BEYOND BOSTON Draft- October 7, 2011 Civic Engagement Plan for Beyond Boston: A Transit Study for the Commonwealth Introduction The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) Office of Transportation Planning (OTP) is preparing a comprehensive evaluation of the Commonwealth’s regional transit system. The study – Beyond Boston: A Transit Study for the Commonwealth - will identify ways transit service can be improved to be more efficient and provide new or expanded service. MassDOT will work closely with the RTAs, their operators and communities to gather information; look at transit operations, uses and trends; and examine ways to improve service and finances. The result will be a recommended plan for future improvements to the transit system and a strategy for accomplishing these goals. MassDOT is committed to a civic engagement process that is creative, transparent and meaningful. A high level of involvement by the RTAs is key to a successful project as their knowledge, experience and ideas will help MassDOT develop a more efficient and cost-effective system. The RTA’s, stakeholders and the public will be invited to review and comment on the draft findings and recommendations. The final report will be made available in electronic and print versions. Stakeholder Engagement The Beyond Boston study primarily relates to policy development, therefore, stakeholder participation will largely take place through the RTAs, a study advisory group, and meetings and briefings with groups who have an interest in transportation around the state. The team will also pay particular attention to working with stakeholder groups who represent traditionally underserved populations. Stakeholders outreach will include a number of activities: The Study Advisory Committee will review study products, findings and advise MassDOT and the team throughout the study. In particular, this group will be charged with reviewing and discussing major project findings; validating data and information collected during interviews; helping to guide and execute the focused stakeholder and public outreach; reviewing the key deliverables for each stage of the study; and eventually, be the owners and supporters of action recommendations that are the result of the study. The members include representatives of the RTAs, MassDOT Planning, Rail & Transit, and Civil Rights staff, the MBTA, regional planning agencies and the Executive Office of Health and Human Services. A full list of members is included in Appendix A. (to come when members are confirmed) Beginning in October 2011, the Advisory Committee will meet approximately monthly throughout the course of the study. Meeting dates, times and locations will be posted on the project website at least two weeks prior to every meeting. Notes of the meetings will be posted to the project web site no later than ten business days after the meeting. Regional Transit Authority (RTA) staff members will work closely with the project team throughout the study. Members of the team will visit each RTA at least once and work with staff on an ongoing basis to assess opportunities and challenges. Conversations held as part of these site visits will be conducted in confidence and resulting findings will be anonymous. The study team will also work with RTAs to collect essential data, information on finances and operations, and other key issues to the study. As noted above, they will also be represented on the Study Advisory Committee. 1 BEYOND BOSTON Interviews with Stakeholders and Stakeholder Groups will be conducted over the course of the study. The goals of interviews will be to assess the participants’ perspectives and priorities with regards to development of local and regional public transportation systems. Stakeholders may include representatives of other state agencies, individuals associated with regional organizations and institutions, contracted service providers and other community leaders. Similar to interviews with RTA staff, all interviews will be conducted in confidence and results will be presented anonymously. Study Briefings will be prepared at key intervals in the study to communicate study progress and findings. These briefings will consist of written materials that may be communicated to elected officials and study stakeholders, as well as presentations to select interested groups. These presentations may include meetings with groups with a unique or strongly vested interest in statewide transit planning, such as Environmental Justice populations, business leaders and groups, regional planning organizations, elected officials, economic development groups and older adults. The General Public will have access to participate directly in the Beyond Boston study throughout the process through the project website (see below). Members of the general public will also be invited to participate in a centrally located public meeting towards the end of the study when draft recommendations are available for public review. Project Database The study team member will develop a “contacts” database for the project. This database will include individuals who have expressed an interest in the study, either by participating in one of the stakeholder groups, visiting the website or otherwise contacting the project staff. The database will be used to announce meetings, briefings or events; to send email blasts; to announce the availability of documents and information; and to solicit comments and ideas from stakeholders and the general public. Website and Media Relations The project team will provide content and regular updates for the MassDOT web page for the Beyond Boston study. Project materials, meeting or briefing announcements and other products will be posted on the site for review and comments by stakeholders. The team will also provide draft media materials to MassDOT for distribution to announce meetings and significant project milestones. Accommodations MassDOT is committed to nondiscrimination in all of its programs and activities and a copy of its Title VI Nondiscrimination Policy Statement is included in the Appendix. This statement explains the agency’s grievance process and services that will be included in this project, including access to oral interpreters, written language services, and translation of vital documents. To make participation in meetings and other study efforts accessible to all, MassDOT commits to the following policies: All meetings will be held in facilities that are accessible to persons with disabilities Access to language interpreters or assisted listening devices at meetings, and providing translations of key project documents, on request; other services in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Limited English Proficiency regulations 2 BEYOND BOSTON Provision of key documents in alternate formats, such as Braille, large print, etc. Ensuring the full and fair participation in the study process by all potentially affected communities Outlining a complaint procedure for anyone who feels she or he has been aggrieved by an unlawful discriminatory practice (further information and forms can be obtained by calling MassDOT at (617)973-7171 or (617)973-7306 (TTY) or via the website at 3 BEYOND BOSTON APPENDIX A (to be added) List of Study Advisory Group Members Copy of MassDOT’s Title VI Nondiscrimination Policy Statement Media list 4