Document 13047400

Route 12 from Sterling Town Line to Tocci Street
City of Leominster
October 23, 2015
Prepared For:
Prepared By:
Green International Affiliates, Inc.
239 Littleton Road, Suite 3, Westford, MA 01886
Road Safety Audit—Route 12 from Sterling Town Line to Tocci Street, Leominster, MA
Prepared by Green International Affiliates
Table of Contents Contents Background ................................................................................................................................. 1
Project Data ................................................................................................................................. 1
Project Location and Description.............................................................................................. 3
Audit Observations and Potential Safety Enhancements........................................................ 6
Summary of Road Safety Audit ............................................................................................... 14
List of Appendices
Appendix A.
Appendix B.
Appendix C.
Appendix D.
Appendix E.
RSA Meeting Agenda
RSA Audit Team Contact List
Detailed Crash Data
Additional Information
List of Figures
Figure 1: Locus Map .................................................................................................................................. 5
List of Tables
Table 1: Participating Audit Team Members ............................................................................................. 2
Table 2: Estimated Time Frame and Costs Breakdown ........................................................................... 14
Table 3: Potential Safety Enhancement Summary................................................................................... 15
Road Safety Audit—Route 12 from Sterling Town Line to Tocci Street, Leominster, MA
Prepared by Green International Affiliates
This Road Safety Audit (RSA) was conducted as part of MassDOT’s roadway improvement project for
Route 12 (Central Street) in Leominster. The purpose of the RSA was to identify and discuss existing
safety issues and potential improvements from different road users. Both long term improvements that
can be implemented as part of the Route 12 project and short term improvements that can be implemented
before MassDOT’s Route 12 improvement project begins were discussed.
There were 188 reported crashes along the corridor from 2012 through 2014. Approximately 85% of the
crashes were property damage only. Approximately 73% of the crashes were rear end or angled
The safety audit team was composed of representatives from MassDOT Boston, MassDOT District 3,
Montachusett Regional Planning Commission (MRPC), Leominster Police Department, City of
Leominster, Federal Highway Administration, and Green International Affiliates, Inc. (Green).
Project Data
The RSA for Route 12 in Leominster was conducted on Wednesday September 16, 2015. The RSA
agenda is provided in Appendix A. Table 1 lists all members of the audit team, and the RSA Audit Team
Sign-in sheet is included in Appendix B. The RSA began with Green giving a brief presentation of the
existing conditions and crash data history to facilitate the start of the discussion. The audit team then
walked along the Route 12 corridor, and identified safety issues. Next, the audit team reconvened to
summarize the safety concerns identified in the field and discussed potential improvements to address
these safety concerns.
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Road Safety Audit—Route 12 from Sterling Town Line to Tocci Street, Leominster, MA
Prepared by Green International Affiliates
Table 1: Participating Audit Team Members
Audit Team Member
Bill Scully
Green International Affiliates, Inc.
Wing Wong
Green International Affiliates, Inc.
Jason Sobel
Green International Affiliates, Inc.
Jon Freeman
Green International Affiliates, Inc.
Alolade Campbell
MassDOT Traffic Division District 3
John Mastera
MassDOT Highway Safety
Promise Otaluka
Federal Highway Administration
Leah Sirmin
Federal Highway Administration
George Snow
Montachusett Regional Planning Commission
Jack Tucker
Leominster DPW
Gordon Robertson
Leominster DPW
John Roseberry
Leominster DPW
Raymond Racine
Leominster DPW
David Smith
Leominster DPW
Lieutenant Goldman
Leominster Police Department
Joe Pourier
Leominster Fire Department
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Road Safety Audit—Route 12 from Sterling Town Line to Tocci Street, Leominster, MA
Prepared by Green International Affiliates
Project Location and Description
This RSA evaluates safety issues for the Route 12 corridor improvement project in Leominster, MA. The
project limits along Route 12 extend from the Sterling Town Line to Tocci Street for an approximate
length of 2.5 miles. The RSA focused on the following intersections as well as segments within the
project limits both between and outside of these intersections:
Route 12 at Willard Street (signalized)
Route 12 at Beth Avenue / Grant Street (unsignalized)
Route 12 at Litchfield Street (signalized)
Local crash data was collected and organized into a collision map and collision diagrams. Appendix C
provides the collision map, collision diagrams, and MassDOT crash rate worksheets for each intersection
and roadway segment.
The project location is shown in Figure 1. Route 12 provides access to Route 2 to the north and Route 117
via Willard Street to the east. Route 12 is a two-lane, two-way road and is classified as an Urban Principal
Arterial roadway. It is under MassDOT jurisdiction. The roadway carries traffic in the north-south
direction. The posted speed limit on Route 12 varies from 40-45 miles per hour. Land use adjacent to
Route 12 includes both businesses and residential properties. There are frequent curb cuts for driveways
and side streets along Route 12 north of Willard Street. There are numerous retail properties located
within the study area, with the Johnny Appleseed Plaza being the largest. Each intersecting street is
owned and maintained by the City of Leominster. Litchfield Street is classified as an Urban Minor
Arterial, Willard Street is classified as an Urban Collector, and all other intersecting roadways are local
roadways. Litchfield and Willard Streets provide access to Route 117 to the east, while all of the other
side streets primarily serve residential traffic.
The sidewalk is limited on the east side of Route 12 from Litchfield Street south to just south of Brooks
Pond Road. There are 7 driveways that interrupt the sidewalk. No detectable warnings are provided at
curb ramps. The west side of Route 12 provides a sidewalk from Litchfield Street south to Grant Street,
though it is interrupted by 13 driveways and side streets. South of Beth Avenue, the sidewalk resumes on
the east side of Route 12 after 370 feet of driveways and continues for 380 feet down to Willard Street.
There is no sidewalk on the west side of Route 12 from Grant Street to Willard Street. There are four
marked crosswalks along Route 12 between Litchfield Street and Willard Street, but all use the less
prominent transverse markings.
There are no bicycle lanes or markings along the Route 12 corridor. Shoulders are rutted and unsafe for
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Road Safety Audit—Route 12 from Sterling Town Line to Tocci Street, Leominster, MA
Prepared by Green International Affiliates
Route 12 at Willard Street (Signalized)
Willard Street meets Route 12 at a signalized four-legged intersection with Route 12 as the main
thoroughfare providing the north-south movements and Willard Street serving as the westerly and easterly
legs. The intersection is skewed with the western leg of Willard Street angling to the southwest. This
intersection was reconstructed and placed under traffic signal control within the past 5-6 years. Because
of the skewed western leg of Willard Street, the traffic signal operates with “split” phasing for the
eastbound and westbound approaches. Route 12 northbound has one shared lane for all movements with a
striped median. The Route 12 southbound approach to the intersection has a shared through/right-turn
lane and an exclusive left turn lane with protected-permitted phasing. An exclusive right-turn lane is
provided on the Willard Street westbound approach. The other westbound lane is shared between the
through and left-turn movements. The eastbound approach has one shared left-turn/through lane and a
channelized right-turn lane that starts approximately 40 feet upstream of the stop line. Right turns on red
are prohibited on the westbound and northbound approaches. Crosswalks and pedestrian signals are
provided across only the southern and western approaches.
Route 12 at Grant Street/Beth Avenue (Unsignalized)
Grant Street meets Route 12 from the west and Beth Avenue meets Route 12 from the east at a two-way
STOP-controlled four-legged intersection. Grant Street eastbound and Beth Avenue westbound are placed
under STOP control. No pavement markings are provided on Grant Street or Beth Avenue. Route 12
provides one lane in each direction with no turning lanes.
Route 12 at Litchfield Street (Signalized)
Litchfield Street meets Route 12 at a four-way intersection with Route 12 as the main thoroughfare
providing the north-south movement and Litchfield Street serving as the easterly and westerly legs. The
intersection is under traffic signal control and operates with two vehicular phases plus a pushbuttonactuated exclusive pedestrian phase. Channelizing islands are present for right turns on the Route 12
northbound and Litchfield Street eastbound approaches and operate as YIELD controlled movements.
The Litchfield Street westbound approach has one left turn lane and one shared through/right-turn lane,
while the Litchfield Street eastbound approach provides one shared through/left-turn lane in addition to
the channelized right turn lane. The Route 12 northbound approach is striped for only one lane in addition
to the channelized right-turn lane, but operates as a de facto left-turn lane and thru lane as a result of its
24-foot width. The Route 12 southbound approach is striped to provide one shared left-turn/through/rightturn lane, though the pavement is wide enough to allow operation as a de facto left turn lane. Westbound
right turns on red are prohibited. Two existing gas stations occupy the northwest and northeast corners,
with driveways providing access to and from both Route 12 and Litchfield Street in close proximity to the
signalized intersection. Left turns are prohibited into the driveway on the northeast corner from eastbound
Litchfield Street. Crosswalks and pedestrian signals are present across all approaches.
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Road Safety Audit—Route 12 from Sterling Town Line to Tocci Street, Leominster, MA
Prepared by Green International Affiliates
Figure 1: Locus Map
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Road Safety Audit—Route 12 from Sterling Town Line to Tocci Street, Leominster, MA
Prepared by Green International Affiliates
Audit Observations and Potential Safety
In conducting the Route 12 Road Safety Audit, existing safety issues and possible corrective actions were
identified based on audit team discussions and field observations on Wednesday September 16, 2015.
The safety issues that were identified include:
Inconsistent Pavement Markings
Substandard signal equipment and phasing
Non-existent or non-ADA compliant sidewalks and curb ramps
Poor crosswalk visibility and outdated signage
Lack of bicycle facilities
Sight distance restrictions
Intersection geometry deficiencies
Poor Access management
Poor Drainage
Many of these issues can or need to be addressed by long term solutions, but some short term
improvements were also identified. The following paragraphs describe the issues and possible actions.
The identified issues by the RSA team have some similarities and commonalities and consequently, were
grouped into major categories.
Safety Issue #1.
Inconsistent Pavement Markings
Observations at Specific Locations
At the Litchfield Street intersection, there is adequate width for a northbound left turn lane Route 12, but
this is not striped. Vehicles often queue into two lanes anyway and the receiving lane is wide. This may
pose a potential result in sideswipe collisions between drivers who are assuming there is only one lane
based on the pavement markings and those who are using two unstriped lanes. In addition, the Litchfield
Street eastbound channelized right turn lane has an inappropriately placed stop line.
Edge lines are fading along parts of the corridor between Litchfield Street and Willard Street. There is a
passing zone along Route 12 adjacent to Johnny Appleseed Plaza. This results in a potentially unsafe
condition due to the closely spaced driveways. Besides the inherent risk of head-on collisions associated
with passing zones on two-lane roadways, drivers making right turns from driveways on the west side of
Route 12 to head southbound are likely not expecting passing northbound traffic to be present in their
lane. This further exacerbates the risk of head-on and angle crashes. Four head-on crashes occurred
during the study period.
The unstriped southbound pavement ranges from 18 feet wide in front of Family Dollar store to as much
as 24 feet at Grant Street. This encourages high speeds and increases the risk of sideswipe collisions.
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Road Safety Audit—Route 12 from Sterling Town Line to Tocci Street, Leominster, MA
Prepared by Green International Affiliates
An exclusive left-turn lane should be striped for northbound traffic at Litchfield Street. The Litchfield
Street eastbound right turn lane stop line upstream of the crosswalk should be removed.
A shoulder edge line should be striped on Route 12 in both directions to create a consistent travel lane
Remove the passing zone on Route 12 alongside Johnny Appleseed plaza and replace the existing
pavement markings with a double yellow center line.
Image 1: Wide pavement on Route 12 at Litchfield Street with
no striped northbound left turn lane.
Safety Issue #2.
Substandard Signal Equipment and Phasing at Route 12 / Litchfield Street
The signalized intersection of Route 12 and Litchfield Street experienced 18 angle collisions during the
studied period, all involving conflicting movements in the intersection. Nine rear-end collisions occurred
during the studied period southbound at Litchfield Street. On the Route 12 northbound approach, only one
of the two signal heads is mounted overhead. The pedestrian equipment is obsolete and does not provide
accessible features.
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Road Safety Audit—Route 12 from Sterling Town Line to Tocci Street, Leominster, MA
Prepared by Green International Affiliates
At the Route 12 / Litchfield Street intersection, the yellow and all-red clearance times should be checked
and updated to current MassDOT standards. Increasing the clearance interval will provide more time
separation between conflicting movements and reduce the probability of angle crashes. If the left-turn
lane is added northbound, protected phasing may be appropriate. Installing backplates with retroreflective
borders can improve visibility of the vehicle signal indications. Pedestrian signal equipment compliant
with the 2009 MUTCD should be installed at all crosswalks at the Route 12 / Litchfield Street
intersection, with accessible pedestrian features per current MassDOT policy. All new traffic signal
equipment should be installed with two overhead indications for each approach.
Safety Issue #3
Non-existent or non-ADA Compliant Sidewalks and Curb Ramps (Corridor Wide)
Route 12 sidewalk accommodations are generally limited to areas abutting newer residential
developments on the east side. A continuous ADA compliant sidewalk is a corridor-wide issue, though
deficiencies at specific locations are summarized below:
The concrete sidewalk abruptly ends along the east side of Route 12 south of Friendly Auto Sales.
The concrete sidewalk abruptly ends along the west side of Route 12 at Grant Street.
There are many crossings with no curb ramps. Curb ramps with detectable warning panels are
only provided at the Willard Street intersection.
Marked and signed midblock crosswalks across Route 12 both near Friendly Auto Sales and near
Prime Insurance have no curb ramps on one side of the street.
Along some segments on the east side, rutted asphalt and utility poles obstruct the pedestrian’s
The sidewalk does not continue across some driveways which requires pedestrians to cross a
driveway sloped downward toward Route 12 or flush with Route 12.
Just north of the Dollar Tree store, the eastern sidewalk abruptly ends with guardrail and
overgrown vegetation in its place. This requires pedestrians to either walk in the roadway or cross
Route 12 midblock, where they are exposed to 40 mph through traffic as well as vehicles making
quick turns from driveways.
An elderly living facility exists on the east side of Route 12, at Beth Avenue. The west side of the
roadway has an adequate sidewalk north of Grant Street/Beth Avenue, but does not continue
south of the intersection.
There is no sidewalk on the east side of Route 12 from Grant Street to a point approximately 370
feet south of Beth Avenue, where the sidewalk resumes south to Willard Street. Instead, there are
several wide commercial driveways and head-in parking on state right-of-way.
North of the fire station, a well-worn dirt path indicates a need for a sidewalk (but no existing
sidewalk exists).
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Road Safety Audit—Route 12 from Sterling Town Line to Tocci Street, Leominster, MA
Prepared by Green International Affiliates
Image 2: Sidewalk is not ADA-compliant. Utility pole
presents an obstacle to walking.
Provide concrete sidewalks that meet ADA and MAAB standards along both sides of Route 12
continuously along the entire length of the corridor. Add ADA-compliant curb ramps with detectable
warning panels at each marked crosswalk. This will provide a well -defined path and protect pedestrians
from traffic on Route 12. It may also encourage drivers entering and exiting driveways to slow down and
be aware of pedestrians. Install a crosswalk across Willard Street on the west side of Route 12 with
MUTCD-compliant pedestrian signal equipment once the continuous sidewalk is constructed between
Grant Street and Willard Street. Relocate or provide a wider sidewalk around utility poles so that a clear
path of travel is provided for pedestrians in accordance with ADA standards.
Safety Issue #4
Poor Crosswalk Visibility and Outdated Pedestrian Crossing Signage
There are several existing crosswalks across Route 12, but they all are limited to two parallel lines
running perpendicular to Route 12 traffic. These include the crosswalks at the following locations:
Across Route 12, north of Cheryl Drive
Across Route 12, south of Cheryl Drive
Across Route 12, at Brooks Pond Road
Across Route 12, at Beth Avenue
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Road Safety Audit—Route 12 from Sterling Town Line to Tocci Street, Leominster, MA
Prepared by Green International Affiliates
These marked crosswalks are difficult to see, particularly due to the faded condition of many of the
existing markings. Pedestrian signage is not present at every crosswalk. Where it does exist, it does not
meet current MUTCD standards, which require a downward angled arrow pointing to the crosswalk
(W16-7P plaque) if a W11-2 pedestrian warning sign is installed. Furthermore, the existing pedestrian
signs most likely do not meet current retroreflectivity standards and may be difficult to see at night.
Restripe all crosswalks to make them “ladder-style”, which will be more visible to approaching drivers.
This should be done at the following locations:
Across Route 12, north of Cheryl Drive
south of Cheryl Drive
Across Route 12, at Brooks Pond Road
Across Route 12, at Beth Avenue
Remove existing pedestrian warning signage and replace with new retroreflective signs that are placed
according to MUTCD standards. The signage should be replaced at the 1001 Central Street Dunkin’
Donuts northbound, at Dollar Tree southbound, and at Grant Street both northbound and southbound.
Consideration should be given to consolidating the two crosswalks across Route 12 near Cheryl Street
and evaluate whether a rectangular rapid flashing beacon (RRFB) or pedestrian hybrid beacon (PHB) may
improve pedestrian safety.
Image 3: Midblock crosswalk striping is faded and limited to less
visible transverse markings
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Road Safety Audit—Route 12 from Sterling Town Line to Tocci Street, Leominster, MA
Prepared by Green International Affiliates
Safety Issue #5
Lack of Bicycle Facilities (Corridor Wide)
There are no bicycle lanes along the Route 12 corridor. The only bicycle accommodations that are
currently provided in the study area are actuation loops at the Willard Street traffic signal.
A continuous bicycle lane should be provided in each direction along the entire length of the study area.
This will also have traffic calming effects, because it will result in narrower travel lanes. Add bicycle
detection to the traffic signal at the Route 12 / Litchfield Street intersection and provide appropriate
signage and pavement markings to indicate where bicyclists are to wait.
Safety Issue #6
Sight Distance Restrictions
The existing sight distance is restricted at several locations along the corridor. The issues that were noted
 A retaining wall north of Sawtelle Road limits sight distance for exiting traffic.
 A Dippin’ Donuts sign placed within the public right-of-way on the northwest corner of Route 12
and Grant Street blocks the approaching driver’s view of traffic on Grant Street as well as the
Grant Street sign.
 Crosswalks at Litchfield Street channelizing islands are blocked by overgrown vegetation.
 Vegetation is overgrown on the east side of Route 12 just north of Beth Avenue.  At the Meadowbrook Acres driveway, north of the fire station, sight distance looking to the north is restricted by overgrown vegetation on the east side of Route 12 as well as horizontal and
vertical curvature in the roadway.
 Parking in front of Marc’s Tailoring just north of Willard Street is in the public right-of-way and
obstructs sight distance of exiting vehicles.
Consider relocating the Route 12 travel lanes slightly to the east to improve sight distance at the Dollar
Tree driveway. Require the Dippin’ Donuts property owner to remove the sign on state right-of-way and
relocate the Grant Street sign closer to Route 12. Trim vegetation on the southeast corner of Route 12 and
Litchfield Street, on the east side of Route 12 north of Beth Avenue, and north of the Meadowbrook
Acres driveway. Remove parking in front of Marc’s Tailoring and replace it with parking on the south
side of the building.
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Road Safety Audit—Route 12 from Sterling Town Line to Tocci Street, Leominster, MA
Prepared by Green International Affiliates
Image 4: Limited sight distance exiting Sawtelle
Road looking north on Route 12
Safety Issue #7
Intersection Geometry Deficiencies
Beth Avenue has no curbing and a pavement width of 50 feet. This is wider than necessary and the extra
pavement poses a safety risk to both drivers and pedestrians.
Intersection geometry is also of concern at the Route 12 / Litchfield Street intersection. The channelized
right turn lanes on the northbound and eastbound approaches allow vehicles to turn at high speeds.
Northbound right-turning drivers ignore signage and make illegal left turns into the Speedway gas station
driveway. The merging area at the eastern end of the channelizing island is confusing as well, since the
yield sign is not clearly facing the appropriate traffic movement and no pavement markings are present.
The opposite sides of Litchfield Street are skewed.
Narrow Beth Avenue at Route 12 to 32 feet to provide two 11-foot travel lanes and two five-foot
shoulders to accommodate bicyclists. Install curbing to tighten the turning radius and reduce speeds.
At Route 12 and Litchfield Street, install pavement markings indicating that northbound right-turning
drivers must yield. Consider removing the channelizing islands and reducing curb radii, which will reduce
speeds, shorten pedestrian crossing distances, and reduce the number of conflict points. Alternatively,
consider extending the channelizing island to deter illegal left turns into the gas station driveway on the
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Road Safety Audit—Route 12 from Sterling Town Line to Tocci Street, Leominster, MA
Prepared by Green International Affiliates
northeast corner. As an alternative to an upgraded traffic signal, a roundabout should be considered at this
intersection. This may result in right-of-way impacts to several abutting properties.
Safety Issue #8:
Poor Access Management
Driveway openings are wide, poorly defined, and densely spaced on Route 12 between Willard and
Litchfield Streets. This results in numerous conflict points and many right-angle and rear-end collisions,
caused by turning drivers accepting small gaps and following drivers not expecting lead vehicles to slow
Work with property owners to consolidate driveways at Prime Insurance and Leominster House of Pizza
as well as at Dollar Tree and Dippin’ Donuts. Consider converting driveways at Splash Car Wash, Forty’s
Restaurant, Tedeschi, and Leominster House of Pizza to a one-way traffic pattern. This will reduce the
number of conflict points and minimize the occurrences of offset driveways on opposite sides of Route
12. Add right-turn and left-turn lanes on Route 12 at Johnny Appleseed Plaza to separate decelerating
turning traffic from through traffic.
Safety Issue #9:
Poor Drainage
During heavy rain storms, flooding issues occur at the following locations:
• On the east side of Route 12 immediately north of Beth Avenue
• On the west side of Route 12 near the Dollar Tree store, where there is a steep grade downward
toward Route 12
• At Chapman Place, the existing drainage system is inadequate and water overtops the roadway
during heavy rain events. This area is especially of concern during snow melt as well.
Upgrade existing drainage infrastructure on Route 12 at Chapman Place, Dollar Tree, and Beth Avenue.
Evaluate cleaning of existing structures and outlets.
Maintenance Items
In addition to the safety issues identified above, the audit team also identified several maintenance items
that could be addressed in the short term. These maintenance items are listed below:
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Road Safety Audit—Route 12 from Sterling Town Line to Tocci Street, Leominster, MA
Prepared by Green International Affiliates
 At the signalized intersection of Route 12 and Litchfield Street, an audit team member noted that
optical emergency vehicle detection is absent for emergency vehicle pre-emption. Emergency
preemption should be installed there.
 At the signalized intersection of Route 12 and Willard Street, inductive loops malfunction often
during rain storms. This results in a constant call being placed and inefficient signal operation.
The loops should be replaced where necessary and maintained. This is especially important
during repaving operations.
 The existing Left Lane Must Turn Left signage on the Route 12 southbound approach to Willard
Street is leaning to the east and needs to be stabilized.
 As discussed above, overgrown vegetation negatively affects sight distance at many locations
along the corridor. It is suggested that overgrown vegetation should be trimmed to improve sight
distance along the corridor.
Summary of Road Safety Audit
Based on the audit team members review of observations and discussions, issues and possible solutions
were identified that could help reduce safety risks along the Route 12 corridor.
Table 2 defines estimated safety payout, time frame, cost, and responsibility. The issues and possible
solutions from the previous sections are summarized in Table 3.
Safety Payoff: the enhancement could reduce the number of crashes along the corridor by a low (<30%),
medium (30% - 70%), or high (>70%).
Time frame: the enhancement can be completed within a time frame of short-term (<1 year), mid-term
(1-3 years), or long-term (>3 years).
Cost: cost is estimated to be within one of three categories of cost of low ($10,000), medium ($10,001$50,000) or high (>$50,000).
Responsibility: which entity or organization will be responsible for completing the work.
Table 2: Estimated Time Frame and Costs Breakdown
Time Frame
<1 Year
1-3 Years
>3 Years
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Road Safety Audit—Route 12 from Sterling Town Line to Tocci Street, Leominster, MA
Prepared by Green International Affiliates
Table 3: Potential Safety Enhancement Summary
Safety Issue
Potential Safety Enhancement
Safety Payoff
Time Frame
Responsible Agency
Inconsistent Pavement
Stripe exclusive left-turn lane for
northbound traffic at Litchfield
Inconsistent Pavement
Remove Litchfield Street
eastbound right turn lane stop line
upstream of the crosswalk
Inconsistent Pavement
Stripe shoulder edge line along
Route 12 to create a consistent
travel lane width
Inconsistent Pavement
Remove the passing zone on
Route 12 alongside Johnny
Appleseed Plaza and replace
existing pavement markings with a
double yellow center line
Substandard Signal
Equipment and Phasing
Check yellow and all-red clearance
timings at all approaches to the
Route 12/Litchfield Street
intersection and update to current
MassDOT standards.
Substandard Signal
Equipment and Phasing
Install backplates at Route 12 and
Litchfield Street with retroreflective
borders to improve visibility when
solar glare is a problem
Installation of New Traffic
Signal Equipment
Install 2009 MUTCD compliant
countdown pedestrian signals at all
crosswalks at the Route
12/Litchfield Street intersection
Nonexistent or non ADAcompliant sidewalks and
curb ramps
Provide concrete sidewalks that
meet ADA and MAAB standards
along both sides of Route 12
continuously along the entire
length of the corridor
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Prepared by Green International Affiliates
Table 3 (continued): Potential Safety Enhancement Summary
Safety Issue
Potential Safety Enhancement
Safety Payoff
Time Frame
Responsible Agency
Nonexistent or non ADAcompliant sidewalks and
curb ramps
Corridor wide: Add ADA-compliant
curb ramps with detectable
warning panels at each marked
crosswalk location
Nonexistent or non ADAcompliant sidewalks and
curb ramps
Install a crosswalk across Willard
Street on the west side of Route
12 with MUTCD-compliant
pedestrian signal equipment once
a continuous sidewalk is
constructed on the west side of
Route 12
Nonexistent or non ADAcompliant sidewalks and
curb ramps
Relocate or provide a wider
sidewalk around utility poles so
that a clear path of travel is
provided for pedestrians, in
accordance with ADA/MAAB
Poor Crosswalk Visibility
and Outdated Signage
Restripe crosswalks across Route
12 as “ladder style” to improve
visibility for approaching drivers at
the following locations:
• north and south of Cheryl Dr
• at Brooks Pond Road
• at Beth Avenue
Poor Crosswalk Visibility
and Outdated Signage
Remove existing pedestrian
warning signage and replace with
new MUTCD-compliant
retroreflective signs at the
following locations:
• northbound near Dunkin’
Donuts (1001 Central Street)
• southbound near Dollar Tree
• northbound and southbound at
Grant Street
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Road Safety Audit—Route 12 from Sterling Town Line to Tocci Street, Leominster, MA
Prepared by Green International Affiliates
Table 3 (continued): Potential Safety Enhancement Summary
Safety Issue
Poor Crosswalk Visibility
and Outdated Signage
Poor Crosswalk Visibility
and Outdated Signage
Lack of Bicycle Facilities
Lack of Bicycle Facilities
Sight Distance Restrictions
Sight Distance Restrictions
Sight Distance Restrictions
Sight Distance Restrictions
Sight Distance Restrictions
Potential Safety Enhancement
Consider consolidating the two
crosswalks across Route 12 just
north and just south of Cheryl
Evaluate whether a rectangular
rapid flashing beacon (RRFB) or
pedestrian hybrid beacon (PHB)
may improve pedestrian safety at
the crosswalks near Cheryl Street
Provide a continuous bike lane in
each direction along the entire
Route 12 corridor
Add bicycle detection to the signal
at Route 12 and Litchfield Street
and provide appropriate signage
and pavement markings to indicate
where bicyclists are to wait
Consider realigning the Route 12
travel lanes slightly to the east to
improve sight distance at the
Dollar Tree driveway
Require the Dippin’ Donuts
property owner to remove the sign
on state right-of-way
Relocate the Grant Street sign
closer to Route 12
Trim vegetation on the east side of
Route 12 immediately north of
Beth Avenue
Trim vegetation on the southeast
corner of Route 12 and Litchfield
Safety Payoff
Time Frame
Responsible Agency
(RRFB), high
(RRFB), longterm (PHB)
Property owner
MassDOT / City
MassDOT / Sunrise
Assisted Living
MassDOT / Property
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Road Safety Audit—Route 12 from Sterling Town Line to Tocci Street, Leominster, MA
Prepared by Green International Affiliates
Table 3 (continued): Potential Safety Enhancement Summary
Safety Issue
Potential Safety Enhancement
Trim vegetation on the east side
Sight Distance Restrictions Route 12, north of the
Meadowbrook Acres driveway
Remove parking in front of Marc’s
Sight Distance Restrictions Tailoring shopping center and
relocate to south side of building
At Route 12 and Litchfield Street,
install pavement markings
Intersection Geometry
indicating that northbound rightDeficiencies
turning drivers must yield at the
eastern edge of the channelizing
At Route 12 and Litchfield Street,
consider removing the
Intersection Geometry
channelizing islands and reducing
curb radii to shorten pedestrian
crossing distances
At Route 12 and Litchfield Street,
consider extending the
Intersection Geometry
channelizing island to deter illegal
left turns into the gas station
driveway on the northeast corner
Install curbing and narrow
pavement width on southeast
Intersection Geometry
corner of Route 12 and Beth
Avenue. A smaller curb radius
encourages slower speeds.
Safety Payoff
Time Frame
Responsible Agency
MassDOT /
Meadowbrook Acres
MassDOT / Property
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Road Safety Audit—Route 12 from Sterling Town Line to Tocci Street, Leominster, MA
Prepared by Green International Affiliates
Table 3 (continued): Potential Safety Enhancement Summary
Safety Issue
Potential Safety Enhancement
Safety Payoff
Time Frame
Responsible Agency
Intersection Geometry
At Route 12 and Litchfield Street,
consider installing a roundabout
Poor Access Management
Consolidate driveways at the
following neighboring properties:
• Prime Insurance and
Leominster House of Pizza
• Dollar Tree and Dippin’ Donuts
MassDOT / Property
Property owners
Poor Access Management
Poor Access Management
Poor Drainage
Consider converting driveways at
the following properties to a oneway traffic pattern:
• Splash Car Wash
• Forty’s Restaurant
• Tedeschi
• Leominster House of Pizza
Consider adding right-turn and leftturn lanes on Route 12 at Johnny
Appleseed Plaza to separate
decelerating turning traffic from
through traffic
Clean existing drainage structures
on Route 12 near Grant Street and
near Chapman Pl
Page 19
Appendix A. RSA Meeting Agenda Road Safety Audit
Meeting Location: Leominster
Room 10, City Hall
September 16, 2015
10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Type of meeting:
Route 12, Central Street – Road Safety Audit
Invited Participants to Comprise a Multidisciplinary Team
Please bring:
Thoughts and Enthusiasm!!
10:00 AM
Welcome and Introductions
10:15 AM
Review of Site Specific Material (enclosed)
 Crash, Speed & Volume Summaries– provided in advance
 Existing Geometries and Conditions
11:00 AM
Visit the Site
 Drive to LOCATION
 As a group, review site & identify areas for improvement
12:30 PM
Post Visit Discussion / Completion of RSA
 Discuss observations and finalize findings
 Discuss potential improvements and finalize recommendations
2:00 PM
Adjourn for the Day – but the RSA has not ended
Instructions for Participants:
 Before attending the RSA on DATE, participants are encouraged to drive through
the project area and complete/consider elements on the RSA Prompt List
(enclosed) with a focus on safety.
 All participants will be actively involved in the process throughout. Participants
are encouraged to come with thoughts and ideas, but are reminded that the
synergy that develops and respect for others’ opinions are key elements to the
success of the overall RSA process.
 After the RSA meeting, participants will be asked to comment and respond to the
document materials to assure it is reflective of the RSA completed by the
multidisciplinary team.
Route 12 Leominster Road Safety Audit
Appendix B. RSA Audit Team Contact List Appendix C. Detailed Crash Data SUMMARYOFSEGMENTCRASHDATA(2012‐2014)
SEVERITY Property Damage Injury Fatality Unknown COLLISION TYPE Rear End Angle Side Swipe Head On Single Vehicle Collision with Ped Collision with Bike Other/Unknown ROADWAY CONDITIONS Dry Wet Snow/Ice Other/Unknown SEASON Dec‐Feb Mar‐May June‐Aug Sept‐Nov TOTAL Annual Average Number of Crashes SEGMENT CRASH RATE Massachusetts Average Segment Crash Rate 1 STERLING TOWN LINE WILLARD STREET TO LITCHFIELD STREET TO TO WILLARD STREET LITCHFIELD STREET TOCCI STREET 2012 2013 2014 2012 2013 2014 2012 2013 2014 2 1 4 16 25 21 9 14 16 2 6 2 3 2 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 10 12 6 5 7 4 1 8 10 11 3 4 4 1 2 4 2 3 4 2 3 1 1 2 4 4 2 1 7 1 2 1 5 21 26 23 10 15 16 1 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 7 9 7 3 3 6 1 2 6 4 2 3 4 1 1 2 11 6 6 3 4 5 9 8 4 5 4 1 1 4 2 1 6 24 30 25 12 15 19 3.00 26.33 15.33 0.75 6.79 4.04 3.35 3.35 3.35 1BasedonMassDOTUrbanPrincipalArterial2012AverageCrashRates
Route 12 at Willard St 2012 2013 2014
Severity PropertyDamage
Collision Type RearEnd
Time of Day 6:01AM–10:00AM
Roadway Conditions Dry
Season Dec‐Feb
Light Conditions Daylight
Totals AnnualAverage
Intersection Crash Rate MassDOTDistrict3
Route 12 at Beth Ave / Grant St 2012 2013 2014
14 9
13 2
3 2
3 1
4 7 1
3 1 16 3.33
0.50 < 0.63 1.60 0.89
Route 12 at Litchfield St 2012 2013 2014
Appendix D. Additional Information ATR Data Summary Route 12, Leominster March 23‐26, 2015 ROUTE 12 BETWEEN MEADOW POND DR. AND CHAPMAN PL. Time Period Traffic Volume1 K‐Factor2 Dir. Distribution 85th %‐ile Speed Weekday Daily Average Daily 12,735 vpd ‐
49% NB / 51% SB Weekday AM Peak Hour 12:00‐1:00 815 vph 6.4% 49% NB / 51% SB 43 MPH NB / 43 MPH SB Weekday PM Peak Hour 6:00‐7:00 1,040 vph 8.2% 51% NB / 49% SB ROUTE 12 BETWEEN BROOKS POND RD. AND RICHARD RD. Time Period Traffic Volume1 K‐Factor2 Dir. Distribution 85th %‐ile Speed Weekday Daily Average Daily 14,857 vpd ‐
51% NB / 49% SB Weekday AM Peak Hour 8:00‐9:00 981 vph 6.6% 64% NB / 36% SB 37 MPH NB / 39 MPH SB Weekday PM Peak Hour 5:00‐6:00 1,223 vph 8.2% 47% NB / 53% SB Weekday AM Peak Hour 8:00‐9:00 782 vph 8.3% 28% NB / 72% SB 49 MPH NB / 49 MPH SB Weekday PM Peak Hour 5:00‐6:00 783 vph 8.3% 63% NB / 37% SB ROUTE 12 NORTH OF JYTEK DR. Time Period Traffic Volume1 K‐Factor2 Dir. Distribution 85th %‐ile Speed Weekday Daily Average Daily 9,432 vpd ‐
49% NB / 51% SB LITCHFIELD ST. BETWEEN LYNNHAVEN RD. AND LITCHFIELD PINES DR. Weekday Daily Average Weekday AM Peak Hour Time Period Traffic Volume1 K‐Factor2 Dir. Distribution 85th %‐ile Speed Daily 5,339 vpd ‐
55% EB / 45% WB 9:00‐10:00 437 vph 8.2% 68% EB / 32% WB 42 MPH EB / 43 MPH WB Weekday PM Peak Hour 6:00‐7:00 478 vph 9.0% 42% EB / 58% WB LITCHFIELD ST. BETWEEN CALZA ST. AND COLUMBUS ST. Time Period Traffic Volume1 K‐Factor2 Dir. Distribution 85th %‐ile Speed Weekday Daily Average Daily 7,856 vpd ‐
49% EB / 51% WB WILLARD ST. EAST OF ROUTE 12 Weekday Daily Average Time Period Traffic Volume1 K‐Factor2 Dir. Distribution 85th %‐ile Speed Daily 5,906 vpd ‐
53% EB / 47% WB Weekday AM Peak Hour 9:00‐10:00 542 vph 6.9% 57% EB / 43% WB 35 MPH EB / 35 MPH WB Weekday PM Peak Hour 4:00‐5:00 677 vph 8.6% 46% EB / 54% WB Weekday AM Peak Hour 8:00‐9:00 403 vph 6.8% 63% EB / 37% WB 38 MPH EB / 38 MPH WB Weekday PM Peak Hour 6:00‐7:00 521 vph 8.8% 47% EB / 53% WB Weekday AM Peak Hour 7:00‐8:00 171 vph 7.4% 52% EB / 42% WB ‐
Weekday PM Peak Hour 6:00‐7:00 206 vph 8.9% 42% EB / 58% WB WILLARD STREET EAST OF JAMESTOWN RD. Time Period Traffic Volume1 K‐Factor2 Dir. Distribution 85th %‐ile Speed Weekday Daily Average Daily 2,306 vpd ‐
49% EB / 51 % WB Appendix E. Road Safety Audit References Road Safety Audit References
Massachusetts Traffic Safety Toolbox, Massachusetts Highway Department,
Road Safety Audits, A Synthesis of Highway Practice. NCHRP Synthesis 336. Transportation Research
Board, National Cooperative Highway Research Program, 2004.
Road Safety Audits. Institute of Transportation Engineers and U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal
Highway Administration,
FHWA Road Safety Audit Guidelines. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway
Administration, 2006.
Road Safety Audit, 2nd edition. Austroads, 2000.
Road Safety Audits. ITE Technical Council Committee 4S-7. Institute of Transportation Engineers,
February 1995.