Office of Outdoor Advertising Public Meeting November 19, 2015 11:00 AM Ten Park Plaza Conference Rm 5 & 6 Boston, MA 02116 Present: John Romano, Executive Director Eileen Fenton, Esq., Counsel 2 Office of Outdoor Advertising November 19, 2015 1 P R O C E E D I N G S 2 3 JOHN ROMANO: Welcome to the November 4 19th hearing of the Office of Outdoor Advertising. 5 Thank you all for coming. 6 found the room. 7 a couple of times. 8 house, so people found their way. 9 I’m glad to see everybody I’m sorry we had to shuffle it around It looks like we’ve got a full In case you haven’t signed in, there is 10 a table outside with sign-in sheets. 11 on your way out if you haven’t signed in on the way 12 in. 13 You can sign in So, this meeting is accessible to 14 people with disabilities and individuals with limited 15 English proficiency. 16 for assistive technology, sign language, alternative 17 format documents, an interpreter, translated 18 documents, or other such services to be available 19 today, please see Lydia. If you filed a request with us 20 Lydia, raise your hand. 21 And I don’t think we received any 22 23 24 requests ahead of time. We also have amplification devices from Lydia for anyone who needs them. If you need any ATM, I NC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 3 Office of Outdoor Advertising November 19, 2015 1 other similar assistance to participate today, please 2 let Lydia know and we will try to help you. 3 we do have on our website, if you let us know ahead of 4 time, it will make it easier for us to get whatever 5 you need. 6 hearing. But, as But we’ve received none for today’s 7 Outside on the table there was also a 8 copy of the minutes of the October 8th meeting. 9 comments, or questions, or updates on that? 10 (No response.) 11 JOHN ROMANO: 12 Seeing none, we will mark those approved. 13 The first item, Agenda Item 3A, is 14 Application for New Licenses. 15 is Core Investments, 41 West Street, Suite 800, 16 Boston, MA. 17 The first one up today Is there anybody here from the company? 18 Could you please identify yourself for the 19 stenographer? 20 21 Any BRETT LAZAR: Yes, I’m Brett Lazar, B- r-e-t-t, L-a-z-a-r. 22 JOHN ROMANO: 23 today. 24 here. Brett, thanks for coming It seems that all the paperwork is in order We have your W-9 form, we have your Certificate ATM, I NC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 4 Office of Outdoor Advertising November 19, 2015 1 of Good Standing and Tax Compliance from the 2 Department of Revenue, and we also have your 3 Certificate of Good Standing from the Secretary of 4 State’s Office. 5 6 Do you have anything you’d like to add at this time? 7 BRETT LAZAR: No, I don’t think so. 8 JOHN ROMANO: Great. 9 coming. Thank you for We will take this under advisement and we 10 will get back to you in short order to let you know, 11 probably a week to two. 12 BRETT LAZAR: Great. Thank you. 13 JOHN ROMANO: Thank you. 14 Next, we have WLC Commercial Property 15 Services, Inc., 27 Farm Avenue, Peabody. 16 an application for a new license. 17 18 Is there anybody here from the proponent? 19 20 This is also MICHAEL WEISS: Michael Weiss, W-e-i-s- s. 21 JOHN ROMANO: Michael, thank you for 22 coming today. We have your application, your check. 23 We have your W-9 form. 24 Certificate of Good Standing and Tax Compliance. And we also have your ATM, I NC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 It 5 Office of Outdoor Advertising November 19, 2015 1 seems we have everything that we need here. 2 have anything that you’d like to add here? 3 MICHAEL WEISS: 4 JOHN ROMANO: Do you No, sir. Okay. Thank you very 5 much for attending. Again, just as the other, we’ll 6 take that under advisement and we’ll get back to you 7 in a short time to let you know how you make out. 8 MICHAEL WEISS: 9 JOHN ROMANO: Thank you. The next item on the 10 agenda, we have Skyworld Media, LLC, 72 Kneeland 11 Street. 12 Notification was provided to the -- originally to the 13 Mayor’s Office and the City Clerk’s Office on 9/4. 14 This item was pulled off of the October agenda and 15 then added to the November agenda. 16 was sent to the City to note the meeting date change 17 to inform them that this would be heard today. 18 19 20 This is Application Number 2015379. So, let’s see. Email notification Is the applicant present? JOHN PULGINI: 21 morning, Mr. Director. 22 behalf of Skyworld Media. Excuse me. Good Attorney John Pulgini on 23 JOHN ROMANO: Thank you, Mr. Pulgini. 24 Is there anybody here from the City of ATM, I NC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 6 Office of Outdoor Advertising November 19, 2015 1 Boston? 2 (No response.) 3 JOHN ROMANO: 4 Are there any abutters here today on 5 Seeing none. Okay. this? 6 (No response.) 7 JOHN ROMANO: 8 Is there anybody here from the MassDOT 9 None. Thank you. District Office? 10 (No response.) 11 JOHN ROMANO: And our Traffic 12 Operations people wouldn’t be here for this because 13 this is -- they only comment on digital signs. 14 JOHN PULGINI: 15 JOHN ROMANO: 16 Sure. They’re not here for this. 17 Okay, Mr. Pulgini, was certified mail 18 notice sent to abutters by the applicant at least 30 19 days prior to your submitting your application to my 20 office? 21 JOHN PULGINI: 22 JOHN ROMANO: Yes, it was. And, we have a copy of 23 the letter you sent, is that correct? 24 have that in my file. I believe I ATM, I NC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 7 Office of Outdoor Advertising November 19, 2015 1 JOHN PULGINI: 2 JOHN ROMANO: That is correct. Along with all of the 3 postal receipts of the abutters within -- excuse me -- 4 property owners within 500 feet. So, thank you for 5 submitting those ahead of time. We appreciate that. 6 Has the applicant received any written 7 comments in support or in opposition to this 8 application? 9 JOHN PULGINI: 10 11 JOHN ROMANO: We have not. Okay. We have not either. 12 Next, special permit or variance. You 13 have provided a copy of the variance that you received 14 from the City of Boston. 15 Anything you want to add in that regard? I have that in my files. 16 JOHN PULGINI: 17 JOHN ROMANO: No. So, thank you. I’m going 18 to have my inspector who does the field report of 19 this, Chris Chaves, will give his report on this item. 20 CHRIS CHAVES: 21 JOHN ROMANO: 22 CHRIS CHAVES: Thank you, sir. Thanks, Chris. This is a proposed 23 wallscape attached to the building at 72 Kneeland 24 Street. ATM, I NC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 8 Office of Outdoor Advertising November 19, 2015 1 At the time of inspection, there was a 2 spacing issue with a Clear Channel Trivision 3 approximately 231 feet from the site. 4 understanding as of November 16th there is a waiver 5 given by the Secretary to waive the state spacing 6 requirement of 500 feet. 7 adhere to the federal spacing of 100 feet. 8 that, this would conform with the state and federal 9 agreement. 10 11 It’s my They will still have to JOHN ROMANO: So, with Just a correction: It’s an exemption, not an agreement. 12 CHRIS CHAVES: 13 JOHN ROMANO: Oh, I’m sorry. And, yes, we do have that 14 letter from Secretary Pollack. 15 other day in our office. It was received the 16 CHRIS CHAVES: 17 JOHN ROMANO: 18 So, based on -- based on that, you 19 Thank you, Chris. don’t have -- there are no other -- 20 21 Thank you. CHRIS CHAVES: There are no other issues, right. 22 JOHN ROMANO: 23 CHRIS CHAVES: 24 JOHN ROMANO: -- issues with the CMR? No, sir. Thank you very much. ATM, I NC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 9 Office of Outdoor Advertising November 19, 2015 1 Okay. All right. Thank you, Chris. 2 CHRIS CHAVES: 3 JOHN ROMANO: 4 I think we have everything that we need. 5 Are there any public comments that 6 would be like to be made? 7 and identify yourself. 8 9 Thank you. Yes, ma’am, please stand up RACHEL THURLOW: Hi. Rachel Thurlow, Beacon Hill. 10 Is that a residential building? 11 JOHN ROMANO: 12 RACHEL THURLOW: 13 JOHN ROMANO: I can’t answer that for RACHEL THURLOW: Okay. Well, I’m sure the neighborhood -- 18 19 And why is the the Secretary. 16 17 Okay. Secretary granting exemptions from the billboard laws? 14 15 No. JOHN ROMANO: I don’t issue -- I don’t issue exemptions, the Secretary does. 20 Any other public comment or questions? 21 Mr. Pulgini, anything you would like to 22 23 24 add? JOHN PULGINI: No, Mr. Director. That’s everything. ATM, I NC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 10 Office of Outdoor Advertising November 19, 2015 1 2 JOHN ROMANO: Okay. Thank you very much. 3 JOHN PULGINI: 4 JOHN ROMANO: 5 advisement. 6 know how it comes up. Thank you. We will take this under And in a couple of weeks we’ll let you 7 JOHN PULGINI: 8 JOHN ROMANO: 9 Okay. Thank you very much. Thank you. We will be moving on to Item 10 B.2., Intersection Media, LLC. 11 of street furniture by the MBTA to be put on MBTA 12 structures. 13 This is for a series I just want to inform everybody that 14 just prior to the hearing, the start of the hearing, I 15 was informed by the MBTA that Items 2b, 2c, and 2f 16 have been requested to be withdrawn from the agenda 17 today and will not be requested at this time. 18 call the applicant, if they want to explain a little 19 further they can. 20 2g, 2h, and 2i. 21 together. So, we will be hearing 2a, 2d, 2e, I will do them all as one item 22 So, do you have a question? 23 JIM WHITTERS: 24 When I Yes, sir. Jim Whitters from Beacon Hill. ATM, I NC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 11 Office of Outdoor Advertising November 19, 2015 1 2 What locations have been withdrawn? Can you state it? 3 4 JOHN ROMANO: those. Yes, I’ll go through Sure. 5 JIM WHITTERS: 6 JOHN ROMANO: 7 three locations -- and thank you for that. 8 have identified that. 9 Okay. Thank you. No problem. So, the I should So, Item b is Tremont and Winter 10 Streets, which is (Park Street Station southwest). 11 That’s Application Number 2015383. 12 The second one, Item 2c, Tremont and 13 Winter Streets, (Park Street Station southeast), 14 Application 2015384. 15 And then the other one is Item f, which 16 is Summer and Winter Streets, (Downtown Crossing 17 Station), Application 2015387. 18 Those three have been withdrawn at this 19 time, or removed from the -- requested to be removed 20 from the agenda. 21 So, we are going to take the first one. 22 I will read each of the locations for each 23 application. 24 going to go through this one-to-one and take them all So, I will go through them. But we’re ATM, I NC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 12 Office of Outdoor Advertising November 19, 2015 1 as a bundle. 2 So, the applications are for 144 3 Dartmouth Street (Back Bay Station), Application 4 2015382. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 We also have Beacon and Raleigh Streets at Comm. Ave. (Kenmore Station), Application 2015385. The next is 120 Huntington Ave. (Prudential Station), Application 205386. Next is 11 Broadway (Broadway Station), Application 2015388. Haymarket Square and Cross Street, which is Haymarket Station, Application 2015389. And then 132 Causeway Street, which is North Station, Application 2015390. So, one, two, three, four, five, six -- 16 let me just make sure -- six locations will go 17 forward; three locations will not at this time. 18 19 So, notice was sent on 10/19 to the Mayor and to the Clerk’s Office of the City of Boston. 20 Is the applicant present? 21 ROSE YATES: 22 JOHN ROMANO: 23 24 Yes, I am. Would you please state your name for the record, please? ROSE YATES: Yes, I’m Rose Yates, ATM, I NC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 13 Office of Outdoor Advertising November 19, 2015 1 Assistant General Manager for Customer Communications 2 and Marketing for the T. 3 JOHN ROMANO: 4 Rose, do you want to give a couple of 5 ROSE YATES: 7 JOHN ROMANO: 9 Thank you. minute -- 6 8 Okay. Sure. -- as to why those three are coming out? ROSE YATES: Absolutely. So, we had 10 originally proposed nine permits for nine different 11 locations generally in the core of the Boston area. 12 And after discussions with the City of Boston, we have 13 decided to table the three locations that are closest 14 to the Boston Common to allow for a public process. 15 And so we’ve agreed to do that. 16 move forward with the six permits still on the table. And we would like to 17 JOHN ROMANO: 18 Are there any abutters present today? 19 (No response.) 20 JOHN ROMANO: 21 Okay. Is there anyone here from the MassDOT District Office? 22 (No response.) 23 JOHN ROMANO: 24 Thank you, Rose. Is there anybody here from Traffic Operations? ATM, I NC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 14 Office of Outdoor Advertising November 19, 2015 1 (No response.) 2 JOHN ROMANO: I just want to read into 3 the record that we do have a memo from the State 4 Traffic Engineer and that he did review these urban 5 panels and that he has no objection from a traffic 6 perspective. 7 output and not obstructing the sidewalks and also 8 being sure that they are -- depending on where they 9 are mounted that they at least have a seven-foot He did have some input as to light 10 clearance so that people can walk underneath them. 11 And that has been shared with the proponent previous 12 to this, so they are aware of that and will comply 13 with that. 14 Okay. So, for street -- these are 15 classified under street furniture. 16 does not require 30 days notice to abutters per our 17 regulations. 18 19 20 Street furniture Rose, have you received any written comments in support or in opposition to these? ROSE YATES: Yes, there have been 21 several communications that have come in regarding 22 concern over some of the locations. 23 24 JOHN ROMANO: So, I have three, which I am going to actually take the time to read into the ATM, I NC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 15 Office of Outdoor Advertising November 19, 2015 1 record. And then we will -- Lydia will scan a copy of 2 these and send them to the stenographer so they will 3 become a part of the official record of the hearing. 4 But, I am going to take the time to read each of these 5 as they were written to us. 6 So, please bear with me. But I think 7 people took the time to comment, so I think it’s fair 8 to read them. 9 So, the first one I received is from 10 City Councilor Josh Zakim. 11 another one. 12 13 Somebody just handed me KEETA GILMORE: Can I submit one as well? 14 JOHN ROMANO: 15 through them. 16 at the end. Absolutely. We’ll go And there will be time for more comment Okay? So, the first one: 17 “Dear Director Romano: 18 I understand that the Massachusetts Bay 19 Transit Authority has applied to place electronic 20 billboards on the streets of Boston at the following 21 locations.” 22 23 24 He lists the locations we went over. I’m not going to read each one of them. “I object to these applications and ask ATM, I NC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 16 Office of Outdoor Advertising November 19, 2015 1 that they be denied. 2 appropriate to have such electronic advertising on the 3 streets of Boston, particularly in densely populated 4 areas, and am concerned that the widespread use of 5 electronic advertising on MBTA stations will set a 6 negative precedent. 7 the MBTA are minimum and the disruption of the city 8 landscape will be significant. 9 the proposals are in an area of historic landmarks 10 that tourists come from across the country and the 11 world to see. 12 allowing electronic billboards. 13 I do not believe it is The potential revenue gains for In addition, some of We should not diminish these sites by I also have specific concerns regarding 14 the sites selected, some of which appear to violate 15 MassDOT regulations on outdoor advertising. 16 applications are within 300 feet of parks (two for 17 Park Street Station, one for Kenmore and Back Bay 18 Station). 19 across the street from existing residential buildings 20 (Back Bay Station, Broadway Station, and North 21 Station), across the street from residential buildings 22 currently under construction (Back Bay Station, North 23 Station, and Downtown Crossing), across the street 24 from residential buildings in the approval process now Three Moreover, other applications propose signs ATM, I NC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 17 Office of Outdoor Advertising November 19, 2015 1 (Haymarket), or in close proximity to a residential 2 building (Prudential Station). 3 Given the stated concerns, I believe 4 the MBTA’s application should be denied. 5 for your time and your consideration, and please do 6 not hesitate to contact me at your convenience if you 7 have any questions regarding my position. 8 Sincerely, 9 Josh Zakim” 10 11 Thank you Next is the one that was just handed to me, which is from a host of state representatives. 12 “Dear Director Romano, 13 We understand that the Massachusetts 14 Bay Transit Authority has applied to place electronic 15 billboards on the streets of Boston at the following 16 locations,” again, listing the same locations that we 17 previously mentioned. 18 “We object to these applications at 19 this time and ask that they be deferred. First, there 20 has not been community engagement at all in the 21 neighborhoods that we represent. 22 recently informed of the applications and our 23 constituents have not received notice. 24 be more robust public discussion before these We were just There should ATM, I NC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 18 Office of Outdoor Advertising November 19, 2015 1 applications should be considered. 2 Second, we have concerns regarding the 3 appropriateness of such electronic advertising in the 4 streets of Boston, particularly in densely populated 5 areas, and that the widespread use of electronic 6 advertising on MBTA stations will set a negative 7 precedent and encourage more such electronic 8 advertising. 9 are minimal and the disruption of the city landscape The potential revenue gains for the MBTA 10 will be significant. In addition, some of the 11 proposals are in an area of historic landmarks that 12 tourists come from across the country and the world to 13 see. 14 electronic billboards. We should not diminish these sites by allowing 15 Finally, we also have specific concerns 16 regarding the sites selected, some of which appear to 17 violate MassDOT regulations on outdoor advertising, 18 particularly without more public outreach. 19 applications are within 300 feet of parks (two for 20 Park Street Station, one for Kenmore and Back Bay 21 Station). 22 across the street from existing residential buildings 23 (Back Bay Station, Broadway Station, and North 24 Station), across the street from residential buildings The three Moreover, other applications propose signs ATM, I NC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 19 Office of Outdoor Advertising November 19, 2015 1 currently under consideration -- construction -- 2 excuse me (Back Bay Station, North Station, and 3 Downtown Crossing), across the street from residential 4 buildings in the approval process now (Haymarket), or 5 in close proximity to a residential building 6 (Prudential Station). 7 For these reasons, we believe the 8 applications of the MBTA should be deferred. Thank 9 you very much for your time and your consideration.” 10 This is signed by the following state 11 representatives: 12 Aaron Michlewitz, Dan Hunt, Daniel Ryan, Nick Collins, 13 and Dan Cullinane. 14 15 Jay Livingstone, Byron Rushing, The next one I have -- and I apologize if I pronounce the name wrong -- but Rachel Grich. 16 “To whom it may concern: 17 My name is Rachel Grich and I am a 18 concerned citizen in the Boston community. 19 understand that there is a hearing today to review and 20 vote on the approval to place advertising signage on 21 several MBTA stops in Boston, including Park Street, 22 Back Bay Station, and Kenmore Station. 23 24 I I am not able to attend the hearing today, so I wanted to send an email to explain that I ATM, I NC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 20 Office of Outdoor Advertising November 19, 2015 1 am vehemently opposed to the construction of these 2 signs. 3 beautiful cities in the country, and this beauty 4 should not be tampered with by placing advertising 5 signs on T stations. The city of Boston is one of the most 6 The MBTA has several other ways to 7 generate revenue and it should explore these avenues 8 instead. 9 10 At the hearing today, I hope that this signage is not approved. 11 Thank you for your consideration.” 12 Signed, Rachel Grich. 13 She’s from Northeastern University. 14 The next I have is from Rachel Thurlow. 15 “Hello, 16 I am writing to note my genuine disgust 17 with the MBTA’s newest advertising plan to place 18 information panels outside of MBTA stations around the 19 city. 20 I object on the following grounds: 21 No real information will be transmitted 22 if a pedestrian has to wait 30 seconds to get train 23 information. 24 information time is outrageous and it’s clear that the That advertising time doubles ATM, I NC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 21 Office of Outdoor Advertising November 19, 2015 1 objective here is advertising and not helping out 2 commuters. 3 The revenue numbers are suspect and 4 it’s highly unlikely these signs will truly raise a 5 million dollars over two years. 6 Putting signs opposite the Common (Park 7 Street Station at Tremont and Winter Street) and 8 opposite the Greenway (Haymarket) violate 700 CMR 9 3.07(6)’s prohibition on advertising within 300 feet 10 of a 30,000-square-foot park. 11 ignore municipal regulations, but it can’t ignore and 12 is subject to state regulations. 13 14 The T may be able to MOOA/MassDOT has a serious conflict of interest issuing billboard permits to the MBTA. 15 Thank you, 16 Rachel Thurlow, 17 Boston, MA.” 18 And the one that I was just handed is 19 by Keeta Gilmore. And, for the record, I’ll just 20 spell it, K-e-e-t-a, and it’s S., Gilmore, G-i-l-m-o- 21 r-e. 22 “Dear Director Romano, 23 The Beacon Hill Civic Association has, 24 since 1922, strived to enhance and protect the quality ATM, I NC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 22 Office of Outdoor Advertising November 19, 2015 1 of life in our neighborhood. 2 We understand that the Massachusetts 3 Bay Transit Authority has applied to place electronic 4 billboards on the streets of Boston. 5 to these applications and asks that they be denied. 6 We do not believe it is appropriate to have electronic 7 advertising on the streets of Boston, particularly in 8 densely populated areas. 9 an area of historic landmarks that tourists come from 10 across the country and the world to see and we should 11 not diminish these sites by allowing electronic 12 billboards. 13 advertising on MBTA stations will set a negative 14 precedent and encourage more such electronic 15 advertising. 16 are minimal and the disruption of the city landscape 17 will be significant. 18 selected sites appear to violate MassDOT regulations 19 on outdoor advertising, being within 300 feet of major 20 parks. 21 The BHCA objects Some of the proposals are in The widespread use of electronic The potential revenue gains for the MBTA In addition, some of the For these reasons, we believe the 22 applications of the MBTA should be denied. 23 very much for your time and consideration. 24 Thank you Best regards,” and it’s signed Keeta ATM, I NC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 23 Office of Outdoor Advertising November 19, 2015 1 Gilmore, and she’s the Board Chair. 2 So, with that, I’m going to ask my 3 field engineer, Jason Bean -- field inspector I should 4 say -- to go over his report. 5 JASON BEAN: Since we sort of did it in 6 a group, this is an example since these are all placed 7 at the T entrances. 8 way. 9 is north and south facing, 42 inches by 56 inches, 10 steel and masonry anchors as well as -- I’m sorry, 11 galvanized steel as well as masonry anchors. Basically all are set up this These are two-facing. 12 This one, in particular, So, if you can look in the picture, 13 it’s kind of a little blurry, but where it says “Back 14 Bay,” that’s where these will be faced, north and 15 south. This will be at 144 Dartmouth Street. 16 And, at this time, these street 17 furniture are not subject to spacing, so there are no 18 other compliance issues with this. 19 20 21 22 RACHEL THURLOW: What about the park right there? JOHN ROMANO: Street furniture is not subject to parks. 23 RACHEL THURLOW: Could you read into 24 the record the definition of street furniture? ATM, I NC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 The 24 Office of Outdoor Advertising November 19, 2015 1 last time we read it -- 2 EILEEN FENTON: 3 be happy to provide a copy of the regulation. 4 5 JOHN ROMANO: We can provide -- we’d We can provide that, yeah. 6 So, based on the decision that these 7 are street furniture here, they are not subject to the 8 park and our other spacing regulations that have been 9 referred to. 10 11 Rose, do you have any -- excuse me, I’m sorry -- 12 JASON BEAN: No, that’s -- 13 JOHN ROMANO: -- Jason, any other -- 14 JASON BEAN: No other issues that were 15 found at this point. And, as I said, these are all 16 similar to the ones that you ran through. 17 all similar to this situation where they’re at the 18 entrance of the station. 19 JOHN ROMANO: 20 JASON BEAN: 21 JOHN ROMANO: 22 These are Thank you. Thank you. Rose, is there anything that you would like to add at this time? 23 ROSE YATES: 24 JOHN ROMANO: Not at this time. Okay. Great. ATM, I NC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 25 Office of Outdoor Advertising November 19, 2015 1 2 Are there any other public comments at this time? 3 4 Yes? ELLIOTT LAFFER: order? 5 JOHN ROMANO: 6 here. 7 stenographer can get you in. 8 9 10 11 Are we going to go in We’re going to start Please identify yourself so that the ELLIOTT LAFFER: My name is Elliott Laffer, E-l-l-i-o-t-t, L-a-f-f-e-r, from the Neighborhood Association of the Back Bay. I want to support the position taken by 12 the Beacon Hill Civic Association and by Councilor 13 Zakim and the state reps and object to the placement 14 of this advertising. 15 define advertising as street furniture. 16 like you were looking for a loophole for that, which 17 is I think also very unfortunate. 18 It seems rather strange to me to And it sounds It’s also really important going 19 forward that if these types of fixtures are approved 20 that they not be approved at any point in a historic 21 or architectural district. 22 JOHN ROMANO: Thank you very much, sir. 23 Anybody else? 24 WILLIAM CLENDANIEL: Sir? My name is William ATM, I NC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 26 Office of Outdoor Advertising November 19, 2015 1 Clendaniel, C -- 2 3 JOHN ROMANO: standing. 4 5 WILLIAM CLENDANIEL: JOHN ROMANO: He can hear you. So, go ahead, sir. 8 9 I don’t need to stand? 6 7 You don’t need to be WILLIAM CLENDANIEL: William Clendaniel, and I live at 24 Dartmouth Street. 10 I walk by this location at least twice 11 a day. 12 public officials. 13 unlikely that this is going to be helpful to the 14 public. The MBTA ostensibly is trying to help the 15 public. It seems to me that most people in our ever- 16 younger citizenry are using electronic media of their 17 own. 18 they would get the information they need without 19 having these signs that disrupt the streetscape for 20 the rest of us. 21 I fully support the arguments made by the I would only add that it seems They’re on their cell phones. I would think In this particular location -- and 22 you’re not showing us the others -- most people, of 23 course, approach the T station from the other side. 24 So, this information being over here is less useful I ATM, I NC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 27 Office of Outdoor Advertising November 19, 2015 1 would think. 2 And, finally, I would just say that if, 3 indeed, the MBTA were to realize an extra million 4 dollars of revenue, that is such a small amount of 5 what they need from everything we’ve been told, and 6 the public detriment is so large, it seems very out of 7 balance. 8 9 JOHN ROMANO: Thank you. Anything else? 10 WILLIAM CLENDANIEL: Well, I think that 11 the public officials have said it very well for all 12 the other reasons. 13 JOHN ROMANO: 14 Is there anybody else who would like to 15 Thank you very much. make public comment at this time? 16 VALERIE BURNS: Hi. Ma’am? I’m Valerie Burns. 17 I’m a resident of 249 A Street in South Boston. 18 I’d like to sort of endorse the positions my rep, Nick 19 Collins, took together with the other Boston 20 representatives in encouraging you to decline this 21 application. 22 And Specifically, I live near West 23 Broadway, which is why I came, because West Broadway 24 is a part of South Boston that is really in an ATM, I NC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 28 Office of Outdoor Advertising November 19, 2015 1 enormous period of renewal. And what used to be 2 largely a commercial and industrial neighborhood is 3 now really a residential neighborhood with many new 4 residential buildings and several more in the 5 permitting process. 6 uses, restaurants, and such on the first floor, the 7 amount of residents that are in West Broadway area is 8 really unprecedented. 9 commercial advertising into this new neighborhood And although there’s commercial And to introduce this kind of 10 that’s developing in a very healthy and integrated way 11 I think is really a shame. 12 So, in addition, I am concerned about 13 the amount of sites that are within 300 feet of major 14 parkland in the city. 15 lot of concerns. 16 process. 17 week. 18 this point and it be fully vetted in the public 19 discussion process if it should ever reappear. So, the combination -- I have a There’s been very little public I only heard about this the end of last And I really encourage that this be denied at 20 Thank you. 21 JOHN ROMANO: 22 Anybody else? 23 KITTY DUKAKIS: 24 husband Michael Dukakis. Thank you, ma’am. Yes? I’m representing my He could not attend today ATM, I NC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 29 Office of Outdoor Advertising November 19, 2015 1 because he had responsibilities at Northeastern. 2 And I took a leadership role in his 3 administration on the Beautification Program in the 4 1980s. 5 property. 6 No ads on exteriors of buses and streetcars. Dozens of billboards were removed from MDC No outdoor or advertising on T property. 7 I went with then Representative, now 8 the Mayor, to see the Governor at the time, Deval 9 Patrick, and within a week he had removed all of the 10 alcohol ads from the T. 11 The number of young people who are 12 affected by these ads is enormous. And many of these 13 are in college areas and they just are going to be a 14 disaster. 15 And you’ve got to be sensitive about this. And I know this from my own experience. 16 What’s happened since that time has 17 been an absolute disgrace as far as I’m concerned and 18 my husband. 19 stuff. 20 polluter. 21 about this. 22 the exteriors of stations in the heart of this 23 beautiful city. 24 revenue. A beautiful city is being covered by this The MBTA has become the state’s biggest visual And I think I express a lot of feelings This plan is the worst. Digital ads on This area has better ways for What about a U-Pass program that is making ATM, I NC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 30 Office of Outdoor Advertising November 19, 2015 1 $10 million a year for the Chicago transit program? 2 And what about better service? 3 be focusing on, not covering the public transportation 4 system with this junk. 5 That’s what we should And I’m terribly upset. This is going 6 to be a very bad measure as far as my husband and I 7 are concerned. 8 JOHN ROMANO: 9 Any other public comment? 10 ROGER BERMAN: Thank you very much. Yes, sir? My name is Roger Berman. 11 And I’m a property owner in the Leather District, 12 which now is a somewhat balanced neighborhood between 13 commercial and residential. 14 Avenue from a large outdoor advertising on the side of 15 the Transportation Center. 16 We sit across on Atlantic So, my comments, I won’t repeat what 17 others have said, although I do find the definition of 18 street furniture, as has been mentioned before, 19 somewhat disingenuous. 20 focus on process, which has also been mentioned, and 21 the lack of notice for abutters for the large 22 advertising on South Station, which gratefully at this 23 time is not digital and is not LED. 24 pollution that was mentioned in some of the others My comments, I would like to But the light ATM, I NC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 31 Office of Outdoor Advertising November 19, 2015 1 remains a concern. 2 and the use of definitions such as street furniture is 3 concerning. 4 And the lack of notice and process So, that’s what I’d like to just add to 5 the record as it relates to the sign issue. 6 JOHN ROMANO: 7 Any other public comment? 8 DAVID BIELE: 9 10 Thank you, sir. Hi, Director Romano. David Biele with State Representative Nick Collins’ office. 11 12 Great. I won’t repeat the testimony in the letter. I’ll just focus my comments on South Boston. 13 We’ve heard from residents in the West 14 Broadway Neighborhood Association, which is the 15 residential neighborhood most impacted by the proposal 16 for Broadway Station. 17 for them. 18 residential buildings. 19 residents in opposition. 20 This is a quality of life issue A lot of these signs will be facing And we stand with the Also, I spoke with my colleague, Jake 21 Bombard in Senator Forry’s office who couldn’t be here 22 today. And he also stands in opposition. 23 JOHN ROMANO: Thank you, David. 24 Are there any other public comment at ATM, I NC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 32 Office of Outdoor Advertising November 19, 2015 1 this time? 2 3 Yes, ma’am? CAITLIN DUFFY: Hi. I’m Caitlin Duffy. I’m from Rep. Jay Livingstone’s office. 4 And like my colleague said, I won’t 5 reiterate all the entire letter, but I did want to 6 make note of the fact that every state representative 7 on the letter, all of them are accounted for of all 8 the areas that are being covered. 9 JOHN ROMANO: Thank you very much. 10 Anyone else? Yes? 11 RACHEL THURLOW: Rachel Thurlow. I’d 12 just like to read into the record the definition of 13 street furniture. 14 Okay. These are signs which include, 15 but aren’t limited to, signs located on bus shelters, 16 phone booths, restrooms, bicycle terminals, newspaper 17 kiosks, trash receptacles, computer stations under a 18 public agency, blah, blah, blah. 19 about affixing signs on top of train stations. 20 There’s nothing And, also, I note that some of these 21 signs are located at exits and not entrances to 22 stations. 23 value of any of these signs. 24 And I really question the informational Thank you. ATM, I NC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 33 Office of Outdoor Advertising November 19, 2015 1 JOHN ROMANO: Thank you very much. 2 Anyone else? Yes, sir? 3 JIM WHITTERS: 4 Jim Whitters. I live in Boston on Beacon Hill. 5 I served from 1975 to about mid-1979 as 6 Chairman of the Outdoor Advertising Board under 7 Governor Dukakis. 8 in a significant study of the whole issue of 9 regulation of billboards in the Commonwealth, and And prior to that time, we engaged 10 impacted Governor Sargent, who made significant 11 reforms at our request in 1971 or 1972. 12 What’s important here I think, and what 13 I’ll try to add and not state once again what’s been 14 objected to here, I think it’s important to look at 15 the history of the regulation of outdoor advertising 16 in the Commonwealth and the spirit that led to that 17 attempt to regulate this industry. 18 way back to the Constitutional Convention in 1918. 19 And I think its worthwhile to read the notes that are 20 related to that convention and what motivated people 21 to step up and actually amend the State Constitution 22 in relation to visual issues, outdoor advertising in 23 particular. 24 It goes all the And I think what was at the base of ATM, I NC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 34 Office of Outdoor Advertising November 19, 2015 1 those people, as well as judges and courts that came 2 through later in the 1930s, 1940s, into the 1970s, was 3 protection of residential areas, protection of 4 historic sites, protection of parks. 5 considerations tilted in the direction of regulation. 6 And there was a sensitivity to what we had here in the 7 Commonwealth that was very special to us. 8 The overall And I think as I sit here, we had a 9 young state representative from Brookline in the 1960s 10 who worked hard and ultimately we won a lawsuit before 11 the Supreme Judicial Court that allowed the cities and 12 towns to further regulate beyond the then Outdoor 13 Advertising Board, and today the Office of Outdoor 14 Advertising. 15 And I call upon you to really study 16 that history, one; and, two, follow in the great sense 17 of reform and regulation and concern about the impact 18 of visual advertising, and be concerned about visual 19 pollution and the impact of too much in our 20 residential areas, in relation to parks, and in 21 relation to historic areas, whether or not I’d say if 22 street furniture is covered because that’s something I 23 guess some of us in the city are going to have to work 24 on and see if we can bring about reform, if it’s ATM, I NC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 35 Office of Outdoor Advertising November 19, 2015 1 necessary. I’m not sure it is. 2 So, I would call upon you to really 3 follow in the long line of and the long history of 4 reform and concern for our environment, and concern 5 for our history, and concern for what’s special here 6 in this city as well as the entire state. 7 Thank you. 8 JOHN ROMANO: 9 Any other public comment? 10 (No response.) 11 JOHN ROMANO: Thank you, sir. Okay. Seeing none, we 12 will take these applications under advisement. 13 will let you know how we rule on this. 14 Thank you. 15 WILLIAM CLENDANIEL: And we Can we put contact 16 information where we get notice of a decision or how 17 do we -- 18 JOHN ROMANO: 19 WILLIAM CLENDANIEL: 20 There’s been so little public information. 21 22 We don’t -- JOHN ROMANO: We can let you know about this. 23 WILLIAM CLENDANIEL: Thank you. 24 JOHN ROMANO: We will be moving Okay. ATM, I NC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 36 Office of Outdoor Advertising November 19, 2015 1 on to C and D on the agenda. 2 renewals of license and permits. 3 renewal process for existing licenses and renewals. 4 We have a bunch of This is the annual As you can see, we have under Item C, 5 five items for both license and permit renewals. 6 These have been processed and the renewals will be 7 sent out shortly. 8 9 Item D is for what’s called unlicensed outdoor permits. As you can see, there are five 10 items. The same with those; these have been signed 11 off on November 17th and will be processed soon. 12 For those of you who have been 13 submitting your renewals, we have a stack about this 14 high. 15 We did have a little database glitch for a couple of 16 weeks. 17 eight-ball. 18 working diligently and we will, as fast as she can get 19 me to sign my name, providing you don’t have any 20 issues, we’ll get those out to you. We’re working on them. We’ll get through them. 21 So, it did put us a little bit behind the But, my trusty assistant Lydia has been The next item on the agenda is “For the 22 Record,” actions that were taken since the last 23 hearing. 24 various permits, etc. You can see there’s a handful here, down to ATM, I NC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 37 Office of Outdoor Advertising November 19, 2015 1 2 Does anybody have any comments or questions on the For the Record items? 3 (No response) 4 JOHN ROMANO: 5 Are there any further public comment on 6 Seeing none. anything on the agenda? 7 (No response.) 8 JOHN ROMANO: 9 Great. Seeing none, with that, I will adjourn the hearing. 10 month if not before. Thank you all 11 very much for coming, and Happy Thanksgiving to 12 everybody. 13 Whereupon, the proceedings were concluded on 14 November 19, 2015 at 11:43 a.m.) 15 // 16 // 17 // 18 // 19 // 20 // 21 // 22 // 23 // 24 // ATM, I NC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100 38 Office of Outdoor Advertising November 19, 2015 C E R T I F I C A T E I, Judith Luciano, do hereby certify that the foregoing record is a true and accurate transcription of the proceedings in the above-captioned matter to the best of my skill and ability. _________________________________________ Judith Luciano **All names not provided were spelled phonetically to the best of my ability. ATM, I NC. Court Reporting Service s 339-674-9100