UNIVERSITY OF MALTA THE MATRICULATION CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION INTERMEDIATE LEVEL PURE MATHEMATICS May 2007 EXAMINERS’ REPORT MATRICULATION AND SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE EXAMINATIONS BOARD IM EXAMINERS’ REPORT MAY 2007 IM Pure Mathematics May 2007 Session Examiners’ Report Part 1: Statistical Information Table 1 shows the distribution of grades obtained by the candidates and the percentage obtaining each grade. Table 1: Distribution of grades obtained by candidates Grade A B C D E F Abs Total Number 30 50 149 61 130 135 15 570 % of Total 5.3 8.8 26.1 10.7 22.8 23.7 2.6 100% Part 2: Comments regarding performance Q1: Part a) was poorly attempted. Many candidates quoted the properties of the logarithmic function incorrectly. In b) quite a few candidates considered the function m(t ) to be equivalent to the product mt, which is obviously incorrect. Others took the initial time to be t = 1, rather than t = 0. Part c) was fairly well done, although many candidates could not find the coordinates of the midpoint of the line AB. Q2: This was well attempted. In a), most candidates deduced incorrectly that p( x) > 0 for all x. In c), many candidates got as far as a = 2−2 3 , which is correct, but could not 1− 3 continue further. Q3: Part a) was poorly done. Many candidates found correctly that there are 33 numbers 267 which are multiples of 9, but then incorrectly found the sum S 267 = {2(1) + 266(9)}. 2 Part b) was well attempted. Q4: Some students were vague about what the domain and range of a function are. Besides the sketch of g(x-1) was not easily deduced from that of g(x). In b) the partial fractions were correctly worked out in most cases, but the resulting integration was generally incorrect. Q5: In a) part i) was done correctly, but the subsequent parts were poorly attempted. In b) the expansion of (1 + 3 x)5 was incorrectly done. Many failed to multiply this expansion by (1 + ax + bx 2 ) before they equated the resulting coefficients. 2 IM EXAMINERS’ REPORT MAY 2007 Q6: In a) some students did not manage to obtain the equation in terms of sines. Those who did, generally found the solution correctly. Part b) was poorly tackled, and many students found it difficult to draw a diagram for this problem. Q7: In a), about half the students did not use the product, quotient and chain rules of differentiation correctly. In b), many candidates applied the chain rule incorrectly. Q8: Part a) was poorly attempted. Some did not manage to separate the variables in the differential equation, others did not integrate correctly, whilst others omitted the constant of integration. In b), many students used degrees rather than radians to find the required definite integral. Others integrated the function incorrectly. Most candidates were unable to draw the necessary sketch. Q9: Part a) was very poorly attempted. Many students could not manipulate the equations algebraically even before the differentiation step. The students fared better in b), although some students did not show any working for their answer, or simply tried to write down a matrix. Q10: This question was generally well attempted. However some students lost marks because in part a) they did not use the given equation to find the inverse, whilst in b) they did not use the method of the matrix inverse to solve the given equations. Chairperson Board of Examiners July 2007 3