Interstate 91 Viaduct Study MassDOT Contract No. 82617 Public Involvement Plan

Interstate 91 Viaduct Study
MassDOT Contract No. 82617
Public Involvement Plan
Project Overview and Goals
The portion of Interstate 91 (I-91) between State Street and the interchange with I-291 parallels the
Connecticut River in Springfield, Massachusetts. The elevated structure, or viaduct, was built in the late
1960s and stands as a structural and visual divide between much of the center of the city and the river.
The I-91 Viaduct Study will evaluate alternative alignments, including highway and non-highway
improvements, for this segment of I-91. The study will analyze options and design elements that
improve multi-modal access based on a set of study goals and objectives. The existing deck of this
segment of I-91 will be replaced in late 2014/early 2015 to address urgent safety needs as part of a
separate project.
The Milone & MacBroom, Inc. team, including Regina Villa Associates (RVA), will assist MassDOT with
public involvement and outreach efforts, consistent with MassDOT’s Public Participation Plan. The goals
of the public involvement program are to:
Reach out early and frequently so people can participate in the study process.
Develop and maintain positive relationships with community leaders, residents and
Provide opportunities for public involvement, including information gathering, promptly
responding to questions/inquiries and offering an opportunity to submit comments.
Communicate study news and updates across several platforms in easy to understand and
accessible formats. Translations into Spanish and potentially additional languages or formats will
be necessary to reach all populations.
Collaborate with community and advocacy groups, businesses, residents and local officials to
effectively broaden the public involvement program, in part by convening a Working Group
consisting of local, state, regional, legislative, federal, and business community representatives.
Encourage and maintain project support and involvement by providing continuous and
meaningful opportunities for all potentially affected communities to participate and provide
These goals are established to solicit input and garner public support resulting in a project completed to
the community’s satisfaction. A working group, made up of members who are representative of their
communities, will provide regular feedback on MassDOT’s materials at key milestones. A transparent,
inclusive and responsive public involvement program will allow the project to advance in a timely
manner and avoid obstacles caused by lack of information or opportunities to participate.
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Public Involvement and Outreach Program Elements
The consultant team will work closely with MassDOT throughout the study to inform and engage the
public using key strategy and communication tools. The outreach will be conducted in several formats,
including electronic and traditional communication, and materials will be translated into Spanish (and
other languages upon request) to reach a wide range of interested stakeholders. The schedule and
frequency of each outreach activity (subject to change) are outlined in the Public Involvement and
Outreach Schedule section.
1. Stakeholder Database
The consultant team will begin with the database developed for MassDOT’s I-91 Viaduct Rehabilitation
Project, which includes the business community, elected and local officials, community groups, media,
and those who have attended public meetings or hearings. The database will be expanded to include
property owners within the Primary Study Area, planning commissions, industry organizations, agency
departments, community organizations, other key stakeholders including MGM Springfield, and key
newspapers and online forums. Key contacts in and around Springfield, as well as the towns of West
Springfield, Chicopee, Agawam, Holyoke and Longmeadow will be targeted. The database will be
updated consistently throughout the study, after public meetings and through the website email sign
2. Internet Communications
Study updates, meeting announcements and other project information will be communicated
electronically via the project website, e-blasts and social media.
A. Website
 Work with MassDOT to draft, maintain and update a project website, which will have
MassDOT’s new translation tool, allowing users to translate the content into Spanish
and other languages. MassDOT will design and build the new site with content
provided by the consultant team.
 Provide the following items to be posted to the website: regular updates, relevant
historical documents, task deliverables (including fact sheet), meeting announcements
and materials, and graphics. All materials posted to the website will be compliant with
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0.
 Provide content to MassDOT when the site requires updating. MassDOT will update the
website with the content provided. Ensure all materials posted are Section 508
 Include online comment form and email distribution list sign up form.
 Work closely with Working Group, local businesses and community organizations to
market the website to drive site visits, ultimately keeping people informed.
 Regularly review the website to ensure content remains accurate and up-to-date.
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B. E-blasts
 Develop e-blast content as needed, including meeting announcements.
 Act as an administrator on the project’s GovDelivery account, allowing the ability to
format and send e-blasts and import database updates as needed.
C. Social Media
 Provide MassDOT with content and materials, including but not limited to text, photos
and maps, to be posted on the MassDOT blog, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Flickr
accounts (by MassDOT).
3. Public Meetings
Up to three public meetings will be scheduled according to major project milestones. The specific dates
of the meetings will be coordinated with MassDOT and based on the final approved study schedule.
Tasks will include:
Identify and secure location(s); coordinate logistics and any special accommodations.
Prepare meeting notices and announcements for MassDOT distribution via eblast, website and
social media; assist with display materials and presentation preparation and support (including
Staff public meetings and prepare related documents: sign in sheet, handouts, agenda, etc.
Promptly provide follow-up by responding to questions, updating the website and delivering
draft minutes to MassDOT.
Coordinate with vendors for interpretation services.
Ensure meeting is held in an accessible location and within ¼ mile from public transportation,
when possible.
4. Working Group Meetings
Nine Working Group meetings will be scheduled at key project milestones with input from the members.
The consultant team will assist MassDOT with coordinating and preparing for Working Group meeting,
Identify and secure location(s); coordinate logistics and any special accommodations.
Prepare meeting notifications for Working Group members.
Assist with materials, including presentation and handout preparation.
Staff Working Group meetings and prepare summary and other related documents: sign in
sheet, handouts, agenda, etc.
Below are the Working Group (WG) and public meeting topics, as outlined in the scope and subject to
change throughout the life of the study:
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WG #1: Study area limits, goals and objectives, evaluation criteria, public involvement plan, the
task milestones and overall schedule
WG #2: Public Involvement Plan
WG #3: Existing conditions, future no-build conditions, issues evaluation components, task
milestones and overall schedule
WG #4: Future year conditions, project milestones and overall schedule
WG #5: Constraints identification and strategy for Public Meeting #1
Public #1: Provide study introduction and overview, and share constraints identification for
WG #6: Alternatives development components and strategy for next public meeting
WG #7: Elements of alternatives analysis and cost analysis components
Public #2: Provide study update and share alternatives development for input
WG #8: Study recommendations as a result of the analysis
WG #9: Final report
Public #3: Share study recommendations and final report for input
5. Press Outreach
All media outreach and inquiries will be handled by MassDOT’s Press Office, with the exception that any
media representatives on the database (to be determined by MassDOT) will receive general project
communication. Any press inquiries made to consultant staff will be directed to MassDOT. Press
representatives included on the database will receive general information via GovDelivery, MassDOT’s
email marketing program. Media contacts will be incorporated in MassDOT’s Press Office media list.
The consultant team will provide draft media and press releases to MassDOT public affairs for
distribution to broadcast, online and print media outlets. Content, materials and background
information will be packaged for MassDOT’s Press Office as needed to respond to press inquiries.
6. Coordination with Other Projects
Partner with MassDOT’s I-91 Viaduct Rehabilitation Project team to avoid public confusion and
coordinate outreach efforts.
7. Print Materials
Print materials will be distributed at meetings and posted on the website. Meeting notices will be
distributed primarily electronically with a limited print distribution as the budget permits. The
consultant team will support the development of meeting presentations and materials.
Develop an informational fact sheet to be posted on the website, distributed (electronically) in
e-blasts, handed out at meetings and sent directly to community groups and key stakeholders.
o The fact sheet will include social media, website and contact info and project design.
o The fact sheet will outline the project and its goals and, if possible, will also include
a project overview, map, schedule, and project constraints. It will be produced in
English and Spanish.
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Prepare monthly updates for the website.
Prepare other materials such as meeting notice flyers for posting on the website and electronic
The program outlined above includes a mix of traditional and modern outreach tools that will allow a
range of stakeholders to be involved and get information in ways and at times that are convenient for
Public Involvement and Outreach Schedule
Stakeholder Database
 September 2014: Update existing database
Internet Communications
 Website
September-October 2014: Provide content and launch project page
Update content regularly
TBD Fall 2014: Draft project introduction e-blast with website information
Draft and deliver on an as needed basis for meeting notices
Social Media
Press Outreach
As needed for project milestones and meeting notices
As needed to draft materials regarding project milestones and meeting notices;
gather materials and respond to inquiries.
Public Meetings
 To be scheduled based on project milestones and the final approved study schedule
Working Group Meetings
 To be scheduled based on project milestones input from members; anticipate first
meeting in late October.
Coordination with Other Projects
 Ongoing and as needed during project
Print Materials
TBD Fall 2014: Fact Sheet – project information
Flyers for public meetings (in English and Spanish)
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