STATE OF NEW JERSEY EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN GUIDELINES MUNICIPAL TERRORISM INCIDENT ANNEX CHECKLIST Cite Annex Page/Section/Paragraph Reference I. INTRODUCTION _________ A. Provide signed and dated statements of approval for this Annex by the individual responsible and the Emergency Management Coordinator. (Standardized Text Available) _________ B. Describe the evolution of the Terrorism Incident Annex at the Federal and State level. (Standardized Text available) _________ 1. Describe crisis management _________ 2. Describe consequence management _________ 3. Define the sub-categories of terrorism II.. AUTHORITIES AND REFERENCES _________ A. List pertinent laws/ordinances, regulations, resolutions and directives for this Annex other than those identified in the Basic Plan. (Standardized Text Available) _________ B. List publications and guidance material used for Terrorism Incident Annex development or operational guidance. (Standardized Text Available) III. PURPOSE, SCOPE AND POLICIES _________ A. Include a mission statement that briefly describes the purposes of the Terrorism Incident Annex. (Standardized Text Available) _________ B. Include a statement of the scope of the Terrorism Incident Annex. (Standardized Text Available) 09-01-00 TI -2- 1 _________ IV. C. Include a statement of the major policies associated with the Terrorism Incident Annex. (Standardized Text Available) SITUATION Provide statements that briefly describe your municipality’s organization and capabilities for dealing with an incident of terrorism, if different from normal emergency operations procedures. _________ A. Identify the Terrorism Incident organization for your jurisdiction to include: _________ 1. Number of permanent, paid employees involved in response operations. _________ 2. Number of temporary employees to be utilized. _________ 3. Number of municipal volunteers available. _________ 4. Number and type of vehicles and radios available. _________ 5. Identify any special capabilities or equipment such as needs assessment teams or intelligence teams that you may have. (Also refer to TIA-1) _________ B. Identify the components/divisions of the Terrorism Incident Organization in your jurisdiction (Command, Law Enforcement, Communications, Public Works, etc) _________ C. Identify the communications capability and data retrieval systems available to the Terrorism Incident Organization in your jurisdiction. (Also refer to AWCA-5) _________ D. Identify the critical facilities in your jurisdiction. Include those you have previously identified as potential terrorist targets during vulnerability surveys. (Also refer to TIA-2) _________ E. Describe existing plans to secure these critical facilities. TI -3- 09-01-00 2 V. _________ OPERATIONS AND CONTROL A. Describe Terrorism Incident actions to be taken during periods of heightened risk to include: _________ 1. Establish from where Terrorism Incident direction and control will emanate (EOC, Communications Center, On-scene Command Post). _________ 2. Provide for the verification of current recall rosters for the Terrorism Incident Group. (Also refer to TIA-5) _________ 3. Describe how Terrorism Incident Group staffing will be provided on a 24 hour basis. _________ B. Describe how the Terrorism Incident Group interacts with other emergency groups during an emergency to include: _________ 1. Designation of a Terrorism Incident representative, by title, to report to the EOC during an emergency. _________ 2. Procedures for reporting appropriate information to the EOC during an emergency. (Also refer to TIA-4) _________ 3. Describe how your Terrorism Incident Group utilizes the Incident Command System (ICS) to handle emergency situations or identify a timetable for implementation of ICS in your jurisdiction. _________ C. Describe how the Terrorism Incident Group is utilized and how additional personnel and equipment are assembled. _________ D. Describe the command system to be utilized when another jurisdiction’s forces are utilized. _________ E. Describe the additional security and emergency response measures to be employed in the event your jurisdiction receives credible information on the likelihood of an impending terrorist incident. _________ F. Describe your process for the discrete “Close hold” notification (without a general public announcement) of key and essential personnel and facilities upon credible advanced notification of an impending terrorist incident. TI-4- 09/01/00 3 _________ G. Describe your process for the unrestricted notification of the general public in the event of a terrorism incident. _________ H. Describe the protective actions you contemplate for schools and day care centers. _________ I. Describe the protective actions you contemplate for hospitals, clinics, outpatient facilities, nursing homes and rehabilitation centers. _________ J. Describe the protective actions you contemplate for businesses, manufacturing and commercial enterprises within the jurisdiction. _________ K. Describe your plan for reconstituting the municipal chain of command in the event of a catastrophic level of casualties among key and essential personnel. _________ L. Describe your plan for designating facilities and support of special Federal, State and county organizations which may be deployed in your jurisdiction as part of the crisis management phase of a terrorist incident. _________ M Describe how you will combine immediate, life essential needs assessment with traditional damage assessment and casualty reporting during a terrorist incident incorporating Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). _________ N. Describe your plan for mustering additional volunteer assistance in the event of a WMD attack. Include any Memorandum of Agreement/Understanding with volunteer agencies which may already be in place. _________ O. Describe your process for evaluating outside requests for mutual aid assistance in the event of a WMD incident in a neighboring community. Include a general statement of the type of assistance your jurisdiction would normally provide. _________ P. Describe your plans to establish accountability for community residents and transients in the event of a WMD attack. 4 TI -5- 09–01-00 IV. RESPONSIBILITIES _________ A. Identify who, by title, is responsible for implementing this annex and directing the Terrorism Incident emergency response. (Standardized Text available) _________ B. List SOPs that address how the Terrorism Incident Group will accomplish its assigned tasks. If none, so state. (Standardized Text available). _________ C. Identify Terrorism Incident mutual aid agreements. If none, so state. (Standardized Text Available). (Also refer to TIA-1). _________ D. Identify who, by title, is responsible for providing security at critical facilities, reception centers, lodging and feeding facilities, and emergency shelters. (Standardized Text available). (Also refer to TIA-2). VII. CONTINUITY OF GOVERNMENT FOR TERRORISM INCIDENT _________ A. Establish a line of succession to ensure continuous leadership, authority and responsibility in key positions. _________ B. Identify how essential records and logs will be protected and preserved. VIII. ADMINISTRATION AND LOGISTICS _________ A. Identify who, by title, is responsible for records and reports; specifically address requirements for Terrorism Incident functions. _________ B. Identify any stockpiles of terrorism-specific equipment, materials or supplies maintained by your jurisdiction (Detection equipment, personal protective clothing, medications, decontaminants, etc.). _________ C Identify who, by title, has the responsibility for records of expenditures for the Terrorism Incident Group. (Standardized Test available). _________ D. Identify procedures for obtaining supplies and equipment during emergencies. (Also refer to TIA-3 and RMA-8) (Standardized Text available). 5 TI -6- 09-01-00 IX. ANNEX DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTENANCE _________ A. Identify the office or individual, by title, who is responsible for the maintenance of the Terrorism Incident Annex and for ensuring that necessary changes and revisions to the Annex are prepared, coordinated, approved and distributed. (Standardized Text available). _________ B. Provide for review and updating the Annex, SOPs and attachments based on deficiencies identified through drills and exercises, and on an annual basis. (Standardized Text available). X. _________ XI. DEFINITIONS List definitions/explanation of terms and acronyms utilized in the Terrorism Incident Annex. APPENDICES/ATTACHMENTS (These attachments do not have to be included with the plan unless so noted, but must be available for review by county and regional personnel). _________ TIA-1 Mutual Aid Agreements _________ TIA-2 Critical Facilities List (Command Posts, police and fire stations, hospitals, utilities, shelters, etc). Include with plan and post on a large-scale map of the jurisdiction to be maintained at the municipal EOC. _________ TIA-3 Terrorism Incident Resource list. ________ TIA-4 Terrorism Incident Management, if any. _________ TIA-5 Recall/Duty Roster 6 SOPs related to Emergency