COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS S.O.P.NO. ENV-01-27-1-000 MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PAGE 1 OF 2 HIGHWAY DIVISION STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: Inspection And Maintenance Of Oil/Water DISTRIBUTION: Separators (OWS) AT MassDOT Highway Division A Facilities EFFECTIVE: ISSUED: SUPERSEDES:ENV-01-27-1-000, Dated AUTHORIZED:Signature 8/23/10 8/23/10 8/13/08 on original PURPOSE To ensure the proper inspection and maintenance of OWS at MassDOT Highway Division facilities is performed in accordance with applicable environmental regulations (including but not limited to 310 CMR 30, 310 CMR 40, 314 CMR 2.00) and facility specific permits. Note: Refer to SOP ENV-01-18-1-000 for guidance on wastewater holding tanks (tight tanks). RESPONSIBILITY It is the responsibility of the District Maintenance Engineer (DME) or their designee to ensure that this SOP is adhered to. It is the responsibility of all facility personnel to prevent discharge of oil, hazardous materials, hazardous waste and solids (i.e. sand, salt, trash) from entering the facility floor drains. If a significant amount (more than one gallon of liquid or one pound of solid) of any oil or hazardous material does enter the floor drain, facility personnel will immediately notify the District Maintenance Engineer (DME), Environmental Management System Compliance Coordinator (ECC) and the District Safety Inspector. District Maintenance personnel (as designated by the DME) are responsible for arranging prompt repair of any defective OWS tanks or components of those tanks and any additional requirements required by the permit for the OWS. The ECC may, at their discretion, use district compliance budget to conduct repairs to OWS systems. PROCEDURE The designated facility personnel will manually self-test the OWS alarm system (if so equipped) on a regular basis. The alarm test schedule may based on permit requirements, DEP guidance, or seasonal frequency of usage. Any discrepancies (i.e. audible alarm not sounding or lights not working) will be brought to the attention of the DME or District Structures Maintenance Engineer (DSME) or District Facility Engineer (DFE). If a “high oil” or “pump out oil” condition is discovered, facility will immediately notify the ECC and DSME/DFE who will then arrange for a pumpout and disposal with a properly licensed contractor. The ECC or designee ( as designated by the DHD or DME) will inspect the OWS as part of the regular Facility Environmental Compliance Inspection. Attached is a sample Inspection Form. This inspection will include items if applicable, but not be limited to: visual inspection of floor drain system components (to include basket traps, sand traps, trunk lines, dropout boxes, etc.) for evidence of hazardous materials, sediment, sand, trash, or sludge buildup visual inspection of effluent water (if possible) for evidence of oils or other contaminants. If OWS is connected to a tight holding tank, inspect contents of holding tank. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS S.O.P.NO. ENV-01-27-1-000 MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PAGE 2 OF 2 HIGHWAY DIVISION STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SUBJECT: Inspection And Maintenance Of Oil/Water DISTRIBUTION: Separators (OWS) AT MassDOT Highway Division A Facilities ISSUED: SUPERSEDES:ENV-01-27-1-000, Dated AUTHORIZED:Signature EFFECTIVE: 8/23/10 8/23/10 8/13/08 on original If possible, lift cover of OWS to inspect tank contents (check for floating product and sediment buildup) and check the condition of the inlet and outlet pipes and fittings. Manual testing of alarm system (if so equipped) Any other requirements as stated on the facility specific permit. Any discrepancies noted during this inspection will be brought to the attention of the DME/DFE. The ECC or DSME/DFE will schedule cleaning of the OWS (to include oil pump-outs and sludge removal), as needed, with a contractor who is qualified to perform the work. The cleaning will be accomplished in accordance with the manufacturer’s guidance, the existing OWS Operation and Maintenance Plan, and DEP permit requirements. During the cleaning of the OWS, the contractor will also perform an internal inspection of the OWS to ensure proper functioning and cleanliness of coalescer packs (if present) and to evaluate the effluent chamber and other components for damage. The DSME/DFE or designee is responsible for maintaining all required permits and ensuring they are renewed as required. The DSME/DFE will keep all “as built” plans on file at the District office. CAUTION: All MassDOT employees should exercise care when implementing this SOP. Ensure proper safety procedures are used to avoid personal injury. These include but are not limited to: using proper lifting techniques and wearing appropriate personal protection equipment. Inspectors will not enter any tanks due to confined space requirements.