ROAD SAFETY AUDIT North Street/Wahconah Street (Lower)/Burbank Street City of Pittsfield

North Street/Wahconah Street (Lower)/Burbank Street
City of Pittsfield
January 2010
Prepared for:
Massachusetts Department of Transportation
Prepared by:
Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates
38 Chauncy Street
Boston, MA 02111
Road Safety Audit— North Street/Wahconah Street (Lower)/Burbank Street, Pittsfield
Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.
Table of Contents
Background .................................................................................................................................2
Project Data.................................................................................................................................2
Project Location Description .....................................................................................................3
Road Safety Audit Observations ...............................................................................................5
Safety Issue #1.
Safety Issue #2.
Safety Issue #3.
Safety Issue #4.
Safety Issue #5.
Safety Issue #6.
Safety Issue #7.
Safety Issue #8.
Intersection Geometry......................................................................................... 6
Intersection Control ............................................................................................ 8
Sight Distance ..................................................................................................... 9
Lighting............................................................................................................. 10
Pavement Markings .......................................................................................... 11
Signage ............................................................................................................. 12
Pedestrian Accommodations............................................................................. 13
Speed................................................................................................................. 14
Recommendations .....................................................................................................................15
List of Appendices
Appendix A.
Appendix B.
Appendix C.
Appendix D.
RSA Meeting Agenda
RSA Audit Team Contact List
Detailed Crash Data
Additional Information
List of Figures
Figure 1.
Locus Map.............................................................................................................................. 4
List of Tables
Table 1.
Table 2.
Participating Audit Team Members ....................................................................................... 2
Proposed Safety Enhancement Summary............................................................................. 16
Page i
Road Safety Audit—North Street/Wahconah Street (Lower)/Burbank Street, Pittsfield
Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.
The intersection of North Street/Wahconah Street (Lower)/Burbank Street is within the Top 5% of High
Crash Locations in the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) area. The intersection is
currently in preliminary design—with 25% Design, funded by the City of Pittsfield, scheduled for
completion in February or March 2010. The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT)
has determined that the City would be eligible to receive Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP)
funding for reconstruction of the intersection if a Road Safety Audit (RSA) were conducted and the
proposed design incorporated safety improvements identified in the RSA.
Project Data
The audit team conducted an RSA for the intersection of North Street/Wahconah Street (Lower)/Burbank
Street in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, on Wednesday, January 27, 2010. The RSA agenda appears in
Appendix A. Table 1 lists the audit team members and their affiliations. Appendix B provides contact
information for all team members.
Table 1. Participating Audit Team Members
Audit Team Member
David Dasksal
Anuja Koirala
Matt Billetter
Peter Frieri
Pat Tierney
Marc Maddalena
Mark Trapani
Jon Dietrich
Roger Barzousky
Joseph Carchedi
Tom Romeo
Joe LaRoche
Tim White
Lisa Schletzbaum
Bonnie Polin
Rick Latini
Joseph SanClemente
Berkshire Regional Planning Commission
Berkshire Regional Planning Commission
City of Pittsfield
MassDOT Highway Division
MassDOT Highway Division
Pittsfield Police Department
Pittsfield Police Department
Fuss & O’Neill
City of Pittsfield
Pittsfield Fire Department
Berkshire Health Systems
Berkshire Health Systems
Federal Highway Administration
MassDOT Highway Division Safety Section
MassDOT Highway Division Safety Section
Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates
Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates
Page 2
Road Safety Audit—North Street/Wahconah Street (Lower)/Burbank Street, Pittsfield
Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.
Project Location Description
The intersection of North Street/Wahconah Street (Lower)/Burbank Street is located in the City of
Pittsfield, as shown in the aerial image in Figure 1; the intersection is currently unsignalized. The
Berkshire Medical Center is located to the north of the intersection.
Prior to the RSA, in order to begin assessing possible safety issues, the team reviewed collision diagrams
and a crash detail summary based on crash records supplied by the Pittsfield Police Department. Of
17 crashes related to the intersection from 2005 through 2007, 8 (approximately 47%) were angle crashes
and 6 (approximately 35%) were rear-end type crashes. A high percentage of crashes occurred on wet
pavement (4, or nearly 24%), snow/slush (2, or 12%), or sand/mud/dirt/gravel conditions (1, or 6%).
Crashes typically occurred during daylight hours (13, or 77%). Crashes most commonly occurred when
vehicles exited Wahconah Street onto North Street. Appendix C provides the detailed intersection
crash data from 2005 through 2007. Other intersection data such as traffic volumes are presented in
Appendix D.
The intersection is the junction of the following roadways, which are categorized according to
Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) Office of Transportation Planning functional
North Street is an urban principal arterial owned by the City. North Street runs north–south and connects
downtown Pittsfield and Lanesborough, Massachusetts; north of First Street, North Street is designated as
Route 7. North Street consists of 2 travel lanes in the northbound direction and 1 travel lane in the
southbound direction. Per the speed regulations, the speed limit on North Street is not regulated in the
vicinity of the intersection; however, because the intersection is located in a thickly settled/business
district, the speed limit can be assumed to be 30 miles per hour (mph). No speed limit signs are posted in
the vicinity of the intersection.
Wahconah Street (Lower) is an urban minor arterial owned by the City. Wahconah Street generally
consists of 1 travel lane in each direction. The Wahconah Street southeast-bound approach at North
Street operates under stop control and consists of 1 exclusive left-turn lane and 1 exclusive right-turn
lane; however, vehicles in the left-turn lane can also travel through the intersection to Burbank Street
Burbank Street is an urban minor arterial owned by the City; it consists of 1 lane in the eastbound
Page 3
Road Safety Audit—North Street/Wahconah Street (Lower)/Burbank Street, Pittsfield
Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.
Figure 1.
Locus Map
Not to scale.
Road Safety Audit—North Street/Wahconah Street (Lower)/Burbank Street, Pittsfield
Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.
Road Safety Audit Observations
Based on field observations on Wednesday, January 27, 2010, and subsequent discussions, the RSA team
determined that the intersection has the following issues that affect safety:
Complexity of the intersection geometry;
Limited sight distance;
Faded pavement markings;
Unclear, damaged, and insufficient signage;
Limited pedestrian accommodations; and
Vehicle speeds.
The following sections describe in more detail the safety issues and enhancements determined during
the RSA. Several of these issues require further study and engineering judgment to determine the
feasibility of implementing enhancements to address them.
Page 5
Road Safety Audit—North Street/Wahconah Street (Lower)/Burbank Street, Pittsfield
Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.
Safety Issue #1. Intersection Geometry
Field observations by RSA team
members indicate that awkward
intersection geometry may contribute
to the occurrence of crashes at this
intersection location. Wahconah Street
intersects North Street at a fairly steep
vertical incline and at an acute angle,
resulting in slower acceleration rates
and making it difficult for motorists to
perceive and react to vehicles traveling
on North Street. At this intersection,
nearly 65% of the crashes from 2005
through 2007 involved vehicles exiting
Wahconah Street onto North Street.
Police noted that most of these crashes Looking southeast-bound on Wahconah Street.
occurred when one of the drivers made
an improper turn or failed to yield the right-of-way.
The vertical alignment of North Street has a steep downward grade in the northbound direction
before leveling off at the intersection. According to police reports, 3 crashes occurred at the
North Street approach on either wet (2 rear-end, or 12%) or snow-covered pavement (1 fixed
object, or 6%). In addition to the roadway conditions and the steep vertical alignment, these
crashes are probably attributable to motorists following the vehicle in front of them too closely.
Burbank Street is slightly offset to the north of the intersection, making it more difficult for
motorists to maneuver safely onto Burbank Street from Wahconah Street.
RSA team members also noted that trucks (e.g., tractor trailers, fire trucks) traveling on North
Street southbound have difficulty making a right turn onto Wahconah Street.
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Road Safety Audit—North Street/Wahconah Street (Lower)/Burbank Street, Pittsfield
Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.
1. Evaluate the feasibility of reconstructing the intersection to reduce the offset alignment of
Burbank Street and to reduce the angle at which Wahconah Street intersects North Street.
An RSA team member from the Berkshire Medical Center indicated that they would be
willing to consider options for improving intersection geometry that may result in shifting
right-of-way onto the Medical Center property.
2. Provide adequate turning radii to accommodate truck (e.g., tractor trailers, fire trucks)
access through the intersection. Modifications to turning radii (i.e., larger radii) should
also take into consideration the potential for higher vehicle speeds through the
3. Changes to the intersection should take into consideration potential circulation changes
(e.g., closure of North Street [north of Tyler Street] to through traffic).
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Road Safety Audit—North Street/Wahconah Street (Lower)/Burbank Street, Pittsfield
Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.
Safety Issue #2. Intersection Control
At this intersection, approximately 47% of crashes were the result of drivers failing to yield the
right-of-way or other improper driving action. Field observations indicate that the awkward
intersection geometry combined with relatively high turning volumes and limited sight distance at
this intersection may lead to driver error.
In addition, pedestrian activity generated by the Berkshire Medical Center during peak demand
periods (i.e., shift changes, lunch time) creates significant vehicle–pedestrian conflicts at the
intersection, according to RSA team members; two crashes (or approximately 12%) at this
intersection involved pedestrians. The Berkshire Medical Center also generates a significant
level of emergency vehicle activity through the intersection.
An RSA team member also noted conflicts between vehicles exiting Wahconah Street to North
Street northbound and vehicles merging into the left lane on North Street to avoid the northbound
right-turn-only lane at the Tyler Street intersection.
1. Consider changing the control of the intersection (i.e., signalization) to reduce angle
crashes, clarify control, and to serve better the peak pedestrian demand generated by the
Berkshire Medical Center.
2. If a traffic signal is installed, pedestrian actuation and phasing should be included to
improve safety for pedestrians crossing at the intersection. See Safety Issue #7 for
additional information regarding pedestrian accommodation.
3. If a traffic signal is installed, include emergency pre-emption and consider hard-wire to
the Fire Department to allow the intersection to clear in advance of emergency vehicles.
4. If a traffic signal is installed, consider the vertical alignment of the intersection
approaches when developing yellow clearance times.
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Road Safety Audit—North Street/Wahconah Street (Lower)/Burbank Street, Pittsfield
Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.
Safety Issue #3. Sight Distance
Sight distance at the Wahconah Street
southeast-bound approach is
significantly constrained by the
presence of a light pole, signage, a tree,
and other landscape elements at the
northwest corner of the intersection.
Sight distance is also reduced by the
presence of a Berkshire Regional
Transit Authority (BRTA) bus shelter
located adjacent to the North Street
southbound travel lane. RSA team
members noted that sight distance is
further constrained when buses are
servicing the stop in the southbound
Obstructed sight line at the northwest corner of
the intersection.
RSA team members also noted that vehicles in the 2 Wahconah Street southeast-bound
approaches block each other’s sight lines.
1. Remove/relocate obstructions at the northwest corner of the intersection to improve
sight lines.
2. Evaluate the feasibility of relocating the BRTA bus stop (and shelter) to the south side of
the intersection, while considering the potential increase in pedestrian demand across
Wahconah Street between the bus stop and the Berkshire Medical Center as a result of
the relocation.
3. Consider introducing traffic signal control to lessen the effects of the sight distance
limitations on the Wahconah Street southeastbound approach.
Page 9
Road Safety Audit—North Street/Wahconah Street (Lower)/Burbank Street, Pittsfield
Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.
Safety Issue #4. Lighting
According to police reports, nearly
18% of crashes between 2005 and
2007 occurred during dark-lighted
conditions. An RSA team member
noted that, while some street lights are
provided, overhead lighting may still
be inadequate; however, field
calculations and/or measurements were
not taken at the time of the RSA.
Streetlight along the east side of North Street.
1. Ensure that adequate street lighting is incorporated in the redesign of the intersection.
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Road Safety Audit—North Street/Wahconah Street (Lower)/Burbank Street, Pittsfield
Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.
Safety Issue #5. Pavement Markings
Pavement markings at the intersection
are either worn or missing—adding to
the confusion of motorists navigating
through the intersection and reducing
the visibility of the existing pedestrian
The RSA team also noted that pavement conditions are generally poor
in the vicinity of the intersection,
introducing an additional potential
hazard for cyclists and pedestrians
crossing the street.
Faded pavement markings and cracked pavement.
1. Re-stripe and maintain durable pavement markings at the intersection.
2. Fill potholes.
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Road Safety Audit—North Street/Wahconah Street (Lower)/Burbank Street, Pittsfield
Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.
Safety Issue #6. Signage
The RSA team noted that several
signposts are leaning, twisted, and/or
missing signs. On the North Street
northbound approach, sign clutter and
placement make it difficult for drivers
to read; pedestrian crossing signage is
redundant and/or misplaced.
Pedestrian crossing signage is missing
on the North Street southbound
Advance warning signage for the steep
vertical alignment on the North Street
northbound approach is also missing.
Sign clutter on North Street northbound.
1. Replace damaged signposts and signage.
2. Remove redundant signage and reorganize signage, where appropriate, to reduce sign
clutter on the North Street northbound approach.
3. Provide pedestrian crossing signage on the North Street southbound approach in the short
term (unsignalized condition).
4. Provide advance vertical grade warning signage such as W7-1 or W7-1a on the North
Street northbound approach per Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)
Section 2C.16.
Page 12
Road Safety Audit—North Street/Wahconah Street (Lower)/Burbank Street, Pittsfield
Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.
Safety Issue #7. Pedestrian Accommodations
The Berkshire Medical Center is
located on the northwest corner of the
intersection and generates a significant
level of pedestrian activity at the
intersection, particularly during shift
changes and lunch time. RSA team
members also noted that the Medical
Center’s credit union located on the
southeast corner of the intersection
generates additional pedestrian demand
across North Street. According to
police records, 2 of the 17 reported
crashes at the intersection involved
pedestrians. A pedestrian was hit
Sidewalk looking southbound on North Street.
during 1 of the crashes; in a second
crash, a vehicle stopping for a
pedestrian in the Wahconah Street crosswalk was rear-ended by a second vehicle; both crashes
occurred during daylight conditions and involved vehicles traveling southbound on North Street.
According to an RSA team member, pedestrians often do not use the crosswalks to cross the
roadways in the vicinity of the intersection and/or do not look/verify when it is safe to cross.
1. Consider providing a protected pedestrian phase (vs. concurrent) if the intersection
is signalized.
2. Evaluate the appropriateness of a right turn on red at the intersection through a review of
vehicular turning movement volumes and pedestrian demand during peak periods (e.g.,
Medical Center shift changes, lunch time, etc.), if the intersection is signalized.
3. Improve pedestrian behavior through enforcement and education (e.g., better signage, the
Berkshire Medical Center could provide employees and visitors with information of
where it is safe to cross to access the Medical Center/Garage).
4. Restrict pedestrian movements where unsafe if the intersection is reconstructed.
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Road Safety Audit—North Street/Wahconah Street (Lower)/Burbank Street, Pittsfield
Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.
Safety Issue #8. Speed
Speed regulations are currently not provided/documented on North Street south of Tyler Street,
nor are speed limits posted in the vicinity of the intersection. Since no speed regulations exist, it
goes by the prima facie speed of 30 mph in a thickly settled or business district per MGL Ch. 90,
RSA team members noted that the grade on North Street (entering the intersection) and
Wahconah Street (exiting the intersection), combined with the wide roadway cross-section on
North Street, contributes to higher vehicle speeds through the intersection and may contribute to
the high incidence of crashes at this location.
1. Enforce the prima facie speed of 30 mph in the vicinity of the intersection through the use
of either speed trailers or uniformed officers.
Page 14
Road Safety Audit—North Street/Wahconah Street (Lower)/Burbank Street, Pittsfield
Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.
Based on its observations and discussions, the RSA team identified the issues and possible enhancements
that could improve the safety at the intersection of North Street/Wahconah Street (Lower)/Burbank Street
in Pittsfield, Massachusetts.
Short-term recommendations include:
Remove/relocate obstructions at the northwest corner of the intersection to improve sight lines.
Reduce sign clutter and replace damaged/missing signs.
Enforce speed limits on North Street.
To enhance the safety of the intersection of North Street/Wahconah Street (Lower)/Burbank Street, the
long-term recommendations are to:
Improve the intersection geometry and
Install a traffic signal.
Further study and design work need to be conducted to determine the feasibility of making such
improvements to the intersection. Future redesign efforts should also evaluate the appropriateness of
providing bicycle accommodations.
Table 2 summarizes these safety issues, possible enhancements, estimated safety payoff, time frame, cost,
and responsibility. Safety payoff estimates are based on the approximate percent of crashes reduced by
enhancement and are categorized as low (<30%), medium (30% to 70%), and high (>70%). The time
frame is categorized as short-term (<1 year), mid-term (1 to 3 years), or long-term (typically >3 years).
Long-term improvements are typically considered to be substantial improvements with an expected
timeframe for implementation greater than 3 years; however, if improvements to the intersection of North
street/Wahconah Street (Lower)/Burbank Street is selected as an HSIP project, then redesign of the
intersection would be advertised for construction in FFY 2010. The costs are categorized as low
(<$10,000), medium ($10,001 to $50,000), or high (>$50,000).
It is the responsibility of the City of Pittsfield to ensure that the designer incorporates the relevant safety
enhancements identified as part of this RSA.
Page 15
Road Safety Audit— North Street/Wahconah Street (Lower)/Burbank Street, Pittsfield
Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.
Table 2. Proposed Safety Enhancement Summary
Safety Issue
Intersection Geometry
Intersection Control
Safety Enhancement
Evaluate the feasibility of reconstructing the intersection to
reduce the offset alignment of Burbank Street and to reduce the
angle at which Wahconah Street intersects North Street. An
RSA team member from the Berkshire Medical Center indicated
that they would be willing to consider options for improving
intersection geometry that may result in shifting right-of-way onto
the Medical Center property
Provide adequate turning radii to accommodate truck (e.g.,
tractor trailers, fire trucks) access through the intersection.
Modifications to turning radii (i.e., larger radii) should also take
into consideration the potential for higher vehicle speeds through
the intersection.
Changes to the intersection should take into consideration
potential circulation changes (e.g., closure of North Street [north
of Tyler Street] to through traffic).
Consider changing the control of the intersection (i.e.,
signalization) to reduce angle crashes, clarify control, and to
better serve the peak pedestrian demand generated by the
Berkshire Medical Center.
If a traffic signal is installed, pedestrian actuation and phasing
should be included to improve safety for pedestrians crossing at
the intersection.
If a traffic signal is installed, include emergency pre-emption and
consider hard-wire to the Fire Department to allow the
intersection to clear in advance of emergency vehicles
If a traffic signal is installed, consider the vertical alignment of
the intersection approaches when developing yellow clearance
Current Design
City of Pittsfield
Needs to be
City of Pittsfield
Needs to be
City of Pittsfield
Needs to be
City of Pittsfield
Signal included
City of Pittsfield
Needs to be
City of Pittsfield
Needs to be
City of Pittsfield
Needs to be
Page 16
Road Safety Audit— North Street/Wahconah Street (Lower)/Burbank Street, Pittsfield
Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.
Safety Issue
Sight Distance
Pavement markings
Safety Enhancement
Remove/relocate obstructions at the northwest corner of the
intersection to improve sight lines.
Evaluate the feasibility of relocating the BRTA bus stop (and
shelter) to the south side of the intersection, while considering
the potential increase in pedestrian demand across Wahconah
Street between the bus stop and the Berkshire Medical Center
as a result of the relocation.
Consider introducing traffic signal control to lessen the effects of
the sight distance limitations on the Wahconah Street
southeastbound approach.
Ensure that adequate street lighting is incorporated in the
redesign of the intersection.
Re-stripe and maintain durable pavement markings at the
City of Pittsfield
Current Design
Needs to be
City of Pittsfield
Needs to be
City of Pittsfield
Needs to be
City of Pittsfield
Needs to be
City of Pittsfield
City of Pittsfield
City of Pittsfield
Needs to be
Fill potholes.
Replace damaged signposts and signage.
Remove redundant signage and reorganize signage, where
appropriate, to reduce sign clutter on the North Street
northbound approach.
Provide pedestrian crossing signage on the North Street
southbound approach in the short term (unsignalized condition).
Provide advance vertical grade warning signage such as W7-1
or W7-1a on the North Street northbound approach per Manual
on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) Section 2C.16.
City of Pittsfield
Needs to be
City of Pittsfield
Needs to be
City of Pittsfield
Needs to be
Page 17
Road Safety Audit— North Street/Wahconah Street (Lower)/Burbank Street, Pittsfield
Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.
Safety Issue
Safety Enhancement
Consider providing a protected pedestrian phase (vs.
concurrent) if the intersection is signalized.
Evaluate the appropriateness of a right turn on red at the
intersection through a review of vehicular turning movement
volumes and pedestrian demand during peak periods (e.g.,
Medical Center shift changes, lunch time, etc.), if the intersection
is signalized.
Improve pedestrian behavior through enforcement and
education (e.g., better signage, the Berkshire Medical Center
could provide employees and visitors with information of where it
is safe to cross to access the Medical Center/Garage).
Restrict pedestrian movements where unsafe.
Enforce the prima facie speed of 30 mph through use of a speed
trailer or uniformed officers.
Current Design
Needs to be
City of Pittsfield
City of Pittsfield
Needs to be
City of
Medical Center
Needs to be
City of Pittsfield
Needs to be
City of Pittsfield
Page 18
Road Safety Audit— North Street/Wahconah Street (Lower)/Burbank Street, Pittsfield
Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.
Appendix A. RSA Meeting Agenda
Road Safety Audit
Pittsfield – North Street / Wahconah Street (Lower)
Meeting Location: Pittsfield City Hall, 70 Allen Street, Room 203
Wednesday, January 27th, 2010
11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Type of meeting:
Possible Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Location –
Road Safety Audit
Invited Participants to Comprise a Multidisciplinary Team
Please bring:
Thoughts and Enthusiasm!!
11:00 AM
Welcome and Introductions
11:15 AM
Review of Site Specific Material
 Crash, Speed & Volume Summaries
 Existing Geometries and Conditions
11:45 AM
Visit the Site
 Drive/walk to the intersection Wahconah Street / North Street
 As a group, identify areas for improvement
12:30 PM
Completion of RSA
 Finalize discussion on all areas for improvement
 Discuss potential improvements with pros and cons and record possible
1:00 PM
Adjourn for the Day – but the RSA has not ended
Instructions for Participants:
 Before attending the RSA on January 27th, participants are encouraged to drive /
walk through the intersection and complete/consider elements on the RSA Prompt
List with a focus on safety.
 All participants will be actively involved in the process throughout. Participants
are encouraged to come with thoughts and ideas, but are reminded that the
synergy that develops and respect for others’ opinions are key elements to the
success of the overall RSA process.
 After the RSA meeting, participants will be asked to comment and respond to the
document materials to assure it is reflective of the RSA completed by the
multidisciplinary team.
Road Safety Audit— North Street/Wahconah Street (Lower)/Burbank Street, Pittsfield
Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.
Appendix B. RSA Audit Team Contact List
Road Safety Audit— North Street/Wahconah Street (Lower)/Burbank Street, Pittsfield
Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.
Participating Audit Team Members
January 27, 2010
Location: Pittsfield City Hall, 70 Allen Street, Room 203
Audit Team Members Agency/Affiliation
E-mail Address
David Dasksal
Berkshire Regional Planning Commission
Anuja Koirala
Berkshire Regional Planning Commission
Matt Billetter
City of Pittsfield
Peter Frieri
MassDOT Highway Division
Pat Tierney
MassDOT Highway Division
Marc Maddalena
Pittsfield Police Department
Mark Trapani
Pittsfield Police Department
Jon Dietrich
Fuss & O’Neill
Roger Barzousky
City of Pittsfield
Joseph Carchedi
Pittsfield Fire Department
Tom Romeo
Berkshire Health Systems
Joe LaRoche
Berkshire Health Systems
Tim White
Federal Highway Administration
Lisa Schletzbaum
MassDOT Highway Division Safety Section
Bonnie Polin
MassDOT Highway Division Safety Section
Rick Latini
Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates
Joseph SanClemente
Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates
Phone Number
(413) 442-1521
(413) 442-1521
(413) 499-9327
(413) 637-5767
(413) 637-5770
(413) 448-9723
(413) 448-9723
(413) 452-0445
(413) 499-9314
(413) 448-9764
(413) 447-2760
(413) 447-2303
(617) 494-3280
(617) 973-7685
(617) 973-7991
(617) 482-7080
(617) 482-7080
Road Safety Audit— North Street/Wahconah Street (Lower)/Burbank Street, Pittsfield
Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.
Appendix C. Detailed Crash Data
Road Safety Audit— North Street/Wahconah Street (Lower)/Burbank Street, Pittsfield
Prepared by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc.
Appendix D. Additional Information