lanes on Maple Street are typically 11-12 feet wide. In combination with the narrow shoulders, there is little area for bicyclists to use. During the field walk a bicyclist was observed riding on the sidewalk before shifting to a shared lane. • Traffic Operations and Travel Patterns – This intersection appears to operate at a reasonable level-of-service during the majority of the day, with congestion increasing during peak commuter times. There were several crashes noted between southbound left-turning vehicles and northbound through vehicles, as well as several northbound rear-end crashes. These crashes may result from a combination of a number of factors including congestion, deficient timings, and the protected/permissive phasing which may encourage some drivers to turn using smaller gaps. Noted traffic operations concerns include the following: o Alternative Route to Downtown: To avoid congestion on Route 20 through Downtown, drivers utilize this intersection to travel between I-495 and the residential neighborhoods off Farm Road. This results in drivers making the allowed right turn on red movement from Walker Street onto Maple Street northbound, regardless of the limited sight lines. o Lane Efficiency: The intersection does not appear to operate at its peak efficiency due to drivers not fully utilizing the available capacity/lanes on Maple Street. Drivers have been observed to queue in the outside travel lane to avoid getting stuck behind a left-turning vehicle in the inside through lane. This pattern may contribute to the high number of sideswipe and rear end crashes on both the northbound and southbound approach. o Protected Signal Phase: City personnel noted that the businesses along Mill Street South and Brigham Street have requested a protected phase for the Mill Street South eastbound approach to make it easier for their customers to leave their establishments. Multiple angle crashes were noted involving vehicles turning left from Mill Street South. City personnel noted, and it was later observed in the field, that this movement is especially difficult when vehicles are attempting to turn left from Walker Street at the same time. o Curb Cut Locations: Several of the crashes that occurred within the audit area were directly related to the presence of commercial driveways. These crashes involved vehicles turning in or out of the Gold’s Gym and included drivers attempting to bypass vehicles that were slowing down to turn left. A similar situation was noted north of the intersection at the driveway for MetroWest Lawn & Power Equipment. Page 12 Road Safety Audit— Maple Street (Rt. 85) at Walker St & Mill St South Marlborough, MA Prepared by Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. • Auxiliary Lanes – Auxiliary lanes are provided on the minor street approaches. A 140’ designated right-turn lane is provided on the westbound Walker Street approach. The Mill Street South approach has an 80’ designated left-turn lane and short channelized right turn lane. It was noted that the current lane configuration does create confusion for drivers, particularly those that are unfamiliar with the intersection. More specifically, as vehicles turn left onto Maple Street northbound it is difficult to discern specific movements from Walker Street. City personnel noted that they often see vehicles on Walker Street using the right-turn lane to bypass a left-turning vehicle, which creates an additional visual conflict for vehicles attempting to make a left-turn from Mill Street South to Maple Street north. • Pavement Conditions –A handful of rear-end and spin-out type collisions occurred on wet or snowy pavement surrounding this intersection. The pavement was wet during the field walk and it was noted several times during the field walk that vehicles wheels were spinning when attempting to make turning movements. This appeared to be exacerbated by the wearing and rutting of the existing pavement surface. City personnel commented that during large snow events, snow banks can decrease available sight lines and increase the difficulty of several turning movements. • Signs – There are several signs that were noted as being not visible by approaching drivers, as well as others that may result in confusion for drivers. o Street Signs: It was noted by City personnel that there is often confusion with regard to addresses on Mill Street. Mill Street was divided into three separate segments (South, Central and North) when Route 85 was reconstructed approximately 15 years ago. Drivers are often observed turning around in commercial driveways when trying to locate addresses. Inaccurate street names within motorists’ GPS units may contribute to the confusion. Furthermore, the Mill Street South sign on the northwest corner of the intersection is blocked by trees and the signal post and mast arm. o Brigham Street: Brigham Street is also a point of confusion for drivers as it originally was part of the Walker Street intersection prior to the Route 85 reconstruction project 15 years ago. It was then cut off at Mill Street South, and City personnel mentioned that drivers have a difficult time locating it since it begins approximately 300’ west of the intersection. In an attempt to alleviate the problem, the City installed a Brigham Street sign onto the existing pedestrian post in the channelizing island on Mill Street South. Photo 3 – Brigham St Sign on Pedestrian Page 13 Road Safety Audit— Maple Street (Rt. 85) at Walker St & Mill St South Marlborough, MA Prepared by Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. o Signage: The existing R4-2L sign on the west side of Maple Street, south of the intersection and in the departure lanes, presents confusion to drivers, as typically the right lane of traffic would be directed to merge left and not the left lane to merge right. Photo 4 – Existing R4-2L Sign on Rt. 85 SB o Night Visibility: It was noted repeatedly that the existing LED sign mounted on the MetroWest Lawn & Power Equipment building is excessively bright at night and can cause driver confusion. Photo 5 – Private LED Sign o Signage: The existing “Right Lane Must Turn Right” sign on the Walker Street westbound approach is blocked by Route 85 directional signs. Photo 6 – Walker Street Signage Page 14 Road Safety Audit— Maple Street (Rt. 85) at Walker St & Mill St South Marlborough, MA Prepared by Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. o Sign Visibility: The existing Commercial Vehicle Restriction sign on Walker Street eastbound is blocked by trees. Photo 7 – Commercial Restriction Sign on Walker St • Pavement Markings – In general, pavement markings are in good condition except where trench patches or other pavement work have eradicated the markings; however, the one exception is pavement markings are significantly faded on Mill Street South. Photo 8 – Mill Street South Pavement Markings • Pedestrians –Limited pedestrian activity has been observed at this intersection. The pedestrian accommodations along Walker Street are in very poor condition or don’t exist (southerly side). On Maple Street, south of the intersection, there are no pedestrian accommodations on the easterly side of the roadway. The majority of businesses surrounding the intersection are automobile-based (car dealerships, auto repair shops, rental car businesses, etc.) and are currently not drawing pedestrians to the area; however, that could change with the redevelopment of the northeast corner of the intersection (Cumberland Farms). The majority of the residential areas within the immediate vicinity of the intersection are located to the east, beginning at the far end of Walker Street. Pedestrians originating from these residential areas have multiple ways to access Page 15 Road Safety Audit— Maple Street (Rt. 85) at Walker St & Mill St South Marlborough, MA Prepared by Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. the more pedestrian-friendly businesses to the north. Concurrent pedestrian phasing is provided at the intersection, however the limited sight lines can make crossing difficult. It was also noted that the pedestrian crossing phase appeared to end before the movement could be completed. • Bicyclists – Based on available traffic data input from local officials, there is limited bicycle activity along this section of Maple Street. A bicyclist was observed during the field walk riding on the sidewalk and later transitioning to the street in a share-the-lane capacity. Narrow shoulders and travel lanes, relatively high vehicle speeds and a high number of vehicle-oriented businesses are some of the contributing factors to the lack of bicycle and pedestrian activity in this area. It should be noted that the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC), working with the City, has developed a draft Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities map that calls for bicycle lanes to be implemented along Maple Street through this intersection. • Public Transit – The MWRTA bus stops draw pedestrians to the area for transportation to other regions. While there are scheduled stops on both sides of Maple Street, there is no signage, shelter or designated waiting area(s). Due to the narrow shoulders and lack of a bus pull-out, buses are required to stop in the right travel lane. Photo 9 – Northbound Bus Stop Location • Emergency Vehicles – The traffic signal system at this intersection is equipped with emergency pre-emption to facilitate preferred movements for emergency vehicles. It was also noted by public safety personnel that there are limited areas to undertake enforcement activities for red light running, speeding, etc. since there are minimal shoulders and poor sight lines. Page 16 Road Safety Audit— Maple Street (Rt. 85) at Walker St & Mill St South Marlborough, MA Prepared by Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. • Commercial Vehicles - There is a commercial vehicle truck restriction on Walker Street, as well as Framingham Road and Farm Road to the east. Still, heavy vehicles were observed using Walker Street. This may be due, in part, to the restriction signage on Walker Street being blocked by trees. Photo 10 – Car transporter traveling SB on Rte 85 Photo 11 – Truck turning right onto Walker St Potential Safety Enhancements Following the site walk, participants returned to the DPW meeting room to review the safety issues identified and to recommend potential countermeasure improvements. Knowing the corridor is currently under design through the State’s Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) process; participants were challenged to come up not only with long term (greater than 1 year) improvements that could be incorporated into the larger design project, but also to identify short-term (2-6 months) or intermediate (6 months – 1 year) improvements that could be implemented as soon as possible and before the reconstruction efforts begin. All discussed improvements were categorized by the following time frames: short-term, intermediate, and long-term. Long-term improvements are likely to be associated with the TIP project and are called out as the responsibility of the designer. Improvements related to such items as signal timing, striping, signage, and curb use were often assigned dual designations as they represented something that could be addressed in the near term (as appropriate and as available resources make possible) as well as part of the TIP project. As was previously noted, the available right-of-way (ROW) along Maple Street is restricted due to the presence of buildings, private drive aisles and historic monuments located at the back of the existing sidewalks; thus any improvements that include changes to the existing geometry will require permanent easements on the properties surrounding the intersection. Time frame and costs have taken into account the concerns that the City has in being able to acquire easements in the vicinity of this intersection. While it is understood that some easements will likely be required, the City would like to take a balanced approach, such that no specific property is negatively impacted in a significant manner. Page 17 Road Safety Audit— Maple Street (Rt. 85) at Walker St & Mill St South Marlborough, MA Prepared by Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. Enhancements were also assigned a cost category, as identified in Table 6. Table 6 – Estimated Time Frame and Cost Time Frame Short-term Intermediate Long-term 2-6 months 6 months-1 year > 1 year Cost Low Medium High <$10,000 $10,000-$50,000 > $50,000 Recommended Countermeasures There are a variety of enhancements or countermeasures that could be evaluated and applied to improve the safety concerns identified at the intersection of Maple Street with Walker Street and Mill Street South. The following countermeasures suggested by audit participants can be applied at various locations within the corridor. • Provide advanced street name signage on Maple Street to better direct drivers to Mill Street (North, South and Central) and Brigham Street. This is a short-term, low cost improvement. • Replace W4-2L lane merge sign on Maple Street southbound with a W4-2R sign to reflect elimination of right travel lane and not the left. This is a short-term, low cost improvement. • Provide “Signal Ahead” (W3-3) signs, particularly for the northbound Maple Street approach. This will alert drivers to the potential need to stop for a red light and the presence of queued vehicles. This is a short-term, low cost improvement. • Work with private land owners to move existing site features (dumpsters, signs, etc.) that are blocking intersection sight lines, making turning movements (especially from Walker Street) safer and more efficient. This is a short-term, low cost improvement. • Work to eliminate private signs that distract drivers or block sight lines. This is a short-term, low cost improvement. • Support a potential City bylaw to restrict LED lighting for uses other than traffic management (traffic signals, construction zones, etc.). This is a potential long-term improvement that would not be part of the TIP improvement project. • Provide improved pavement design to eliminate rutting at this location, or mill the surface of the pavement to remove the ruts and provide a more level surface. This could help reduce the number of crashes occurring during wet and snowy pavement conditions. This could be a short-, or intermediate- to long-term, medium cost improvement. • Investigate measures to reduce conflicts at the 420 Maple Plaza driveways on Maple Street. Three specific measures were discussed: Page 18 Road Safety Audit— Maple Street (Rt. 85) at Walker St & Mill St South Marlborough, MA Prepared by Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. o Request Gold’s Gym members to exit the site via Walker Street. This is a short-term, low cost improvement. o Eliminate or redesign the 420 Maple Plaza northerly access on Maple Street to be a rightturn in and out only. Exiting vehicles could use the driveway further to the south, which is outside of the existing Maple Street southbound departure lane merge area, thus eliminating the need for vehicles to cross multiple travel lanes. This could require improvements to the existing on-site parking layout. This is a long-term, high cost improvement. o Extend the southbound merge area and taper to match the proposed design speed of the roadway. This would carry the merge section past the existing driveways, potentially limiting conflicts but requiring right-of-way acquisitions and new signage. This is a longterm, high cost improvement. • Investigate the feasibility of providing additional capacity along Maple Street at the intersection. This would be accomplished through the installation of northbound and southbound designated left-turn lanes. Providing left-turn pockets would help reduce the number of crashes between vehicles travelling north-south through the intersection on Route 85 (sideswipe and rear-end), while also potentially reducing angle crashes (depending on signal phasing). This is a long-term, high cost improvement. • Due to the limited sight lines to and from Walker Street, consider installing a “No Turn on Red” sign for the Walker Street right-turn movement. This is a short-term, low cost improvement. • Provide a protected overlap signal phase for the Walker Street right-turn movement when the southbound Maple Street protected left-turn phase is running. This would allow vehicles to make this movement in a safer and more efficient manner. This is an intermediate-term, medium cost improvement. • Consider providing a protected left-turn phase for the eastbound Mill Street South approach, which would help to reduce angle crashes. This is an intermediate-term, medium cost improvement. • Trim trees on the southeast corner that block the existing truck restriction sign. This is a shortterm, low cost improvement. • Trim trees on the northwest corner of the intersection that obstruct visibility of the southbound signal head mounted on the mast arm. This signal head is the only one that currently is in the direct line of sight of drivers traveling southbound on Maple Street. This is a short-term, low cost improvement. • Align the existing overhead signal heads on Maple Street to better match the respective approach lanes to provide better visibility and potentially reduce red-light running crashes. This is an intermediate-term, medium cost improvement. Page 19 Road Safety Audit— Maple Street (Rt. 85) at Walker St & Mill St South Marlborough, MA Prepared by Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. • Provide retro-reflective back-plates on the existing signal heads to provide better visibility and potentially reduce red-light running crashes. This is a short-term, low cost improvement. • Consider checking the existing clearance intervals to see whether changes could be made that may reduce the number of rear-end crashes at this location. Consider whether adjustments to the existing signal timing plans may allow the intersection to operate more efficiently. This is a shortterm, low or medium cost improvement. • Confirm that coordination between signals at South Street and Walker Street is functioning properly. This is a short-term, low cost improvement. • Investigate the compliance of pedestrian clearance times for concurrent operation. This is a shortterm, low cost improvement. • Refresh the existing pavement markings on the segment of Mill Street South between Maple Street and Brigham Street. In an effort to reduce vehicle speeds, consider using pavement markings to reduce pavement area for vehicles turning right onto Mill Street South. This is a short-term, low cost improvement. • Decrease the curb radii creating a tighter right-turn movement from Maple Street southbound to Mill Street South. This will help reduce speeds of turning vehicles. This is a long-term, medium cost improvement. • Investigate the feasibility of providing improved bicycle accommodations. Multiple options were discussed for accomplishing this: o Consider providing sharrows and share the road signs on all legs of the intersection. This is a short-term, low cost improvement. o Consider providing bicycle lanes on Maple Street within the existing pavement width in the 2-lane area south of the intersection. This is a short-term, low cost improvement. o Provide bicycle accommodations within the signal infrastructure including loops and pavement markings. This is an intermediate-term, medium cost improvement. Page 20 Road Safety Audit— Maple Street (Rt. 85) at Walker St & Mill St South Marlborough, MA Prepared by Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. Summary of Road Safety Audit � Recommendations for improving safety at the intersection of Maple Street (Route 85) with Walker Street and Mill Street South are summarized in Table 7 and are categorized based on estimated safety payoff, time frame and cost for implementation. The responsible party for further action has been identified as well. Safety payoff estimates are subjective and based on the relative percent of crashes that may be reduced by the enhancement. For major improvements, crash reduction factors are often available to assess the safety payoff; however, for many minor enhancements a more subjective evaluation is needed. To provide a general assessment of how a recommended enhancement would impact crash occurrences, countermeasures have been assigned a Low, Medium, or High value on a subjective basis using engineering judgment as it relates to potential crash reduction. Countermeasures detailed in Table 7 involve Engineering, Maintenance, Enforcement, Educational and/or Behavioral modifications that start with corridor-wide considerations and continue with site and locationspecific items for consideration. Selected countermeasures have been identified as potentially short-term or intermediate (typically City responsibility) and/or long-term, which would be considered as part of the TIP project (Designer responsibility). Consideration should be made as to the appropriateness of inclusion in the TIP corridor project of countermeasures as the project design advances. Costs for such inclusions are indicated (with an *) to show that these can be funded through the TIP process. Improvements related to such items as signal timing, striping and signage were often assigned dual designations as they represented something that could be addressed in the near term (as appropriate and as available resources make possible) as well as part of the TIP project. Page 21 Road Safety Audit— Maple Street (Rt. 85) at Walker St & Mill St South Marlborough, MA Prepared by Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. Table 7 - Potential Safety Enhancement Summary � Safety Issue Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Provide advanced street signage Low ST Low City Replace W4-2L lane merge sign with W42R Low ST Low City Provide W3-3 (signal ahead) sign Low ST Low City Work to eliminate private signs that block sight lines or cause driver distraction Low ST Low City Provide an improved pavement design to eliminate rutted pavement, or as a shortterm improvement mill ruts from pavement surface. Low LT/ST High Designer/City Provide pavement markings/signage or fliers requesting Gold’s Gym patrons exit the site via Walker Street Med ST Low City Investigate feasibility of modifying driveways to the south out of the Maple Street departure merge area Low LT High City /Designer Extend merge area/tapers to match roadway design speed Med LT High Designer Investigate need for designated left turn lanes on Maple Street Med LT High Designer Reduce curb radii for southbound right turn movement onto South Mill Street Low LT Medium Designer Potential Countermeasure Signage Pavement 420 Maple Plaza Driveways Intersection Geometry Time Frame Codes: ­ ST = Short Term (2-6 months) IT = Intermediate (6 months – 1 year) LT = Long Term (>1 year) ­ Page 22 Road Safety Audit— Maple Street (Rt. 85) at Walker St & Mill St South Marlborough, MA Prepared by Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. Table 7 - Potential Safety Enhancement Summary � Safety Issue Sight Lines Traffic Signal Time Frame Codes: ­ ST = Short Term (2-6 months) Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Work with private land owners to move site features that are impacting sight lines Low ST Low City Trim trees on northwest corner to improve signal visibility for southbound drivers Low ST Low City Trim trees on southeast corner that block existing truck restriction sign Low ST Low City Consider installing a No Turn on Red sign for Walker Street approach Low ST Low City Provide protected right turn overlap phase for Walker Street approach Low IT/LT Med City /Designer Provide protected left turn phase for Mill Street South approach Low IT/LT Med City /Designer Provide retro-reflective back plates on the existing signal heads Low IT/LT Med City /Designer Align the existing signal heads to better match Maple Street lane configuration Low ST Low City Confirm that coordination between Walker Street and South Street is working properly Low ST Low City Check existing signal timings/clearance intervals Low ST Med City Potential Countermeasure IT = Intermediate (6 months – 1 year) LT = Long Term (>1 year) ­ Page 23 Road Safety Audit— Maple Street (Rt. 85) at Walker St & Mill St South Marlborough, MA Prepared by Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. Table 7 - Potential Safety Enhancement Summary � Safety Issue Pavement Markings Bicycle Accommodations Time Frame Codes: ­ ST = Short Term (2-6 months) Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Investigate compliance of pedestrian clearance times for concurrent operations. Low ST Low City Refresh existing markings on Mill Street South Low ST Low City Consider using markings to reduce pavement area for vehicles turning right onto Mill Street South, or tighten turning radii by moving curb line in toward roadway. Low ST/LT Low/High City/Designer Consider providing sharrows on all approaches to the intersection Low ST Low City/Designer Consider providing bicycle lanes on Maple Street south of the intersection Med ST Low City/Designer Provide bicycle accommodations within the signal infrastructure including loops and pavement markings Med IT/LT Med Designer Potential Countermeasure IT = Intermediate (6 months – 1 year) LT = Long Term (>1 year) ­ Page 24 Road Safety Audit— Maple Street (Rt. 85) at Walker St & Mill St South Marlborough, MA Prepared by Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. Appendix A: RSA Meeting Agenda � Page A2 Road Safety Audit— Maple Street (Rt. 85) at Walker St & Mill St South Marlborough, MA Prepared by Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. Road Safety Audit Marlborough Route 85 at Walker Street (Route 85 Reconstruction Project) Meeting Location: Marlborough Department of Public Works DPW Conference Room 135 Neil Street, Marlborough MA September 16, 2013 10 AM – 12:00 PM Type of meeting: Attendees: Please bring: High Crash Location – Road Safety Audit Invited Participants to Comprise a Multidisciplinary Team Thoughts and Enthusiasm!! 10:00 AM Welcome and Introductions 10:15 AM Review of Site Specific Material • Crash & Volume Summaries • Existing Geometries and Conditions 10:00 AM Visit the Site • Drive to the Route 85/Walker Street intersection • As a group, identify areas for improvement 11:00 AM Post Visit Discussion / Completion of RSA • Discuss observations and finalize findings • Discuss potential improvements and finalize recommendations 12:00 PM Adjourn for the Day – but the RSA has not ended Instructions for Participants: • Before attending the RSA on September 16, 2013, participants are encouraged to drive through the area and complete/consider elements on the RSA Prompt List with a focus on safety. • All participants will be actively involved in the process throughout. Participants are encouraged to come with thoughts and ideas, but are reminded that the synergy that develops and respect for others’ opinions are key elements to the success of the overall RSA process. • After the RSA meeting, participants will be asked to comment and respond to the document materials to assure it is reflective of the RSA completed by the multidisciplinary team. Page A2 Road Safety Audit— Maple Street (Rt. 85) at Walker St & Mill St South Marlborough, MA Prepared by Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. Appendix B: RSA Audit Team Contact List � Page B1 Road Safety Audit— Maple Street (Rt. 85) at Walker St & Mill St South Marlborough, MA Prepared by Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. Participating Audit Team Members Date: September 16, 2013 Location: Audit Team Members Agency/Affiliation Marlborough DPW, 135 Neal Street, Marlborough Email Address Phone Number Lisa Schletzbaum MassDOT Safety 857-368-9634 Corey O’Connor MassDOT Safety 857-368-9638 Alolade Campbell MassDOT D3 Traffic 508-929-3800 Tom Cullen Marlborough DPW – Engineering 508-624-6910 Tim Collins Marlborough DPW – Engineering 508-624-6910 Tim Naze Marlborough Police 508-726-0124 Sarah Kurpiel MAPC 617-451-2770 Seth Asante Boston MPO 617-973-7098 Christine Keches Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc 617-924-1770 Greg Russell Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc 508-752-1001 Page B2 Road Safety Audit— Maple Street (Rt. 85) at Walker St & Mill St South Marlborough, MA Prepared by Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. Appendix C: Detailed Crash Data � Page C1 COLLISION DIAGRAM Route 85 at Walker Street/Mill Street South INTERSECTION 5 years PERIOD MUNICIPALITY JOB NUMBER 2008 FROM City of Marlborough, Massachusetts C. Keches PREPARED BY 12406.00 2012 TO DATE PREPARED 9/11/2013 15 37 12 , 22 , 20 Maple Stre 25 , 29 et tre 10 NORTH ARROW 9 24 23 7 , 35 , 41 ) et (Route 85 W S er alk 8 1 , 3 , 11 2 , 14 , 16 , 33 6 13 , 21 43 19 32 17 , 42 5, 18 31 , 36 26 , 34 Mill S treet S o 39 uth , 38 m Gy ew ay 30 ple , 27 Ma 4, ld's Go iv Dr S tr 28 eet 40 ute (Ro 85) PAVEMENT/WEATHER/LIGHTNING D C W R F S O DL N L TYPES OF COLLISION ACCIDENT SUMMARY REAR END DRY CLEAR WET RAIN FOGGY SNOWY, ICY OTHER DAYLIGHT DARK - NO LIGHTS DARK - LIGHTED SIDE SWIPE TYPE OUT OF CONTROL ANGLE LEFT TURN REAR-END RIGHT ANGLE HEAD-ON 3 PROP. DAM. FATAL INJURY PROP. DAM. FATAL INJURY TOTAL 9 1 5 4 14 18 7 1 2 1 9 10 1 1 2 1 10 11 2 2 36 43 1 1 1 5 5 1 1 LEFT TURN SYMBOLS SIDESWIPE MOVING VEHICLE FIXED OBJECT BACKING VEHICLE FATAL ACCIDENT PEDESTRIAN INJURY ACCIDENT PARKED VEHICLE FATAL INJURY TOTALS PROP. DAM. NIGHT DAYLIGHT HEAD ON FIXED OBJECT PARKED CAR OTHER TOTAL 5 23 2 13 7 Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Maple Street (Route 85)/Walker Street, Marlborough, MA CRASH MONTH 16% 14% 14% 12% 12% 12% 12% 9% 9% 10% 7% 8% 6% 7% 7% 7% 5% 4% 2% 0% 0% Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec CRASH DAY OF WEEK 25% 21% 21% 19% 20% 14% 15% 14% 9% 10% 5% 2% 0% Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday CRASH TIME OF DAY 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 47% 16% 19% 9% 6-10AM 10-2PM 2-6PM 6-10PM 5% 5% 10-2AM 2-6AM Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Maple Street (Route 85)/Walker Street, Marlborough, MA CRASH MANNER OF COLLISION 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 42% 23% 23% 5% Angle 5% 2% Head-on Rear-end Sideswipe, opposite direction Sideswipe, same Single Vehicle direction Crash CRASH LIGHT CONDITION 80% 67% 60% 40% 21% 20% 9% 2% 0% Daylight Dawn Dusk Dark-Lighted Roadway CRASH WEATHER CONDITION 60% 56% 50% 40% 30% 19% 20% 16% 7% 10% 0% 0% Clear Cloudy Rain Snow 0% 0% 2% Sleet, Hail, Fog, Smog, Severe Blowing Freezing Smoke Crosswinds Sand, Snow rain Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Maple Street (Route 85)/Walker Street, Marlborough, MA CRASH ROAD SURFACE 70% 65% 60% 50% 40% 30% 23% 20% 12% 10% 0% Dry Wet Snow 0% 0% 0% 0% Ice Sand, mud, dirt, oil, gravel Water (standing, moving) Slush CRASH DRIVER AGES 30% 28% 25% 22% 19% 20% 15% 12% 12% 10% 5% 4% 1% 3% 0% 15-20 21-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80+ Ages # 1 Crash Date 2/14/2008 Crash Day Thursday Time of Day Manner of Collision 14:58 Head on Light Condition Daylight Weather Condition Cloudy Road Surface Driver Contributing Code Dry Failed to yield right of way D1 29 D2 28 D3 2 5/28/2008 Wednesday 14:46 Angle Daylight Clear Dry 49 67 49 3 4 5 6/15/2008 7/21/2008 8/15/2008 Sunday Monday Friday 12:34 12:39 17:19 Angle Sideswipe, same direction Sideswipe, same direction Daylight Daylight Daylight Rain Clear Rain Wet Dry Wet 40 28 33 25 62 6 9/1/2008 Monday 12:55 sideswipe, opposite direction Daylight Clear Dry No improper driving 40 71 Operating defective equipment, disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Failed to yield right of way Inattention D4 Comments SB left turning veh hit NB veh traveling straight NB Veh had no brakes and traveled thru red light hitting left-turning SB Veh turned left in front of NB Veh Failure to merge south of signal Vehicles hit side-to-side traveling north when reaching signal NB Bicycle turned into side of NB vehicle north of signal Vehicles traveling north away from signal 7 12/17/2008 Wednesday 0:06 Sideswipe, same direction Dark-Lighted Road Blowing Snow Snow No improper driving 37 68 8 12/20/2008 Saturday 16:49 Angle Dark-Lighted Road Cloudy Snow Other improper action 41 58 9 12/21/2008 Sunday 2:12 Single Vehicle Crash Dark-Lighted Road Snow Snow No improper driving 22 10 12/21/2008 Sunday 18:07 Rear-end Dark-Lighted Road Snow Snow Other improper action 32 53 11 12 13 12/29/2008 Monday 3/31/2009 Tuesday 8/12/2009 Wednesday 14:47 7:37 6:55 Angle Rear-end Angle Daylight Daylight Daylight Cloudy Clear Cloudy Dry Dry Dry 82 33 30 53 49 43 14 15 9/10/2009 11/23/2009 Thursday Monday 18:17 15:50 Angle Angle Dusk Dusk Clear Rain Dry Wet Failed to yield right of way Inattention Distracted, disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Failed to yield right of way Driving to fast for conditions, failed to yield right of way 25 21 25 38 16 17 1/5/2010 1/25/2010 Tuesday Monday 17:19 14:05 Angle Angle Dusk Daylight Clear Rain Dry Wet 45 49 49 40 18 1/25/2010 Monday 19:39 Sideswipe, same direction Dark-Lighted Road Clear Dry 31 31 19 4/5/2010 Sunday 10:46 Single Vehicle Crash Daylight Clear Dry 20 5/7/2010 Friday 11:26 Sideswipe, same direction Daylight Clear Dry 21 8/27/2010 Friday 17:53 Angle Daylight Clear Dry 50 63 NB veh failed to stop for red signal 22 23 24 9/27/2010 Monday 12/19/2010 Sunday 1/19/2011 Wednesday 8:03 5:14 17:54 Rear-end Rear-end Angle Daylight Dawn Dark-Lighted Road Rain Cloudy Cloudy Wet Dry Wet No improper driving Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road, other improper action Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Inattention Followed too closely Failed to yield right of way 63 64 50 33 22 18 25 1/27/2011 Thursday 9:07 Rear-end Daylight Clear Snow 31 28 26 2/2/2011 Wednesday 13:03 Angle Daylight Cloudy Wet Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road, followed too closely 28 48 SB veh failed to stop for red signal NB veh failed to stop for red signal Exiting Red Streak Motors driveway, sight lines blocked by snow bank SB veh attempting to pass left-turning vehicle Failure to merge south of signal 27 28 2/9/2011 4/6/2011 Wednesday Wednesday 17:23 17:43 Sideswipe, same direction Head on Dark-Lighted Road Daylight Clear Clear Dry Dry No improper driving 53 30 34 24 29 5/17/2011 Tuesday 13:08 Rear-end Daylight Rain Wet Inattention 42 51 Failure to merge south of signal Left-turn from Gold's Gym lot onto Rt 85 SB SB vehicles waiting for left-turning vehicle 30 6/2/2011 Thursday 13:10 Sideswipe, same direction Daylight Clear Dry 51 61 SB vehicle turning left into Gold's Gym lot 31 32 7/13/2011 7/15/2011 Wednesday Friday 8:56 17:12 Rear-end Angle Daylight Daylight Clear Clear Dry Dry Failed to yield right of way 65 51 18 27 WB bicycle hit by EB left-turning vehicle 33 34 11/28/2011 11/29/2011 Monday Tuesday 17:45 17:10 Angle Rear-end Dark-Lighted Road Daylight Clear Clear Dry Dry Failed to yield right of way Followed too closely 35 21 64 - SB left turning vehicle NB veh failed to stop for red signal 84 38 Veh struck stopped vehicle on Maple Streetwhile turning right from Walker Street. Operator taken into custody for OUIL Hit patch of snow traveling south, spun into snow bank Veh backed-into another Veh on Walker Street SB left turn into NB veh Traveling southbound Traveling EB ran red light SB left turn into NB veh SB veh turning left into Red Streak Motors, struck by NB veh passing stopped vehicles 48 SB left turn into NB veh SB Veh did not stop for red light Traveling NB into the intersection Brake failure 26 Changing lanes heading SB towards signal Ages # 35 Crash Date 2/7/2012 Crash Day Tuesday Time of Day Manner of Collision 17:46 Sideswipe, same direction Light Condition Dusk Weather Condition Clear Road Surface Driver Contributing Code Dry Inattention D1 37 D2 34 36 3/6/2012 Tuesday 0:51 37 3/27/2012 Tuesday 38 3/29/2012 39 40 41 D3 Sideswipe, same direction Dark-Lighted Road Clear Dry 46 29 8:03 Angle Daylight Clear Dry 48 27 SB veh changing lanes thru intersection Thursday 18:46 Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Swerving or avoiding due to wind, slippery surface, vehicle, object, nonmotorist in roadway, etc Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road Over-correcting/over-steering 49 49 5/15/2012 6/21/2012 9/17/2012 Tuesday Thursday Monday 16:03 17:14 7:15 Rear-end Angle Sideswipe, same direction Daylight Daylight Daylight Cloudy Clear Clear Dry Dry Dry Inattention Failed to yield right of way 38 47 42 41 43 - 42 3/17/2013 Sunday 15:22 Angle Daylight Snow Wet 55 23 43 5/8/2013 Wednesday 17:36 Angle Daylight Rain Wet Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Failed to yield right of way SB veh attempting to pass left-turning vehicle NB veh failed to stop for red signal SB veh turning left into Gold's Gym lot Hit & Run, SB vehicles merging south of intersection NB veh failed to stop for red signal 21 29 EB Left-turning vehicle struck WB vehicle 19 D4 Comments NB veh changing lanes north of intersection NB veh changing lanes to attempt turn onto Walker St Road Safety Audit— Maple Street (Rt. 85) at Walker St & Mill St South Marlborough, MA Prepared by Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. Appendix D: Additional Information � o Safety Review Prompt List o Speed Regulations Page D1 Safety Review Prompt List � The Safety Review Prompt List provides basic safety-related questions to use when evaluating a given roadway location. The prompt list should be considered when evaluating a roadway to design improvements or conduct a Road Safety Audit. The primary purpose of the prompt list is to identify potential road safety hazards. The list is meant to be general and should be used to prompt an evaluator as to specific matters identified in the field that may have an adverse effect on road safety. The Safety Review Prompt List is not a check of compliance with design standards. This Prompt List represents the minimum that should be considered when exploring safety opportunities and is not intended to address all aspects of safety. A summary of the responses should be prepared to highlight potential safety improvement opportunities. Speed ° Are posted speed limits consistent with speed regulations; are they adequate? ° Are design features consistent with the posted speed (passing opportunities, sight distance, warning signs for horizontal and vertical curves, clearance intervals, sign placement, etc.) ° Are adequate controls in place for driver compliance with speed limits? Multi-modal ° Have accommodations been provided for safe movement of pedestrians, bicycles, emergency vehicles, public transportation, and commercial vehicles? ° What design features could be improved, added, or removed to enhance the safe mobility of the various modes? Pavement Markings ° Are there highly visible and retro reflective edge lines, center lines, and other pavement markings? ° Do the pavement markings provide sufficient guidance to the road users? Can the placement of the pavement markings be modified to improve guidance to road users? Signs ° Are all signs retro reflective and visible for all roadway conditions, including placed free from obstructions? ° Are signs located to maximize perception and reaction while minimizing intrusion in clear zones? ° Does the signage provide adequate guidance to road users for given road conditions? ° Are pavement markings and signs consistent in effectively guiding road users? Intersection Control ° Do all signs (stop signs, lane assignments, street names, etc.) provide visible, clear, � non-conflicting messages? � ° Is there clear, non-conflicting visibility of traffic control (signal heads, signs, and markings) from all approach lanes? ° Has the potential of misrepresentation of intersection control been considered (at closely spaced intersections or through control that is against expectation)? ° For signalized intersections, have the implications on safety been considered for the signal � phasing? � ° Is there a safe means by which all modes can travel through the intersection? Lighting ° Is lighting (from headlights and/or streetlights) adequate for specific roadway conditions and/or use? ° If glare exists from sunlight or opposing headlights, are there countermeasures that can be � implemented to minimize potentially detrimental effects? � Obstructions ° Are there obstructions to sight lines or roadway guidance (signs, markings, etc.) that can be � removed, relocated, or minimized as part of this project? � ° If obstructions or fixed objects exist but cannot be moved, can they be shielded (with guardrails, etc.) or delineated (with reflectors) to improve road user safety? If so, what can be done? Pavement ° Could the condition of the pavement impact mobility and safety (potholes, edge drop-offs, skid resistance, etc)? ° What improvements can be made to minimize safety impacts? Access Points and Traffic Generators ° Is the access control sufficient for the road’s function? ° Are site access points located to maximize safety while still providing adequate access? ° Have impacts of site developments been adequately accommodated for safe mobility of all � road users? � Parking ° Is parking clearly delineated and in conformance with signs, markings, and regulations? ° Might parking obstruct mobility/safety of pedestrians and other roadway users? Weather Conditions ° Have accommodations been made for impacts from adverse weather condition (storage of snow, removal of ponding, adequate drainage, signage of low salt areas, maintenance program for snow removal, and catch basin clearing, etc.)? Auxiliary Lanes ° Could taper locations and/or alignments contribute to safety challenges? ° Could lack of climbing lanes or passing zones cause driver frustration? ° Do acceleration/deceleration lane lengths necessitate additional signage and/or markings? Animals ° Do animal migrations impact safety? ° Can measures be taken to reduce animal-vehicle conflicts?