UNIVERSITY OF MALTA THE MATRICULATION CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION ADVANCED LEVEL GRAPHICAL COMMUNICATION May 2008 EXAMINERS’ REPORT MATRICULATION AND SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE EXAMINATIONS BOARD AM EXAMINERS’ REPORT MAY 2008 AM Graphical Communication May 2008 Session Examiners’ Report Part 1: Statistical Information GRADE Number % of Total A B 2 8.00 C 2 8.00 D 5 20.00 E 2 8.00 F 1 4.00 Abs 13 52.00 0 0.00 Total 25 100 Part 2: Comments regarding performance 2.1 Comments regarding Paper 1 This paper is common to Engineering Drawing and Graphical Communication. There were 25 candidates sitting for this examination; another 4 candidates sat for AM Engineering Drawing. Candidates sitting for this paper had to attempt five questions out of the given eight questions. Q1. 20 marks VTH Oblique Octagonal Pyramid This question was attempted by 28 candidates. 14 of these candidates presented a relatively good solution and obtained good marks. However, from the remaining 12 candidates some lacked the knowledge of how to erect the required ‘Inclined Plane’ while others could not project their drawing from the ‘Inclined Plane’ to the ‘Plan’ and in turn to the ‘Front Elevation’. Considering that this topic is of unique importance in ‘Technological Drawings’, candidates should prepare themselves better. Q2. 20 marks Cylindrical Cam Here again, one should note that although ‘Cams’ is an uncomplicated, straight forward solution - all that is needed by the candidate is to learn the steps required - the result obtained is not encouraging. There were no full marks. Out of the 12 candidates who attempted this question only 4 obtained a pass mark. Candidates simply lacked the knowledge of the ‘Cylindrical Cam’, direction of rotation, transferring points from the initial ‘Displacement Curve’ to the cylindrical cam. There were also candidates who obtained the ‘Displacement Curve’ wrong ! Q3. 20 marks Gear Teeth in mesh Out of the 10 candidates who attempted this question, five presented a drawing which shows knowledge of the topic in question. The other candidates obtained ones and even zeros for their effort! From such a performance one can only conclude that the candidates were by no means prepared for this topic. Q4. 20 marks Isometric Die Casting Nine candidates attempted this question!! The result was by no means encouraging. Only two candidates obtained a high mark. The rest failed badly obtaining ones and threes for their work. 2 AM EXAMINERS’ REPORT MAY 2008 Q5. 20 marks Auxiliary Views - Shortest Distance Considering that the topic ‘Auxiliary Views’ plays a major part in Geometric Drawing, it is interesting to note that out of the 25 candidates that attempted this question 16 candidates obtained a high pass mark. The remaining candidates obtained such marks as twos and threes ! These candidates presented drawings which showed that they had absolutely no idea as to the steps required to arrive to a correct solution. Q6. 20 marks Interpenetration Cone with Prism 22 candidates attempted this question. Five candidates presented an exceptional good solution (full marks) while another 5 candidates obtained a reasonable pass mark. The remaining candidates presented extremely poor drawings from which one cannot but note that the candidates were by no means prepared. They even failed to obtain a good auxiliary view ! Q7. 20 marks Development Out of the 19 candidates who opted for this question, there were nine candidates who obtained full marks and another two candidates who obtained a pass mark. The remaining candidates obtained twos and threes for their drawings. Candidates were not able to obtain the correct ‘True Lengths” while others were unable to use these ‘True Lengths’ so as to obtain the required ‘development’. The alarming reality is that some candidates did not even know that ‘True Lengths’ were required for this solution !! Q8. 20 marks Graphic Statics Irregular Loaded Beam Only 7 candidates attempted this question. There were only two pass marks. The remaining candidates presented drawings which showed lack of knowledge in the ability of obtaining the actual force and its point of action within the load resting on the beam. Again drawings showed lack of knowledge of ‘Vector Diagrams’. 2.2 Comments regarding Paper 2 For this paper candidates had to attempt any four questions from the given five. Q1. 25 marks. Computer Graphics ‘A Toy Shop’ 22 candidates attempted this question. Only three candidates failed to achieve a pass mark in this question. The rendering quality is still not one expects at this level. Q2. 25 marks. Layout ‘Craft Knives’ 14 candidates attempted this question. Only four presentations were satisfactorily answered. It is to be noted that nearly all the candidates have not as yet reached the level required in the question. Q3. 25 marks. Graphical Representation ‘Digital Cameras’ Attempted by twenty two candidates. Five candidates presented a layout which showed good preparation in this question. 3 AM EXAMINERS’ REPORT MAY 2008 Q4. 25 marks. Ideogram - ‘Sports Festival’ 18 candidates attempted this question. 12 candidates presented a solution which showed that they have reached the required level in this questions. On the other hand the rest were weak in their ‘Graphical Analysis’ and in their ‘Final realisation’ Q5. 25 marks. Perspective Illustration - ‘A Spare Bedroom’ Attempted by twelve candidates. Eight of these presented work which showed that they were well prepared for this type of question hence obtaining a pass mark. However all candidates were lacking in their ability to enhance their selected materials/textures and colours. Chairperson Board of Examiners July 2008 4