Medford Everett Chelsea Somerville Cambridge Circumferential Transportation Improvements in the Urban Ring Corridor Boston Urban Ring Phase 2 Brookline TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT November 2008 U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS Page TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT ...............................................................................................1 Introduction .....................................................................................................................1 A. Transportation Plans and Policies........................................................................1 Plan and Policy Approach ....................................................................................1 Institutional Plans.................................................................................................9 Regional Plans and Policies...............................................................................23 State Plans and Policies ....................................................................................26 Federal Plans and Policies.................................................................................31 B. Traffic Count Data..............................................................................................33 C. Traffic Accident Data..........................................................................................40 D. Study Area Private Shuttle Service Data............................................................47 E. Traffic Volume Calculations ...............................................................................50 Existing Traffic Volumes.....................................................................................50 No-Build Traffic Volumes ...................................................................................50 Build Traffic Volumes .........................................................................................52 F. Description of Future Roadway Projects ............................................................60 G. Urban Ring Phase 2 Bus Volumes.....................................................................63 H. Study Intersection Traffic Volume Diagrams ......................................................64 I. Bus Signal Priority System Information ............................................................145 J. Intersection Capacity Analysis Tables..............................................................160 K. Surface Routing Analyses in the Longwood Medical and Academic Area ........227 LIST OF TABLES Page Table A-1: Summary of Local Plans and Policies ................................................................. 3 Table A-2: Summary of State and Federal Plans and Policies.............................................27 Page i November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table B-1: Summary of 2002 & 2006 Intersection Traffic Volume Counts ...........................34 Table C-1: Accident Data Summary for Years 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 .........................41 Table D-1: Selected Private Shuttles Overlap with Urban Ring Routes – 2030 Build Alternatives ........................................................................................................48 Table D-2: Selected Private Shuttles Overlap with Urban Ring Routes – 2030 Hybrid Alternatives and LPA..........................................................................................49 Table E-1: Traffic Volume Growth by Intersection ...............................................................53 Table I-1: Summary of Bus Delay Benefits and Cross Street Impacts for Prototypical Intersections – (2025 Baseline)* ......................................................................152 Table I-2: ITS Bus Priority Strategy at Signalized Intersections – Additional Green Time (Seconds) Given to Bus Approaches* ..............................................................155 Table I-3: BRT Travel Time Savings – 2025 Locally Preferred Alternate (LPA) with ITS 2 Compared with MIS Recommended Alternative – a.m. Peak Period *..............155 Table J-1: Intersection LOS Summary – Existing Conditions 2006 ...................................161 Table J-2: Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 No-Build....................................................167 Table J-3: Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Baseline Alternative ..................................172 Table J-4: Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 1 .....................................177 Table J-5: Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 2 .....................................182 Table J-6: Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 2A...................................187 Table J-7: Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 3 .....................................192 Table J-8: Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 3A...................................197 Table J-9: Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 3B...................................202 Table J-10: Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 3C ..................................207 Table J-11: Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 4 .....................................212 Table J-12: Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 4A...................................217 Table J-13: Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 LPA...........................................................222 Page ii November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure A-1 Map of Longwood Medical and Academic Area .................................................11 Figure A-2 View of BU Bridge – Cambridge Side.................................................................18 Figure H-1 2006 Existing AM Peak Hour Traffic Volume Diagrams......................................65 Figure H-2 2030 No-Build Weekday AM Peak Hour Traffic Volume Diagrams.....................92 Figure H-3 2030 LPA Weekday AM Peak Hour Traffic Volume Diagrams .........................120 Figure I-1 Transit Travel Time Improvements with Transit Signal Priority .........................147 Figure I-2 Lymmo Transit Signal Head, Orlando, FL ........................................................156 Figure I-3 Transit Signal Head used in North Las Vegas MAX – Example 1.....................158 Figure I-4 Transit Signal Head used in North Las Vegas MAX – Example 2.....................158 Figure I-5 Transit Signal Priority used in Saint Claire Corridor, Toronto............................159 ADDITIONAL SUPPORTING MATERIALS TRAFFIC COUNTS URBAN RING PHASE 2 BUS VOLUMES Page iii November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Introduction This document has been prepared to summarize technical methodology, data and analysis provided in the Urban Ring Phase 2 RDEIR/DEIS. This report includes the following information: A. Transportation plans and policies; B. Traffic count data; C. Traffic accident data; D. Study area private shuttle service data; E. Traffic volume calculations; F. Description of future roadway projects; G. Urban Ring Phase 2 bus volumes; H. Study intersection traffic volume diagrams; I. Bus signal priority system information; J. Level of Service (LOS) tables; and K. Surface Routing Analyses in the Longwood Medical and Academic Area. A. Transportation Plans and Policies The purpose of this section is to summarize policies and plans in the Urban Ring Project Corridor in order to: 1) coordinate transportation efforts and land use; 2) avoid conflicts with, potential adverse impacts, and unintended consequences of other projects and policies; 3) leverage off projects undertakings; 4) improve sharing of information across institutional and bureaucratic barriers; and 5) refine and design the second phase of the project to meet community needs. Local, institutional, regional, state and federal policies with importance to the Urban Ring are discussed below. This section also discusses projects along the Urban Ring Project Corridor that are in the planning, design or construction phase. Projects that may be in conflict with the Urban Ring Project Corridor are also identified. Plan and Policy Approach The wide range of government jurisdictions involved in the corridor made it necessary to organize policy-related information into categories. The locally-oriented planning priorities that have marked the Urban Ring planning process make it logical to present policy descriptions in similar order as follows: • Local Plans and Policies; Page 1 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT • Institutional Plans; • Regional Plans and Policies; • State Plans and Policies; and • Federal Plans and Policies. This discussion focuses on those agencies and jurisdictions likely to have a direct role in the planning and/or implementation of Urban Ring transportation improvements, though other entities not discussed herein would also have some role. In order to gather requisite background information and documents, the Urban Ring Phase 2 consultant team has conducted internet research and coordinated with a range of agencies, including corridor municipalities; institutions and institutional groups; the Boston Region MPO and the Boston regional planning agency, the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC); state agencies and authorities; and federal agencies. The various documents and information sources were reviewed for policy statements, key information, and consistency with Urban Ring Phase 2 proposals, and then summarized. Local Plans and Policies The chief executives of six municipalities of the Urban Ring corridor (Boston, Brookline, Cambridge, Chelsea, Everett and Somerville) jointly put forth the policy that the economic vitality of their jurisdictions requires them to coordinate their land use planning with implementation of the Urban Ring project. These six municipalities formed the Urban Ring Regional Planning Compact in 1995 and adopted a set of planning principles committing themselves to working with the MBTA during the Urban Ring project. At the local level, each of the six local jurisdictions in the Urban Ring Regional Planning Compact provided information concerning its transportation plans and policies. Although the City of Medford is not a signatory to the Urban Ring Compact agreement, Medford is included in the project corridor, so policy information on Medford was also obtained, focusing on the Wellington Station area. The plans and policies for each local jurisdiction relating to the Urban Ring project are discussed below and summarized in Table A-1. Page 2 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table A-1: Jurisdiction(1) Boston Brookline Summary of Local Plans and Policies Plans and Policy Documents Access Boston 2000-2010 Boston’s City Wide Transportation Master Plan Boston’s Public Transportation and Regional Connections Plan, March 2003 Rutherford Avenue Corridor Study (1999) Roxbury Strategic Master Plan Massachusetts Turnpike Air Rights Civic Vision 2000 South Boston Transportation Study 2000 Fenway Neighborhood Transportation Plan 2001 Strategic Framework for Planning in North Allston Regulations to limit parking for new development Transportation Access Plan Agreements TDM measures Green Building Initiative East Boston Master Plan, April 2000 Fenway/ Longwood/ Kenmore Transportation and Pedestrian Safety Action Plan Fostering Transit-Oriented Development in Boston North Allston-Brighton Community-Wide Plan (CWP) Allston-Brighton Neighborhood Planning Initiative (ABNPI) Dudley Square Transportation & Air Quality Study, November 2001 Fenway Planning and Zoning, 2002/ 2003 Rutherford Avenue/ Sullivan Square Design Project Brookline Comprehensive Plan 2005-2015, January 2005 Gateway East Public Realm Plan – Final Plan, October 2006 Cambridge Cambridge, State and Federal Policies Cambridge Policies, December 28, 2006 Grand Junction Rail-with-Trail Feasibility Study, October 2006 Goals/Policies Relevant to Urban Ring Planning • • • • Increase rapid transit system Air rights development above Turnpike extension, consistent with neighborhood character and economic development goals Integrated planning process for North Allston-Harvard Mixed-use development node at BU to accommodate Urban Ring Link bus system to commuter rail and trolley Create exclusive bus lanes Create a plan to connect residential and commercial area with transit lines Create a more integrated public transportation system Create better suburban connections by public transit Reduce parking ratios Developer commitments to transit pass subsidies Reduce single-occupant vehicles Reduce traffic impacts in neighborhoods Improve transit access, reduce congestion on major streets Connect all neighborhood centers into a comprehensive transit network and support the transit network with development patterns. Improve streetscape, provide on-street parking regulations and shared parking strategies for south of the Turnpike in Allston Develop a pedestrian friendly environment with safe crossings and better access to parks and Orange Line stations Route regional traffic away from the corridor Create neighborhood scale streets • • • • • • • • • • • • • Work with the State and Boston and Newton to create a long-term transportation strategy for the Route 9 corridor Work with the MBTA to explore near-term and long-term transit options Play an active role in advancing the Urban Ring, particularly Phase 3 Promote TDM measures to limit impacts on the roadway network Enhance accessibility of all town facilities Increase the connection between the Emerald Necklace, the MBTA station, and Brookline Village Encourage transit Encourage non-automotive travel Reduce automobile and truck through-traffic in neighborhoods Reduce congestion Reduce single-occupant vehicles Promote clean alternative vehicle technologies Maintain current rail operations and accommodate proposed Urban Ring transit facilities • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Page 3 November 2008 Jurisdiction(1) URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Goals/Policies Relevant to Urban Ring Planning Plans and Policy Documents Chelsea Chelsea Transportation and Growth Policies • • • • • • • Reduce commuter cut-through traffic Consolidate and relocate Route 1 off-ramps Possible relocation of Chelsea commuter rail station Improve maritime facilities at Chelsea Creek Improve access to Logan Airport Reconstruct Chelsea Creek Bridge Provide better public transportation to support waterfront development Everett Growth Management and Development Study • • • • • Continue to implement recommendations of the Operation Industrial Uplift Study pertaining to parkway area Reconstruct Vale Street Close and abandon Vine Street S/O Garden Street and widen Vine Street between Parkway and Garden Explore increasing develop parcels adjacent to E. Summer St., Fourth St., Fifth St., and Beech St Relocate, extend, and reconstruct Terminal Street Medford River’s Edge Master Plan,(2) December 22, 2005 • • Develop 30-acre mixed-use development site Consists of office, retail, residential and instructional uses Somerville Assembly Square Mixed-Use District, March 2004 • • • • • • • Encourage transit-oriented development New Orange Line Station at Assembly Square Implement TDM program Increase HOV at transit and reduce SOV Transform Inner Belt District to office and biotech Alleviate congestion Encourage the use of public transportation Assembly Square Transportation Plan, Final Report, May 13, 2003 Union Square Transportation and Master Plan (2002/ 2003) (1) (2) Note: The six municipalities that formed the Compact in 1995 adopted a set of planning principles and committed themselves to working with the MBTA during the Urban Ring project. The six communities act as a regional collaborative in the Urban Ring corridor. Formed the Tri-City Mystic Valley Development Commission in conjunction with Everett and Malden. Page 4 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Boston Boston's transportation policies are directly related to its development policy, which focuses on ensuring that future economic growth is balanced with the protection of neighborhoods and the environment. Within and adjacent to the Urban Ring corridor, the City of Boston has undertaken numerous district planning efforts (including the LMA, Dorchester, Fenway, the Southwest corridor area, and Roxbury) that relate directly to the proposed BRT routes and are supportive of transportation improvements in the corridor. Boston’s transportation vision is laid out in the Boston Transportation Department’s 2000-2010 Citywide Transportation Master Plan, Access Boston. The plan addresses the various modes of travel (walking, automobiles, transit and bicycles) to benefit all users of transportation systems. This initiative is driven by a "doing while planning" approach with an emphasis on implementation during the process. It focuses on issues that were identified through public dialogue in a year-long workshop series. The plan, a multi-report effort, prioritizes programs and projects for the short term and develops strategies for the coming decade. Separate sections of Access Boston include:1 • Parking in Boston (December 2001); • Boston Bicycle Plan (May 2001); • Pedestrian Safety Guidelines for Residential Streets (August 2001); • Public Transportation and Regional Connections Plan (March 2003); and • Transportation Fact Book and Neighborhood Profiles (May 2002). The goals and objectives in the various Access Boston components support improved public transportation in the Urban Ring corridor. In particular, public transit goals in the Access Boston Public Transportation and Regional Connections Plan include the following: • Link the bus system to commuter rail and trolley lines; • Create exclusive bus lanes; • Create a plan to connect Boston’s residential and commercial areas with a network of transit lines; • Work toward creating a more integrated and efficient public transportation system; and • Create better suburban connections by public transit.2 In addition, the state’s 2006 Economic Stimulus Bill allocates portions of the state budget to improvements intended to stimulate economic growth in Massachusetts. The bill covers transportation improvements, including road, pedestrian, and infrastructure projects, and specifies planning, design, and construction projects in downtown Boston and in the vicinity of the Urban Ring corridor. Some key projects covered in the bill include new signals along major arterials; traffic and transit improvements in the LMA, Fenway, and Kenmore Square areas; and a multimodal commuter rail and bus station and parking facility in North Allston. The City of Boston and EOT are coordinating on the various projects slated as part of the Economic Stimulus Bill relative to the Urban Ring project. Brookline The Town of Brookline transportation policy is tied into its growth strategy of consolidating and enhancing existing developed areas. The focus of transportation improvements is on enhancing transportation and 1 City of Boston Website: 2 City of Boston and BTD, Access Boston 2000-2010 – Boston’s City Wide Transportation Master Plan – Boston’s Public Transportation and Regional Connections Plan, March 2003. Page 5 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT parking options for the entire Brookline community. The town has anticipated significant development on Route 9 due to major new projects planned in Boston and Newton over the next several years. Brookline has initiated discussions with state and regional bodies regarding undertaking a sub-regional corridor study for Route 9 in conjunction with surrounding communities to identify a regional approach to the future of the corridor. The Brookline Comprehensive Plan 2005-2015 visions an increased transit use by Brookline 3 residents after the full development of the Urban Ring transit service. Following is a list of some of the specific transportation policies of Brookline. • Work with state government and the Cities of Boston and Newton to create a long-term transportation strategy for the Route 9 corridor that balances local and regional needs; • Work with the MBTA to explore potential near- and long-term transit options that serve Brookline; • Play an active role in advancing development of the Urban Ring, particularly Phase 3; • Promote TDM measures in new development to limit impacts on the roadway network; and • Enhance accessibility of all town facilities to the meet the requirement of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The focus of current transportation improvement is on providing more efficient and safe pedestrian and vehicular operations through the following programs: • Beacon Street reconstruction; • The Town’s Street rehabilitation program; • The Town’s Sidewalk rehabilitation program; and • Signal modernization; and traffic management policies, including traffic calming. Cambridge The City of Cambridge growth policy seeks to reverse the trend, evident in recent decades, of progressively greater automobile use. With most employees commuting into Cambridge from other towns, the city seeks to encourage travel from those other towns by means other than the automobile where possible. In order to accomplish its growth management goals, the City of Cambridge implemented a Vehicle Trip Reduction Ordinance in 1992, which set forth provisions for accomplishing its goal of reducing vehicle trips. Other relevant initiatives are the Cambridge Pedestrian Plan, Cambridge Bicycle Plan, and findings of The Green Ribbon Report. Additionally, the Cambridge Growth Policy Document outlines 10 transportation policies to encourage transit and non-automotive travel; reduce automobile and truck through-traffic in neighborhoods; reduce congestion; reduce reliance on single-occupant vehicles; and promote clean alternative vehicle technologies.4 In January of 2000, in response to price pressures on the residential markets induced by the city’s booming computer and biotech industries, and resident perceptions of diminished quality of life from the associated scale of development and traffic impacts, the City of Cambridge imposed an 18-month city-wide moratorium on growth and significant down-zoning from industrial to residential uses. During this time, Cambridge underwent a growth-management strategic planning process with its residents, business leaders, MIT, and a multidisciplinary team to unlock the potential of the area and preserve the characteristics most cherished by neighborhood residents. The city produced plan supported by residents, business leaders, and the city, that 3 City of Brookline, Brookline Comprehensive Plan 2005 – 2015, January 2005. 4 The City of Cambridge. Cambridge, State, and Federal Policies. Cambridge Policies. December 28, 2006. Page 6 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT cleared the way for more than 12 million square feet of growth, which was the same amount proposed before the moratorium, but now re-envisioned in a new, mixed-use, pedestrian-friendly, transit-oriented form. The Eastern Cambridge Planning Study5 strategically addresses the key issues of development density, scale, and traffic in a way that allows for continued growth of the city’s national high-tech and biotechnology business center, while preserving and enhancing the adjacent neighborhood’s walkability, park land, and access to the Charles River Basin – the area’s premier open space system. The plan enables the city to grow while protecting the neighborhoods’ residential character. It recommends detailed zoning for different districts, a retail strategy and transportation plan, and specific guidelines for new development areas. Eastern Cambridge residents and the Cambridge City Council endorsed the study as a way to allow growth and channel its benefits into the creation of an improved public realm and quality of life for residential neighborhoods.6 Chelsea The City of Chelsea's transportation policies are related to and supported by its growth policies. The policies and plans include reducing the volume of commuter traffic that cuts through Chelsea; consolidating and relocating the off-ramps from Route 1 that currently pass by the high school and residential neighborhoods; possible relocation of the Chelsea Commuter Rail Station; improving maritime facilities of Chelsea Creek; improving access to Logan Airport; reconstruction of the Chelsea Street Bridge; and providing better public transportation to support redevelopment of the waterfront. The city has applied for temporary trail use along a portion of the CSX Right-of-way (ROW) between Chelsea Creek and Griffin Way. The CSX ROW is in the abandonment process, and the proposed trail along the CSX ROW is consistent with the proposed BRT alignment in the area, which would implement a busway in the CSX ROW north or Griffin Way. Consistent with the state development goals as set forth in Smart Growth policies and programs, the City of Chelsea has made a priority of developing 1,200 new housing units by 2008. The Anchor Projects Program aims at reshaping the physical landscape of the entire community by identifying where the greatest amount of development can take place. The four areas that have been identified include: Chelsea Waterfront, Parkway Plaza, Everett Avenue Urban Renewal District, and Mystic Mall. The Urban Ring corridor travels through many of these areas.7 Approximately 65 acres are governed by the Everett Avenue Urban Renewal Plan. As part of the Chelsea Residential Overlook Project, the city has begun to redevelop 10.5 acres in Phase I and an additional 7.3 acres in Phase II. The plan seeks to convert the largely dilapidated industrial/commercial district into a dense mixed-use urban development. The Urban Ring Phase 2 alignment overlaps with this plan on Everett Avenue, Revere Beach Parkway, and the Chelsea commuter rail station.8 Everett Within the City of Everett, the transportation priorities include adequate public transportation in the Parkway Industrial Area and the South Everett Industrial Area. The city seeks improved bus service to commercial and industrial centers of employment, and has proposed a potential commuter rail station. Recommendations in the city’s Growth Management and Development Study include: • Continue to implement the recommendations of the “Operation Industrial Uplift” study pertaining to the Parkway area; • Reconstruction of Vale Street; 5 City of Cambridge Website: 6 Goody Clancy Website: 7 The City of Chelsea. State of The City: 2006, A Report by City Manager Jas Ash to the Chelsea City Council. January 31, 2006. 8 City of Chelsea. Request for Proposals for Redevelopers, Chelsea Residential Overlook Project, December 7, 2005. Page 7 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT • Close and abandon Vine Street south of Garden Street and widen Vine Street between Parkway and Garden; • Explore increasing development parcels adjacent to “paper streets” and used right-of-ways (ROWs) including East Summer Street, Fourth Street, Fifth Street, and Beech Street; and • Relocate, extend, and reconstruct Terminal Street. These improvements are located within the Urban Ring corridor, and would result in improved roadway circulation in the vicinity of the project. Medford In conjunction with the cities of Malden and Everett, Medford has formed a tri-city partnership (the Tri-city Mystic Valley Development Commission) to create a regional technology development project called River’s Edge (formerly “TeleCom City”). This 30-acre mixed-use development would include several area universities, federal and state government agencies, and private companies. Plans call for over one million square feet of office/research space, housing and retail. Phase 1 would include up to 200 units of housing and 440,000 sf of commercial space.9 With over 7,500 potential new jobs, Medford is making an effort to reposition an abandoned manufacturing-based economy into a new global technology-based economy. Much of the River’s Edge project site is located within a half mile of the proposed Urban Ring alignment. The mixed use nature of the River’s Edge project would likely provide a valuable source of ridership for the Urban Ring service. On December 22, 2005, the new master plan for River’s Edge was approved by the Medford Council. Construction has begun on the first office building, 200 River’s Edge Drive, and projected to be available for occupancy in January 2009. Work on apartments will begin soon.10 The City of Medford also issued a master plan for Medford Square in June 2005. Medford Square is located approximately two miles from the Urban Ring, providing the opportunity for potential bus connections from the square to the Urban Ring service. Somerville The City of Somerville has completed master planning efforts for Union Square (Union Square Transportation Plan, September, 2002) and Assembly Square (Assembly Square Transportation Plan Final Report, May 13, 2003) areas. A main focus of these efforts is to improve transportation services and facilities as a way of spurring economic revitalization in these areas. In addition, EOT is evaluating alternatives for improving transit services to Somerville. EOT is currently pursuing the Green Line Extension project, with proposed extension of the Green Line from New Lechmere Station through Somerville in two branches: one to Union Square and the other along the Lowell commuter rail line right-of-way to Medford Hillside near Tufts University. Somerville is currently working on a Union Square zoning amendment to establish a Planned Urban Development (PUD-C) zoning overlay district and Union Square Arts overlay district with facilitation by City-Wide Amendments. This type of mixed use development encourages non-automobile travel modes. A document entitled the Assembly Square Mixed-Use District, completed in March of 2004, describes development standard and design guidelines for Assembly Square development. One of the district’s goals listed in the document is to encourage transit-oriented development.11 Phase 1AA of the Assembly Square Development includes an IKEA store and the construction of Assembly Square Drive. This project was conditionally approved at the October 18, 2007 Planning Board Meeting. The IKEA store is anticipated to 9 Rivers Edge Website: 10 Eric Moskowitz, “Rebirth at the River’s Edge,” The Boston Globe – Globe Northwest, Thursday, January 24, 2008. 11 City of Somerville: Assembly Square Mixed-Use District, March 1, 2004. Page 8 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT break ground in the summer of 2008 and open in the fall of 2009. The next phase of development in Assembly Square will be Phase 1A, composed of primarily mixed-use retail and residential.12 In summary, the City of Somerville has pursued transportation improvements through: • Development of Land Use and Transportation Master Plans for Assembly Square; • Proposal for a new Orange Line station at Assembly Square; • Renewal of the Assembly Square Commercial Revitalization District Plan; • Reduction of air pollution by implementing a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program for shuttle service to complement MBTA services; • Increased use of High Occupancy Vehicles and transit and reduce Single Occupant Vehicles; and • Transformation of the Inner Belt district to office and biotechnology uses. All of these programs would support Urban Ring planning goals and increase the demand for transit use in the vicinity of the Urban Ring corridor. Local Plan and Policy Summary The seven local jurisdictions have transportation and growth policies that, while exhibiting some variation, are consistent in their overall objectives and goals. One of the critical issues facing all compact communities is how to encourage, stimulate, and accommodate development and growth in an environmentally sensitive manner. Cambridge and Boston are trying to curb the increase in automobile travel while continuing to encourage development. Everett, Chelsea and Somerville are looking to revitalize areas, especially along the waterfront, which have traditionally been industrial sites. All communities have embraced public transportation as a key factor to achieving their goals of growth, revitalization and decreased automobile use, and have undertaken planning efforts to address and guide future development and revitalization. Community and citizen involvement have been instrumental in focusing and guiding these planning efforts. Close coordination with each jurisdiction should allow Phase 2 of the Urban Ring to play a prominent role in each community’s growth. The City of Boston has been working with each of its neighborhoods to develop community master plans to guide future growth and development. The Urban Ring LPA alignment passes through several of these neighborhoods including Roxbury, Fenway (including Audubon Circle), Longwood Medical and Academic Area, East Boston, Allston, and South Boston. Other neighborhood communities such as Cottage Farm in Brookline have been active in the Urban Ring process. The Urban Ring has coordinated with these neighborhood groups throughout the planning process and will continue to as the project progresses. Institutional Plans A large number of community institutions are located within the Urban Ring project corridor. Key medical institutions include: Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center; Brigham and Women’s Hospital; Children’s Hospital Boston; Harvard Medical, Dental, and Public Health Schools; Massachusetts General Hospital; MGH Chelsea Healthcare Center; Dana-Farber Cancer Institute; Massachusetts College of Pharmacy & Allied Health Sciences; Joslin Diabetes Center and Boston Medical Center. Key academic and cultural institutions in the corridor include: Boston Latin School; Boston University; Emmanuel College; Harvard University; Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum; Massachusetts College of Art and Design; Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT); Museum of Fine Arts; Northeastern University; Simmons College; University of Massachusetts at Boston (Umass Boston); Wentworth Institute of Technology; Wheelock College; and Winsor School. Many of 12 City of Somerville Website: Page 9 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT the medical and academic institutions in this area are members of the “Medical Academic and Scientific Community Organization, Inc.” (MASCO). Large employers and other destinations in the corridor include Assembly Square Mall, Biomed companies such as Genzyme Corporation; Boston Red Sox; Fenway Cultural District; Gateway retail in Everett; Logan Airport; and Wellington Circle. The City of Boston requires that major educational and medical institutions in Boston prepare, amend, and periodically update and renew Institutional Master Plans (IMPs), which are comprehensive development plans that describe an institution's existing facilities, long-range planning goals, and proposed projects. The process brings the city and community into institutional planning, creates the possibility for a truly collaborative approach to campus development, and offers institutions an opportunity to define their commitments to the community for an extended period of time through a single comprehensive process rather than negotiating such contributions and approval-by-approval. As a result of the deliberate, thoughtful, and cooperative institutional master planning process, institutions in the Urban Ring corridor and throughout Boston have uniformly adopted policies and practices that encourage auto travel reduction, travel demand management, smart growth development, pedestrian and bicycle oriented growth, and support for transit use and accessibility. These policies are all consistent with and strongly supportive of the Urban Ring Phase 2. MASCO The Medical Academic and Scientific Community Organization, Inc. (MASCO) consists of 21 institutional members or associate members. MASCO plans, develops, and enhances the 213-acre Longwood Medical and Academic Area (LMA) for the benefit of the general public and its members. MASCO's mission is to pursue programs that promote a sense of community among its members, create and deliver services more effectively, and lessen the burdens of government with regard to planning, development, and enhancement of the LMA. MASCO creates and implements programs that assist the institutions and individuals in the LMA. MASCO gets involved with facilitating the flow of traffic, coordinating development plans, serving as a liaison with the Greater Boston community, and acting as a general community planner for the LMA. MASCO’s Area Planning and Development strives to improve the accessibility and attractiveness of the LMA by providing long-range planning, transportation planning, traffic and access improvements, and development and construction coordination. Figure A-1 shows the extensive area that composes the Longwood Medical and Academic Area. The LMA is Boston’s densest employment center outside of downtown Boston. In September 2003, MASCO published the State of the LMA: A Report on Longwood Medical and Academic Area Institutions, Their Future Growth and Economic Impact.13 According to this report, the member institutions have strong concerns about the limited direct transit options, the degree of traffic congestion, and the scarcity of parking (a particular problem for clinical facilities). These problems complicate staff recruitment, discourage patients from seeking medical treatment, and exacerbate tensions with nearby neighborhoods. In response to the issues described in the report, the institutions have created state-of-the-art transportation demand management (TDM) programs and currently spend well over $8 million annually on the MASCO shuttle program, T-pass subsidies, and other transportation-related programs. All of the institutions are strongly committed to encouraging their employees to use public transit. As of 2003, many institutions reported reaching transit mode shares among employees of close to 50%, and most academic institutions reported that roughly 75% to 100% of their off-campus students walk, bike, or use the MBTA due, in large part, to parking prohibitions on campus. The MASCO report noted that the next round of significant mode share increases will require significant transit improvements in the near term and major new transit investments such as the Urban Ring over the long term. The institutions believe that public improvements must include increasing commuter rail service at nearby Yawkey and Ruggles commuter rail stations, and providing more convenient access to North Station, so that LMA personnel can increase their use of commuter rail. Many institutions, particularly academic ones, reported that 25% to 30% of their staff and students walk or bike to campus from homes in 13 MASCO/Goody, Clancy & Associates, State of the LMA: Report on Longwood Medical and Academic Area Institutions, Their Future Growth and Economic Impact, Executive Summary, September 2003. Page 10 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT adjacent neighborhoods, underscoring the importance of maintaining a pedestrian and bike-friendly environment.14 Figure A-1 Map of Longwood Medical and Academic Area Source: City of Boston Website: Even with MASCO’s large private investments (shuttle programs, transportation improvements, and transportation demand measures (TDMs)), the Commonwealth’s investment in commuter rail service, transit and other needed transportation infrastructure improvements have not kept pace with the growth of the LMA area. The transportation goals that emerged from MASCO’s State of The LMA report fall into four broad categories: transit access, pedestrians, traffic circulation, and parking, all briefly discussed below. • Transit access – MASCO’s successful shuttle bus services are considered a viable short-term strategy to supplement MBTA services in the area. However, support from the public sector for additional transit capability is critical to the success of MASCO’s transit goals for the future. MASCO supports moving forward with the Urban Ring tunnel section that would directly connect the heart of the LMA to Green, Red, and Orange Lines. It will also be critical to identify other east/west transit initiatives; nearer-term transit improvements to the Green Line; improved scheduling of commuter rail service to Yawkey, Ruggles, and Old Colony Stations; and feasible ways to introduce Urban Ring Phase 2 service to the LMA. 14 MASCO/Goody, Clancy & Associates, Ibid. Page 11 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT • Pedestrian realm – All major new development should make significant contributions to the vitality, character, and accessibility of the pedestrian realm. The focus should be on adding pedestrian-friendly retail, accessible entrance lobbies, and similar active uses in places like the hundred-percent corner at Brookline and Longwood Avenues15 and along Huntington Avenue; converting service streets into walkable streets with sidewalks and streetscape improvements where possible; and improving pedestrian crossings at the Sears Rotary and other intersections. Above-grade pedestrian connectors could play a critical role in the LMA and their feasibility and appropriateness should be studied. • Traffic circulation – Improvements should provide some relief for the LMA’s strained circulation system. Options include circulation improvements to Ruggles Street, the Sears Rotary; the Riverway and Longwood Avenues; evaluation of one-way pair streets; modifying traffic signal operations; and improving management of deliveries. Circulation options should be evaluated on the basis of their ability to improve traffic operations, while balancing open space, pedestrian and bicycle needs, as well as campus circulation needs. Improvements that promote the use of bicycles, including on- and off-street dedicated lanes and routes and secure storage, would improve access for employees and students. • Parking – The MASCO institutions remain firmly committed to encouraging alternatives to automobile access through a wide variety of incentive programs. Parking ratios need to sufficiently address economic needs for patient and visitor parking, while balancing employee demand for parking. It might serve the city, the larger community, and institutions’ interests to explore more flexible performance-based management approaches to minimizing peak hour traffic generation and parking demand.16 These goals are consistent with the Urban Ring project, and providing improved transit access and capacity to the LMA is a major objective of the Urban Ring project. In 2006, in response to the Boston MPO’s initial draft (November 2005) Regional Transportation Plan (Journey to 2030), MASCO staff presented a memorandum (January 9, 2006) summarizing the LMA’s transportation statistics and needs. Specific transportation needs identified by MASCO include: • Full time commuter rail service to Yawkey Station (including station improvements); • Full time commuter rail service to Ruggles Station; • Operational improvements on the D and E Green Line branches, including increased AM service to better accommodate the 7:00 AM work shift, direct D Line service to North Station, schedule adherence, and 3-car trains to increase capacity; • Station improvements at Kenmore, Fenway, and Longwood stations on the Green Line; • Improvements to Green Line central subway operations, including crossover tracks at Park Street Station; • Transportation improvements in the Urban Ring corridor with the flexibility to reshape phasing and alternatives, specifically a transit tunnel connecting Ruggles and Yawkey stations; • Improvements to the Sears Rotary and other area roadways to enhance pedestrian safety and improve traffic flow; • Signal improvements to roadways in the area and funding for Boston’s Traffic Management Center (monitor and correct deficiencies with real time traffic information); • Public bicycle parking; • Improved pedestrian connections, particularly to transit nodes; and 15 This is one of the Urban Ring project’s study intersections. 16 MASCO/Goody, Clancy & Associates, Op. Cit. Page 12 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT • Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) funding for TDM programs in the LMA. At MASCO’s annual meeting, Massachusetts Transportation Secretary Bernard Cohen announced Commonwealth initiatives, through the 2006 Economic Stimulus Bill, to invest $35 million in traffic, roadway, and public transit improvements around the LMA. Some of the initiatives Cohen outlined are $12 million to make Yawkey Station a full-service commuter rail station, $5 million to enhance the Longwood and Fenway stations on the D line, $5.6 million for traffic management improvements, and $12.5 million for improvements to roadways and pedestrian walkways. The community will have the opportunity to review plans and provide input. Some projects are already underway. The Boston Transportation Department (BTD) is currently conducting a $400,000 traffic improvement survey in the Longwood and Fenway areas. In addition, EOT will use an additional $500,000 to study and create a preliminary design of a commuter rail and multi-modal transportation center in Allston. Urban Ring project plans are coordinated with these improvements. Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) Because of strong fiscal year 2007 financial results, BIDMC was able to increase its capital budget for fiscal year 2008 to include additional funds to be spent on equipment, technology and buildings. Specifically, BIDMC launched the planning for a major renovation/building project, designed to increase clinical capacity at the main LMA campus and enhance convenience and access for patients at a new BIDMC ambulatory care center at a yet-to-be-determined suburban location. Additional clinical capacity will increase the demand for transit travel in this vicinity. The Cardiovascular Institute at Beth Israel Deaconess was also launched to better serve patients, coordinate care, and use common electronic medical records to enhance service to patients. Brigham and Women’s Hospital Brigham and Women’s Hospital completed a five-year Institutional Master Plan (IMP) and Article 80 for a new 10-story, 350,000 square foot clinical care facility with 150 beds (the Cardiovascular Center) at 70 Francis Street. The facility will feature publicly-oriented facilities on the first and second floors and three below-grade levels of parking. The IMP also approved restoration and enhancement of the historic Brigham Green and below-grade parking project, as well as open space, pedestrian, and transportation improvements. The IMP ensures the zoning compliance of preexisting institutional buildings and uses, and provides limited preapprovals for future leases for institutional purposes of sites within and without the LMA.17 Planned development at Brigham and Women’s Hospital will benefit from future transit improvements, including the Urban Ring Phase 2 project. Children’s Hospital Boston Children's Hospital Boston's July 2006 Strategic Plan identified an urgent need for new inpatient beds to serve its growing acute care patient population. The hospital also identified the need for several LMA campus development and improvement projects over the next ten years to provide sufficient clinical, research and hospital support space. Because potential long-term plans are not finalized and the need for acute care beds is so urgent, Children's IMP currently only includes a proposed vertical 60,375 square foot addition to its Main Building, providing 39 new inpatient beds. The additional traffic generated by the Main Building Expansion Project will have minimal impacts to the transportation infrastructure and minor incremental impacts to the transit operations in the area by 2018. To offset these new trips, Children’s is committed to providing transportation improvements and mitigation actions to improve transportation for patients, visitors, and employees traveling to the LMA. The hospital will continue to proactively manage its drop-off and valet parking operation at its main entrance to reduce traffic activity on area streets, particularly along Longwood Avenue. Children’s is committed to implementing visitor TDM measures to encourage the use of alternative modes of transportation. In addition, Children’s will continue to expand its proactive TDM measures to its employees to encourage the use of transit and other alternative 17 BDLW Website: Page 13 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT forms of transportation. As part of this plan, Children’s has introduced a parking rate structure that makes it advantageous for employees to park outside of the LMA and ride shuttles to the campus. The IMP analysis assumed that future Children’s employees, patients, and visitors will have access to the many public transportation services offered by the MBTA, as well as the array of private shuttle and TDM services that are offered in the LMA through MASCO. The IMP notes, however, that some existing public transportation services will be operating at or above capacity during peak periods by 2018 if services are not expanded to meet expected passenger demands.18 Harvard Medical, Dental and Public Health Schools Harvard University completed an IMP for its medical school campus in the Longwood Medical and Academic Area of Boston. The IMP provides for the long-range renovation of the buildings and grounds of the School of Public Health, the School of Dental Medicine, and the Medical School at the Harvard University Longwood Medical Campus. Through a combination of demolition, renovation, and new construction over a 10-year period, five new buildings, an underground parking garage, new landscape, and new quadrangle will take shape.19 Harvard has plans to construct a new 53,000 square foot School of Dental Medicine and Research Education Building, and several smaller projects. The building projects are required to reduce overcrowding in existing facilities and to meet the immediate need for state-of-the-art research space for the Dental School.20 Harvard University’s School of Medicine also participated in a neighborhood development partnership for a mixed-use project called One Brigham Circle. The partnership also included Partners Healthcare, New Boston Fund, Inc., NDC Development Associates, Inc., Mission Hill Neighborhood Housing Services and the Mission Hill community.21 One Brigham Circle is located adjacent to the LMA in the Urban Ring study corridor. Mixed use developments in urban areas such as this one with limited on-and off-street parking encourage the use of public transit. Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) Massachusetts General Hospital is working on an Article 80 for the development of a 10-year Institutional Master Plan for the MGH campus development. Over a ten-year period, the MGH proposes a new construction and off-campus leasing plan to address the three components of its mission: patient care, education and research. The document describes projects that would accommodate these goals, as well as administrative and parking issues.22 Currently in the works is preparation for the construction of MGH's Building for the Third Century (B3C). Three buildings (the Clinics, Vincent Burnham Kennedy (VBK) and Tilton) are currently being demolished to prepare the site for construction of the new, 530,000-square-foot clinical facility, which is scheduled to be completed in 2011.23 Urban Ring Phase 2 connections to the existing radial transportation system, including connections to the Kendall/MIT Station on the Red Line, will be important for enhancing transit connectivity for this and other development projects on the MGH campus. 18 Children’s Hospital Website: 19 Chan Krieger Sieniewicz Architecture & Urban Design Website: 20 Epsilon Associates Website: 21 Carol R. Goldberg Seminars, The Role and Impact of Colleges and Universities in Greater Boston Today, October 2005. 22 Carol R. Goldberg Seminars, Ibid. 23 MGHHotline Online, “Down time: Clinics, Tilton and VBK Buildings Pass into History,” January 11, 2008 Page 14 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI) Dana-Farber Cancer Institute completed its IMP in December of 2006. The transportation chapter in the plan presents a summary of the existing transportation aspects of DFCI and develops a thorough description of its transportation infrastructure 10 years into the future. It is based on the comprehensive Transportation Access Plan that was developed in connection with the Center for Cancer Care Draft Project Impact Report/Environmental Impact Report (DPIR/DEIR), which was filed simultaneously with the IMP. The IMP presents a set of mitigation strategies and improvement measures that will provide transportation improvements to the LMA. DFCI plans to implement six projects over the course of the IMP. Of these projects, the following two will affect parking conditions on the campus: • Renovation of DFCI’s existing Dana Building will include reconfiguration of an existing above-grade structured parking area and surface vehicular drop-off/pick-up area into approximately 71,000 SF of administrative/institutional space. The existing 213 parking spaces and vehicular drop-off area located within the existing Dana Building will be relocated within the new Center for Cancer Care facility (described below). • The Center for Cancer Care project includes construction of a single building project totaling approximately 257,500 zoning square feet (ZSF)24 of space at 450 Brookline Avenue. The proposed project will create approximately 219,049 ZSF of “net new” construction to accommodate much needed clinical and clinical research space. It will also include some ground floor retail space, and a campus dining area. The new building will serve as the campus’ main entrance along Brookline Avenue, and provide public pedestrian access via entrances along both Brookline Avenue and Jimmy Fund Way. It will also include provision of a new below-grade drop-off and valet parking area that will be integrated into the existing Smith Building parking facility. All of DFCI’s on-campus parking will be located within this garage upon completion of the project. The project (including the Dana Building renovation) will result in 217 net new parking spaces. The comprehensive transportation improvement and mitigation plan proposed by DFCI IMP will provide an improved transportation infrastructure for patients, visitors, and employees traveling to the LMA. DFCI will proactively manage the creative, underground drop-off and valet parking facility as a means to reduce traffic activity on area streets, particularly along Brookline Avenue. DFCI is also committed to reconstructing the intersection of Brookline Avenue/Jimmy Fund Way/Deaconess Road/Joslin Place to allow for a safe and legal left-turn for motorists traveling southbound on Brookline Avenue toward the DFCI campus. DFCI will set its new building back to allow for the creation of wide pedestrian sidewalks along both Brookline Avenue and Jimmy Fund Way and to create an additional left-turn lane from Jimmy Fund Way onto Brookline Avenue. DFCI is also committed to improving existing traffic cameras in the area and to the installation of a new pantilt-zoom camera at the Brookline Avenue/Jimmy Fund Way intersection. Roadway improvements and enhanced valet parking operations management have been devised to help manage peak hour traffic flow adjacent to the site. DFCI will also continue to expand its proactive TDM to its employees to encourage the use of transit and other alternative forms of transportation.25 In addition, providing retail and dining facilities on the ground floor of the project may help eliminate some auto trips and encourage the use of public transit. 24 As defined by Boston Zoning Code. 25 Dana-Farber Website: Page 15 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Boston Medical Center (BMC) Boston Medical Center26 recently filed an Environmental Notification Form (ENF) for a new 245,000 square foot, nine-story Ambulatory Care Building at 725 Albany Street (the site of the current 91 East Concord Street building). The project will allow the relocation and consolidation of several outpatient services currently located in BMC’s Doctor’s Office Building (DOB) and the Dowling Building (two existing on-campus buildings), and will require demolition of the existing aging Maternity Building at 91 East Concord Street. The shift in the location of the existing ambulatory functions does not result in a significant increase in the square footage of outpatient services on the campus. However, the project is anticipated to generate 1,996 new daily trips, and will result in a decrease of five parking spaces. BMC submitted an Institutional Master Plan Notification Form/Project Notification form to the BRA on April 30, 2007. An Institutional Master Plan Amendment/Draft Project Impact Report was submitted to the BRA on August 22, 2007. The project ENF provided the following transportationrelated mitigation measures and benefits: • Upgrade of the streetscape along the proposed project site to establish a more pedestrian-friendly edge to the BMC campus and improvement of pedestrian crossing experience at Albany Street; • Removal of significant patient and employee traffic from Harrison Avenue; • Maintenance of the public link through the BMC west campus area to the neighborhood; • Provision of building setbacks that improve sidewalk space around 725 Albany Street; and • Provision of transportation demand management programs (shuttle services, carpool, hybrid car, emergency ride home, MBTA pass, and car sharing programs).27 All of these improvements will encourage the use of transit and non-motorized modes of transportation in the LMA. The project is undergoing review by the BRA under Article 80 of the Boston Zoning Code. Boston University (BU) Boston University began the update and renewal of BU’s 1997 IMP in 2002. The process involved a task force of 16 community groups with dialogue among BU, its neighbors, and the City of Boston. The Master Plan includes development projects the university would like to complete over the next 10 years. Ranging from immediate goals at the time, like construction of the Life Science and Engineering building, renovation of the Nickelodeon and the graduate student apartments at 580 Commonwealth Avenue, to more distant ones, like a new School of Law building, the process entailed BU, the community, and the city casting a consensus about the size and shape of the university’s growth.28 Beginning in 2006, Boston University has conducted a new master planning effort focused on the long-term development of the Charles River Campus. In December of 2006, Boston University’s Strategic Planning Coordinating Task Force completed One BU: A Connected University Framework of a Strategic Plan: 20062016. One of the 12 core commitments of the strategic plan states: “We will pursue changes in our built environment… that will help to define and integrate the campuses, facilitate informal gatherings and study sessions, (and) make the campuses pedestrian- and neighborhood- friendly.”29 A 2001 article in the Boston 26 Note that Boston Medical Center (BMC) includes both Boston City Hospital (BCH) and Boston University Medical Center Hospital (BUMCH). 27 Boston Medical Center, Environmental Notification Form #14109 for Boston Medical Center Ambulatory Care Building at 725 Albany Street, 2007. 28 Jordan Carleo-Evangelist, Master Plan Lays Ground Work for Future Expansion, The Daily Free Press, The Independent Student Newspaper at Boston University, December 9, 2002. 29 Boston University Strategic Planning Coordinating Task Force, One BU: A Connected University Framework of a Strategic Plan: 20062016, December 1, 2006. Page 16 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Globe featured Commonwealth Avenue near the BU bridge (see photo below) as one of the most dangerous areas in Boston for pedestrians.30 In November of 2007, based on feedback from One BU and a subsequent plan entitled Forging Our Future by Choosing to Be Great, BU released it’s 2007 Strategic Plan: Choosing to Be Great: A Vision of Boston University – Past, Present, and Future.31 This document focuses on the fundamental level of values, vision, and a plan to achieve BU’s goals. A key concept in the Commonwealth Avenue/BU Bridge study is tying together a campus that is stretched along Commonwealth Avenue by creating a new central hub at the intersection of Commonwealth Avenue and the BU Bridge. A BU study of improvements to this location recommended that state and city planners consider building near the BU Bridge a transportation hub that would connect the existing Commuter Rail line to the Green Line and to rapid transit buses traveling along the proposed Urban Ring, connecting Boston’s universities and medical centers. The proposed transit hub would benefit BU and neighboring communities by providing faster and more convenient transportation to about 70,000 residents of Cambridge, Boston, and Brookline. It would create an opportunity to design a more pedestrian-friendly flow of traffic in the area of the BU Bridge, and encourage the development of commercial and retail space, as well as institutional space to meet the needs of the University without requiring an expansion into neighboring communities. The long-term advantages of such a hub would include providing a new center of gravity pulling East and West Campuses together, and reconnecting with the Charles River. Such a concept could be a powerful incentive for new academic, residential, and commercial development with improved traffic flow, safety, and other urban benefits.32 Ideas from the BU study involving connections to the Urban Ring have been presented to the EOT, which has incorporated this planning into the Urban Ring Phase 2 project recommendations. In turn, University will coordinate several current and proposed roadway improvement projects with the state’s master plan for the Urban Ring. 30 Jessica Stone, “Report: BU Bridge One of Boston’s Most Dangerous Pedestrian Areas,” The Daily Free Press, The Independent Student Newspaper at Boston University, April 24, 2001. 31 Boston University, Choosing to Be Great: A vision of Boston University – Past, Present, and Future – The University’s Strategic Plan, November 19, 2007; 32 Art Jahnke, “Study Sees New Campus Center Near BU Bridge,” BU Today News and Events, March 20, 2007. Page 17 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Figure A-2 View of BU Bridge – Cambridge Side Harvard University Harvard has been filing IMPs for its existing Allston campus since 1989. On January 11, 2007, Harvard unveiled a vision for its future, filing with the City of Boston a proposed IMP for the first stage of the physical evolution of an interdisciplinary campus in Allston. The Plan describes two phases. Phase 1 refers to those Harvard development projects and related infrastructure improvements that are expected to occur over approximately the next 20 years. The second phase, involving potential build-out over the ensuing 30 years, is more speculative and is included to provide a more complete vision of the potential for redevelopment in Allston. Phase 1 of the development program, which includes between 4 and 5 million gross square feet of new space including academic space, housing, museums, and a conference center, was the primary subject of the January 2007 filing. The plan states that an integrated, multimodal transportation system will be essential for the long-term success of Harvard’s proposed development in Allston. Key transportation goals for Phase 1 are: • Protecting and enhancing the interface between the campus and the neighborhood; • Addressing the transportation requirements of the planned projects and providing connectivity with Harvard’s other campuses; • Fostering sustainable development that relies as little as possible on the private automobile; and • Improving the connections between Allston and the region. Page 18 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT As part of Harvard’s large-scale expansion into Allston, Harvard University also proposed siting a commuter rail station at the current location of the Beacon Park Rail Yard.33 The transportation component of Phase 1 of Harvard’s IMP is multimodal in nature, addressing highway, public transportation, bicycle, and pedestrian needs. The ultimate transportation requirements will be important considerations in establishing the long-term development framework for Allston and will provide a major contribution to the overall sustainability of the Allston development program. Phase 1 projects are consistent with the transportation elements of the broader planning framework for North Allston. Most significantly, this broader framework incorporates guidelines set forth through the North Allston Neighborhood Strategic Plan (NANSP) process and the Boston Transportation Department’s (BTD) priorities for Harvard development in North Allston.34 Under the proposed IMP, Harvard will improve city streets, with new pedestrian walkways, bicycle lanes, and plantings.35 Harvard’s IMP discusses bike access, public transit, proposed new Harvard shuttle services (between Allston and Cambridge and between Allston and the LMA), Transportation Demand Management (TDM), parking, vehicular traffic access, existing roadway conditions, and preliminary trip generation and distribution estimates. However, detailed analyses of the potential traffic impacts for the Phase 1 development program have not been completed at this time. Harvard anticipates refining the study area for the Phase 1 IMP with BTD and Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) and conduct traffic impact analyses at locations where changes in traffic patterns due to the project and construction of surrounding streets may occur.36 Northeastern University Northeastern University is working under a 10-year IMP that lays out development proposals through the year 2010. Northeastern University’s 2000 Master Plan was amended in August 2004 surrounding Building F and the Coventry Street property. In 2006, The BRA approved a change to the IMP that allowed for 1,800 new residence-hall beds and the opportunity for some non-residential development. The BRA also allowed Northeastern to incorporate some recently purchased properties in the IMP, and approved the first phase of residential construction, a 1,200-bed hall at the corner of Tremont and Ruggles Streets. The next phase of residential construction is a 600 residential bed dormitory on the site of an existing Northeastern building on St. Botolph Street in the Fenway. In order to maximize community input to its master planning process, Northeastern joined with representatives of the Fenway, Mission Hill and Roxbury neighborhoods in the Northeastern University Community Task Force under the auspices of the BRA. The task force hammered out a proposal for new residence halls during 46 meetings through 2005 and 2006. The first phase residence hall will consist of two towers, one 19 stories and the other 23 stories. It will also hold a dining hall, ground-floor retail space, and 30,000 square feet of office space to replace offices now in Cullinane Hall. The residence hall is slated to open for fall 2009.37 Additional students living on Northeastern’s campus will benefit from improved transit connections provided by the Urban Ring Phase 2 project. 33 Art Jahnke, Ibid. 34 Harvard’s Allston Initiative Web Site: 35 Harvard University, ‘Extraordinary Strides’ made in Allston Planning, Harvard University Gazette Online, June 7, 2007. 36 Harvard’s Allston Initiative Web Site, op. cit. 37 The Voice of Staff, “Residence Hall Proposal Moves Ahead,” The Northeastern Voice, January 9, 2007. Page 19 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT University of Massachusetts (UMass) Boston UMass Boston is in the process of updating their 25-year Campus Master Plan. The existing conditions portion of the effort was presented for Master Plan Subcommittee review in July 2007, and the UMass task force is currently looking at future plans and alternatives. Phase I of the plan (5-10 years) will include new academic buildings, 1,000 beds of residence hall space, structured parking, and modifications to circulation and open space. The development of the new Master Plan will focus on facilities expansion and rehabilitation, establish design guidelines (buildings, sustainability, parking and transportation), resolve sequencing of individual project, and identify funding sources.38 These improvements will also benefit from improved transit connections at the JFK/UMass MBTA station provided by the Urban Ring Phase 2 project. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) MIT is a diverse educational community with a dense, highly organized environment of experimental, intellectual, social, and recreational activities. Rapidly approaching the saturation of its available spaces, the Institute confronts the planning challenge of furnishing a master plan with sufficient muscle and flexibility to accommodate both current and as yet only emerging demands. In response to an urgent need for new campus housing, in 1999 MIT developed a Master Plan for a new residential corridor forming the Vassar Street edge along Briggs Athletic Field. To meet the changing needs of teaching and research, the Institute is adding an array of new facilities. The School of Management’s new home, scheduled for completion in 2010, will extend from Memorial Drive to Main Street and will serve as an eastern gateway to the MIT campus. Also in construction and slated for occupancy in spring of 2008 is a graduate residence complex that will expand the northwest sector of MIT’s campus housing quarters. A new cancer research facility to be located next to the David H. Koch Biology Building and across from the Eli and Edythe L. Broad Institute is scheduled to begin construction in the spring of 2008. The Master Plan for the east campus was assigned as a joint venture to Gruzen and PartnersMitchell/Giurgola. Their scheme is designed to connect and integrate the previously disparate main and Sloan campus sectors.39 Each year, MIT publishes Reports to the President that include annual reports of MIT's academic and administrative units, summarizing the year's goals, accomplishments, honors and awards, and future plans. The Office of Institutional Initiatives (OII) was established on July 1, 2005, with the mission of managing the development program for the highest-priority interdisciplinary initiatives at MIT. To achieve this goal, the office works with colleagues within Resource Development; with school, program, and project fundraisers; with the MIT Alumni Association; and with selected faculty and staff. In fiscal year 2006, OII worked with faculty leaders and administrators to develop the fundraising architecture for the new facility for the MIT Center for Cancer Research.40 Increased development will result in increased demand for transit ridership. Wentworth Institute of Technology (WIT) In the fall of 2005, WIT launched a strategic planning process called “Building the Next 100 Years” to plan how to best respond to industry needs by evolving the existing and developing new undergraduate programs. The Institute has a tradition of working very closely with the community, which it is doing now through its new Center for Community & Learning Partnerships. In October 2005, WIT opened a residence hall at 555 38 UMass Boston, presentation to Faculty Council, “UMass Boston Master Plan Update,” February 4, 2008.,1,UMass Boston 39 A Brief Architectural History of MIT, February 12, 2008. 40 MIT Report to the President, 2005-2006. Page 20 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Huntington Avenue. According to the current President of WIT, the Wentworth community has taken ownership of the strategic planning process.41 Simmons College Simmons College is currently undergoing a new strategic planning process. The College has $103 million approved and funded for Phase III of their Master Plan for facilities to address long-term issues. Recent projects include major library renovation, construction of a new School of Management building, campus quad and underground parking facility (to completed in January 2009), and expansion of the Fens Dining facility in the Main Campus Building (to begin in spring 2008). The Fens Dining facility project will include renovations to the College’s loading dock and shipping and receiving areas, plus completion of an underground link between the new parking garage and the Main College Building.42 Emmanuel College In 1996, Emmanuel College led the discussion to initiate the Colleges of the Fenway (COF), an innovative consortium of six neighboring colleges. Since the COF's founding, Emmanuel has offered its students the social and academic benefits of a large university while maintaining the close-knit community of a small private college. Also in 1996, the College developed its Institutional Master Plan to identify tangible, achievable ways for Emmanuel to significantly increase its enrollment and thrive in the new century. The 1996 Master Plan identified a strategy for funding, and sketched the ways Emmanuel's academic and residence life facilities would evolve in the years ahead. The Master Plan accommodated a one hundred percent increase in academic facilities while “greening” the campus and relocating surface parking to peripheral structured parking. The Master Plan identified two parcels of lease-able area (an "endowment campus") that could secure a sufficient revenue stream for growth without affecting the quality of its academic program. In 2000, city and state regulatory agencies approved both the campus master plan and the endowment campus plan.43 The College then entered into a 75-year ground-lease agreement with a private company, enabling them to construct a 400,000 square-foot research facility in exchange for a one-time multi-million dollar payment.44 Wheelock College Wheelock submitted its Institutional Master Plan to the BRA in February of 2007. It was subsequently reviewed and discussed at community meetings, including meetings with the LMA Forum and the Community Task Force established as an advisory body for both the BRA and Wheelock. BRA Board approved Wheelock College’s 10-Year Institutional Master Plan on May 31, 2007. The plan included a 129-bed student housing facility and two potential projects that would add new housing, academic, and administrative uses to the Fenway campus.45 Boston Latin School Boston Latin School falls under the umbrella of Boston Public Schools. In addition to city and state regulations, Boston Public Schools requires planning and review of all rehabilitation and construction projects. Principals/Headmasters and Community School Directors must include the Assistant Director of Facilities 41 Wentworth Institute of Technology Website. 42 Simmons College Website: 43 Goody Clancy Website: 44 Sam O’Neill, “Emmanuel’s Overnight Success is Routed in Years of Careful Planning,” Emmanuel Magazine, Winter/Spring 2003 Issue. 45 BRA Press Release, May 31, 2007. Page 21 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Management/Design and Development in the drafting of plans. The Office of Facilities Management/Planning & Engineering must review and approve all plans for improvements to school buildings and yards. These plans are submitted to the appropriate Planning and Engineering staff for all required approvals and maintenance agreements.46 During the 1988-89 school year, the existing Boston Latin School building underwent a complete renovation, including major work on the auditorium and cafeteria, an extension that added a new gymnasium and ancillary athletic facilities, and new computer and science labs. From 1999 to 2002 the building was once again renovated and upgraded to the latest in technology, and a new library was built within the space once occupied by the cafeteria, and a new building with art and music rooms and a new dining hall was constructed.47 Winsor School Winsor School’s Board has been engaged in strategic planning for the past two years, considering the future needs, opportunities, and challenges of the school. They have been exploring to best pursue the school’s mission in the future. The LMA is one of the city’s most rapidly developing neighborhoods, making the possibility of expansion on the current campus more difficult. The master planning process is investigating the potential for expanding their existing Pilgrim Road campus, including potential underground construction, as well as considering land acquisition and assessing alternative sites that might provide more options. In the mean time, the school has undertaken renovation and athletic field projects.48 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum The Board of Trustees of Boston’s Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum adopted a Master Plan in 2003. The Museum is committed to the importance of intimate scale and personal sensibility, and their master planning process reflected that. In November 2004, the museum announced a plan to preserve the historic palace and support expanded programs for visitors, artist, schools and community partners, including a new building on the Museum’s property. The new building is part of a larger campaign to preserve Isabella Gardner's historic Palace, world-class fine art collection, and legacy. The Museum initiated the Article 80 Development Review process with the Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) for the proposed new building in November of 2004. Located behind the Museum’s historic Palace in the Fenway, the proposed new building will improve the visitor experience and provide much-needed space to address the critical conservation, programming, and administrative needs of the institution. The design includes approximately 60,000 square feet, including: an orientation area, a performance hall, a special exhibition gallery, studio classrooms, improved greenhouses, a café, an expanded museum shop, visiting artists’ accommodations and studio space, new conservation labs, and administrative offices. The new building will incorporate sustainable design initiatives, including a geothermal well system. The design for the new building will open up the site to the public, providing a more inviting and safer entrance along Evans Way.49 46 Boston Public Schools, Focus on Children, Superintendent’s Circular, School Year 2007-2008, “Renovations to School Buildings and Yards – External Funding,” September 1, 2007. 47 Boston Latin School Website: 48 Letter from Winsor Board of Trustees (Nancy B. Gardiner, President of the Windsor Corporation, and Rachel Friis Stettler, Director) to members of the Winsor Community, February 8, 2008. 49 Gardner Museum Website, Press Releases, November 29, 2004 and November 30, 2007. Page 22 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Institutional Plans Summary Where appropriate, the Urban Ring project has coordinated with and taken into account institutional master plans. Specific examples include: • Modification of a Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center project to accommodate Urban Ring Phase 3 alignment; • Coordination with Boston Medical Center regarding Phase 2 alignments; • Coordination with Boston University to accommodate Phase 2 alignments at BU Bridge; • Coordination with Harvard University regarding North Allston Phase 2 alignments; • Coordination with MASCO and its member institutions regarding potential Urban Ring surface and tunnel alignments; and • Coordination with MIT regarding Phase 2 alignments. Regional Plans and Policies Several regional organizations are significantly involved with the Urban Ring project. The following is a summary of the planning coordination activities between the project and the Circumferential Ring Regional Planning Compact, comprised of six of the municipalities along the Urban Ring Project Corridor; the Boston Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO); the MBTA; and the MAPC. Circumferential Ring Regional Planning Compact The six municipalities that formed the Compact in 1995 adopted a set of planning principles and committed themselves to working with the MBTA during the Urban Ring project. The six communities act as a regional collaborative in the Urban Ring corridor. By sharing information, working together to resolve transportation issues, and advocating for solutions that serve the interest of the entire corridor, their intent is to support and coordinate transportation and land use along the corridor in a manner which best serves each community as well as the whole. The Compact is also focused on protecting the environment and neighborhoods from negative growth impacts. The Compact has pledged to integrate land use, planning, and zoning initiatives with transit planning, and to support ridership on new transit services, as described in the Urban Ring Compact Final Draft Report.50 Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) MAPC is the regional planning agency for the Boston metropolitan area. The MAPC has recently completed a major regional planning called MetroFuture: making a Greater Boston Region. Initiated in May 2002 and completed in 2008, the MetroFuture team incorporated the public’s ideas about what the region’s future should look like under the guidance of a Steering Committee. The team developed the following four scenarios based on Metro Boston’s growth and development through 2030:51 Current Trends – Let It Be: The first scenario is the “Let it be” scenario which shows what Metro Boston might look like in 2030 if the current trends continue. In this scenario, the existing problems get worse, with sprawls, unaffordable housing, educational inequity and unsustainable water withdrawals. Alternative 1 – Little by Little: The first alternative demonstrates what the region might look like if cities and towns implement many of the “smart growth” tools. 50 Urban Ring Planning Compact, Urban Ring Compact Final Draft Report, September 2000, updated August 2001. 51 Boston Metropolitan Planning Council (MAPC), Metro Future, Alternative Growth Strategies. Last updated in 2007. Page 23 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Alternative 2 – Winds of Change: This scenario illustrates what the region might be like if communities made major efforts to address challenges regionally, with individual cities and towns sharing in the costs and benefits of growth. Alternative 3 – Imagine: The final scenario address the changes after the communities prioritize responses st to 21 century global challenges such as climate change, energy independence, and growing international economic competition. The MetroFuture vision for the Boston metropolitan area calls for planning and land use policies that reduce sprawl, concentrate residential and commercial development in existing urban areas, and protect open space and natural resources. These policies are consistent with and supportive of the proposed Urban Ring Phase 2 project. The following major topics are discussed in MAPC’s MetroFuture Regional Plan:52 Existing Land Use and Projected Growth – The Urban Ring corridor is home to two major medical centers and four universities. In 2001, the area provided 327,400 jobs and was home to 392,700 residents.53 Growth trends indicate that jobs and residents will continue to increase. MAPC projections suggest that jobs in the Boston Metropolitan Region may increase by 12.4 percent from 2000 to 2030, and 41 percent of this growth will occur within the “inner core” cities of Boston, Cambridge, Somerville, Revere, Everett, and Chelsea. Based on historic trends in birth rates, mortality and migration, MAPC anticipates a 13 percent increase in residents in the region between 2000 and 2030, with 35 percent of this growth occurring in the inner core cities. Transit use along the Urban Ring corridor would continue to be the highest in the region.54 Corridor Land Use Policies – Land use policies along the Urban Ring Project Corridor have been established to help meet the needs of each community. While communities such as Everett, Chelsea and Somerville are looking to promote development in underutilized zones, Boston and Cambridge look to focus their growth in established economic areas, while preserving residential neighborhoods. Tools to Implement Land Use Policies – Federal, state and local governments have all made pledges to invest in targeted areas along the Urban Ring Project Corridor. Whether through infrastructure improvements or lease commitments, an effort has been made to focus funds along the corridor. Performance of Land Use Policies – The communities have distinguished four types of areas, each with specific land use policies: neighborhood business centers, established areas, emerging areas and residential areas. The performance of land use policies in each of these areas is analyzed and the potential impact of the Urban Ring project is assessed. Transit-Supportive Regulations Near Transit Stations – Through unique zoning and other regulations, each community has encouraged transit use along the Urban Ring system. For example, specific parking regulations, transit-oriented development and other policies aimed directly at increasing transit ridership have been established to ensure that transit ridership will reach higher levels. Containment of Sprawl – The Compact communities are working to create a regional policy to contain sprawl. They support limiting suburban growth and focusing future economic development along and within the Urban Ring Project Corridor. 52 Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC), MetroFuture Regional Plan, Making a Greater Boston Region, Goals, Objectives, and Draft Implementation Strategies, May 2008. 53 Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) and U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration (FTA), Major Investment Study (MIS) of Circumferential Transportation Improvements in the Urban Ring Corridor, Final Report, July 2001. 54 Boston Metropolitan Planning Council (MAPC), Metro Future, Alternative Growth Strategies. Last updated in 2007. Page 24 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) The MPO has developed the current long-range transportation plan for the Boston region that includes the transportation policies that will help guide the development of the Urban Ring goals and objectives. The MPO’s Mobility Management System (MMS), formerly known as the Congestion Management System (CMS), is an ongoing program for monitoring mobility in the region, providing the MPO and transportation planners with timely information about transportation system performance, and making recommendations in the areas where mobility deficiencies are found. The MMS program includes the systematic measurement and analysis of mobility problems in the region so that they may be mitigated. The staff then provides decisionmakers with information about transportation system performance and with strategies and recommendations for improving mobility. The annual Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) is a federally required certification document describing transportation planning projects. It describes transportation planning studies undertaken by the MPO and other entities in the Boston region during a given federal fiscal year. It provides information to government officials, local communities, and the general public about all of the transportation planning studies that are expected to occur in the region, and complete budget information to federal and state officials. Information from the MMS and associated planning studies funded through the annual UPWP are used in the selection of projects for the Plan and the Transportation Improvement Program. The MPO recently completed the Boston Region MPO Transportation Plan Journey to 2030,55 which consists of policies, topics, and visions for transportation in the region over the next 23 years. The Plan was prepared according to guidelines outlined under Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). The policy topics are related to the eight planning factors in the SAFETEALU and are also consistent with the objectives of the Patrick/Murray Administration. The Journey to 2030 document recommends the Urban Ring Phase 2 project. Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) The MBTA has developed a 25-year capital planning document, Program for Mass Transportation (PMT), which sets forward the Authority’s vision for public transportation in eastern Massachusetts. The 2003 PMT defines a vision for regional mass transportation and sets priorities (high, medium, or low) for infrastructure investments in the areas of system preservation, service enhancement, and system expansion. The Urban Ring project Phase 2 and 3, including the Silver Line Phase III expansion to South Station and Boylston via Chinatown, the Silver Line south extension to Ashmont and Mattapan, the Green Line extension, and the Red/Blue connector have been identified as the projects with the highest priority for implementation. The PMT has formulated the following goals to implement its 25-year vision for public transportation in the Massachusetts Bay region: • Preserve and modernize the transit system and improve accessibility; • Improve mobility for area residents and visitors now and in the foreseeable future; • Minimize transportation-related pollution of the environment; • Promote the equitable sharing of the transportation system’s benefits and burdens; and • Serve as a partner for community development within the MBTA service area. 55 CTPS, Journey to 2030, Transportation Plan of the Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization, (also referred to as the “RTP 2007”), April 12, 2007, Revised by Administrative Adjustment, June 28, 2007. Page 25 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Public workshops were held in the spring of 2007 as part of the process to update the PMT for the next 25 years. The PMT is being updated in 2008. Regional Plans and Policy Summary The Compact municipalities have fully incorporated the Urban Ring project into their future transportation and growth plans. The Boston MPO has incorporated Phase 2 of the Urban Ring project into the Boston Region MPO Transportation Plan, Journey to 2030.56 The MBTA has identified the Urban Ring project as one of the projects with the highest priority for implementation, and the MAPC encourages “smart growth” tools for the Greater Boston Region. The Urban Ring Project Corridor will be used to encourage controlled growth, which will meet the criteria established by the entire region for smart growth. State Plans and Policies The 1994 State Transportation Bond Bill passed by the legislature and signed into law contains authorization for conducting environmental studies for the Urban Ring. The MBTA is responsible for determining the need for transportation improvements in the corridor and eventually progressing any identified projects through the environmental process. In September 1996, the MBTA issued its Service Delivery Policy as approved by the MBTA Board of Directors. The purpose of the Service Delivery Policy is to ensure that MBTA service meets customers’ needs and is provided in a cost-effective manner. While other state-level agencies and authorities have transportation responsibilities that sometimes relate to the Urban Ring, those agencies are generally focused on other modes. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Transportation and Public Works Office of Transportation Planning develops transportation plans, programs, and projects to advance the transportation policies and objectives of the Secretary of Transportation and to ensure compliance with federal and state transportation and environmental laws and regulations so that federal transportation funding to Massachusetts continues. The Office of Transportation Planning performs the following activities to accomplish its mission:57 • Develop multimodal and modal-specific statewide transportation plans, and project-specific transportation improvement programs. • Inform and seek input from both the public and private sector in their efforts to improve the transportation system. • Ensure a certified federally-mandated transportation planning process through oversight and active involvement in the Commonwealth’s Metropolitan Planning Organizations. • Monitor, analyze, and report the functional and fiscal performance of the Massachusetts transportation system. • Develop and implement statewide management systems to identify transportation needs, issues, and strategies for improvement. • Perform and manage project-level Major Investment Studies, corridor planning studies, traffic planning studies, and freight planning studies. • Design and manage innovative transportation programs, such as travel demand management, open space, intelligent transportation system planning, transportation enhancements, alternative fuels, scenic byways, bicycle and pedestrian planning. 56 CTPS, op. cit. 57 Massachusetts Executive Office of Transportation. Office of Transportation Planning. Page 26 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT • Work with developers to ensure appropriate mitigation of impacts and to implement infrastructure improvements. • Develop and maintain Geographic Information Systems to provide information and analysis to decision-makers, program directors, and project managers. On September 1, 2000, the state Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) entered into an Administrative Consent Order (ACO) with the Executive Office of Transportation and Construction (EOTC, now EOT); that ACO and its subsequent amendments establish requirements and deadlines for environmental filings for the Urban Ring. The MEPA unit of the Executive Office of Environmental Affairs (EOEA) is the regulatory body charged with ensuring that the Urban Ring filings are submitted by their deadlines and that they comply with state environmental laws and policies. State plans and policies relating to the Urban Ring project are summarized in Table A-2 and described below. Table A-2: Summary of State and Federal Plans and Policies State Plans and Policies Consistent with Urban Ring Project • • • • • • • • • • Air Act Amendments State Implementation Plans Greenhouse Gas Reduction Policies State Rideshare Regulations Smart Growth and Sustainable Development Strategies 2006 Economic Stimulus Bill Transportation Bond Bill Commonwealth Capital Programs Transit-Oriented Development Guidelines Commonwealth of Massachusetts Strategic Transportation Plan – youMoveMassachusetts Air Act Amendments The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) has implemented programs to attain the ambient air quality standards in the 1990 amendments to the federal Clean Air Act. The state is required to monitor ambient air to determine if it meets a standard. If it does not meet a standard, it must develop and implement pollution control strategies. State plans and control strategies constitute the State Implementation Plan (SIP). State Implementation Plans (SIP) MassDEP has SIPs for ozone, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and air pollution transport. The final Massachusetts SIP revision to meet Federal Clean Air Act Air Pollution Transport Requirements was completed in January 2008, The Urban Ring project would result in an overall improvement in air quality in the region. Greenhouse Gas Reduction Policies In 2007, the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) issued a Greenhouse Gas Emissions Policy and Protocol to take all feasible measures to avoid, minimize, or mitigate damage to the environment Page 27 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT due to project greenhouse gas emissions.58 The Urban Ring project would reduce indirect greenhouse gas emissions by reducing overall traffic generation in the region. State Rideshare Regulations The Massachusetts Rideshare Regulation (310 CMR 7.16) is part of the Commonwealth’s plan to reduce air pollution and to achieve and maintain health-based federal air quality standards. It requires many businesses with 250 or more commuters and educational facilities with 1,000 or more commuters to develop commuter option programs aimed at reducing drive-alone trips.59 The Urban Ring provides a viable commute alternative to the single occupant automobile. Smart Growth and Sustainable Development Strategies The Urban Ring project is consistent with the Commonwealth’s Smart Growth and Sustainable Development strategies. At the end of 2003, draft transportation evaluation criteria were developed to apply to transit and highway projects. The criteria have been used to: • Develop regional transportation plans and TIPs; • Manage resources in state agencies; and • Assist proponents in the project initiation process. The following three project types have been identified for transit and highway projects as part of the evaluation criteria: • Preservation; • Improvement; and • Expansion. The Patrick Administration has shown strong support for proposed transit expansion projects such as the Green Line Extension project. The Patrick Administration released the South Coast Rail Plan in April 2007 to bring commuter rail services to southern Massachusetts communities. This Administration has also supported Smart Growth development initiatives such as Transit-Oriented Development (TOD). A major new TOD initiative was launched by the MBTA in partnership with Office of Commonwealth Development (OCD) agencies to support planning efforts that will result in additional housing and revenue to support transit. The OCD recently developed guidelines entitled What is Transit-Oriented Development? The OCD will encourage the coordination and cooperation of all agencies in Smart Growth and will be guided by the following development principles: 1. Redevelopment First; 2. Concentrate Development; 3. Be Fair; 4. Restore and Enhance the Environment; 5. Conserve Natural Resources; 6. Expand Housing Opportunities; 58 Source: 59 Source: Page 28 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 7. Provide Transportation Choice; 8. Increase Job Opportunities; 9. Foster Sustainable Businesses; and 10. Plan Regionally. The current administration is promoting sustainable development through integrated energy and environment, housing and economic development, transportation and other policies, programs, investments, and regulations. The state will encourage the coordination and cooperation of all agencies and stakeholders, invest public funds wisely in smart growth and equitable development, give priority to investments that will deliver good jobs and good wages, transit access, housing, and open space.60 The Urban Ring Phase 2 project promotes these goals. 2006 Economic Stimulus Bill An Economic Stimulus Bill (ESB) was passed by the Democratic majority-held Legislature in the summer of 2006. This bill allocates portions of the state budget to improvements intended to stimulate economic growth in Massachusetts. This legislation appropriated approximately $152 million to Massachusetts development and research/technology programs to “promote job creation, economic stability, and competitiveness in the Massachusetts economy.” The Urban Ring project provides improved transit access for such development. Economic development results in a greater demand and need for improved public transit, public safety, access to public transportation facilities and services, and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. The bill covers transportation improvements, including road, pedestrian, and infrastructure projects, and specifies planning, design, and construction projects in downtown Boston and in the vicinity of the Urban Ring corridor. Some of these projects include: • Traffic management, including new and improved signals and traffic management equipment for Brookline Avenue, Boylston Street, Beacon Street, Commonwealth Avenue, Melnea Cass Boulevard, and Ruggles Street. • Investigate the improvement of traffic flow in and around the Longwood Medical, Fenway and Kenmore Square areas, and all intersecting streets and roadways, including, but not limited to, an analysis of: (i) use of variable one-way lanes during peak traffic hours; (ii) peak-time traffic restrictions and bus and ambulance priority lanes; (iii) permanent reconfiguration of two-way streets to one-way streets; and (iv) partial or complete elimination of on-street parking on Brookline Avenue and other streets and roadways. • Construction of a Back Bay Connector in the Allston Landing area in the City of Boston. • Enhancements to the Fenway, Kenmore and Longwood stations on the MBTA Green Line. • Planning, design and construction of a new eastbound crossover tracks at Park Street Station and a dynamic double berthing information system. • A study of the feasibility of building a tunnel for the Silver Line to travel under D Street in the City of Boston. • Upgrades of the MBTA Yawkey commuter rail station. • Additional commuter rail platform at Ruggles Station; Study the benefits of constructing a transit tunnel connecting the Ruggles MBTA Station to the Fenway area. 60 Source: Page 29 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT • In consultation with the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority (MTA) and the City of Boston, a multimodal 61 commuter rail and bus station and parking facility in North Allston. Future phases of the Urban Ring Project will require significant coordination with the ESB projects listed above. Transportation Bond Bill On April 17, 2008, Governor Patrick signed a $3.5 billion transportation bond bill to invest in road and bridge projects across the Commonwealth over three years. Portions of the Urban Ring alignment may benefit from this legislation. Commonwealth Capital Programs The recently updated Commonwealth Capital Policy coordinates state capital spending programs in order to invest in projects that are consistent with the Commonwealth’s Sustainable Development Principals and to partner with municipalities seeking to advance shared conservation and development interests.62 The policy encourages communities to site and build homes and businesses in ways that conserve energy and natural resources. The programs encourage local implementation by linking state spending programs to municipal land use practices. The Transit-Oriented Development Bond Program is a Commonwealth Capital Program. In July 2007, Governor Patrick announced six guiding principles for the state’s transportation agencies. These guidelines set new vision for transportation policy in Massachusetts. They include: 1. Aligning transportation initiatives with environmental goals; 2. Improving coordination among agencies and improving transparency; 3. Improving project delivery; 4. Fostering economic growth through enhancements and modernization of the transportation system; 5. Addressing the shortfall in transportation funding and restoring financial stability; and 6. Addressing perceived geographic inequities in the funding of transportation projects and services across the state. The Commonwealth Capital Programs encourage redevelopment and new development in areas already served by infrastructure; preserve and protect historic structures and critical lands; and reward and encourage local land use planning that supports the commonwealth’s Sustainable Development Principles. Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Guidelines The TOD Bond Program was authorized by Massachusetts Legislature in 2004 and is intended to increase compact, mixed-use, walkable development close to transit stations by providing financing for pedestrian improvements, bicycle facilities, housing projects, and parking facilities within 0.25 miles of commuter rail subway, bus or bus rapid transit station, or ferry terminal.63 The Urban Ring project benefits from this legislation. 61 Http:// 62 Source: 63 Source: Page 30 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT youMove Massachusetts - Commonwealth of Massachusetts Strategic Transportation Planning The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has initiated youMove Massachusetts, a comprehensive civic outreach effort of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to develop a transportation vision that will meet the needs of st Massachusetts in the 21 century. Through this program and its online tools, Massachusetts residents, employers, and other stakeholders can interact with public officials about their experiences with, comments on, and ideas for the Massachusetts transportation system. This program provides a link to an interactive map through which Massachusetts transportation users can identify and describe their observations about the transportation system. The interactive map has spaces for writing addresses, city/neighborhood names and comments for the locations where the public identifies a significant transportation problem. In addition to providing a direct communication between public officials and the general public, the youMove Massachusetts process also conducts public workshops. The goals of youMove Massachusetts are64; st Envision a Massachusetts transportation system of the 21 Century Engage the public in a dialogue about the strengths and weaknesses of our current transportation network Enable decision-makers to prioritize transportation improvements that meet the needs of Massachusetts residents, businesses and visitors; and promote economic vitality. Federal Plans and Policies With the mission to provide fast, safe, efficient, and convenient transportation at the lowest cost, the United States DOT has set policies to improve safety throughout the transportation network; reduce congestion for better performance of the Country’s transportation system; increase global connectivity to open international transportation markets and improve intermodal transportation linkages; address environmental challenges to provide safe and efficient transportation network; and provide security, preparedness and response to both expected and unexpected transportation challenges.65 Federal policies most relevant to the Urban Ring project are those of the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) within the United States Department of Transportation (DOT). The FTA’s discretionary New Starts program is the Federal government’s primary financial resource for supporting locally-planned, implemented, and operated major transit capital investments. From heavy to light rail transit (LRT), from commuter rail to bus rapid transit (BRT) systems, the New Starts program has helped to make possible dozens of new or extended transit fixed guideway systems across the country. These rail and bus investments have improved the mobility of millions of Americans, helped to reduce congestion and improve air quality in the areas they serve, fostering the development of more viable, safe, and livable communities.66 st In late 2003, Congress passed a short-term extension of the 1998 Transportation Equity Act (TEA) for the 21 Century (TEA-21) to February 29, 2004 as it continued to work on a new 6-year reauthorization. On May 22, 2006, The 1998 TEA-21 has since been replaced by the new act called Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). The SAFETEA-LU was signed into law by President Bush on August 10, 2005. On February 14, 2007, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and FTA published the “Final Rule.” According to the Final Rule, statewide and metropolitan transportation planning and programming are required to implement the provisions of SAFETEA-LU.67 The SAFETEA-LU mandates that 64 Public Workshops. September 17 – October 20, 2008. youMove Massachusetts. Executive Office of Transportation (EOT). 65 United States Department of Transportation, Department of Transportation (DOT) Strategic Plan 2006 -2011. 66 U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA), Annual Report on Funding Recommendations, Proposed Allocations of Funds for FY 2009, Executive Summary, 2008. 67 Federal Transit Administration (FTA). Overview of the FHWA/FTA final Rule on Statewide and Metropolitan Transportation Planning and Programming. February 14, 2007. Page 31 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT proposed transit New Starts projects must receive FTA approval to advance from alternatives analysis (e.g. the Urban Ring MIS) to preliminary engineering, and again from preliminary engineering to final design and construction. This approval will be based, in large part, on an evaluation of the proposed project against the FTA New Starts criteria.68 FTA issued updated New Starts and Small Starts guidance on policies and procedures on June 4, 2007, and New Starts/Small Starts Evaluation Measures on August 3, 2007.69 SAFETEA-LU requires this guidance be updated at least every two years.70 In 2008, the US DOT and FTA published its Annual Report on Funding Recommendations, Proposed Allocations of Funds for Fiscal Year (FY) 2009. This document provides the U.S. Department of Transportation’s recommendations to Congress for the allocation of funds for the design and construction of fixed guideway New Starts and Small Starts capital investments for FY 2009. New Starts and Small Starts programs are part of the Capital Investment Grant Program provisions most recently reauthorized by the SAFETEA-LU in August 2005. As required by SAFETEA-LU, the annual report document also contains a summary of the allocation of funds made available in FY 2007 to assist qualified projects under the Alternative Transportation in Parks and Public Lands program.71 The FTA has implemented various planning-related programs to support transit, including Alternative Transportation in Parks and Public Lands; Public Transportation Participation Pilot Program; Transit Oriented Development/Joint development; Transportation Planning Capacity Building Program; and Travel Model Improvement Program. Additionally, the policies and criteria of several other federal agencies are also potentially relevant because of the relationship of the Urban Ring project to land use, economic development, and Brownfields redevelopment. The US DOT has developed a policy that encourages transportation officials to pay for the cleanup of environmental contamination that lies in the path of a transportation project, as well as continue a program of support for the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (U.S. EPA’s) Brownfields Economic Redevelopment Initiative. TEA-21/SAFETEA-LU also encourages, through the integrated planning process outlined in the statute, the integration of transportation projects with environmental and community revitalization goals. As such, TEA-21/SAFETEA-LU fits well with US DOT policy regarding Brownfields Redevelopment. There are several industrial areas within the Urban Ring Project Corridor, such as in Chelsea and Everett, which may be revitalized though the Brownfields initiatives to improve transportation access. US DOT agencies, including FTA, encourage transportation agency project sponsors to develop their transportation improvement programs in concert with contaminated site remediation and redevelopment efforts at targeted Brownfields sites. 68 Federal Transit Administration (FTA), Guidance on New Starts Policies and Procedures. May 16, 2006. 69 Source: 70 Federal Transit Administration (FTA). Introduction to New Starts. New Starts Project Planning & Development. January 16, 2007. 71 U.S. DOT and FTA, op. cit., 2008. Page 32 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT B. Traffic Count Data Traffic count data was collected from a variety of sources. The specific source of traffic count data used for each study intersection is shown in Table B-1. For Urban Ring Phase 2 study intersections with outdated count data or where no counts were available, new traffic turning movement counts were collected. New intersection turning movement counts were collected at 79 study intersections between December 14, 2006 and May 2, 2007. Traffic count data worksheets are provided in the Technical Traffic Report Additional Supporting Materials document. Intersection turning movement counts were performed between 7 and 9 a.m. and 4 and 6 p.m. on weekdays, which represent the peak commuting periods. Page 33 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table B-1: ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18a 18b 19 20 21 22a 22b 22c 23d 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Summary of 2002 & 2006 Intersection Traffic Volume Counts Location 2002 EIS Count Source Chelsea Bridge (north)/Eastern Avenue/Central Avenue/Marginal Earth Tech Street Chelsea Eastern Avenue/Bellingham Street Chelsea Eastern Avenue/Griffin Way Earth Tech Arlington Street/Sixth Street Chelsea Everett Avenue/Spruce Street Everett Avenue/Vale Street/Maple Street Everett Avenue/Carter Street/Fifth Street Everett Avenue/RBP RBP/Vale Street RBP/Vine Street RBP/Ferry Street RBP/Spring Street RBP/Second Street RBP/Lewis Street Second Street/Route 99 Sweetzer Circle (Route 99, Route 16 and Main Street) Santilli Circle East at Route 16 Santilli Circle West at Route 16 Santilli Circle West at Mystic View Road RBP WB On-ramp RBP EB On-ramp Corporation Way/RBP Ramp (north) Wellington Circle East (Route 16-RSB/Fellsway) Wellington Circle West (Route 16-MVP/Fellsway) Wellington Circle North (Middlesex Ave/Fellsway) Wellington Circle South (Route 16/Fellsway) Route 28 Fellsway/Shore Drive/Assembly Square Drive Route 28 Fellsway/Middlesex Avenue Route 28 Fellsway/Mystic Avenue (north) Route 28 Fellsway/Mystic Avenue (south) McGrath Highway/Blakely Street McGrath Highway/Broadway McGrath Highway/Pearl Street Pearl Street/Walnut Street Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech Rizzo Associates Rizzo Associates Rizzo Associates Rizzo Associates Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech Date 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2003 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2003 2002 2002 2002 2006 Count Source Earth Tech DIS Mystic Mall Redevelopment(1) Date 12/14/06 City Chelsea Signal Yes 2005 Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea No No No No Chelsea Chelsea Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Medford Medford Medford Medford Medford Medford Medford Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Rotary Yes Yes Yes Merge Merge Flash Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Earth Tech 12/14/06 Earth Tech 12/14/06 Earth Tech 12/14/06 Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech 12/20/06 12/20/06 12/20/06 Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech 12/14/06 12/14/06 12/14/06 Earth Tech Earth Tech 12/20/06 12/20/06 Comments New Count Potentially Needed Page 34 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT ID 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 Location Pearl Street/Medford Street Medford Street/Walnut Street Medford Street/Highland Avenue/Hamlet Street McGrath Highway/Medford Street McGrath Highway SB Ramp/Washington Street McGrath Highway NB Ramp/frontage Road/Washington Street McGrath Highway SB Ramp/ Somerville Avenue/ Medford Street Washington Street/Prospect Street Somerville Avenue/Prospect Street Lombardi Way/Mystic Avenue Broadway/Lombardi Way/Mount Vernon Street Maffa Way-Sever St/Rutherford Ave/Cambridge Street/Alford St Rutherford Avenue/Austin Street (East) Rutherford Avenue/Austin Street (West) Charlestown Avenue/O'Brien Highway/Land Boulevard/Charles River Dam O’Brien Highway/Fitchburg ROW O'Brien Highway/Twin City Plaza Drive O'Brien Highway/Third Street O'Brien Highway/Water Street O'Brien Highway/Gore Street (Second Street) O'Brien Highway/First Street O'Brien Highway/Cambridge Street First Street/Cambridge Street First Street/Thorndike Street First Street/Cambridgeside Way/Charles Street Binney Street/First Street Binney Street/Second Street Binney Street/Third Street Binney Street/Fulkerson Street Broadway Street/Third Street Broadway/Mid-Block Connector Broadway/Galileo Way Binney Street Main Street/Galileo Way/Vassar Street Main Street/Mid-Block Connector/Ames Street Main Street/Albany Street Mass Avenue/Albany Street Mass Avenue/Vassar Street Brookline Street/Waverly Street Brookline Street/Granite Street Brookline Street/Memorial Drive Rotary (North) Memorial Drive/Brookline Street/BU Bridge (East) Memorial Drive/BU Bridge (South) 2002 EIS Count Source Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech VHB VHB VHB Union Square Report Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech VHB VHB VHB Date 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2003 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 Not Existing (2) VHB VHB VHB VHB Not Existing (2) VHB VHB Cambridge VHB VHB Cambridge VHB Cambridge VHB VHB VHB VHB Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge 2002 2002 2002 2003 2002 N/A 2002 2002 2003 2002 2002 2002 2002 2003 2002 2002 2002 2002 2001 2001 2001 2001 1996 1996 2000 2000 2000 2006 Count Source Date Earth Tech 12/20/06 Earth Tech Earth Tech 2006 12/20/06 Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech Cambridge(3)(4) 12/19/06 12/20/06 12/21/06 12/21/06 2006 Cambridge(3)(4) Cambridge(3) 2006 2006 Cambridge(3)(4) Cambridge(4) Cambridge(4) Cambridge(4) Cambridge(4) 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 Cambridge(4) Cambridge(4) Cambridge(4) Cambridge(4) Cambridge(4) Cambridge(4) 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 Earth Tech Cambridge(4) Cambridge(4) 2/6/07 2006 2006 City Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Boston Boston Boston Cambridge Signal No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Somerville Som/Cam Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Comments New Count Potentially Needed Y (2/07) Y (2/07) Y (1/07) Y (1/07) Y (1/07) Y (1/07) Y (1/07) Page 35 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT ID 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 Location BU Bridge/Essex St/Commonwealth Avenue Carlton Street/Commonwealth Avenue Mountfort Street/Carlton Street Mountfort Street/St. Mary's Street Park Drive/Beacon Street Beacon Street/Maitland Street Park Drive/Riverway/Fenway Fenway/Brookline Avenue Park Drive/Boylston/Brookline Avenue Brookline Avenue/Fullerton Street Boylston Street/Kilmarnock Street Longwood Avenue/Brookline Avenue Longwood Avenue/Binney Street Longwood Avenue/Blackfan Street 2002 EIS Count Source Earth Tech/Rizzo Earth Tech/Rizzo Earth Tech Boston Earth Tech Boston Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech Vollmer Associates Vollmer Associates VHB VHB VHB Date 2002 2002 2002 2003 2002 2003 2002 2002 2002 2000 2000 2002 2002 2002 2006 Count Source Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech Date 1/23/07 1/23/07 1/23/07 BTD(9) BTD BTD BTD BTD BTD BTD BTD 86 87 Blackfan Street/Avenue Louis Pasteur Fenway/Avenue Louis Pasteur Not existing at time VHB NA 2002 88 Longwood Avenue/Avenue Louis Pasteur VHB 89 Longwood Avenue/Huntington Avenue 90 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 City Boston Boston Brookline Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Signal Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Earth Tech BTD 1/18/07 2006 Boston Boston No No 2002 BTD 2006 Boston No VHB 2002 BTD 2006 Boston Yes Fenway/Evans Way VHB 2002 BTD 2006 Boston Yes 91 Fenway/Louis Prang Street VHB 2002 BTD 2006 Boston Yes 92 Huntington Avenue/Louis Prang Street/Ruggles Street/E-Line VHB 2002 BTD 2005; Boston Yes 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 Ruggles Street/Parker Street Ruggles Street/Leon Street Ruggles Station Exit/Ruggles Street Ruggles Station Entrance/Ruggles Street Ruggles Street/Whittier Street/Tremont Street Columbus Avenue/MCB/Ruggles Station MCB/Tremont Street 2002 1999 2002 2003 2002 1999 2002 BTD BTD BTD BTD BTD BTD BTD 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 100 MCB/Kerr Way Earth Tech Boston Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech VHB Earth Tech Boston 2003 BTD 2006 Boston Yes MCB/Shawmut Avenue Earth Tech 2002 BTD 2006 Boston Yes 101 New Count Potentially Needed Comments 2006 Pedestrian counts available 2006 Pedestrian counts available Also have DPIR Simmons College SYNCHRO(5); 2006 Pedestrian counts available Y (1/07) Also have DPIR Simmons College SYNCHRO Also have DPIR Simmons College SYNCHRO Also have DPIR Simmons College SYNCHRO Also have DPIR Simmons College SYNCHRO Also have DPIR Simmons College SYNCHRO Also have DPIR Simmons College SYNCHRO and VHB/MASCO counts(6) Also have VHB/MASCO counts Also have VHB/MASCO counts Also have VHB/MASCO counts Also have VHB/MASCO counts Also have VHB/MASCO counts Also have VHB/MASCO counts Also have VHB/MASCO counts Page 36 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT ID 102 MCB/Washington Street 2002 EIS Count Source Earth Tech Date 2002 2006 Count Source BTD Date 2006 City Boston Signal Yes 103 MCB/Harrison Avenue VHB 2001 BTD 2006 Boston Yes 104 Massachusetts Avenue/Harrison Avenue VHB 1999 BTD 2006 Boston Yes 105 Harrison Avenue/East Concord Street Earth Tech 2002 BTD 2006 Boston Yes 106 Harrison Avenue/East Newton Street Earth Tech 2002 BTD 2006 Boston Yes 107 MCB/Albany Street VHB 2001 BTD 2006 Boston Yes 108 Albany Street/Hampden Street VHB 2001 BTD 2006 Boston No 109 Albany Street/Northampton Street VHB 2001 BTD 2006 Boston Yes 110 Massachusetts Avenue/Albany Street VHB 2001 BTD 2006 Boston Yes 111 Albany Street/East Concord Street VHB 2001 BTD 2006 Boston No 112 Albany Street/East Newton Street Earth Tech 2002 BTD 2006 Boston Yes 113 MCB/Hampden Street VHB 2001 BTD 2006 Boston Yes 114 MCB/Massachusetts Avenue/Massachusetts Avenue Connector/Southampton Street VHB 2003 BTD 2006 Boston Yes 115 Massachusetts Avenue Connector/East Concord Street Not Existing(2) NA Not existing NA 116 Dudley Street/Hampden Street/Dunmore Street Earth Tech 2002 117 Dudley Street/Blue Hill Avenue Earth Tech 2002 118 Dudley Street/East Cottage Street/West Cottage Street Boston 2003 119 Columbia Road/Dudley Street/Stoughton Earth Tech 120 Columbia Road/Hamlet Street Earth Tech 122 123 124 Columbia Road/Massachusetts Avenue/Boston Street/East Cottage Street Columbia Road/Pond Street Columbia Road/Dorchester Avenue Columbia Road/I-93 SB Ramps 125 Columbia Road/I-93 NB Ramps 126 Columbia Road/Morrissey Boulevard (Morrissey Circle) 121 Location 127 Mt. Vernon Street/Morrissey Boulevard NB 128 Mt. Vernon Street/Morrissey Boulevard SB 129 Morrissey Boulevard/Day Boulevard 130 Morrissey Boulevard/UMass Access Drive SUGGESTED NEW LOCATIONS ALLSTON/BRIGHTON, BOSTON: Comments New Count Potentially Needed Boston No Boston Yes Boston Yes Boston Yes 2002 Boston Yes 2002 Boston No Earth Tech 2002 Boston Yes Earth Tech Earth Tech CJ Mount Vernon Street LLC CJ Mount Vernon Street LLC CJ Mount Vernon Street LLC Boston Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech 2002 2002 2001 Earth Tech 2/6/07 Boston Boston Boston No Yes Yes Y (1/07) 2001 Earth Tech 2/6/07 Boston No Y (1/07) 2001 Earth Tech 2/6/07 Boston Rotary Y (1/07) Boston Boston Boston Boston Yes Yes No Yes 2001 2002 2002 2002 Kroc Community Center(8) 2006 Page 37 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT ID 131 132 133 134 135 151 152 Location Commonwealth Avenue/Babcock Street Commonwealth Avenue/Harry Agganis Way/Pleasant Street Commonwealth Avenue/Buick Street/St. Paul Street Babcock Street/Ashford Street Babcock Street/Gardner Street KENMORE SQUARE, BOSTON: Commonwealth Avenue/St. Mary’s Street Commonwealth Avenue/Blandford Street/Sherborn Street Commonwealth Avenue/Beacon Street/Brookline Avenue/Deerfield Street Commonwealth Avenue (eastbound)/Charlesgate East Commonwealth Avenue (eastbound)/Charlesgate West Commonwealth Avenue (westbound)/Charlesgate East Commonwealth Avenue (westbound)/Charlesgate West Commonwealth Avenue (eastbound)/Mass Avenue Commonwealth Avenue (westbound)/Mass Avenue Commonwealth Avenue/Kenmore Street Beacon Street/Storrow Drive ramps/Charlesgate West Beacon Street/Charlesgate East Beacon Street/Mass Avenue Beacon Street/Minor Street Brookline Avenue/Yawkey Way Brookline Avenue/Lansdowne Street BOSTON UNIVERSITY/COTTAGE FARM, BROOKLINE: Mountfort Street/Essex Street LONGWOOD MEDICAL AREA, BOSTON: Brookline Avenue/Beth Israel Driveway Longwood Avenue/Palace Road 153 Huntington Avenue/Tetlow Street N/A N/A BTD 2006 Boston Yes 154 Fenway/Palace Road (DCR) N/A N/A BTD 2006 Boston No 155 Ruggles Street/Annunciation Road BIOSQUARE, BOSTON: Albany Street/East Brookline Street Albany Street//Msgr. Malden Street Albany Street/Union Park Street Mass Avenue/Island Street N/A N/A Earth Tech 1/18/07 Boston No Y (1/07) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A BTD BTD BTD Earth Tech 2006 2006 2006 1/18/07 Boston Boston Boston Boston No No No No Y (1/07) 136 137 138 139a 139b 140a 140b 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 156 157 158 159 2002 EIS Count Source N/A Rizzo Associates Rizzo Associates N/A N/A Date N/A 2002 2002 N/A N/A 2006 Count Source Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech Rizzo Associates Rizzo Associates Rizzo Associates 2002 2002 2002 BTD 2006 Boston Boston Boston N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech BTD Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech BTD BTD BTD 1/30/07 1/30/07 1/30/07 1/30/07 1/30/07 1/30/07 2006 1/24/07 1/24/07 1/24/07 2006 2006 2006 Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston N/A N/A N/A N/A BTD 1/23/07 1/18/07 2006 2006 Brookline N/A N/A Earth Tech Earth Tech BTD Boston Boston Yes No New Count Potentially Needed Y (1/07) Y (1/07) Y (1/07) Y (1/07) Y (1/07) Date 1/23/07 1/24/07 1/24/07 1/23/07 1/23/07 City Boston Boston Boston Signal Yes Yes Yes Yes No Comments Yes Yes Yes Y (1/07) Y (1/07) Y (1/07) Y (1/07) Y (1/07) Y (1/07) Yes Y (1/07) Y (1/07) Y (1/07) No No No Y (1/07) Y (1/07) Also have DPIR Simmons College SYNCHRO Also have DPIR Simmons College SYNCHRO Also have DPIR Simmons College SYNCHRO Page 38 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT ID 160 161 162 163 Location Mass Avenue/Pompeii Street Mass Avenue/Magazine Street Mass Avenue/New Market Street Mass Avenue/Clapp Street LOWER CAMBRIDGEPORT/KENDALL, CAMBRIDGE: Waverly Street extension/Sidney Street Waverly Street/Erie Street/Albany Street Albany Street/Pacific Street Albany Street/Cross Street Albany Street/Portland Street Waverly Street/Chestnut Street Waverly Street/Putnam Street Memorial Drive/Vassar Street (DCR) Memorial Drive/Amesbury Street (DCR) Mass Avenue/Sidney Street SOMMERVILLE Broadway/Cross Street Broadway/Glen Street Broadway/Franklin Street Rutherford Avenue/Bunker Hill College North Driveway Rutherford Ave Off-Ramp/Bunker Hill College South Driveway EAST BOSTON Frankfort Street/Neptune Road Neptune Road/Route 1A SOUTH BOSTON D Street/Summer Street D Street/Fargo Street D Street/Congress Street 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 2002 EIS Count Source N/A N/A N/A N/A Date N/A N/A N/A N/A 2006 Count Source Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech Date 1/18/07 1/18/07 1/18/07 1/18/07 City Boston Boston Boston Boston Signal No Yes No No N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Earth Tech 2006 No No No No No No No No Yes No Earth Tech Cambridge 2006 2006 Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech Earth Tech 12/19/06 12/19/06 12/19/06 12/20/06 12/20/06 Somerville Somerville Somerville Boston Boston Yes No Yes No No Earth Tech 2006 N/A N/A MASSPORT MASSPORT 2006 2006 Boston Boston No Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A MASSPORT MASSPORT MASSPORT 3/14/06 3/14/06 3/14/06 Boston Boston Boston Yes Yes Yes Comments New Count Potentially Needed Y (1/07) Y (1/07) Y (1/07) Y (1/07) Y (1/07) Y (1/07) Y (1/07) Y (1/07) Y (1/07) Y (2/07) Transportation Engineering and Construction, Inc. (TEC), Traffic Impact and Access Study for Mystic Mall Redevelopment, Chelsea, Massachusetts, May 9, 2005. Analyzed in future conditions only. 2006 SYNCHRO files (Vanasse & Associates – “2006BAM.sy6” and “2006BPM.sy6”) provided by Adam Shulman, City of Cambridge, original data date 9-29-02. 2006 SYNCHRO files (“CambridgeAM.sy6” and “CambridgePM.sy6) provided by Jeff Parenti, City of Cambridge Traffic Department, original data date 2-14-02. Daylor Consulting Group, Inc., Draft Project Impact Report, Volume I of II, Simmons College School of Management and Quad Project, The Fenway and Avenue Louis Pasteur, Boston, Massachusetts, November 8, 2005. Updated counts (Ruggles Street) were completed by VHB/MASCO on November 28-29, 2006 to account for new traffic volumes as a result of the re-opening of the Ruggles Station busway accessible from Ruggles Street. This is part of MASCO’s work with BTD to improve signal timing in this corridor. VHB/MASCO completed counts on Tremont Street in March 21, 2006 as part of an ongoing signal improvement project. 2002 counts are available in the Lyme Development filing for Blackfan Research Center (now Center for Life Sciences). VHB, Inc., Expanded Project Notification Form, Ray and Joan Kroc Corps Community Center/Salvation Army, Boston, MA, June 28,2006. 2006 SYNCHRO files (“LMA-TOAN_2006Existing_AM.sys7” and “LMA_TOAN_2006Existing_PM.sy7”) provided by BTD. Page 39 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT C. Traffic Accident Data Accident data for all study intersections were obtained from MassHighway for the period from 2003 through 2006. Traffic accident data for study intersections is provided in Table C-1. Study intersections that averaged 15 or more accidents per year for this analysis period include: • RBP/Everett Avenue (Everett); • Sweetser Circle (Everett); • Santilli Circle (Everett); • Wellington Circle (Medford); • Route 28 Fellsway/Mystic Avenue north (Somerville); • Route 28 Fellsway/Mystic Avenue south (Somerville); • MCB/Mass Avenue/Southampton Street (Boston); and • Columbia Road/Morrissey Boulevard/Day Boulevard (Kosciuszko Circle) Boston. Page 40 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table C-1: Accident Data Summary for Years 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 ID Location City Signal 1 Chelsea Bridge (north)/Eastern Avenue/Central Avenue/Marginal Street Eastern Avenue/Bellingham Street Eastern Avenue/Griffin Way Arlington Street/Sixth Street Everett Avenue/Spruce Street Everett Avenue/Vale Street/Maple Street Everett Avenue/Carter Street/Fifth Street Everett Avenue/RBP RBP/Vale Street RBP/Vine Street RBP/Ferry Street RBP/Spring Street RBP/Second Street RBP/Lewis Street Second Street/Route 99 Sweetzer Circle (Route 99, Route 16 and Main Street) Santilli Circle East at Route 16 Santilli Circle West at Route 16 Santilli Circle West at Mystic View Road RBP WB On-ramp RBP EB On-ramp Corporation Way/RBP Ramp (north) Wellington Circle East (Route 16/Fellsway) Wellington Circle West (Route 16/Fellsway) Wellington Circle North (Middlesex/Fellsway) Route 28 Fellsway/Shore Drive/Assembly Square Drive Route 28 Fellsway/Middlesex Avenue Route 28 Fellsway/Mystic Avenue (north) Route 28 Fellsway/Mystic Avenue (south) McGrath Highway/Blakely Street McGrath Highway/Broadway McGrath Highway/Pearl Street Pearl Street/Walnut Street Pearl Street/Medford Street Medford Street/Walnut Street Medford Street/Highland Avenue/Hamlet Street McGrath Highway/Medford Street McGrath Highway SB Ramp/Washington Street McGrath Highway NB Ramp/frontage Road/Washington Street McGrath Highway SB Ramp/ Somerville Avenue/ Medford Street Washington Street/Prospect Street Somerville Avenue/Prospect Street Chelsea Yes Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Medford Medford Medford Medford Medford Medford Somerville No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Rotary Yes Yes Yes Merge Merge Flash Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18a 18b 19 20 21 22a 22b 22c 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Somerville Yes Somerville Somerville No Yes 2006 Total 4-year Average 5 1 2 15 0 7 15 0 4 2 8 11 14 1 10 18 2 2 1 0 17 1 19 4 10 10 7 13 6 0 1 27 50 32 10 4 3 43 5 35 48 16 36 18 35 33 40 3 78 103 8 3 1 1 11 1 9 12 4 9 5 9 8 10 1 20 26 0 0 3 42 0 0 5 42 0 0 1 70 0 0 12 211 0 0 3 53 2 0 2 10 34 22 0 14 13 4 0 1 2 1 15 2 36 16 1 11 7 4 4 0 0 3 4 10 28 21 7 16 10 3 2 4 1 1 10 3 8 30 25 6 14 8 2 7 0 5 4 10 7 30 128 84 14 55 38 13 13 5 8 9 39 2 8 32 21 4 14 10 3 3 1 2 2 10 8 3 4 0 4 0 5 6 4 5 0 9 20 6 22 5 2 6 2003 2004 2005 10 5 15 0 2 0 4 2 6 19 1 11 4 7 8 16 1 30 22 See above See above 0 0 3 57 See above See above 3 0 1 7 2 3 10 5 11 5 7 8 10 0 11 13 See above Page 41 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT ID Location 40 Lombardi Way/Mystic Avenue 41 Broadway/Lombardi Way 42 Rutherford Avenue/Broadway/Maffa Way/Cambridge Street 43 Rutherford Avenue/Charlestown Avenue/Austin Street (North) 44 Rutherford Avenue/Charlestown Avenue/Austin Street (South) 45 Charlestown Avenue/O'Brien Highway/Land Boulevard/Charles River Dam 46 O’Brien Highway/Fitchburg ROW 47 O'Brien Highway/Twin City Plaza Drive 48 O'Brien Highway/Third Street 49 O'Brien Highway/Water Street 50 O'Brien Highway/Gore Street (Second Street) 51 O'Brien Highway/First Street 52 O'Brien Highway/Cambridge Street 53 First Street/Cambridge Street 54 First Street/Thorndike Street 55 First Street/Cambridgeside Way/Charles Street 56 Binney Street/First Street 57 Binney Street/Second Street 58 Binney Street/Third Street 59 Binney Street/Fulkerson Street 60 Broadway Street/Third Street 61 Broadway/Mid-Block Connector 62 Broadway/Galileo Way Binney Street 63 Main Street/Galileo Way/Vassar Street 64 Main Street/Mid-Block Connector/Ames Street 65 Main Street/Albany Street 66 Mass Avenue/Albany Street 67 Mass Avenue/Vassar Street Brookline Street/Waverly Street 68 Brookline Street/Granite Street 69 Brookline Street/Memorial Drive Rotary (North) 70 Memorial Drive/Brookline Street/BU Bridge (East) 71 Memorial Drive/BU Bridge (South) 72 BU Bridge/Commonwealth Avenue 73 Carlton Street/Commonwealth Avenue 74 Mountfort Street/Carlton Street 75 Mountfort Street/St. Mary's Street 76 Park Drive/Beacon Street 77 Beacon Street/Maitland Street 78 Park Drive/Riverway/Fenway 79 Fenway/Brookline Avenue 80 Park Drive/Boylston/Brookline Avenue 81 Brookline Avenue/Fullerton Street 82 Boylston Street/Kilmarnock Street City Signal 2003 2004 2005 2006 Total 4-year Average Somerville Somerville Boston Yes Yes Yes 2 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 5 1 1 0 4 5 13 4 26 7 6 2 6 9 23 6 14 5 8 0 1 1 0 1 0 3 2 0 3 4 1 5 6 2 0 6 4 4 1 4 1 0 1 4 See above See above 3 1 2 0 2 0 1 7 8 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 4 2 0 4 3 0 0 10 1 3 0 6 4 0 0 3 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 3 0 1 0 2 7 3 2 0 7 3 3 0 11 11 0 1 1 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 3 5 0 0 1 1 7 3 3 1 7 4 0 2 9 12 0 0 1 29 0 1 4 2 2 0 7 13 0 8 7 4 23 15 7 1 30 12 10 3 30 28 0 2 9 7 0 0 1 1 1 0 2 3 0 2 2 1 6 4 2 0 8 3 3 1 8 7 0 1 2 1 2 0 0 8 0 5 6 10 1 3 5 2 0 0 8 0 0 13 13 0 2 4 4 0 0 18 0 2 13 10 0 3 13 9 2 0 36 0 8 39 41 1 9 3 2 1 0 9 0 2 10 10 0 2 Boston Yes Boston Yes Cambridge Yes Somerville Som/Cam Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Boston Boston Brookline Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No See above Page 42 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT ID Location City Signal 2003 2004 2005 2006 Total 4-year Average 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 Longwood Avenue/Brookline Avenue Longwood Avenue/Binney Street Longwood Avenue/Blackfan Street Blackfan Street/Avenue Louis Pasteur Fenway/Avenue Louis Pasteur Longwood Avenue/Avenue Louis Pasteur Longwood Avenue/Huntington Avenue Fenway/Evans Way Fenway/Louis Prang Street Huntington Avenue/Louis Prang Street/Ruggles Street/E-Line Ruggles Street/Parker Street Ruggles Street/Leon Street Ruggles Station Exit/Ruggles Street Ruggles Station Entrance/Ruggles Street Ruggles Street/Whittier Street/Tremont Street Columbus Avenue/MCB/Ruggles Station MCB/Tremont Street MCB/Kerr Way MCB/Shawmut Avenue MCB/Washington Street MCB/Harrison Avenue Massachusetts Avenue/Harrison Avenue Harrison Avenue/East Concord Street Harrison Avenue/East Newton Street MCB/Albany Street Albany Street/Hampden Street Albany Street/Northampton Street Massachusetts Avenue/Albany Street Albany Street/East Concord Street Albany Street/East Newton Street MCB/Hampden Street MCB/Massachusetts Avenue/Massachusetts Avenue Connector/Southampton Street Massachusetts Avenue Connector/East Concord Street Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 0 0 0 0 0 5 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 3 1 1 8 0 0 0 1 2 1 7 1 7 4 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 20 4 0 0 1 3 10 10 5 5 1 0 0 0 1 3 3 1 3 6 12 3 24 6 Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 1 1 3 0 0 5 0 0 8 0 1 5 0 0 0 0 5 1 3 1 3 4 4 2 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 2 3 3 0 0 5 0 4 2 4 3 4 6 1 0 5 3 0 8 1 1 9 4 0 0 0 4 3 7 0 4 2 3 5 0 0 6 1 2 8 0 0 2 7 3 0 0 17 4 17 3 11 10 12 16 1 0 17 4 3 26 1 2 18 2 1 0 0 4 1 4 1 3 3 3 4 0 0 4 1 1 7 0 1 5 13 11 26 30 80 20 Boston Propose d Boston Boston Boston Yes Yes Yes 0 1 1 2 7 17 2 4 3 0 1 0 4 1 Boston Boston Boston Yes No Yes 4 1 2 0 7 0 6 1 19 2 5 1 4 4 23 Boston Boston Boston Boston No Yes No No 6 6 17 7 4 0 5 1 3 16 2 0 10 4 14 3 2 41 17 36 27 10 10 4 9 7 3 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 Dudley Street/Hampden Street/Dudmore Street 117 Dudley Street/Blue Hill Avenue 118 Dudley Street/East Cottage Street/West Cottage Street 119 Columbia Road/Dudley Street/Stoughton 120 Columbia Road/Hamlet Street 121 Columbia Road/Massachusetts Avenue/Boston Street/East Cottage Street 122 Columbia Road/Pond Street 123 Columbia Road/Dorchester Avenue 124 Columbia Road/I-93 SB Ramps 125 Columbia Road/I-93 NB Ramps Dropped from analysis 3 3 7 7 Page 43 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT ID Location City Signal 126 Columbia Road/Morrissey Boulevard (Morrissey Circle) Mt. Vernon Street/Morrissey Boulevard NB Mt. Vernon Street/Morrissey Boulevard SB Morrissey Boulevard/Day Boulevard Morrissey Boulevard/UMass Access Drive ALLSTON/BRIGHTON, BOSTON: Commonwealth Avenue/Babcock Street Commonwealth Avenue/Harry Agganis Way/Pleasant Street Commonwealth Avenue/Buick Street/St. Paul Street Babcock Street/Ashford Street Babcock Street/Gardner Street KENMORE SQUARE, BOSTON: Commonwealth Avenue/St. Mary’s Street Commonwealth Avenue/Blandford Street/Sherborn Street Commonwealth Avenue/Beacon Street/Brookline Avenue/Deerfield Street Commonwealth Avenue (eastbound)/Charlesgate East Commonwealth Avenue (eastbound)/Charlesgate West Commonwealth Avenue (westbound)/Charlesgate East Commonwealth Avenue (westbound)/Charlesgate West Commonwealth Avenue (eastbound)/Mass Avenue Commonwealth Avenue (westbound)/Mass Avenue Commonwealth Avenue/Kenmore Street Beacon Street/Storrow Drive ramps/Charlesgate West Beacon Street/Charlesgate East Beacon Street/Mass Avenue Beacon Street/Minor Street Brookline Avenue/Yawkey Way Brookline Avenue/Lansdowne Street BOSTON UNIVERSITY/COTTAGE FARM, BROOKLINE: Mountfort Street/Essex Street LONGWOOD MEDICAL AREA, BOSTON: Brookline Avenue/Beth Israel Driveway Longwood Avenue/Palace Road Huntington Avenue/Tetlow Street Fenway/Palace Road (DCR) Ruggles Street/Annunciation Road BIOSQUARE, BOSTON: Albany Street/East Brookline Street Albany Street//Msgr. Malden Street Albany Street/Union Park Street Boston Rotary Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139a 139b 140a 140b 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 2006 Total 4-year Average 0 20 3 58 5 15 1 5 4 6 16 4 2 2 4 5 13 3 3 1 2 7 5 0 0 2 1 0 0 2003 2004 2005 8 9 21 Yes Yes No Yes 2 See above See #126 1 0 Yes Yes Boston Boston Yes Yes No 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 1 0 0 Boston Boston Yes Yes 2 1 3 0 6 2 0 0 3 1 4 1 Boston Yes 4 2 9 4 19 5 2 4 17 11 34 9 4 6 8 7 25 6 Boston Yes Boston Yes Boston Yes Boston Yes Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No 0 See above 1 5 6 3 1 0 0 1 4 6 11 3 0 6 6 1 0 0 0 0 10 4 5 1 1 0 1 9 10 9 1 1 1 2 30 26 18 3 2 1 1 8 7 5 1 1 0 Brookline No 0 0 Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Yes No Yes No No 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 Boston Boston Boston No No No 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 See above See above 2 3 5 1 Page 44 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT ID 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 Location Mass Avenue/Island Street Mass Avenue/Pompeii Street Mass Avenue/Magazine Street Mass Avenue/New Market Street Mass Avenue/Clapp Street LOWER CAMBRIDGEPORT/KENDALL, CAMBRIDGE: Waverly Street extension/Sidney Street Waverly Street/Erie Street Albany Street/Erie Street Albany Street/Pacific Street Albany Street/Cross Street Albany Street/Portland Street Waverly Street/Chestnut Street Waverly Street/Putnam Street Memorial Drive/Vassar Street (DCR) Memorial Drive/Amesbury Street (DCR) SOMERVILLE Broadway/Cross Street Broadway/Glen Street Broadway/Franklin Street Rutherford Avenue/Bunker Hill College Driveway EAST BOSTON Frankfort Street/Neptune Road Neptune Road/Route 1A/Bennington Street SOUTH BOSTON D Street/Summer Street D Street/Fargo Street D Street/Congress Street Cambridge Street/Windom Street Western Avenue/Stadium Way (Proposed) North Harvard Street/Stadium Way Soldiers Field Road EB/North Harvard Street Soldiers Field Road WB/Larz Anderson Bridge South Boston Bypass Road at Frontage Road NB South Boston Bypass Road at Frontage Road SB South Boston Bypass Road at West Service Road Mass Haul Road at C Street Mass Haul Road at Pumphouse Road Mass Haul Road at Northern Avenue South Boston Bypass Road at Ramp A City Signal 2003 2004 2005 2006 Total 4-year Average Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston No No Yes No No 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 10 4 0 1 0 3 1 0 Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge No No No No No No No No No Yes 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 5 0 0 11 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 3 1 Somerville Somerville Somerville Boston Yes No Yes No 5 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 7 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 13 1 5 0 3 0 1 0 Boston Boston No Yes 0 2 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 11 0 3 1 0 2 0 6 0 1 9 0 3 5 0 2 1 0 20 0 7 5 1 0 2 0 2 0 11 0 1 0 3 0 7 0 19 0 12 0 5 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston South Boston South Boston South Boston South Boston South Boston South Boston South Boston Yes 4 Yes 0 Yes 1 Yes 4 Proposed No 0 Yes 3 Yes 0 Yes 2 Yes See above Yes 0 Yes 0 Yes 0 No 1 Yes 0 Notes: (1) (2) (3) Transportation Engineering and Construction, Inc. (TEC), Traffic Impact and Access Study for Mystic Mall Redevelopment, Chelsea, Massachusetts, May 9, 2005. Analyzed in future conditions only. 2006 SYNCHRO files (Vanasse & Associates – “2006BAM.sy6” and “2006BPM.sy6”) provided by Adam Shulman, City of Cambridge, original data date 9-29-02. Page 45 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 2006 SYNCHRO files (“CambridgeAM.sy6” and “CambridgePM.sy6) provided by Jeff Parenti, City of Cambridge Traffic Department, original data date 2-14-02. Daylor Consulting Group, Inc., Draft Project Impact Report, Volume I of II, Simmons College School of Management and Quad Project, The Fenway and Avenue Louis Pasteur, Boston, Massachusetts, November 8, 2005. Updated counts (Ruggles Street) were completed by VHB/MASCO on November 28-29, 2006 to account for new traffic volumes as a result of the re-opening of the Ruggles Station busway accessible from Ruggles Street. This is part of MASCO’s work with BTD to improve signal timing in this corridor. VHB/MASCO completed counts on Tremont Street in March 21, 2006 as part of an ongoing signal improvement project. 2002 counts are available in the Lyme Development filing for Blackfan Research Center (now Center for Life Sciences). VHB, Inc., Expanded Project Notification Form, Ray and Joan Kroc Corps Community Center/Salvation Army, Boston, MA, June 28,2006. 2006 SYNCHRO files (“LMA-TOAN_2006Existing_AM.sys7” and “LMA_TOAN_2006Existing_PM.sy7”) provided by BTD. Page 46 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT D. Study Area Private Shuttle Service Data The corridor is served by a number of private transportation services, primarily consisting of shuttle and circulator bus routes provided by a number of the major institutions, employers, and in one instance, a major shopping mall. The private shuttles typically provide specialized connections for employees and students when those origins and destinations are generally not well-served by the MBTA. While MBTA bus routes may serve some origins and destinations served by shuttles, they may not provide a one-seat ride as many of the shuttles do. The services are focused primarily in the Boston and Cambridge portions of the corridor, and operate with fleets of both passenger vans and full size transit buses. Private shuttles are provided for several major employment areas in the Urban Ring corridor, including the Longwood Medical and Academic Area (LMA), Mass General Hospital, Kendall Square, UMass Boston, Boston University and Medical Center area, MIT, and Harvard. Employer shuttles are often provided as part of Transportation Management Associations (TMAs). Some of these in the corridor include MASCO, MIT, and Partners. Some shuttles, such as the MASCO M2 Route, are open to the public who are not employees, patients or students, but may require payment. In some instances tickets may not be sold on the vehicle. The private transportation systems in the corridor provide feeder service between activity centers and existing transit stations and line-haul service between major nodes. An example of the former is the UMass shuttle between the JFK Red Line Station and the nearby UMass-Boston campus. An example of the latter is the shuttle between the Harvard Medical School in the LMA of Boston and Harvard Square in Cambridge. The private shuttle providers have identified a need for service not currently provided adequately by public transit. With an absence of improved public transit service for crosstown trips in the corridor, it can be expected that travel demand for both types of private transportation service will increase given the forecasted growth in corridor trip making between 45 and 55 percent over existing levels. The total daily ridership of the private shuttles in the study area is approximately 36,850 trips (year 2007). The service provider with the highest ridership is UMass Boston (the shuttle between UMass and the JFK/UMass Red Line station), which has 13,000 daily riders, followed by MASCO (approximately 9,440 daily riders) Partners Health Care (6,540 daily riders), and Boston University (3,570 daily riders). Tables D-1 and D-2 compare the percentage overlap among private shuttle routes and the proposed BRT routes for 2030 Build and Hybrid and LPA alternatives, respectively. Several private shuttle routes have a high percentage of overlap with the Urban Ring routes, including UMass Boston Routes 1 and 2, which both experience high ridership today. This indicates that there may be an opportunity for the Urban Ring project to provide services to the areas where BRT routes overlap with private shuttle services. For routes with a high percentage of overlap, it is reasonable to expect that many current riders on private shuttles could shift to Urban Ring BRT service. In these cases, reduction or elimination of the private shuttle route could be considered, which would reduce the volume of bus trips on study area roadways. It is noted that private shuttles support travel needs between campus locations and off-site parking. Page 47 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table D-1: Selected Private Shuttles Overlap with Urban Ring Routes – 2030 Build Alternatives No. Shuttle Owner Alt 1 6 7 8 9 UMass Boston Route 1& 2 Landmark-Longwood Ruggles Express JFK Umass BUMC Gillette parking Lot Shuttle BUMC All Day medical Cambridgeside Galleria BU Shuttle EZRide Shuttle 10 M2 Cambridge/LMA 11 12 13 14 15 Crosstown Garage Tech Shuttle SafeRide Cambridge Northwest Shuttle Harvard University Shuttle(7) SafeRide Boston Boston Shuttle 2 3 4 5 16 17 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Alt 2a UMass(2) 6 100% 6 % overla p with Urban Ring 100% MASCO(3) MASCO MASCO BU(4) 5 5,6,7 6 7 80% 70% 80% 60% 5 5,6,7 6 7 BU BU CRTMA(5) MASCO/ Harvard 7 1,3,5 6 5 80% 80% 20% 60% 5,7,6 MASCO MIT(6) MIT MIT Harvard MIT MIT Alt 3 6 % overlap with Urban Ring 100% 80% 70% 80% 60% 5 5,6,7 6 7 7 1,3,5 6 5 80% 80% 40% 60% 40% 5,7,6 7 5 5 5 6 20% 20% 30% 10% 5% 5 6 5% 5% BRT Rte 1 Alt 2 % overlap with Urban Ring(1) Alt 3a 6 % overlap with Urban Ring 100% 80% 70% 80% 60% 5 5,6,7 6 7 7 1,3,5 6 5 80% 80% 50% 60% 45% 5 7 5 5 5 6 20% 20% 30% 10% 5% 5,7,6 5 10% 40% BRT Rte Alt 3b 6 % overlap with Urban Ring 100% 10% 60% 60% 80% 5 5,6,7 6 7 7 1,3,5 NA 5 80% 80% 0% 60% 60% NA 7 5 5 5 6 20% 30% 20% 20% 5% 5 5 40% 80% BRT Rte Alt 3c 6 % overlap with Urban Ring 100% 5% 60% 80% 80% 5 5,6,7 6 7 7 1,3,5 NA 5 80% 80% 0% 60% 0% NA 7 5 5 5 NA 20% 20% 20% 10% 0% NA NA 0% 0% BRT Rte Alt 4 6 % overlap with Urban Ring 100% 5% 60% 80% 80% 5 5,6,7 6 7 7 1,3,5 6 5 80% 80% 35% 60% 0% NA 7 5 5 5 NA 20% 20% 20% 10% 0% NA NA 0% 0% BRT Rte Alt 4a 6 % overlap with Urban Ring 100% 5% 60% 80% 80% 5 5,6,7 6 7 7 1,3,5 6 5 80% 80% 35% 60% 0% NA 7 5 5 5 NA 20% 20% 20% 10% 0% 5,6,7 5 10% 40% BRT Rte 6 % overlap with Urban Ring 100% 5% 60% 80% 20% 5 5,6,7 6 7 10% 60% 80% 20% 7 1,3,5 6 5 80% 80% 20% 60% 7 1,3,5 6 5 80% 80% 20% 60% 0% NA 0% NA 0% 7 5 5 5 NA 20% 20% 20% 10% 0% 7 5 5 5 6 20% 20% 20% 10% 5% 7 5 5 5 6 20% 20% 20% 10% 5% NA 5 0% 40% NA 5 0% 5% 5,6,7 5 5% 5% BRT Rte BRT Rte BRT Rte Numbers show the percentage of private shuttle routes covered by BRT routes in the Urban Ring Study Corridor. UMass = University of Massachusetts, Boston MASCO = Medical Academic and Scientific Community Organization, Inc. BU = Boston University. BU also operates a fleet of Healthnet buses that travel to neighborhood health centers in the Boston Area. This service is intended only for patients, therefore it is not included here. CRTMA = Charles River Transportation Management Association MIT = Massachusetts Institute of Technology. There are several Harvard University Shuttles that provide inner services. Here, only one shuttle, the “Soldier’s Field Road Shuttle” is considered as it overlaps with the Urban Ring services. Page 48 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table D-2: Selected Private Shuttles Overlap with Urban Ring Routes – 2030 Hybrid Alternatives and LPA No. Shuttle Owner Hybrid 1 UMass Boston Route 1& 2 UMass(2) 2 Landmark-Longwood MASCO(3) 3 Ruggles Express MASCO 4 JFK Umass MASCO 5 BUMC Gillette parking Lot Shuttle BU(4) 6 BUMC All Day medical BU 7 Cambridgeside Galleria 8 BU Shuttle BU 9 EZRide Shuttle CRTMA(5) 10 M2 Cambridge/LMA 11 Crosstown Garage MASCO/ Harvard MASCO Hybrid 2T NA % overlap with Urban Ring 0% 80% 5 70% 5,6,7 6 80% 7 60% 7 LPA NA % overlap with Urban Ring 0% 75% 5 65% 5,6,7 6 75% 7 80% 80% 7 1,5 80% 6 20% 5 5,7,6 BRT Route 1 Hybrid 2 % overlap with Urban Ring(1) NA % overlap with Urban Ring 0% 20% 5 20% 60% 5,6,7 60% 6 60% 6 60% 7 80% 7 80% 80% 7 80% 7 80% 1,5 80% 1,5 80% 1,5 80% 6 40% 6 40% 6 20% 60% 5 60% 5 60% 5 60% 40% 5,7,6 30% NA 0% NA 0% 6 100% 5 5,6,7 BRT Route BRT Route BRT Route 7 20% 7 20% 7 20% 7 20% 12 Tech Shuttle MIT(6) 5 20% 5 20% 5 20% 5 20% 13 SafeRide Cambridge MIT 5 30% 5 20% 5 20% 5 20% MIT 5 10% 5 10% 5 10% 5 10% Harvard 6 5% 6 5% 6 5% 6 5% 14 Northwest Shuttle 15 Harvard University Shuttle(7) 16 SafeRide Boston MIT 5,7,6 5% 5,7,6 10% 5,7,6 10% 5,7,6 5% 17 Boston Shuttle MIT NA 0% 5 5% 5 5% NA 0% (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Numbers show the percentage of private shuttle routes covered by BRT routes in the Urban Ring Study Corridor. UMass = University of Massachusetts, Boston MASCO = Medical Academic and Scientific Community Organization, Inc. BU = Boston University. BU also operates a fleet of Healthnet buses that travel to neighborhood health centers in the Boston Area. This service is intended only for patients, therefore it is not included here. CRTMA = Charles River Transportation Management Association MIT = Massachusetts Institute of Technology. There are several Harvard University Shuttles that provide inner services. Here, only one shuttle, the “Soldier’s Field Road Shuttle” is considered as it overlaps with the Urban Ring services. Page 49 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT E. Traffic Volume Calculations Traffic volume calculations are described below for existing, No-Build, and Build conditions. Existing Traffic Volumes The existing traffic volumes used for this study come from a combination of collected data and traffic data from CTPS, local municipalities, and agencies. Turning movement counts collected by others were used if the data was more recent than 2002. Any counts collected between 2002 and 2006 were adjusted upward to 2006 based on calculated traffic growth rates. Traffic growth rates were calculated by comparing new traffic volume data at nearby intersections with older data at the same location (generally 2002 vs. 2006 volumes), where available. Based on the comparison results, the following composite annual traffic growth rates were calculated for each community: Boston Brookline Cambridge Chelsea Everett Medford Somerville -0.2%/year Not available -0.2% Not available -0.8%/year Not available -1.8%/year As shown above, traffic volumes have decreased over the last several years. For intersections with older count data or where no counts were available, new traffic turning movement counts were collected or developed. New intersection turning movement counts were collected at 79 study intersections between December 14, 2006 and May 2, 2007 (see Section B of this report). No-Build Traffic Volumes Year 2030 traffic and transit forecasts were developed by CTPS based on the MPO’s regional Transportation Plan, Journey to 2030. The land use, employment and demographics of the plan were used to develop travel forecasts in the region, including the Urban Ring study area. A three-step process was used to develop year 2030 No-Build traffic volumes for capacity analysis purposes. The first step was to take the year 2030 CTPS traffic volume projections and compare those with the CTPS 2006 baseline traffic model volumes to develop annual traffic growth rates for each study intersection approach (northbound, southbound, eastbound, and westbound directions). While a wide range of traffic growth rates were observed, the annual traffic growth from 2006 to 2030 generally ranged between -10 and +15 percent. Based on this information, traffic growth factors were developed to represent CTPS model growth between 2006 and 2030. Traffic growth rates for No-Build traffic volume calculations are provided at the end of this section. The growth factors were applied to the year 2006 Existing Conditions traffic count volumes (both roadway and intersection turning movement volumes) to develop Future 2030 traffic volumes. To provide a conservative analysis, only positive growth rates were used for future volume projections. For intersection approaches showing negative or growth rates less than 6 percent between 2006 and 2030, a default growth rate of 6 percent (=0.25 percent per year for 24 years) was assumed. The following represent Page 50 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT average future annual growth rates used to project 2030 traffic volumes for intersections within each community: Boston Brookline Cambridge Chelsea Everett Medford Somerville 1.5%/year 0.5%/year 2.0%/year 1.9%/year 1.0%/year 0.9%/year 1.6%/year The second step involved a post-processing procedure where projected turning movements were compared with existing and projected future volumes (from others) that reflect known potential developments in the study area. Based on these comparisons, adjustments were made to the projected year 2030 intersection turning movement volumes. The major sources for comparison of future traffic volumes in the project study area included: • Year 2011 Synchro Traffic Model, Boston Transportation Department, 2006; • Synchro Traffic Model, City of Cambridge; • Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Center for Cancer Care Study (2016 Build Condition); • Blackfan Research Center/New Blackfan LLC Study (2009 Build Condition); • Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Longwood North Research Center Draft PIR (2013 Build Condition); • Harvard University Study for Stadium Way Extension in Allston; • North Point Final EIR (2014 Build Condition); • Northeastern University Institutional Master Plan (2010 Build Condition); • Fenway Neighborhood Transportation Plan (2007 traffic volume projections – 40 percent drive option); • Master Plan EIR, Everett Avenue Urban Revitalization and Development Project, Chelsea, April 30, 2001; • Assembly Square Impact Study (2025 preferred alternative); • Somerville Ikea Expanded ENF (2006 Build Condition project trips); • Boston University Charles River Campus Transportation Master Plan, 2002; and • BioSquare Phase II FEIT, 2004. Traffic volumes from these documents were extrapolated as necessary to be consistent with the Urban Ring’s 2030 future analysis year. CTPS model land use projections were updated in September and December of 2007, resulting in increased population and employment primarily in the LMA, Allston, and East Somerville. To account for these changes, intersection and roadway volumes at some locations required further adjustment. This was accomplished through a comparison of previous CTPS projections to the new CTPS projections. If total intersection volume change was greater than 20 percent (positive or negative), adjustments were made to traffic volumes based on the percent difference between previous and updated CTPS volumes. Page 51 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT The third and final step in the process was reviewing traffic volume balance of adjacent intersections, and providing adjustments as appropriate. The process of developing the 2030 No-Build volumes was coordinated with and overseen by the Urban Ring Phase 2 project Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) Traffic Subcommittee. Build Traffic Volumes The traffic volumes for the Urban Ring Baseline and Build Alternative conditions are based on projected growth in traffic demand throughout the corridor resulting from future population and employment projections, along with impacts from specific developments and traffic growth assumptions in certain congested areas of the corridor. The future Build traffic volumes were reduced slightly from the No-Build traffic volumes to account for mode shift from automobiles to Urban Ring service. The Build traffic volumes used in this RDEIR/DEIS are generally conservative, and represent a consistent and reasonable basis for evaluating a range of future traffic conditions. The specific methodology to estimate future Urban Ring Phase 2 Baseline and Build Alternative traffic volumes follows. Urban Ring Phase 2-generated weekday commuter peak hour bus volumes were developed for the Baseline Alternative, the nine Build Alternatives, the three Hybrid Alternatives, and the LPA based on the proposed routes and headways (see Section G). To be conservative, no replacement of existing bus or shuttle service by the Urban Ring was assumed for this analysis. The next step in the development of Build Alternative traffic volumes was adjustment of the 2030 roadway volumes based on mode shift comparison from the CTPS model forecasts with and without the project. The travel demand forecasts showed that the Urban Ring LPA project would reduce the number of automobile trips in the region by approximately 24,000 auto trips per day compared with the Baseline. The percentage vehicle reduction due to the project was calculated for each study roadway and then applied to the corresponding intersections. At study intersections, the peak hour automobile trip reduction created by the project was generally between 0.25 and 0.33 percent. To create the 2030 Build (with project) peak hour traffic volumes, the 2030 No-Build traffic volumes were adjusted for mode shift and then added to the calculated Urban Ring bus volumes. The process of developing the 2030 No-Build and Build traffic volumes was coordinated with and overseen by the CAC Traffic Subcommittee. Build condition traffic volume calculation back-up data is provided at the end of this section. Page 52 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table E-1: Traffic Volume Growth by Intersection AM Peak Hour INT 2030 NOGROWTH 2006 to BUILD INT TOTAL 2030 VOL VOL Int. ID # City 1 Chelsea 2 Chelsea Intersection Chelsea Bridge (north)/Eastern Ave/Central Ave/Marginal St Eastern Avenue/Bellingham Street 3 Chelsea Eastern Avenue/Griffin Way 4 Chelsea Arlington Street/Sixth Street 242 5 Chelsea 1,795 6 Chelsea 1,178 1,249 7 Chelsea Everett Avenue/Spruce Street Everett Avenue/Vale Street/Maple Street Everett Avenue/Carter Street/Fifth Street 1,166 8 Everett Everett Avenue/RBP 3,634 2006 INT TOTAL VOL % 2006 INT TOTAL VOL PM Peak Hour INT 2030 NOGROWTH 2006 to BUILD INT TOTAL 2030 VOL VOL % 1,535 2,097 562 36.6% 2,014 2,550 536 26.6% 1,167 1,654 487 41.7% 1,354 1,966 612 45.2% 1,199 1,426 227 18.9% 1,304 1,382 78 6.0% 259 17 7.0% 434 501 67 15.5% 1,959 164 9.1% 2,138 2,317 179 8.4% 71 6.0% 1,534 1,626 92 6.0% 1,236 70 6.0% 1,460 1,548 88 6.0% 3,853 219 6.0% 4,532 4,924 392 8.7% 9 Everett RBP/Vale Street 3,108 3,294 186 6.0% 3,555 3,768 213 6.0% 10 Everett RBP/Vine Street 3,309 3,552 243 7.4% 4,280 4,537 257 6.0% 11 Everett RBP/Ferry Street 3,293 3,506 213 6.5% 4,187 4,752 565 13.5% 12 Everett RBP/Spring Street 3,476 3,685 209 6.0% 4,456 4,723 267 6.0% 13 Everett RBP/Second Street 4,116 4,459 343 8.3% 4,974 5,340 366 7.4% 14 Everett 4,569 4,843 274 6.0% 5,634 5,972 338 6.0% 15 Everett 1,405 1,528 123 8.8% 1,464 1,673 209 14.3% 16 Everett 5,385 5,708 323 6.0% 7,823 8,292 469 6.0% 17 Everett 3,790 4,265 475 12.5% 4,989 5,819 830 16.6% 18 Everett RBP/Lewis Street Second Street/Route 99 (Broadway) Sweetzer Circle (Route 99, Route 16 and Main St) Santilli Circle East at Route 16 Santilli Circle West at Route 16 4,401 4,844 443 10.1% 5,631 6,406 775 13.8% 19 Medford RBP WB On-ramp 398 426 28 7.0% 590 843 253 42.8% 20 Medford 391 545 154 39.3% 418 487 69 16.4% 21 Medford RBP EB On-ramp Corporation Way/RBP Ramp (north) 440 466 26 6.0% 533 1,070 537 100.8% 22a Medford Wellington Circle East (Route 16-RBP/Fellsway) 2,548 2,743 195 7.6% 2,865 3,037 172 6.0% Medford Wellington Circle West (Route 16-MVP/Fellsway) 1,675 2,150 475 28.4% 1,966 2,334 368 18.7% Medford Wellington Circle North (Middlesex Ave/Fellsway) 1,428 1,570 142 9.9% 1,719 1,873 154 9.0% 22d Medford Wellington Circle South (Route 16/Fellsway) 1,094 1,160 66 6.0% 2,326 2,760 434 18.7% 23 Somerville 4,732 7,375 2,643 55.9% 3,817 5,300 1,483 38.8% 24 Somerville 4,711 6,768 2,057 43.7% 4,280 4,488 208 4.9% 25 Somerville 3,085 4,529 1,444 46.8% 1,912 3,068 1,156 60.5% 26 Somerville 3,284 4,190 906 27.6% 2,887 3,658 771 26.7% 27 Somerville Route 28 Fellsway/Shore Drive/Assembly Square Drive Route 28 Fellsway/Middlesex Avenue Route 28 Fellsway/Mystic Avenue (north) Route 28 Fellsway/Mystic Avenue (south) McGrath Highway/Blakely Street 3,955 4,192 237 6.0% 4,157 4,406 249 6.0% 28 Somerville McGrath Highway/Broadway 4,787 5,074 287 6.0% 5,306 6,876 1,570 29.6% 22b 22c Page 53 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Int. ID # City 29 Somerville Intersection McGrath Highway/Pearl Street 30 Somerville Pearl Street/Walnut Street 31 Somerville Pearl Street/Medford Street 32 Somerville 33 Somerville 34 Somerville 35 Somerville 36 Somerville Medford Street/Walnut Street Medford Street/Highland Avenue/Hamlet Street McGrath Highway/Medford Street McGrath Highway SB Ramp/Washington Street McGrath Highway NB Ramp/frontage Rd/Washington St 37 Somerville 38 Somerville 39 Somerville 40 Somerville 42 Boston 43 Boston 44 Boston 45 Cambridge 46 Somerville 47 Som/Cam 48 Cambridge 49 Cambridge 50 Cambridge McGrath Highway SB Ramp/ Somerville Ave/Medford St Washington Street/Prospect Street Somerville Avenue/Prospect Street Lombardi Way/Mystic Avenue Maffa Way-Sever St/Rutherford Ave/Cambridge St/Alford St Rutherford Ave/Austin St (East) Rutherford Ave/Austin St (West) Charlestown Avenue/O'Brien Highway/Land Boulevard/Charles River Dam O’Brien Highway/Fitchburg ROW O'Brien Highway/Twin City Plaza Drive O'Brien Highway/Third Street O'Brien Highway/Water Street O'Brien Highway/Gore Street (Second Street) O'Brien Highway/First Street O'Brien Highway/Cambridge Street 2006 INT TOTAL VOL 3,808 AM Peak Hour INT GROWTH 2030 NOBUILD INT 2006 to 2030 TOTAL VOL VOL 4,036 2006 INT TOTAL VOL % 228 6.0% 4,169 PM Peak Hour INT GROWTH 2030 NOBUILD INT 2006 to 2030 TOTAL VOL VOL % 4,447 278 6.7% 678 719 41 6.0% 729 893 164 22.5% 1,393 1,527 134 9.6% 1,495 1,645 150 10.0% 996 1,108 112 11.3% 1,058 1,170 112 10.6% 1,783 1,890 107 6.0% 1,967 2,251 284 14.5% 2,465 2,613 148 6.0% 1,562 1,656 94 6.0% 2,154 2,283 129 6.0% 2,081 2,328 247 11.9% 1,189 1,260 71 6.0% 1,298 1,376 78 6.0% 1,989 2,108 119 6.0% 1,938 2,298 360 18.6% 1,709 2,343(1) 634 37.1% 1,833 2,780(1) 947 51.7% 2,546 2,699 153 6.0% 3,240 3,711 471 14.5% 376 447 71 18.8% 598 1,479 881 147.3% 3,571 3,834 263 7.4% 3,610 3,866 256 7.1% 1,847 2,124 277 15.0% 2,265 2,401 136 6.0% 1,944 2,083 139 7.1% 2,471 2,619 148 6.0% 4,890 6,791 1,901 38.9% 5,308 6,117 809 15.2% BO(2) BO BO BO BO BO BO BO 2,641 3,044 403 15.3% 1,333 1,413 80 6.0% 2,825 3,502 677 24.0% 3,054 4,311 1,257 41.2% 1,378 2,752 1,374 99.7% 2,422 2,586 164 6.8% 2,008 2,692 684 34.1% 1,848 2,408 560 30.3% NA(3) 4,092(1) NA NA NA(3) 4,033(1) NA NA 2,883 3,771 888 30.8% 2,833 3,528 695 24.5% 1,020 2,419 1,399 137.2% 1,341 2,775 1,434 106.9% 470 1,085 615 130.9% 716 1,316 600 83.8% 51 Cambridge 52 Cambridge 53 Cambridge 54 Cambridge 55 Cambridge First Street/Cambridge Street First Street/Thorndike Street(4) First Street/Cambridgeside Way/Charles Street 693 1,535 842 121.5% 1,175 1,807 632 53.8% 56 Cambridge Binney Street/First Street 1,486 2,296 810 54.5% 1,657 2,258 601 36.3% 57 Cambridge Binney Street/Second Street 1,227 1,469 242 19.7% 1,164 1,446 282 24.2% 58 Cambridge 1,860 2,334 474 25.5% 2,175 2,510 335 15.4% 59 Cambridge Binney Street/Third Street Binney Street/Fulkerson Street 1,602 2,147 545 34.0% 1,597 1,916 319 20.0% 60 Cambridge Broadway Street/Third Street 1,802 2,064 262 14.5% 2,253 2,388 135 6.0% 61 Cambridge Broadway/Mid-Block 1,664 1,764 100 6.0% 1,699 1,866 167 9.8% Page 54 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Int. ID # City 62 Cambridge 63 Cambridge 64 Cambridge Broadway/Galileo Way Binney Street Main Street/Galileo Way/Vassar Street Main Street/Mid-Block Connector/Ames Street 65 Cambridge Main Street/Albany Street 66 Cambridge 67 Cambridge 68 Cambridge 69 Cambridge 70 Cambridge 71 Cambridge 72 Boston 73 Boston 74 Brookline 75 Boston 76 Boston 77 Boston 78 Boston 79 Boston 80 Boston 81 Boston 82 Boston 83 Boston 84 Boston 85 Boston 86 Boston 87 Boston 88 Boston 89 Boston 90 Boston Fenway/Brookline Avenue Park Drive/Boylston/Brookline Ave Brookline Avenue/Fullerton Street Boylston Street/Kilmarnock Street Longwood Avenue/Brookline Avenue Longwood Avenue/Binney Street Longwood Avenue/Blackfan Street Blackfan Street/Avenue Louis Pasteur Fenway/Avenue Louis Pasteur Longwood Avenue/Avenue Louis Pasteur Longwood Avenue/Huntington Avenue Fenway Ramp between Evans Way N & Evans Way S 91 Boston Fenway/Louis Prang Street Intersection Connector 2006 INT TOTAL VOL AM Peak Hour INT GROWTH 2030 NOBUILD INT 2006 to 2030 TOTAL VOL VOL % 2006 INT TOTAL VOL PM Peak Hour INT GROWTH 2030 NOBUILD INT 2006 to 2030 TOTAL VOL VOL % 2,825 3,043 218 7.7% 2,817 3,127 310 11.0% 1,806 2,032 226 12.5% 1,812 1,980 168 9.3% 967 1,056 89 9.2% 901 966 65 7.2% 917 1,026 109 11.9% 804 916 112 14.0% Mass Avenue/Albany Street 2,019 2,175 156 7.7% 2,298 2,436 138 6.0% Mass Avenue/Vassar Street Brookline Street/Waverly Street/Granite St Brookline Street/Memorial Drive Rotary (North) Memorial Drive/Brookline Street/BU Bridge (East) Memorial Drive/BU Bridge (South) BU Bridge/Essex St/Comm Ave Carlton Street/Commonwealth Avenue Mountfort Street/Carlton Street Mountfort Street/St. Mary's Street(5) 2,426 2,652 226 9.3% 2,667 3,021 354 13.3% 1,636 1,775 139 8.5% 1,515 1,606 91 6.0% 958 1,061 103 10.8% 1,414 1,499 85 6.0% 1,782 1,889 107 6.0% 1,894 2,008 114 6.0% 3,461 3,669 208 6.0% 3,442 3,649 207 6.0% 6,025 6,569 545 9.0% 6,206 6,578 372 6.0% 4,028 4,283 256 6.3% 3,905 4,139 234 6.0% 2,557 2,717 160 6.2% 2,520 2,671 151 6.0% 1,342 1,423 81 6.0% 1,505 1,595 90 6.0% 3,209 3,728 519 16.2% 3,334 3,883 549 16.5% 1,707 1,813 106 6.2% 1,753 1,864 111 6.3% 2,297 3,494 1,197 52.1% 3,085 3,720 635 20.6% 4,040 5,558 1,518 37.6% 3,765 6,127 2,362 62.7% 4,501 6,290 1,789 39.7% 4,290 7,057 2,767 64.5% 1,117 1,230 113 10.1% 916 1,011 95 10.4% 2,621 3,172 551 21.0% 2,383 2,937 554 23.3% 3,004 4,142 1,138 37.9% 3,008 5,285 2,277 75.7% 1,618 2,088 470 29.1% 1,281 2,228 947 73.9% 1,316 2,139 823 62.6% 1,264 2,447 1,183 93.6% 1,294 2,723 1,429 110.4% 766 1,323 557 72.7% 1,228 3,244 2,016 164.2% 1,107 3,219 2,112 190.8% 1,596 2,269 673 42.2% 1,489 2,410 921 61.9% 2,455 3,791 1,336 54.4% 2,595 4,576 1,981 76.3% 1,398 2,204 806 57.7% 1,355 2,310 955 70.4% 1,458 1,881 423 29.0% 1,381 1,811 430 31.1% Park Drive/Beacon Street Beacon Street/Maitland Street(5) Park Drive/Riverway/Fenway(6) Page 55 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT AM Peak Hour INT GROWTH 2030 NOBUILD INT 2006 to 2030 TOTAL VOL VOL PM Peak Hour INT GROWTH 2030 NOBUILD INT 2006 to 2030 TOTAL VOL VOL Int. ID # City 92 Boston Intersection Huntington Ave/Louis Prang St/Ruggles St/E-Line 93 Boston Ruggles Street/Parker Street 2,212 2,744 532 24.1% 2,393 3,046 653 27.3% 94 Boston 1,523 2,001 478 31.4% 1,880 2,490 610 32.4% 95 Boston 1,619 2,101 482 29.8% 1,872 2,482 610 32.6% 96 Boston 1,561 2,041 480 30.7% 1,823 2,429 606 33.3% 97 Boston 3,941 4,638 697 17.7% 4,423 6,413 1,990 45.0% 98 Boston Ruggles Street/Leon Street Ruggles Station Exit/Ruggles Street Ruggles Station Entrance/Ruggles Street Ruggles Street/Whittier Street/Tremont Street Columbus Avenue/MCB/Ruggles Station 99 Boston MCB/Tremont Street 100 Boston MCB/Kerr Way 1,962 2,415 101 Boston MCB/Shawmut Avenue 2,164 2,630 102 Boston MCB/Washington Street 2,442 3,050 103 Boston 2,676 104 Boston 105 Boston 106 Boston MCB/Harrison Avenue Massachusetts Avenue/Harrison Avenue Harrison Avenue/East Concord Street Harrison Avenue/East Newton Street 107 Boston 108 Boston 109 Boston 110 Boston 111 Boston 112 Boston 113 Boston 114 Boston 115 Boston 116 Boston 117 Boston 118 Boston 119 Boston 120 Boston 121 Boston 2006 INT TOTAL VOL 2,743 4,240 1,497 2006 INT TOTAL VOL % 54.6% 2,989 4,365 1,376 % 46.0% 974 1,059 85 8.8% 1,096 1,342 246 22.4% 3,691 4,314 623 16.9% 4,201 6,495 2,294 54.6% 453 23.1% 2,323 2,877 554 23.9% 466 21.5% 2,880 3,468 588 20.4% 608 24.9% 3,237 3,951 714 22.1% 3,294 618 23.1% 3,516 4,166 650 18.5% 2,621 3,031 410 15.7% 2,934 3,286 352 12.0% 991 1,139 148 14.9% 967 1,053 86 8.9% 1,038 1,193 155 15.0% 1,052 1,358 306 29.1% MCB/Albany Street Albany Street/Hampden Street Albany Street/Northampton Street Massachusetts Avenue/Albany St Albany Street/East Concord Street Albany Street/East Newton Street 2,428 2,894 466 19.2% 3,043 3,617 574 18.9% 1,202 1,432 230 19.1% 1,123 1,380 257 22.9% 1,301 1,564 263 20.2% 1,427 2,093 666 46.7% 3,057 4,040 983 32.2% 3,432 4,602 1,170 34.1% 1,436 2,324 888 61.9% 1,370 2,206 836 61.0% 1,259 1,575 316 25.1% 1,436 1,969 533 37.1% MCB/Hampden Street MCB/Massachusetts Avenue/Massachusetts Avenue Connector/Southampton Street Massachusetts Avenue Connector/East Concord Street Dudley Street/Hampden Street/Dunmore Street Dudley Street/Blue Hill Avenue/ Magazine Street 3,092 3,596 504 16.3% 3,487 4,107 620 17.8% 5,322 6,672 1,350 25.4% 5,418 6,615 1,197 22.1% NA 4,445(1) NA(3) NA NA 3,669(1) NA(3) NA 1,917 2,053 136 7.1% 1,989 2,108 119 6.0% 2,135 2,287 152 7.1% 2,226 2,360 134 6.0% 1,223 1,345 122 10.0% 1,534 1,772 238 15.5% 2,724 2,952 228 8.4% 2,464 2,732 268 10.9% 1,967 2,085 118 6.0% 1,654 1,753 99 6.0% 3,143 3,465 322 10.2% 3,738 4,159 421 11.3% Dudley Street/East Cottage Street/West Cottage Street Columbia Road/Dudley Street/Stoughton Columbia Road/Hamlet Street Columbia Rd/Mass Ave/Boston St/ East Cottage St Page 56 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Int. ID # City 122 Boston 123 Boston 124 Boston 125 Boston 126 Boston 127 Boston 128 Boston 129 Boston 130 Boston 131 Boston 132 Boston 133 Boston 134 Boston 135 Boston 136 Boston 137 Boston 138 Boston 139a Boston 139b Boston 140a Boston 140b Boston 141 Boston 142 Boston 143 Boston 144 145 Intersection Columbia Road/Pond Street Columbia Road/Dorchester Avenue Columbia Road/I-93 SB Ramps Columbia Road/I-93 NB Ramps Columbia Rd/Morrissey Blvd (Morrissey Circle) Mt. Vernon Street/Morrissey Boulevard NB Mt. Vernon Street/Morrissey Boulevard SB Morrissey Boulevard/Day Boulevard Morrissey Blvd/UMass Access Drive 2006 INT TOTAL VOL AM Peak Hour INT GROWTH 2030 NOBUILD INT 2006 to 2030 TOTAL VOL VOL % 2006 INT TOTAL VOL PM Peak Hour INT GROWTH 2030 NOBUILD INT 2006 to 2030 TOTAL VOL VOL % 1,661 1,784 123 7.4% 1,594 1,750 156 9.8% 2,309 2,462 153 6.6% 2,881 3,237 356 12.4% 3,143 3,471 328 10.4% 3,229 3,521 292 9.0% 4,132 4,499 367 8.9% 3,556 4,003 447 12.6% 7,439 8,315 876 11.8% 8,408 8,912 504 6.0% 2,509 2,693 184 7.3% 1,661 1,773 112 6.8% 1,442 1,735 293 20.3% 1,607 1,703 96 6.0% 2,321 2,460 139 6.0% 2,562 2,744 182 7.1% 4,907 5,329 422 8.6% 4,797 5,088 291 6.1% Comm Ave/Babcock St Comm Ave/Harry Agganis Way/Pleasant St Comm Ave/Buick St/St. Paul St Babcock Street/Ashford Street Babcock Street/Gardner Street Commonwealth Avenue/St. Mary’s Street Comm Ave/Blandford St/Sherborn St Comm Ave/Beacon Street/Brookline Ave/Deerfield St Comm Ave (eastbound)/Charlesgate East Comm Ave (eastbound)/Charlesgate West Comm Ave (westbound)/Charlesgate East Comm Ave (westbound)/Charlesgate West Comm Ave (eastbound)/Mass Ave Comm Ave (westbound)/Mass Ave 2,647 2,958 311 11.7% 3,401 3,759 358 10.5% 2,446 2,712 266 10.9% 3,179 3,504 325 10.2% 2,759 2,934 175 6.4% 3,258 3,453 195 6.0% 108 114 6 6.0% 88 93 5 6.0% 337 357 20 6.0% 311 330 19 6.0% 1,420 1,505 85 6.0% 2,476 2,625 149 6.0% 1,434 1,520 86 6.0% 1,941 2,057 116 6.0% 4,005 4,290 285 7.1% 4,061 4,347 286 7.0% 1,894 2,008 114 6.0% 2,453 2,600 147 6.0% 1,387 1,470 83 6.0% 1,442 1,529 87 6.0% 414 439 25 6.0% 579 614 35 6.0% 446 473 27 6.0% 696 738 42 6.0% 521 552 31 6.0% 582 617 35 6.0% 156 171 15 9.3% 173 183 10 6.0% 2,033 2,170 137 6.8% 1,602 1,730 128 8.0% Boston Comm Avenue/Kenmore St Beacon Street/Storrow Drive ramps 558 591 33 6.0% 726 770 44 6.0% Boston Beacon Street/Charlesgate 1,039 1,101 62 6.0% 1,209 1,282 73 6.0% 146 Boston Beacons Street/Mass Avenue 2,046 2,169 123 6.0% 2,721 2,884 163 6.0% 147 Boston 638 678 40 6.2% 1,133 1,262 129 11.4% 148 Boston Beacon Street/Minor Street Brookline Avenue/Yawkey Way 1,105 1,207 102 9.2% 954 1,041 87 9.1% 149 Boston Brookline Avenue/Lansdowne 1,092 1,193 101 9.3% 933 989 56 6.0% Page 57 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Int. ID # City 150 Brookline 151 Boston 152 Boston 153 Boston 154 Boston 155 Boston 156 Boston 157 Boston 158 159 2006 INT TOTAL VOL Intersection Street Mountfort Street/Essex Street Brookline Avenue/Short Street/Beth Israel Main Driveway Longwood Avenue/Palace Road Huntington Avenue/Tetlow Street Fenway/Palace Road (DCR) Ruggles Street/Annunciation Road Albany Street/East Brookline Street AM Peak Hour INT GROWTH 2030 NOBUILD INT 2006 to 2030 TOTAL VOL VOL 2006 INT TOTAL VOL % PM Peak Hour INT GROWTH 2030 NOBUILD INT 2006 to 2030 TOTAL VOL VOL % 2,434 2,580 146 6.0% 2,298 2,436 138 6.0% 2,308 2,813 505 21.9% 2,280 2,847 567 24.9% 1,236 1,869 633 51.2% 1,075 2,180 1,105 102.8% 1,149 1,264 115 10.0% 1,082 1,294 212 19.6% 770 886 116 15.1% 700 998 298 42.6% 1,505 1,595 90 6.0% 1,618 1,715 97 6.0% 1,303 1,549 246 18.8% 1,212 1,772 560 46.2% 1,213 1,538 325 26.8% 1,728 2,275 547 31.7% Boston Albany Street/Malden Street Albany Street/Union Park Street 1,173 1,419 246 21.0% 1,586 2,119 533 33.6% Boston Mass Avenue/Island Street 1,048 1,165 117 11.1% 1,599 1,695 96 6.0% 160 Boston 1,162 1,310 148 12.7% 1,676 1,777 101 6.0% 161 Boston 1,236 1,376 140 11.4% 1,572 1,666 94 6.0% 162 Boston Mass Avenue/Pompeii Street Mass Avenue/Magazine Street Mass Avenue/Newmarket Square 1,437 1,541 104 7.3% 1,713 1,822 109 6.4% 163 Boston 1,397 1,481 84 6.0% 1,785 1,892 107 6.0% 164 Cambridge 643 682 39 6.0% 523 554 31 6.0% 165 Cambridge Mass Avenue/Clapp Street Waverly Street extension/Sidney Street Waverly Street/Albany St/Erie Street 684 725 41 6.0% 435 461 26 6.0% 166 Cambridge Albany Street/Pacific Street 655 694 39 6.0% 489 518 29 6.0% 167 Cambridge Albany Street/Cross Street 675 716 41 6.0% 587 622 35 6.0% 168 Cambridge 679 745 66 9.7% 706 759 53 7.5% 169 Cambridge Albany Street/Portland Street Waverly Street/Chestnut Street 473 501 28 6.0% 96 102 6 6.0% 170 Cambridge 544 577 33 6.0% 127 135 8 6.0% 171 Cambridge 172 173 3,134 3,336 202 6.5% 4,300 4,589 289 6.7% Cambridge Waverly Street/Putnam Street Memorial Driive/Vassar Street (DCR) Memorial Drive/Amesbury Street (DCR) 2,496 2,675 179 7.2% 2,917 3,182 265 9.1% Cambridge Mass Ave/Sidney Street 2,342 2,508 166 7.1% 2,247 2,457 210 9.4% 174 Somerville Broadway/Cross Street 1,409 1,723 314 22.3% 1,600 1,738 138 8.6% 175 Somerville Broadway/Glen Street 1,153 1,222 69 6.0% 1,224 1,297 73 6.0% 176 Somerville Broadway/Franklin Street 1,050 1,313 263 25.0% 1,231 1,397 166 13.5% 177 Boston 2,860 3,032 172 6.0% 2,374 2,516 142 6.0% 178 Boston 1,136 1,204 68 6.0% 703 745 42 6.0% 179 E. Boston na na na na na na na na Rutherford Ave/Bunker Hill College North Driveway Rutherford Ave OffRamp/Bunker Hill College S Driveway Frankfort Street/Neptune Road(7) 1A(7) 180 E. Boston Neptune Road/Route 181 S. Boston D Street/Summer Street 182 S. Boston D Street/Fargo Street na na na na na na na na 1,981 2,363 382 19.3% 1,807 2,114 307 17.0% 599 760 161 26.9% 572 693 121 21.1% Page 58 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Int. ID # City 183 S. Boston Intersection 2006 INT TOTAL VOL AM Peak Hour INT GROWTH 2030 NOBUILD INT 2006 to 2030 TOTAL VOL VOL % 2006 INT TOTAL VOL PM Peak Hour INT GROWTH 2030 NOBUILD INT 2006 to 2030 TOTAL VOL VOL D Street/Congress Street 1,433 1,534 101 7.1% 1,546 Cambridge Street/Windom 184 Boston/Allston Street 2,455 2,684 229 9.3% 2,330 Western Avenue/Stadium Way(8) 185 Boston/Allston NA(3) 1,546 NA NA NA(3) North Harvard Street/Stadium 186 Boston/Allston Way(8) NA(3) 1,040 NA NA NA(3) Soldiers Field Rd EB/North 187 Boston/Allston Harvard St 1,520 1,656 136 9.0% 1,355 Soldiers Field Road WB/Larz Anderson Bridge 188 Boston/Allston 1,680 1,781 101 6.0% 1,510 (1) Estimated 2030 volumes based on 2030 DEIR volumes in 2004 Urban Ring DEIR. (2) BO = Build Only (intersection analyzed in Build conditions only) (3) NA = Not applicable (4) Volumes at intersection #54 do not include eastbound and westbound approaches. (5) Volumes at intersections #75 and #77 do not include northbound and southbound approaches. (6) Volumes at intersection #78 do not include eastbound approaches. (7) Traffic volume counts at intersections 178 and 179 were not available due to construction. (8) Estimated 2030 No-Build volumes based on available data from others and adjacent intersection count data. % 1,769 223 14.4% 2,470 140 6.0% 1,805 NA NA 1,110 NA NA 1,654 299 22.0% 1,662 152 10.0% Page 59 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT F. Description of Future Roadway Projects Future roadway projects are described below. Infrastructure and Expansion Projects Opened Since 2000, Under Construction, or Programmed for 2007 in TIP:72 • Central Artery Project (Boston); • Massachusetts Avenue/Lafayette Square Roadway Realignment (Cambridge); and • Cambridgeport Roadways Realignment. These projects, which are included in the 2030 No-Build alternative, are described briefly below. Central Artery Project (Boston) – The Central Artery project is an 8-10 lane, limited-access, 1.5 mile long underground expressway that has replaced the formerly elevated I-93 through the center of Boston. It also includes the Ted Williams Tunnel from South Boston to Logan Airport, and extension of I-90 from near South Station to Logan Airport and Route 1A in East Boston; four major highway interchanges; a able-stayed bridge across the Charles River; and the reconstruction of an additional 2.1-mile segment of I-93. In all, the project includes construction or reconstruction of 161 lane-miles of urban highway, about half in tunnels, in a 7.5 mile corridor. Mass Ave/Lafayette Square Roadway Realignment (Cambridge) – This project realigns the intersection of Mass Ave/Main Street/Columbia Street to form a four-way intersection opposite Sidney Street. The project also requires realignment of the traffic signal. Cambridgeport Roadways Realignment – Street patterns in Cambridgeport from Mass Ave to Memorial Drive will be realigned, including Sidney Street, Waverley Street, Albany Street, and Brookline Street. The benefits of the project include traffic flow improvements, the diversion of traffic away from neighborhood streets, and economic development opportunities. The Boston Region MPO’s Transportation Plan, Journey to 2030, is the primary source for identifying what new roadway improvements or expansions will occur by the project’s 2030 design year. The following infrastructure and expansion projects in the Plan are regionally significant, located in or near the Urban Ring Project Corridor, and were assumed for the 2030 future analysis scenarios: Infrastructure and Expansion Projects in the Recommended Journey to 2030 Plan73 • East Boston Haul Road/Chelsea Truck Route (Boston); • Route 1A/Boardman Street Grade Separation (East Boston); • Rutherford Avenue/Sullivan Square Reconstruction (Boston); • Logan Airport Consolidated Rental Car Facility (East Boston); • River’s Edge Boulevard (formerly Telecom City Boulevard, Everett, Malden, and Medford); • Revere Beach Parkway (Route 16, Everett, Medford and Revere); 72 CTPS, op. cit., Appendix D. 73 CTPS, Id., Chapter 13. Page 60 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT • Route 1 Improvements (Malden and Revere); • Mahoney Circle Grade Separation (Revere); • Route 1/Route 16 Interchange (Revere); • Route 1A/Route 16 Connection (Revere); and • Interstate 93/Mystic Avenue Interchange (Somerville). These projects are described briefly below. East Boston Haul Road/Chelsea Truck Route (Boston) – The East Boston Haul Road/Chelsea Truck Route will utilize an unused former railroad ROW between Frankfort Street and Chelsea Street Bridge. The project as defined in the RTP 2007 is intended to remove truck traffic from East Boston residential streets. It would also be used by other commercial vehicles and MBTA buses. This facility will enable the Urban Ring service in East Boston to utilize a limited access facility between Logan Airport and the Chelsea Street Bridge. Intersection improvements at the intersection of Frankfort Street and Chelsea Street are proposed as part of the Urban Ring project. Route 1A/Boardman Street Grade Separation (East Boston) – This project involves construction of an overpass with ramps to replace the existing signalized intersection of Route 1A and Boardman Street. Boardman Street will be relocated approximately 400 feet south of its current location and Route 1A traffic will pass over Boardman Street, with connections provided via on- and off-ramps. Rutherford Avenue/Sullivan Square Reconstruction (Boston) – The Rutherford Avenue project is intended to improve alignment and function of Rutherford Avenue in Charlestown in the context of the completion of the Central Artery/Tunnel project. The project includes a redesigned Sullivan Square to accommodate enhanced development opportunities and improved pedestrian connections between the Charlestown neighborhood and the Sullivan Square MBTA station. The City of Boston completed a planning study in 1999 that included preliminary concepts for roadway system reconfiguration in Sullivan Square and along Rutherford Avenue; the City of Boston is currently conducting a preliminary design process to develop roadway improvements that are expected to be somewhat different from the proposals in the 1999 study. Logan Airport Consolidated Rental Car Facility (East Boston) – This project consists of a Consolidated Rental Car Facility (ConRAC); a commercial parking facility; and an environmentallyinnovative passenger bus system connecting airline passengers with both parking and rental car modes. The project will be constructed on airport property known as the Southwest Service Area, and is intended to create an efficient and environmentally superior facility that will help meet current and future ground access needs. River’s Edge Boulevard (formerly Telecom City Boulevard, Everett, Malden, Medford) – This project includes constructing a two-lane, median-divided roadway between Santilli Highway in Everett and Corporation Way in Medford, with a bridge across the Malden River. The new road will accommodate public traffic and will improve access among the three communities. Revere Beach Parkway (Route 16 Everett, Medford and Revere) – This project consists of providing a six-lane mainline parkway between Route 38 in Medford and Sweetser Circle in Everett, except for a fourlane section at Wellington Circle. Wellington Circle will be replaced with a single-point diamond interchange, with Route 16 passing underneath. Route 1 Improvements (Malden and Revere) – As part of this project, Route 1 is widened from four to six lanes between Copeland Circle (Route 60) and Route 99, and the on- and off-ramps at Salem Street and Lynn Street will be reconstructed to provide acceleration/deceleration lanes, better turning radii, and full turning movements. Also, the connection between Route 99 and Route 1 will be improved by providing a normal right-lane merge from Route 99 northbound to Route 1 northbound. Page 61 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Mahoney Circle Grade Separation (also known as “Bell Circle, ”Revere) – The preferred alternative or this project will remove the rotary by relocating a portion of Route 1A and depressing Route 60 under Beach Street. Access to local streets will be maintained via direct connections from a newly constructed Beach Street Connector. Route 1/Route 16 Interchange (Revere) – This project provides a direct connection from Route 1 southbound to Route 16 eastbound and from Route 16 (Revere Beach Parkway) westbound to Route 1 northbound. The improvements include a signalized double left-turn lane from Route 1 southbound onto Route 16 eastbound and a standard on-ramp from Route 16 westbound to Route 1 northbound. Route 1A/Route 16 Connection (Revere) – This project involves a realignment of Route 16 (Revere Beach Parkway) and its junction with Route 1A to the south, placing a three-fourths-cloverleaf interchange at the northwest corner of Suffolk Downs. A new signal will be installed on Route 16 providing left turns from Route 1A southbound to Route 16 eastbound. A traffic signal will be installed at the intersection of Route 16 and Winthrop Avenue (Route 145), and the current alignment of Route 16 will be closed north of Route 145 and converted into a linear park. Interstate 93/Mystic Avenue Interchange (Somerville) – Includes a new underpass separating Route 28 northbound, and converting the existing underpass to the exclusive use of Route 28 southbound. A new connector road will be constructed between Mystic Avenue and Middlesex Avenue, and the I-93 northbound off-ramp will be reconstructed to permit the connector road to Assemble Square. Page 62 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT G. Urban Ring Phase 2 Bus Volumes Urban Ring Phase 2-generated bus volumes were developed for the Baseline Alternative and the nine Build Alternatives. Tables showing Bus volumes for these future Build conditions are provided in the Technical Traffic Report Additional Supporting Materials document. Weekday commuter peak hour BRT and CT bus volumes were identified for the future study roadways and intersections based on the proposed routes and headways. The highest Urban Ring bus volumes occur on roadways where multiple BRT routes travel on the same alignment, plus CT routes. Roadway examples include Chelsea (Eastern Avenue), Cambridge (Kendall Square), and Boston (Melnea Cass Boulevard, and Ruggles Station). The following six study intersections would experience in excess of 36 BRT (60') buses during the weekday commuter peak hours: • Eastern Avenue/Chelsea Bridge (Chelsea); • Eastern Avenue Bellingham Street (Chelsea); • Eastern Avenue/Griffin Avenue (Chelsea); • Arlington Avenue/Sixth Street (Everett); • Ruggles Street/Station Entrance (Boston); and • Melnea Cass Boulevard/Washington Street (Boston). Projected Urban Ring bus volumes on roadways and at intersections vary (+/-) depending on the alternative. At tunnel locations in Alternatives 3 and 4, bus volumes are lower than the same locations with surface alignments (e.g., Alternatives 1 and 2). To be conservative, no replacement of existing bus or shuttle service by the Urban Ring was assumed for this analysis. It is important to note that the projected Urban Ring bus volumes would represent only a small proportion of the total traffic volume on study roadways, generally less than two percent. The volume of new buses would also be far below the general traffic growth projected on most roadways in the study area. Therefore, the proportion of bus traffic (including Urban Ring service) compared with total traffic volume may actually decrease. As part of the traffic capacity analysis performed for the Urban Ring Build scenario, a passenger car equivalency (PCE) factor was utilized to account for the proposed buses within the roadway network. This factor was based on whether a proposed bus would be part of mixed traffic or traveling along an exclusive bus-way or lane. For a bus within mixed traffic, a PCE of 3 passenger cars per 1 bus was used. This is based upon the 60-foot length of a proposed bus, and an average car length of 20-feet. For a bus traveling within an exclusive bus-way or lane, a PCE of 1 was used, but the Heavy Vehicle percentage within the analysis was changed to 100. Page 63 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT H. Study Intersection Traffic Volume Diagrams This section provides morning peak hour traffic volume diagrams (See Figures H-1 through H-3) for the following scenarios: • 2006 Existing; • 2030 No-Build; and • 2030 LPA. Traffic volume diagrams for other alternatives and PM period are available upon request. Page 64 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Figure H-1 2006 Existing AM Peak Hour Traffic Volume Diagrams Page 65 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2006 Existing AM Peak Hour – Chelsea/ Everett Page 66 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2006 Existing AM Peak Hour – Chelsea Page 67 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2006 Existing AM Peak Hour – Everett Page 68 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2006 Existing AM Peak Hour – Medford Page 69 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2006 Existing AM Peak Hour – Medford Page 70 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2006 Existing AM Peak Hour – Somerville Page 71 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2006 Existing AM Peak Hour – Somerville Page 72 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2006 Existing AM Peak Hour – Boston/ Charlestown Page 73 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2006 Existing AM Peak Hour – Cambridge Page 74 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2006 Existing AM Peak Hour – Cambridge Page 75 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2006 Existing AM Peak Hour – Cambridge Page 76 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2006 Existing AM Peak Hour – Boston/ Allston Page 77 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2006 Existing AM Peak Hour – Boston/ Allston Page 78 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2006 Existing AM Peak Hour – Boston/ Allston Page 79 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2006 Existing AM Peak Hour – Boston Page 80 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2006 Existing AM Peak Hour – Boston Page 81 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2006 Existing AM Peak Hour – Boston/ LMA Page 82 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2006 Existing AM Peak Hour – Boston/ LMA Page 83 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2006 Existing AM Peak Hour – Ruggles/ Roxbury Page 84 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2006 Existing AM Peak Hour – Roxbury Page 85 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2006 Existing AM Peak Hour – Dorchester Page 86 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2006 Existing AM Peak Hour – Boston/ Dorchester Page 87 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2006 Existing AM Peak Hour – Boston/ Dorchester Page 88 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2006 Existing AM Peak Hour – South Boston Page 89 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2006 Existing AM Peak Hour – South Boston Page 90 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2006 Existing AM Peak Hour – South Boston Page 91 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Figure H-2 2030 No-Build Weekday AM Peak Hour Traffic Volume Diagrams Page 92 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 No-Build Conditions AM Peak Hour – Chelsea/ Everett Page 93 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 No-Build Conditions AM Peak Hour – Chelsea Page 94 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 No-Build Conditions AM Peak Hour – Everett Page 95 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 No-Build Conditions AM Peak Hour – Medford Page 96 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 No-Build Conditions AM Peak Hour – Medford Page 97 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 No-Build Conditions AM Peak Hour – Somerville Page 98 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 No-Build Conditions AM Peak Hour – Somerville Page 99 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 No-Build Conditions AM Peak Hour – Somerville Page 100 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 No-Build Conditions AM Peak Hour – Boston/ Charlestown Page 101 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 No-Build Conditions AM Peak Hour – Cambridge Page 102 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 No-Build Conditions AM Peak Hour – Cambridge Page 103 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 No-Build Conditions AM Peak Hour – Cambridge Page 104 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 No-Build Conditions AM Peak Hour – Boston/ Allston Page 105 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 No-Build Conditions AM Peak Hour – Boston/ Allston Page 106 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 No-Build Conditions AM Peak Hour – Boston/ Allston Page 107 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 No-Build Conditions AM Peak Hour – Boston Page 108 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 No-Build Conditions AM Peak Hour – Boston Page 109 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 No-Build Conditions AM Peak Hour – Boston/ LMA Page 110 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 No-Build Conditions AM Peak Hour – Boston/ LMA Page 111 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 No-Build Conditions AM Peak Hour – Ruggles/ Roxbury Page 112 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 No-Build Conditions AM Peak Hour – Ruggles/ Roxbury Page 113 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 No-Build Conditions AM Peak Hour – Dorchester Page 114 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 No-Build Conditions AM Peak Hour – Boston/ Dorchester Page 115 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 No-Build Conditions AM Peak Hour – Boston/ Dorchester Page 116 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 No-Build Conditions AM Peak Hour – South Boston Page 117 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 No-Build Conditions AM Peak Hour – South Boston Page 118 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 No-Build Conditions AM Peak Hour – South Boston Page 119 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Figure H-3 2030 LPA Weekday AM Peak Hour Traffic Volume Diagrams Page 120 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 Build LPA AM Peak Hour – Chelsea/ Everett Page 121 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 Build LPA AM Peak Hour – Everett Page 122 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 Build LPA AM Peak Hour – Medford Page 123 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 Build LPA AM Peak Hour – Medford Page 124 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 Build LPA AM Peak Hour – Somerville Page 125 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 Build LPA AM Peak Hour – Somerville Page 126 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 Build LPA AM Peak Hour – Somerville Page 127 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 Build LPA AM Peak Hour – Charlestown Page 128 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 Build LPA AM Peak Hour – Cambridge Page 129 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 Build LPA AM Peak Hour – Cambridge Page 130 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 Build LPA AM Peak Hour – Cambridge Page 131 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 Build LPA AM Peak Hour – Boston/ Allston Page 132 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 Build LPA AM Peak Hour – Boston/ Allston Page 133 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 Build LPA AM Peak Hour – Boston/ Allston Page 134 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 Build LPA AM Peak Hour – Boston Page 135 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 Build LPA AM Peak Hour – Boston/ LMA Page 136 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 Build LPA AM Peak Hour – Ruggles/ Roxbury Page 137 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 Build LPA AM Peak Hour – Roxbury Page 138 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 Build LPA AM Peak Hour – Dorchester Page 139 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 Build LPA AM Peak Hour – Boston/ Dorchester Page 140 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 Build LPA AM Peak Hour – Boston/ Dorchester Page 141 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 Build LPA AM Peak Hour – South Boston Page 142 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 Build LPA AM Peak Hour – South Boston Page 143 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT 2030 Build LPA AM Peak Hour – South Boston Page 144 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT I. Bus Signal Priority System Information Traffic signal priority is proposed for the signalized intersections along the roadway sections of the Urban Ring Phase 2 Bus Rapid Transit System. Signal priority has been proposed to reduce delays for buses at traffic signals and improve overall bus travel time and reliability compared to the existing traffic signal systems in the corridor that currently do not have the priority feature. Traffic signal priority works by modifying signal timing to provide an operating advantage to buses traveling through signalized intersections in order to improve bus travel time and reliability along their routes. The Build alternative includes traffic signal priority for buses operating in exclusive busways, bus lanes, and mixed traffic when operating through signalized intersections. Current practice in traffic signal bus priority was identified through research into technical literature, review of best practices, and discussions with traffic signal equipment suppliers as well as discussions with the MBTA and City of Boston Transportation Department staff relative to experience on the Silver Line. Traffic Signal Priority Strategies Traffic signal priority strategies can involve either passive or active strategies, defined as follows: • Passive priority only acknowledges the presence of the bus in terms of the timing pattern; the predetermined timing pattern is not affected by the presence of buses. This involves changing the signal timing at a group of intersections to favor buses. This can be done by adjusting the cycle length, split phases, and giving priority to buses in area wide timing plans. These strategies favor bus flow without actually detecting the presence of the bus. Passive strategies do not involve equipment cost; they only involve engineering and minimal implementation costs. • Active priority occurs when a signal from a bus overrides the existing pattern and substitutes a new signal pattern to benefit the bus. Priority can be divided into unconditional and conditional subsets. Unconditional priority (known as preemption) is similar to that practiced at railroad grade crossings, whereby the green phase is granted whenever a bus requests it, subject only to clearance intervals required for safety. Conditional priority considers other factors such as progression, time since last preemption, and whether the bus is on or behind schedule before priority is granted. Most cities with bus priority systems have utilized conditional priority; this is deemed to be most appropriate for the Urban Ring Phase 2 bus routes. • Bus movements can also be expedited by coordination of signals along an arterial street without specific priority for buses. Coordination of arterial flow would benefit buses as well as general traffic. This is recommended for all corridors in the Urban Ring network as well as utilizing signal priority. Traffic Signal Priority Benefit and Impacts Traffic signal priority will reduce delays for buses at signalized intersections, but can also increase delays for traffic on cross street approaches. Recognizing this, the effects of traffic signal priority were first tested in the Urban Ring Phase 2 DEIR, November 2004 using the SYNCHRO software program for 12 prototypical intersections around the corridor selected in collaboration with the municipalities. The prototypical intersections were selected to represent a range of LOS and geographic conditions. SYNCHRO is a software program that analyzes traffic flows through signalized and unsignalized intersections. It is based on the methods of the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) published by the Transportation Research Board. SYNCHRO was used to estimate the reduction in delay on the bus approaches and increase in delay on the cross street approaches. This was done for increases of 5, 10 and 20 seconds of green time on the bus approaches. The benefit for buses was measured for a cycle in which a bus was present while the impact on side streets was determined for an average cycle (over a 1 hour period) since priority will not occur every cycle. The results are shown in Table I-1. Page 145 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT As can be seen from Table I-1, reductions in bus delay are greater for intersections with worse LOS and lesser for those with better LOS. The average reduction in bus delay for a green time increase of 10 seconds ranges from 70 percent for LOS F to 35 percent for LOS B. As can also be seen from Table I-1, generally the cross street delay increases as the added time for buses is increased. The cross street delay generally increases least for better baseline LOS and most for worse LOS. The average increase in cross street delay for a green time shift of 10 seconds ranges from 75 percent for LOS F to 5 percent for LOS B. For Baseline LOS A, B, or C; generally the reduction is no worse than LOS D. For Baseline LOS D, E, and F, the increase in delay and reduction in LOS is greater, generally in the LOS E/F range. Comparing the results of the travel time savings for the bus approaches and the increased delays for the cross street traffic, it can be seen from Table I-1 that the travel time savings is generally a greater percentage improvement than the travel delay increase on the side streets. The impacts shown in Table I-1 to cross street delay are given in terms of vehicle delay at the intersections. A review of the technical literature and experience in other locations indicates that traffic signal bus priority can also be justified in terms of savings in person delay rather than strictly vehicle delay. Since the buses are projected to carry large numbers of passengers and most automobiles will be carrying low numbers of passengers, reducing delays for buses will reduce overall person delay at the intersections even if some cross street delays are increased. This also needs to be considered in identifying the strategy for traffic signal, bus priority. Further, research into experiences in other cities which have implemented traffic signal bus priority indicate actual results are quite favorable for both improvement in bus delays and impacts on general cross street traffic. Evaluation of traffic signal bus priority systems in Los Angeles and Seattle shows as much as 25 percent decrease in delay for buses at intersections with priority and minimal increases in delay to cross streets. This result is attributed to the design of the systems, which limits the extra green time for buses to 10-15 seconds per bus and also limits the priority requests to successive buses to allow the intersections to recover. These results indicate that the theoretical SYNCHRO results in the attached table may be very conservative, i.e. worse compared with national industry results, since it does not reflect the recovery cycles for the cross-street traffic. Figure I-1 shows transit travel times improvement in 13 cities in U.S. and abroad after the implementation of transit signal priority. It shows that the 13 cities experienced 1.5 to 15 percent improvement in bus travel time due to transit signal priority. These cities included a variety of transit service types under varying traffic conditions. Page 146 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Figure I-1 Transit Travel Time Improvements with Transit Signal Priority Source: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration. Intelligent Transportation Systems, Benefits, Costs and Deployment, and Lessons Learned. 2008 Update. During the DEIR process, (based on discussions with the Traffic and Transportation Subcommittee of the CAC) it was determined that the bus priority strategy should emphasize improvement of bus travel times without major impact on cross street traffic. It was recommended that the largest increment in bus green times take place at the intersections with better levels of service in order to minimize the effects on cross street traffic. In order to address this recommendation, three ITS strategies were developed and tested to determine their effects. Three levels of ITS bus signal priority techniques (1, 2 and 3) were identified with ITS 1 being the least aggressive in terms of additional green time and ITS 3 being the most aggressive. Table I-2 summarizes the additional green time by LOS grade for bus approaches at signalized study intersections. The additional green times for each ITS strategy were applied to all signalized study intersections in the Urban Ring corridor according to the average delay savings developed from the prototype intersections. The results were then summarized for each ITS strategy to determine the travel time savings for each BRT route. The analysis results show that ITS 1 would reduce travel time by approximately 1 percent over baseline Build conditions. For ITS 2, travel time savings ranged between 5 to 20 percent within an overall average savings of approximately 10 percent. For ITS 3, travel time savings increased up to approximately 30 percent for some BRT routes. Based on the travel time savings, intersection delay results, and expected increased ridership for the DEIR (+12,250 daily riders), ITS 2 was recommended for the Recommended Build alternative for the morning and afternoon peak periods74. ITS 1 was not selected because of its marginal benefits. ITS 3 is 74 Intersection capacity analysis was performed for study intersections for the a.m. and p.m. weekday peak hours. Page 147 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT not recommended due to its negative impact on side street traffic delay and practicality of implementation during peak periods. Table I-3 shows the travel time savings for the DEIR Recommended Build with ITS 2 compared with the MIS Build with and without ITS 2. Except for BRT 7, which shows a negligible increase in travel time, each of the BRT routes reduces travel time over the MIS Build between 9 and 35 percent. BRT 7 is slightly slower in the Recommended Build than the MIS Build due to additional station stops. The ITS 2 strategy refers to traffic operations during peak traffic periods. As described above, maximum green time increments for bus priority will be based on peak hour traffic LOS. At off peak periods, however, it may be possible to provide some or greater signal priority where it is not possible due to poor peak hour operations. The proposed traffic signal system will have the capability of detecting actual traffic demand and making a determination of whether and what extent priority is possible at all periods of time during the day. For this reason, it is recommended that all Urban Ring intersections be equipped for possible signal priority even if projected peak hour traffic operations do not permit such operation. The decision whether to grant priority will be determined on a real time basis depending upon detection of actual traffic demands. The selection of the signal priority approach depends upon the number of buses that are candidates for priority, number of buses adversely affected by priority, impact of priority on general traffic and pedestrian flow, and concurrent priority on crossing streets. Suggested requirements in the technical literature for conditional bus priority to be effective are: a minimum of 100 buses per day; or a minimum of 10-15 buses per hour in the peak hours. Maximum bus volume for conditional priority is approximately equal to half the number of hourly traffic signal cycles. Above the maximum bus volume, passive signal timing plan priority may be more effective. Most of the Urban Ring routes have appropriate numbers of buses per hour in the range for implementing conditional bus priority. In areas where bus volumes are greater than this threshold, consideration should be given to passive strategies during peak hours when bus volumes are large and active strategies at other off peak times. Traffic Signal Priority Equipment and Implementation In order to implement conditional bus priority using the ITS2 strategy at traffic signals along the Urban Ring bus routes, traffic signal control equipment will need to be updated to provide the necessary bus priority features. Also, a method of bus detection will need to be chosen and implemented. At signalized locations within the Boston Central Computer System, bus priority features are already available with the existing equipment and no additional control equipment is necessary. A method of bus detection and communication to the controllers will be necessary, however. Methods of Bus Detection There are three principal methods to enable detection of buses and initiation of traffic signal priority: optical detection; magnetic induction; and global positioning system-based. The first method to provide priority/preemption is via the OPTICOM system, which involves use of optical emitters on the vehicles, optical receivers at the intersections, and priority/preemption equipment in the cabinets. This optical system works on line of sight so the signal from the bus can be detected well upstream of most intersections to bring early priority. Other detection systems involve a transducer on the bus and loop detection in the roadway, which can detect the “signature” of a bus and transmit the signal via conduit to the controller. Another system would involve installation of global positioning system (GPS) transponders on the buses that transmit a radio signal to a receiver, which could be located at the signal control cabinet or at a remote traffic or transit control center. The Silver Line has utilized a GPS-based that transmits signals from the bus to MBTA Operations Center, which in turn communicates with the City of Boston Traffic Operations Center, which can remotely control signal timings and initiate transit signal priority. Because this system is already in place, and many MBTA buses are equipped with GPS transponders, the GPS-based system is the most appropriate for use on the Urban Ring routes and is recommended as part of the Build Alternative. Page 148 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Traffic Controller Needs Standard available traffic signal controllers do not have the capability of providing bus priority. It is necessary to modify the current controller software to provide priority operation that causes the controller to shift to a priority pattern to assist the bus to pass through the intersection. This can be accomplished by extension of green time, skipping of non-priority phases, truncating a red signal to bring an early green to the bus approach, and inserting additional bus phases. Following passage of the bus, compensating time can be allocated to the non-priority phases. The priority preemption can be accomplished at an isolated intersection or within a coordinated system. When used in a coordinated system, the coordination can be maintained in the background while the priority call is served. When the priority sequence is completed, the system can return to coordinated control without loss of coordination. For larger signal systems, as in the case of Boston, a central computer can provide control of the system and provide bus priority on a network basis through commands from the central computer to the remote intersection controllers. Use of a central control system is recommended for each of the seven communities in the Urban Ring corridor. This will provide the most efficient and flexible system for the traffic signal systems in the corridor. Intersections currently part of the Boston Traffic Operations Center (TOC) would not require new control equipment, but will require additional detection equipment. Intersections in Boston that are currently not connected to the central TOC would need to be upgraded to become part of the TOC or operate as an independent system with priority at the individual controller level. Intersections with modern cabinets may only require a new timer unit capable of handling the priority controls. Centrally controlled computer systems are desired for locations not in the TOC. The central system will permit priority to be implemented through a series of intersections on a system basis rather than through each individual intersection. During the DEIR process, the signal priority concept and potential savings and impacts was presented and discussed with the Urban Ring Traffic and Transportation Subcommittee of the CAC and traffic officials from the affected jurisdictions. Based on these discussions, an overall traffic signal bus priority operations strategy has evolved which attempts to maximize travel time savings for buses while minimizing travel time impacts for general non-priority traffic flow. This operations strategy involves using active conditional traffic signal priority whereby real time traffic signal timing adjustments are made to expedite flow of buses subject to conditions or limits to traffic signal timing which minimize additional delay to general traffic. In addition, where feasible, the operations strategy calls for coordination of groups of intersections into systems to provide progressive traffic flow through the corridor for both buses and general traffic. The general operations strategy will be to provide traffic signal bus priority where it is possible to have minimal effects on delay for general traffic and not to provide priority if it would cause significant negative effects on general traffic. Coordination Between Multiple Jurisdictions In order to implement the proposed traffic signal bus priority operations strategy for Urban Ring Phase 2 BRT, it is necessary to provide new and upgraded traffic signal equipment at the signalized intersections (existing and proposed) within the Urban Ring corridor. These intersections are controlled by a number of different jurisdictions including the cities of Boston, Cambridge, Somerville, Everett, Chelsea; the Town of Brookline; and the Department of Conservation and Recreation. It is proposed that new and upgraded equipment at these locations be provided as part of the Urban Ring Phase 2 BRT project and that the various jurisdictions continue to be responsible for operations and maintenance of the signal systems. An agreement would be necessary between the MBTA and the jurisdictions to provide the desired traffic signal bus priority operation as well as continued maintenance of equipment necessary for providing such operation. General Equipment Strategy The traffic signal equipment strategy necessary to implement the proposed traffic signal operations strategy consists of provision of new and upgraded traffic signal equipment at the project signalized Page 149 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT intersections. This includes control, detection, and communications equipment. Upgraded control equipment is needed for local and system or group control to provide the real time traffic signal timing adjustments to provide priority, coordination through a group of intersections for buses and general traffic, and remote monitoring of priority and other traffic operations. For bus detection, it is assumed that a similar method to that being used on the Silver Line in Boston will be used. This consists of a GPS whereby buses are tracked via transponders on the buses transmitting to a satellite link that in turn transmits the information to MBTA operations center. From the operations center, information on bus location is transmitted to the intersection locations via telephone links. In addition, upgraded vehicle detection is required at the intersections to provide information on general traffic operations. This information will enable the control equipment to determine whether general traffic conditions are at an acceptable level so that priority operation can be implemented. Communications equipment is needed to interconnect all intersections into systems or groups for the purpose of coordination of buses and general traffic through a series of intersections as well as provide remote monitoring of bus and general traffic operations. The following is a recommended list of new and upgraded equipment required to provide traffic signal bus priority in the Urban Ring Phase 2 BRT corridor. This applies to all existing and proposed signalized intersections in the corridor. For new signalized intersections or intersections within areas of roadway reconstruction, complete upgrades including control, display, detection, and communications equipment will be required. For most intersections, replacement of key equipment only will be required. Control Equipment • Replace local intersection controllers, as needed, with new controllers capable of priority operation and compatible with proposed system controllers. In Boston, new controllers will be compatible with existing Boston TOC. • Provide new centralized control systems for overall control of groups of intersections within each municipality. Assume DUPR intersections will be included in system for municipality in which they are located. In Boston, all intersections will be tied to existing TOC. • Provide new computers in municipalities’ operation centers for remote monitoring of traffic control. • The central systems can provide better priority control and flexibility than the individual intersection controller systems, but requires a major investment in control equipment and cooperation between the local jurisdictions. Display Equipment • Provide new vehicle signal head displays where necessary for special bus only phases for bus only movements and queue jumps. Detection Equipment • Provide transponders on buses for GPS for tracking of bus locations with satellite link to MBTA operations headquarters. Provide telephone link for transmission of information from MBTA operations center to street intersection controllers. • Provide new vehicle detection at local intersections for system monitoring of traffic demands at intersections to be used in determination of application of signal priority. Page 150 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Communications Equipment • Provide new communications links between all local intersection controllers and street master system controller within proposed municipal systems for coordination of bus and traffic movements, remote monitoring, and central control. • Provide new communications links between new central system controllers and street master controllers within each municipal system. In Boston, all intersections will be tied into existing TOC. • Provide communications linkage between MBTA operations center and new central system controllers, street master, or local controllers for communication of bus location information. Page 151 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table I-1: Summary of Bus Delay Benefits and Cross Street Impacts for Prototypical Intersections – (2025 Baseline)* Baseline ID # Municipality 4 25 73 25 9 4 55 Chelsea Somerville (4) Boston Somerville (4) Everett (4) Chelsea Cambridge Intersection Bus Approaches Everett Avenue SB @ Carter Street McGrath Highway SB @ Broadway Ruggles Street WB @ Huntington Avenue McGrath Highway NB @ Broadway Revere Beach Parkway EB @ Second Street Everett Avenue NB @ Carter Street Albany Street WB @ Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge Boston Everett (4) Somerville (4) Cambridge Cambridge Somerville Everett (4) Cross Street Approaches Third Street SB @Binney Street Dorchester Avenue SB @ Columbia Road Second Street NB @ Revere Beach Parkway Broadway EB @ McGrath Highway Massachusetts Avenue NB @ Albany Street Massachusetts Avenue SB @ Albany Street Prospect Street NB @ Somerville Avenue Vine Street NB @ Revere Beach Parkway Conditional Active Priority – Adjusted Signal Timing (+5 seconds) % LOS (1) Delay (2) Imprv (3) Delay (2) F F F F F F F 422.9 271.9 252.6 196.6 194.8 114.5 87.0 F F D F F D C 294.5 204.0 43.7 149.0 156.3 41.8 23.0 30.4% 25.0% 82.7% 24.2% 19.8% 63.5% 73.6% 52.7% F F C F F B B 83.8 130.8 23.0 97.8 120.4 19.7 10.7 80.2% 51.9% 90.9% 50.3% 38.2% 82.8% 87.7% 70.0% A C A C D A A 9.2 30.9 8.0 24.3 54.0 9.3 4.3 97.8% 88.6% 96.8% 87.6% 72.3% 91.9% 95.1% 88.7% F F F F E E E E 306.5 126.8 109.4 84.9 66.9 66.0 61.8 57.5 F F F F F F E F 389.2 148.4 139.0 101.7 96.5 103.7 71.1 88.4 -27.0% -17.0% -27.1% -19.8% -44.2% -57.1% -15.0% -53.7% -38.0% F F F F F F E F 465.0 158.6 164.7 120.3 112.6 130.5 79.4 136.2 -51.7% -25.1% -50.5% -41.7% -68.3% -97.7% -28.5% -136.9% -74.6% F F F F F F F F 491.6 173.8 212.9 165.1 136.7 152.1 96.9 265.3 -60.4% -37.1% -94.6% -94.5% -104.3% -130.5% -56.8% -361.4% -149.5% D D D 44.9 38.2 35.8 C C C 33.0 23.1 23.4 26.5% 39.5% 34.6% 33.6% C B B 25.9 15.1 18.6 42.3% 60.5% 48.0% 50.3% B B B 16.2 14.3 18.3 63.9% 62.6% 48.9% 58.5% D D D D 54.6 49.6 43.0 41.7 F F E D 83.2 114.7 61.3 54.0 -52.4% -131.3% -42.6% -29.5% -67.8% F F E E 108.9 196.6 79.0 79.7 -99.5% -296.4% -83.7% -91.1% -157.1% F F F F 135.7 307.0 124.2 163.9 -148.5% -519.0% -188.8% -293.0% -333.6% Average 9 Everett (4) 73 Boston 103 Boston Bus Approaches Revere Beach Parkway WB @ Second Street Ruggles Street EB @ Huntington Avenue Columbia Road EB @ Dorchester Avenue 103 48 4 6 Cross Street Approaches Dorchester Avenue NB @ Columbia Road Third Street NB @Binney Street Carter Street WB @ Everett Avenue Vine Street SB @ Revere Beach Parkway Average Boston Cambridge Chelsea Everett (4) Average Conditional Active Priority – Adjusted Signal Timing (+20 seconds) % Imprv (3) LOS (1) Delay (2) LOS (1) Average 48 103 9 25 55 55 35 6 Conditional Active Priority – Adjusted Signal Timing (+10 seconds) % Imprv (3) LOS (1) Delay (2) * Urban Ring Phase 2 DEIR, November 2004 Page 152 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table I-1: Summary of Bus Delay Benefits and Cross Street Impacts for Prototypical Intersections – (2025 Baseline)* (Cont’d) Baseline ID # Municipality 35 6 48 Somerville Everett (4) Cambridge 25 Somerville (4) Intersection Bus Approaches Somerville Avenue WB @ Prospect Street Revere Beach Parkway EB @ Vine Street Binney Street EB @ Third Street Average Cross Street Approaches Broadway WB @ McGrath Highway Average Bus Approaches Binney Street WB @ Third Street First Street SB @ Charles Street Park Drive SB @ Beacon Street Albany Street EB @ Massachusetts Avenue Columbia Road WB @ Dorchester 103 Boston Avenue Bus Approaches 61 Boston Park Drive NB @ Beacon Street 46 Cambridge First Street NB @ Charles Street 6 Everett (4) Revere Beach Parkway WB @ Vine Street 35 Somerville Somerville Avenue EB @ Prospect Street Average * Urban Ring Phase 2 DEIR, November 2004 48 46 61 55 Cambridge Cambridge Boston Cambridge Conditional Active Priority – Adjusted Signal Timing (+5 seconds) % Imprv (3) LOS (1) Delay (2) Conditional Active Priority – Adjusted Signal Timing (+10 seconds) % Imprv (3) LOS (1) Delay (2) Conditional Active Priority – Adjusted Signal Timing (+20 seconds) % Imprv (3) LOS (1) Delay (2) LOS (1) Delay (2) C C C 33.6 33.0 22.2 C C B 27.4 31.8 18.9 18.5% 3.6% 14.9% 12.3% C C B 26.2 26.9 15.9 22.0% 18.5% 28.4% 23.0% B B B 18.7 18.0 10.6 44.3% 45.5% 52.3% 47.4% C 31.8 C 33.5 -5.3% -5.3% D 35.7 -12.3% -12.3% D 45.4 -42.8% -42.8% B B B B 19.3 18.7 17.4 16.3 B B B B 16.4 18.6 12.8 11.8 15.0% 0.5% 26.4% 27.6% B B A A 13.7 16.3 9.7 8.9 29.0% 12.8% 44.3% 45.4% A B A A 9.0 11.7 6.1 4.0 53.4% 37.4% 64.9% 75.5% B 16.3 B 10.6 35.0% A 8.1 50.3% A 7.9 51.5% B B B B 15.4 15.2 12.9 11.1 B B B A 12.0 14.9 10.7 9.4 22.1% 2.0% 17.1% 15.3% 17.9% A B A A 9.0 12.6 8.4 7.0 41.6% 17.1% 34.9% 36.9% 34.7% A B A A 5.6 8.2 4.1 3.2 63.6% 46.1% 68.2% 71.2% 59.1% Page 153 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table I-1: (Cont’d) Summary of Bus Delay Benefits and Cross Street Impacts for Prototypical Intersections – (2025 Baseline)* Baseline ID# Municipality 4 46 9 35 46 Chelsea Cambridge Everett (4) Somerville Cambridge 4 46 9 35 46 Chelsea Cambridge Everett (4) Somerville Cambridge Intersection Cross Street Approaches Carter Street EB @ Everett Avenue Cambridgeside Way WB @ First Street Second Street NB @ Revere Beach Parkway Washington Street SB @ Somerville Avenue Charles Street EB @ First Street Average Cross Street Approaches Carter Street EB @ Everett Avenue Cambridgeside Way WB @ First Street Second Street NB @ Revere Beach Parkway Washington Street SB @ Somerville Avenue Charles Street EB @ First Street Average LOS (1) Delay (2) B B B A A 16.9 15.3 14.2 8.2 5.0 B B B A A 16.9 15.3 14.2 8.2 5.0 Conditional Active Priority – Adjusted Signal Timing (+5 seconds) % LOS (1) Delay (2) Imprv (3) B 18.9 -11.8% B 18.4 -20.3% B 16.2 -14.1% A 8.6 -4.9% A 5.0 0.0% -2.6% B B B A A 18.9 18.4 16.2 8.6 5.0 -11.8% -20.3% -14.1% -4.9% 0.0% -2.6% Conditional Active Priority – Adjusted Signal Timing (+10 seconds) % LOS (1) Delay (2) Imprv (3) Conditional Active Priority – Adjusted Signal Timing (+20 seconds) % Imprv (3) LOS (1) Delay (2) C C B A A 20.7 22.3 18.2 8.7 5.2 -22.5% -45.8% -28.2% -6.1% -4.0% -5.0% C D C A A 24.5 36.5 21.6 9.2 5.5 -45.0% -138.6% -52.1% -12.2% -10.0% -18.2% C C B A A 20.7 22.3 18.2 8.7 5.2 -22.5% -45.8% -28.2% -6.1% -4.0% -5.0% C D C A A 24.5 36.5 21.6 9.2 5.5 -45.0% -138.6% -52.1% -12.2% -10.0% -18.2% ____________ * Urban Ring Phase 2 DEIR, November 2004 (1) LOS for through movement. (2) Through movement delay per vehicle summarized in seconds. (3) Improvement is calculated as the percentage reduction in delay compared to baseline. MDC controlled intersection and signal equipment. (4) Page 154 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table I-2: ITS Bus Priority Strategy at Signalized Intersections – Additional Green Time (Seconds) Given to Bus Approaches* LOS** ITS 1 ITS 2 ITS 3 A B C D E F 10 10 5 – – – 20 20 10 5 5 – 25 25 15 10 10 5 ____________ * Urban Ring Phase 2 DEIR, November 2004 ** LOS based on weighted minor street approaches. Table I-3: BRT Travel Time Savings – 2025 Locally Preferred Alternate (LPA) with ITS 2 Compared with MIS Recommended Alternative – a.m. Peak Period * BRT Route BRT 1 BRT 2 BRT 3 BRT 5 BRT 6 BRT 7 MIS Travel Time (min) w/o ITS 2 One-Way(1) 59.4 32.8 37.0 30.4 39.1 51.8 MIS Travel with ITS 2 One-Way 54.8 32.1 32.6 28.0 33.4 49.1 LPA Travel Time with ITS 2 One -Way 38.4 29.9 33.4 23.3 34.1 52.9 Decrease in Travel Time LPA Over MIS Build(2) (%) 35 9 10 23 13 (-2) ____________ * Urban Ring Phase 2 DEIR, November 2004 (1) Average of clockwise and counterclockwise directions without station dwell time. (2) Increase in BRT 7 travel time due to additional station stops. Transit Signal Priority Research This section summarizes research conducted in August and September 2008 regarding current practice using transit signal priority (TSP) in the United States and Canada. The research shows that TSP is being used in several metropolitan areas to improve travel times for public transportation systems. Three public transportation systems in particular, LYMMO BRT Service in Orlando, FL; Metro Rapid Bus in Los Angeles, CA; and North Las Vegas MAX BRT Service in Las Vegas, NV use queue jumper lanes with transit-only signal heads as part of their systems. A fourth example of transit signals in use exists in Toronto, Canada. Examples of Transit Signal Priority with General Traffic LYMMO BRT service, Orlando, FL - provided by the Central Florida Regional Transportation Authority (known as LYNX), operates in downtown Orlando. The following is from the “LYMMO Bus Rapid Transit Evaluation” Final Report July 2003. Page 155 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Exclusive Bus Traffic Signal Phasing (p. 15) At 11 intersections, approaching buses actuate exclusive bus phases. Windows for bus-only phases (about 10 seconds) are available only at the end of a concurrent auto phase or the beginning of an opposing phase. Because the LYMMO operates in places and directions contrary to other vehicular traffic, all bus movements at intersections are controlled by special bus signals. To prevent confusion, the bus-only signal heads are mounted directly over the bus-only lanes and use illuminated lunar white bars on a three-aspect display unit to signify Stop, Prepare To Go, and Go. The signals are loop actuated so that non-LYMMO buses using the busonly lanes will get a signal. Basically, when a LYMMO vehicle approaches an intersection, a loop detector in the bus-only lane triggers the intersection to allow the vehicle to proceed either in its own signal phase (e.g. when making turns not otherwise permitted) or at the same time as other vehicular traffic is released when no conflicting traffic movements are permitted. All time for activation of a bus-only phase is taken from the time allotted to the minor cross-street phases so progression on the major street is not disrupted. Figure I-2 shows the special Lymmo transit signal head on the left adjacent to a standard signal head on the right. Figure I-2 Lymmo Transit Signal Head, Orlando, FL Metro Rapid Bus, Los Angeles, CA – The following is from “Metro Rapid Demonstration Program Evaluation Report” on the FTA website: ATSAC and TPM System Operation Each signalized intersection in the project area is equipped with loop detectors that serve as Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) sensors. These sensors embedded in the pavement receive a radio-frequency code from a small transponder installed on the underside of a vehicle. Buses equipped with unique transponders will be detected when traveling over the loop detectors. These loops are connected to a sensor unit within the traffic signal controller at each intersection, which transmits the bus identification number to the Transit Priority Manager (TPM) computer in the City’s Automated Traffic Surveillance and Control (ATSAC) Center at City Hall East for tracking and schedule comparison. Page 156 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Once the bus identification and location are received by the TPM, the computer makes a determination of the need for traffic signal priority. If the bus is early or ahead of the scheduled headway, no traffic signal priority treatment is provided. However, if the bus is late or beyond the scheduled headway, then the downstream traffic signal controller will provide signal priority to help the bus catch up with the scheduled headway. In addition, real-time data links from the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) dispatch center to the ATSAC center is used to obtain the daily bus assignment for schedule comparison. Individual Intersection Operation Traffic signal control at each intersection is provided by Model 2070 controllers that are equipped with a stateof-the-art software program developed by the City of Los Angeles specifically for this project. Once the Model 2070 traffic signal controller receives a request from the Transit Priority Manager, it implements one of the following four types of traffic signal priority actions depending upon the point in time when the signal controller receives the commands, relative to the background cycle: Types of Priority • Early Green priority is granted when a bus is approaching a red signal. The red signal is shortened to provide a green signal sooner than normal. • Green Extend priority is granted when a bus is approaching a green signal that is about to change. The green signal is extended until the bus passes through the intersection. • Free Hold priority is used to hold a signal green until the bus passes through the intersection during non-coordinated (free) operation. • Phase Call brings up a selected transit phase that may not normally be activated. This option is typically used for queue jumper operation, or a priority left turn phase. North Las Vegas MAX, Las Vegas, NV - The following is from “North Las Vegas MAX BRT Project 2006 Evaluation”, page 28, on FTA website: Queue Jumper The single “queue jumper” in the system is located at Jerry’s Nugget southbound station where Las Vegas Boulevard North crosses Tonapah. A request to “jump queue” is triggered when the induction loops in the right-turn only lane sense a vehicle and the vehicle transmits an Opticom infrared signal. A request, therefore, will only be triggered when a vehicle is waiting at a red light. Upon receiving the request, the traffic signal controller displays a special white bar signal, indicating a bus-only green. This signal lets the driver continue straight from the right-turn only lane, before other traffic is released. The Jerry’s Nugget southbound station is an excellent location for the technology because the road drops from three to two lanes, creating the potential to delay a transit vehicle waiting to merge out of a station. Minimal problems have been experienced with the technical functions of the queue jumper system; in some cases members of the public who do not understand the system have called the police, reporting a vehicle running a red light. Responses show that 95% of bus operators surveyed believe that it helps to speed service. Figures I-3 and I-4 show examples of transit signals used in North Las Vegas MAX. Page 157 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Figure I-3 Transit Signal Head used in North Las Vegas MAX – Example 1 Figure I-4 Transit Signal Head used in North Las Vegas MAX – Example 2 Page 158 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Saint Claire Corridor, Toronto, Canada In downtown Toronto, Canada, Toronto Transit Commission’s (TTC’s) trolleys and buses employ transit signal priority whereby signals for transit are located adjacent to signals for general traffic, as shown in Figure I-5 below. There are signs posted above and below the transit signal to distinguish it from the general traffic signal. In addition, the transit signal housing is black in contrast to the yellow signal housing for the general traffic signal. Figure I-5 Transit Signal Priority used in Saint Claire Corridor, Toronto In summary, the examples provided above show that bus signal priority is being used successfully along with general traffic signalization in both the U.S. and Canada. Page 159 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT J. Intersection Capacity Analysis Tables A model of the study area roadway network was developed using the SYNCHRO traffic analysis program to evaluate study intersections along the Urban Ring BRT Phase 2 alignments. SYNCHRO models developed by the cities of Boston and Cambridge were incorporated in into the Urban Ring model. Due to the length of the study corridor (approximately 25 miles), the model network was separated into segments around the Urban Ring Project Corridor. Tables J-1 through J-13 provide morning and afternoon Level of Service (LOS) analysis results for the following scenarios: • 2006 Existing; • 2030 No-Build; • 2030 Baseline; • 2030 Alternative 1; • 2030 Alternative 2; • 2030 Alternative 2A; • 2030 Alternative 3; • 2030 Alternative 3A; • 2030 Alternative 3B; • 2030 Alternative 3C; • 2030 Alternative 4; • 2030 Alternative 4A; and • 2030 LPA. Page 160 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-1: ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22a 22b 22c 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Intersection LOS Summary – Existing Conditions 2006 Location Chelsea Bridge (north)/Eastern Avenue/Central Avenue/Marginal Street Eastern Avenue/Bellingham Street Eastern Avenue/Griffin Way Arlington Street/Sixth Street Everett Avenue/Spruce Street Everett Avenue/Vale Street/Maple Street Everett Avenue/Carter Street/Fifth Street Everett Avenue/RBP RBP/Vale Street RBP/Vine Street RBP/Ferry Street RBP/Spring Street RBP/Second Street RBP/Lewis Street Second Street/Route 99 Sweetzer Circle (Route 99, Route 16 and Main Street) Santilli Circle East Santilli Circle West RBP WB On-ramp RBP EP On-ramp Corporation Way/RBP Ramp (north) Wellington Circle East (Route 16/Fellsway) Wellington Circle West (Route 16/Fellsway) Wellington Circle North (Middlesex/Fellsway) Route 28 Fellsway/Shore Drive/Assembly Square Dr. Route 28 Fellsway/Middlesex Avenue Route 28 Fellsway/Mystic Avenue (north) Route 28 Fellsway/Mystic Avenue (south) McGrath Highway/Blakely Street McGrath Highway/Broadway McGrath Highway/Pearl Street Pearl Street/Walnut Street Pearl Street/Medford Street Medford Street/Walnut Street Medford Street/Highland Avenue/Hamlet Street McGrath Highway/Medford Street McGrath Highway SB Ramp/Washington Street McGrath Highway NB Ramp/frontage Road/Washington Street McGrath Highway SB Ramp/ Somerville Avenue/ Medford Street Washington Street/Prospect Street Somerville Avenue/Prospect Street City Chelsea Signal Yes Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Medford Medford Medford Medford Medford Medford Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville No No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Rotary Yes Yes Merge Merge Flash Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes a.m. Peak Hour 2006 Existing LOS (1) Delay (2) C 23.5 p.m. Peak Hour 2006 Existing LOS (1) Delay (2) C 27.0 B C A F F C E A C A E F C F F B A F F F F F C D B E C B F F B D F F F C C F 14.8 22.7 9.4 >180.0 111.1 21.7 73.4 8.7 27.1 7.0 74.2 148.2 23.2 97.4 78.6 14.1 5.5 >180.0 74.0 >180.0 165.0 137.7 23.3 29.9 10.2 73.4 31.4 11.3 >180.0 >180.0 13.6 25.3 73.7 106.0 110.7 27.4 30.8 88.4 C D B F F D F B D B F F F E F C B F F F F F B B D C B C F F B F F F C D D C 15.8 29.2 13.6 >180.0 105.6 30.4 168.5 14.1 53.0 10.7 80.1 >180.0 85.5 57.7 >180.0 31.4 17.3 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 169.4 156.1 15.9 14.3 44.7 28.2 19.5 16.2 >180.0 106.9 16.3 55.0 116.3 154.3 26.8 46.7 42.9 32.9 (3) (3) (3) (3) F 106.1 F >180.0 (Table continued on next page) Page 161 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-1: ID 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 Intersection LOS Summary – Existing Conditions 2006 (Cont’d) Location Lombardi Way/Mystic Avenue Broadway/Lombardi Way/Mt Vernon St Rutherford Ave./Broadway/Moffa Way/Cambridge St. Rutherford Ave./Charlestown Ave./Austin St. (North) Rutherford Ave./Charlestown Ave./Austin St. (South) Charlestown Avenue/O'Brien Highway/Land Boulevard/Charles River Dam O'Brien Highway/Twin City Plaza Drive O'Brien Highway/Third Street O'Brien Highway/Water Street O'Brien Highway/Gore Street (Second Street) O'Brien Highway/First Street O'Brien Highway/Cambridge Street First Street/Cambridge Street First Street/Thorndike Street First Street/Cambridgeside Way/Charles Street Binney Street/First Street Binney Street/Second Street Binney Street/Third Street Binney Street/Fulkerson Street Broadway Street/Third Street Broadway/Mid-Block Connector Broadway/Galileo Way Binney Street Main Street/Galileo Way/Vassar Street Main Street/Mid-Block Connector/Ames Street Main Street/Albany Street Mass Avenue/Albany Street Mass Avenue/Vassar Street Brookline Street/Waverly Street Brookline Street/Granite Street Brookline Street/Memorial Drive Rotary (North) Memorial Drive/Brookline Street/BU Bridge (East) Memorial Drive/BU Bridge (South) BU Bridge/Commonwealth Avenue Carlton Street/Commonwealth Avenue Mountfort Street/Carlton Street Mountfort Street/St. Mary's Street Park Drive/Beacon Street Beacon Street/Maitland Street Park Drive/Riverway/Fenway Riverway/Fenway Fenway/Brookline Avenue Park Drive/Boylston/Brookline Avenue Brookline Avenue/Fullerton Street Boylston Street/Kilmarnock Street Longwood Avenue/Brookline Avenue City Somerville Somerville Boston Boston Boston Cambridge Signal Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Som/Cam Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Boston Boston Brookline Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes a.m. Peak Hour 2006 Existing LOS (1) Delay (2) B 16.7 A 8.7 D 47.4 F 115.6 F 101.8 E 59.9 B E A B p.m. Peak Hour 2006 Existing LOS (1) Delay (2) D 41.3 A 9.3 F 88.9 E 56.2 D 40.7 F 100.4 18.0 102.9 9.3 10.8 C D B F 26.6 43.3 10.7 >180.0 (3) (3) (3) (3) F C B B D A F C C C D B C F B C A 165.9 31.3 14.3 10.3 49.7 9.7 109.7 15.5 34.8 23.0 38.9 14.3 32.1 111.2 17.0 24.0 9.2 C D B B C F E B D B C C C F B C B 31.6 50.3 14.9 16.5 26.9 52.1 75.3 12.1 48.4 17.7 25.9 20.6 20.9 >180.0 12.8 21.1 16.3 C F F E D B A D D C F E F A A E 17.4 >180.0 >180.0 57.9 42.8 16.3 6.8 37.7 32.0 20.7 >180.0 58.0 97.2 7.6 7.6 57.1 E F F C D C A D D B F D F B B E 48.7 >180.0 >180.0 34.7 36.8 22.2 9.3 38.7 34.8 19.9 >180.0 38.8 176.3 12.9 11.2 57.6 (Table continued on next page) Page 162 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-1: ID 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 Intersection LOS Summary – Existing Conditions 2006 (Cont’d) Location Longwood Avenue/Binney Street Longwood Avenue/Blackfan Street Blackfan Street/Avenue Louis Pasteur Fenway/Avenue Louis Pasteur Longwood Avenue/Avenue Louis Pasteur Longwood Avenue/Huntington Avenue Fenway/Evans Way Fenway/Louis Prang Street Huntington Avenue/Louis Prang Street/Ruggles Street/E-Line Ruggles Street/Parker Street Ruggles Street/Leon Street Ruggles Station Exit/Ruggles Street Ruggles Station Entrance/Ruggles Street Ruggles Street/Whittier Street/Tremont Street Columbus Avenue/MCB/Ruggles Station MCB/Tremont Street a.m. Peak Hour 2006 Existing LOS (1) Delay (2) F 102.6 B 18.4 D 27.9 F >180.0 F >180.0 F 124.5 B 11.6 D 39.0 C 33.7 F 126.5 A 7.6 B 14.5 A 3.2 F 89.1 B 16.1 F 102.4 p.m. Peak Hour 2006 Existing LOS (1) Delay (2) D 52.4 F 112.6 E 39.9 F 107.9 F >180.0 F 129.8 B 11.4 C 23.9 C 32.5 E 73.5 B 14.1 B 10.3 A 1.2 D 48.5 B 17.2 F 152.4 City Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Signal Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 100 MCB/Kerr Way Boston Yes 101 MCB/Shawmut Avenue Boston Yes B 13.8 D 38.2 102 MCB/Washington Street Boston Yes C 31.2 C 34.6 103 MCB/Harrison Avenue Boston Yes D 38.9 D 36.4 104 Massachusetts Avenue/Harrison Avenue Boston Yes D 44.4 E 66.9 105 Harrison Avenue/East Concord Street Boston Yes A 8.4 A 6.0 106 Harrison Avenue/East Newton Street Boston Yes C 30.5 C 30.5 107 MCB/Albany Street Boston Yes D 47.3 D 36.4 108 Albany Street/Hampden Street Boston No F >180.0 F 51.9 109 Albany Street/Northampton Street Boston Yes B 16.3 B 19.0 110 Massachusetts Avenue/Albany Street Boston Yes E 61.1 F 84.5 111 Albany Street/East Concord Street Boston No E 60.7 C 27.5 112 Albany Street/East Newton Street Boston Yes C 21.9 D 41.1 113 MCB/Hampden Street Boston Yes E 67.9 F 121.4 114 MCB/Massachusetts Avenue/Massachusetts Avenue Connector/Southampton Street Boston Yes F 105.7 F 111.1 115 Massachusetts Avenue Connector/East Concord Street Boston No --- --- --- --- A 6.4 A 8.7 116 Dudley Street/Hampden Street/Dudmore Street* Boston Yes F 84.2 E 77.6 117 Dudley Street/Blue Hill Avenue Boston Yes F 88.2 E 79.5 118 Dudley Street/East Cottage Street/West Cottage St Boston Yes A 9.6 B 13.7 119 Columbia Road/Dudley Street/Stoughton Boston Yes F 86.8 F 85.3 120 Columbia Road/Hamlet Street Boston No B 10.2 A 9.8 (Table continued on next page) Page 163 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-1: ID 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139a 139b 140a 140b 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 Intersection LOS Summary – Existing Conditions 2006 (Cont’d) Location Columbia Road/Massachusetts Avenue/Boston Street/East Cottage Street Columbia Road/Pond Street Columbia Road/Dorchester Avenue Columbia Road/I-93 SB Ramps Columbia Road/I-93 NB Ramps Columbia Road/Morrissey Boulevard (Morrissey Circle) Mt. Vernon Street/Morrissey Boulevard NB Mt. Vernon Street/Morrissey Boulevard SB Morrissey Boulevard/Day Boulevard Morrissey Boulevard/UMass Access Drive Commonwealth Avenue/Babcock Street Commonwealth Ave./Harry Agganis Way/Pleasant St Commonwealth Avenue/Buick Street/St. Paul Street Babcock Street/Ashford Street Babcock Street/Gardner Street Commonwealth Avenue/St. Mary’s Street Commonwealth Ave./Blandford St/Sherborn St. Commonwealth Avenue/Beacon Street/Brookline Avenue/Deerfield Street Commonwealth Ave. (eastbound)/Charlesgate East Commonwealth Ave. (eastbound)/Charlesgate West Commonwealth Ave. (westbound)/Charlesgate East Commonwealth Ave. (westbound)/Charlesgate West Commonwealth Avenue (eastbound)/Mass Avenue Commonwealth Avenue (westbound)/Mass Avenue Commonwealth Avenue/Kenmore Street Beacon St/Charlesgate West/Storrow Drive ramps Beacon St/Charlesgate East/Storrow Drive ramps Beacon Street/Mass Avenue Beacon Street/Miner Street Brookline Avenue/Yawkey Way Brookline Avenue/Lansdowne Street Mountfort Street/Essex Street Brookline Avenue/Beth Israel Main Driveway Longwood Avenue/Palace Road Huntington Avenue/Tetlow Street a.m. Peak Hour 2006 Existing LOS (1) Delay (2) C 30.8 p.m. Peak Hour 2006 Existing LOS (1) Delay (2) D 46.1 City Boston Signal Yes Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston No Yes No No Rotary Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes B C D F F B F F E C C E A B A B F 13.6 21.2 44.2 136.1 >180.0 16.5 101.7 >180.0 74.0 24.2 22.2 63.5 9.2 10.9 7.4 14.8 160.4 A E C B F C F F C C C F A B A C F 8.8 67.0 32.9 13.7 >180.0 20.6 104.9 >180.0 29.4 32.5 20.8 118.8 9.2 10.9 5.9 24.0 99.6 Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Brookline Boston Boston Boston Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes No Yes B A C C D B A B B C F D A F B A A 18.0 6.9 28.1 21.8 44.6 13.0 3.5 11.1 16.3 31.5 56.6 27.6 2.5 >180.0 10.6 7.7 8.9 C B C B C B A B C D F C A F B A A 31.6 13.2 33.1 13.1 28.4 13.9 4.1 18.9 22.3 38.2 82.9 18.0 2.0 >180.0 16.8 5.0 7.4 (Table continued on next page) Page 164 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-1: ID 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 Intersection LOS Summary – Existing Conditions 2006 (Cont’d) 172 173 174 175 176 177a 177b Location Fenway/Palace Road (DCR) Ruggles Street/Annunciation Road Albany Street/East Brookline Street Albany Street//Malden Street Albany Street/Union Street Mass Avenue/Island Street Mass Avenue/Pompeii Street Mass Avenue/Magazine Street Mass Avenue/New Market Street Mass Avenue/Clapp Street Waverly Street extension/Sidney Street Waverly Street/Erie Street/Albany Street Albany Street/Pacific Street Albany Street/Cross Street Albany Street/Portland Street Waverly Street/Chestnut Street Waverly Street/Putnam Street Memorial Drive/Vassar Street (DCR) Memorial Drive/Amesbury Street (DCR) Mass Avenue/Sidney Street Broadway/Cross Street Broadway/Glen Street Broadway/Franklin Street Rutherford Ave/Bunker Hill College North Driveway Rutherford Ave Off-Ramp/Bunker Hill College South Driveway City Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Somerville Somerville Somerville Boston Boston Signal No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No 178 179 180 181 182 Frankfort Street/Neptune Road Neptune Road/Route 1A D Street/Summer Street D Street/Fargo Street D Street/Congress Street E. Boston E. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston No Yes Yes No/Yes Yes a.m. Peak Hour 2006 Existing LOS (1) Delay (2) F >180.0 F 56.2 F 99.7 F >180.0 B 13.5 B 14.6 F >180.0 D 50.0 F >180.0 D 34.5 B 12.4 C 18.1 C 17.2 B 15.0 B 11.0 B 12.7 B 13.9 D 34.1 A 9.0 D 48.1 C 25.4 A 9.4 B 19.4 A 0 B 13.6 C B C 28.0 14.5 24.2 p.m. Peak Hour 2006 Existing LOS (1) Delay (2) F 114.0 F 95.1 F >180.0 F >180.0 C 15.6 C 16.1 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F 82.0 C 21.1 B 11.2 B 13.0 C 17.1 B 12.4 A 9.1 A 9.4 C 20.4 F >180.0 C 31.0 C 29.9 A 8.6 C 20.4 A 0 B 11.4 C B D 23.4 12.6 38.0 (Table continued on next page) Page 165 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-1: ID 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 Intersection LOS Summary – Existing Conditions 2006 (Cont’d) Location Cambridge Street/Windom Street Western Avenue/Stadium Way (Proposed) North Harvard Street/Stadium Way Soldiers Field Road EB/North Harvard Street Soldiers Field Road WB/Larz Anderson Bridge South Boston Bypass Road at Frontage Road NB South Boston Bypass Road at Frontage Road SB South Boston Bypass Road at West Service Road Mass Haul Road at C Street Mass Haul Road at Pumphouse Road Mass Haul Road at Northern Avenue South Boston Bypass Road at Ramp A a.m. Peak Hour 2006 Existing City Signal LOS (1) Delay (2) Boston Yes B 13.9 Boston Proposed ----Boston No B 13.5 Boston Yes B 19.1 Boston Yes B 11.6 South Boston Yes B 11.6 South Boston Yes B 11.6 South Boston Yes A 9.6 South Boston Yes A 9.1 South Boston Yes B 11.2 South Boston No F 153.5 South Boston Yes p.m. Peak Hour 2006 Existing LOS (1) Delay (2) A 8.2 ----B 11.9 B 16.6 B 11.4 B 14.6 F 172.2 A 7.6 A 3.7 A 8.7 C 24.5 NOTE: For unsignalized intersections, LOS is reported for the critical movement (generally the left turn from minor street approach). (1) Level of Service (LOS). (2) Delay in seconds. (3) Analyzed in future conditions only. Page 166 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-2: ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 No-Build Location Chelsea Bridge (north)/Eastern Avenue/Central Avenue/Marginal St Eastern Avenue/Bellingham Street Eastern Avenue/Griffin Way Arlington Street/Sixth Street Everett Avenue/Spruce Street Everett Avenue/Vale Street/Maple Street Everett Avenue/Carter Street/Fifth Street Everett Avenue/RBP RBP/Vale Street RBP/Vine Street RBP/Ferry Street RBP/Spring Street RBP/Second Street RBP/Lewis Street Second Street/Route 99 Sweetzer Circle (Route 99, Route 16 and Main Street) Santilli Circle East at Route 16 Santilli Circle West at Route 16 RBP WB On-ramp RBP EB On-ramp Corporation Way/RBP Ramp (north) Wellington Circle North (Middlesex Ave/Fellsway) - (New interchange configuration) Route 28 Fellsway/Shore Drive/Assembly Square Drive Route 28 Fellsway/Middlesex Avenue Route 28 Fellsway/Mystic Avenue (north) Route 28 Fellsway/Mystic Avenue (south) McGrath Highway/Blakely Street McGrath Highway/Broadway McGrath Highway/Pearl Street Pearl Street/Walnut Street Pearl Street/Medford Street Medford Street/Walnut Street Medford Street/Highland Avenue/Hamlet Street McGrath Highway/Medford Street McGrath Highway SB Ramp/Washington Street McGrath Highway NB Ramp/frontage Rd/Washington St McGrath Highway SB Ramp/ Somerville Ave/Medford St Washington Street/Prospect Street Somerville Avenue/Prospect Street Lombardi Way/Mystic Avenue Broadway/Lombardi Way Rutherford Avenue/Broadway/Maffa Way/Cambridge St Rutherford Ave/Austin St (East) Rutherford Ave/Austin St (West) City Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Medford Medford Medford Medford Signal Yes No No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Rotary Yes Yes Merge Merge Merge Yes Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Boston Boston Boston Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a.m. Peak Hour 2030 No-Build LOS (1) Delay (2) 170.7 F 20.1 C 10.6 B 10.5 B 79.4 E >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F 11.0 B 44.0 D 8.5 A >180.0 F >180.0 F 38.2 D >180.0 F 124.1 F 36.0 D 21.7 C >180.0 F >180.0 F 25.0 D F >180.0 F F F E B F F B F F F F F F F F F C F E F F >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 79.5 13.9 >180.0 135.4 16.3 57.9 >180.0 173.2 97.6 97.2 103.3 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 28.0 >180.0 57.5 >180.0 >180.0 p.m. Peak Hour 2030 No-Build LOS (1) Delay (2) 125.6 F 30.4 D 13.8 B 39.4 E 62.8 E >180.0 F 83.8 F >180.0 F 21.2 C 108.1 F 34.6 C >180.0 F >180.0 F 107.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F 70.4 E 41.3 D >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F F >180.0 D F E C A F F C F F F E E D C F F F F F F F 36.7 138.8 71.3 23.5 6.6 >180.0 169.4 32.7 138.3 >180.0 >180.0 60.0 55.4 52.5 33.7 82.3 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 108.4 >180.0 152.2 (Table continued on next page) Page 167 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-2: ID 45 Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 No-Build (Cont’d) 46 Location Charlestown Avenue/O'Brien Highway/Land Boulevard/Charles River Dam O’Brien Highway/Fitchburg ROW 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 66a 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78a 78b 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 O'Brien Highway/Twin City Plaza Drive (Cambridge Synchro) O'Brien Highway/Third Street O'Brien Highway/Water Street O'Brien Highway/Gore Street (Second Street) O'Brien Highway/First Street O'Brien Highway/Cambridge Street First Street/Cambridge Street First Street/Thorndike Street First Street/Cambridgeside Way/Charles Street Binney Street/First Street Binney Street/Second Street Binney Street/Third Street Binney Street/Fulkerson Street Broadway Street/Third Street Broadway/Mid-Block Connector Broadway/Galileo Way/Binney Street Main Street/Galileo Way/Vassar Street Main Street/Mid-Block Connector/Ames Street Main Street/Albany Street Mass Avenue/Albany Street Mass Ave/Busway (Build Alt 1 only) Mass Avenue/Vassar Street Brookline Street/Waverly Street Brookline Street/Memorial Drive Rotary (North) Memorial Drive/Brookline Street/BU Bridge (East) Memorial Drive/BU Bridge (South) BU Bridge/Commonwealth Avenue Carlton Street/Commonwealth Avenue Mountfort Street/Carlton Street Mountfort Street/St. Mary's Street Park Drive/Beacon Street Beacon Street/Maitland Street Park Drive/Riverway/Fenway Park Drive/Fenway (north) Fenway/Brookline Avenue Park Drive/Boylston/Brookline Avenue Brookline Avenue/Fullerton Street Boylston Street/Kilmarnock Street Longwood Avenue/Brookline Avenue Longwood Avenue/Binney Street Longwood Avenue/Blackfan Street City Cambridge Signal Yes Cambridge Somerville Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Boston Boston Brookline Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NoYes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes a.m. Peak Hour 2030 No-Build LOS (1) Delay (2) F >180.0 C C A A F B F B B D B F B D C C D C F C C C D F F E D C A F F F F F F B F F F F 34.8 27.9 4.9 9.9 >180.0 18.7 >180.0 14.2 13.9 41.6 19.4 >180.0 10.6 37.5 32.1 31.8 47.6 33.4 >180.0 26.3 23.4 23.6 16.7 30.0 53.7 >180.0 76.0 46.9 27.0 6.9 >180.0 87.0 105.5 92.0 >180.0 >180.0 19.2 90.5 >180.0 106.4 >180.0 p.m. Peak Hour 2030 No-Build LOS (1) Delay (2) F >180.0 D D C A F F F C C F F F B F C D C C F F C F F F F E E C B F F F D F F E E F F F 41.8 36.5 22.6 9.4 >180.0 102.3 >180.0 24.0 26.5 121.7 100.5 >180.0 10.7 109.3 22.4 49.9 32.8 34.4 >180.0 102.3 24.6 23.4 52.2 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 66.1 76.0 28.6 10.5 >180.0 120.1 >180.0 46.9 >180.0 >180.0 71.4 78.9 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 (Table continued on next page) Page 168 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-2: ID 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 No-Build (Cont’d) 115 Location Blackfan Street/Avenue Louis Pasteur Fenway/Avenue Louis Pasteur Longwood Avenue/Avenue Louis Pasteur Longwood Avenue/Huntington Avenue Fenway/Evans Way NB Fenway/Louis Prang Street Huntington Ave/Louis Prang St/Ruggles St/E-Line Ruggles Street/Parker Street Ruggles Street/Leon Street Ruggles Station Exit/Ruggles Street Ruggles Station Entrance/Ruggles Street Ruggles Street/Whittier Street/Tremont Street Columbus Avenue/MCB/Ruggles Station MCB/Tremont Street MCB/Kerr Way MCB/Shawmut Avenue MCB/Washington Street MCB/Harrison Avenue Massachusetts Avenue/Harrison Avenue Harrison Avenue/East Concord Street Harrison Avenue/East Newton Street MCB/Albany Street Albany Street/Hampden Street Albany Street/Northampton Street Massachusetts Avenue/Albany Street Albany Street/East Concord Street Albany Street/East Newton Street MCB/Hampden Street MCB/Massachusetts Avenue/Massachusetts Avenue Connector/Southampton Street Mass Ave Connector/East Concord St 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 Dudley Street/Hampden Street/Dudmore Street Dudley Street/Blue Hill Avenue Dudley Street/East Cottage Street/West Cottage Street Columbia Road/Dudley Street/Stoughton Columbia Road/Hamlet Street Columbia Rd/Mass Ave/Boston St/East Cottage St Columbia Road/Pond Street Columbia Road/Dorchester Avenue Columbia Road/I-93 SB Ramps Columbia Road/I-93 NB Ramps Columbia Road/Morrissey Boulevard (Morrissey Circle) Mt. Vernon Street/Morrissey Boulevard NB Mt. Vernon Street/Morrissey Boulevard SB City Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Signal No - Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No-Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No Rotary Yes Yes a.m. Peak Hour 2030 No-Build LOS (1) Delay (2) 18.0 B >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F 20.3 C >180.0 F 143.2 F >180.0 F 79.6 F 169.6 F >180.0 F >180.0 F 18.8 B >180.0 F 12.9 B 63.2 E 47.0 D 62.6 E 103.3 F 55.5 E 52.8 D 169.1 F >180.0 F 24.1 C >180.0 F 158.2 F 33.0 C 154.5 F F 147.8 F F D F B F F E F F F C F >180.0 >180.0 39.9 >180.0 10.8 80.5 57.8 63.4 97.1 >180.0 >180.0 24.9 152.7 p.m. Peak Hour 2030 No-Build LOS (1) Delay (2) 23.4 C >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F 24.5 C >180.0 F 167.9 F >180.0 F 125.7 F 158.4 F 60.0 F >180.0 F 23.0 C >180.0 F 83.8 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F 161.6 F 27.2 C >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F 173.5 F >180.0 F 99.7 F >180.0 F >180.0 F F 170.1 F F D F B F D F F F F B F >180.0 >180.0 51.2 >180.0 11.5 96.0 30.5 >180.0 106.5 >180.0 >180.0 17.7 125.3 (Table continued on next page) Page 169 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-2: ID 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139a 139b 140a 140b 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 No-Build (Cont’d) Location Morrissey Boulevard/Day Boulevard Morrissey Boulevard/UMass Access Drive Commonwealth Avenue/Babcock Street Commonwealth Avenue/Harry Agganis Way/Pleasant St Commonwealth Avenue/Buick Street/St. Paul Street Babcock Street/Ashford Street Babcock Street/Gardner Street Commonwealth Avenue/St. Mary’s Street Commonwealth Avenue/Blandford Street/Sherborn Street Commonwealth Avenue/Beacon Street/Brookline Avenue/DeerfieldAvenue Street (eastbound)/Charlesgate East Commonwealth City Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Commonwealth Avenue (eastbound)/Charlesgate West Boston Commonwealth Avenue (westbound)/Charlesgate East Boston Commonwealth Avenue (westbound)/Charlesgate West Boston Commonwealth Avenue (eastbound)/Mass Avenue Boston Commonwealth Avenue (westbound)/Mass Avenue Boston Commonwealth Avenue/Kenmore Street Boston Beacon Street/Storrow Drive ramps Boston Beacon Street/Charlesgate Boston Beacon Street/Mass Avenue Boston Beacon Street/Miner Street Boston Brookline Avenue/Yawkey Way Boston Brookline Avenue/Lansdowne Street Boston Mountfort Street/Essex Street Brookline Brookline Avenue/Short Street/Beth Israel Driveway Boston Longwood Avenue/Palace Road Boston Huntington Avenue/Tetlow Street Boston Fenway/Palace Road (DCR) Boston Ruggles Street/Annunciation Road Boston Albany Street/East Brookline Street Boston Albany Street//Msgr. Malden Street Boston Albany Street/Union Park Street Boston Mass Avenue/Island Street Boston Mass Avenue/Pompeii Street Boston Mass Avenue/Magazine Street Boston Mass Avenue/New Market Street Boston Mass Avenue/Clapp Street Boston Cambridg Waverly Street extension/Sidney Street e Cambridg Waverly Street/Albany St/Erie Street e Cambridg Albany Street/Pacific Street e Cambridg Albany Street/Cross Street e Cambridg Albany Street/Portland Street e Cambridg Waverly Street/Chestnut Street e (Table continued on next page) Signal No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes No Yes No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No a.m. Peak Hour 2030 No-Build LOS (1) Delay (2) >180.0 F 109.0 F 20.6 C 32.2 C 36.2 D 9.2 A 11.1 B 10.2 B 37.7 D >180.0 F 166.8 F 9.9 A >180.0 F 22.1 C 71.4 E 37.0 D 3.7 A 14.0 B 16.3 B 45.0 D >180.0 F 26.8 D 2.8 A >180.0 F 55.3 E 32.8 D 12.6 B >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F 16.0 C 19.3 C >180.0 F 98.2 F >180.0 F 47.6 E 12.7 B 19.1 C 18.2 C 15.5 C 13.3 B 13.0 B p.m. Peak Hour 2030 No-Build LOS (1) Delay (2) >180.0 F 64.8 E 51.9 D 39.3 D 112.3 F 9.2 A 11.0 B 5.4 A 59.7 E >180.0 F >180.0 F 13.9 B 63.5 E 10.5 B 97.3 F 18.0 B 3.8 A 27.2 C 22.7 C 40.7 D >180.0 F 19.2 C 2.1 A >180.0 F 25.2 C 6.8 A 15.3 B >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F 22.5 C 16.9 C >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F 138.5 F >180.0 F 15.1 C 18.3 C 80.3 F 37.4 E 10.9 B Page 170 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-2: Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 No-Build (Cont’d) ID 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177a 177b 178 179 Location Waverly Street/Putnam Street Memorial Driive/Vassar Street (DCR) Memorial Drive/Amesbury Street (DCR) Mass Ave/Sidney Street Broadway/Cross Street Broadway/Glen Street Broadway/Franklin Street Rutherford Ave/Bunker Hill College North Driveway Rutherford Ave Off-Ramp/Bunker Hill College S Driveway Frankfort Street/Neptune Road Neptune Road/Route 1A City Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Somerville Somerville Somerville Boston Boston E. Boston E. Boston Signal No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No No Yes 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 D Street/Summer Street (SYNCHRO #180) D Street/Fargo Street (SYNCHRO #181) D Street/Congress Street (SYNCHRO #182) Cambridge Street/Windom Street (SYNCHRO #183) Western Avenue/Stadium Way (SYNCHRO #184) North Harvard Street/Stadium Way (SYNCHRO #185) Soldiers Field Road EB/North Harvard Street (SYN #186) Soldiers Field Road WB/Larz Anderson Bridge (SY #187) South Boston Bypass Rd at Frontage Rd NB South Boston Bypass Rd at Frontage Rd SB South Boston Bypass Rd at West Service Rd Mass Haul Road at C Street Mass Haul Road at Pumphouse Road Mass Haul Road at Northern Avenue South Boston Bypass Road at Ramp A S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston Yes No - Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes a.m. Peak Hour 2030 No-Build LOS (1) Delay (2) 14.5 B 62.0 F 9.0 A 115.1 F 34.6 C 9.7 A 20.5 C 0.0 A 14.1 B D A C D B D C B B B B B A F A 39.6 7.9 26.4 48.9 12.5 27.3 26.5 11.1 12.2 10.9 11.9 12.3 7.1 149.6 2.7 p.m. Peak Hour 2030 No-Build LOS (1) Delay (2) 12.1 B 39.5 E 11.0 B 116.4 F 38.8 D 9.4 A 24.2 C 0.0 A 55.9 F C C E B B D C A B F A B A C A 24.4 19.6 59.4 12.3 14.2 34.8 20.6 9.7 14.7 131.5 8.3 10.9 5.4 23.2 3.1 NOTE: For unsignalized intersections, LOS is reported for the critical movement (generally the left turn from minor street approach). (1) Level of Service (LOS). (2) Delay in seconds. Page 171 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-3: Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Baseline Alternative ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Location Chelsea Bridge (north)/Eastern Avenue/Central Avenue/Marginal St Eastern Avenue/Bellingham Street Eastern Avenue/Griffin Way Arlington Street/Sixth Street Everett Avenue/Spruce Street Everett Avenue/Vale Street/Maple Street Everett Avenue/Carter Street/Fifth Street Everett Avenue/RBP RBP/Vale Street RBP/Vine Street RBP/Ferry Street RBP/Spring Street RBP/Second Street RBP/Lewis Street Second Street/Route 99 Sweetzer Circle (Route 99, Route 16 and Main Street) Santilli Circle East at Route 16 Santilli Circle West at Route 16 RBP WB On-ramp RBP EB On-ramp Corporation Way/RBP Ramp (north) Wellington Circle North (Middlesex Ave/Fellsway) - (New interchange configuration) 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Route 28 Fellsway/Shore Drive/Assembly Square Drive Route 28 Fellsway/Middlesex Avenue Route 28 Fellsway/Mystic Avenue (north) Route 28 Fellsway/Mystic Avenue (south) McGrath Highway/Blakely Street McGrath Highway/Broadway McGrath Highway/Pearl Street Pearl Street/Walnut Street Pearl Street/Medford Street Medford Street/Walnut Street Medford Street/Highland Avenue/Hamlet Street McGrath Highway/Medford Street McGrath Highway SB Ramp/Washington Street McGrath Highway NB Ramp/frontage Rd/Washington St McGrath Highway SB Ramp/ Somerville Ave/Medford St Washington Street/Prospect Street Somerville Avenue/Prospect Street Lombardi Way/Mystic Avenue Broadway/Lombardi Way City Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Medford Medford Medford Medford Signal Yes No No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Rotary Yes Yes Merge Merge Flash Yes Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Baseline LOS (1) Delay (2) >180.0 F 21.6 C 10.6 B 11.8 B 93.8 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F 11.1 B 44.6 D 8.6 A >180.0 F >180.0 F 42.9 D >180.0 F 124.1 F 39.3 D 23.7 C >180.0 F >180.0 F 30.5 D F >180.0 F F F E B F F B F F F F F F F F F C F >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 79.5 13.9 >180.0 135.4 16.3 57.9 >180.0 173.2 97.6 108.9 119.5 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 29.9 >180.0 p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Baseline LOS (1) Delay (2) 136.9 F 40.0 E 13.8 B 75.5 F 71.2 E >180.0 F 102.1 F >180.0 F 21.6 C 116.1 F 37.3 D >180.0 F >180.0 F 112.4 F >180.0 F >180.0 F 74.0 E 44.6 D >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F F >180.0 D F E C A F F C F F F E E E D F F F F 42.1 138.8 71.3 23.5 6.6 >180.0 169.4 32.7 138.3 >180.0 >180.0 60.0 64.5 59.6 36.5 82.8 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 (Table continued on next page) Page 172 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-3: ID 42 43 44 45 Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Baseline Alternative (Cont’d) 46 Location Rutherford Avenue/Broadway/Maffa Way/Cambridge St Rutherford Ave/Austin St (East) Rutherford Ave/Austin St (West) Charlestown Avenue/O'Brien Highway/Land Boulevard/Charles River Dam O’Brien Highway/Fitchburg ROW 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 66 a 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 a 78 b 79 80 O'Brien Highway/Twin City Plaza Drive (Cambridge Synchro) O'Brien Highway/Third Street O'Brien Highway/Water Street O'Brien Highway/Gore Street (Second Street) O'Brien Highway/First Street O'Brien Highway/Cambridge Street First Street/Cambridge Street First Street/Thorndike Street First Street/Cambridgeside Way/Charles Street Binney Street/First Street Binney Street/Second Street Binney Street/Third Street Binney Street/Fulkerson Street Broadway Street/Third Street Broadway/Mid-Block Connector Broadway/Galileo Way/Binney Street Main Street/Galileo Way/Vassar Street Main Street/Mid-Block Connector/Ames Street Main Street/Albany Street Mass Avenue/Albany Street Mass Ave/Busway (Build Alt 1 only) Mass Avenue/Vassar Street Brookline Street/Waverly Street Brookline Street/Memorial Drive Rotary (North) Memorial Drive/Brookline Street/BU Bridge (East) Memorial Drive/BU Bridge (South) BU Bridge/Commonwealth Avenue Carlton Street/Commonwealth Avenue Mountfort Street/Carlton Street Mountfort Street/St. Mary's Street Park Drive/Beacon Street Beacon Street/Maitland Street Park Drive/Riverway/Fenway Park Drive/Fenway (north) Fenway/Brookline Avenue Park Drive/Boylston/Brookline Avenue City Boston Boston Boston Cambridge Signal Yes Yes Yes Yes Cambridge Somerville Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Boston Boston Brookline Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Baseline LOS (1) Delay (2) 57.5 E >180.0 F >180.0 F F >180.0 D C A B F B F B B D B F B D C C D C F C C C D F F E D C A F F F F F F 37.7 31.3 6.0 10.0 >180.0 19.7 >180.0 14.4 14.1 44.1 19.5 >180.0 11.0 35.5 26.5 34.8 51.2 33.7 >180.0 28.6 23.6 23.7 17.0 30.6 55.1 >180.0 77.2 50.0 27.4 7.0 >180.0 102.1 109.9 93.5 >180.0 >180.0 p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Baseline LOS (1) Delay (2) 108.4 F >180.0 F 152.2 F F >180.0 D D D A F F F C C F C F B F C E C C F F C F F F F E E C B F F F E F F 43.7 38.9 31.0 9.4 >180.0 102.3 >180.0 24.4 27.2 141.8 30.7 >180.0 11.2 107.8 22.2 56.1 34.2 34.9 >180.0 112.0 25.4 24.1 52.5 >180.0 138.6 >180.0 67.9 79.9 29.1 10.5 >180.0 150.2 >180.0 58.8 >180.0 >180.0 (Table continued on next page) Page 173 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-3: ID 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Baseline Alternative (Cont’d) 115 Location Brookline Avenue/Fullerton Street Boylston Street/Kilmarnock Street Longwood Avenue/Brookline Avenue Longwood Avenue/Binney Street Longwood Avenue/Blackfan Street Blackfan Street/Avenue Louis Pasteur Fenway/Avenue Louis Pasteur Longwood Avenue/Avenue Louis Pasteur Longwood Avenue/Huntington Avenue Fenway/Evans Way NB Fenway/Louis Prang Street Huntington Ave/Louis Prang St/Ruggles St/E-Line Ruggles Street/Parker Street Ruggles Street/Leon Street Ruggles Station Exit/Ruggles Street Ruggles Station Entrance/Ruggles Street Ruggles Street/Whittier Street/Tremont Street Columbus Avenue/MCB/Ruggles Station MCB/Tremont Street MCB/Kerr Way MCB/Shawmut Avenue MCB/Washington Street MCB/Harrison Avenue Massachusetts Avenue/Harrison Avenue Harrison Avenue/East Concord Street Harrison Avenue/East Newton Street MCB/Albany Street Albany Street/Hampden Street Albany Street/Northampton Street Massachusetts Avenue/Albany Street Albany Street/East Concord Street Albany Street/East Newton Street MCB/Hampden Street MCB/Massachusetts Avenue/Massachusetts Avenue Connector/Southampton Street Mass Ave Connector/East Concord St 116 117 118 119 120 Dudley Street/Hampden Street/Dudmore Street Dudley Street/Blue Hill Avenue Dudley Street/East Cottage Street/West Cottage Street Columbia Road/Dudley Street/Stoughton Columbia Road/Hamlet Street City Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Signal Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NoYes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Yes Yes Yes Yes No a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Baseline LOS (1) Delay (2) 19.2 B 90.5 F >180.0 F 129.2 F >180.0 F 17.7 B >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F 19.6 B >180.0 F 163.3 F >180.0 F 70.4 F 164.5 F >180.0 F >180.0 F 19.3 B >180.0 F 13.4 B 70.8 E 50.4 D 66.7 E 104.6 F 55.5 E 52.8 D >180.0 F >180.0 F 25.2 C >180.0 F 160.1 F 37.5 D 154.5 F F 150.2 p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Baseline LOS (1) Delay (2) 71.4 E 78.9 E >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F 23.5 C >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F 23.5 C >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F 136.7 F 143.3 F >180.0 F >180.0 F 24.2 C >180.0 F 94.2 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F 163.2 F 27.2 C >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F 172.9 F >180.0 F 107.5 F >180.0 F >180.0 F F 174.9 No F F D F B >180.0 >180.0 39.9 >180.0 10.8 F F D F B >180.0 >180.0 51.2 >180.0 11.5 (Table continued on next page) Page 174 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-3: ID 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139a 139b 140a 140b 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Baseline Alternative (Cont’d) Location Columbia Rd/Mass Ave/Boston St/East Cottage St Columbia Road/Pond Street Columbia Road/Dorchester Avenue Columbia Road/I-93 SB Ramps Columbia Road/I-93 NB Ramps Columbia Road/Morrissey Boulevard (Morrissey Circle) Mt. Vernon Street/Morrissey Boulevard NB Mt. Vernon Street/Morrissey Boulevard SB Morrissey Boulevard/Day Boulevard Morrissey Boulevard/UMass Access Drive Commonwealth Avenue/Babcock Street Commonwealth Avenue/Harry Agganis Way/Pleasant St Commonwealth Avenue/Buick Street/St. Paul Street Babcock Street/Ashford Street Babcock Street/Gardner Street Commonwealth Avenue/St. Mary’s Street Commonwealth Avenue/Blandford Street/Sherborn Street Commonwealth Avenue/Beacon Street/Brookline Avenue/Deerfield St Commonwealth Avenue (eastbound)/Charlesgate East Commonwealth Avenue (eastbound)/Charlesgate West Commonwealth Avenue (westbound)/Charlesgate East Commonwealth Avenue (westbound)/Charlesgate West Commonwealth Avenue (eastbound)/Mass Avenue Commonwealth Avenue (westbound)/Mass Avenue Commonwealth Avenue/Kenmore Street Beacon Street/Storrow Drive ramps Beacon Street/Charlesgate Beacon Street/Mass Avenue Beacon Street/Miner Street Brookline Avenue/Yawkey Way Brookline Avenue/Lansdowne Street Mountfort Street/Essex Street Brookline Avenue/Short Street/Beth Israel Driveway Longwood Avenue/Palace Road Huntington Avenue/Tetlow Street Fenway/Palace Road (DCR) Ruggles Street/Annunciation Road Albany Street/East Brookline Street Albany Street//Msgr. Malden Street Albany Street/Union Park Street City Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Brookline Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Signal Yes No Yes Yes No Rotary Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes No Yes No No No No No a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Baseline LOS (1) Delay (2) 80.5 F 62.2 F 65.9 E 99.8 F >180.0 F >180.0 F 24.8 C 158.1 F >180.0 F 109.0 F 21.3 C 33.0 C 36.0 D 9.4 A 11.5 B 10.2 B 37.1 D >180.0 F 165.7 F 10.0 B >180.0 F 22.1 C 75.8 E 40.9 D 3.7 A 14.0 B 16.3 B 47.4 D >180.0 F 26.8 D 2.8 A >180.0 F 70.2 E 31.9 D 14.2 B >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F 16.6 C p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Baseline LOS (1) Delay (2) 100.4 F 34.1 D >180.0 F 109.1 F >180.0 F >180.0 F 17.6 B 124.0 F >180.0 F 64.8 E 56.7 E 40.9 D 112.7 F 9.4 A 11.3 B 5.4 A 59.7 E >180.0 F >180.0 F 14.0 B 64.5 E 10.5 B 100.9 F 18.3 B 3.9 A 27.2 C 22.7 C 42.3 D >180.0 F 19.2 C 2.1 A >180.0 F 26.2 C 5.5 A 16.7 B >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F 23.7 C (Table continued on next page) Page 175 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-3: Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Baseline Alternative (Cont’d) ID 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177a 177b 178 179 Location Mass Avenue/Island Street Mass Avenue/Pompeii Street Mass Avenue/Magazine Street Mass Avenue/New Market Street Mass Avenue/Clapp Street Waverly Street extension/Sidney Street Waverly Street/Albany St/Erie Street Albany Street/Pacific Street Albany Street/Cross Street Albany Street/Portland Street Waverly Street/Chestnut Street Waverly Street/Putnam Street Memorial Driive/Vassar Street (DCR) Memorial Drive/Amesbury Street (DCR) Mass Ave/Sidney Street Broadway/Cross Street Broadway/Glen Street Broadway/Franklin Street Rutherford Ave/Bunker Hill College North Driveway Rutherford Ave Off-Ramp/Bunker Hill College S Driveway Frankfort Street/Neptune Road Neptune Road/Route 1A City Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Somerville Somerville Somerville Boston Boston E. Boston E. Boston Signal No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No No Yes 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 D Street/Summer Street (SYNCHRO #180) D Street/Fargo Street (SYNCHRO #181) D Street/Congress Street (SYNCHRO #182) Cambridge Street/Windom Street (SYNCHRO #183) Western Avenue/Stadium Way (SYNCHRO #184) North Harvard Street/Stadium Way (SYNCHRO #185) Soldiers Field Road EB/North Harvard Street (SYN #186) Soldiers Field Road WB/Larz Anderson Bridge (SY #187) South Boston Bypass Rd at Frontage Rd NB South Boston Bypass Rd at Frontage Rd SB South Boston Bypass Rd at West Service Rd Mass Haul Road at C Street Mass Haul Road at Pumphouse Road Mass Haul Road at Northern Avenue South Boston Bypass Road at Ramp A S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Baseline LOS (1) Delay (2) 19.1 C >180.0 F 105.6 F >180.0 F 51.7 F 12.9 B 19.6 C 19.1 C 16.1 C 14.1 B 13.2 B 14.8 B 62.0 F 9.0 A 117.8 F 34.6 C 9.7 A 20.5 C 0.0 A 14.1 B D A C D B D C B B B B B A F A 39.6 7.9 26.4 48.9 12.5 29.2 27.2 11.2 12.2 14.5 11.9 12.3 7.1 149.6 2.7 p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Baseline LOS (1) Delay (2) 17.3 C >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F 158.7 F >180.0 F 15.4 C 19.2 C 96.2 F 62.0 F 11.1 B 12.3 B 39.5 E 11.0 B 119.0 F 38.8 D 9.4 A 24.2 C 0.0 A 55.9 F C C E B B E C A B F A B A C A 24.4 19.6 59.4 12.3 14.2 38.2 21.1 9.8 14.7 131.5 8.3 11.5 6.6 23.2 3.1 NOTE: For unsignalized intersections, LOS is reported for the critical movement (generally the left turn from minor street approach). (1) Level of Service (LOS). (2) Delay in seconds. Page 176 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-4: Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 1 ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Location Chelsea Bridge (north)/Eastern Avenue/Central Avenue/Marginal Street Eastern Avenue/Bellingham Street Eastern Avenue/Griffin Way Arlington Street/Sixth Street Everett Avenue/Spruce Street Everett Avenue/Vale Street/Maple Street Everett Avenue/Carter Street/Fifth Street Everett Avenue/RBP RBP/Vale Street RBP/Vine Street RBP/Ferry Street RBP/Spring Street RBP/Second Street RBP/Lewis Street Second Street/Route 99 Sweetzer Circle (Route 99, Route 16 and Main Street) Santilli Circle East at Route 16 Santilli Circle West at Route 16 RBP WB On-ramp RBP EB On-ramp Corporation Way/RBP Ramp (north) Wellington Circle North (Middlesex Ave/Fellsway) - (New interchange configuration) 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Route 28 Fellsway/Shore Drive/Assembly Square Drive Route 28 Fellsway/Middlesex Avenue Route 28 Fellsway/Mystic Avenue (north) Route 28 Fellsway/Mystic Avenue (south) McGrath Highway/Blakely Street McGrath Highway/Broadway McGrath Highway/Pearl Street Pearl Street/Walnut Street Pearl Street/Medford Street Medford Street/Walnut Street Medford Street/Highland Avenue/Hamlet Street McGrath Highway/Medford Street McGrath Highway SB Ramp/Washington Street McGrath Highway NB Ramp/frontage Rd/Washington St McGrath Highway SB Ramp/ Somerville Ave/Medford St Washington Street/Prospect Street Somerville Avenue/Prospect Street Lombardi Way/Mystic Avenue City Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Medford Medford Medford Medford Signal Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Rotary Yes Yes Merge Merge Flash Yes Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Somerville Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 1 LOS (1) Delay (2) >180.0 F 21.6 C 10.6 B 16.0 C 77.7 E >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F 11.0 B 45.9 D 8.2 A >180.0 F >180.0 F 40.5 D >180.0 F 124.1 F 38.1 D 7.1 A >180.0 F >180.0 F 30.5 D F >180.0 F F F F B F F B F F F F F F F F F C >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 88.8 14.5 >180.0 142.0 16.5 155.1 >180.0 >180.0 112.3 96.9 100.6 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 26.0 p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 1 LOS (1) Delay (2) 136.9 F 37.3 E 13.8 B 32.9 D 62.0 E >180.0 F 106.1 F >180.0 F 21.1 C 111.3 F 37.1 D >180.0 F >180.0 F 109.7 F >180.0 F >180.0 F 72.7 E 16.7 B >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F F >180.0 D F F C A F F C F F F E E E D F F F 45.7 142.4 83.1 22.8 6.6 >180.0 177.9 33.4 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 65.6 62.4 57.5 35.4 82.3 >180.0 >180.0 (Table continued on next page) Page 177 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-4: Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 1 (Cont’d) ID 41 42 43 44 45 46 Location Broadway/Lombardi Way Rutherford Avenue/Broadway/Maffa Way/Cambridge St Rutherford Ave/Austin St (East) Rutherford Ave/Austin St (West) Charlestown Avenue/O'Brien Highway/Land Boulevard/Charles River Dam Highway/Fitchburg ROW O’Brien 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 O'Brien Highway/Twin City Plaza Drive (Cambridge Synchro) O'Brien Highway/Third Street O'Brien Highway/Water Street O'Brien Highway/Gore Street (Second Street) O'Brien Highway/First Street O'Brien Highway/Cambridge Street First Street/Cambridge Street First Street/Thorndike Street First Street/Cambridgeside Way/Charles Street Binney Street/First Street Binney Street/Second Street 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 66a 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78a 78b 79 Binney Street/Third Street Binney Street/Fulkerson Street Broadway Street/Third Street Broadway/Mid-Block Connector Broadway/Galileo Way/Binney Street Main Street/Galileo Way/Vassar Street Main Street/Mid-Block Connector/Ames Street Main Street/Albany Street Mass Avenue/Albany Street Mass Ave/Busway (Build Alt 1 only) Mass Avenue/Vassar Street Brookline Street/Waverly Street Brookline Street/Memorial Drive Rotary (North) Memorial Drive/Brookline Street/BU Bridge (East) Memorial Drive/BU Bridge (South) BU Bridge/Commonwealth Avenue Carlton Street/Commonwealth Avenue Mountfort Street/Carlton Street Mountfort Street/St. Mary's Street Park Drive/Beacon Street Beacon Street/Maitland Street Park Drive/Riverway/Fenway Park Drive/Fenway (north) Fenway/Brookline Avenue City Somerville Boston Boston Boston Cambridge Cambridge Somerville Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Boston Boston Brookline Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston (Table continued on next page) Signal Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 1 LOS (1) Delay (2) >180.0 F 57.5 E >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 1 LOS (1) Delay (2) >180 F 108.4 F >180.0 F 152.2 F >180.0 F Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes C C A A F B F C F F C 34.6 28.2 4.9 9.9 >180.0 19.9 >180.0 20.9 >180.0 >180.0 21.3 D D C A F F F E F F C 40.2 36.6 22.8 9.4 >180.0 102.3 >180.0 76.2 >180.0 >180.0 26.2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes F B D C C F C F C >180.0 11.0 43.1 27.7 33.7 94.4 32.0 >180.0 28.4 73.6 25.4 14.2 30.6 >180.0 >180.0 46.8 129.9 18.2 6.7 117.5 10.5 107.8 69.3 >180.0 F B F C D E D F E >180.0 10.9 106.5 20.4 53.4 65.7 35.2 >180.0 66.2 29.0 35.5 95.6 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 129.7 18.0 10.8 130.9 11.4 >180.0 53.9 >180.0 C B D F F D F B A F B F E F D F F F F F F B B F B F D F Page 178 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-4: Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 1 (Cont’d) a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 1 ID 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 Location City Park Drive/Boylston/Brookline Avenue Boston Brookline Avenue/Fullerton Street Boston Boylston Street/Kilmarnock Street Boston Longwood Avenue/Brookline Avenue Boston Longwood Avenue/Binney Street Boston Longwood Avenue/Blackfan Street Boston Blackfan Street/Avenue Louis Pasteur Boston Fenway/Avenue Louis Pasteur Boston Longwood Avenue/Avenue Louis Pasteur Boston Longwood Avenue/Huntington Avenue Boston Fenway/Evans Way NB Boston Fenway/Louis Prang Street Boston Huntington Ave/Louis Prang St/Ruggles St/E-Line Boston Ruggles Street/Parker Street Boston Ruggles Street/Leon Street Boston Ruggles Station Exit/Ruggles Street Boston Ruggles Station Entrance/Ruggles Street Boston Ruggles Street/Whittier Street/Tremont Street Boston Columbus Avenue/MCB/Ruggles Station Boston MCB/Tremont Street Boston MCB/Kerr Way Boston MCB/Shawmut Avenue Boston MCB/Washington Street Boston MCB/Harrison Avenue Boston Massachusetts Avenue/Harrison Avenue Boston Harrison Avenue/East Concord Street Boston Harrison Avenue/East Newton Street Boston MCB/Albany Street Boston Albany Street/Hampden Street Boston Albany Street/Northampton Street Boston Massachusetts Avenue/Albany Street Boston Albany Street/East Concord Street Boston Albany Street/East Newton Street Boston MCB/Hampden Street Boston MCB/Massachusetts Avenue/Massachusetts Avenue Boston Connector/Southampton Street Mass Ave Connector/East Concord St Boston Dudley Street/Hampden Street/Dudmore Street Boston Dudley Street/Blue Hill Avenue Boston Dudley Street/East Cottage Street/West Cottage Street Boston Columbia Road/Dudley Street/Stoughton Boston (Table continued on next page) p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 1 No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes LOS (1) F B F F F F B F F F F F F F B F F F D F E F D F F D D F F C F F F F F Delay (2) >180.0 19.2 90.5 >180.0 132.2 >180.0 15.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 119.5 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 18.9 132.3 51.5 >180.0 38.7 >180.0 60.3 >180.0 36.9 107.6 103.1 53.0 52.8 >180.0 >180.0 24.2 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 147.7 LOS (1) F E F F F F E F F F C F F F F F E F D F F F F F F C F F F F F F F F F Delay (2) >180.0 71.4 80.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 77.1 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 23.6 >180.0 >180.0 152.5 >180.0 170.8 40.4 >180.0 43.4 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 167.9 >180.0 161.7 27.2 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 171.8 No Yes Yes Yes Yes F F D F >180.0 >180.0 43.2 >180.0 F F D F >180.0 >180.0 49.2 >180.0 Signal Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NoYes Yes Page 179 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-4: ID 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 a 139 b 140 a 140 b 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 1 (Cont’d) Location City Columbia Road/Hamlet Street Boston Columbia Rd/Mass Ave/Boston St/East Cottage St Boston Columbia Road/Pond Street Boston Columbia Road/Dorchester Avenue Boston Columbia Road/I-93 SB Ramps Boston Columbia Road/I-93 NB Ramps Boston Columbia Road/Morrissey Boulevard (Morrissey Circle) Boston Mt. Vernon Street/Morrissey Boulevard NB Boston Mt. Vernon Street/Morrissey Boulevard SB Boston Morrissey Boulevard/Day Boulevard Boston Morrissey Boulevard/UMass Access Drive Boston Commonwealth Avenue/Babcock Street Boston Commonwealth Avenue/Harry Agganis Way/Pleasant St Boston Commonwealth Avenue/Buick Street/St. Paul Street Boston Babcock Street/Ashford Street Boston Babcock Street/Gardner Street Boston Commonwealth Avenue/St. Mary’s Street Boston Commonwealth Avenue/Blandford Street/Sherborn Street Boston Commonwealth Avenue/Beacon Street/Brookline Avenue/Deerfield Boston Street Commonwealth Avenue (eastbound)/Charlesgate East Boston Commonwealth Avenue (eastbound)/Charlesgate West Boston Commonwealth Avenue (westbound)/Charlesgate East Boston Commonwealth Avenue (westbound)/Charlesgate West Boston Commonwealth Avenue (eastbound)/Mass Avenue Boston Commonwealth Avenue (westbound)/Mass Avenue Boston Commonwealth Avenue/Kenmore Street Boston Beacon Street/Storrow Drive ramps Boston Beacon Street/Charlesgate Boston Beacon Street/Mass Avenue Boston Beacon Street/Miner Street Boston Brookline Avenue/Yawkey Way Boston Brookline Avenue/Lansdowne Street Boston Mountfort Street/Essex Street Brookline Brookline Avenue/Short Street/Beth Israel Driveway Boston Longwood Avenue/Palace Road Boston Huntington Avenue/Tetlow Street Boston Fenway/Palace Road (DCR) Boston Ruggles Street/Annunciation Road Boston Albany Street/East Brookline Street Boston Albany Street//Msgr. Malden Street Boston (Table continued on next page) Signal No Yes No Yes Yes No Rotary Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes No Yes No No No No a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 1 LOS (1) Delay (2) 38.5 E 83.0 F 63.1 F 65.9 E 99.8 F >180.0 F >180.0 F 25.1 C 163.3 F >180.0 F 108.6 F 20.2 C 34.1 C 41.6 D 9.2 A 11.1 B 9.4 A 36.2 D >180.0 F 168.4 F 9.9 A >180.0 F 22.1 C 71.3 E 42.8 D 3.7 A 14.0 B 16.3 B 45.0 D >180.0 F 26.8 D 2.8 A >180.0 F 74.7 E 39.9 E 12.5 B >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 1 LOS (1) Delay (2) 54.6 F 97.7 F 24.2 C >180.0 F 109.1 F >180.0 F >180.0 F 18.3 B 134.5 F >180.0 F 64.8 E 52.0 D 40.9 D 112.7 F 9.2 A 11.0 B 10.6 B 59.7 E >180.0 F >180.0 F 13.6 B 62.8 E 10.5 B 97.8 F 18.0 B 3.8 A 27.2 C 22.7 C 40.7 D 94.7 F 19.2 C 2.1 A >180.0 F 25.5 C 5.9 A 17.9 B >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F Page 180 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-4: Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 1 (Cont’d) ID 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177a 177b 178 179 Location Albany Street/Union Park Street Mass Avenue/Island Street Mass Avenue/Pompeii Street Mass Avenue/Magazine Street Mass Avenue/New Market Street Mass Avenue/Clapp Street Waverly Street extension/Sidney Street Waverly Street/Albany St/Erie Street Albany Street/Pacific Street Albany Street/Cross Street Albany Street/Portland Street Waverly Street/Chestnut Street Waverly Street/Putnam Street Memorial Driive/Vassar Street (DCR) Memorial Drive/Amesbury Street (DCR) Mass Ave/Sidney Street Broadway/Cross Street Broadway/Glen Street Broadway/Franklin Street Rutherford Ave/Bunker Hill College North Driveway Rutherford Ave Off-Ramp/Bunker Hill College S Driveway Frankfort Street/Neptune Road Neptune Road/Route 1A City Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Somerville Somerville Somerville Boston Boston E. Boston E. Boston Signal No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No No Yes 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 D Street/Summer Street (SYNCHRO #180) D Street/Fargo Street (SYNCHRO #181) D Street/Congress Street (SYNCHRO #182) Cambridge Street/Windom Street (SYNCHRO #183) Western Avenue/Stadium Way (SYNCHRO #184) North Harvard Street/Stadium Way (SYNCHRO #185) Soldiers Field Road EB/North Harvard Street (SYN #186) Soldiers Field Road WB/Larz Anderson Bridge (SY #187) South Boston Bypass Rd at Frontage Rd NB South Boston Bypass Rd at Frontage Rd SB South Boston Bypass Rd at West Service Rd Mass Haul Road at C Street Mass Haul Road at Pumphouse Road Mass Haul Road at Northern Avenue South Boston Bypass Road at Ramp A S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 1 LOS (1) Delay (2) 16.6 C 19.3 C >180.0 F 98.2 F >180.0 F 47.6 E 12.9 B 19.6 C 18.6 C 15.8 C 13.4 B 13.0 B 14.5 B 62 F 9 A 115.5 F 34.6 C 9.7 A 20.5 C 0 A 14.1 B D A C D B D C B B B B B A F A 39.6 7.9 26.5 48.9 12.5 29.4 26.6 11.2 13.1 10.1 11.9 12.3 8.9 149.6 3.3 p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 1 LOS (1) Delay (2) 23.7 C 16.9 C >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F 138.5 F 34.6 D 15.4 C 18.7 C 87.5 F 43.6 E 10.9 B 12.3 B 39.0 E 11.0 B 118.4 F 38.8 D 9.4 A 24.2 C 0.0 A 55.9 F C A E B B E C A B F A B A C A 24.7 6.2 59.3 12.3 14.2 38.2 20.6 9.8 15.2 134.0 8.3 11.5 6.4 23.2 3.7 NOTE: For unsignalized intersections, LOS is reported for the critical movement (generally the left turn from minor street approach). (1) Level of Service (LOS). (2) Delay in seconds. Page 181 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-5: ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 2 Location City Chelsea Bridge (north)/Eastern Avenue/Central Avenue/Marginal Street Chelsea Eastern Avenue/Bellingham Street Chelsea Eastern Avenue/Griffin Way Chelsea Arlington Street/Sixth Street Chelsea Everett Avenue/Spruce Street Chelsea Everett Avenue/Vale Street/Maple Street Chelsea Everett Avenue/Carter Street/Fifth Street Chelsea Everett Avenue/RBP Everett RBP/Vale Street Everett RBP/Vine Street Everett RBP/Ferry Street Everett RBP/Spring Street Everett RBP/Second Street Everett RBP/Lewis Street Everett Second Street/Route 99 Everett Sweetzer Circle (Route 99, Route 16 and Main Street) Everett Santilli Circle East at Route 16 Everett Santilli Circle West at Route 16 Everett RBP WB On-ramp Medford RBP EB On-ramp Medford Corporation Way/RBP Ramp (north) Medford Wellington Circle North (Middlesex Ave/Fellsway) - (New interchange Medford configuration) Route 28 Fellsway/Shore Drive/Assembly Square Drive Somerville Route 28 Fellsway/Middlesex Avenue Somerville Route 28 Fellsway/Mystic Avenue (north) Somerville Route 28 Fellsway/Mystic Avenue (south) Somerville McGrath Highway/Blakely Street Somerville McGrath Highway/Broadway Somerville McGrath Highway/Pearl Street Somerville Pearl Street/Walnut Street Somerville Pearl Street/Medford Street Somerville Medford Street/Walnut Street Somerville Medford Street/Highland Avenue/Hamlet Street Somerville McGrath Highway/Medford Street Somerville McGrath Highway SB Ramp/Washington Street Somerville McGrath Highway NB Ramp/frontage Rd/Washington St Somerville McGrath Highway SB Ramp/ Somerville Ave/Medford St Somerville Washington Street/Prospect Street Somerville Somerville Avenue/Prospect Street Somerville Lombardi Way/Mystic Avenue Somerville (Table continued on next page) Signal Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Rotary Yes Yes Merge Merge Flash Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 2 LOS (1) Delay (2) F >180.0 C 22.8 B 12.1 C 15.5 E 78.2 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 B 11.0 D 44.0 A 8.5 F >180.0 F >180.0 D 38.2 F >180.0 F 124.1 D 36.0 C 21.7 F >180.0 F >180.0 D 25.0 F >180.0 F F F F B F F B F F F F F F F F F C >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 88.8 14.5 >180.0 135.4 16.3 57.9 >180.0 >180.0 112.3 97.1 101.3 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 26.5 p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 2 LOS (1) Delay (2) F 136.9 E 37.1 C 16.2 D 32.9 E 62.2 F >180.0 F 83.8 F >180.0 C 21.2 F 108.1 C 34.6 F >180.0 F >180.0 F 107.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 E 70.4 D 41.3 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 D F F C A F F C F F F E E D C F F F 45.7 138.7 83.1 22.8 6.8 >180.0 169.4 33.4 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 60.0 55.1 51.6 33.7 82.3 >180.0 >180.0 Page 182 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-5: ID 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 66 a 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 a 78 b Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 2 (Cont’d) Location Broadway/Lombardi Way Rutherford Avenue/Broadway/Maffa Way/Cambridge St Rutherford Ave/Austin St (East) Rutherford Ave/Austin St (West) Charlestown Avenue/O'Brien Highway/Land Boulevard/Charles River Dam Highway/Fitchburg ROW O’Brien City Signal Somerville Yes Boston Yes Boston Yes Boston Yes Cambridge Yes Cambridge Yes O'Brien Highway/Twin City Plaza Drive (Cambridge Synchro) Somerville Yes O'Brien Highway/Third Street Cambridge Yes O'Brien Highway/Water Street Cambridge No O'Brien Highway/Gore Street (Second Street) Cambridge No O'Brien Highway/First Street Cambridge Yes O'Brien Highway/Cambridge Street Cambridge Yes First Street/Cambridge Street Cambridge Yes First Street/Thorndike Street Cambridge Yes First Street/Cambridgeside Way/Charles Street Cambridge Yes Binney Street/First Street Cambridge Yes No Binney Street/Second Street Cambridge Yes Binney Street/Third Street Cambridge Yes Binney Street/Fulkerson Street Cambridge Yes Broadway Street/Third Street Cambridge Yes Broadway/Mid-Block Connector Cambridge Yes Broadway/Galileo Way/Binney Street Cambridge Yes Main Street/Galileo Way/Vassar Street Cambridge Yes Main Street/Mid-Block Connector/Ames Street Cambridge Yes Main Street/Albany Street Cambridge No Mass Avenue/Albany Street Cambridge Yes Mass Ave/Busway (Build Alt 1 only) Cambridge Yes Mass Avenue/Vassar Street Cambridge Yes Brookline Street/Waverly Street Cambridge No Brookline Street/Memorial Drive Rotary (North) Cambridge No Memorial Drive/Brookline Street/BU Bridge (East) Cambridge No Memorial Drive/BU Bridge (South) Cambridge Yes BU Bridge/Commonwealth Avenue Boston Yes Carlton Street/Commonwealth Avenue Boston Yes Mountfort Street/Carlton Street Brookline Yes Mountfort Street/St. Mary's Street Boston Yes Park Drive/Beacon Street Boston Yes Beacon Street/Maitland Street Boston Yes Park Drive/Riverway/Fenway Boston Yes No Park Drive/Fenway (north) Boston Yes (Table continued on next page) a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 2 LOS (1) Delay (2) F >180.0 E 57.5 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 C C A A F C F C F F C F B D C C F C F C C C D F F F E C A F B F F 34.8 28.2 4.9 9.9 >180.0 21.7 >180.0 20.9 >180.0 >180.0 21.3 >180.0 11.0 43.1 27.7 33.7 94.0 30.2 >180.0 28.4 73.6 25.4 16.9 29.1 >180.0 >180.0 124.0 56.6 29.0 7.0 >180.0 12.8 108.3 87.2 p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 2 LOS (1) Delay (2) F >180.0 F 108.4 F >180.0 F 152.2 F >180.0 D D C A F F F E F F C F B F C D E C F E D F F F F F F C B F B F D 41.8 36.6 22.8 9.4 >180.0 102.3 >180.0 76.2 >180.0 >180.0 26.2 >180.0 10.9 106.8 20.4 53.3 65.6 34.1 >180.0 66.2 39.8 35.6 52.9 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 89.3 81.7 28.6 10.4 >180.0 11.4 >180.0 53.9 Page 183 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-5: ID 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 2 (Cont’d) Location City Signal Fenway/Brookline Avenue Boston Yes Park Drive/Boylston/Brookline Avenue Boston Yes Brookline Avenue/Fullerton Street Boston Yes No Boylston Street/Kilmarnock Street Boston Yes Longwood Avenue/Brookline Avenue Boston Yes Longwood Avenue/Binney Street Boston Yes Longwood Avenue/Blackfan Street Boston Yes No Blackfan Street/Avenue Louis Pasteur Boston Yes Fenway/Avenue Louis Pasteur Boston Yes Longwood Avenue/Avenue Louis Pasteur Boston No Longwood Avenue/Huntington Avenue Boston Yes Fenway/Evans Way NB Boston Yes Fenway/Louis Prang Street Boston Yes Huntington Ave/Louis Prang St/Ruggles St/E-Line Boston Yes Ruggles Street/Parker Street Boston Yes Ruggles Street/Leon Street Boston No-Yes Ruggles Station Exit/Ruggles Street Boston Yes Ruggles Station Entrance/Ruggles Street Boston No Ruggles Street/Whittier Street/Tremont Street Boston Yes Columbus Avenue/MCB/Ruggles Station Boston Yes MCB/Tremont Street Boston Yes MCB/Kerr Way Boston Yes MCB/Shawmut Avenue Boston Yes MCB/Washington Street Boston Yes MCB/Harrison Avenue Boston Yes Massachusetts Avenue/Harrison Avenue Boston Yes Harrison Avenue/East Concord Street Boston Yes Harrison Avenue/East Newton Street Boston Yes MCB/Albany Street Boston Yes Albany Street/Hampden Street Boston No Albany Street/Northampton Street Boston Yes Massachusetts Avenue/Albany Street Boston Yes Albany Street/East Concord Street Boston No Albany Street/East Newton Street Boston Yes MCB/Hampden Street Boston Yes MCB/Massachusetts Avenue/Massachusetts Avenue Boston Yes Connector/Southampton Street Mass Ave Connector/East Concord St Boston No Dudley Street/Hampden Street/Dudmore Street Boston Yes Dudley Street/Blue Hill Avenue Boston Yes Dudley Street/East Cottage Street/West Cottage Street Boston Yes (Table continued on next page) a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 2 LOS (1) Delay (2) F >180.0 F >180.0 B 19.7 F 90.5 F >180.0 F 140.4 F >180.0 C 23.6 F 101.4 F >180.0 F >180.0 F 132.6 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 B 18.9 F 128.6 F 51.5 F >180.0 D 38.1 F >180.0 E 60.3 F >180.0 D 36.7 F 107.6 F 103.1 E 55.5 D 52.8 F >180.0 F >180.0 D 51.3 F 128.9 F >180.0 F >180.0 F 149.2 p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 2 LOS (1) Delay (2) F >180.0 F >180.0 E 71.4 F 80.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 E 79.3 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 C 24.1 F >180.0 F >180.0 F 152.5 F >180.0 F 117.3 E 40.4 F >180.0 D 43.4 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F 167.9 F >180.0 F 161.7 C 27.2 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F 148.7 F 174.7 F F C >180.0 >180.0 28.3 F F D >180.0 >180.0 36.6 Page 184 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-5: ID 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139a 139b 140a 140b 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 2 (Cont’d) Location City Signal Columbia Road/Dudley Street/Stoughton Boston Yes Columbia Road/Hamlet Street Boston No Columbia Rd/Mass Ave/Boston St/East Cottage St Boston Yes Columbia Road/Pond Street Boston No Columbia Road/Dorchester Avenue Boston Yes Columbia Road/I-93 SB Ramps Boston Yes Columbia Road/I-93 NB Ramps Boston No Columbia Road/Morrissey Boulevard (Morrissey Circle) Boston Rotary Mt. Vernon Street/Morrissey Boulevard NB Boston Yes Mt. Vernon Street/Morrissey Boulevard SB Boston Yes Morrissey Boulevard/Day Boulevard Boston No Morrissey Boulevard/UMass Access Drive Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue/Babcock Street Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue/Harry Agganis Way/Pleasant St Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue/Buick Street/St. Paul Street Boston Yes Babcock Street/Ashford Street Boston No Babcock Street/Gardner Street Boston No Commonwealth Avenue/St. Mary’s Street Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue/Blandford Street/Sherborn Street Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue/Beacon Street/Brookline Avenue/Deerfield St Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue (eastbound)/Charlesgate East Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue (eastbound)/Charlesgate West Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue (westbound)/Charlesgate East Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue (westbound)/Charlesgate West Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue (eastbound)/Mass Avenue Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue (westbound)/Mass Avenue Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue/Kenmore Street Boston Yes Beacon Street/Storrow Drive ramps Boston Yes Beacon Street/Charlesgate Boston Yes Beacon Street/Mass Avenue Boston Yes Beacon Street/Miner Street Boston No Brookline Avenue/Yawkey Way Boston No Brookline Avenue/Lansdowne Street Boston No Mountfort Street/Essex Street Brookline No Brookline Avenue/Short Street/Beth Israel Driveway Boston Yes Longwood Avenue/Palace Road Boston No Huntington Avenue/Tetlow Street Boston Yes Fenway/Palace Road (DCR) Boston No Ruggles Street/Annunciation Road Boston No Albany Street/East Brookline Street Boston No Albany Street//Msgr. Malden Street Boston No (Table continued on next page) a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 2 LOS (1) Delay (2) F >180.0 E 38.5 F 83.0 F 63.1 E 65.9 F 99.8 F >180.0 F >180.0 C 25.1 F 163.3 F >180.0 F 108.6 C 20.0 C 34.7 D 44.6 A 9.2 B 11.1 A 8.3 C 34.0 F >180.0 F 165.9 A 8.1 F >180.0 C 22.1 E 71.4 D 42.8 A 5.9 B 14.0 B 16.3 D 45.0 F >180.0 D 31.3 A 2.8 F >180.0 F 100.6 E 41.9 B 13.3 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 2 LOS (1) Delay (2) F >180.0 F 54.6 F 97.7 C 24.2 F >180.0 F 109.1 F >180.0 F >180.0 B 18.3 F 134.5 F >180.0 E 64.8 D 52.0 D 40.9 F 112.7 A 9.2 B 11.0 B 14.1 E 65.2 F >180.0 F >180.0 B 12.1 E 62.5 B 10.5 F 97.8 B 18.0 A 3.8 C 27.2 C 22.7 D 40.7 F >180.0 C 19.2 A 2.1 F >180.0 C 32.3 A 5.9 B 17.9 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 Page 185 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-5: ID 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177a 177b 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 2 (Cont’d) Location Albany Street/Union Park Street Mass Avenue/Island Street Mass Avenue/Pompeii Street Mass Avenue/Magazine Street Mass Avenue/New Market Street Mass Avenue/Clapp Street Waverly Street extension/Sidney Street Waverly Street/Albany St/Erie Street Albany Street/Pacific Street Albany Street/Cross Street Albany Street/Portland Street Waverly Street/Chestnut Street Waverly Street/Putnam Street Memorial Driive/Vassar Street (DCR) Memorial Drive/Amesbury Street (DCR) Mass Ave/Sidney Street Broadway/Cross Street Broadway/Glen Street Broadway/Franklin Street Rutherford Ave/Bunker Hill College North Driveway Rutherford Ave Off-Ramp/Bunker Hill College S Driveway Frankfort Street/Neptune Road Neptune Road/Route 1A D Street/Summer Street (SYNCHRO #180) D Street/Fargo Street (SYNCHRO #181) D Street/Congress Street (SYNCHRO #182) Cambridge Street/Windom Street (SYNCHRO #183) Western Avenue/Stadium Way (SYNCHRO #184) North Harvard Street/Stadium Way (SYNCHRO #185) Soldiers Field Road EB/North Harvard Street (SYN #186) Soldiers Field Road WB/Larz Anderson Bridge (SY #187) South Boston Bypass Rd at Frontage Rd NB South Boston Bypass Rd at Frontage Rd SB South Boston Bypass Rd at West Service Rd Mass Haul Road at C Street Mass Haul Road at Pumphouse Road Mass Haul Road at Northern Avenue South Boston Bypass Road at Ramp A City Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Somerville Somerville Somerville Boston Boston E. Boston E. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston Signal No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 2 LOS (1) Delay (2) C 16.6 C 19.5 F >180.0 E 76.1 F >180.0 E 47.6 B 12.7 C 19.6 C 18.6 C 15.8 B 13.4 B 13.2 B 14.8 F 62.0 A 9.0 F 115.1 E 65.6 B 10.3 C 28.4 A 0.0 B 14.1 D A C D F D C B B B B B A F A 39.6 7.9 26.3 48.9 >180.0 29.4 26.6 11.2 12.2 14.5 11.9 12.3 7.1 149.6 2.7 p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 2 LOS (1) Delay (2) C 23.7 C 17.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F 138.5 F >180.0 C 15.4 C 18.7 F 87.5 E 43.6 B 11.1 B 12.3 E 39.0 B 11.0 F 118.4 F 90.7 B 10.8 F 85.3 A 0.0 F 55.9 C A E B A E C A B F A B A C A 24.4 6.2 59.3 12.1 9.6 36.5 20.6 9.8 15.2 134.0 7.3 10.9 6.6 23.2 3.1 NOTE: For unsignalized intersections, LOS is reported for the critical movement (generally the left turn from minor street approach). (1) Level of Service (LOS). (2) Delay in seconds. Page 186 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-6: ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 2A Location City Chelsea Bridge (north)/Eastern Avenue/Central Avenue/Marginal St Chelsea Eastern Avenue/Bellingham Street Chelsea Eastern Avenue/Griffin Way Chelsea Arlington Street/Sixth Street Chelsea Everett Avenue/Spruce Street Chelsea Everett Avenue/Vale Street/Maple Street Chelsea Everett Avenue/Carter Street/Fifth Street Chelsea Everett Avenue/RBP Everett RBP/Vale Street Everett RBP/Vine Street Everett RBP/Ferry Street Everett RBP/Spring Street Everett RBP/Second Street Everett RBP/Lewis Street Everett Second Street/Route 99 Everett Sweetzer Circle (Route 99, Route 16 and Main Street) Everett Santilli Circle East at Route 16 Everett Santilli Circle West at Route 16 Everett RBP WB On-ramp Medford RBP EB On-ramp Medford Corporation Way/RBP Ramp (north) Medford Wellington Circle North (Middlesex Ave/Fellsway) - (New interchange Medford configuration) Route 28 Fellsway/Shore Drive/Assembly Square Drive Somerville Route 28 Fellsway/Middlesex Avenue Somerville Route 28 Fellsway/Mystic Avenue (north) Somerville Route 28 Fellsway/Mystic Avenue (south) Somerville McGrath Highway/Blakely Street Somerville McGrath Highway/Broadway Somerville McGrath Highway/Pearl Street Somerville Pearl Street/Walnut Street Somerville Pearl Street/Medford Street Somerville Medford Street/Walnut Street Somerville Medford Street/Highland Avenue/Hamlet Street Somerville McGrath Highway/Medford Street Somerville McGrath Highway SB Ramp/Washington Street Somerville McGrath Highway NB Ramp/frontage Rd/Washington St Somerville McGrath Highway SB Ramp/ Somerville Ave/Medford St Somerville Washington Street/Prospect Street Somerville Somerville Avenue/Prospect Street Somerville Lombardi Way/Mystic Avenue Somerville Broadway/Lombardi Way Somerville (Table continued on next page) Signal Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Rotary Yes Yes Merge Merge Flash Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 2A LOS (1) Delay (2) F >180.0 C 22.8 B 12.1 C 15.5 E 78.2 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 B 11.0 D 44.0 A 8.5 F >180.0 F >180.0 D 38.2 F >180.0 F 124.1 D 36.0 C 21.7 F >180.0 F >180.0 D 25.0 F >180.0 F F F F B F F B F F F F F F F F F C F >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 88.8 14.5 >180.0 135.4 16.3 57.9 >180.0 >180.0 112.3 97.1 101.3 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 26.5 >180.0 p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 2A LOS Delay (2) (1) F E C D E F F F C F C F F F F F E D F F F F 136.9 37.1 16.2 32.9 62.2 >180.0 83.8 >180.0 21.2 108.1 34.6 >180.0 >180.0 107.0 >180.0 >180.0 70.4 41.3 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 D F F C A F F C F F F E E D C F F F F 45.7 138.7 83.1 22.8 6.8 >180.0 169.4 33.4 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 60.0 55.1 51.6 33.7 82.3 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 Page 187 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-6: ID 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 66a 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78a 78b 79 80 Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 2A (Cont’d) Location City Rutherford Avenue/Broadway/Maffa Way/Cambridge St Boston Rutherford Ave/Austin St (East) Boston Rutherford Ave/Austin St (West) Boston Charlestown Avenue/O'Brien Highway/Land Boulevard/Charles River Cambridge Dam O’Brien Highway/Fitchburg ROW Cambridge O'Brien Highway/Twin City Plaza Drive (Cambridge Synchro) Somerville O'Brien Highway/Third Street Cambridge O'Brien Highway/Water Street Cambridge O'Brien Highway/Gore Street (Second Street) Cambridge O'Brien Highway/First Street Cambridge O'Brien Highway/Cambridge Street Cambridge First Street/Cambridge Street Cambridge First Street/Thorndike Street Cambridge First Street/Cambridgeside Way/Charles Street Cambridge Binney Street/First Street Cambridge Binney Street/Second Street Cambridge Binney Street/Third Street Cambridge Binney Street/Fulkerson Street Cambridge Broadway Street/Third Street Cambridge Broadway/Mid-Block Connector Cambridge Broadway/Galileo Way/Binney Street Cambridge Main Street/Galileo Way/Vassar Street Cambridge Main Street/Mid-Block Connector/Ames Street Cambridge Main Street/Albany Street Cambridge Mass Avenue/Albany Street Cambridge Mass Ave/Busway (Build Alt 1 only) Cambridge Mass Avenue/Vassar Street Cambridge Brookline Street/Waverly Street Cambridge Brookline Street/Memorial Drive Rotary (North) Cambridge Memorial Drive/Brookline Street/BU Bridge (East) Cambridge Memorial Drive/BU Bridge (South) Cambridge BU Bridge/Commonwealth Avenue Boston Carlton Street/Commonwealth Avenue Boston Mountfort Street/Carlton Street Brookline Mountfort Street/St. Mary's Street Boston Park Drive/Beacon Street Boston Beacon Street/Maitland Street Boston Park Drive/Riverway/Fenway Boston Park Drive/Fenway (north) Boston Fenway/Brookline Avenue Boston Park Drive/Boylston/Brookline Avenue Boston (Table continued on next page) Signal Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 2A p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 2A LOS (1) E F F F LOS (1) F F F F C C A A F C F C F F C F B D C C F C F C C C D F F E D C A F B F F F F Delay (2) 57.5 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 0.0 34.8 28.2 4.9 9.9 >180.0 21.7 >180.0 20.9 >180.0 >180.0 21.3 >180.0 11.0 43.1 27.7 33.7 94.0 30.2 >180.0 28.4 73.6 25.8 16.9 29.1 >180.0 >180.0 76.5 50.0 29.0 7.0 >180.0 10.4 108.3 87.2 >180.0 >180.0 D D C A F F F E F F C F B F C D E C F E C F F F F E E C B F B F D F F Delay (2) 108.4 >180.0 152.2 >180.0 0.0 41.8 36.6 22.8 9.4 >180.0 102.3 >180.0 76.2 >180.0 >180.0 26.2 >180.0 10.9 106.8 20.4 53.3 65.6 34.1 >180.0 66.2 39.8 24.5 52.9 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 66.8 79.9 28.6 10.4 >180.0 11.3 >180.0 53.9 >180.0 >180.0 Page 188 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-6: ID 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 2A (Cont’d) Location City Signal Brookline Avenue/Fullerton Street Boston Yes No Boylston Street/Kilmarnock Street Boston Yes Longwood Avenue/Brookline Avenue Boston Yes Longwood Avenue/Binney Street Boston Yes Longwood Avenue/Blackfan Street Boston Yes No Blackfan Street/Avenue Louis Pasteur Boston Yes Fenway/Avenue Louis Pasteur Boston Yes Longwood Avenue/Avenue Louis Pasteur Boston No Longwood Avenue/Huntington Avenue Boston Yes Fenway/Evans Way NB Boston Yes Fenway/Louis Prang Street Boston Yes Huntington Ave/Louis Prang St/Ruggles St/E-Line Boston Yes Ruggles Street/Parker Street Boston Yes Ruggles Street/Leon Street Boston No-Yes Ruggles Station Exit/Ruggles Street Boston Yes Ruggles Station Entrance/Ruggles Street Boston No Ruggles Street/Whittier Street/Tremont Street Boston Yes Columbus Avenue/MCB/Ruggles Station Boston Yes MCB/Tremont Street Boston Yes MCB/Kerr Way Boston Yes MCB/Shawmut Avenue Boston Yes MCB/Washington Street Boston Yes MCB/Harrison Avenue Boston Yes Massachusetts Avenue/Harrison Avenue Boston Yes Harrison Avenue/East Concord Street Boston Yes Harrison Avenue/East Newton Street Boston Yes MCB/Albany Street Boston Yes Albany Street/Hampden Street Boston No Albany Street/Northampton Street Boston Yes Massachusetts Avenue/Albany Street Boston Yes Albany Street/East Concord Street Boston No Albany Street/East Newton Street Boston Yes MCB/Hampden Street Boston Yes MCB/Massachusetts Avenue/Massachusetts Avenue Boston Yes Connector/Southampton Street Mass Ave Connector/East Concord St Boston No Dudley Street/Hampden Street/Dudmore Street Boston Yes Dudley Street/Blue Hill Avenue Boston Yes Dudley Street/East Cottage Street/West Cottage Street Boston Yes Columbia Road/Dudley Street/Stoughton Boston Yes Columbia Road/Hamlet Street Boston No Columbia Rd/Mass Ave/Boston St/East Cottage St Boston Yes (Table continued on next page) a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 2A p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 2A LOS (1) B F F F F C F F F F F F F B F F F D F E F D F F E D F F D F F F F Delay (2) 19.7 90.5 >180.0 140.4 >180.0 23.6 101.4 >180.0 >180.0 132.6 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 18.9 128.6 51.5 >180.0 38.1 >180.0 60.3 >180.0 36.7 107.6 103.1 55.5 52.8 >180.0 >180.0 51.3 128.9 >180.0 >180.0 149.2 LOS (1) E F F F F E F F F C F F F F F E F D F F F F F F C F F F F F F F F Delay (2) 71.4 80.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 79.3 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 24.1 >180.0 >180.0 152.5 >180.0 117.3 40.4 >180.0 43.4 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 167.9 >180.0 161.7 27.2 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 F 148.7 F 174.7 F F C F E F 0.0 >180.0 >180.0 28.3 >180.0 38.5 83.0 F F D F F F 0.0 >180.0 >180.0 36.6 >180.0 54.6 97.7 Page 189 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-6: Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 2A (Cont’d) a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 2A p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 2A ID 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 Location Columbia Road/Pond Street Columbia Road/Dorchester Avenue Columbia Road/I-93 SB Ramps Columbia Road/I-93 NB Ramps Columbia Road/Morrissey Boulevard (Morrissey Circle) Mt. Vernon Street/Morrissey Boulevard NB Mt. Vernon Street/Morrissey Boulevard SB Morrissey Boulevard/Day Boulevard Morrissey Boulevard/UMass Access Drive Commonwealth Avenue/Babcock Street Commonwealth Avenue/Harry Agganis Way/Pleasant St Commonwealth Avenue/Buick Street/St. Paul Street Babcock Street/Ashford Street Babcock Street/Gardner Street Commonwealth Avenue/St. Mary’s Street Commonwealth Avenue/Blandford Street/Sherborn Street City Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Signal No Yes Yes No Rotary Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes LOS (1) F E F F F C F F F C C D A B A D Delay (2) 63.1 65.9 99.8 >180.0 >180.0 25.0 163.3 >180.0 108.6 20.0 34.7 44.6 9.2 11.1 9.3 37.4 LOS (1) C F F F F B F F E D D F A B B E Delay (2) 24.2 >180.0 109.1 >180.0 >180.0 18.2 134.5 >180.0 64.8 52.0 40.9 112.7 9.2 11.0 14.0 59.5 138 Commonwealth Avenue/Beacon Street/Brookline Avenue/Deerfield St Boston Yes F >180.0 F >180.0 139 a 139 b 140 a 140 b 141 Commonwealth Avenue (eastbound)/Charlesgate East Boston Commonwealth Avenue (eastbound)/Charlesgate West Boston Commonwealth Avenue (westbound)/Charlesgate East Boston Commonwealth Avenue (westbound)/Charlesgate West Boston Commonwealth Avenue (eastbound)/Mass Avenue Boston Commonwealth Avenue (westbound)/Mass Avenue Boston Commonwealth Avenue/Kenmore Street Boston Beacon Street/Storrow Drive ramps Boston Beacon Street/Charlesgate Boston Beacon Street/Mass Avenue Boston Beacon Street/Miner Street Boston Brookline Avenue/Yawkey Way Boston Brookline Avenue/Lansdowne Street Boston Mountfort Street/Essex Street Brookline Brookline Avenue/Short Street/Beth Israel Driveway Boston Longwood Avenue/Palace Road Boston Huntington Avenue/Tetlow Street Boston Fenway/Palace Road (DCR) Boston Ruggles Street/Annunciation Road Boston Albany Street/East Brookline Street Boston Albany Street//Msgr. Malden Street Boston Albany Street/Union Park Street Boston Mass Avenue/Island Street Boston Mass Avenue/Pompeii Street Boston (Table continued on next page) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes No Yes No No No No No No No F A F C E D A B B D F D A F F E B F F F F C C F 170.1 9.9 >180.0 22.1 73.4 39.9 3.7 14.5 16.6 48.6 >180.0 31.3 2.8 >180.0 100.6 41.9 13.3 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 16.6 19.5 >180.0 F B E B F B A C C D F C A F C A B F F F F C C F >180.0 12.1 62.5 10.5 100.0 18.2 3.9 28.7 22.7 43.1 >180.0 19.2 2.1 >180.0 32.3 5.9 17.9 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 23.7 17.0 >180.0 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 Page 190 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-6: ID 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177a 177b 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 2A (Cont’d) Location Mass Avenue/Magazine Street Mass Avenue/New Market Street Mass Avenue/Clapp Street Waverly Street extension/Sidney Street Waverly Street/Albany St/Erie Street Albany Street/Pacific Street Albany Street/Cross Street Albany Street/Portland Street Waverly Street/Chestnut Street Waverly Street/Putnam Street Memorial Driive/Vassar Street (DCR) Memorial Drive/Amesbury Street (DCR) Mass Ave/Sidney Street Broadway/Cross Street Broadway/Glen Street Broadway/Franklin Street Rutherford Ave/Bunker Hill College North Driveway Rutherford Ave Off-Ramp/Bunker Hill College S Driveway Frankfort Street/Neptune Road Neptune Road/Route 1A D Street/Summer Street (SYNCHRO #180) D Street/Fargo Street (SYNCHRO #181) D Street/Congress Street (SYNCHRO #182) Cambridge Street/Windom Street (SYNCHRO #183) Western Avenue/Stadium Way (SYNCHRO #184) North Harvard Street/Stadium Way (SYNCHRO #185) Soldiers Field Road EB/North Harvard Street (SYN #186) Soldiers Field Road WB/Larz Anderson Bridge (SY #187) South Boston Bypass Rd at Frontage Rd NB South Boston Bypass Rd at Frontage Rd SB South Boston Bypass Rd at West Service Rd Mass Haul Road at C Street Mass Haul Road at Pumphouse Road Mass Haul Road at Northern Avenue South Boston Bypass Road at Ramp A City Boston Boston Boston Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Somerville Somerville Somerville Boston Boston E. Boston E. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston Signal Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 2A p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 2A LOS (1) E F E B C C C B B B F A F E B C A B Delay (2) 76.1 >180.0 47.6 12.7 19.1 18.2 15.5 13.4 13.0 14.5 62.0 9.0 115.1 65.6 10.3 28.4 0.0 14.1 LOS (1) F F F F C C F E B B E B F F B F A F Delay (2) >180.0 >180.0 138.5 >180.0 15.1 18.3 80.3 43.6 10.9 12.1 39.0 11.0 118.4 90.7 10.8 85.3 0.0 55.9 D A C D F D C B B B B B A F A 39.6 7.9 26.3 48.9 >180.0 29.4 26.6 11.2 12.2 14.5 11.9 12.3 7.1 149.6 2.7 C A E B A E C A B F A B A C A 24.4 6.2 59.3 12.1 9.6 36.5 20.6 9.8 15.2 134.0 7.3 10.9 6.6 23.2 3.1 NOTE: For unsignalized intersections, LOS is reported for the critical movement (generally the left turn from minor street approach). (1) Level of Service (LOS). (2) Delay in seconds. Page 191 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-7: ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 3 Location City Chelsea Bridge (north)/Eastern Avenue/Central Avenue/Marginal St Chelsea Eastern Avenue/Bellingham Street Chelsea Eastern Avenue/Griffin Way Chelsea Arlington Street/Sixth Street Chelsea Everett Avenue/Spruce Street Chelsea Everett Avenue/Vale Street/Maple Street Chelsea Everett Avenue/Carter Street/Fifth Street Chelsea Everett Avenue/RBP Everett RBP/Vale Street Everett RBP/Vine Street Everett RBP/Ferry Street Everett RBP/Spring Street Everett RBP/Second Street Everett RBP/Lewis Street Everett Second Street/Route 99 Everett Sweetzer Circle (Route 99, Route 16 and Main Street) Everett Santilli Circle East at Route 16 Everett Santilli Circle West at Route 16 Everett RBP WB On-ramp Medford RBP EB On-ramp Medford Corporation Way/RBP Ramp (north) Medford Wellington Circle North (Middlesex Ave/Fellsway) - (New interchange Medford config) Route 28 Fellsway/Shore Drive/Assembly Square Drive Somerville Route 28 Fellsway/Middlesex Avenue Somerville Route 28 Fellsway/Mystic Avenue (north) Somerville Route 28 Fellsway/Mystic Avenue (south) Somerville McGrath Highway/Blakely Street Somerville McGrath Highway/Broadway Somerville McGrath Highway/Pearl Street Somerville Pearl Street/Walnut Street Somerville Pearl Street/Medford Street Somerville Medford Street/Walnut Street Somerville Medford Street/Highland Avenue/Hamlet Street Somerville McGrath Highway/Medford Street Somerville McGrath Highway SB Ramp/Washington Street Somerville McGrath Highway NB Ramp/frontage Rd/Washington St Somerville McGrath Highway SB Ramp/ Somerville Ave/Medford St Somerville Washington Street/Prospect Street Somerville Somerville Avenue/Prospect Street Somerville Lombardi Way/Mystic Avenue Somerville Broadway/Lombardi Way Somerville (Table continued on next page) Signal Yes No No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Rotary Yes Yes Merge Merge Flash Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 3 LOS (1) Delay (2) F C B C E F F F B D A F F D F F D C F F D F F F F E B F F B F F F F F F F F F C F >180.0 22.8 12.1 15.5 78.2 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 11.0 44.0 8.5 >180.0 >180.0 38.2 >180.0 124.1 36.0 21.7 >180.0 >180.0 25.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 79.5 13.9 >180.0 135.4 16.3 57.9 >180.0 >180.0 112.3 96.2 104.3 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 29.9 >180.0 p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 3 LOS (1) Delay (2) F E C D E F F F C F C F F F F F E D F F F F D F E C A F F C F F F E E E D F F F F 136.9 37.1 16.2 32.9 62.2 >180.0 83.8 >180.0 21.2 108.1 34.6 >180.0 >180.0 107.0 >180.0 >180.0 70.4 41.3 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 45.7 138.7 71.3 23.5 6.6 >180.0 169.4 33.4 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 60.0 62.0 57.5 35.0 82.3 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 Page 192 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-7: ID 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 66a 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78a 78b 79 80 Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 3 (Cont’d) Location Rutherford Avenue/Broadway/Maffa Way/Cambridge St Rutherford Ave/Austin St (East) Rutherford Ave/Austin St (West) Charlestown Avenue/O'Brien Highway/Land Boulevard/Charles River Dam O’Brien Highway/Fitchburg ROW City Boston Boston Boston Cambridge Cambridge O'Brien Highway/Twin City Plaza Drive (Cambridge Synchro) Somerville O'Brien Highway/Third Street Cambridge O'Brien Highway/Water Street Cambridge O'Brien Highway/Gore Street (Second Street) Cambridge O'Brien Highway/First Street Cambridge O'Brien Highway/Cambridge Street Cambridge First Street/Cambridge Street Cambridge First Street/Thorndike Street Cambridge First Street/Cambridgeside Way/Charles Street Cambridge Binney Street/First Street Cambridge Binney Street/Second Street Cambridge Binney Street/Third Street Cambridge Binney Street/Fulkerson Street Cambridge Broadway Street/Third Street Cambridge Broadway/Mid-Block Connector Cambridge Broadway/Galileo Way/Binney Street Cambridge Main Street/Galileo Way/Vassar Street Cambridge Main Street/Mid-Block Connector/Ames Street Cambridge Main Street/Albany Street Cambridge Mass Avenue/Albany Street Cambridge Mass Ave/Busway (Build Alt 1 only) Cambridge Mass Avenue/Vassar Street Cambridge Brookline Street/Waverly Street Cambridge Brookline Street/Memorial Drive Rotary (North) Cambridge Memorial Drive/Brookline Street/BU Bridge (East) Cambridge Memorial Drive/BU Bridge (South) Cambridge BU Bridge/Commonwealth Avenue Boston Carlton Street/Commonwealth Avenue Boston Mountfort Street/Carlton Street Brookline Mountfort Street/St. Mary's Street Boston Park Drive/Beacon Street Boston Beacon Street/Maitland Street Boston Park Drive/Riverway/Fenway Boston Park Drive/Fenway (north) Boston Fenway/Brookline Avenue Boston Park Drive/Boylston/Brookline Avenue Boston (Table continued on next page) Signal Yes Yes Yes Yes a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 3 LOS (1) Delay (2) p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 3 LOS (1) Delay (2) E F F F 57.5 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 F F F F 108.4 >180.0 152.2 >180.0 C C A A F C F C F F C F B D C C D C F C 34.6 31.5 5.7 9.9 >180.0 21.7 >180.0 20.9 >180.0 >180.0 21.3 >180.0 11.0 43.1 27.7 33.7 51.6 33.6 >180.0 26.3 N/A 25.8 16.9 29.1 >180.0 >180.0 75.8 46.3 29.0 7.0 >180.0 10.7 105.0 91.4 >180.0 >180.0 D D D A F F F E F F C F B F C D E C F F 40.2 36.5 25.4 9.4 >180.0 102.3 >180.0 76.2 >180.0 >180.0 26.2 >180.0 10.9 106.8 20.4 53.3 65.6 34.6 >180.0 102.3 N/A 24.5 52.9 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 65.7 75.2 28.6 10.4 >180.0 11.6 >180.0 46.5 >180.0 >180.0 Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes C C D F F E D C A F B F F F F C F F F F E E C B F B F D F F Page 193 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-7: ID 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 3 (Cont’d) Location Brookline Avenue/Fullerton Street Boylston Street/Kilmarnock Street Longwood Avenue/Brookline Avenue Longwood Avenue/Binney Street Longwood Avenue/Blackfan Street Blackfan Street/Avenue Louis Pasteur Fenway/Avenue Louis Pasteur Longwood Avenue/Avenue Louis Pasteur Longwood Avenue/Huntington Avenue Fenway/Evans Way NB Fenway/Louis Prang Street Huntington Ave/Louis Prang St/Ruggles St/E-Line Ruggles Street/Parker Street Ruggles Street/Leon Street Ruggles Station Exit/Ruggles Street Ruggles Station Entrance/Ruggles Street Ruggles Street/Whittier Street/Tremont Street Columbus Avenue/MCB/Ruggles Station MCB/Tremont Street MCB/Kerr Way MCB/Shawmut Avenue MCB/Washington Street MCB/Harrison Avenue Massachusetts Avenue/Harrison Avenue Harrison Avenue/East Concord Street Harrison Avenue/East Newton Street MCB/Albany Street Albany Street/Hampden Street Albany Street/Northampton Street Massachusetts Avenue/Albany Street Albany Street/East Concord Street Albany Street/East Newton Street MCB/Hampden Street MCB/Massachusetts Avenue/Massachusetts Avenue Connector/Southampton Street Mass Ave Connector/East Concord St City Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Dudley Street/Hampden Street/Dudmore Street Boston Dudley Street/Blue Hill Avenue Boston Dudley Street/East Cottage Street/West Cottage Street Boston Columbia Road/Dudley Street/Stoughton Boston Columbia Road/Hamlet Street Boston Columbia Rd/Mass Ave/Boston St/East Cottage St Boston (Table continued on next page) Signal Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NoYes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 3 LOS (1) Delay (2) p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 3 LOS (1) Delay (2) B F F F F B F F F B F F F B F F F D F E F D F F E D F F D F F F F 19.7 90.5 >180.0 93.5 >180.0 17.7 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 19.6 >180.0 142.7 >180.0 18.9 126.4 50.2 >180.0 38.1 >180.0 60.3 >180.0 36.7 107.6 103.3 55.5 52.8 >180.0 >180.0 51.3 >180.0 159.4 >180.0 149.2 E F F F F C F F F C F F F F F F F D F F F F F F C F F F F F F F F 71.4 80.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 23.5 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 23.5 >180.0 163.9 >180.0 >180.0 159.1 54.8 >180.0 43.4 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 167.9 >180.0 161.6 27.2 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 Yes No F 148.7 F 174.7 Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes F F D F B F >180.0 >180.0 39.9 >180.0 10.8 80.5 F F D F B F >180.0 >180.0 51.2 >180.0 11.5 98.9 Page 194 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-7: ID 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139a 139b 140a 140b 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 3 (Cont’d) Location City Columbia Road/Pond Street Boston Columbia Road/Dorchester Avenue Boston Columbia Road/I-93 SB Ramps Boston Columbia Road/I-93 NB Ramps Boston Columbia Road/Morrissey Boulevard (Morrissey Circle) Boston Mt. Vernon Street/Morrissey Boulevard NB Boston Mt. Vernon Street/Morrissey Boulevard SB Boston Morrissey Boulevard/Day Boulevard Boston Morrissey Boulevard/UMass Access Drive Boston Commonwealth Avenue/Babcock Street Boston Commonwealth Avenue/Harry Agganis Way/Pleasant St Boston Commonwealth Avenue/Buick Street/St. Paul Street Boston Babcock Street/Ashford Street Boston Babcock Street/Gardner Street Boston Commonwealth Avenue/St. Mary’s Street Boston Commonwealth Avenue/Blandford Street/Sherborn Street Boston Commonwealth Avenue/Beacon Street/Brookline Avenue/Deerfield St Boston Commonwealth Avenue (eastbound)/Charlesgate East Boston Commonwealth Avenue (eastbound)/Charlesgate West Boston Commonwealth Avenue (westbound)/Charlesgate East Boston Commonwealth Avenue (westbound)/Charlesgate West Boston Commonwealth Avenue (eastbound)/Mass Avenue Boston Commonwealth Avenue (westbound)/Mass Avenue Boston Commonwealth Avenue/Kenmore Street Boston Beacon Street/Storrow Drive ramps Boston Beacon Street/Charlesgate Boston Beacon Street/Mass Avenue Boston Beacon Street/Miner Street Boston Brookline Avenue/Yawkey Way Boston Brookline Avenue/Lansdowne Street Boston Mountfort Street/Essex Street Brookline Brookline Avenue/Short Street/Beth Israel Driveway Boston Longwood Avenue/Palace Road Boston Huntington Avenue/Tetlow Street Boston Fenway/Palace Road (DCR) Boston Ruggles Street/Annunciation Road Boston Albany Street/East Brookline Street Boston Albany Street//Msgr. Malden Street Boston Albany Street/Union Park Street Boston Mass Avenue/Island Street Boston Mass Avenue/Pompeii Street Boston (Table continued on next page) Signal No Yes Yes No Rotary Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes No Yes No No No No No No No a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 3 LOS (1) Delay (2) F E F F F C F F F C C D A B B D F F A F C E D A B B D F D A F E D B F F F F C C F 63.1 65.9 99.8 >180.0 >180.0 25.0 163.3 >180.0 108.6 20.6 32.2 36.2 9.2 11.1 10.2 36.2 >180.0 165.9 8.1 >180.0 22.1 71.4 37.0 5.9 14.0 16.3 45.0 >180.0 31.3 2.8 >180.0 55.3 32.8 12.6 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 16.3 19.3 >180.0 p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 3 LOS (1) Delay (2) C F F F F B F F E D D F A B A E F F B E B F B A C C D F C A F C A B F F F F C C F 24.2 >180.0 109.1 >180.0 >180.0 18.2 134.5 >180.0 64.8 51.9 39.3 112.3 9.2 11.0 5.4 59.7 >180.0 >180.0 12.1 62.5 10.5 97.3 18.0 3.8 27.2 22.7 40.7 >180.0 19.2 2.1 >180.0 25.2 6.8 15.3 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 23.5 17.0 >180.0 Page 195 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-7: Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 3 (Cont’d) ID 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177a 177b 178 179 Location Mass Avenue/Magazine Street Mass Avenue/New Market Street Mass Avenue/Clapp Street Waverly Street extension/Sidney Street Waverly Street/Albany St/Erie Street Albany Street/Pacific Street Albany Street/Cross Street Albany Street/Portland Street Waverly Street/Chestnut Street Waverly Street/Putnam Street Memorial Driive/Vassar Street (DCR) Memorial Drive/Amesbury Street (DCR) Mass Ave/Sidney Street Broadway/Cross Street Broadway/Glen Street Broadway/Franklin Street Rutherford Ave/Bunker Hill College North Driveway Rutherford Ave Off-Ramp/Bunker Hill College S Driveway Frankfort Street/Neptune Road Neptune Road/Route 1A City Boston Boston Boston Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Somerville Somerville Somerville Boston Boston E. Boston E. Boston Signal Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No No Yes 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 D Street/Summer Street (SYNCHRO #180) D Street/Fargo Street (SYNCHRO #181) D Street/Congress Street (SYNCHRO #182) Cambridge Street/Windom Street (SYNCHRO #183) Western Avenue/Stadium Way (SYNCHRO #184) North Harvard Street/Stadium Way (SYNCHRO #185) Soldiers Field Road EB/North Harvard Street (SYN #186) Soldiers Field Road WB/Larz Anderson Bridge (SY #187) South Boston Bypass Rd at Frontage Rd NB South Boston Bypass Rd at Frontage Rd SB South Boston Bypass Rd at West Service Rd Mass Haul Road at C Street Mass Haul Road at Pumphouse Road Mass Haul Road at Northern Avenue South Boston Bypass Road at Ramp A S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 3 LOS (1) Delay (2) p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 3 LOS (1) Delay (2) F F F B C C C B B B F A F C A C A B 87.2 >180.0 50.9 12.7 19.1 18.2 15.5 13.3 13.0 14.5 62.0 9.0 115.5 34.6 9.7 20.5 0.0 14.1 F F F F C C F E B B E B F D A C A F >180.0 >180.0 156.7 >180.0 15.1 18.3 80.3 37.4 10.9 12.1 39.0 11.0 118.4 38.8 9.4 24.2 0.0 55.9 D A C D F D C B B B B B A F A 39.6 7.9 26.3 48.9 >180.0 27.3 26.5 11.1 12.2 14.5 11.9 12.3 7.1 149.6 2.7 C A E B A D C A B F A B A C A 24.4 6.2 59.3 12.1 9.6 34.8 20.6 9.7 14.7 131.5 8.3 10.9 6.6 23.2 3.1 NOTE: For unsignalized intersections, LOS is reported for the critical movement (generally the left turn from minor street approach). (1) Level of Service (LOS). (2) Delay in seconds. Page 196 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-8: ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 3A Location City Chelsea Bridge (north)/Eastern Avenue/Central Avenue/Marginal St Chelsea Eastern Avenue/Bellingham Street Chelsea Eastern Avenue/Griffin Way Chelsea Arlington Street/Sixth Street Chelsea Everett Avenue/Spruce Street Chelsea Everett Avenue/Vale Street/Maple Street Chelsea Everett Avenue/Carter Street/Fifth Street Chelsea Everett Avenue/RBP Everett RBP/Vale Street Everett RBP/Vine Street Everett RBP/Ferry Street Everett RBP/Spring Street Everett RBP/Second Street Everett RBP/Lewis Street Everett Second Street/Route 99 Everett Sweetzer Circle (Route 99, Route 16 and Main Street) Everett Santilli Circle East at Route 16 Everett Santilli Circle West at Route 16 Everett RBP WB On-ramp Medford RBP EB On-ramp Medford Corporation Way/RBP Ramp (north) Medford Wellington Circle North (Middlesex Ave/Fellsway) - (New interchange Medford configuration) Route 28 Fellsway/Shore Drive/Assembly Square Drive Somerville Route 28 Fellsway/Middlesex Avenue Somerville Route 28 Fellsway/Mystic Avenue (north) Somerville Route 28 Fellsway/Mystic Avenue (south) Somerville McGrath Highway/Blakely Street Somerville McGrath Highway/Broadway Somerville McGrath Highway/Pearl Street Somerville Pearl Street/Walnut Street Somerville Pearl Street/Medford Street Somerville Medford Street/Walnut Street Somerville Medford Street/Highland Avenue/Hamlet Street Somerville McGrath Highway/Medford Street Somerville McGrath Highway SB Ramp/Washington Street Somerville McGrath Highway NB Ramp/frontage Rd/Washington St Somerville McGrath Highway SB Ramp/ Somerville Ave/Medford St Somerville Washington Street/Prospect Street Somerville Somerville Avenue/Prospect Street Somerville Lombardi Way/Mystic Avenue Somerville Broadway/Lombardi Way Somerville (Table continued on next page) a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 3A p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 3A Signal Yes No No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Rotary Yes Yes Merge Merge Flash Yes LOS (1) F C B C E F F F B D A F F D F F D C F F D F Delay (2) >180.0 22.8 12.1 15.5 78.2 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 11.0 44.0 8.5 >180.0 >180.0 38.2 >180.0 124.1 36.0 21.7 >180.0 >180.0 30.5 >180.0 LOS (1) F E C D E F F F C F C F F F F F E D F F F F Delay (2) 136.9 37.1 16.2 32.9 62.2 >180.0 83.8 >180.0 21.2 108.1 34.6 >180.0 >180.0 107 >180.0 >180.0 70.4 41.3 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes F F F E B F F B F F F F F F F F F C F >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 79.5 13.9 >180.0 135.4 16.3 57.9 >180.0 >180.0 112.3 96.2 107.3 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 29.9 >180.0 D F E C A F F C F F F E E D D F F F F 45.7 138.7 71.3 23.5 6.6 >180.0 169.4 33.4 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 60 61.96 51.3 36.97 82.3 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 Page 197 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-8: Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 3A (Cont’d) a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 3A ID 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 66 a 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 a 78 b 79 80 81 Location City Signal Rutherford Avenue/Broadway/Maffa Way/Cambridge St Boston Yes Rutherford Ave/Austin St (East) Boston Yes Rutherford Ave/Austin St (West) Boston Yes Charlestown Avenue/O'Brien Highway/Land Boulevard/Charles River Cambridge Yes Dam O’Brien Highway/Fitchburg ROW Cambridge Yes O'Brien Highway/Twin City Plaza Drive (Cambridge Synchro) Somerville Yes O'Brien Highway/Third Street Cambridge Yes O'Brien Highway/Water Street Cambridge No O'Brien Highway/Gore Street (Second Street) Cambridge No O'Brien Highway/First Street Cambridge Yes O'Brien Highway/Cambridge Street Cambridge Yes First Street/Cambridge Street Cambridge Yes First Street/Thorndike Street Cambridge Yes First Street/Cambridgeside Way/Charles Street Cambridge Yes Binney Street/First Street Cambridge Yes Binney Street/Second Street Cambridge No - Yes Binney Street/Third Street Cambridge Yes Binney Street/Fulkerson Street Cambridge Yes Broadway Street/Third Street Cambridge Yes Broadway/Mid-Block Connector Cambridge Yes Broadway/Galileo Way/Binney Street Cambridge Yes Main Street/Galileo Way/Vassar Street Cambridge Yes Main Street/Mid-Block Connector/Ames Street Cambridge Yes Main Street/Albany Street Cambridge No Mass Avenue/Albany Street Cambridge Yes Mass Ave/Busway (Build Alt 1 only) Cambridge Yes Mass Avenue/Vassar Street Cambridge Yes Brookline Street/Waverly Street Cambridge No Brookline Street/Memorial Drive Rotary (North) Cambridge No Memorial Drive/Brookline Street/BU Bridge (East) Cambridge No Memorial Drive/BU Bridge (South) Cambridge Yes BU Bridge/Commonwealth Avenue Boston Yes Carlton Street/Commonwealth Avenue Boston Yes Mountfort Street/Carlton Street Brookline Yes Mountfort Street/St. Mary's Street Boston Yes Park Drive/Beacon Street Boston Yes Beacon Street/Maitland Street Boston No Park Drive/Riverway/Fenway Boston Yes No Park Drive/Fenway (north) Boston Yes Fenway/Brookline Avenue Boston Yes Park Drive/Boylston/Brookline Avenue Boston Yes Brookline Avenue/Fullerton Street Boston Yes (Table continued on next page) p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 3A LOS (1) E F F F Delay (2) 57.5 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 LOS (1) F F F F Delay (2) 108.4 >180.0 152.2 >180.0 D D A A F C F C F F C F B D C C D C F C 37.7 35.1 6.5 9.9 >180.0 21.7 >180.0 20.9 >180.0 >180.0 21.3 >180.0 11.0 49.8 27.7 33.7 51.6 33.9 >180.0 26.3 N/A 25.8 16.9 29.1 >180.0 >180.0 76.2 46.3 27.2 7.0 >180.0 10.7 105.0 91.4 >180.0 >180.0 19.7 D D D A F F F E F F C F B F C D E C F F 43.7 41.4 28.2 9.4 >180.0 102.3 >180.0 76.2 >180.0 >180.0 26.2 >180.0 10.9 103.1 20.4 53.3 65.6 34.1 >180.0 102.3 N/A 24.45 52.9 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 66.46 75.22 28.9 10.5 >180.0 11.56 >180.0 46.5 >180.0 >180.0 71.4 C C D F F E D C A F B F F F F B C F F F F E E C B F B F D F F E Page 198 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-8: ID 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 3A (Cont’d) Location City Signal No Boylston Street/Kilmarnock Street Boston Yes Longwood Avenue/Brookline Avenue Boston Yes Longwood Avenue/Binney Street Boston Yes Longwood Avenue/Blackfan Street Boston Yes Blackfan Street/Avenue Louis Pasteur Boston No - Yes Fenway/Avenue Louis Pasteur Boston No Longwood Avenue/Avenue Louis Pasteur Boston No Longwood Avenue/Huntington Avenue Boston Yes Fenway/Evans Way NB Boston Yes Fenway/Louis Prang Street Boston Yes Huntington Ave/Louis Prang St/Ruggles St/E-Line Boston Yes Ruggles Street/Parker Street Boston Yes Ruggles Street/Leon Street Boston No-Yes Ruggles Station Exit/Ruggles Street Boston Yes Ruggles Station Entrance/Ruggles Street Boston No Ruggles Street/Whittier Street/Tremont Street Boston Yes Columbus Avenue/MCB/Ruggles Station Boston Yes MCB/Tremont Street Boston Yes MCB/Kerr Way Boston Yes MCB/Shawmut Avenue Boston Yes MCB/Washington Street Boston Yes MCB/Harrison Avenue Boston Yes Massachusetts Avenue/Harrison Avenue Boston Yes Harrison Avenue/East Concord Street Boston Yes Harrison Avenue/East Newton Street Boston Yes MCB/Albany Street Boston Yes Albany Street/Hampden Street Boston No Albany Street/Northampton Street Boston Yes Massachusetts Avenue/Albany Street Boston Yes Albany Street/East Concord Street Boston No Albany Street/East Newton Street Boston Yes MCB/Hampden Street Boston Yes MCB/Massachusetts Avenue/Massachusetts Avenue Boston Yes Connector/Southampton Street Mass Ave Connector/East Concord St Boston No Dudley Street/Hampden Street/Dudmore Street Boston Yes Dudley Street/Blue Hill Avenue Boston Yes Dudley Street/East Cottage Street/West Cottage Street Boston Yes Columbia Road/Dudley Street/Stoughton Boston Yes Columbia Road/Hamlet Street Boston No Columbia Rd/Mass Ave/Boston St/East Cottage St Boston Yes Columbia Road/Pond Street Boston No (Table continued on next page) a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 3A p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 3A LOS (1) F F F F B F F F B F F F E F F F D F E F D F F E D F F D F F F F Delay (2) 90.5 >180.0 93.5 >180.0 17.7 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 19.6 >180.0 142.7 >180.0 78.1 126.4 50.2 >180.0 38.1 >180.0 60.3 >180.0 36.7 107.6 103.3 55.5 52.8 >180.0 >180.0 51.3 >180.0 159.4 >180.0 149.2 LOS (1) F F F F C F F F C F F F F F F F D F F F F F F C F F F F F F F F Delay (2) 80 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 23.5 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 23.5 >180.0 163.9 >180.0 120.6 159.1 54.8 >180.0 43.4 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 167.9 >180.0 161.6 27.2 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 F 148.7 F 174.7 F F D F B F F >180.0 >180.0 39.9 >180.0 10.8 80.5 63.1 F F D F B F C >180.0 >180.0 51.2 >180.0 11.5 98.93 24.2 Page 199 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-8: Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 3A (Cont’d) a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 3A ID 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139a 139b 140a 140b 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 Location City Signal Columbia Road/Dorchester Avenue Boston Yes Columbia Road/I-93 SB Ramps Boston Yes Columbia Road/I-93 NB Ramps Boston No Columbia Road/Morrissey Boulevard (Morrissey Circle) Boston Rotary Mt. Vernon Street/Morrissey Boulevard NB Boston Yes Mt. Vernon Street/Morrissey Boulevard SB Boston Yes Morrissey Boulevard/Day Boulevard Boston No Morrissey Boulevard/UMass Access Drive Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue/Babcock Street Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue/Harry Agganis Way/Pleasant St Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue/Buick Street/St. Paul Street Boston Yes Babcock Street/Ashford Street Boston No Babcock Street/Gardner Street Boston No Commonwealth Avenue/St. Mary’s Street Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue/Blandford Street/Sherborn Street Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue/Beacon Street/Brookline Avenue/Deerfield St Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue (eastbound)/Charlesgate East Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue (eastbound)/Charlesgate West Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue (westbound)/Charlesgate East Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue (westbound)/Charlesgate West Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue (eastbound)/Mass Avenue Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue (westbound)/Mass Avenue Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue/Kenmore Street Boston Yes Beacon Street/Storrow Drive ramps Boston Yes Beacon Street/Charlesgate Boston Yes Beacon Street/Mass Avenue Boston Yes Beacon Street/Miner Street Boston No Brookline Avenue/Yawkey Way Boston No Brookline Avenue/Lansdowne Street Boston No Mountfort Street/Essex Street Brookline No Brookline Avenue/Short Street/Beth Israel Driveway Boston Yes Longwood Avenue/Palace Road Boston No Huntington Avenue/Tetlow Street Boston Yes Fenway/Palace Road (DCR) Boston No Ruggles Street/Annunciation Road Boston No Albany Street/East Brookline Street Boston No Albany Street//Msgr. Malden Street Boston No Albany Street/Union Park Street Boston No Mass Avenue/Island Street Boston No Mass Avenue/Pompeii Street Boston No Mass Avenue/Magazine Street Boston Yes Mass Avenue/New Market Street Boston No (Table continued on next page) LOS (1) E F F F C F F F C C D A B B D F F A F C E D A B B D F D A F E D B F F F F C C F F F Delay (2) 65.9 99.8 >180.0 >180.0 25.0 163.3 >180.0 108.6 20.6 32.2 36.2 9.2 11.1 10.2 36.2 >180.0 165.9 8.1 >180.0 22.1 71.4 37.0 5.9 14.0 16.3 45.0 >180.0 31.3 2.8 >180.0 55.3 32.8 12.6 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 16.3 19.3 >180.0 87.2 >180.0 p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 3A LOS (1) F F F F B F F E D D F A B A E F F B E B F B A C C D F C A F C A B F F F F C C F F F Delay (2) >180.0 109.1 >180.0 >180.0 18.19 134.5 >180.0 64.8 51.9 39.3 112.3 9.2 11 5.4 59.7 >180.0 >180.0 12.1 62.5 10.5 97.3 18 3.8 27.2 22.7 40.7 >180.0 19.2 2.1 >180.0 25.2 6.8 15.3 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 23.45 17 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 Page 200 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-8: ID 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177a 177b 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 3A (Cont’d) Location Mass Avenue/Clapp Street Waverly Street extension/Sidney Street Waverly Street/Albany St/Erie Street Albany Street/Pacific Street Albany Street/Cross Street Albany Street/Portland Street Waverly Street/Chestnut Street Waverly Street/Putnam Street Memorial Driive/Vassar Street (DCR) Memorial Drive/Amesbury Street (DCR) Mass Ave/Sidney Street Broadway/Cross Street Broadway/Glen Street Broadway/Franklin Street Rutherford Ave/Bunker Hill College North Driveway Rutherford Ave Off-Ramp/Bunker Hill College S Driveway Frankfort Street/Neptune Road Neptune Road/Route 1A D Street/Summer Street (SYNCHRO #180) D Street/Fargo Street (SYNCHRO #181) D Street/Congress Street (SYNCHRO #182) Cambridge Street/Windom Street (SYNCHRO #183) Western Avenue/Stadium Way (SYNCHRO #184) North Harvard Street/Stadium Way (SYNCHRO #185) Soldiers Field Road EB/North Harvard Street (SYN #186) Soldiers Field Road WB/Larz Anderson Bridge (SY #187) South Boston Bypass Rd at Frontage Rd NB South Boston Bypass Rd at Frontage Rd SB South Boston Bypass Rd at West Service Rd Mass Haul Road at C Street Mass Haul Road at Pumphouse Road Mass Haul Road at Northern Avenue South Boston Bypass Road at Ramp A City Boston Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Somerville Somerville Somerville Boston Boston E. Boston E. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston Signal No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No No Yes Yes No - Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 3A p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 3A LOS (1) F B C C C B B B F A F C A C A B Delay (2) 50.9 12.7 19.1 18.2 15.5 13.3 13.0 14.5 62.0 9.0 115.5 34.6 9.7 20.5 0.0 14.1 LOS (1) F F C C F E B B E B F D A C A F Delay (2) 156.7 >180.0 15.1 18.3 80.3 37.4 10.9 12.1 39 11 118.4 38.8 9.4 24.2 0 55.9 D A C D F D C B B B B B A F A 39.6 7.9 26.3 48.9 >180.0 27.3 26.5 11.1 12.2 14.5 11.9 12.3 7.1 149.6 2.7 C A E B A D C A B F A B A C A 24.4 6.2 59.3 12.1 9.6 34.8 20.6 9.7 14.7 131.5 8.3 10.9 6.6 23.2 3.1 NOTE: For unsignalized intersections, LOS is reported for the critical movement (generally the left turn from minor street approach). (1) Level of Service (LOS). (2) Delay in seconds. Page 201 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-9: ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 3B Location City Chelsea Bridge (north)/Eastern Avenue/Central Avenue/Marginal St Chelsea Eastern Avenue/Bellingham Street Chelsea Eastern Avenue/Griffin Way Chelsea Arlington Street/Sixth Street Chelsea Everett Avenue/Spruce Street Chelsea Everett Avenue/Vale Street/Maple Street Chelsea Everett Avenue/Carter Street/Fifth Street Chelsea Everett Avenue/RBP Everett RBP/Vale Street Everett RBP/Vine Street Everett RBP/Ferry Street Everett RBP/Spring Street Everett RBP/Second Street Everett RBP/Lewis Street Everett Second Street/Route 99 Everett Sweetzer Circle (Route 99, Route 16 and Main Street) Everett Santilli Circle East at Route 16 Everett Santilli Circle West at Route 16 Everett RBP WB On-ramp Medford RBP EB On-ramp Medford Corporation Way/RBP Ramp (north) Medford Wellington Circle North (Middlesex Ave/Fellsway) - (New interchange Medford configuration) Route 28 Fellsway/Shore Drive/Assembly Square Drive Somerville Route 28 Fellsway/Middlesex Avenue Somerville Route 28 Fellsway/Mystic Avenue (north) Somerville Route 28 Fellsway/Mystic Avenue (south) Somerville McGrath Highway/Blakely Street Somerville McGrath Highway/Broadway Somerville McGrath Highway/Pearl Street Somerville Pearl Street/Walnut Street Somerville Pearl Street/Medford Street Somerville Medford Street/Walnut Street Somerville Medford Street/Highland Avenue/Hamlet Street Somerville McGrath Highway/Medford Street Somerville McGrath Highway SB Ramp/Washington Street Somerville McGrath Highway NB Ramp/frontage Rd/Washington St Somerville McGrath Highway SB Ramp/ Somerville Ave/Medford St Somerville Washington Street/Prospect Street Somerville Somerville Avenue/Prospect Street Somerville Lombardi Way/Mystic Avenue Somerville Broadway/Lombardi Way Somerville (Table continued on next page) a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 3B p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 3B Signal Yes No No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Rotary Yes Yes Merge Merge Flash Yes LOS (1) F C B C E F F F B D A F F D F F D C F F D F Delay (2) >180.0 22.8 12.1 15.5 78.2 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 11.0 44.0 8.5 >180.0 >180.0 38.2 >180.0 124.1 36.0 21.7 >180.0 >180.0 30.5 >180.0 LOS (1) F E C D E F F F C F C F F F F F E D F F F F Delay (2) 136.9 37.1 16.2 32.9 62.2 >180.0 83.8 >180.0 21.2 108.1 34.6 >180.0 >180.0 107 >180.0 >180.0 70.4 41.3 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes F F F E B F F B F F F F F F F F F C F >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 79.5 13.9 >180.0 135.4 16.3 57.9 >180.0 >180.0 112.3 96.2 104.3 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 29.9 >180.0 D F E C A F F C F F F E E E D F F F F 45.7 138.7 71.3 23.5 6.6 >180.0 169.4 33.4 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 60 61.96 57.5 35.022 82.3 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 Page 202 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-9: Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 3B (Cont’d) a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 3B ID 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 66a 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78a 78b 79 80 Location City Signal Rutherford Avenue/Broadway/Maffa Way/Cambridge St Boston Yes Rutherford Ave/Austin St (East) Boston Yes Rutherford Ave/Austin St (West) Boston Yes Charlestown Avenue/O'Brien Highway/Land Boulevard/Charles River Cambridge Yes Dam O’Brien Highway/Fitchburg ROW Cambridge Yes O'Brien Highway/Twin City Plaza Drive (Cambridge Synchro) Somerville Yes O'Brien Highway/Third Street Cambridge Yes O'Brien Highway/Water Street Cambridge No O'Brien Highway/Gore Street (Second Street) Cambridge No O'Brien Highway/First Street Cambridge Yes O'Brien Highway/Cambridge Street Cambridge Yes First Street/Cambridge Street Cambridge Yes First Street/Thorndike Street Cambridge Yes First Street/Cambridgeside Way/Charles Street Cambridge Yes Binney Street/First Street Cambridge Yes No Binney Street/Second Street Cambridge Yes Binney Street/Third Street Cambridge Yes Binney Street/Fulkerson Street Cambridge Yes Broadway Street/Third Street Cambridge Yes Broadway/Mid-Block Connector Cambridge Yes Broadway/Galileo Way/Binney Street Cambridge Yes Main Street/Galileo Way/Vassar Street Cambridge Yes Main Street/Mid-Block Connector/Ames Street Cambridge Yes Main Street/Albany Street Cambridge No Mass Avenue/Albany Street Cambridge Yes Mass Ave/Busway (Build Alt 1 only) Cambridge Yes Mass Avenue/Vassar Street Cambridge Yes Brookline Street/Waverly Street Cambridge No Brookline Street/Memorial Drive Rotary (North) Cambridge No Memorial Drive/Brookline Street/BU Bridge (East) Cambridge No Memorial Drive/BU Bridge (South) Cambridge Yes BU Bridge/Commonwealth Avenue Boston Yes Carlton Street/Commonwealth Avenue Boston Yes Mountfort Street/Carlton Street Brookline Yes Mountfort Street/St. Mary's Street Boston Yes Park Drive/Beacon Street Boston Yes Beacon Street/Maitland Street Boston No Park Drive/Riverway/Fenway Boston Yes No Park Drive/Fenway (north) Boston Yes Fenway/Brookline Avenue Boston Yes Park Drive/Boylston/Brookline Avenue Boston Yes (Table continued on next page) LOS (1) E F F F C C A A F C F C F F C F B D C C D C F C C C D F F E E C A F B F F F F p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 3B Delay (2) 57.5 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 0.0 34.6 31.5 5.7 9.9 >180.0 21.7 >180.0 20.9 >180.0 >180.0 21.3 >180.0 11.0 49.8 27.7 33.7 51.6 33.9 >180.0 26.3 N/A 25.8 16.9 29.1 >180.0 >180.0 77.2 56.6 29.0 7.0 >180.0 12.8 105.0 91.4 >180.0 >180.0 LOS (1) F F F F D D D A F F F E F F C F B F C D E C F F C F F F F E F C B F B F D F F Delay (2) 108.4 >180.0 152.2 >180.0 0 40.2 36.5 25.4 9.4 >180.0 102.3 >180.0 76.2 >180.0 >180.0 26.2 >180.0 10.9 103.14 20.4 53.3 65.6 34.1 >180.0 102.3 N/A 24.45 52.9 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 67.9 81.7 28.6 10.4 >180.0 11.4 >180.0 46.5 >180.0 >180.0 Page 203 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-9: ID 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 3B (Cont’d) Location City Signal Brookline Avenue/Fullerton Street Boston Yes No Boylston Street/Kilmarnock Street Boston Yes Longwood Avenue/Brookline Avenue Boston Yes Longwood Avenue/Binney Street Boston Yes Longwood Avenue/Blackfan Street Boston Yes No Blackfan Street/Avenue Louis Pasteur Boston Yes Fenway/Avenue Louis Pasteur Boston No Longwood Avenue/Avenue Louis Pasteur Boston No Longwood Avenue/Huntington Avenue Boston Yes Fenway/Evans Way NB Boston Yes Fenway/Louis Prang Street Boston Yes Huntington Ave/Louis Prang St/Ruggles St/E-Line Boston Yes Ruggles Street/Parker Street Boston Yes Ruggles Street/Leon Street Boston No-Yes Ruggles Station Exit/Ruggles Street Boston Yes Ruggles Station Entrance/Ruggles Street Boston No Ruggles Street/Whittier Street/Tremont Street Boston Yes Columbus Avenue/MCB/Ruggles Station Boston Yes MCB/Tremont Street Boston Yes MCB/Kerr Way Boston Yes MCB/Shawmut Avenue Boston Yes MCB/Washington Street Boston Yes MCB/Harrison Avenue Boston Yes Massachusetts Avenue/Harrison Avenue Boston Yes Harrison Avenue/East Concord Street Boston Yes Harrison Avenue/East Newton Street Boston Yes MCB/Albany Street Boston Yes Albany Street/Hampden Street Boston No Albany Street/Northampton Street Boston Yes Massachusetts Avenue/Albany Street Boston Yes Albany Street/East Concord Street Boston No Albany Street/East Newton Street Boston Yes MCB/Hampden Street Boston Yes MCB/Massachusetts Avenue/Massachusetts Avenue Boston Yes Connector/Southampton Street Mass Ave Connector/East Concord St Boston No Dudley Street/Hampden Street/Dudmore Street Boston Yes Dudley Street/Blue Hill Avenue Boston Yes Dudley Street/East Cottage Street/West Cottage Street Boston Yes Columbia Road/Dudley Street/Stoughton Boston Yes Columbia Road/Hamlet Street Boston No Columbia Rd/Mass Ave/Boston St/East Cottage St Boston Yes (Table continued on next page) a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 3B p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 3B LOS (1) B F F F F B F F F B F F F E F F F D F E F D F F E D F F D F F F F Delay (2) 19.7 90.5 >180.0 93.5 >180.0 17.7 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 19.6 >180.0 142.7 >180.0 78.9 126.4 50.2 >180.0 38.1 >180.0 60.3 >180.0 36.7 107.6 103.3 55.5 52.8 >180.0 >180.0 51.3 >180.0 159.4 >180.0 149.2 LOS (1) E F F F F C F F F C F F F F F F F D F F F F F F C F F F F F F F F Delay (2) 71.4 80 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 23.5 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 23.5 >180.0 163.9 >180.0 123.15 159.1 54.8 >180.0 43.4 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 167.9 >180.0 161.6 27.2 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 F 148.7 F 174.7 F F D F B F >180.0 >180.0 39.9 >180.0 10.8 80.5 F F D F B F >180.0 >180.0 51.2 >180.0 11.5 98.933 Page 204 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-9: ID 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 a 139 b 140 a 140 b 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 3B (Cont’d) Location City Signal Columbia Road/Pond Street Boston No Columbia Road/Dorchester Avenue Boston Yes Columbia Road/I-93 SB Ramps Boston Yes Columbia Road/I-93 NB Ramps Boston No Columbia Road/Morrissey Boulevard (Morrissey Circle) Boston Rotary Mt. Vernon Street/Morrissey Boulevard NB Boston Yes Mt. Vernon Street/Morrissey Boulevard SB Boston Yes Morrissey Boulevard/Day Boulevard Boston No Morrissey Boulevard/UMass Access Drive Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue/Babcock Street Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue/Harry Agganis Way/Pleasant St Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue/Buick Street/St. Paul Street Boston Yes Babcock Street/Ashford Street Boston No Babcock Street/Gardner Street Boston No Commonwealth Avenue/St. Mary’s Street Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue/Blandford Street/Sherborn Street Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue/Beacon Street/Brookline Avenue/Deerfield St Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue (eastbound)/Charlesgate East Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue (eastbound)/Charlesgate West Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue (westbound)/Charlesgate East Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue (westbound)/Charlesgate West Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue (eastbound)/Mass Avenue Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue (westbound)/Mass Avenue Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue/Kenmore Street Boston Yes Beacon Street/Storrow Drive ramps Boston Yes Beacon Street/Charlesgate Boston Yes Beacon Street/Mass Avenue Boston Yes Beacon Street/Miner Street Boston No Brookline Avenue/Yawkey Way Boston No Brookline Avenue/Lansdowne Street Boston No Mountfort Street/Essex Street Brookline No Brookline Avenue/Short Street/Beth Israel Driveway Boston Yes Longwood Avenue/Palace Road Boston No Huntington Avenue/Tetlow Street Boston Yes Fenway/Palace Road (DCR) Boston No Ruggles Street/Annunciation Road Boston No Albany Street/East Brookline Street Boston No Albany Street//Msgr. Malden Street Boston No Albany Street/Union Park Street Boston No Mass Avenue/Island Street Boston No Mass Avenue/Pompeii Street Boston No (Table continued on next page) a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 3B p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 3B LOS (1) F E F F F C F F F C C D A B A C F F A F C E D A B B D F D A F E D B F F F F C C F LOS (1) C F F F F B F F E D D F A B B E F F B E B F B A C C D F C A F C A B F F F F C C F Delay (2) 63.1 65.9 99.8 >180.0 >180.0 25.0 163.3 >180.0 108.6 20.6 32.2 36.2 9.2 11.1 8.3 34.0 >180.0 165.9 8.1 >180.0 22.1 71.4 37.0 5.9 14.0 16.3 45.0 >180.0 31.3 2.8 >180.0 55.3 32.8 12.6 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 16.3 19.3 >180.0 Delay (2) 24.2 >180.0 109.1 >180.0 >180.0 18.192 134.5 >180.0 64.8 51.9 39.3 112.3 9.2 11 14.1 65.2 >180.0 >180.0 12.1 62.5 10.5 97.3 18 3.8 27.2 22.7 40.7 >180.0 19.2 2.1 >180.0 25.2 6.8 15.3 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 23.454 17 >180.0 Page 205 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-9: Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 3B (Cont’d) a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 3B ID 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177a 177b 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 Location Mass Avenue/Magazine Street Mass Avenue/New Market Street Mass Avenue/Clapp Street Waverly Street extension/Sidney Street Waverly Street/Albany St/Erie Street Albany Street/Pacific Street Albany Street/Cross Street Albany Street/Portland Street Waverly Street/Chestnut Street Waverly Street/Putnam Street Memorial Driive/Vassar Street (DCR) Memorial Drive/Amesbury Street (DCR) Mass Ave/Sidney Street Broadway/Cross Street Broadway/Glen Street Broadway/Franklin Street Rutherford Ave/Bunker Hill College North Driveway Rutherford Ave Off-Ramp/Bunker Hill College S Driveway Frankfort Street/Neptune Road Neptune Road/Route 1A D Street/Summer Street (SYNCHRO #180) D Street/Fargo Street (SYNCHRO #181) D Street/Congress Street (SYNCHRO #182) Cambridge Street/Windom Street (SYNCHRO #183) Western Avenue/Stadium Way (SYNCHRO #184) North Harvard Street/Stadium Way (SYNCHRO #185) Soldiers Field Road EB/North Harvard Street (SYN #186) Soldiers Field Road WB/Larz Anderson Bridge (SY #187) South Boston Bypass Rd at Frontage Rd NB South Boston Bypass Rd at Frontage Rd SB South Boston Bypass Rd at West Service Rd Mass Haul Road at C Street Mass Haul Road at Pumphouse Road Mass Haul Road at Northern Avenue South Boston Bypass Road at Ramp A City Boston Boston Boston Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Somerville Somerville Somerville Boston Boston E. Boston E. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston Signal Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 3B LOS (1) F F F B C C C B B B F A F C A C A B Delay (2) 87.2 >180.0 50.9 12.7 19.1 18.2 15.5 13.3 13.0 14.5 62.0 9.0 115.5 34.6 9.7 20.5 0.0 14.1 LOS (1) F F F F C C F E B B E B F D A C A F Delay (2) >180.0 >180.0 156.72 >180.0 15.1 18.3 80.3 37.4 10.9 12.1 39 11 118.4 38.8 9.4 24.2 0 55.9 D A C D F D C B B B B B A F A 39.6 7.9 26.3 48.9 >180.0 27.3 26.5 11.1 12.2 14.5 11.9 12.3 7.1 149.6 2.7 C A E B A D C A B F A B A C A 24.4 6.2 59.3 12.1 9.6 34.8 20.6 9.7 14.7 131.5 8.3 10.9 6.6 23.2 3.1 NOTE: For unsignalized intersections, LOS is reported for the critical movement (generally the left turn from minor street approach). (1) Level of Service (LOS). (2) Delay in seconds. Page 206 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-10: ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 3C Location City Chelsea Bridge (north)/Eastern Avenue/Central Avenue/Marginal Street Chelsea Eastern Avenue/Bellingham Street Chelsea Eastern Avenue/Griffin Way Chelsea Arlington Street/Sixth Street Chelsea Everett Avenue/Spruce Street Chelsea Everett Avenue/Vale Street/Maple Street Chelsea Everett Avenue/Carter Street/Fifth Street Chelsea Everett Avenue/RBP Everett RBP/Vale Street Everett RBP/Vine Street Everett RBP/Ferry Street Everett RBP/Spring Street Everett RBP/Second Street Everett RBP/Lewis Street Everett Second Street/Route 99 Everett Sweetzer Circle (Route 99, Route 16 and Main Street) Everett Santilli Circle East at Route 16 Everett Santilli Circle West at Route 16 Everett RBP WB On-ramp Medford RBP EB On-ramp Medford Corporation Way/RBP Ramp (north) Medford Wellington Circle North (Middlesex Ave/Fellsway) - (New interchange Medford configuration) Route 28 Fellsway/Shore Drive/Assembly Square Drive Somerville Route 28 Fellsway/Middlesex Avenue Somerville Route 28 Fellsway/Mystic Avenue (north) Somerville Route 28 Fellsway/Mystic Avenue (south) Somerville McGrath Highway/Blakely Street Somerville McGrath Highway/Broadway Somerville McGrath Highway/Pearl Street Somerville Pearl Street/Walnut Street Somerville Pearl Street/Medford Street Somerville Medford Street/Walnut Street Somerville Medford Street/Highland Avenue/Hamlet Street Somerville McGrath Highway/Medford Street Somerville McGrath Highway SB Ramp/Washington Street Somerville McGrath Highway NB Ramp/frontage Rd/Washington St Somerville McGrath Highway SB Ramp/ Somerville Ave/Medford St Somerville Washington Street/Prospect Street Somerville Somerville Avenue/Prospect Street Somerville Lombardi Way/Mystic Avenue Somerville Broadway/Lombardi Way Somerville (Table continued on next page) a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 3C p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 3C Signal Yes No No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Rotary Yes Yes Merge Merge Flash Yes LOS (1) F C B C E F F F B D A F F D F F D C F F D F Delay (2) >180.0 22.8 12.1 15.5 78.2 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 11.0 44.0 8.5 >180.0 >180.0 38.2 >180.0 124.1 36.0 21.7 >180.0 >180.0 30.5 >180.0 LOS (1) F E C D E F F F C F C F F F F F E D F F F F Delay (2) 136.9 37.1 16.2 32.9 62.2 >180.0 83.8 >180.0 21.2 108.1 34.6 >180.0 >180.0 107.0 >180.0 >180.0 70.4 41.3 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes F F F E B F F B F F F F F F F F F C F >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 79.5 13.9 >180.0 135.4 16.3 57.9 >180.0 >180.0 112.3 96.2 104.3 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 29.9 >180.0 D F E C A F F C F F F E E E D F F F F 45.7 138.7 71.3 23.5 6.6 >180.0 169.4 33.4 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 60.0 62.0 57.5 35.0 82.3 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 Page 207 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-10: ID 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 66 a 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 a 78 b 79 80 Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 3C (Cont’d) Location City Rutherford Avenue/Broadway/Maffa Way/Cambridge St Boston Rutherford Ave/Austin St (East) Boston Rutherford Ave/Austin St (West) Boston Charlestown Avenue/O'Brien Highway/Land Boulevard/Charles River Cambridge Dam O’Brien Highway/Fitchburg ROW Cambridge O'Brien Highway/Twin City Plaza Drive (Cambridge Synchro) Somerville O'Brien Highway/Third Street Cambridge O'Brien Highway/Water Street Cambridge O'Brien Highway/Gore Street (Second Street) Cambridge O'Brien Highway/First Street Cambridge O'Brien Highway/Cambridge Street Cambridge First Street/Cambridge Street Cambridge First Street/Thorndike Street Cambridge First Street/Cambridgeside Way/Charles Street Cambridge Binney Street/First Street Cambridge Binney Street/Second Street Cambridge Binney Street/Third Street Cambridge Binney Street/Fulkerson Street Cambridge Broadway Street/Third Street Cambridge Broadway/Mid-Block Connector Cambridge Broadway/Galileo Way/Binney Street Cambridge Main Street/Galileo Way/Vassar Street Cambridge Main Street/Mid-Block Connector/Ames Street Cambridge Main Street/Albany Street Cambridge Mass Avenue/Albany Street Cambridge Mass Ave/Busway (Build Alt 1 only) Cambridge Mass Avenue/Vassar Street Cambridge Brookline Street/Waverly Street Cambridge Brookline Street/Memorial Drive Rotary (North) Cambridge Memorial Drive/Brookline Street/BU Bridge (East) Cambridge Memorial Drive/BU Bridge (South) Cambridge BU Bridge/Commonwealth Avenue Boston Carlton Street/Commonwealth Avenue Boston Mountfort Street/Carlton Street Brookline Mountfort Street/St. Mary's Street Boston Park Drive/Beacon Street Boston Beacon Street/Maitland Street Boston Park Drive/Riverway/Fenway Boston Park Drive/Fenway (north) Boston Fenway/Brookline Avenue Boston Park Drive/Boylston/Brookline Avenue Boston (Table continued on next page) Signal Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 3C p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 3C LOS (1) E F F F LOS (1) F F F F C C A A F C F C F F C F B D C C D C F C C C D F F E D C A F F F F F F Delay (2) 57.5 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 0.0 34.6 31.5 5.7 9.9 >180.0 21.7 >180.0 20.9 >180.0 >180.0 21.3 >180.0 11.0 49.8 27.7 33.7 51.6 33.9 >180.0 26.3 N/A 23.6 16.9 29.1 >180.0 >180.0 75.8 46.3 29.0 7.0 >180.0 87.0 105.0 91.4 >180.0 >180.0 D D D A F F F E F F C F B F C D E C F F C F F F F E E C B F F F D F F Delay (2) 108.4 >180.0 152.2 >180.0 0.0 40.2 36.5 25.4 9.4 >180.0 102.3 >180.0 76.2 >180.0 >180.0 26.2 >180.0 10.9 103.1 20.4 53.3 65.6 34.1 >180.0 102.3 N/A 23.4 52.9 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 65.7 75.2 28.6 10.4 >180.0 120.1 >180.0 46.5 >180.0 >180.0 Page 208 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-10: ID 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 3C (Cont’d) Location City Brookline Avenue/Fullerton Street Boston Boylston Street/Kilmarnock Street Boston Longwood Avenue/Brookline Avenue Boston Longwood Avenue/Binney Street Boston Longwood Avenue/Blackfan Street Boston Blackfan Street/Avenue Louis Pasteur Boston Fenway/Avenue Louis Pasteur Boston Longwood Avenue/Avenue Louis Pasteur Boston Longwood Avenue/Huntington Avenue Boston Fenway/Evans Way NB Boston Fenway/Louis Prang Street Boston Huntington Ave/Louis Prang St/Ruggles St/E-Line Boston Ruggles Street/Parker Street Boston Ruggles Street/Leon Street Boston Ruggles Station Exit/Ruggles Street Boston Ruggles Station Entrance/Ruggles Street Boston Ruggles Street/Whittier Street/Tremont Street Boston Columbus Avenue/MCB/Ruggles Station Boston MCB/Tremont Street Boston MCB/Kerr Way Boston MCB/Shawmut Avenue Boston MCB/Washington Street Boston MCB/Harrison Avenue Boston Massachusetts Avenue/Harrison Avenue Boston Harrison Avenue/East Concord Street Boston Harrison Avenue/East Newton Street Boston MCB/Albany Street Boston Albany Street/Hampden Street Boston Albany Street/Northampton Street Boston Massachusetts Avenue/Albany Street Boston Albany Street/East Concord Street Boston Albany Street/East Newton Street Boston MCB/Hampden Street Boston MCB/Massachusetts Avenue/Massachusetts Avenue Boston Connector/Southampton Street Mass Ave Connector/East Concord St Boston Dudley Street/Hampden Street/Dudmore Street Boston Dudley Street/Blue Hill Avenue Boston Dudley Street/East Cottage Street/West Cottage Street Boston Columbia Road/Dudley Street/Stoughton Boston Columbia Road/Hamlet Street Boston (Table continued on next page) a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 3C p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 3C Signal Yes No - Yes Yes Yes Yes No - Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No-Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes LOS (1) B F F F F B F F F B F F F E F F F D F E F D F F E D F F D F F F F F Delay (2) 19.7 90.5 >180.0 93.5 >180.0 17.7 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 19.6 >180.0 142.7 >180.0 78.1 126.4 50.2 >180.0 38.1 >180.0 60.3 >180.0 36.7 107.6 103.3 55.5 52.8 >180.0 >180.0 51.3 >180.0 159.4 >180.0 149.2 148.7 LOS (1) E F F F F C F F F C F F F F F F F D F F F F F F C F F F F F F F F F Delay (2) 71.4 80.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 23.5 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 23.5 >180.0 163.9 >180.0 120.6 159.1 54.8 >180.0 43.4 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 167.9 >180.0 161.6 27.2 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 174.7 No Yes Yes Yes Yes No F F D F B >180.0 >180.0 39.9 >180.0 10.8 F F D F B >180.0 >180.0 51.2 >180.0 11.5 Page 209 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-10: ID 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139a 139b 140a 140b 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 3C (Cont’d) Location City Columbia Rd/Mass Ave/Boston St/East Cottage St Boston Columbia Road/Pond Street Boston Columbia Road/Dorchester Avenue Boston Columbia Road/I-93 SB Ramps Boston Columbia Road/I-93 NB Ramps Boston Columbia Road/Morrissey Boulevard (Morrissey Circle) Boston Mt. Vernon Street/Morrissey Boulevard NB Boston Mt. Vernon Street/Morrissey Boulevard SB Boston Morrissey Boulevard/Day Boulevard Boston Morrissey Boulevard/UMass Access Drive Boston Commonwealth Avenue/Babcock Street Boston Commonwealth Avenue/Harry Agganis Way/Pleasant St Boston Commonwealth Avenue/Buick Street/St. Paul Street Boston Babcock Street/Ashford Street Boston Babcock Street/Gardner Street Boston Commonwealth Avenue/St. Mary’s Street Boston Commonwealth Avenue/Blandford Street/Sherborn Street Boston Commonwealth Avenue/Beacon Street/Brookline Avenue/Deerfield St Boston Commonwealth Avenue (eastbound)/Charlesgate East Boston Commonwealth Avenue (eastbound)/Charlesgate West Boston Commonwealth Avenue (westbound)/Charlesgate East Boston Commonwealth Avenue (westbound)/Charlesgate West Boston Commonwealth Avenue (eastbound)/Mass Avenue Boston Commonwealth Avenue (westbound)/Mass Avenue Boston Commonwealth Avenue/Kenmore Street Boston Beacon Street/Storrow Drive ramps Boston Beacon Street/Charlesgate Boston Beacon Street/Mass Avenue Boston Beacon Street/Miner Street Boston Brookline Avenue/Yawkey Way Boston Brookline Avenue/Lansdowne Street Boston Mountfort Street/Essex Street Brookline Brookline Avenue/Short Street/Beth Israel Driveway Boston Longwood Avenue/Palace Road Boston Huntington Avenue/Tetlow Street Boston Fenway/Palace Road (DCR) Boston Ruggles Street/Annunciation Road Boston Albany Street/East Brookline Street Boston Albany Street//Msgr. Malden Street Boston Albany Street/Union Park Street Boston Mass Avenue/Island Street Boston (Table continued on next page) Signal Yes No Yes Yes No Rotary Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes No Yes No No No No No No a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 3C p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 3C LOS (1) F F E F F F C F F F C C D A B B D F F A F C E D A B B D F D A F E D B F F F F C C LOS (1) F C F F F F B F F E D D F A B A E F F B E B F B A C C D F C A F C A B F F F F C C Delay (2) 80.5 63.1 65.9 99.8 >180.0 >180.0 25.0 163.3 >180.0 108.6 20.6 32.2 36.2 9.2 11.1 10.2 36.2 >180.0 165.9 8.1 >180.0 22.1 71.4 37.0 5.9 14.0 16.3 45.0 >180.0 31.3 2.8 >180.0 55.3 32.8 12.6 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 16.3 19.3 Delay (2) 98.9 24.2 >180.0 109.1 >180.0 >180.0 18.2 134.5 >180.0 64.8 51.9 39.3 112.3 9.2 11.0 5.4 59.7 >180.0 >180.0 12.1 62.5 10.5 97.3 18.0 3.8 27.2 22.7 40.7 >180.0 19.2 2.1 >180.0 25.2 6.8 15.3 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 23.5 17.0 Page 210 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-10: ID 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177a 177b 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 3C (Cont’d) Location Mass Avenue/Pompeii Street Mass Avenue/Magazine Street Mass Avenue/New Market Street Mass Avenue/Clapp Street Waverly Street extension/Sidney Street Waverly Street/Albany St/Erie Street Albany Street/Pacific Street Albany Street/Cross Street Albany Street/Portland Street Waverly Street/Chestnut Street Waverly Street/Putnam Street Memorial Driive/Vassar Street (DCR) Memorial Drive/Amesbury Street (DCR) Mass Ave/Sidney Street Broadway/Cross Street Broadway/Glen Street Broadway/Franklin Street Rutherford Ave/Bunker Hill College North Driveway Rutherford Ave Off-Ramp/Bunker Hill College S Driveway Frankfort Street/Neptune Road Neptune Road/Route 1A D Street/Summer Street (SYNCHRO #180) D Street/Fargo Street (SYNCHRO #181) D Street/Congress Street (SYNCHRO #182) Cambridge Street/Windom Street (SYNCHRO #183) Western Avenue/Stadium Way (SYNCHRO #184) North Harvard Street/Stadium Way (SYNCHRO #185) Soldiers Field Road EB/North Harvard Street (SYN #186) Soldiers Field Road WB/Larz Anderson Bridge (SY #187) South Boston Bypass Rd at Frontage Rd NB South Boston Bypass Rd at Frontage Rd SB South Boston Bypass Rd at West Service Rd Mass Haul Road at C Street Mass Haul Road at Pumphouse Road Mass Haul Road at Northern Avenue South Boston Bypass Road at Ramp A City Boston Boston Boston Boston Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Somerville Somerville Somerville Boston Boston E. Boston E. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston Signal No Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No No Yes Yes No - Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 3C p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 3C LOS (1) F F F F B C C C B B B F A F C A C A B LOS (1) F F F F F C C F E B B E B F D A C A F D A C D F D C B B B B B A F A Delay (2) >180.0 87.2 >180.0 50.9 12.7 19.1 18.2 15.5 13.3 13.0 14.5 62.0 9.0 115.5 34.6 9.7 20.5 0.0 14.1 0.0 0.0 39.6 7.9 26.3 48.9 >180.0 27.3 26.5 11.1 12.2 14.5 11.9 12.3 7.1 149.6 2.7 C A E B A D C A B F A B A C A Delay (2) >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 156.7 >180.0 15.1 18.3 80.3 37.4 10.9 12.1 39.0 11.0 118.4 38.8 9.4 24.2 0.0 55.9 0.0 0.0 24.4 6.2 59.3 12.1 9.6 34.8 20.6 9.7 14.7 131.5 8.3 10.9 6.6 23.2 3.1 NOTE: For unsignalized intersections, LOS is reported for the critical movement (generally the left turn from minor street approach). (1) Level of Service (LOS). (2) Delay in seconds. Page 211 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-11: Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 4 a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 4 ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Location City Chelsea Bridge (north)/Eastern Avenue/Central Avenue/Marginal St Chelsea Eastern Avenue/Bellingham Street Chelsea Eastern Avenue/Griffin Way Chelsea Arlington Street/Sixth Street Chelsea Everett Avenue/Spruce Street Chelsea Everett Avenue/Vale Street/Maple Street Chelsea Everett Avenue/Carter Street/Fifth Street Chelsea Everett Avenue/RBP Everett RBP/Vale Street Everett RBP/Vine Street Everett RBP/Ferry Street Everett RBP/Spring Street Everett RBP/Second Street Everett RBP/Lewis Street Everett Second Street/Route 99 Everett Sweetzer Circle (Route 99, Route 16 and Main Street) Everett Santilli Circle East at Route 16 Everett Santilli Circle West at Route 16 Everett RBP WB On-ramp Medford RBP EB On-ramp Medford Corporation Way/RBP Ramp (north) Medford Wellington Circle North (Middlesex Ave/Fellsway) - (New interchange Medford configuration) Route 28 Fellsway/Shore Drive/Assembly Square Drive Somerville Route 28 Fellsway/Middlesex Avenue Somerville Route 28 Fellsway/Mystic Avenue (north) Somerville Route 28 Fellsway/Mystic Avenue (south) Somerville McGrath Highway/Blakely Street Somerville McGrath Highway/Broadway Somerville McGrath Highway/Pearl Street Somerville Pearl Street/Walnut Street Somerville Pearl Street/Medford Street Somerville Medford Street/Walnut Street Somerville Medford Street/Highland Avenue/Hamlet Street Somerville McGrath Highway/Medford Street Somerville McGrath Highway SB Ramp/Washington Street Somerville McGrath Highway NB Ramp/frontage Rd/Washington St Somerville McGrath Highway SB Ramp/ Somerville Ave/Medford St Somerville Washington Street/Prospect Street Somerville Somerville Avenue/Prospect Street Somerville Lombardi Way/Mystic Avenue Somerville Broadway/Lombardi Way Somerville (Table continued on next page) Signa l Yes p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 4 Yes Merge Merge Flash Yes LOS (1) F C B C E F F F B D A F F D F F D C F F D F Delay (2) >180.0 22.8 12.1 15.5 78.2 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 11 44 8.5 >180.0 >180.0 38.2 >180.0 124.1 36 21.7 >180.0 >180.0 30.5 >180.0 LOS (1) F E C D E F F F C F C F F F F F E D F F F F Delay (2) 136.9 37.1 16.2 32.9 62.2 >180.0 83.8 >180.0 21.2 108.1 34.6 >180.0 >180.0 107 >180.0 >180.0 70.4 41.3 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes F F F E B F F B F F F F F F F F F C F >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 79.5 13.9 >180.0 135.4 16.3 57.9 >180.0 >180.0 112.3 96.171 101.3 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 28 >180.0 D F E C A F F C F F F E E D C F F F F 36.7 138.7 71.3 23.5 6.6 >180.0 169.4 33.4 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 60 61.96 51.6 33.7 82.3 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 No No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Rotar y Yes Page 212 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-11: Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 4 (Cont’d) a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 4 ID 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 66 a 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 a 78 b 79 80 Location City Signal Rutherford Avenue/Broadway/Maffa Way/Cambridge St Boston Yes Rutherford Ave/Austin St (East) Boston Yes Rutherford Ave/Austin St (West) Boston Yes Charlestown Avenue/O'Brien Highway/Land Boulevard/Charles River Cambridge Yes Dam O’Brien Highway/Fitchburg ROW Cambridge Yes O'Brien Highway/Twin City Plaza Drive (Cambridge Synchro) Somerville Yes O'Brien Highway/Third Street Cambridge Yes O'Brien Highway/Water Street Cambridge No O'Brien Highway/Gore Street (Second Street) Cambridge No O'Brien Highway/First Street Cambridge Yes O'Brien Highway/Cambridge Street Cambridge Yes First Street/Cambridge Street Cambridge Yes First Street/Thorndike Street Cambridge Yes First Street/Cambridgeside Way/Charles Street Cambridge Yes Binney Street/First Street Cambridge Yes Binney Street/Second Street Cambridge No - Yes Binney Street/Third Street Cambridge Yes Binney Street/Fulkerson Street Cambridge Yes Broadway Street/Third Street Cambridge Yes Broadway/Mid-Block Connector Cambridge Yes Broadway/Galileo Way/Binney Street Cambridge Yes Main Street/Galileo Way/Vassar Street Cambridge Yes Main Street/Mid-Block Connector/Ames Street Cambridge Yes Main Street/Albany Street Cambridge No Mass Avenue/Albany Street Cambridge Yes Mass Ave/Busway (Build Alt 1 only) Cambridge Yes Mass Avenue/Vassar Street Cambridge Yes Brookline Street/Waverly Street Cambridge No Brookline Street/Memorial Drive Rotary (North) Cambridge No Memorial Drive/Brookline Street/BU Bridge (East) Cambridge No Memorial Drive/BU Bridge (South) Cambridge Yes BU Bridge/Commonwealth Avenue Boston Yes Carlton Street/Commonwealth Avenue Boston Yes Mountfort Street/Carlton Street Brookline Yes Mountfort Street/St. Mary's Street Boston Yes Park Drive/Beacon Street Boston Yes Beacon Street/Maitland Street Boston No Park Drive/Riverway/Fenway Boston Yes Park Drive/Fenway (north) Boston No - Yes Fenway/Brookline Avenue Boston Yes Park Drive/Boylston/Brookline Avenue Boston Yes (Table continued on next page) LOS (1) E F F F C C A A F C F C F F C F B D C C D C F C C C D F F E D C A F F F F F F p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 4 Delay (2) 57.5 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 0 34.8 28.2 4.9 9.9 >180.0 21.7 >180.0 20.9 >180.0 >180.0 21.3 >180.0 11 43.1 27.7 33.7 51.6 33.85 >180.0 26.3 N/A 23.6 16.9 29.1 >180.0 >180.0 75.76 46.28 29 7 >180.0 87 105.04 91.372 >180.0 >180.0 LOS (1) F F F F D D C A F F F E F F C F B F C D E C F F C F F F F E E C B F F F D F F Delay (2) 108.4 >180.0 152.2 >180.0 0 41.8 36.6 22.8 9.4 >180.0 102.3 >180.0 76.2 >180.0 >180.0 26.2 >180.0 10.9 106.8 20.4 53.3 65.6 34.1 >180.0 108.12 N/A 23.4 52.9 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 65.74 75.22 28.6 10.4 >180.0 120.1 >180.0 46.5 >180.0 >180.0 Page 213 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-11: Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 4 (Cont’d) a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 4 ID 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 Location City Brookline Avenue/Fullerton Street Boston Boylston Street/Kilmarnock Street Boston Longwood Avenue/Brookline Avenue Boston Longwood Avenue/Binney Street Boston Longwood Avenue/Blackfan Street Boston Blackfan Street/Avenue Louis Pasteur Boston Fenway/Avenue Louis Pasteur Boston Longwood Avenue/Avenue Louis Pasteur Boston Longwood Avenue/Huntington Avenue Boston Fenway/Evans Way NB Boston Fenway/Louis Prang Street Boston Huntington Ave/Louis Prang St/Ruggles St/E-Line Boston Ruggles Street/Parker Street Boston Ruggles Street/Leon Street Boston Ruggles Station Exit/Ruggles Street Boston Ruggles Station Entrance/Ruggles Street Boston Ruggles Street/Whittier Street/Tremont Street Boston Columbus Avenue/MCB/Ruggles Station Boston MCB/Tremont Street Boston MCB/Kerr Way Boston MCB/Shawmut Avenue Boston MCB/Washington Street Boston MCB/Harrison Avenue Boston Massachusetts Avenue/Harrison Avenue Boston Harrison Avenue/East Concord Street Boston Harrison Avenue/East Newton Street Boston MCB/Albany Street Boston Albany Street/Hampden Street Boston Albany Street/Northampton Street Boston Massachusetts Avenue/Albany Street Boston Albany Street/East Concord Street Boston Albany Street/East Newton Street Boston MCB/Hampden Street Boston MCB/Massachusetts Avenue/Massachusetts Avenue Boston Connector/Southampton Street Mass Ave Connector/East Concord St Boston Dudley Street/Hampden Street/Dudmore Street Boston Dudley Street/Blue Hill Avenue Boston Dudley Street/East Cottage Street/West Cottage Street Boston Columbia Road/Dudley Street/Stoughton Boston Columbia Road/Hamlet Street Boston (Table continued on next page) p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 4 No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No-Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes LOS (1) B F F F F B F F F B F F F E F F F D F E E D F F E D F F D F F F F Delay (2) 19.7 90.5 >180.0 93.5 >180.0 17.7 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 19.6 >180.0 142.7 >180.0 78.1 126.42 50.219 >180.0 38.1 >180.0 60.576 69.933 50.31 107.6 103.3 55.5 52.8 >180.0 >180.0 51.3 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 LOS (1) E F F F F C F F F C F F F F F F F C F F F F F F C F F F F F F F F Delay (2) 71.4 80 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 23.5 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 23.5 >180.0 163.9 >180.0 120.6 159.1 54.8 >180.0 22.7 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 169 >180.0 161.6 27.2 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 Yes F 148.7 F 174.7 No Yes Yes Yes Yes No F F C F E 0 >180.0 >180.0 28.3 >180.0 38.5 F F D F F 0 >180.0 >180.0 36.6 >180.0 54.6 Signal Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Page 214 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-11: Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 4 (Cont’d) a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 4 ID 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139a 139b 140a 140b 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 Location City Columbia Rd/Mass Ave/Boston St/East Cottage St Boston Columbia Road/Pond Street Boston Columbia Road/Dorchester Avenue Boston Columbia Road/I-93 SB Ramps Boston Columbia Road/I-93 NB Ramps Boston Columbia Road/Morrissey Boulevard (Morrissey Circle) Boston Mt. Vernon Street/Morrissey Boulevard NB Boston Mt. Vernon Street/Morrissey Boulevard SB Boston Morrissey Boulevard/Day Boulevard Boston Morrissey Boulevard/UMass Access Drive Boston Commonwealth Avenue/Babcock Street Boston Commonwealth Avenue/Harry Agganis Way/Pleasant St Boston Commonwealth Avenue/Buick Street/St. Paul Street Boston Babcock Street/Ashford Street Boston Babcock Street/Gardner Street Boston Commonwealth Avenue/St. Mary’s Street Boston Commonwealth Avenue/Blandford Street/Sherborn Street Boston Commonwealth Avenue/Beacon Street/Brookline Avenue/Deerfield St Boston Commonwealth Avenue (eastbound)/Charlesgate East Boston Commonwealth Avenue (eastbound)/Charlesgate West Boston Commonwealth Avenue (westbound)/Charlesgate East Boston Commonwealth Avenue (westbound)/Charlesgate West Boston Commonwealth Avenue (eastbound)/Mass Avenue Boston Commonwealth Avenue (westbound)/Mass Avenue Boston Commonwealth Avenue/Kenmore Street Boston Beacon Street/Storrow Drive ramps Boston Beacon Street/Charlesgate Boston Beacon Street/Mass Avenue Boston Beacon Street/Miner Street Boston Brookline Avenue/Yawkey Way Boston Brookline Avenue/Lansdowne Street Boston Mountfort Street/Essex Street Brookline Brookline Avenue/Short Street/Beth Israel Driveway Boston Longwood Avenue/Palace Road Boston Huntington Avenue/Tetlow Street Boston Fenway/Palace Road (DCR) Boston Ruggles Street/Annunciation Road Boston Albany Street/East Brookline Street Boston Albany Street//Msgr. Malden Street Boston Albany Street/Union Park Street Boston Mass Avenue/Island Street Boston (Table continued on next page) Signal Yes No Yes Yes No Rotary Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes No Yes No No No No No No LOS (1) F F E F F F C F F F C C D A B B D F F A F C E D A B B D F D A F E D B F F F F C C Delay (2) 83 63.1 65.9 99.8 >180.0 >180.0 25.007 163.3 >180.0 108.6 20.6 32.2 36.2 9.2 11.1 10.2 36.2 >180.0 165.9 8.1 >180.0 22.1 71.4 37 5.9 14 16.3 45 >180.0 31.3 2.8 >180.0 55.3 32.8 12.6 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 16 19.3 p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 4 LOS (1) F C F F F F B F F E D D F A B A E F F B E B F B A C C D F C A F C A B F F F F C C Delay (2) 97.7 24.2 >180.0 109.1 >180.0 >180.0 18.192 134.5 >180.0 64.8 51.9 39.3 112.3 9.2 11 5.4 59.7 >180.0 >180.0 12.1 62.5 10.5 97.3 18 3.8 27.2 22.7 40.7 >180.0 19.2 2.1 >180.0 25.2 6.8 15.3 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 22.5 16.9 Page 215 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-11: Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 4 (Cont’d) a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 4 ID 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177a 177b 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 Location Mass Avenue/Pompeii Street Mass Avenue/Magazine Street Mass Avenue/New Market Street Mass Avenue/Clapp Street Waverly Street extension/Sidney Street Waverly Street/Albany St/Erie Street Albany Street/Pacific Street Albany Street/Cross Street Albany Street/Portland Street Waverly Street/Chestnut Street Waverly Street/Putnam Street Memorial Driive/Vassar Street (DCR) Memorial Drive/Amesbury Street (DCR) Mass Ave/Sidney Street Broadway/Cross Street Broadway/Glen Street Broadway/Franklin Street Rutherford Ave/Bunker Hill College North Driveway Rutherford Ave Off-Ramp/Bunker Hill College S Driveway Frankfort Street/Neptune Road Neptune Road/Route 1A D Street/Summer Street (SYNCHRO #180) D Street/Fargo Street (SYNCHRO #181) D Street/Congress Street (SYNCHRO #182) Cambridge Street/Windom Street (SYNCHRO #183) Western Avenue/Stadium Way (SYNCHRO #184) North Harvard Street/Stadium Way (SYNCHRO #185) Soldiers Field Road EB/North Harvard Street (SYN #186) Soldiers Field Road WB/Larz Anderson Bridge (SY #187) South Boston Bypass Rd at Frontage Rd NB South Boston Bypass Rd at Frontage Rd SB South Boston Bypass Rd at West Service Rd Mass Haul Road at C Street Mass Haul Road at Pumphouse Road Mass Haul Road at Northern Avenue South Boston Bypass Road at Ramp A City Boston Boston Boston Boston Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Somerville Somerville Somerville Boston Boston E. Boston E. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston Signal No Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes LOS (1) F F F E B C C C B B B F A F C A C A B D A C D F D C B B B B B A F A p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 4 Delay (2) >180.0 98.2 >180.0 47.6 12.7 19.6 19.1 16.1 13.78 13 14.5 62 9 115.5 34.6 9.7 24.45 0 14.1 0.0 0.0 39.6 7.9 26.3 48.9 >180.0 29.4 26.6 11.2 12.113 10.1 11.9 12.3 7.1 149.6 2.7 LOS (1) F F F F F C C F F B B E B F D A D A F C A E B A E C A B F A B A C A Delay (2) >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 138.5 >180.0 15.4 19.2 96.2 52.16 10.9 12.1 39 11 118.4 38.8 9.4 54.75 0 55.9 0.0 0.0 24.4 6.2 59.3 12.1 9.6 36.5 20.6 9.8 15.065 134 8.3 10.9 6.6 23.2 3.1 NOTE: For unsignalized intersections, LOS is reported for the critical movement (generally the left turn from minor street approach). (1) Level of Service (LOS). (2) Delay in seconds. Page 216 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-12: Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 4A a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 4A ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Location City Chelsea Bridge (north)/Eastern Avenue/Central Avenue/Marginal St Chelsea Eastern Avenue/Bellingham Street Chelsea Eastern Avenue/Griffin Way Chelsea Arlington Street/Sixth Street Chelsea Everett Avenue/Spruce Street Chelsea Everett Avenue/Vale Street/Maple Street Chelsea Everett Avenue/Carter Street/Fifth Street Chelsea Everett Avenue/RBP Everett RBP/Vale Street Everett RBP/Vine Street Everett RBP/Ferry Street Everett RBP/Spring Street Everett RBP/Second Street Everett RBP/Lewis Street Everett Second Street/Route 99 Everett Sweetzer Circle (Route 99, Route 16 and Main Street) Everett Santilli Circle East at Route 16 Everett Santilli Circle West at Route 16 Everett RBP WB On-ramp Medford RBP EB On-ramp Medford Corporation Way/RBP Ramp (north) Medford Wellington Circle North (Middlesex Ave/Fellsway) - (New interchange Medford configuration) Route 28 Fellsway/Shore Drive/Assembly Square Drive Somerville Route 28 Fellsway/Middlesex Avenue Somerville Route 28 Fellsway/Mystic Avenue (north) Somerville Route 28 Fellsway/Mystic Avenue (south) Somerville McGrath Highway/Blakely Street Somerville McGrath Highway/Broadway Somerville McGrath Highway/Pearl Street Somerville Pearl Street/Walnut Street Somerville Pearl Street/Medford Street Somerville Medford Street/Walnut Street Somerville Medford Street/Highland Avenue/Hamlet Street Somerville McGrath Highway/Medford Street Somerville McGrath Highway SB Ramp/Washington Street Somerville McGrath Highway NB Ramp/frontage Rd/Washington St Somerville McGrath Highway SB Ramp/ Somerville Ave/Medford St Somerville Washington Street/Prospect Street Somerville Somerville Avenue/Prospect Street Somerville Lombardi Way/Mystic Avenue Somerville (Table continued on next page) Signal Yes No No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Rotary Yes Yes Merge Merge Flash Yes LOS (1) F C B C E F F F B D A F F D F F D C F F D F Delay (2) >180.0 22.8 12.1 15.5 78.2 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 11 44 8.5 >180.0 >180.0 38.2 >180.0 124.1 36 21.7 >180.0 >180.0 25 >180.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes F F F E B F F B F F F F F F F F F C >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 79.5 13.9 >180.0 135.4 16.3 57.9 >180.0 >180.0 112.3 96.171 101.3 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 28 p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 4A LOS (1) Delay (2) F 136.9 E 37.1 C 16.2 D 32.9 E 62.2 F >180.0 F 83.8 F >180.0 C 21.2 F 108.1 C 34.6 F >180.0 F >180.0 F 107 F >180.0 F >180.0 E 70.4 D 41.3 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 D F E C A F F C F F F E E D C F F F 36.7 138.7 71.3 23.5 6.6 >180.0 169.4 33.4 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 60 61.96 51.6 33.7 82.3 >180.0 >180.0 Page 217 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-12: ID 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 66a 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78a 78b Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 4A (Cont’d) Location City Broadway/Lombardi Way Somerville Rutherford Avenue/Broadway/Maffa Way/Cambridge St Boston Rutherford Ave/Austin St (East) Boston Rutherford Ave/Austin St (West) Boston Charlestown Avenue/O'Brien Highway/Land Boulevard/Charles River Cambridge Dam O’Brien Highway/Fitchburg ROW Cambridge O'Brien Highway/Twin City Plaza Drive (Cambridge Synchro) Somerville O'Brien Highway/Third Street Cambridge O'Brien Highway/Water Street Cambridge O'Brien Highway/Gore Street (Second Street) Cambridge O'Brien Highway/First Street Cambridge O'Brien Highway/Cambridge Street Cambridge First Street/Cambridge Street Cambridge First Street/Thorndike Street Cambridge First Street/Cambridgeside Way/Charles Street Cambridge Binney Street/First Street Cambridge Binney Street/Second Street Cambridge Binney Street/Third Street Cambridge Binney Street/Fulkerson Street Cambridge Broadway Street/Third Street Cambridge Broadway/Mid-Block Connector Cambridge Broadway/Galileo Way/Binney Street Cambridge Main Street/Galileo Way/Vassar Street Cambridge Main Street/Mid-Block Connector/Ames Street Cambridge Main Street/Albany Street Cambridge Mass Avenue/Albany Street Cambridge Mass Ave/Busway (Build Alt 1 only) Cambridge Mass Avenue/Vassar Street Cambridge Brookline Street/Waverly Street Cambridge Brookline Street/Memorial Drive Rotary (North) Cambridge Memorial Drive/Brookline Street/BU Bridge (East) Cambridge Memorial Drive/BU Bridge (South) Cambridge BU Bridge/Commonwealth Avenue Boston Carlton Street/Commonwealth Avenue Boston Mountfort Street/Carlton Street Brookline Mountfort Street/St. Mary's Street Boston Park Drive/Beacon Street Boston Beacon Street/Maitland Street Boston Park Drive/Riverway/Fenway Boston Park Drive/Fenway (north) Boston (Table continued on next page) Signal Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes a.m. Peak Hour p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 2030 Build Alt 4A 4A LOS (1) Delay (2) LOS (1) Delay (2) F >180.0 F >180.0 E 57.5 F 108.4 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F 152.2 F C C A A F C F C F F C F B D C C D C F C C C D F F E D C A F F F F >180.0 0 34.8 28.2 4.9 9.9 >180.0 21.7 >180.0 20.9 >180.0 >180.0 21.3 >180.0 11 38.62 27.7 33.7 49.2 33.65 >180.0 26.3 N/A 23.6 16.9 29.1 >180.0 >180.0 75.76 46.28 29 7 >180.0 87 104.58 91.372 F D D C A F F F E F F C F B F C D D C F F C F F F F E E C B F F F D >180.0 0 41.8 36.6 22.8 9.4 >180.0 102.3 >180.0 76.2 >180.0 >180.0 26.2 >180.0 10.9 108.74 20.4 53.3 45.96 34.233 >180.0 102.3 N/A 23.4 52.9 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 65.74 75.22 28.6 10.4 >180.0 120.1 >180.0 46.5 Page 218 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-12: Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 4A (Cont’d) a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 4A ID 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 Location City Fenway/Brookline Avenue Boston Park Drive/Boylston/Brookline Avenue Boston Brookline Avenue/Fullerton Street Boston Boylston Street/Kilmarnock Street Boston Longwood Avenue/Brookline Avenue Boston Longwood Avenue/Binney Street Boston Longwood Avenue/Blackfan Street Boston Blackfan Street/Avenue Louis Pasteur Boston Fenway/Avenue Louis Pasteur Boston Longwood Avenue/Avenue Louis Pasteur Boston Longwood Avenue/Huntington Avenue Boston Fenway/Evans Way NB Boston Fenway/Louis Prang Street Boston Huntington Ave/Louis Prang St/Ruggles St/E-Line Boston Ruggles Street/Parker Street Boston Ruggles Street/Leon Street Boston Ruggles Station Exit/Ruggles Street Boston Ruggles Station Entrance/Ruggles Street Boston Ruggles Street/Whittier Street/Tremont Street Boston Columbus Avenue/MCB/Ruggles Station Boston MCB/Tremont Street Boston MCB/Kerr Way Boston MCB/Shawmut Avenue Boston MCB/Washington Street Boston MCB/Harrison Avenue Boston Massachusetts Avenue/Harrison Avenue Boston Harrison Avenue/East Concord Street Boston Harrison Avenue/East Newton Street Boston MCB/Albany Street Boston Albany Street/Hampden Street Boston Albany Street/Northampton Street Boston Massachusetts Avenue/Albany Street Boston Albany Street/East Concord Street Boston Albany Street/East Newton Street Boston MCB/Hampden Street Boston MCB/Massachusetts Avenue/Massachusetts Avenue Boston Connector/Southampton Street Mass Ave Connector/East Concord St Boston Dudley Street/Hampden Street/Dudmore Street Boston Dudley Street/Blue Hill Avenue Boston (Table continued on next page) p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 4A No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No-Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes LOS (1) F F B F F F F B F F F B F F F E F F F D F E E D F F E D F F D F F F F Delay (2) >180.0 >180.0 19.7 90.5 >180.0 93.5 >180.0 17.7 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 19.6 >180.0 142.7 >180.0 78.1 126.42 50.219 >180.0 38.1 >180.0 60.576 69.933 50.31 107.6 103.3 55.5 52.8 >180.0 >180.0 51.3 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 LOS (1) F F E F F F F C F F F C F F F F F F F C F F F F F F C F F F F F F F F Delay (2) >180.0 >180.0 71.4 80 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 23.5 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 23.5 >180.0 163.9 >180.0 120.6 159.1 54.8 >180.0 22.7 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 169 >180.0 161.6 27.2 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 Yes F 148.7 F 174.7 No Yes Yes F F 0 >180.0 >180.0 F F 0 >180.0 >180.0 Signal Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Page 219 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-12: ID 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139a 139b 140a 140b 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 4A (Cont’d) Location City Signal Dudley Street/East Cottage Street/West Cottage Street Boston Yes Columbia Road/Dudley Street/Stoughton Boston Yes Columbia Road/Hamlet Street Boston No Columbia Rd/Mass Ave/Boston St/East Cottage St Boston Yes Columbia Road/Pond Street Boston No Columbia Road/Dorchester Avenue Boston Yes Columbia Road/I-93 SB Ramps Boston Yes Columbia Road/I-93 NB Ramps Boston No Columbia Road/Morrissey Boulevard (Morrissey Circle) Boston Rotary Mt. Vernon Street/Morrissey Boulevard NB Boston Yes Mt. Vernon Street/Morrissey Boulevard SB Boston Yes Morrissey Boulevard/Day Boulevard Boston No Morrissey Boulevard/UMass Access Drive Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue/Babcock Street Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue/Harry Agganis Way/Pleasant St Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue/Buick Street/St. Paul Street Boston Yes Babcock Street/Ashford Street Boston No Babcock Street/Gardner Street Boston No Commonwealth Avenue/St. Mary’s Street Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue/Blandford Street/Sherborn Street Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue/Beacon Street/Brookline Avenue/Deerfield St Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue (eastbound)/Charlesgate East Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue (eastbound)/Charlesgate West Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue (westbound)/Charlesgate East Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue (westbound)/Charlesgate West Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue (eastbound)/Mass Avenue Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue (westbound)/Mass Avenue Boston Yes Commonwealth Avenue/Kenmore Street Boston Yes Beacon Street/Storrow Drive ramps Boston Yes Beacon Street/Charlesgate Boston Yes Beacon Street/Mass Avenue Boston Yes Beacon Street/Miner Street Boston No Brookline Avenue/Yawkey Way Boston No Brookline Avenue/Lansdowne Street Boston No Mountfort Street/Essex Street Brookline No Brookline Avenue/Short Street/Beth Israel Driveway Boston Yes Longwood Avenue/Palace Road Boston No Huntington Avenue/Tetlow Street Boston Yes Fenway/Palace Road (DCR) Boston No Ruggles Street/Annunciation Road Boston No Albany Street/East Brookline Street Boston No (Table continued on next page) a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 4A p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 4A LOS (1) C F E F F E F F F C F F F C C D A B B D F F A F C E D A B B D F D A F E D B F F F LOS (1) D F F F C F F F F B F F E D D F A B A E F F B E B F B A C C D F C A F C A B F F F Delay (2) 28.3 >180.0 38.5 83 63.1 65.9 99.8 >180.0 >180.0 25.007 163.3 >180.0 108.6 20.6 32.2 36.2 9.2 11.1 10.2 36.2 >180.0 165.9 8.1 >180.0 22.1 71.4 37 5.9 14 16.3 45 >180.0 31.3 2.8 >180.0 55.3 32.8 12.6 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 Delay (2) 36.6 >180.0 54.6 97.7 24.2 >180.0 109.1 >180.0 >180.0 18.192 134.5 >180.0 64.8 51.9 39.3 112.3 9.2 11 5.4 59.7 >180.0 >180.0 12.1 62.5 10.5 97.3 18 3.8 27.2 22.7 40.7 >180.0 19.2 2.1 >180.0 25.2 6.8 15.3 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 Page 220 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-12: ID 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177a 177b 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 Build Alternative 4A (Cont’d) Location Albany Street//Msgr. Malden Street Albany Street/Union Park Street Mass Avenue/Island Street Mass Avenue/Pompeii Street Mass Avenue/Magazine Street Mass Avenue/New Market Street Mass Avenue/Clapp Street Waverly Street extension/Sidney Street Waverly Street/Albany St/Erie Street Albany Street/Pacific Street Albany Street/Cross Street Albany Street/Portland Street Waverly Street/Chestnut Street Waverly Street/Putnam Street Memorial Driive/Vassar Street (DCR) Memorial Drive/Amesbury Street (DCR) Mass Ave/Sidney Street Broadway/Cross Street Broadway/Glen Street Broadway/Franklin Street Rutherford Ave/Bunker Hill College North Driveway Rutherford Ave Off-Ramp/Bunker Hill College S Driveway Frankfort Street/Neptune Road Neptune Road/Route 1A D Street/Summer Street (SYNCHRO #180) D Street/Fargo Street (SYNCHRO #181) D Street/Congress Street (SYNCHRO #182) Cambridge Street/Windom Street (SYNCHRO #183) Western Avenue/Stadium Way (SYNCHRO #184) North Harvard Street/Stadium Way (SYNCHRO #185) Soldiers Field Road EB/North Harvard Street (SYN #186) Soldiers Field Road WB/Larz Anderson Bridge (SY #187) South Boston Bypass Rd at Frontage Rd NB South Boston Bypass Rd at Frontage Rd SB South Boston Bypass Rd at West Service Rd Mass Haul Road at C Street Mass Haul Road at Pumphouse Road Mass Haul Road at Northern Avenue South Boston Bypass Road at Ramp A City Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Somerville Somerville Somerville Boston Boston E. Boston E. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston Signal No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes a.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 4A p.m. Peak Hour 2030 Build Alt 4A LOS (1) F C C F F F E B C C C B B B F A F C A C A B LOS (1) F C C F F F F F C C F E B B E B F D A C A F D A C D F D C B B B B B A F A Delay (2) >180.0 16 19.3 >180.0 98.2 >180.0 47.6 12.7 19.1 18.2 15.5 13.3 13 14.5 62 9 115.5 34.6 9.7 20.5 0 14.1 0.0 0.0 39.6 7.9 26.3 48.9 >180.0 29.4 26.6 11.2 12.113 10.1 11.9 12.3 7.1 149.6 2.7 C A E B A E C A B F A B A C A Delay (2) >180.0 22.5 16.9 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 138.5 >180.0 15.1 18.3 80.3 37.4 10.9 12.1 39 11 118.4 38.8 9.4 24.2 0 55.9 0.0 0.0 24.4 6.2 59.3 12.1 9.6 36.5 20.6 9.8 15.065 134 8.3 10.9 6.6 23.2 3.1 NOTE: For unsignalized intersections, LOS is reported for the critical movement (generally the left turn from minor street approach). (1) Level of Service (LOS). (2) Delay in seconds. Page 221 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-13: Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 LPA a.m. Peak Hour 2030 LPA LOS (1) Delay (2) F >180.0 C 22.8 B 12.1 C 15.5 E 78.2 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 B 11 D 44 A 8.5 F >180.0 F >180.0 D 38.2 F >180.0 F 124.1 D 36 C 21.7 F >180.0 F >180.0 D 25 p.m. Peak Hour 2030 LPA LOS (1) Delay (2) F 136.9 E 37.1 C 16.2 D 32.9 E 62.2 F >180.0 F 83.8 F >180.0 C 21.2 F 108.1 C 34.6 F >180.0 F >180.0 F 107 F >180.0 F >180.0 E 70.4 D 41.3 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Location Chelsea Bridge (north)/Eastern Avenue/Central Avenue/Marginal St Eastern Avenue/Bellingham Street Eastern Avenue/Griffin Way Arlington Street/Sixth Street Everett Avenue/Spruce Street Everett Avenue/Vale Street/Maple Street Everett Avenue/Carter Street/Fifth Street Everett Avenue/RBP RBP/Vale Street RBP/Vine Street RBP/Ferry Street RBP/Spring Street RBP/Second Street RBP/Lewis Street Second Street/Route 99 Sweetzer Circle (Route 99, Route 16 and Main Street) Santilli Circle East at Route 16 Santilli Circle West at Route 16 RBP WB On-ramp RBP EB On-ramp Corporation Way/RBP Ramp (north) City Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Everett Medford Medford Medford Signal Yes No No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Rotary Yes Yes Merge Merge Flash 22 Wellington Circle North (Middlesex Ave/Fellsway) - (New interchange configuration) Medford Yes F >180.0 F >180.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes F F F E B F F B F F F F F F F F F C F >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 79.5 13.9 >180.0 135.4 16.3 57.9 >180.0 173.2 97.6 97.2 103.3 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 29.9 >180.0 D F E C A F F C F F F E E D C F F F F 45.7 138.8 71.3 23.5 6.6 >180.0 169.4 32.7 138.3 >180.0 >180.0 60 55.4 52.5 33.7 82.3 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Route 28 Fellsway/Shore Drive/Assembly Square Drive Somerville Route 28 Fellsway/Middlesex Avenue Somerville Route 28 Fellsway/Mystic Avenue (north) Somerville Route 28 Fellsway/Mystic Avenue (south) Somerville McGrath Highway/Blakely Street Somerville McGrath Highway/Broadway Somerville McGrath Highway/Pearl Street Somerville Pearl Street/Walnut Street Somerville Pearl Street/Medford Street Somerville Medford Street/Walnut Street Somerville Medford Street/Highland Avenue/Hamlet Street Somerville McGrath Highway/Medford Street Somerville McGrath Highway SB Ramp/Washington Street Somerville McGrath Highway NB Ramp/frontage Rd/Washington St Somerville McGrath Highway SB Ramp/ Somerville Ave/Medford St Somerville Washington Street/Prospect Street Somerville Somerville Avenue/Prospect Street Somerville Lombardi Way/Mystic Avenue Somerville Broadway/Lombardi Way Somerville (Table continued on next page) Page 222 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-13: Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 LPA (Cont’d) ID 42 43 44 Location Rutherford Avenue/Broadway/Maffa Way/Cambridge St Rutherford Ave/Austin St (East) Rutherford Ave/Austin St (West) 45 Charlestown Avenue/O'Brien Highway/Land Boulevard/Charles River Dam 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 66a 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78a 78b 79 80 City Boston Boston Boston Signal Yes Yes Yes Cambridge Yes O’Brien Highway/Fitchburg ROW Cambridge O'Brien Highway/Twin City Plaza Drive (Cambridge Synchro) Somerville O'Brien Highway/Third Street Cambridge O'Brien Highway/Water Street Cambridge O'Brien Highway/Gore Street (Second Street) Cambridge O'Brien Highway/First Street Cambridge O'Brien Highway/Cambridge Street Cambridge First Street/Cambridge Street Cambridge First Street/Thorndike Street Cambridge First Street/Cambridgeside Way/Charles Street Cambridge Binney Street/First Street Cambridge Binney Street/Second Street Cambridge Binney Street/Third Street Cambridge Binney Street/Fulkerson Street Cambridge Broadway Street/Third Street Cambridge Broadway/Mid-Block Connector Cambridge Broadway/Galileo Way/Binney Street Cambridge Main Street/Galileo Way/Vassar Street Cambridge Main Street/Mid-Block Connector/Ames Street Cambridge Main Street/Albany Street Cambridge Mass Avenue/Albany Street Cambridge Mass Ave/Busway (Build Alt 1 only) Cambridge Mass Avenue/Vassar Street Cambridge Brookline Street/Waverly Street Cambridge Brookline Street/Memorial Drive Rotary (North) Cambridge Memorial Drive/Brookline Street/BU Bridge (East) Cambridge Memorial Drive/BU Bridge (South) Cambridge BU Bridge/Commonwealth Avenue Boston Carlton Street/Commonwealth Avenue Boston Mountfort Street/Carlton Street Brookline Mountfort Street/St. Mary's Street Boston Park Drive/Beacon Street Boston Beacon Street/Maitland Street Boston Park Drive/Riverway/Fenway Boston Park Drive/Fenway (north) Boston Fenway/Brookline Avenue Boston Park Drive/Boylston/Brookline Avenue Boston (Table continued on next page) Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes a.m. Peak Hour 2030 LPA LOS (1) Delay (2) E 57.5 F >180.0 F >180.0 F C C A A F B F B F F B F B D C C D C F C C C D F F E E C A F F F F F F >180.0 0 34.8 27.9 4.9 9.9 >180.0 18.7 >180.0 18.667 >180.0 >180.0 19.5 >180.0 10.75 35.5 29.9 33.067 51.2 33.738 >180.0 28.6 N/A 23.6 16.7 30 53.7 >180.0 76 56.6 27.24 7 >180.0 102.1 105.5 92 >180.0 >180.0 p.m. Peak Hour 2030 LPA LOS (1) Delay (2) F 108.4 F >180.0 F 152.2 F D D C A F F F E E F C F B F C D E C F F C F F F F E F C B F F F D F F >180.0 0 41.8 36.5 22.6 9.4 >180.0 102.3 >180.0 58.8 76.2 >180.0 30.7 >180.0 10.8 107.8 21.4 52.167 57.4 34.175 >180.0 112 N/A 23.4 52.2 >180.0 >180.0 >180.0 66.1 81.7 28.9 10.5 >180.0 150.2 >180.0 46.9 >180.0 >180.0 Page 223 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-13: ID 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 LPA (Cont’d) Location City Brookline Avenue/Fullerton Street Boston Boylston Street/Kilmarnock Street Boston Longwood Avenue/Brookline Avenue Boston Longwood Avenue/Binney Street Boston Longwood Avenue/Blackfan Street Boston Blackfan Street/Avenue Louis Pasteur Boston Fenway/Avenue Louis Pasteur Boston Longwood Avenue/Avenue Louis Pasteur Boston Longwood Avenue/Huntington Avenue Boston Fenway/Evans Way NB Boston Fenway/Louis Prang Street Boston Huntington Ave/Louis Prang St/Ruggles St/E-Line Boston Ruggles Street/Parker Street Boston Ruggles Street/Leon Street Boston Ruggles Station Exit/Ruggles Street Boston Ruggles Station Entrance/Ruggles Street Boston Ruggles Street/Whittier Street/Tremont Street Boston Columbus Avenue/MCB/Ruggles Station Boston MCB/Tremont Street Boston MCB/Kerr Way Boston MCB/Shawmut Avenue Boston MCB/Washington Street Boston MCB/Harrison Avenue Boston Massachusetts Avenue/Harrison Avenue Boston Harrison Avenue/East Concord Street Boston Harrison Avenue/East Newton Street Boston MCB/Albany Street Boston Albany Street/Hampden Street Boston Albany Street/Northampton Street Boston Massachusetts Avenue/Albany Street Boston Albany Street/East Concord Street Boston Albany Street/East Newton Street Boston MCB/Hampden Street Boston MCB/Massachusetts Avenue/Massachusetts Avenue Boston Connector/Southampton Street Mass Ave Connector/East Concord St Boston Dudley Street/Hampden Street/Dudmore Street Boston Dudley Street/Blue Hill Avenue Boston Dudley Street/East Cottage Street/West Cottage Street Boston Columbia Road/Dudley Street/Stoughton Boston Columbia Road/Hamlet Street Boston (Table continued on next page) Signal Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NoYes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes a.m. Peak Hour 2030 LPA LOS (1) Delay (2) B 19.2 F 90.5 F >180.0 F 106.4 F >180.0 B 18 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 C 20.3 F >180.0 F 143.2 F >180.0 E 79.6 F 128.6 F 51.5 F >180.0 D 38.1 F >180.0 E 60.3 F >180.0 D 36.7 F 107.6 F 103.3 E 55.5 D 52.8 F >180.0 F >180.0 D 51.3 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F 154.5 p.m. Peak Hour 2030 LPA LOS (1) Delay (2) E 71.4 F 80 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 C 23.4 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 C 24.5 F >180.0 F 167.9 F >180.0 F 125.7 F 117.3 E 40.4 F >180.0 D 43.4 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F 167.9 F >180.0 F 161.6 C 27.2 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 Yes F 150.2 F 174.9 No Yes Yes Yes Yes No F F D F B 0 >180.0 >180.0 39.9 >180.0 10.8 F F D F B 0 >180.0 >180.0 51.2 >180.0 11.5 Page 224 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-13: ID 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139a 139b 140a 140b 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 LPA (Cont’d) Location City Columbia Rd/Mass Ave/Boston St/East Cottage St Boston Columbia Road/Pond Street Boston Columbia Road/Dorchester Avenue Boston Columbia Road/I-93 SB Ramps Boston Columbia Road/I-93 NB Ramps Boston Columbia Road/Morrissey Boulevard (Morrissey Circle) Boston Mt. Vernon Street/Morrissey Boulevard NB Boston Mt. Vernon Street/Morrissey Boulevard SB Boston Morrissey Boulevard/Day Boulevard Boston Morrissey Boulevard/UMass Access Drive Boston Commonwealth Avenue/Babcock Street Boston Commonwealth Avenue/Harry Agganis Way/Pleasant St Boston Commonwealth Avenue/Buick Street/St. Paul Street Boston Babcock Street/Ashford Street Boston Babcock Street/Gardner Street Boston Commonwealth Avenue/St. Mary’s Street Boston Commonwealth Avenue/Blandford Street/Sherborn Street Boston Commonwealth Avenue/Beacon Street/Brookline Avenue/Deerfield St Boston Commonwealth Avenue (eastbound)/Charlesgate East Boston Commonwealth Avenue (eastbound)/Charlesgate West Boston Commonwealth Avenue (westbound)/Charlesgate East Boston Commonwealth Avenue (westbound)/Charlesgate West Boston Commonwealth Avenue (eastbound)/Mass Avenue Boston Commonwealth Avenue (westbound)/Mass Avenue Boston Commonwealth Avenue/Kenmore Street Boston Beacon Street/Storrow Drive ramps Boston Beacon Street/Charlesgate Boston Beacon Street/Mass Avenue Boston Beacon Street/Miner Street Boston Brookline Avenue/Yawkey Way Boston Brookline Avenue/Lansdowne Street Boston Mountfort Street/Essex Street Brookline Brookline Avenue/Short Street/Beth Israel Driveway Boston Longwood Avenue/Palace Road Boston Huntington Avenue/Tetlow Street Boston Fenway/Palace Road (DCR) Boston Ruggles Street/Annunciation Road Boston Albany Street/East Brookline Street Boston Albany Street//Msgr. Malden Street Boston Albany Street/Union Park Street Boston Mass Avenue/Island Street Boston (Table continued on next page) Signal Yes No Yes Yes No Rotary Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes No Yes No No No No No No a.m. Peak Hour 2030 LPA LOS (1) Delay (2) F 80.5 F 63.1 E 65.9 F 99.8 F >180.0 F >180.0 C 25.1 F 163.3 F >180.0 F 109 C 20.6 C 32.2 D 36.2 A 9.2 B 11.1 B 10.2 D 37.7 F >180.0 F 166.8 A 8.1 F >180.0 C 22.1 E 71.4 D 37 A 3.7 B 14 B 16.3 D 45 F >180.0 D 26.8 A 2.8 F >180.0 E 55.3 D 32.8 B 12.6 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 C 16.321 C 19.5 p.m. Peak Hour 2030 LPA LOS (1) Delay (2) F 98.933 C 24.2 F >180.0 F 109.1 F >180.0 F >180.0 B 18.3 F 134.5 F >180.0 E 64.8 D 51.9 D 39.3 F 112.3 A 9.2 B 11 A 5.4 E 59.7 F >180.0 F >180.0 B 12.1 E 62.5 B 10.5 F 97.3 B 18 A 3.8 C 27.2 C 22.7 D 40.7 F >180.0 C 19.2 A 2.1 F >180.0 C 25.2 A 6.8 B 15.3 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 C 23.454 C 17 Page 225 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT Table J-13: ID 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177a 177b 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 Intersection LOS Summary – 2030 LPA (Cont’d) Location Mass Avenue/Pompeii Street Mass Avenue/Magazine Street Mass Avenue/New Market Street Mass Avenue/Clapp Street Waverly Street extension/Sidney Street Waverly Street/Albany St/Erie Street Albany Street/Pacific Street Albany Street/Cross Street Albany Street/Portland Street Waverly Street/Chestnut Street Waverly Street/Putnam Street Memorial Driive/Vassar Street (DCR) Memorial Drive/Amesbury Street (DCR) Mass Ave/Sidney Street Broadway/Cross Street Broadway/Glen Street Broadway/Franklin Street Rutherford Ave/Bunker Hill College North Driveway Rutherford Ave Off-Ramp/Bunker Hill College S Driveway Frankfort Street/Neptune Road Neptune Road/Route 1A D Street/Summer Street (SYNCHRO #180) D Street/Fargo Street (SYNCHRO #181) D Street/Congress Street (SYNCHRO #182) Cambridge Street/Windom Street (SYNCHRO #183) Western Avenue/Stadium Way (SYNCHRO #184) North Harvard Street/Stadium Way (SYNCHRO #185) Soldiers Field Road EB/North Harvard Street (SYN #186) Soldiers Field Road WB/Larz Anderson Bridge (SY #187) South Boston Bypass Rd at Frontage Rd NB South Boston Bypass Rd at Frontage Rd SB South Boston Bypass Rd at West Service Rd Mass Haul Road at C Street Mass Haul Road at Pumphouse Road Mass Haul Road at Northern Avenue South Boston Bypass Road at Ramp A City Boston Boston Boston Boston Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Cambridge Somerville Somerville Somerville Boston Boston E. Boston E. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston S. Boston Signal No Yes No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes a.m. Peak Hour 2030 LPA LOS (1) Delay (2) F >180.0 F 87.15 F >180.0 F 50.922 B 12.7 C 19.1 C 18.2 C 15.5 B 13.3 B 13 B 14.5 F 62 A 9 F 115.1 C 34.6 A 9.7 C 20.5 A 0 B 14.1 0.0 0.0 D 39.6 A 7.9 C 26.3 D 48.9 F >180.0 D 29.4 C 26.6 B 11.2 B 12.2 B 10.9 B 11.9 B 12.3 A 7.1 F 149.6 A 2.7 p.m. Peak Hour 2030 LPA LOS (1) Delay (2) F >180.0 F >180.0 F >180.0 F 156.72 F >180.0 C 15.1 C 18.3 F 80.3 E 37.4 B 10.9 B 12.1 E 39.5 B 11 F 116.4 D 38.8 A 9.4 C 24.2 A 0 F 55.9 0.0 0.0 C 24.4 B 19.6 E 59.3 B 12.3 A 9.6 E 36.5 C 20.6 A 9.8 B 14.7 F 131.5 A 8.3 B 10.9 A 6.6 C 23.2 A 3.1 NOTE: For unsignalized intersections, LOS is reported for the critical movement (generally the left turn from minor street approach). (1) Level of Service (LOS). (2) Delay in seconds. Page 226 November 2008 URBAN RING PHASE 2 TECHNICAL TRAFFIC REPORT K. Surface Routing Analyses in the Longwood Medical and Academic Area The LPA alignment includes a tunnel through the Longwood Medical and Academic Area (LMA) and Fenway. It is understood that while the tunnel will provide superior travel time and reliability service, it will take several years to fund, design, and construct. Therefore, interim surface alignment options were evaluated that would provide travel time and reliability advantages for Urban Ring buses until the tunnel is completed. The interim surface options include busways, bus lanes, queue-jump lanes and bus signal priority at critical locations in the LMA and Fenway. Evaluation results (see the memorandum provided at the end of this section) indicate that these measures would reduce delay and improve travel times for buses in both existing and future conditions. However, there are challenges and trade-offs involved with most of the interim improvement measures evaluated including impacts to general traffic, pedestrian crossing times, turning radii, and land acquisition. The project team has coordinated with the City of Boston, stakeholders and MASCO and has addressed most of the issues and concerns raised. The memorandum provided at the end of this section represents the most current analysis by the project team. An interim surface plan in the LMA and Fenway area has not been finalized. An ongoing process of coordination with the City of Boston and stakeholders will continue. Page 227 November 2008 Earth Tech 300 Baker Avenue, Suite 290, Concord, Massachusetts 01742 T 978-371-4000 F 978-371-2468 Memorandum Date: August 11, 2008 To: Ned Codd, P.E., Project Manager, EOT From: Jeff Maxtutis, AICP Jason Sobel, P.E. Subject: Urban Ring Phase 2 RDEIR/DEIS Longwood Medical and Academic Area (LMA) – Interim Surface Option Distribution: This memorandum has been prepared to summarize the advantages of the Urban Ring interim surface improvements proposed in the Longwood Medical and Academic Area (LMA). The surface improvements within the LMA typically include exclusive bus lanes or “queue jump” lanes, and a priority signal phase for the bus movements. Figure 1 shows the interim surface routes between Yawkey Station and Ruggles Station through the LMA. Figures 2 and 3 show the potential interim surface improvements in the LMA and along Ruggles Street, respectively. Tables 1 and 2 summarize anticipated traffic operating conditions in the year 2030 at several key intersections along the interim surface route in the LMA. At each intersection, the delays and queue lengths for the bus movements are shown with and without the proposed improvements. Additionally, the overall intersection delay for general traffic is also included in the tables. Figure 1 LMA Potential Interim Surface Route Figure 2 LMA Potential Interim Surface Improvements Figure 3 Ruggles Street Potential Interim Surface Improvements Table 1: Weekday Morning Peak Hour Intersection 2030 Baseline Delay (sec) LOS Queue 1 2030 Interim Surface Improvements Delay 1 (sec) LOS Queue Brookline Ave / Park Drive Brookline Ave SB Through >120 F 111 / 160 >120 F (CCW Bus Movement) Brookline Ave NB Through >120 F 386 / 588 >120 F (CW Bus Movement) Overall Intersection (General Traffic) >120 F >120 F Brookline Ave / Riverway / Fenway Brookline Ave SB Through >120 F 696 / 1,024 >120 F (CCW Bus Movement) Brookline Ave NB Through 69.5 E 335 / 466 19.0 B (CW Bus Movement) Overall Intersection (General Traffic) >120 F >120 F Brookline Ave / Longwood Ave Brookline Ave SB Left 62.3 E >120 F 323 / 515 (CCW Bus Movement) Longwood Ave WB Right 20.5 C 96 / 159 25.7 C (CW Bus Movement) Overall Intersection (General Traffic) >120 F >120 F Longwood Ave / Binney St Longwood Ave EB Through >120 F 507 / 380 >120 F (CCW Bus Movement) Longwood Ave WB Through 6.7 A 13.6 B 162 / 131 (CW Bus Movement) Overall Intersection (General Traffic) >120 F >120 F Longwood Ave / Blackfan St Longwood Ave EB Through 53.1 D 185 / 134 53.1 D (CCW Bus Movement) Longwood Ave WB Through 50.1 D 704 / 372 50.1 D (CW Bus Movement) Overall Intersection (General Traffic) >120 F >120 F Longwood Ave / Huntington Ave Longwood Ave S-EB Left >120 F 284 / 345 >120 F (CCW Bus Movement) Huntington Ave WB Right 66.9 E 401 / 478 66.9 E (CW Bus Movement) Overall Intersection (General Traffic) >120 F >120 F Huntington Ave / Ruggles St Huntington Ave EB Right >120 F 678 / 819 >120 F (CCW Bus Movement) Ruggles Street NB Left >120 F 336 / 230 19.0 B (CW Bus Movement) Overall Intersection (General Traffic) >120 F >120 F Ruggles St / Parker Street Ruggles Street EB Through 1,227 / >120 F 33.5 C (CCW Bus Movement) 1,026 Ruggles Street WB Through 4.8 A >120 F 560 / 765 (CW Bus Movement) Overall Intersection (General Traffic) >120 F >120 F 1 th th 50 / 95 Percentile Queue shown in feet th th (Where 95 queue is less than 50 queue is due to metering of traffic at upstream intersections) Shaded Rows = Exclusive Bus Lane 111 / 160 386 / 588 900 / 1,139 5 / 17 4 / 20 208 / 291 507 / 380 9 / 53 185 / 134 704 / 372 284 / 345 401 / 478 697 / 835 13 / 39 18 / 79 8 / 76 Table 2: Weekday Afternoon Peak Hour Intersection 2030 Baseline Delay (sec) LOS Queue 1 2030 Interim Surface Improvements Delay 1 LOS Queue (sec) Brookline Ave / Park Drive Brookline Ave SB Through 74.1 E 175 / 236 78.4 E (CCW Bus Movement) Brookline Ave NB Through 1,033 / >120 F >120 F (CW Bus Movement) 1,281 Overall Intersection (General Traffic) >120 F >120 F Brookline Ave / Riverway / Fenway Brookline Ave SB Through >120 F 615 / 942 >120 F (CCW Bus Movement) Brookline Ave NB Through >120 F 433 / 757 47.2 D (CW Bus Movement) Overall Intersection (General Traffic) >120 F >120 F Brookline Ave / Longwood Ave Brookline Ave SB Left >120 F 352 / 547 62.3 E (CCW Bus Movement) Brookline Ave WB Right 64.9 E 384 / 435 42.1 D (CW Bus Movement) Overall Intersection (General Traffic) >120 F >120 F Longwood Ave / Binney St Longwood Ave EB Through >120 F 486 / 159 >120 F (CCW Bus Movement) Longwood Ave WB Through 4.9 A 43.8 D 276 / 142 (CW Bus Movement) Overall Intersection (General Traffic) >120 F Longwood Ave / Blackfan St Longwood Ave EB Through 1,499 / >120 F >120 F (CCW Bus Movement) 1,224 Longwood Ave WB Through >120 F 711 / 546 >120 F (CW Bus Movement) Overall Intersection (General Traffic) >120 F >120 F Longwood Ave / Huntington Ave Longwood Ave S-EB Left 39.7 D 162 / 131 39.7 D (CCW Bus Movement) Huntington Ave WB Right >120 F 574 / 688 >120 F (CW Bus Movement) Overall Intersection (General Traffic) >120 F >120 F Huntington Ave / Ruggles St Huntington Ave EB Right >120 F 602 / 742 >120 F (CCW Bus Movement) Ruggles Street NB Left >120 F 314 / 315 19.8 B (CW Bus Movement) Overall Intersection (General Traffic) >120 F >120 F Ruggles St / Parker Street Ruggles Street EB Through 1,394 / >120 F 5.5 A (CCW Bus Movement) 1,021 Ruggles Street WB Through 32.5 C 424 / 527 3.5 A (CW Bus Movement) Overall Intersection (General Traffic) >120 F >120 F 1 th th 50 / 95 Percentile Queue shown in feet th th (Where 95 queue is less than 50 queue is due to metering of traffic at upstream intersections) Shaded Rows = Exclusive Bus Lane 175 / 236 1,033 / 1,281 515 / 851 5 / 44 4 / 20 343 / 500 486 / 159 7 / 34 1,499 / 1,224 711 / 546 162 / 131 574 / 688 732 / 870 13 / 39 7 / 50 6 / 57