NPDES Storm Water Wa Managemen nt Plan BMP 7U: Water Qualiity Impaired Waters Assessment and Mitigation Pllan MassDOT T has created a dedicated program to asssess 303(d) listed impaired d waters (“303 3(d) waters”) and n measures, in ncluding retroffits and other structural BM MPs where neccessary, to co ontrol to implement mitigation s of concern in n 303(d) wate ers and ensure e that stormw water discharges from discharges of pollutants T’s urbanized roadways willl not cause insstream excee edances of wa ater quality sta andards. Thiss MassDOT program (hereinafter the “Impaired Waters Progra am”) covers bo oth 303(d) wa aters for which h MassDEP ha as m Daily Load (“TMDL”) reports for all imp pairments (“C Category 4a” waters), and th hose finalized Total Maximum s either have not been finalized or do nott cover all imp pairments affe ecting the 303 3(d) for which TMDL reports ategory 5” waters). MassD DOT will assesss its complian nce with TMD DL reports und der the proced dures water (“Ca n BMP 7R/TM MDL Watershe ed Review. outlined in The Impaiired Waters Program will co over a total off 684 impaired d waters, whicch includes alll 303(d) waterrs b-basins conttain some porttion of MassD DOT’s urbanizzed area roadw ways. In orde er to compile this whose sub DOT analyzed d the water bo odies listed in Appendix A of its Stormwa ater Managem ment Plan list, MassD ates Geological Survey (“USGS”). The new (“SWMP”)) with new watershed data prepared by the United Sta d layers permitted mapping g of more deta ailed sub-basin n watersheds and, in turn, allowed for more watershed odies that havve a potential to receive sto ormwater disccharges from accurate identification of the water bo T’s urbanized roadways. Th he analysis ussed to develop the original Appendix A used larger MassDOT ds that often in ncluded multip ple water bod dies, some of which were no ot impaired. As Appendix A watershed listed all waters where such larger watersheds inccluded some portion of MasssDOT’s urbanized roadwa ays, it ed an over-inc clusive listing of 303(d) watters with potential discharges from MasssDOT roads. represente MassDOT T will prioritize e its review of the 303(d) wa aters describe ed above by geographical fa actors to identify ers on which MassDOT’s urbanized road dways may ha ave the highe est impact. Sp pecifically, those wate T will place hig ghest priority on those wate ers that lie with hin 500 feet of at least one stormwater outfall MassDOT dway, and will prioritize this group by the total numberr of outfalls witthin this 500-ffeet from an urrbanized road ew of the remaining water bodies will be prioritized byy the number of urbanized area. MasssDOT’s revie ane miles exis sting within th he sub-basins of such waters. A compre ehensive list of the 303(d) waters roadway la essed under the Impaired Waters Progra am, prioritized d by the geogrraphical factorrs above, app pears to be asse dix L-1. in Append The specific steps that MassDOT willl use to assesss 303(d) watters are as follows: Step 1. Id dentify Impaiirments Related to Highw way Stormwatter Runoff As an initial step, MassDOT will revie ew the underlying impairme ents affecting the 303(d) wa aters to identify aired by pollutants t containe ed in highway stormwater ru unoff. In completing this step, t those thatt may be impa T will rely on existing data (ssuch as USGS data provided to MassDO OT in 2009, which surveyed d MassDOT pollutants in highway ru unoff from Massachusetts highways) to assess whether highway ru unoff may be he impairmentt in question. If existing data t support a potential link be etween the im mpairment and d causing th highway runoff, MassDOT will proceed with step 2. If not, MasssDOT will document the basis for this n and will conduct no furthe er assessmen nt of the waterr body at issue e. conclusion Step 2. Map Location ns of MassDO OT Outfalls Relative to 303(d) Waters MassDOT T will perform a desktop revview of the sub b-basin of the e 303(d) waterr body to dete ermine the spe ecific heir receiving waters. This procedure wiill help determ mine whether locations of MassDOT outfalls and th T’s outfalls in fact are poten ntially discharg ging into the water body at issue, and will identify the MassDOT d through a miitigation plan. If MassDOT concludes ba ased number off outfalls that may need to be addressed pping that Mas ssDOT’s outfa alls clearly are e not discharg ging to the 303 3(d) water, it will documentt the on its map n and will con nduct no furthe er assessmen nt of the waterr body at issue e. However, if basis for this conclusion 3-9b(1) 4/6/2010 NPDES Storm Water Wa Managemen nt Plan MassDOT T concludes th hat MassDOT T outfalls are potentially disccharging to a 303(d) water body, then it will o Step 3. proceed to Step 3. Conduct Site Survey of Diischarge Points and Drain nage Infrastrructure If a 303(d)) water is iden ntified under Step 2 as pote entially receiviing dischargess from MassD DOT’s urbanizzed harge points to the water bo ody and the roadways, MassDOT will conduct a site visit to survey the disch ng drainage in nfrastructure. This survey will identify wa ater flows to th he water bodyy, confirm the surroundin utfalls, identifyy any addition nal outfalls, an nd identify anyy existing BMP Ps or other existence of mapped ou at may have the effect of re emoving or tre eating pollutan nts before the ey reach the structuress at the site tha e appropriate,, MassDOT will combine this site visit witth its illicit disccharge detecttion receiving water. Where hich will identiffy non-stormw water pollutantts that may be e causing the impairment at program (BMP 3D), wh issue. Step 4. Id dentify Contrrol Measures s and BMPs to Ensure tha at Stormwate er Discharges s Will Not Ca ause nces in Water Quality Sta andards Exceedan Once the site visit in Step 3 is completed, MassDO OT will assesss whether add ditional contro ol measures and Ps may be needed to ensure that stormw water discharg ges from MasssDOT’s urban nized roadwayys will other BMP s of water qua ality standardss. not cause exceedances “EPA’s po olicy recognize es that becausse stormwate er discharges are due to sto orm events tha at are highly n frequency an nd duration an nd are not eassily characterized, only in ra are cases willl it be feasible e or variable in h numeric limitts for . . . storm mwater discha arges.” EPA Memorandum m, “Establishin ng appropriatte to establish LAs) for Storm mwater Source es and NPDES S Total Maxximum Daily Load (TMDL) Wasteload Allocations (WL Permit Re equirements Based on Thosse WLAs” (No ov. 22, 2002) (the “2002 Me emorandum”). As stated in n the morandum: “T The variability in the [Nation nal Pollutant Discharge Elim mination] [S]ysstem and min nimal 2002 Mem erally available e make it difficcult to determine with precission or certain nty actual and d projected data gene or individual dischargers orr groups of disschargers. Th herefore, EPA A believes that in these loadings fo d as BMPs, an nd that numerric limits will be used only in n rare situations,, permit limits typically can be expressed cases.” In light of the EPA’s guiidance on the e “rare” use of numeric stan ndards, MassD DOT will rely on an iterative e adaptive approach to id dentify and implement addittional control measures or BMPs at particular sites. As e data on polllutants in high hway stormwa ater part of thiss approach, MassDOT will consider currrently available ards, to assesss whether runoff, inccluding USGS data and anyy applicable numeric water quality standa er runoff from MassDOT’s urbanized roa adways has a reasonable potential to cau use an stormwate uality standards. r MassDOT T will place prriority in its asssessment and d mitigation plan exceedance of water qu ere the existin ng data sugge est that the concentration off the constitue ent of concern n in on those pollutants whe ay exceed the e applicable numeric water quality standa ard. MassDO OT also will highway stormwater ma ncluding guida ance issued by the EPA an nd MassDEP, and where consider any available information, in e, specific inpu ut from the EP PA, regarding g the types of BMPs that are e considered effective for obtainable ment at issue (including whe ere the impairment r is goverrned by non-n numeric, narra ative addressing the impairm ality standards s). Where app propriate, MasssDOT will co onsider recommendations in n TMDL reporrts water qua e to the same or similar imp pairments. Ma assDOT will seek to comple ete its assesssments as that relate out efficiently as possible, so that any required control measures orr other BMPs can be implemented witho undue dellay. In assessiing the need for additional BMPs at partiicular sites, MassDOT will consider the pollutant remo oval es of any existing t BMPs or other o structures r that may have h the effect c of removing or treating efficiencie eiving water. MassDOT willl also conside er additional fa actors, includiing pollutants before they reach the rece e magnitude of any potentia al exceedance e of water qua ality standardss, in assessing g the site constrraints and the ent of additional BMPs. Ma assDOT will do ocument the basis for its re ecommendatio ons, precise sccope and exte 3-9b(2) 4/6/2010 NPDES Storm Water Wa Managemen nt Plan and will de escribe how such recomme endations will ensure that stormwater disscharges from m MassDOT’s d roadways will not cause exceedances of water qualitty standards. Where the po otential impacct on urbanized aters from Mas ssDOT’s urba anized roadwa ays is greater and site cond ditions allow fo or more 303(d) wa on in surround ding areas, MassDOT is co ommitted to devoting substtantial resourcces to implement constructio ng retrofits or other structurral BMPs, to mitigate storm mwater effects at those effective BMPs, includin locations.1 Step 5. Design and Im mplement BM MPs For those 303(d) waters s that require additional BM MPs, MassDO OT will create conceptual de esigns of any Ps and develo op protocols fo or the impleme entation of no on-structural BMPs. MassD DOT required structural BMP mplement BMPs, including structural BM MPs, on a rollin ng basis as th he need is iden ntified and fun nding plans to im d.2 is secured In selectin ng the specific c structural BM MPs to be imp plemented at particular sitess, MassDOT will rely on its BMP elated tables, attached as L-2 to L-4. Th hese tables list a variety of structural BMP Ps Summary Matrix and re sider for particcular sites, alo ong with estim mated pollutan nt removal rate es for each BM MP that MassDOT will cons d to particular pollutants and d types of site e conditions. The tables alsso prioritize th he menu of BM MPs as applied or the listed pollutants and site condition ns. As reflecte ed in the BMP P Summary Matrix in order off preference fo and relate ed tables, Mas ssDOT will rely on standard d pollutant rem moval efficienccies set forth in EPA and P guidance to measure the effectiveness of existing an nd additional BMPs. MassD DOT will cond duct MassDEP or its external designers and d contractors to encourage the use of the e most effective and sitetraining fo appropriatte BMPs. Step 6. Documentatio on MassDOT T will include in each annua al report an up pdate on its prrogress in asssessing and mitigating 303((d) nd will provide e a semi-annu ual report to th he EPA during g the first yea ar of the Impaired Waters waters, an h Program (by Decemberr 8, 2010). MassDOT will document its progress in a standardized format, which includes th he name of th he 303(d) wate er body, the underlying imp pairment(s), th he applicable numeric or narrative water quality standard(s), a summary of MassDOT’s assessment and mitigation plan , and a report atus of any pla anned implementation of ad dditional contrrol measures or BMPs. The ese reports will on the sta asis of any co onclusions rea ached by MassDOT regarding the need or lack of nee ed for clearly doccument the ba BMPs at specific sites. Measurable Goals: 1) Asse ess all water listed in Appe endix L-1 using g the processs described in this ng assessmen nt of at least 25 water bodie es within the first i quarter off the Impaired BMP includin ogress reportss to EPA durin ng the first yea ar of the Impa aired Waters Progrram 2) Submiti quarterly pro 1 For instance, interstate roa ads represent one example e of a location where the po otential impactt on ng water bodie es is greater and site conditions generallly allow for more construction. By contra ast, neighborin ge over a 303((d) water placces difficult space constrain nts on any BM MP design, and d will the existence of a bridg omprehensive e redevelopme ent project. MassDOT inte ends to aggresssively seek likely warrrant a more co g construction n projects to im mplement stru uctural BMPs that would be e impracticable e as opportunitties in pending ne projects. stand-alon 2 MassDOT will later include in this BMP a more detaile ed schedule fo or the implementation of e new funding is secured, structural BMPs and a plan for securring new funding. Howeverr, even before T is prepared to begin desig gn and construction, using its existing co ontracts, of any additional BMPs MassDOT e first quarter of the Impaire ed Waters Pro ogram. MasssDOT also hass begun the that are prroposed in the o additional co ontracts of $1 million each for dedicated design consu ultants who wiill be process of securing two ng retrofits and other structtural BMPs ass soon as the need is identified through the responsible for designin ent procedures described above. assessme 3-9b(3) 4/6/2010 NPDES Storm Water Wa Managemen nt Plan Waters Progrram and semii-annually therreafter.3) Provide documen ntation describ bed in step 6 in annual reportts to the EPA.. 3-9b(4) 4/6/2010