Advisory Committee Meeting #6 April 11, 2012 Worcester Union Station 1 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | PROJECT TIMELINE AC Meeting AC Meeting Oct 2011 Nov 2011 AC Meeting AC Meeting Dec 2011 Jan 2012 Develop Statewide Transit Vision, Goals, and Evaluation Criteria Feb 2012 AC Meeting AC Meeting AC Meeting March 2012 April 2012 AC Meeting May 2012 June 2012 Issues Definition and Evaluation Identified several and narrowed to 10 initiatives Existing Conditions and Transit Trends RTA Profiles | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | Scenario Development, Analysis, Recommendations Final Recommendations PROPOSED INITIATIVES Service Improvement Develop Service Standards/Guidelines √ 2. Improve Service Planning √ 3. Develop Consistent Data and Reporting √ 4. Enhance Public Information √ 1. Funding Improve Contracting 6. Improve Capital Planning √ 7. Identify Additional Funding 8. Develop More Effective Funding Process 5. Other Foster “Cross-Border” Collaboration √ 10. Better MassDOT/RTA Collaboration √ 9. 3 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | 5. IMPROVE CONTRACTING Issues RTAs often face unexpected cost increases Costs have been rising much faster than ridership RTAs may not be benefiting from robust competition Potential Solutions Shift MA contracting to fixed-fee approach Increase use of incentives/penalties in contracts Best Practices National research (CUTR) recommends contracts on a fixed-price basis PVTA Outcome Lower and more predictable costs Greater cost predictability 4 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | 7. ADDITIONAL FUNDING Issues Additional funding needed to expand/improve service Federal and state funding will not increase substantially in short-tomedium time frame Potential Solutions Increase fares to fund additional service Develop partnerships with universities and colleges Develop partnerships with schools and others Best Practices MA: PVTA, MART, GATRA Nationally: RIPTA, Pittsburgh, Mankato (MN), Seattle Outcome Additional funding to maintain and improve service 5 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | 8. FUNDING PROCESS Issues Current process: – Does not tie funding sufficiently to need – Is not sufficiently predictable or transparent – Does not balance state and federal funds – Does not encourage innovation/experimentation Potential Solutions Develop new operating and capital funding processes Best Practices Nationally: NY, PA, IA, WA, VA, Outcome Funding that better matches need and that encourages innovation and performance 6 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | Break-Out Group Discussion Divide into 3 groups Facilitator is assigned to each group Spend 30 minutes per topic Focus on constructive guidance Respect everyone’s opinions and viewpoints Ensure everyone has opportunity to speak Report back after each topic is discussed Facilitator will do reporting Technical advisors available to answer questions as needed 7 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | Break-Out Group Discussion What do you like/don’t like about initiative? What would be the most important considerations? How could this be applied to Massachusetts? 8 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | Next Steps Deadline for submitting additional Initiative comments: April 20 Next AC meeting: Thursday, May 24 1030am Develop a draft action plan across 10 initiatives Focus on achievable recommendations Incorporate input from last 3 AC meeting 9 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence |