Attachment A Attachment A - Statement of Work Title: MassDOT Aeronautics Division Carbon Neutral Airport Volpe Project SOW Number: VPF5 A-1 Attachment A Statement of Work (SOW) with Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) Aeronautics Division Carbon Neutral Airport 1.0 Summary The Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (Volpe) will support Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) Aeronautics Division to establish a carbon neutral airport. Volpe will work with MassDOT stakeholders, assess airport facilities, track greenhouse gases emissions, and create an implementation strategy to advance the first carbon neutral airport in the United States. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts sees dramatic reductions in fossil fuel consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as key achievable energy policy goals. In its Clean Energy and Climate Plan for 2020, the Commonwealth proposes a 25 percent reduction in GHG emissions (from 1990 levels) by 2020 and, furthermore, calls for an ambitious 80 percent GHG reduction by 2050. In its GreenDOT Policy Directive, MassDOT commits to reducing GHG. Additionally, communities situated near airports often cite environmental concerns related to aviation operations and aviation volume growth. A carbon neutral airport could help mitigate public environmental qualms by demonstrating MassDOT energy conservation and GHG reduction leadership, in a cost-effective manner. The Volpe Center will support MassDOT by developing a carbon neutral airport concept and managing the project implementation at a selected site. The lessons and practices learned here are relevant to airports ranging from the smallest General Aviation (GA) airport to large and complex commercial service airports. The objective to achieve a carbon neutral airport will be accomplished through intensive study and subsequent design and implementation at one (1) targeted GA airport. The Volpe Center will help design and implement a program to: 1. Define energy efficiency and conservation measures to reduce energy demand; 2. Meet the remaining energy demand through renewable energy sources; and 3. Address non-energy related GHG emission sources, such as transportation and refrigerant use. The program will address airport operations under direct ownership and control of the airport sponsor (i.e., GHG Task 4, Category1 and 2 emissions [defined below]), including the airfield and airport building energy consumption, the fuel use and technologies used in the sponsor’s vehicle fleet, and various operating programs and practices. Some airport functions will be excluded: the landing and take-off of aircraft, trips to/from the airport A-2 Attachment A by the air-traveling public, and the energy use of airport tenants. Certain “other” indirect GHG sources (Task 4) outside airport sponsor ownership and control will be considered based on their relationship to core functions and opportunities for abatement. Volpe will implement the program in two phases. Phase I will consist of Tasks 1 through 7. Phase II consists of Tasks 8 through 13. MassDOT will initially fund Phase I. MassDOT will fund Phase II pending future funding availability. 2.0 SOW Description/Technical Approach The Volpe Center will begin the Program 1 by defining the term ‘carbon neutral’ as it relates to airports. The term ‘carbon neutral’ can vary depending on the boundaries considered in the analysis and if the analysis is intended for certification or for a specific program. A literature search report will identify definitions of the term as used elsewhere; from this review, a definition of the multi-phased program will be developed. Each airport structure and system has varying energy needs and performance improvement opportunities. Collectively, the facility total site infrastructure will achieve net carbon neutrality by implementing a combination of off-the-shelf energy conserving options, deploying advanced technology and installing/financing renewable energy generation and carbon reduction projects. The Volpe Center will prepare deliverables to maximize their utility for future applicability at other Commonwealth airports. PHASE I TASKS Task 1 Planning Advisory Group (PAG) The Volpe Center will assist the MassDOT Aeronautics Division to convene meetings with strategic stakeholders to maximize practitioner contributions, identify latent operational considerations, and to promote stakeholder engagement. Key participants will likely include representatives from MassDOT Aeronautics Division, MassDOT Office of Transportation Planning (Sustainable Transportation staff), MassDOT Energy Committee members, FAA New England Region Office, Massachusetts Port Authority (MassPort), Airport Sponsors/Airport Commissioners, Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) - Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act Office, Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (DOER), and Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP). The advisory group will participate in the following five meetings including one conference call: 1. Kick-off/introduction (meeting) A-3 Attachment A 2. 3. 4. 5. Airport candidate selection criteria workshop (meeting) Airport candidates information session (meeting) Airport candidate selection (conference call) Draft report discussion of findings and reporting developed for Tasks 3 - 5 Task 1 Deliverable a) Presentation material (e.g. electronic slides) to post on MassDOT Aeronautics website b) Minutes from each meeting. Task 2 Airport Selection A key element is to identify an airport of sufficient size, number of components, and complexity to serve as a suitable proxy for a broad range of airports. The Volpe Center will provide technical support to MassDOT Aeronautics Division for developing and implementing the selection process of the targeted GA airport. Volpe will facilitate and participate in a carbon neutral airport workshop describing the project goals and explaining the airport selection process. Volpe will assist in developing a candidate information application for candidate GA airports that want to participate in the carbon neutral project. Volpe will also assist MassDOT and the PAG to develop selection criteria, a candidate information application, and application, evaluation plan for prioritizing candidate GA airports. Selection criteria includes eligibility for FAA Voluntary Airports Low Emissions Program (VALE) funding, opportunities to align with new construction projects, organizational and operational complexity, environmental impact avoidance, and availability of airport personnel to support the program. Additional screening criteria will be developed to assist in the selection, including size in area; location in relation to prevailing wind direction and speed; size/age of facilities; numbers of GA annual operations and, where applicable, commercial service operations; proximity presence of existing or potential energy-generating sites; other (non-aviation) uses of airport property; and others. Once selection criteria are finalized, Volpe will prepare a Request for Proposal (RFP) application template that details airport requested relevant energy performance information. The Candidate Information Application will provide clear explanations of necessary data including utility bills, current mechanical equipment specifications, and relevant environmental development restrictions. The RFP applications will be designed for ease of completion. The PAG will submit a candidate airport recommendation and MassDOT will make the final determination. Volpe will assist with the evaluation and issue a report for MassDOT airports with a summary explanation on the selection award factors and decision process. The selection report will promote process transparency and mitigate non-winning candidate concerns. A-4 Attachment A Task 2 Deliverables a) Candidate Evaluation Criteria Plan: This document will describe the methodology of evaluation and selection of the candidate airport. This will include the selection criteria and metrics to be used in the selection process. b) Request for Proposals application template: This document will be used to collect data at each candidate airport necessary to evaluate the airport’s potential to achieve zero net carbon emissions. The information application will be based on the criteria developed from the Candidate Evaluation and Selection Criteria Plan c) Evaluation and Selection Report: This will document the results of the evaluation and selection process and include the final evaluations of each airport as well as a recommended airport. Task 3 Energy Efficiency/Conservation Design Support Volpe shall provide technical support to MassDOT Aeronautics Division to establish an Energy Savings Performance Contract (ESPC). An ESPC is a partnership between a government agency (in this case, the airport sponsor) and an Energy Service Company (ESCO). The ESCO conducts a comprehensive energy audit for the airport and identifies improvements to save energy. In consultation with the airport sponsor, the ESCO designs and constructs a project that meets the airport sponsor's needs and arranges the necessary funding. The ESCO guarantees that the improvements will generate energy cost savings sufficient to pay for the project over the term of the contract. The ESPC scope will cover all building level components (HVAC system, envelope, etc.) and airfield related equipment. After the contract ends, all additional cost savings accrue to the airport sponsor. ESCO’s benefit from the long term revenue accrued from typically a 15-20 year long-term contract with an airport. See diagram below for visual depiction on how parties benefit. ESPCs are sophisticated finance mechanisms that are low to no risk for public partner. Payments to the ESCO are dependent on achieved energy savings. The loan to cover facility upgrades are negotiated between the ESCO and the bank. ESCOs have extensive experience with the equipment they install and can accurately predict the operational performance. In the rare instance that the anticipated energy savings do not meet the predicted targets, the ESCO will recalibrate or replace equipment – payments are predicated on energy savings; ESCOs receive full-payment only if savings reach predicted targets. Airports are not liable, or financially responsible, if energy savings goals are not realized. In practice, annual energy savings often exceed the ESCO projections. Any savings beyond the ESCO targeted and contracted quantity belongs to the airport sponsor. Volpe shall assist the airport sponsor and the associated municipality, through the ESPC contracting, evaluation and selection process. Volpe shall also provide technical support throughout the ESCO’s energy audit, efficiency recommendations and project designs. Volpe shall provide the following support: A-5 Attachment A ESPC Contracting Support: Volpe shall develop a draft and final Statement of Work for the ESPC Request for Proposal (RFP) for the ESCO, develop an evaluation plan for evaluating the RFP proposals, and participate in the proposal evaluations. ESCO Energy Audit Support: An on-site energy audit is essential to understand the current energy consumption at the selected airport. The Volpe center will coordinate an on-site energy audit of the airport with airport staff and the ESCO. The on-site audit will assess such things as equipment, lighting, vehicle fleet, building envelopes, and utility bills to develop a base case scenario. Volpe will review the ESCO’s energy audit plan and provide recommendations for improvements where warranted. Energy Conservation Measures and Design Support: the ESCO will identify specific energy efficiency/conservation measures to reduce energy use and related GHG emissions. Such measures may include: plug and process load reductions, building lighting, airfield lighting and signage, controls and smart metering, thermal insulation, dynamic windows, passive solar, daylighting, fleet electrification, water conservation, waste reduction, and so forth. The Volpe Center shall work with MassDOT, the selected airport and the ESCO to ensure the airport’s energy demand (and its related direct and indirect GHG emissions) are driven to the lowest levels possible with readily-available tools, technologies, and best management practices with a target goal to reach a comprehensive system performance with the lowest feasible Energy Use Intensity (EUI) possible. Volpe support shall: o Provide comprehensive reviews of the recommended energy conservation measures and design; o Perform energy modeling analysis to verify energy savings and identify potential additional energy efficiencies; o Document projected energy savings and emissions reductions and compare these to baseline performance via the US Department of Energy EnergyPlus building energy modeling tool; and o Make recommendations to the plan and design where warranted. Task 3 Deliverables a) Statement of Work for the ESPC Request for Proposal (RFP). b) Evaluation plan for evaluating the ESCO’s proposals. c) Volpe Center’s evaluation results of the ESCO’s proposals (assumes Volpe Center is part of evaluation team). d) Report documenting the Volpe Center’s review of the ESCO’s energy audit plan including Volpe Center’s recommendations for improvements where warranted. e) Report documenting the Volpe Center’s review of the recommended energy conservation measures and design. This report will include methodology and results from energy modeling and analysis, projected energy savings and emissions reductions comparison to EnergyPlus and recommendations for improvement. A-6 Attachment A Task 4 Airport Operations Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory The Volpe Center will conduct a detailed GHG inventory and analysis of airport operations, culminating in a detailed accounting of GHG emissions. The GHG emissions inventory will draw upon established procedures developed by the Airport Cooperative Research Program 2, the U.S. Department of Defense and others. Volpe will establish a standardized scope of GHG emissions and sources that should be considered for a carbon neutrality project. Existing GHG reporting and protocols generally sort GHG into three categories 3: • Category 1: direct emissions – GHG emitted from sources owned/operated by the facility. • Category 2: indirect emissions – GHG emissions indirectly emitted based on the operation of the facility, and are comprised of purchased steam and electricity which are used at the facility. • Category 3: other/indirect emissions – indirect emissions from GHG sources with no direct facility control; can include a wide range of sources depending on the analysis boundary, including but not limited to, employee travel and transportation, and product embodied energy. Volpe will collect and analyze data necessary to develop a comprehensive inventory of GHG emissions required for carbon neutrality analysis. Most definitions of carbon neutrality include all Category 1 and 2 emissions, and then a specific subset of Category 3 emissions as determined by the analysis boundary. Volpe will collect data from Category 3 emission sources where available, and complete a basic sensitivity analysis to determine which Category 3 emissions may comprise significant sources of total airport GHG. Task 4 Deliverables a) GHG Inventory Data Collection Plan: This plan will describe the methodology for collecting and analyzing GHG data at the selected airport. The plan will include a standardized scope of GHG emissions and sources that will be considered for a carbon neutrality project. b) Report of GHG Inventory documenting the data collection and analysis methodology as well as the results of the GHG inventory. This deliverable will include a GHG spreadsheet tracking tool. Task 5 Plug and Process Electricity Savings Plan The Volpe Center will conduct a comprehensive plug and process load audit of the selected airport. Plug and process audit and savings plan is not typically part of an ESPC. An ESPC covers building mechanical system and envelope improvements requiring engineering solutions. Office equipment, appliances, and other devices require a more 2 One such example is ACRP Synthesis 21: Airport Energy Efficiency and Cost Reduction, Transportation Research Board, 2010. 3 GHG emissions are divided three categories often referred to as “scopes” (World Resources Institute GHG Protocol). In this SOW the term “category” is used for “scope” to contrast with the scope of work. A-7 Attachment A nuanced and behavioral considerations. Telephone, computer, and other workstation devices are subject to a host of other operational priorities above energy efficiency. Volpe will catalogue devices that consume electricity and include them in a comprehensive inventory. Based on best practices from government and the private sector, Volpe will provide a plug and process equipment plan to conserve electricity and potentially reduce other operational costs. The plan will be tailored to the airport’s current operations and anticipated changes in the short to medium term (1-5 years). Volpe will provide recommendations for product substitutions, software or hardware that can automate device energy conservation, and policies to increase building occupant savings. Task 5 Deliverables a) Plug and Process Electricity Data Collection Plan: This plan will describe the methodology for collecting and analyzing plug and process electricity data at the selected airport. b) Plug and Process Electricity Plan: This plan will document the findings from the plug and process electricity audit and provide recommendations for product substitutions and energy conservation measures. Task 6 MassDOT Website Documentation for Phase I The Volpe Center will provide Phase I content to connect with existing MassDOT Green DOT website. This component is viewed as an integral part of the pilot program. Project narratives and other supporting material (e.g. photos) for Phase I, will be updated frequently, and will provide a running account of progress, preliminary findings, issues identified (with possible solutions noted), and allow input from the aviation community. The MassDOT Green DOT website will serve as the primary means for progress updates and eventually for posting the program findings. Task 6 Deliverable a) Documentation from Phase I tasks as well as other supporting documentation and guidance as agreed upon between the Volpe Center and MassDOT. Task 7 Final Report for Phase I The Phase I Report will summarize all the data collection and findings from Tasks 3-5. Energy efficiency opportunities in tasks 3 and 5 and their associated greenhouse gas implications (task 4) will be provided. Volpe will draft a summary report that includes implementation recommendation and provide to MassDOT Aeronautics for comments and edits. Task 7 Deliverable a) Volpe will provide draft and final report summarizing findings and providing high level implementation recommendations. A-8 Attachment A PHASE II TASKS Task 8 Carbon Neutral Airport Implementation Strategy Based on the results of Tasks 3 – 5, the Volpe Center will compile a draft report that will detail specific implementation steps to achieve carbon neutrality at both the selected airport and general best practices for other Commonwealth airports. The components of the strategy will include relevant efficiency measures, renewable energy generation, and regulatory/funding/jurisdiction issues. The detailed strategy will include the following: Modeled analysis of building energy performance using industry recognized tool EnergyPlus 4 to identify best opportunities for energy optimization; Detailed inventory of GHG emissions related to airport operations, with defined protocols for use elsewhere with a ground transport fuel, waste, and water assessments; Detailed program to achieve carbon neutrality; o Specific energy efficiency measures to reduce energy use and GHG emissions; o Specific renewable energy applications to address all remaining energy demand. Identification of barriers and possible solutions; Identification energy efficiency/conservation measures, renewal energy options and rough cost estimates; and Identification of required environmental review, approvals and permits. Identification of funding sources (e.g. VALE, etc.) Airport facilities and components to be examined include airfield lighting/signage; refrigerant and other global warming potential chemical usage (e.g., sulfur hexafluoride in radar equipment); the heating/cooling/lighting requirements of terminals, maintenance facilities, hangars, etc.; ground service equipment and operations; conventional vehicle fleet; fueling practices; and others. Equipment owned by the FAA or private firms will be identified and likely will be excluded from GHG reduction actions. Once energy conservation measures are identified to the greatest practicable extent using existing tools, technologies and best management practices, the Volpe Center will detail various renewable energy sources that can be employed to meet the remaining energy demand. Renewable energy generation electrical grid tie-in will prevent the need for substantial on-site energy storage to address daily and seasonal fluctuations in energy generation and consumption. Such renewable energy sources may include geothermal, solar, wind, bio-gas, hydro/tidal and others. All appropriate Airport Collaborative Research Program (ACRP) literature will be reviewed and utilized. If technically feasible, carbon neutrality will be achieved via on-site, adjacent or nearby renewable 4 Modeling tool utilized for Net Zero-Energy Analysis by National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Assessment of the Technical Potential for Achieving Net Zero-Energy Buildings in the Commercial Sector, B. NREL 2007 A-9 Attachment A energy installations – not via Renewable Energy Credit (REC) purchases or carbon offsets. Greenhouse gases from aircraft fuel burn are not included in the analysis although aircraft fuel burn far exceeds greenhouse gas emissions related to airport operations, accounting for 85-95% of emissions at an airport. The Volpe Center project team will provide a general explanation of aircraft GHG reduction measures that are beyond an airport’s ability to influence. MassDOT will receive a brief summary of aircraft emission reduction approaches which will include the major national and international initiatives exploring alternative fuels, airframe and engine technology advances, route optimization, and other flight operation measures that can be provided to the public as website content. The aviation operations explanation serves to mitigate public concerns that a carbon neutral airport does not include aircraft emissions. Task 8 Deliverables a) Carbon Neutral Airport Implementation Strategy Report: This report will document the methodology, results and recommendations of the implementation strategy. Task 9 Implementation Engineering Support The implementation of items such as renewable energy technologies will possibly require construction activities outside of the building footprint and on the airport airfield itself. For instance, it is likely that solar installation contractors or Geothermal drilling contractors will have limited or no experience with construction in an aviation context and will need support to ensure continuity of airport operations without jeopardizing airport/airfield safety. Solar panels will require substantial land area to generate site electricity. Geothermal drilling requires heavy equipment and special procedures to protect runways and other airport infrastructure. Other technologies, such as wind turbines, require even more esoteric treatment within an airport environment. Therefore, the implementation of such technologies will need careful coordination. Volpe will provide engineering support and coordination with the airport for renewable energy installation contractor to assess feasibility, equipment size, construction logistics, and minimize or eliminate potential impacts to aviation. Geothermal drilling will be staged outside of operational schedules and with regards to existing airport infrastructure. Navigation and safety will be paramount, and solar arrays will conform to FAA guidance and runway exclusions zones. Volpe will draft installation guidance to maximize the utility of the equipment throughout seasonal variations and to minimize operator maintenance. Volpe will also refer to ACRP Synthesis Report 28 for green technology installation guidance. Engineering plans will include site maps orchestrating construction activities. Task 9 Deliverables a) Report documenting Volpe review of construction work plan. A-10 Attachment A b) Trip reports from all airport site visits documenting the purpose, activities, conclusions and issues resulting from the site visit. c) Minutes of all coordination meetings between contractors, MassDOT, airport personnel and the Volpe Center. d) Volpe Center recommendations for improvement of renewable energy installation where warranted. Task 10 Managing Installations Volpe will assist MassDOT Aeronautics Division and the selected airport in the contractor selection process for the renewable energy generation installation. Volpe will provide project management support, managing proposed projects, task scheduling, cost tracking, and other associated tasks. Volpe will consult with MassDOT and the selected airport whenever appropriate for final decisions, and will facilitate meetings with contractor(s). Once contractors propose equipment, Volpe center will run existing building energy models to verify potential energy performance. Modeling outputs will inform potential modifications to contractor equipment selection. Volpe will run monthly project update meetings for the stakeholders. If variance from proposed timeline, scope, or cost occurs, Volpe will recommend actions to address the variances. In addition, Volpe will verify the fulfillment of the contracted actions and verify performance. Task 10 Deliverables a) Evaluation plan for evaluating the renewable energy generation installation proposals. b) Results from Volpe Center’s evaluation of the renewable energy generation installation proposals (assumes Volpe Center is part of evaluation team). c) Minutes from monthly project update meetings and recommended actions to address variances where warranted. d) Volpe Quality Assurance inspection plan of installation. e) Report documenting the Volpe Quality Assurance Inspection. Task 11 Employee and tenant energy training program Volpe will conduct a workshop to inform airport staff and tenants about how they can contribute to energy conservation and carbon neutrality. For energy conservation to be realized, the whole organization must get informed, involved and actively participate in saving energy. The workshop is intended to educate airport staff on the benefits of conservation and the actions everyone can take to conserve energy. The workshop will include a presentation, physical handouts, and web resources that can be posted to the MassDOT carbon neutral website. Task 11 Deliverables a) Volpe training plan describing activities for performing energy training A-11 Attachment A b) Training materials to be used for training session. Task 12 Measurement and verification of energy and GHG performance post occupancy Volpe will supervise contractors performing comprehensive measurement, verification and equipment commissioning. The commissioning will occur at least on two occasions – within one month of initial occupancy and again one full year after construction completion. Volpe will provide a summary report of findings and modification/calibration associated with commissioning. Task 12 Deliverable a) Commissioning Inspection Report summarizing the verification methodologies and findings of the commissioning. Task 13 Lessons Learned Report The final document based deliverable will be a comprehensive report detailing lessons learned from the carbon neutral airport project. The content will be provided as a casestudy report that can function as an educational tool or a reader friendly research report. The report will include an executive summary and both energy and greenhouse gas tables providing the information on the relative cost to GHG benefits associated with individual system components or operational strategies. Once the report content is approved by all Massachusetts government stakeholders, a final meeting will be convened presenting the findings to all MassDOT airports. Task 13 Deliverable a) Lessons Learned Report incorporating any final comments from lessons learned meeting. Task 14 MassDOT Website Documentation for Phase II Volpe Center will provide Phase II content to connect with existing MassDOT Green DOT website. This component is viewed as an integral part of the pilot program. Project narratives and other supporting material (e.g. photos) for Phase II, will be updated frequently, and will provide a running commentary on the status of the program, preliminary findings, issues identified (with possible solutions noted), and allow input by the aviation community. MassDOT Green DOT website will serve as the primary means of dispensing information on the progress and eventual findings/conclusions of the Program. Task 14 Deliverable A-12 Attachment A a) Documentation from Phase II tasks as well as other supporting material and guidance as agreed upon between the Volpe Center and MassDOT. 3.0 SOW Related Funding and Spend Plan The following is a breakdown of tasks and associated costs: Phase I Tasks Task 1: Initial Planning Advisory Group Meetings Task 2: Airport Selection Task 3: Energy Efficiency/Conservation Design Support Task 4: Airport Operations Greenhouse Gas Inventory Task 5: Plug and Process Electricity Savings Plan Task 6: MassDOT Documentation – Phase I Task 7: Final Report for Phase I Project Management Phase I TOTAL PHASE I $ $ $ $ $ 12,769 61,172 52,676 19,998 25,384 $ 2,846 $8,027 $17,095 $199,968 Phase II Tasks Task 8: Carbon Neutral Airport Implementation Strategy Task 9: Preliminary Implementation Engineering and Logistics Task 10: Installation Management Support Task 11: Employee and Tenant Energy Training Task 12: Verification and Commissioning Energy and GHG Reduction Task 13: Lessons Learned Report Task 14: MassDOT Documentation – Phase II Project Management – Phase II TOTAL PHASE II $105,284 $65,316 $75,372 $34,217 $33,260 $14,265 $17,932 $58,796 $404,443 Volpe Direct Labor TOTAL (Phase I and II) $604,410 3.1 Cost Estimate / Volpe Center Resource Use Plan under this Agreement: All work is on a best effort, no fee basis, and charges, as described below, will reflect only actual costs and no profit. Volpe Direct Labor Total -Contract Support -Equipment/Materials -Other -GRAND TOTAL -- $ 604,410 $ 0 $ 1,000 $ 0 $ 605,410 A-13 Attachment A 3.2 Period of Performance: April 16, 2012 to November 30, 2014 4.0 SOW Major Deliverables and Milestones Table 1 presents the major deliverables and milestones for this project. Attachment B presents a separate detailed scheduled of the milestones and deliverables. Attachment B provides a separate detailed breakdown of each task and subtask along with its associated completing date. Attachment B also includes a Staffing Plan for each task. Table 1. Major Project Deliverables, Milestones, and Dates under this Agreement. Deliverable or Milestone Target Due Date Related SOW Task October 22, 2012 February 25, 2012 April 25, 2013 September 27, 2013 July 1, 2013 1 2 3 3 PHASE I Kick-off meeting Airport Candidate Selection ESCO Contractor Selected ESCO Energy Reduction Plan/Design Selected airport greenhouse gas inventory Selected airport plug and process electricity baseline Website documentation Phase I Draft Summary Report Final Report July 8, 2013 Throughout Phase I July 29, 2013 September 2, 2013 4 5 6 7 7 PHASE II Carbon Neutral Airport Implementation Design/Strategy Report Preliminary Implementation Engineering Support – Comments on Contractor’s Work plan and Recommendations Installation Management Support – Installation Contractor Selected Energy Conservation Measures Installation Target Completion Employee and Energy Training Commissioning Contractor Selected Final Commissioning Report Lessons Learned Report A-14 December 30, 2013 8 March 24, 2014 9 March 31, 2014 November 10, 2014 May 28, 2014 July 7, 2014 February 17, 2014 May 13, 2015 10 10 11 12 12 13 Attachment A Deliverable or Milestone Target Due Date MassDOT Website 5.0 Throughout Phase II Related SOW Task 14 Assumptions and Constraints The Volpe Center assumes that MassDOT can provide digital drawings of airport facilities to expedite both the energy audits and energy modeling. Volpe assumes that all project work for energy reduction and renewable energy installations will be contracted and paid for through MassDOT, Federal Aviation Administration, candidate airport, and via the ESPC. Installation contractor support and all necessary equipment and material for energy reduction and renewable energy installation are not part of this SOW. Volpe assumes that MassDOT and other Massachusetts government stakeholders can reach consensus to select a MassDOT airport for carbon neutrality. Volpe assumes that energy efficiency contractor and the renewable energy contractors can complete the construction within 8 months. Detailed Project Schedule in Attachment B. A-15