ROAD SAFETY AUDIT Sumner Avenue/Allen Street at Harkness Avenue/Abbott Street City of Springfield July 20, 2011 Prepared For: MassDOT Highway Division Prepared By: BETA Group, Inc. Road Safety Audit—Sumner Avenue/Allen Street at Harkness Avenue/Abbott Street—Springfield, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Table of Contents Project Data .................................................................................................................................1 Background .................................................................................................................................2 Project Description .....................................................................................................................2 Audit Observations .....................................................................................................................6 Potential Safety Enhancements .................................................................................................9 Summary of Road Safety Audit...............................................................................................12 List of Appendices Appendix A. Appendix B. Appendix C. Appendix D. RSA Meeting Agenda RSA Audit Team Contact List Detailed Crash Data Speed Regulations List of Figures Figure 1. Figure 2. Location Map ......................................................................................................................... 3 Location Detail ....................................................................................................................... 4 List of Tables Table 1. Table 2. Table 3. Participating Audit Team Members ....................................................................................... 1 Estimated Time Frame and Costs Breakdown ....................................................................... 9 Potential Safety Enhancement Summary ............................................................................. 13 Road Safety Audit—Sumner Avenue/Allen Street at Harkness Avenue/Abbott Street—Springfield, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Project Data A Road Safety Audit for the intersection of Sumner Avenue, Allen Street, Harkness Avenue and Abbott Street in the City of Springfield was held on May 12, 2011 at the offices of the Department of Public Works in Springfield, MA. As indicated in Table 1, the audit team consisted of representatives from Federal, State, Regional and Local agencies and included a cross-section of engineering, planning and emergency response expertise. Table 1. Participating Audit Team Members Audit Team Member Agency/Affiliation Bonnie Polin MassDOT Highway Division – Safety Section Lisa Schletzbaum MassDOT Highway Division – Safety Section Chris Cignoli City of Springfield – City Engineer Victor Gomez Springfield Fire Department – Fire Alarm Supervisor Neil Maloney Springfield Police Department – Traffic Bureau Promise Otaluka Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Trung Vo MassDOT Highway Division District 2 – Traffic Bao Lang MassDOT Highway Division District 2 – Traffic Daryl Amaral MassDOT Highway Division District 2 – Projects Gary Roux Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC) Khyati Parmar Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC) Matt Chase VHB Juliet Locke VHB Greg Lucas BETA Group, Inc. Christine Keches BETA Group, Inc. Page 1 Road Safety Audit—Sumner Avenue/Allen Street at Harkness Avenue/Abbott Street—Springfield, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Background The Federal Highway Administration defines a Road Safety Audit (RSA) as the formal safety examination of an existing or future road or intersection by an independent, multidisciplinary team. The purpose of an RSA is to identify potential safety issues and possible opportunities for safety improvements considering all roadway users. A Road Safety Audit was scheduled for the intersection of Sumner Avenue, Allen Street, Harkness Avenue and Abbott Street as required by MassDOT Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) guidelines. The intersection is within the top 5% of locations on the high crash list in the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC) region, and the intersection is scheduled to be reconstructed in 2012 by the MassDOT Highway Division using HSIP funds. The RSA is intended to identify potential short and long term safety improvements that can be made at the intersections, which can then be incorporated into the planned reconstruction project to the greatest extent practicable. Project Description The intersection of Sumner Avenue, Allen Street, Harkness Avenue and Abbott Street, shown in Figure 1, is located in the southeastern portion of Springfield. Sumner Avenue and Allen Street are both functionally classified as Urban Principal Arterials. Harkness Avenue is functionally classified as an Urban Minor Arterial, while Abbott Street is functionally classified as an Urban Collector. All roadways are City-owned. Sumner Avenue and Allen Street are important regional roadways, providing east-west arterial access through the southern part of Springfield from Interstate 91 and Route 5 to the west to Wilbraham and Ludlow to Sumner Avenue (looking west) the east and northeast. Sumner Avenue and at Abbott Street and Harkness Avenue Allen Street intersect approximately 200 feet west of the study intersection, and each operate as one-way roadways through the intersection and for approximately ¾ mile east of the intersection, where they once again converge to form a two-way, four lane roadway. Both roadways are part of the National Highway System, connecting to I-91 to the west and ultimately connecting to Routes 21 and 141 to the east, which provide access to the Massachusetts Turnpike (I-90). Harkness Avenue and Abbott Street are both north-south residential streets. Abbott Street provides access to Plumtree Road and South Branch Parkway north of the intersection. Harkness Avenue provides Page 2 ³ SO U EMERSO N STREE T DAYTO N STREET CHALMERS STREE T EE T E R OA D L EN RIDG EAS T AL E RO AD L EN RIDG WES T A L R UE SS AV EN ST HARKNE T NUE RTH AV E SE AV ENUE R EE T RA MNE R N ST E L L A ELL SWO P O S TR PO WEL L ON ARID SU E E D A VE NU D U VE N GA RLAN SU RA MNE BENZ STREET T CLEME NT STREET STRE E AD GILLETTE AVENUE HARTFORD TERRACE ALL EN M RO ABB OTT STREET PLU E TRE TH B RAN CH P A RK WA Y U VE N E E ET T GIFFORD STREE SPRINGFIELD LEGEND Study Intersection 0 250 500 EAST LONGMEADOW 1,000 Feet Sumner Avenue / Allen Street at Harkness Avenue / Abbott Street 315 Norwood Park South Norwood, MA 02062 781.255.1982 ROAD SAFETY AUDIT SPRINGFIELD, MA Figure 1 Location Map Road Safety Audit—Sumner Avenue/Allen Street at Harkness Avenue/Abbott Street—Springfield, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. access to East Longmeadow to the south; it was noted by City personnel that Harkness Avenue is a preferred route for vehicles destined to retail destinations in East Longmeadow. Land use surrounding the study intersection is a mix between commercial and residential. There is a medical office on the northeast corner of Sumner Avenue and Abbott Street, an insurance agency and a bank on the northwest corner, a gift shop on the southwest corner of Allen Street and Harkness Avenue, and an insurance agency on the southeast corner. There are additional commercial properties west of the intersection and primarily residential properties east of the intersection. Harkness Avenue and Abbott Street are residential streets. Sumner Avenue, Allen Street, Harkness Avenue and Abbott Street form a 4-way intersection under traffic signal control. As previously noted, Sumner Avenue and Allen Street operate as one-way roadways at their intersection with Abbott Street and Harkness Avenue. The median separation between the two roadways creates a short median divided two-way roadway segment used by turning and crossing traffic, as seen in Figure 2. Figure 2. Location Detail Sumner Avenue and Allen Street provide two continuous through lanes through the intersection, with an additional exclusive left turn lane for vehicles traveling from Sumner Avenue westbound to Harkness Avenue. Abbott Street and Harkness Avenue each provide a single approach and departure lane. The twoway median divided segment between Sumner Avenue and Allen Street has two lanes in each direction, designated as an exclusive left turn lane and a through lane. The two-way median divided segment only Page 4 Road Safety Audit—Sumner Avenue/Allen Street at Harkness Avenue/Abbott Street—Springfield, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. provides enough storage for two vehicles; as a result, blockages are commonplace, especially for vehicles turning left from Sumner Avenue to Harkness Avenue. Vehicles utilizing the two-way median divided segment may stop before entering the median divided segment, may stop at the stop line inside the median divided segment, or may run the red light to clear the intersection, as reported by local officials. The signal operates under simple two phase operation, with a phase for Sumner Avenue/Allen Street and a phase for Abbott Street/Harkness Avenue. Signal heads are post-mounted and are not optimally placed based on guidelines established in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). The offset between Abbott Street and Harkness Avenue is a potential contributing factor to driver confusion when traversing the intersection. It was noted that the intersection currently operates under flash control from 1:00 AM to 6:00 AM. Crosswalks are provided across both Abbott Street and Harkness Avenue, and across the western leg of Sumner Avenue and Allen Street. No pedestrian indications or exclusive pedestrian phase is provided at the intersection. Handicap ramps are inconsistent through the intersection, and specifically are not provided for the crosswalk across Sumner Avenue and Allen Street, or for the median segment separating the two streets. Sidewalks are provided on both sides of Sumner Avenue and Allen Street west of the intersection, and on the north side of Sumner Avenue and the south side of Allen Street east of the intersection. Sidewalks are present on both sides of Abbott Street and Harkness Avenue. Crash data were provided by the Springfield Police Department and summarized by Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC). There were a total of 32 crashes in the area of the intersection within the period from January 2008 to December 2010. The crash summary shows a total of 49 crashes; after a more detailed review, it was determined that 17 of the crashes occurred at the intersection of Sumner Avenue and Allen Street to the west. The unique geometry of the intersection creates two different primary conflict points where crashes may occur. The intersection of Allen Street and Harkness Avenue experienced more crashes during the study period than the intersection of Sumner Avenue and Abbott Street, perhaps due to the offset geometry of Harkness Avenue. There were 16 total angle crashes through the intersection, with four occurring between a vehicle traveling east on Allen Street and a vehicle traveling north on Harkness Avenue. Seven angle crashes involved a vehicle turning left from the two-way median divided area, four northbound and three southbound. Several rear-end crashes occurred at the intersection as well, with four involving vehicles traveling west on Sumner Avenue. The intersection geometry may also be a contributing factor in the two identified crashes involving vehicles traveling the wrong way, including one in which a vehicle was backing up out of the two-way median divided area and backed into a vehicle traveling eastbound on Allen Street. Three crashes involved a vehicle leaving the roadway; all were at night, which may indicate that lighting is insufficient in the area given the atypical geometry of the intersection. There was one bicycle crash at the intersection, involving a vehicle traveling north on Harkness Avenue striking a bicyclist. A Crash data summary and a collision diagram are included in the Appendix. Speed regulations maintained by MassDOT Highway Division establish a 30 MPH speed limit for both Sumner Avenue and Allen Street in both directions in the vicinity of the intersection. Complete speed regulations are included in the Appendix. Page 5 Road Safety Audit—Sumner Avenue/Allen Street at Harkness Avenue/Abbott Street—Springfield, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Audit Observations Following a brief introduction to the RSA process and a summary of existing geometry, crash and speed regulation information, the audit participants were asked to discuss safety issues at the intersection of Sumner Avenue, Allen Street, Harkness Avenue and Abbott Street. Audit participants then conducted a site visit as a group, at which time they offered observations on safety concerns and deficiencies. A summary of those major safety considerations is as follows: Signal Visibility – A number of safety issues relating to signal equipment and visibility were discussed at the audit. o The post mounted signals are less visible to approaching vehicles than overhead signals would be, especially for the Sumner Avenue westbound approach, which has a crest vertical curve immediately before the intersection. o The near side signal at the stop line for Sumner Avenue westbound is potentially blocked for approaching vehicles by a utility pole, as seen at right. o Some signal heads are older 8” diameter heads, which are less visible than the modern standard 12” diameter heads. o No backplates are provided for vehicle signal heads. Installation of backplates would increase visibility of the signal indications for approaching vehicles. o There is no far side signal head for the eastbound Allen Street approach. o There is one far side signal head and no near side signal head for southbound vehicles stopped in the two-way median-divided area. o The westbound Sumner Avenue approach has a crest vertical curve several hundred feet to the east of the intersection, which may impact signal visibility. Signage/Pavement Markings – A number of safety issues relating to existing signage and pavement markings were discussed during the audit. o Placement of One Way and No Left Turn signs are potentially confusing to drivers unfamiliar with the intersection, as seen at right. Page 6 Road Safety Audit—Sumner Avenue/Allen Street at Harkness Avenue/Abbott Street—Springfield, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. o Pavement markings are faded to non-existent at the intersection, which decreases visibility of defined lane use. o Advanced lane control signs are not provided for any of the intersection approaches. o There is potential for confusion at the intersection of Allen Street and Gillette Avenue due to lack of signage for the unique geometry and one-way segments integral to the intersection. Alignment – Harkness Avenue and Abbott Street are not lined up directly across from each other creating an offset alignment. This alignment creates potential confusion for drivers and is a likely contributing factor in the crash history at the intersection. Pavement Condition – An audit participant noted slippery conditions on Sumner Avenue westbound in wet/icy conditions potentially due to the worn pavement surface. Lighting – Roadway lighting may be inadequate at the intersection, as indicated by the number of roadway departure crashes occurring at night. Crossing Guards – The City currently has a crossing guard at the intersection, and is considering adding a second guard. It was suggested that standard operating protocol of crossing guards should be reviewed, especially given potential improvements that will include an exclusive pedestrian phase. Emergency Preemption – It was noted that the existing intersection does not have traffic signal preemption for emergency vehicles. City personnel stated that they do have preemption emitters in their emergency vehicles. Truck Turns – It was suggested that while a truck turning left from Sumner Avenue to Harkness Avenue can traverse the two-way median divided area, it will block opposing traffic due to the limited storage available in the median area. Curb Cuts – It was suggested that curb cuts can be better defined on the southwest corner of the intersection, both for the gift shop on the corner and for the businesses to the west along the south side of Allen Street. Speeds – Speed was noted as a safety issue at the intersection. It was suggested that speeds for approaching westbound vehicles are higher due to the downgrade created by the crest vertical curve on Sumner Avenue. It was suggested that a dynamic “Red Signal Ahead” sign be provided for this approach to increase awareness of the signal for approaching vehicles. Although unrelated to the study intersection, it was also noted that the right turn “off-ramp” geometry from Sumner Avenue to Allen Street westbound will be eliminated as part of future improvements at the Sumner Avenue/Allen Street intersection to the west, which may decrease overall speeds for through vehicles. Bicycle Accommodations – Existing shoulder widths are insufficient for bicycle travel on all four roadways. Page 7 Road Safety Audit—Sumner Avenue/Allen Street at Harkness Avenue/Abbott Street—Springfield, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Visibility – Although unrelated to the study intersection, it was suggested that large flower pots in the median west of the Sumner Avenue/Allen Street intersection pose a visibility constraint for vehicles turning left from Sumner Avenue to Allen Street. It was also noted that plowed snow creates visibility constraints at both intersections, but that the City makes their best effort to remove snow from this area following extreme snow events. On-Street Parking – It was reported that vehicles park in no parking areas in front of Gus & Paul’s Deli to the west of the intersection on the south side of Sumner Avenue, which was observed and confirmed on the day of the audit. This impacts the dual left turn lane from Allen Street eastbound and Gillette Avenue southbound. Buses – Pioneer Valley Transit Authority (PVTA) operates buses on the Sumner Avenue and Allen Street corridor, and has a stop on the north side of Sumner Avenue west of the study intersection. This bus stop may be better placed with regards to pedestrian demands and available sidewalks and crosswalks. Signal priority is currently provided to the PVTA Sumner Avenue Express service, and should be maintained following improvements at the intersection. Page 8 Road Safety Audit—Sumner Avenue/Allen Street at Harkness Avenue/Abbott Street—Springfield, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Potential Safety Enhancements After the site visit, audit participants returned to the meeting location to discuss the safety issues and consider improvements. Audit participants were encouraged to consider both short and long term improvements for each issue. Each improvement considered has been categorized as short-term, mid­ term, or long-term based on the definitions shown in Table 2. Additionally, a cost category has been assigned to each improvement based on the parameters set forth in Table 2. Table 2. Estimated Time Frame and Costs Breakdown Time Frame Short-term <1 year Costs Low Mid-term 1–3 years Medium Long-term >3 years High <$10,000 $10,000–$50,000 >$50,000 The following improvements were suggested by audit participants to improve safety issues associated with the intersection of Sumner Avenue, Allen Street, Harkness Avenue and Abbott Street. Reconstruct the intersection. As previously discussed, the intersection is scheduled for reconstruction in 2012, potentially using HSIP funds. The following safety enhancements discussed during the audit should be included as part of the planned reconstruction. o Upgrade the traffic signal with all new equipment, including overhead signal heads with 12” LED lenses and backplates. The existing post-mounted signal heads are not optimally placed for signal visibility. New mast arms and overhead signal heads should be placed for optimal visibility for approaching drivers and according to MUTCD and MassDOT standards. This is a mid-term, high cost improvement. o Realign Abbott Street and Harkness Avenue to the greatest extent practicable. The existing offset of Harkness Avenue creates confusion for drivers and may be a factor in the crash history of the intersection. Realignment of these two roadways would facilitate through movements and would ease confusion through the median area between Sumner Avenue and Allen Street. This is a mid-term, high cost improvement. It should be noted that a preliminary design of the intersection shows Abbot Street shifted to the east, along with slight modifications at the southwest corner at Harkness Avenue to better align the two roadways. o Apply new pavement markings and arrow/only markings. New pavement markings will be applied following pavement reconstruction, and new arrow and only markings should be used where applicable. This is a mid-term, low cost improvement. o Update signs by removing confusing or non-standard signs and adding lane control signs. The existing One Way, No Left Turn and No Right Turn signs are potentially confusing to drivers because drivers can see multiple messages at the same time. These signs should Page 9 Road Safety Audit—Sumner Avenue/Allen Street at Harkness Avenue/Abbott Street—Springfield, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. be removed and signs appropriate for the reconstructed intersection should be erected. In addition, lane control signs should be provided on the Sumner Avenue and Allen Street approaches. This is a mid-term, low cost improvement that should be expanded to the intersection of Sumner Avenue, Allen Street and Gillette Avenue to the west. o Consider location of turn lanes and reconfiguration of the two-way median divided area. Although not essential to reconstruction of the intersection, reconfiguration of the twoway median divided area could significantly reduce conflicts and potential driver confusion at the intersection. It should be noted that the preliminary design discussed at the audit has left turn lanes from Sumner Avenue and Allen Street shifted to the left, so that left turning vehicles do not have to use the median area between the two roadways to make a left turn. The proposed area between Sumner Avenue and Allen Street would only be used for through traffic from Abbott Street and Harkness Avenue, and has a scored concrete area to separate directional traffic. o Provide wheelchair ramps, crosswalks and pedestrian signal accommodations. The reconstructed intersection should have pedestrian signals with an exclusive pedestrian signal phase. Crosswalks should be maintained across the west leg of Sumner Avenue and Allen Street and across both Abbott Street and Harkness Avenue. Handicap access ramps with grades and cross slopes meeting ADA requirements should be provided at all crosswalk locations. This is a mid-term, medium cost improvement. o Provide emergency preemption. The reconstructed traffic signal should include preemption for emergency vehicles. This is a mid-term, medium cost improvement. o Widen shoulders to provide bicycle accommodation. It was noted that Sumner Avenue and Allen Street will both provide 4-foot minimum shoulders following reconstruction, which meets MassDOT’s standard for bicycle accommodation. It was also noted, however, that 2-foot shoulder widths will be provided on Harkness Avenue, and that wider shoulders cannot be provided without property acquisition and removal of several mature trees. This is a mid-term, high cost improvement. o Install a dynamic “Red Signal Ahead” sign on the Sumner Avenue westbound approach. It was suggested that the crest vertical curve on this approach restricts visibility of the existing signal. The proposed overhead signal heads will be more visible and the addition of an illuminated “Red Signal Ahead” sign will also increase awareness for approaching drivers. This is a mid-term, medium cost improvement. o Rehabilitate pavement, consider high friction surface course for the Sumner Avenue westbound approach. It was noted that pavement rehabilitation is proposed by milling and overlay with widening. It was suggested that new pavement for the Sumner Avenue westbound approach should use a higher friction course due to the downslope of this approach and the speeds of approaching vehicles. This is a mid-term, high cost improvement. Page 10 Road Safety Audit—Sumner Avenue/Allen Street at Harkness Avenue/Abbott Street—Springfield, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Consider bus stop placement with regards to pedestrian improvements at the Sumner Avenue/Allen Street/Gillette Avenue intersection. Relocation of the bus stop may be considered, or sidewalk and crosswalk upgrades at the Sumner Avenue/Allen Street/Gillette Avenue intersection may be designed to improve pedestrian accessibility to the existing stop. This is a mid-term, medium cost improvement. Upgrade lighting at the intersection. It was suggested that roadway lighting should be improved in the area. The designer should review locations of existing lights in cooperation with the City in consideration of the proposed intersection geometry. This is a mid-term, medium cost improvement. Provide training for crossing guards based on the revised traffic signal design. It was suggested that crossing guards at other intersections in the City push the pedestrian pushbutton to activate the pedestrian phase, but then cross children during vehicle phases if no vehicles are present. The City should determine the preferred protocol for school crossings and provide training to the guards accordingly, and should apply this procedure at this intersection following reconstruction. This is a short-term, low cost improvement. Remove curb cut on the southwest corner and review curb cuts for businesses along Allen Street west of the intersection. The gift shop on the southwest corner of the intersection has four curb cuts – one at the western edge of the property on Allen Street, two on Harkness Avenue, and one on the radius of the corner that also serves to provide handicap access for the crosswalk across Harkness Avenue. The curb cut on the radius of the corner is potentially dangerous because it leads vehicles directly to the center of the intersection, and is not under signal control. This driveway should be closed and replaced with a handicap access ramp only. In addition, the project may review curb cut access of the commercial properties west of the gift shop, as they presently have open, undefined access. This is a mid-term, low cost improvement. Remove flower pots from median islands on Sumner Avenue west of the intersection. This improvement is not directly related to the study intersection, but should be considered if the scope of the reconstruction project is expanded to include the intersection of Sumner Avenue and Allen Street to the west. This is a mid-term, low cost improvement. Review parking restrictions and related signage, and enforce no parking areas. Any potential upgrades to the intersection of Sumner Avenue and Allen Street to the west should consider existing parking restrictions and improve signage to reinforce parking restrictions. Additionally, the City may consider increasing enforcement of parking restrictions, especially during peak demand times at Gus & Paul’s Deli. This is a short-term, low cost improvement that could decrease enforcement elsewhere in the City. Maintain transit priority for PVTA Sumner Avenue Express Bus Service. In addition to emergency preemption, the signal should provide transit priority preemption for buses. This is a mid-term, medium cost improvement. Page 11 Road Safety Audit—Sumner Avenue/Allen Street at Harkness Avenue/Abbott Street—Springfield, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Summary of Road Safety Audit Table 3 summarizes potential recommendations discussed by the audit team. The recommendations are categorized based on the potential safety payoff, as well as by time frame and cost. The safety payoff is a qualitative judgment of the effectiveness of the potential safety improvements. Each recommendation has a responsibility assigned to it stating whether MassDOT or the City of Springfield would be responsible for implementing the recommended improvement. “Project” refers to improvements that are assumed to be included or could reasonably be accommodated as part of planned improvements at the intersection. Costs provided for “Project” improvements are an order of magnitude estimate which estimates the cost of the improvement if completed independent of the project. Page 12 Road Safety Audit—Sumner Avenue/Allen Street at Harkness Avenue/Abbott Street—Springfield, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Table 3. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary Safety Issue Safety Enhancement Responsibility Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost ALL Reconstruct intersection. Safety enhancements to be included in proposed reconstruction are detailed below. Project High Mid-term TBD Signal Visibility Upgrade the traffic signal with all new equipment, including overhead signal heads with LED lenses and backplates. Project High Mid-term $150,000 Alignment, Truck Turns Realign Abbott Street and Harkness Avenue to the greatest extent practicable. Project High Mid-term $250,000 Signage/Pavement Markings Update signage by removing confusing or non-standard signs and adding lane control signs. (This improvement should be expanded to include the Sumner Avenue/Allen Street/Gillette Avenue intersection to the west) Project High Mid-term $5,000 Alignment, Truck Turns Consider location of turn lanes and reconfiguration of the two-way median divided area. Project High Mid-term $150,000 Pedestrian Accommodations Provide wheelchair ramps, crosswalks and pedestrian signal accommodations. Project High Mid-term $50,000 Signage/Pavement Markings Apply new pavement markings and arrow/only markings following pavement reconstruction. Project Medium Mid-term $8,000 Emergency Preemption Provide emergency preemption with the reconstructed traffic signal. Project Medium Mid-term $20,000 Bicycle Accommodation Provide a 4-foot minimum shoulder for bicycle accommodation. Project Medium Mid-term $100,000 Pedestrian Accommodations, Buses Relocate existing bus stop west of the study intersection, or upgrade sidewalks and crosswalks to improve access to the existing bus stop location. Project Medium Mid-term $50,000 Signal Visibility, Speeds Install a dynamic ―Red Signal Ahead‖ sign for the Sumner Avenue westbound approach. Project Medium Mid-term $15,000 Pavement Condition, Speeds Rehabilitate pavement, consider high friction surface course for the Sumner Avenue westbound approach. Project Medium Mid-term $150,000 Lighting Upgrade lighting at the intersection in cooperation with the City in consideration of proposed geometry changes. Project/City Medium Mid-term $25,000 Page 13 Road Safety Audit—Sumner Avenue/Allen Street at Harkness Avenue/Abbott Street—Springfield, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Table 3. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary Safety Issue Safety Enhancement Responsibility Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost On-Street Parking Review parking restrictions and related signage, and enforce parking restrictions west of the study intersection. Project/City Medium Short-term $5,000 & Reduced Enforcement elsewhere Curb Cuts Remove curb cut on the southwest corner and review curb cuts for businesses along Allen Street west of the intersection. Project Medium Mid-term $5,000 Visibility Remove flower pots from median islands on Sumner Avenue west of the intersection. Project/City Medium Mid-term $2,000 Buses Maintain transit priority for PVTA Sumner Avenue Express Bus Service. Project Low Mid-term $20,000 Crossing Guards Determine preferred protocol, and provide training to guards based on the revised traffic signal design. City Low Short-term Time of City Officials Page 14 Road Safety Audit—Sumner Avenue/Allen Street at Harkness Avenue/Abbott Street—Springfield, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Appendix A. RSA Meeting Agenda Road Safety Audit Springfield – Harkness/Abbott at Sumner/Allen Meeting Location: 70 Tapley Street Springfield Thursday, May 12th, 2011 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM Type of meeting: Road Safety Audit (RSA) Attendees: Invited Participants to Comprise a Multidisciplinary Team Please bring: Thoughts and Enthusiasm!! 10:00 AM Welcome and Introductions 10:15 AM Review of Site Specific Material • Crash Summary, Collision Diagram and Speed Regulations • Existing Geometries and Conditions • Plans for Proposed Improvement 10:45 AM Visit the Site • Walk / drive through area • As a group, identify areas for improvement 11:30 AM Completion of RSA • Finalize discussion on all areas for improvement • Discuss potential improvements with pros and cons and record possible countermeasures 12:30 PM Adjourn for the Day – but the RSA has not ended* Instructions for Participants: • Before attending the RSA on May 12th, participants are encouraged to drive / walk through the intersection and complete/consider elements on the RSA Prompt List with a focus on safety. • All participants will be actively involved in the process throughout. Participants are encouraged to come with thoughts and ideas, but are reminded that the synergy that develops and respect for others’ opinions are key elements to the success of the overall RSA process. • *After the RSA meeting, participants will be asked to comment and respond to the RSA Report to assure it is reflective of the RSA completed by the multidisciplinary team. Road Safety Audit—Sumner Avenue/Allen Street at Harkness Avenue/Abbott Street—Springfield, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Appendix B. RSA Audit Team Contact List Road Safety Audit—Sumner Avenue/Allen Street at Harkness Avenue/Abbott Street—Springfield, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Appendix C. Detailed Crash Data Collision Diagram Springfield, MA Intersections of Sumner Ave, Abbott St, Allen St, and Harkness Ave Sumner Ave N Allen St 4 47 27 45 Harkness Ave. 49 14,44 40 10,23 13 1,5,26,31 12 25 9, 31, 39, 43 28,30,46 Abbott St. 3 20 Harkness Ave 24 37 29 6 35 Crash Summary for the intersctions of Sumner Ave, Allen Street, Harkness Ave, and Abbott Street # DATE 02/02/08 03/21/08 04/17/08 04/28/08 05/03/08 05/21/08 05/28/08 06/05/08 06/29/08 08/13/08 10/17/08 11/20/08 12/06/08 12/09/08 12/22/08 01/18/09 01/21/09 01/25/09 03/26/09 04/08/09 05/16/09 05/29/09 06/01/09 06/12/09 06/19/09 TIME 9:13 AM 9:59 AM 5:06 PM 7:04 AM 2:00 AM 8:39 AM 5:35 AM 2:38 PM 2:43 PM 4:52 AM 11:59 AM 4:56 AM 9:10 PM 4:25 PM 3:27 PM 12:18 PM 7:40 AM 9:39 AM 9:04 AM 8:29 AM 9:36 AM 12:28 PM 4:40 AM 7:30 AM 11:30 PM DAY SAT FRI THUR MON SUN WED WED THUR SUN WED FRI THUR SUN TUES MON SUN WED SUN THUR WED SAT FRI MON FRI FRI SEV. PD PD PD PD PD I PD I I I PD PD PD PD PD PD PD PD PD PD I PD PD PD PD L 2 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 2 3 P 13 13 13 5 13 5 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 5 13 13 13 13 13 13 12 5 13 5 13 # DATE 06/24/09 07/27/09 08/23/09 09/14/09 09/23/09 09/24/09 10/11/09 11/17/09 12/15/09 12/20/09 10/11/10 10/19/10 10/27/10 11/28/10 12/12/10 02/21/10 03/07/10 03/12/10 03/19/10 06/01/10 06/18/10 07/03/10 07/09/10 08/16/10 1 26 2* 27 3 28 4 29 5 30 6 31 7* 32* 8* 33 9 34* 10 35 11* 36 12 37 13 38* 14 39 15* 40 16* 41* 17* 42* 18* 43 19* 44 20 45 21* 46 22* 47 23 48* 24 49 25 Information compiled from City of Springfield Crash Reports, January 2008 - December 2010 See related Collision Diagram for location of crash # * Crash occurred at the intersection of Sumner Ave. and Allen Street (not within HSIP area) Key Light Condition (L) Pattern (P) 1. Daylight 2. Dawn/Dusk 3. Darkness 4. Unknown 0. Not Known 1. Speed too fast 2. Parked Car 3. Ran Stop Sign 4. Ran Traffic Signal 5. Rear End 6. Improper Passing 7. Wrong side of road 8. Improper turning 9. Improper backing 10. Sideswipe 11. Pedestrian violation 12. Human Error 13. Angle TIME 7:42 PM 9:58 AM 11:36 AM 9:54 AM 8:11 PM 1:59 PM 6:26 PM 4:30 PM 12:30 AM 5:20 PM 6:15 PM 2:44 AM 9:58 PM 12:51 PM 2:08 AM 10:13 AM 9:00 PM 11:44 AM 4:41 PM 11:30 PM 8:51 PM 12:04 PM 6:45 AM 5:57 PM DAY WED MON SUN MON WED THUR SUN TUES N/A SUN MON TUES WED SUN SUN SUN SUN SAT FRI TUES FRI SUN FRI MON SEV. I PD PD I PD I PD I PD I PD PD PD PD PD I PD I I I PD I PD I L 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 2 3 2 1 P 13 13 13 5 13 13 13 5 12 5 5 12 13 13 12 13 5 13 5 12 13 5 13 12 Road Safety Audit—Sumner Avenue/Allen Street at Harkness Avenue/Abbott Street—Springfield, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Appendix D. Speed Regulations