Tagħlim Reliġjuż (Religious Knowledge) Karta 2B (Paper 2B) Karta mudell (Specimen paper)

Tagħlim Reliġjuż (Religious Knowledge)
Karta 2B (Paper 2B)
Karta mudell (Specimen paper)
Ħin: Sagħtejn
Time: Two hours
Din il-karta tiswa 60% tal-marki kollha tal-eżami.
This paper carries 60% of the global mark of the exam.
Agħżel 10 minn dawn l-14-il mistoqsija u wieġeb f’forma ta’ paragrafu (kull tweġiba tiswa 15-il marka minn
total ta’ 150).
Choose 10 of these 14 questions and answer in paragraph form (each answer carries 15 marks out of a
total of 150).
1. Agħżel waħda minn dawn ir-reliġjonijiet il-kbar mhux Insara: l-Induiżmu, il-Buddiżmu jew l-Iżlam.
X’tgħallem din ir-reliġjon dwar kif il-bniedem għandu jgħix u xi jsir minnu wara l-mewt? Semmi xi
ħaġa f’din ir-reliġjon li taħseb li l-Insara jistgħu jitgħallmu minna. Spjega.
Choose one of these non-Christian religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, or Islam. What does this religion
teach about how human beings should live and what happens to them after death? Refer to
something in this religion from which, you think, Christians can learn. Explain.
2. Għaliex l-Insara għandhom jersqu lejn il-Bibbja b’rispett kbir? X’jagħmlu biex juru dan ir-rispett?
X’siwi għandha l-Bibbja fil-ħajja ta’ kuljum tan-Nisrani?
Why should Christians approach the Bible with great respect? What can they do to demonstrate this
respect? What is the value of the Bible in the everyday life of the Christian?
3. Liema xebh hemm bejn id-dnub ta’ Adam u Eva u d-dnubiet li jsiru fi żmienna? Semmi dnubiet kbar li
jsiru fi żmienna u uri kif dawn jagħmlu ħsara lil min jagħmilhom u wkoll lil ħaddieħor.
How are today’s sins similar to the sin of Adam and Eve? Name some of the grave sins of our age
and show how these affect negatively both those who commit them as well as other people.
4. Aqra dan il-każ b’attenzjoni u mbagħad wieġeb il-mistoqsijiet ta’ wara:
Read this story carefully and then answer the questions that follow:
Danica kien ilha żmien ma titlob bis-serjetà. Lanqas quddiesa tal-Ħadd ma kienet għadha tmur, aħseb u ara.
Jum fost l-oħrajn missierha tah attakk tal-qalb. Ħaduh l-isptar u sabu li kien jeħtieġ operazzjoni urġenti.
Tgħidx kemm marret quddies u talbet bil-qalb matul dak iż-żmien li missierha għamel l-isptar sakemm
irkupra mill-operazzjoni u bagħtuh id-dar! Iżda issa li għaddiet aktar minn sena, Danica ilha ma titlob bisserjetà minn dak iż-żmien.
Danica had stopped praying seriously for a long time. She had even stopped going to Sunday Mass. Then,
one day, her father had a heart attack. He was taken to hospital and it was decided that he needed an
urgent operation. During the time her father spent in hospital until he recovered sufficiently and was
discharged, Danica prayed a lot and went to Mass as often as she could. Now, over a year has passed and
Danica has not prayed or gone to Mass since.
Ikkummenta fuq din l-istorja. Hawn min lil Alla jitolbu biss meta jkun ġej xi eżami jew meta jkollu xi
mard fil-familja. Għaliex dan mhux sew? Kif ikun qed iħares lejn Alla min jagħmel hekk? Kif suppost
iħares in-Nisrani lejn Alla?
Comment on the story. There are people who pray to God only before an exam or when someone in
their family falls ill. What’s wrong in this? How do these people think of God? What should God
mean to a Christian?
5. Għaliex id-deċiżjoni jekk xi ħadd jaċċettax lil Ġesù f’ħajtu jew le hija deċiżjoni serja u urġenti ħafna?
X’bidla ġġib fil-ħajja ta’ żagħżugħ/a tamparek l-għażla ta’ Ġesù bħala t-Triq, il-Verità u l-Ħajja
Why is the decision whether or not to accept Jesus in your life a crucial and urgent one? In what
ways does the choice of Jesus as the Way, the Truth and the Life change the life of the young person
your age?
6. San Pawl kien ixebbah lill-Knisja ma’ ġisem uman li tiegħu Kristu hu r-Ras. Spjega kif din ix-xbieha
tgħin lill-Insara jikbru fir-rispett u l-għaqda tagħhom ma’ Kristu u bejniethom.
St Paul compared the church to a human body with Christ as the Head. Explain how this image helps
Christians grow in their respect for and communion with Christ and with other members of the
7. Għaliex jeħtieġ li bniedem ikun kapaċi jaħfer u jitlob maħfra lil ħaddieħor? Kif nafu li Alla lest li jaħfer
lil min jidneb? Fit-tweġiba tiegħek għat-tieni parti tal-mistoqsija irreferi għal xi ġrajjiet u/jew
parabboli li nsibu fl-Evanġelji.
Why do human beings need the ability to forgive and to ask for forgiveness? How do we know that
God is ready to forgive sinners? In your answer to the second part of the question refer to stories
and/or parables from the Gospels.
8. Għaliex il-Ħadd hu jum speċjali għall-Insara? Kif għandhom iħarsuh? Spjega għaliex għandhom
iħarsuh b’dan il-mod.
Why is Sunday a special day for Christians? How should they observe this day? Explain why they
should do so.
9. Aqra dan il-każ b’attenzjoni u mbagħad wieġeb il-mistoqsijiet ta’ wara:
Read this story carefully and then answer the questions that follow:
Albert hu wieħed minn dawk akkaniti għall-partit politiku tiegħu. Jgħid x’jgħid u jagħmel x’jagħmel il-partit,
għalih dan vanġelu. Min-naħa l-oħra, Monika ma tridx taf b’politika. Qatt ma marret tivvota u deċiża li qatt
ma tmur.
Albert is deeply attached to his favourite political party. Whatever is said or done by his party he considers
to be gospel truth. On the other hand, Monika shows no interest at all in politics. She never voted and is
determined not to.
Ikkummenta fuq din l-istorja. X’għandha x’taqsam il-politika mar-reliġjon?
suppost ma jkunx la bħal Albert u lanqas bħal Monika?
Għaliex in-Nisrani
Comment on this story. What have politics and religion got to do with each other? Why should a
Christian be neither like Albert nor like Monika?
10. B’liema mod il-Madonna hija mudell ta’ kif l-Insara għandhom ikunu? B’liema mod il-Madonna
wieġbet lil Alla għal dak li għamel magħha? Kif jista’ dan jgħin lill-Insara?
In what way is Our Lady a model for Christians? How did Our Lady respond to God’s gift to her? How
can this response help Christians?
11. Aqra dan il-każ b’attenzjoni u mbagħad wieġeb il-mistoqsijiet ta’ wara:
Read this story carefully and then answer the questions that follow:
Christine u Konrad kienu ilhom xi xhur joħorġu flimkien meta mingħajr ħafna ħsieb beda jkollhom x’jaqsmu
sesswalment bejniethom. Għaddew ftit xhur u minkejja li Konrad dejjem kien juża kondom bħala
kontraċettiv, Christine indunat li nqabdet tqila. Kien ser ikollhom tarbija. It-tnejn ma ridux jirrovinaw ilfutur tagħhom u bdew ifittxu l-għajnuna biex Christine tagħmel abort.
Christine and Konrad had been going out together for some months when without much thought they
started having sex. After some months, even though Konrad had always used a condom for contraception,
Christine realised that she was pregnant. They were going to have a baby. They didn’t want to ruin their
future and so started seeking help for Christine to have an abortion.
Ikkummenta fuq din l-istorja. Int u tikkummenta uri x’inhu l-abort u għaliex dan hu ħażin, hu x’inhu lkaż.
Comment on this story. While you are doing this, define abortion and show why it is wrong,
whatever the situation.
12. Semmi u spejga erba’ mid-drittijiet tal-ħaddiema. Għal kull dritt li ssemmi uri wkoll r-responsabbiltà
li dak l-istess dritt iqiegħed fuq spallejn il-ħaddiem innifsu.
List and explain four of the rights of workers. For each right you mention, show what responsibility
that right places on the workers themselves.
13. Liema huma l-akbar sfidi li qiegħed jiffaċċja ż-Żwieġ illum? X’hemm fit-tagħlim tal-Knisja li jista’ jgħin
lill-koppji Nsara jegħlbu dawn l-isfidi?
What are the greatest challenges being faced by marriage nowadays? What, in the Church’s
teachings, can help Christian married couples overcome these challenges?
14. Għall-Insara l-mewt mhix it-tmiem ta’ kollox, anzi bidu ġdid. X’jemmnu l-Insara dwar il-ħajja wara lmewt? Liema ġrajja ta’ Ġesù hija l-bażi ta’ din il-fidi ta’ l-Insara? Spjega kif din il-fidi tgħin lill-Insara
jimtlew bil-kuraġġ u jaħdmu għal dinja aħjar.
For Christians, death is not the end of everything, but rather a new beginning. What do Christians
believe about life after death? Which event recorded in the gospels is the foundation of this belief?
Explain how this belief encourages Christians to strive for a better world.