UNIVERSITY OF MALTA THE MATRICULATION CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION ADVANCED LEVEL SPANISH MAY 2007 EXAMINERS’ REPORT MATRICULATION AND SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE EXAMINATIONS BOARD AM Examiners’ Report – May 2007 AM SPANISH MAY 2007 SESSION EXAMINERS’ REPORT The following is a statistical report since 2001 for comparative purposes. It represents the number of candidates, and the percentage according to grade Table 1: Distribution of Grades – May 2001-2007 Grade 2001N of Grades Percentage 2002N of Grades Percentage 2003N of Grades Percentage 2004N of Grades Percentage 2005N of Grades Percentage 2006N of Grades Percentage 2007N of Grades Percentage A B C D E F Abs Total 7 17% 7 17% 14 34% 7 17% 3 7% 2 5% 1 2% 41 100% 5 29% 6 35% 3 18% 0 0% 1 6% 1 6% 1 6% 17 100% 8 20% 8 20% 14 35% 2 5% 3 8% 2 5% 3 8% 40 100% 7 15% 14 30% 12 26% 8 17% 4 9% 0 0% 1 2% 46 100% 12 30% 8 20% 9 22% 4 10% 3 8% 2 5% 2 5% 40 100% 7 17% 4 10% 7 17% 6 15% 9 22% 4 10% 4 10% 41 100% 2 3% 17 27 % 19 31% 11 18% 6 10% 4 6% 3 5% 62 100% The first point that comes to mind is that the number of candidates has risen sharply to 62 from the 41 of last year and from the highest figure ever recorded of 46 in 2004. This may be an indication that students are becoming more aware of the rewards a study of this language could bring. Unfortunately the percentage of candidates obtaining an A grade fell remarkably, even if compared with any of the previous years. However this has been partially compensated by the fact that the B and C grade have increased as well, so that the number of candidates in the first 3 grades has retained its percentage, indeed it increased markedly as against the year 2006. So, we can say that the level of results has been overall retained, at least as against last year. The average mark for paper 1 was 19 ( out of 30), paper II was 17(30), paper III 19 ( 30) and the average for the Oral exam was 7(10). The overall average mark was hence 62 out of 100 points.(the above averages exclude absentees) 2 AM Examiners’ Report – May 2007 Focused remarks Paper 1 Redacción 14 candidates obtained less than 15 marks, representing 25%., 22 obtained more than 20 marks, (of which 5 over 24), representing 40%. (percentages exclude absentees) The examiners noted the following points which deserve mention, as an aid to future candidates. 1. Many candidates resorted to Italian when their vocabulary came short. This is no help at all, and such things should be avoided as they would be penalized. Preferably, they should have found a different way of expression to avoid use of foreign words. 2. Many times it was clear that the candidate did not stop to think and plan how he is going to structure his essay before starting to write. This in spite of the ample time available. Candidates must train themselves to spend time to plan and know what they have to say. A first draft may be an option. But it was noted that many candidates, in spite of a good performance in vocabulary, grammar etc, fare badly because they rush to go through the essay, which develops into a rambling exercise. 3. A few minutes spent in planning will also be reflected in the good presentation that the resulting essay shows, with clear ideas split into a good introduction, interesting ideas in the body of the essay, and an attractive conclusion. 4. Lastly, candidates should come up with a neatly structured essay, using a good ball-pen( instead of a leaking smudgy one), and should give time for a calm revision at the end to identify errors that may have escaped them during the writing. Paper II Comprensión and Resumen A feedback reached the examiners that candidates found the Comprensión more difficult than expected. This has been noted. The average mark was 17 out of 30, split in the middle with 8.67 in the comprehension and 8.33 in the Resumen. Again, a general comment from examiners was that candidates did not give due time to make sure that their reply was what the question was looking for, without leaving out important information, or adding information which was superfluous. Candidates should look out against using the same text from the original, but are bound to reply in their own words, thus showing their personal grasp of the language. Paper III Textos Literarios / Temas culturales. Candidates have again, as last year, shown their preference for section A- Textos Literarios, and there were none who opted for section B-Temas Culturales. The average mark in this paper was 19 out of 30. The examiners have made the following comments. 1. Candidates should focus on answering the questions through information gathered from the text-book and stick to that rather than try and give a whole rambling picture of the whole story in the book, which was not what was required from them. Rather, when one goes at a tangent, it may give the impression that the candidate is hiding his lack of knowledge and running away from the question. 2. Some students memorized whole parts, and went on to quote them copiously hoping to make a good impression, but this does not help very much, and the important thing is that one gives a well-thought answer concentrating on the issue. 3. Most candidates showed that they have read the textbook and prepared themselves well. 4. Some candidates answered correctly, but failed to elaborate in their reply. 5. This paper pushes the candidates to have to express themselves in their own words in Spanish. Some candidates found some difficulty in expressing themselves clearly in Spanish. 3 AM Examiners’ Report – May 2007 Conversación In spite of the lack of opportunity to practice the language in Malta, many candidates put a good effort and could present their ideas well. Others lacked the ability to keep a flowing conversation. Reading books/magazines and listening to the TV Spanish station must be taken up regularly. Conclusion It was a pleasure to see the increased interest in the language as shown in the number of candidates. The over-all level was satisfactory and this should be an encouragement to future candidates in the coming years. Chairperson Board of examiners August 2007 4