Office of Outdoor Advertising Public Meeting December 10, 2015 11:00 AM Ten Park Plaza Transportation Library Boston, MA 02116 Present: John Romano, Executive Director Eileen Fenton, Esq., Counsel 2 Office of Outdoor Advertising December 10, 2015 1 P R O C E E D I N G S 2 3 JOHN ROMANO: Hello everyone. 4 are a little delayed here. 5 hearing of the Outdoor Advertising Board. 6 see we have a pretty light agenda. 7 much, Lydia. 8 before we get started with the actual agenda. Sorry we Welcome to the December As you can Thank you very Just a couple of housekeeping items 9 Our hearing locations are accessible to 10 people with disabilities and are near public 11 transportation. 12 advance of the hearing, if you need any accommodations 13 such as assisted listening devices, material and 14 excessive formats, or languages, you can contact 15 Lydia. 16 Lydia. Upon request, preferable two weeks in I think we got no requests, is that correct, 17 LYDIA QUIRK: 18 JOHN ROMANO: Correct. Before we get into the 19 actual agenda just a couple of things, I wanted to go 20 over. 21 left, they weren’t here for us. 22 Kelleher is taking some pictures. 23 staff. 24 announcements. Despite the news cameras that where here and They are gone. Jerry Jerry is on my Many of you know him, he does the PSA He is taking photos for some internal ATM, INC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 3 Office of Outdoor Advertising December 10, 2015 1 stuff that we are doing. 2 won’t show up on the news or anything. 3 So don’t be alarmed, it The other thing is renewals are being 4 processed, as you well know. You will see on today’s 5 agenda there are many many renewals that we have 6 listed here. 7 stack. 8 a month, right, Lydia. We are still working through a huge Unfortunately our database was down for almost 9 LYDIA QUIRK: Yes. 10 JOHN ROMANO: Lydia has been doing a 11 great job trying to catch up. 12 not on here doesn’t mean we haven’t gotten them and we 13 are not working through them. 14 the stack and we will be processing them. 15 Lydia gives me a stack to sign. 16 through those. 17 So just because you are We are going through Every day We are working If you have not done any of your 18 renewals just a reminder that all licenses and permits 19 expire at the end of the year. 20 us. 21 received. 22 Please get those into As long as they are in our office, they are So make sure you get those to us. Also, just a note. I know that 23 everyone knows that we require new applications to be 24 in no later than 30-days prior but if you wait until 5 ATM, INC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 4 Office of Outdoor Advertising December 10, 2015 1 o’clock on the 30th day, I am not going to promise you 2 that you will be on the next month’s agenda. 3 a lot of stuff that we are processing, a lot of items 4 to go through and some people like to run up at 4:59 5 and try to get them in. 6 not process it until the next month. 7 by law to notify the city or the town actually 30-days 8 before. 9 can get it in a few days early, that would be great. We have We will take it but we may We are required Give us a little bit of flexibility. 10 If you Also, we have our sign in sheets. 11 table is over there. 12 2016 public hearing dates. 13 schedules there. 14 in case you wanted a hard copy. 15 one, give it out to your friends. 16 stocking stuffers. The We have the schedules for the There are copies of the It is also posted on our website but Feel free to take They make good 17 Eileen, do you want to say a few words. 18 EILEEN FENTON: Yes, thank you. I just 19 wanted to make a quick announcement. Earlier this 20 year some of you may or may not know that the Governor 21 signed an Executive Order 562. 22 requires all state agencies to review all regulations 23 that they have. 24 redundant regulations, regulations that our outdated. Which basically The exercise will be to look at ATM, INC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 5 Office of Outdoor Advertising December 10, 2015 1 It is kind of a review of all 2 regulations, not just MassDOT but every agency in the 3 Commonwealth is required to undertake this exercise. 4 MassDOT has done so and is underway on its review. 5 you all know in our regulations are the regulations of 6 Outdoor Advertising, so will be reviewed. 7 have a final document yet or what the final changes 8 will look like but there will be likely some changes 9 to the regulations. As We don’t 10 The process will be the same, so those 11 of you who have participated in our regulatory review 12 there will be a public hearing, a notice, all that 13 will be available to you. 14 statutory required process we will also be conducting 15 what is called listening sessions. 16 all MassDOT regulations. 17 so if you want to come and talk about access permits, 18 or outdoor advertising permits, or over dimensional 19 load permits for 18 wheelers. 20 issue that you want to come and share, you can 21 certainly come and do that. 22 In addition to the That will be for So we don’t have an agenda, If you have a specific Again, we will be taking comments we 23 won’t necessarily be discussing the merits of the 24 changes we will be just kind of collecting ideas. ATM, INC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 So 6 Office of Outdoor Advertising December 10, 2015 1 that is in addition, again, it is not in lieu of it is 2 in addition to the statutory required public hearing 3 that we will be conducting. 4 The next listening session -- we do 5 have them on our website. I grabbed a couple. 6 January 6, it will be here in the second floor 7 conference room from 2 to 4. 8 conference room, it just said second floor conference 9 room. I don’t have the exact After that, there will be another one January 10 19. That is in Framingham from 2 to 4. 11 Framingham because then it goes to Amherst. 12 can go to Amherst to listen to us talk but I just 13 grabbed the next two listening session that I felt 14 were most convenient to this building. 15 I stopped at So you So we will keep you updated as to any 16 changes to the regulations. 17 JOHN ROMANO: Thank you. Thank you, Eileen. Over 18 on the sign in table there are copies of the meeting 19 minutes from the November 19 Outdoor Advertising 20 Hearing. 21 those minutes? Any questions, comments, or concerns on 22 (No response) 23 JOHN ROMANO: 24 mark those approved. Okay, seeing none we will Next item on the agenda is an ATM, INC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 7 Office of Outdoor Advertising December 10, 2015 1 application for a new license Logan Digital 129 Border 2 Street, East Boston. 3 Logan? Is someone here representing 4 ANDREW GOLDBERG: 5 JOHN ROMANO: 6 ANDREW GOLDBERG: 7 JOHN ROMANO: Andrew Goldberg. Hey, Andrew, how are you? Very well sir. Andrew, I reviewed the 8 application and your paperwork. 9 everything is in order. The fee has been paid and we 10 have your W9, etcetera. Your Certificate of Good 11 Standing from the Department of Revenue. 12 would like to add or say on behalf of the application? 13 ANDREW GOLDBERG: 14 JOHN ROMANO: It appears that Anything you No. Great. Looks like 15 everything is in order. We will take this under 16 advisement and we will let you know in about a week or 17 so how we rule. 18 ANDREW GOLDBERG: 19 JOHN ROMANO: 20 much. 21 application? Great, thank you very Are there any comments or concerns on this 22 (No response) 23 JOHN ROMANO: 24 Wonderful, thank you. As you can see that is the only active item on the agenda. There are two and ATM, INC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 8 Office of Outdoor Advertising December 10, 2015 1 a half pages of renewals that are on here, as I said 2 earlier. 3 note that several applications have been approved 4 including many that were on last month’s agenda. 5 take a look at those. 6 or concerns on any of the items for the record? Then for the record items. So Does anybody have any questions 7 (No response) 8 JOHN ROMANO: 9 I just wanted to Okay, seeing none. Any other public comments on anything else? 10 (No response) 11 JOHN ROMANO: Seeing none, I will 12 adjourn the meeting. Thank you all very much. I want 13 to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and happy holidays. 14 I want to thank you all for your support during my, 15 not really a year, I think it is 10 months, so far. 16 think things are going good. 17 working with all of you guys and ladies and all of 18 your support. 19 next year. I I really appreciate We look forward to another good year Thank you. 20 21 22 Whereupon, the proceedings were concluded on December 10, 2015 at 11:14 a.m.) ATM, INC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 9 Office of Outdoor Advertising December 10, 2015 C E R T I F I C A T E I, Tammy A. Hillery, do hereby certify that the foregoing record is a true and accurate transcription of the proceedings in the above-captioned matter to the best of my skill and ability. _________________________________________ Tammy A. Hillery **All names not provided were spelled phonetically to the best of my ability. ATM, INC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100