UNIVERSITY OF MALTA THE MATRICULATION CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION INTERMEDIATE LEVEL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY May 2011 EXAMINERS’ REPORT MATRICULATION AND SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE EXAMINATIONS BOARD IM EXAMINERS’ REPORT MAY 2011 IM Information Technology May 2011 Session Examiners’ Report Part 1: Statistical Information Table 1: Distribution of Grades awarded in May 2011 GRADE Number % of Total A B 37 13.07 C 67 23.67 D 91 32.16 E 37 13.07 F 26 9.19 Abs 20 7.07 5 1.77 Total 283 100 Part 2: Comments regarding candidate’s performance A1 was compulsory question and a case study. The answers for this question were about average. It seems that this question was not too difficult to answer. A2 This question was well answered by the candidates. A3 This question was well answered by those who grasped the concepts in the microprocessor topic. A4 This question was about Internet related software and seemed to be found quite easy to answer by most candidates. Correct answers with different opinions were accepted. A5 This question seemed to be challenging. Candidates had problems with understanding the term system development. Half of the candidates did not answer directly what was being asked.They answered about the systems life cycle, that is, they gave three steps out of the lifecycle. When being asked why an incomplete design, over 70% misunderstood it as the change over phase. The answers were incorrect, describing different change overs that exist. A6 This question was about generic software. It was well answered. A7 This questions about databases proved difficult to answer. B1 This was a compulsory question about HCI and Business organization. This question was quite easy to answer and well answered. B2 this question treated HCI and also the concepts were partly application and recall so they proved easy to answer. B3 Business organizations was the focus of this question. This question was easy to answer and not so difficult. 2 IM EXAMINERS’ REPORT MAY 2011 The topics on HCI and Business organization are being properly covered and students are properly prepared to answer them. The markers would like to point that it is imperative that candidates write down the questions numbers so as to indicate to the markers which questions were answered by the candidates. Chairperson Board of Examiners July 2011 3