COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS S.O.P.NO.ENV-01-31-1-000 MASSACHUSETS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PAGE 1 OF 2 HIGHWAY DIVISION STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: Performing Facility Environmental DISTRIBUTION: Compliance Inspections at MassDOT Highway A Facilities EFFECTIVE: ISSUED: SUPERSEDES: ENV-01-31-1-000, AUTHORIZED:Signature 8/23/10 8/23/10 Dated 9/12/08 on original PURPOSE To ensure that Facility Environmental Compliance Inspections are performed consistently, and at specified intervals. These inspections provide a means for assessing the degree of compliance at MassDOT, Highway Division district headquarters, maintenance, snow and ice, fueling facilities, stockroom, and drawbridge facilities, highlighting problem areas, and tracking corrective actions. RESPONSIBILITY It is the responsibility of the Environmental Management System Compliance Coordinator (ECC), or their designee, to perform Facility Environmental Compliance Inspections in accordance with this SOP. It is the responsibility of the District Maintenance Engineer (DME) to ensure timely corrective actions in response to inspection findings. It is the responsibility of the designated district maintenance personnel to implement corrective actions as directed, and to maintain the facility in compliance with MassDOT Highway Division Standard Operating Procedures and applicable environmental regulations. POLICY Inspections are performed using the standardized Facility Environmental Compliance Inspection Report (see attachment). The recommended minimum inspection frequency is quarterly for maintenance depots, fueling facilities, stockrooms, District Headquarters and, and semi-annually for drawbridges and snow & ice facilities. The ECC reports findings from the facility inspection to the DME. The DME forwards the Inspection Report to the appropriate district personnel to complete the necessary corrective action(s) for the findings. Corrective Actions must be completed within 30 days. If identified regulatory violations are not corrected within 30 days, an electronic copy of the report is sent to the Audit Coordinator of the Environmental Services Division and the regulatory violations are entered into the Clean State Database by the Audit Coordinator. Inspection Reports are stored electronically at the ECC’s office. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS S.O.P.NO.ENV-01-31-1-000 MASSACHUSETS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PAGE 2 OF 2 HIGHWAY DIVISION STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: Performing Facility Environmental DISTRIBUTION: Compliance Inspections at MassDOT Highway A Facilities EFFECTIVE: ISSUED: SUPERSEDES: ENV-01-31-1-000, AUTHORIZED:Signature 8/23/10 8/23/10 Dated 9/12/08 on original Note: An Inspection Report with no findings identified and thus not requiring any corrective actions, does not need to be forwarded to the DME, but still needs to be filed. The ECCs will keep a file of common findings and review them during annual awareness training Repetitive findings of a regulatory nature shall be reported to Boston Operations. The standardized Facility Environmental Compliance Inspection Report is reviewed on a regular basis and revised as needed. Attach: Facility Environmental Compliance Inspection Report FACILITY ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT INSPECTOR: DATE: FACILITY NAME & FACILITY NUMBER: FACILITY FOREMAN IN CHARGE: HAZARDOUS WASTE GENERATOR ID. NUMBER: PLEASE ESTIMATE THE QUANTITIES OF WASTE THAT HAVE ACCUMULATED AT THIS FACILITY. HAZARDOUS WASTE: TYPE OF WASTE / ESTIMATED QUANTITY: TYPE OF WASTE / ESTIMATED QUANTITY: / ABC / CY / C&D / CY / Catchbasin Cleanings / CY / Street Sweepings / CY / Scrap Metal / CY Tires / CY / ESTIMATED QUANTITY Tree Waste / CY / White Goods / CY / Treated Timbers / CY / Bulky Waste / CY UNIVERSAL WASTE TYPE OF WASTE SOLID WASTE: / ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE INSPECTION CHECKLIST HAZARDOUS WASTE FUEL TANKS Y/N ARE WEEKLY INSPECTIONS BEING COMPLETED? Y/N ARE WEEKLY STAGE II VAPOR RECOVERY INSPECTIONS BEING PERFORMED? Y/N Y/N ARE ALL CONTAINERS CLOSED, LABELED, AND STORED IN A DESIGNATED ACCUMULATION AREA? Y/N ARE FUEL INVENTORY AND RECONCILITATION RECORDS BEING MAINTAINED? Y/N Y/N IS THE ACCUMULATION AREA DELINEATED, POSTED WITH A SIGN AND IS SECONDARY CONTAINMENT PROVIDED? Y/N ANY MAJOR SPILLS/LEAKS AROUND FILL PORTS OR DISPENSERS? Y/N IS THE ACCUMULATION AREA CLEAR OF MATERIAL OTHER THAN HAZARDOUS WASTES? Y/N ARE FILL PORTS CLEAN AND UNDAMAGED? Y/N IS HAZARDOUS WASTE STORED OUTSIDE THE Y/N ARE THERE ANY VEEDER-ROOT ALARMS ACCUMULATION AREA? ACTIVATED? Y/N ARE SATELLITE ACCUMULATION AREA REQUIREMENTS BEING MET? Y/N IS EMERGENCY CONTACT LIST POSTED NEAR PHONE ? Y/N ARE VALID TANK PERMITS/REGISTRATIONS POSTED AT THE FACILITY? INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER Y/N ARE SPILL ABSORBENTS AVAILABLE? Y/N ARE GARAGE FLOOR DRAINS FUNCTIONING PROPERLY? Y/N ARE ACCUMULATION TIME OR VOLUME LIMITS EXCEEDED FOR THE GENERATOR STATUS? Y/N IS THERE EVIDENCE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ENTERING A FLOOR DRAIN OR CATCH BASIN? Y/N ARE WASTE SELF-TRANSPORT RECORDS OR MANIFESTS IN ORDER? Y/N DO WASTEWATER HOLDING TANKS NEED TO BE PUMPED? OIL AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Y/N ARE THE HIGH WATER ALARMS FUNCTIONING PROPERLY? Y/N ARE OHM STORED IN APPROPRIATE LOCATIONS? Y/N ARE WASTEWATER TANK PERMIT CONDITIONS BEING COMPLIED WITH? Y/N ARE OHM STORED IN PROPER CLOSED AND LABELLED CONTAINERS? WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION Y/N ARE ALL COMPRESSED GAS CYLINDERS PROPERLY STORED (LABELED, CAPPED, CHAINED, OR IN RACK)? Y/N ARE SAND PILES CONTAINED IN AN ADEQUATE STORAGE AREA & LABELED? SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT Y/N IS SALT CONTAINED INDOORS OR UNDER COVER AND LABELED? Y/N ARE SOLID WASTES STORED IN DESIGNATED LOCATIONS AND SEPARATED BY TYPE? Y/N ARE ACCESSIBLE GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELLS IN GOOD CONDITION? Y/N ARE DUMPSTERS AND TRASH CANS FREE OF BANNED OR RESTRICTED WASTES? Y/N ARE THERE ANY LEAKING VEHICLES/EQUIPMENT PRESENT? ADDITIONAL COMMENTS AND CORRECTIVE ACTIONS: WETLAND PROTECTION ARE THERE ANY REGULATED WETLAND RESOURCE AREAS OR WATERWAYS ON OR ADJACENT TO THE FACILITY? (I.E. VEGETATED WETLANDS, BANKS, FLOODPLAINS LAND UNDER WATER AND THE IN ARE THERE ACTIVITIES WHICH ARE RESULTING DIRECT IMPACTS TO A WETLAND RESOURCE AREA OR RIVERFRONT? NOTE: DIRECT IMPACTS INCLUDE FILLING, EXCAVATING, SOLID WASTE, OR ALTERING. Y/N ARE FACILITY ACTIVITIES RESULTING IN ANY IMPACT TO A WETLAND RESOURCE AREA OR RIVERFRONT?