Document 13047326

South Street at Crofut Street South Street at Gamwell Avenue
South Street at Berkshire Life
City of Pittsfield
May 10, 2011
Prepared For:
MassDOT Highway Division
Prepared By:
BETA Group, Inc.
Road Safety Audit—South Street at Crofut Street, Gamwell Avenue, Berkshire Life—Pittsfield, MA
Prepared by BETA Group, Inc.
Table of Contents
Project Data .................................................................................................................................1
Background .................................................................................................................................2
Project Description .....................................................................................................................2
Audit Observations .....................................................................................................................8
Potential Safety Enhancements ...............................................................................................11
Summary of Road Safety Audit...............................................................................................13
List of Appendices
Appendix A.
Appendix B.
Appendix C.
Appendix D.
Appendix E.
RSA Meeting Agenda
RSA Audit Team Contact List
Detailed Crash Data
Speed Regulations
Traffic Volume Information
List of Figures
Figure 1.
Location Map ......................................................................................................................... 3
List of Tables
Table 1.
Table 2.
Table 3.
Participating Audit Team Members ....................................................................................... 1
Estimated Time Frame and Costs Breakdown ..................................................................... 11
Potential Safety Enhancement Summary ............................................................................. 14
Road Safety Audit—South Street at Crofut Street, Gamwell Avenue, Berkshire Life—Pittsfield, MA
Prepared by BETA Group, Inc.
Project Data
A Road Safety Audit for the intersections of South Street at Crofut Street, South Street at Gamwell
Avenue and South Street at Berkshire Life/Pittsfield Country Club in the City of Pittsfield was held on
March 24, 2011 at the offices of the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) in Pittsfield, MA.
As indicated in Table 1, the audit team consisted of representatives from Federal, State, Regional and
Local agencies and included a cross-section of engineering and planning expertise.
Table 1. Participating Audit Team Members
Audit Team Member
Bonnie Polin
MassDOT Highway Division – Safety Section
Richard Bertoli
Fuss & O’Neil
Jon Dietrich
Fuss & O’Neil
Doug Plachcinski
Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC)
Clete Kus
Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) – Transportation
Program Manager
Matt Billetter
City of Pittsfield – City Engineer
Promise Otaluka
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Justin Daigle
MassDOT Highway Division – District 1
Peter Frieri
MassDOT Highway Division – District 1
Pat Tierney
MassDOT Highway Division – District 1
Michael Papadoulos
MassDOT Highway Division – Project Management
Greg Lucas
BETA Group, Inc.
Christine Keches
BETA Group, Inc.
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Road Safety Audit—South Street at Crofut Street, Gamwell Avenue, Berkshire Life—Pittsfield, MA
Prepared by BETA Group, Inc.
The Federal Highway Administration defines a Road Safety Audit (RSA) as the formal safety
examination of an existing or future road or intersection by an independent, multidisciplinary team. The
purpose of an RSA is to identify potential safety issues and possible opportunities for safety
improvements considering all roadway users. A Road Safety Audit was scheduled for three intersections
along the South Street (Routes 7 & 20) corridor: South Street at Crofut Street, South Street at Gamwell
Avenue, and South Street at Berkshire Life/Pittsfield Country Club. The intersections of South Street and
Crofut Street and South Street at Berkshire Life/Pittsfield Country Club are within the top 5% of high
crash locations in the BRPC region based on geocoded crash data contained in the statewide system for
the years 2006 to 2008, and an RSA is required by MassDOT Highway Safety Improvement Program
(HSIP) guidelines. The South Street corridor is scheduled to be reconstructed in 2011 by the MassDOT
Highway Division, partially using HSIP funds. The project extends from just south of the Berkshire
Life/Pittsfield Country Club intersection to just north of Reed Street, a distance of 1.4 miles, and includes
all three study intersections. The RSA is intended to identify potential short and long term safety
improvements that can be made at the intersections, which can then be incorporated into the planned
reconstruction project to the greatest extent practicable.
Project Description
South Street, shown in Figure 1, is a major arterial serving the City of Pittsfield. South Street carries US
Routes 7 and 20 into Pittsfield from the south. Route 20 connects to the Massachusetts Turnpike to the
south, and extends westward from Pittsfield to Albany, NY. Route 7 connects to Great Barrington to the
south and extends northward past Pittsfield to Williamstown and to Bennington, VT. South Street is stateowned in Pittsfield from the Pittsfield/Lenox city/town line, north to South Mountain Road, which
includes the intersection at Berkshire Life and the Pittsfield Country Club. South Street is City-owned
from South Mountain Road north into the downtown area, where Route 20 departs South Street to the
west and South Street becomes North Street to the north.
The three signalized intersections included in the audit are discussed in detail below.
South Street/Crofut Street
South Street and Crofut Street form a 3-way Ttype intersection, with Crofut Street
approaching from the east. Crofut Street is
City-owned and is classified as an Urban
Collector, connecting to Pomeroy Street to the
east and providing a connection to residential
areas in the eastern part of Pittsfield. Land use
in the area includes a medical office building
on the southeast corner of the intersection; all
other adjacent properties are residential.
South Street at Crofut Street
(looking south)
Page 2
TE 7
TE 2
ES 7 &
Study Intersections
0 250 500
315 Norwood Park South
Norwood, MA 02062
South Street / Crofut Street
South Street / Gamwell Avenue
South Street / Berkshire Life
Figure 1
Location Map
Road Safety Audit—South Street at Crofut Street, Gamwell Avenue, Berkshire Life—Pittsfield, MA
Prepared by BETA Group, Inc.
South Street provides two lanes in each direction at the intersection, with a through lane and a left turn
lane southbound and a through lane and a right turn lane northbound. Crofut Street provides a single lane
approach. Taylor Street intersects South Street from the west approximately 120 feet south of Crofut
Street, and Bay State Road intersects South Street from the west approximately 200 feet north of Crofut
Street. Entering and exiting traffic from these side streets is potentially a factor in the crash history of the
intersection, especially during peak traffic periods when vehicle queues from Crofut Street may extend
beyond the adjacent intersecting streets.
The intersection is under traffic signal control with two phase operation, including a phase for South
Street through traffic with permissive left turns to Crofut Street, and a phase for Crofut Street which also
includes a right turn overlap for northbound right turns from South Street. There are no pushbuttons or
pedestrian indications at the intersection, although there are crosswalks across Crofut Street and across
South Street. The crosswalk across South Street does not have handicap access ramps meeting ADA
requirements. Continuous sidewalks are provided on both sides of both South Street and Crofut Street.
Pavement markings at the intersection are extremely faded.
Crash data obtained from the Pittsfield Police Department and compiled by BRPC show 52 crashes for
the period from January 2006 to October 2010. The prevalent crash type were rear-end crashes, with 13
northbound and 12 southbound on South Street in advance of the traffic signal, and another four
northbound on South Street departing the traffic signal. The collision diagram shows six of the
southbound rear-end crashes occurred at or near the stop line at Crofut Street, while six more are shown
further north and may indicate crashes between vehicles in queue during peak periods. Additionally, the
four northbound rear-end crashes departing the intersection may be related to Bay State Road traffic. A
northbound vehicles may stop quickly to allow a vehicle to pull out from Bay State Road, while a trailing
motorist does not anticipate the stop.
In addition to the rear-end crashes, there were 11 angle-type crashes at the intersection. Six of the angle
crashes occurred at Bay State Road, with a southbound through vehicle colliding with a vehicle exiting
Bay State Road. Five of the angle-type crashes occurred between a northbound through vehicle and a
vehicle exiting Crofut Street; in addition, there was one angle-type crash involving a southbound through
vehicle and a vehicle exiting Taylor Street. The intersection crash history also includes a crash involving
a pedestrian and a crash involving a bicyclist, both resulting in injury. A summary of crash data and a
collision diagram are included in the Appendix.
Speed regulations maintained by MassDOT Highway Division establish a 30 MPH speed limit for both
South Street and Crofut Street in the vicinity of the intersection. Complete speed regulations for the Route
20 corridor and for Crofut Street are included in the Appendix. The speed limit on South Street (Route
20) decreases incrementally travelling northbound throughout the proposed reconstruction project.
South Street/Gamwell Avenue
South Street and Gamwell Avenue form a 3-way, T-type intersection, with Gamwell Avenue approaching
from the west. Gamwell Avenue is City-owned and is classified as a Local Road. Gamwell Avenue
connects to a residential neighborhood with no outlet which also has connections to South Street via
unsignalized intersections at Spadina Parkway and Cole Avenue, both of which are south of Gamwell
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Road Safety Audit—South Street at Crofut Street, Gamwell Avenue, Berkshire Life—Pittsfield, MA
Prepared by BETA Group, Inc.
Avenue. Cole Avenue is one way departing South Street, and it was suggested by audit participants that
traffic generally enters the neighborhood via Cole Avenue and exits via Gamwell Avenue, a theory which
is supported by peak hour traffic count data included in the Appendix.
Land use is generally residential along
South Street south of Gamwell
Avenue, but is mixed residential,
commercial and industrial north of
Gamwell Avenue. South Street
crosses a bridge over the railroad
tracks just north of Gamwell Avenue,
and there are a number of industrial
land uses bordering the railroad rightof-way. The southbound South Street
approach to Gamwell Avenue has a
crest vertical curve to cross the
railroad bridge, but signal visibility
was observed to be generally adequate
on the day of the audit.
South Street provides two lanes
South Street at Gamwell Avenue
northbound and one lane southbound at
(looking south)
the intersection. The northbound lanes
provide a left turn lane for traffic turning to Gamwell Avenue, and a single through lane. The southbound
lane is shared by through traffic and right-turning traffic. Gamwell Avenue provides a single approach.
The intersection is under traffic signal control with two phase operation, including a phase for South
Street through traffic with permissive left turns to Gamwell Avenue, and a phase for Gamwell Avenue.
No pushbuttons or pedestrian indications are provided at the intersection. A crosswalk is provided across
Gamwell Avenue, but it lacks handicap access ramps meeting ADA requirements. A continuous sidewalk
is provided along both sides of South Street in the vicinity of Gamwell Avenue. No sidewalks are
provided on Gamwell Avenue at South Street, and no crosswalk is provided across South Street at
Gamwell Avenue. Pavement markings at the intersection are extremely faded.
Crash data obtained from the Pittsfield Police Department and compiled by BRPC show 18 crashes for
the period from February 2006 to August 2009. The prevalent crash type was rear-end, with nine
southbound and four northbound on South Street, and one on the Gamwell Avenue approach. There was
also one rear-end crash northbound on South Street beyond Gamwell Avenue, potentially caused by a
vehicle stopped to allow a vehicle to exit from the Mobil gas station or the side streets north of the
railroad overpass.
In addition to the rear-end crashes, there were two angle-type crashes and one bicycle crash at the
intersection. One of the angle-type crashes occurred between a northbound left-turning vehicle and a
southbound through vehicle, while the other occurred between a southbound through vehicle and a
vehicle exiting Gamwell Avenue. The bicycle crash is noted to have been “caused by cycling on
sidewalk” in the crash summary. The crash summary and collision diagram are included in the Appendix.
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Road Safety Audit—South Street at Crofut Street, Gamwell Avenue, Berkshire Life—Pittsfield, MA
Prepared by BETA Group, Inc.
Speed regulations maintained by MassDOT Highway Division establish a 35 MPH speed limit for South
Street in the vicinity of the intersection. Complete speed regulations for the Route 20 corridor are
included in the Appendix.
South Street/Berkshire Life/Pittsfield Country Club
South Street forms a 4-way intersection with the access driveway to the Berkshire Life office complex to
the west and the entrance to the parking area for the Pittsfield Country Club to the east. The intersection is
approximately 1,200 feet south of the intersection of South Street and South Mountain Road. South Street
south of South Mountain Road becomes more rural in nature, with sparsely spaced residential and
commercial properties, and as such there are no other properties immediately adjacent to the study
South Street provides three lanes
approaching the intersection from
both the north and the south at the
intersection. The northbound cross
section provides a left turn lane for
Berkshire Life, a through lane, and a
right turn lane for the Pittsfield
Country Club. The southbound cross
section provides a left turn lane for
the Country Club and two through
lanes. There is a short access
road/”jughandle” adjacent to South
Street that allows a southbound right
turning vehicle to turn onto the
access road and then make a right
turn onto the Berkshire Life access
South Street at Berkshire Life/Pittsfield Country Club
road, although right turns are also
(looking north)
permitted at the intersection itself. It
was suggested by audit participants
that most vehicles ignore the access road and simply turn right at the signalized intersection, and that the
access road is used primarily by both school and regional buses. The Berkshire Life driveway has a two
lane approach, which is striped with a left turn arrow and right turn arrow, with no clear indication which
lane should be used for vehicles crossing to the Pittsfield Country Club. The Pittsfield Country Club
entrance has a stop line but is essentially a driveway apron providing immediate access to the parking
area. There are perpendicular parking spaces to the right immediately upon entrance to the parking area,
and angled parking spaces along the property’s frontage. The country club has another driveway
approximately 800 feet to the north which has a small private sign indicating that it is exit only.
The intersection is under traffic signal control with two phase operation, including a phase for South
Street with permissive left turns and a phase for the Berkshire Life driveway and the Pittsfield Country
Club parking lot entrance. No advance phases are provided for left turning vehicles, although exclusive
lanes are provided. No pushbuttons or pedestrian indications are provided. A continuous sidewalk exists
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Road Safety Audit—South Street at Crofut Street, Gamwell Avenue, Berkshire Life—Pittsfield, MA
Prepared by BETA Group, Inc.
along the west side of South Street, with a crosswalk across the Berkshire Life driveway. No other
sidewalks or crosswalks exist at the intersection. Handicap access ramps are provided, although it is
unknown if they meet ADA requirements for grade and cross slope. Pavement markings at the
intersection are extremely faded.
Crash data obtained from the Pittsfield Police Department and compiled by BRPC show 13 crashes for
the period from May 2006 to November 2009. Six of the 13 crashes were rear-end crashes, four
northbound and two southbound. Two vehicles ran off the road in single-vehicle incidents. There were
two angle-type crashes at the intersection, both between a vehicle exiting Berkshire Life and a
southbound through vehicle. One sideswipe crash was reported in the vicinity of the access road entrance,
and one crash involved a pedestrian in the crosswalk who was struck by a vehicle exiting Berkshire Life.
A sign on this approach states “Caution Look Both Ways When Exiting”, and may have been put up
following the pedestrian-involved crash. It was also noted by audit participants that there was a fatal crash
near the intersection in November of 2010.
Speed regulations maintained by MassDOT Highway Division establish a 35 MPH speed limit for South
Street in the vicinity of the intersection, increasing to 45 MPH south of the intersection. Complete speed
regulations for the Route 20 corridor are included in the Appendix.
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Road Safety Audit—South Street at Crofut Street, Gamwell Avenue, Berkshire Life—Pittsfield, MA
Prepared by BETA Group, Inc.
Audit Observations
Following a brief introduction to the RSA process and a summary of existing geometry, crash and speed
regulation information, the audit participants were asked to discuss safety issues at the three subject
intersections. Audit participants then visited each of the intersections as a group, at which time they
offered observations on safety issues. A summary of those major safety considerations is as follows:
South Street/Crofut Street
Signal Equipment – It was noted that the existing overhead signals at the intersection are mounted on
a single mast arm, which does not allow the overhead signal for the southbound approach to be
located over the lane it serves. It was also suggested that backplates would improve visibility of
overhead signals.
Queuing – Audit participants familiar with the South Street corridor stated that traffic congestion is an
issue during peak periods, and that Crofut Street has the heaviest demand of all intersections included
in the South Street reconstruction project. Queuing may be a factor in the crash history at the
intersection, especially when considering the number of crashes at Bay State Road. Audit participants
also noted that the northbound queue sometimes extends past the northbound right turn lane pocket,
blocking access for vehicles intending to turn right onto Crofut Street.
Speed – It was noted that speeds along the corridor were a key concern of residents at the Design
Public Hearing for the project. A speed study done for the project found that 85th percentile speeds
along the corridor were between 33 and 37 MPH, which is consistent with the 35 MPH design speed
used by the project designer.
Lane Alignment – The northbound and southbound approaches are not well aligned with each other.
An extension of the center line from the northbound approach would meet the center of the
southbound left turn lane; if a northbound vehicle were to follow the alignment of the northbound
center line it would encroach on the southbound left turn lane. There was one head-on crash at the
intersection on the northbound departure side, but it is unknown if it was related to lane alignment.
Clearance Phase Timing – There was concern amongst audit participants that the yellow and all red
clearance time may not be sufficient. The high occurrence of rear-end crashes at the intersection may
be indicative of clearance time deficiencies.
Pedestrian Accommodations – The lack of handicap ramps and a protected pedestrian crossing were
cited as safety concerns.
Shoulder Widths – It was suggested that a consistent shoulder width should be established both to
provide more usable pavement width for vehicles and for bicycle accommodation.
Adjacent curb cuts – It was suggested that access management could be improved along the entire
South Street corridor. It was also noted that vehicles exiting the medical office building on the
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Road Safety Audit—South Street at Crofut Street, Gamwell Avenue, Berkshire Life—Pittsfield, MA
Prepared by BETA Group, Inc.
southeast corner of the intersection intending to go northbound must cross the northbound right turn
lane, creating a potential safety issue.
Pavement Markings – Pavement markings are faded at the intersection, which decreases visibility of
defined lane use.
South Street/Gamwell Avenue
Signal Equipment –It was suggested that
backplates would improve visibility of
overhead signals. It was also noted that
the signal head facing southbound traffic
mounted on the mast arm shaft on the
southwest corner of the intersection is
potentially blocked by the oppositefacing post-mounted signal head on the
northwest corner of the intersection.
Clearance Phase Timing – There was
concern amongst audit participants that
the all red clearance time is not
sufficient. The high occurrence of rearend crashes at the intersection may be
indicative of clearance time deficiencies.
Mast arm shaft mounted signal head (on right)
potentially blocked by post mounted signal head
in foreground
Shoulder Widths – It was suggested that
a consistent shoulder width should be
established both to provide more usable
pavement width for vehicles and for bicycle accommodation.
Pedestrian Accommodations – The lack of handicap ramps and a protected pedestrian crossing were
cited as safety concerns.
Visibility Restrictions – The prevalence of southbound rear-end crashes at this intersection suggests
potential visibility issues related to the crest vertical curve created by the railroad crossing. The audit
site visit, however, revealed that visibility of both the overhead signal head and of stopped vehicles is
adequate for approaching southbound traffic. It was noted that right turns on red are currently allowed
for vehicles exiting Gamwell Avenue, which may contribute to the history of rear-end crashes.
Queuing/Turning Conflicts – The commercial properties and side streets north of Gamwell Avenue
create a demand for both left and right turns along the corridor, which may contribute to the crash
history at the intersection.
Pavement Markings – Pavement markings are faded at the intersection, which decreases visibility of
defined lane use.
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Road Safety Audit—South Street at Crofut Street, Gamwell Avenue, Berkshire Life—Pittsfield, MA
Prepared by BETA Group, Inc.
South Street/Berkshire Life/Pittsfield Country Club
Signal Equipment – Existing signal lenses for the Berkshire Life and Pittsfield Country Club are 8”
diameter, which should be replaced with standard 12” lenses. It was also suggested that backplates
would improve visibility of overhead signals.
Pedestrian Accommodations – The lack of handicap ramps and a protected pedestrian crossing were
cited as safety concerns.
Speed – Speeds along the entire corridor were noted as a safety issue, and it was also noted that
vehicle speeds near the Berkshire Life/Pittsfield Country Club intersection are typically higher due to
the more rural nature of the roadway.
Shoulder Widths – It was suggested that a consistent shoulder width should be established both to
provide more usable pavement width for vehicles and for bicycle accommodation.
Access Road/Jughandle confusion – It was suggested that the access road/jughandle may create
confusion for drivers, and that regular users of the intersection simply turn right at the signal and
avoid the access road. It was also noted that there is no deceleration taper or other accommodation for
right turning vehicles using the access road.
Northbound Left Turn Lane – It was noted that the northbound right turn lane does not have a
consistent width or proper deceleration tapers.
Pavement Markings – Pavement markings are faded at the intersection, which decreases visibility of
defined lane use.
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Road Safety Audit—South Street at Crofut Street, Gamwell Avenue, Berkshire Life—Pittsfield, MA
Prepared by BETA Group, Inc.
Potential Safety Enhancements
After the site visit, audit participants returned to the meeting location to discuss the safety issues and
consider improvements. Audit participants were encouraged to consider both short and long term
improvements for each issue. Each improvement considered has been categorized as short-term, midterm, or long-term based on the definitions shown in Table 2. Additionally, a cost category has been
assigned to each improvement based on the parameters set forth in Table 2.
Table 2. Estimated Time Frame and Costs Breakdown
Time Frame
<1 year
1–3 years
>3 years
The audit team first focused on proposed improvements which are already incorporated or should be
incorporated into the planned corridor reconstruction project, which address several of the issues
discussed during the audit. A summary of these improvements follows. Improvements related to
signalization are to be included at all three audit locations.
Provide new signal equipment at all existing signalized intersections within the project limits. Signal
reconstruction at each location will include a full upgrade with modern signal equipment. Signal head
locations should be reviewed to ensure that they conform to MassDOT standards.
Include 12” LED lenses for all signal heads. The project will include new 12” LED signal lenses for
all signal heads, replacing the existing 8” lenses at the Berkshire Life/Pittsfield Country Club
Include backplates on all overhead-mounted signal heads. This will increase visibility of overhead
signals for approaching vehicles.
Apply new pavement markings and arrow/only markings at all intersections. New pavement markings
will be applied along the entire corridor, with new arrow and only markings for all dedicated turn
Provide wheelchair ramps, crosswalks and pedestrian signal accommodations. All signalized
intersections should have pedestrian signals with an exclusive pedestrian signal phase. Crosswalks at
Crofut Street, Gamwell Avenue and Berkshire Life should be maintained, and crosswalks across
South Street should be provided at all three intersections. Handicap access ramps with grades and
cross slopes meeting ADA requirements should be provided at all crosswalk locations.
Study clearance times. The existing yellow and all red clearance times should be determined from the
existing traffic signal controller and compared to minimum requirements calculated based on the
Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) methodology. If existing clearance times are insufficient,
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Road Safety Audit—South Street at Crofut Street, Gamwell Avenue, Berkshire Life—Pittsfield, MA
Prepared by BETA Group, Inc.
clearance times should be increased accordingly. This change in clearance times could reduce the
number of rear-end crashes occurring at the intersection. This is a short-term, low cost improvement
that could be done in advance of planned improvements. Clearance times for the proposed geometry
should also be calculated according to ITE methodology as part of planned improvements.
Provide a consistent five-foot shoulder for bicycle accommodation. The proposed project will
maintain a minimum five-foot shoulder width along the entire corridor, which meets MassDOT
minimum requirements for bicycle accommodation.
Provide emergency pre-emption. Although not specifically discussed as a safety issue, the proposed
project will include pre-emption for emergency vehicles at all signalized locations. It was noted that
Pittsfield fire vehicles have pre-emption emitters, as do most private ambulance services in the area.
Provide full actuation at all traffic signals. It was noted that all existing signals are semi-actuated,
with detection on the side street only. All proposed signals will be fully actuated, with detection on
the main line and the side street.
Increase speed enforcement along the corridor. The existing speed regulations established by
MassDOT along the corridor are consistent with the design speed of the proposed project and with
85th percentile speeds recorded during the project development process. Additional enforcement is a
short-term improvement with no cost, except for the cost of potential reduced enforcement elsewhere.
Additional improvements were suggested for each audit intersection.
South Street/Crofut Street
Extend the northbound right turn lane. It was noted that queues during peak periods block entry to the
northbound right turn lane. The proposed project will maintain and extend this right turn lane, while
maintaining proper entry tapers.
Align double yellow centerlines to avoid an overlap between the northbound through lane and the
southbound left turn lane. The proposed project will maintain the southbound left turn lane, and will
provide a channelizing island on the northbound side opposite the left turn lane. This will improve the
alignment of the through lanes in both directions.
Consider closing curb cut to the medical office building on the southeast corner. A potential safety
issue is created because vehicles exiting the driveway onto South Street must cross the right turn lane
to go north. An audit participant who is also a user of the facility suggested that vehicles intending to
go north on South Street may exit the facility via the Crofut Street driveway, turning left onto Crofut
Street and then right at the signal onto South Street. The City may wish to discuss a temporary or
permanent closure of this driveway with the property owner. This is a short-term, low cost
improvement that can be done independently of the proposed project.
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Road Safety Audit—South Street at Crofut Street, Gamwell Avenue, Berkshire Life—Pittsfield, MA
Prepared by BETA Group, Inc.
South Street/Gamwell Avenue
Restrict right turns on red exiting Gamwell Avenue. Currently, right turns on red are allowed for
vehicles exiting Gamwell Avenue. It was noted that the exiting geometry may restrict the abilitity of a
southbound vehicle to see a vehicle exiting Gamwell Avenue, and that right turns on red should be
restricted to remove this potential conflict point. This could be done immediately by the City as a low
cost short-term improvement, and is already planned to be incorporated into the proposed project.
Consider restricting permissive left turns from South Street to Gamwell Avenue, and allowing
protected left turns only. The phasing concept developed as part of the proposed project has
protected/permissive phasing for the northbound left turn onto Gamwell Avenue. The designer should
verify that this safety improvement will not result in operational deficiencies that outweigh the safety
Consider potential blockages in placement of proposed signal equipment. The existing signal head on
the mast arm shaft on the southwest corner is potentially blocked by the signal post on the northwest
corner of the intersection. The location of proposed equipment should be reviewed so that similar
conflicts do not exist.
Include exclusive turn lanes along South Street for side streets north of Gamwell Avenue. The
proposed project will include unsignalized turn lanes at Industrial Drive and Underhill Place north of
Gamwell Avenue. This will remove turning vehicles from the traffic stream, and may help reduce the
number of rear-end crashes along the corridor.
South Street/Berkshire Life/Pittsfield Country Club
Improve northbound right turn lane. It was noted that the northbound right turn lane into the Pittsfield
Country Club lacks proper tapers and does not have a consistent width. This right turn is to be
maintained in the proposed design, and the project should provide a consistent width for the length of
the turn lane and proper deceleration tapers.
Improve entrance to access road/jughandle. It was noted that there is no deceleration taper for
southbound right turning vehicles at the entrance to the access road. After further discussion, it was
determined that most users do not use the access road for right turns into Berkshire Life, and that
there was no crash history indicating a problem at this entrance. Therefore, there is no need for
specific upgrades at this location.
Summary of Road Safety Audit
Table 3 summarizes potential recommendations discussed by the audit team. The recommendations are
categorized based on the potential safety payoff, as well as by time frame and cost. The safety payoff is a
qualitative judgment of the effectiveness of the potential safety improvements. Each recommendation has
a responsibility assigned to it stating whether MassDOT or the City of Pittsfield would be responsible for
implementing the recommended improvement. The term “Project” refers to improvements that are
assumed to be included or could reasonably be accommodated as part of planned improvements.
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Road Safety Audit—South Street at Crofut Street, Gamwell Avenue, Berkshire Life—Pittsfield, MA
Prepared by BETA Group, Inc.
Table 3. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary
Safety Issue
Safety Enhancement
Safety Payoff
Time Frame
All Locations
Signal Equipment,
Reconstruct traffic signal with new equipment, including
mast arms, signal heads with 12” LED lenses and
backplates, pedestrian accommodations, loop
detectors, and emergency pre-emption equipment.
Pavement Markings
Reapply pavement markings.
Clearance Phase
Study existing clearance times and make changes, if
appropriate. Clearance time calculations should also be
performed as part of the proposed improvements.
$2,000 (City)
Provide handicap access ramps meeting ADA
requirements at all proposed crosswalks.
Increase speed enforcement along the corridor.
Use of police
Shoulder Widths
Widen shoulders to 5’ on South Street throughout
project limits to provide bicycle accommodation.
South Street at Crofut Street
Extend the northbound right turn lane at Crofut Street,
maintaining proper entry tapers.
Lane Alignment
Align centerlines to avoid an overlap between the
northbound through lane and southbound left turn lane.
(The project designer noted that they are providing a
small shelter island area of undetermined material to
improve lane alignment.)
$200 (City)
Adjacent Curb Cuts
Consider closing curb cut on South Street for the
medical office building on the southeast corner of the
South Street at Gamwell Avenue
Restrict right turns on red exiting Gamwell Avenue.
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Road Safety Audit—South Street at Crofut Street, Gamwell Avenue, Berkshire Life—Pittsfield, MA
Prepared by BETA Group, Inc.
Table 3. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary
Safety Issue
Safety Enhancement
Safety Payoff
Time Frame
Consider restricting permissive left turns from South
Street to Gamwell Avenue, and allowing protected left
turns only.
Signal Equipment
Consider potential blockages in placement of proposed
signal equipment.
Include exclusive turn lanes for side streets north of
Gamwell Avenue.
South Street at Berkshire Life/Pittsfield Country Club
Northbound Right Turn Improve northbound right turn lane, establishing a
consistent width and a proper deceleration taper.
These improvements were not part of the proposed project as described and should be included in the next submission. All other “Project”
safety enhancements are assumed to already be included in the proposed improvements.
** Improvements to be incorporated into the proposed project are assumed to be included as part of the overall project cost.
Page 15
Road Safety Audit—South Street at Crofut Street, Gamwell Avenue, Berkshire Life—Pittsfield, MA
Prepared by BETA Group, Inc.
Appendix A. RSA Meeting Agenda
Road Safety Audit
South Street at Crofut Street
South Street at Berkshire Life
South Street at Gamwell
Meeting Location: Berkshire Regional Planning Commission
1 Fenn Street, Suite 201
Thursday, March 24, 2011
10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Type of meeting:
High Crash Location – Road Safety Audit
Invited Participants to Comprise a Multidisciplinary Team
Please bring:
Thoughts and Enthusiasm!!
10:00 AM
Welcome and Introductions
10:15 AM
Review of Site Specific Material
Crash, Speed & Volume Summaries– provided in advance
Existing Geometries and Conditions
11:15 AM
Visit the Site
Drive to the intersection of South Street/Crofut Street (if time permits, also
evaluate South Street at Berkshire Life and South Street at Gamwell)
As a group, identify areas for improvement
12:00 noon
Post Visit Discussion / Completion of RSA
Discuss observations and finalize findings
Discuss potential improvements and finalize recommendations
1:00 PM
Adjourn for the Day – but the RSA has not ended
Instructions for Participants:
Before attending the RSA on March 24th, participants are encouraged to drive
through the intersection and complete/consider elements on the RSA Prompt List
with a focus on safety.
All participants will be actively involved in the process throughout. Participants
are encouraged to come with thoughts and ideas, but are reminded that the
synergy that develops and respect for others’ opinions are key elements to the
success of the overall RSA process.
After the RSA meeting, participants will be asked to comment and respond to the
document materials to assure it is reflective of the RSA completed by the
multidisciplinary team.
Road Safety Audit—South Street at Crofut Street, Gamwell Avenue, Berkshire Life—Pittsfield, MA
Prepared by BETA Group, Inc.
Appendix B. RSA Audit Team Contact List
Road Safety Audit—South Street at Crofut Street, Gamwell Avenue, Berkshire Life—Pittsfield, MA
Prepared by BETA Group, Inc.
Appendix C. Detailed Crash Data
Road Safety Audit—South Street at Crofut Street, Gamwell Avenue, Berkshire Life—Pittsfield, MA
Prepared by BETA Group, Inc.
Appendix D. Speed Regulations
Road Safety Audit—South Street at Crofut Street, Gamwell Avenue, Berkshire Life—Pittsfield, MA
Prepared by BETA Group, Inc.
Appendix E. Traffic Volume Information