List of Comments Received on the Urban Ring Revised DEIR (Listed by date of receipt of hard copy by MEPA office) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 12/24/08 1/2/09 1/9/09 1/9/09 1/9/09 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 1/27/09 1/27/09 1/30/09 2/2/09 2/4/09 2/5/09 2/9/09 2/9/09 2/9/09 2/9/09 2/9/09 2/9/09 2/9/09 2/9/09 2/9/09 2/9/09 2/9/09 2/10/09 2/9/09 2/9/09 2/9/09 2/10/09 2/9/09 2/9/09 2/9/09 2/9/09 2/9/09 2/9/09 2/9/09 2/10/09 2/10/09 2/10/09 2/10/09 2/10/09 40. 41. 2/10/09 2/10/09 Senator Anthony D. Galluccio WalkBoston Bike to the Sea, Inc. Urban Ring Phase 2 Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) Winsor School (In addition to the letter from Board of Trustees and Director, 99 letters of support for the Winsor School’s letter are included in the subsequent section) Joseph A. Curtatone, Mayor of Somerville Civic Association Medical Academic and Scientific Organization, Inc. (MASCO) Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Arshag A. Mazmanian Boston University Association for Public Transportation Brookline Board of Selectmen Brookline Preservation Commission Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum Massachusetts Historical Commission U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) University of Massachusetts Boston John F. Burckardt, PE Carol G. Deane Michael S. Dukakis Christiana Fischer Rob Kassel Craig A. Kelley Arshag A. Mazmanian Patricia Murray Alan Moore Senator Anthony Petruccelli Sasha E. Polonsky Ellin Reisner, PhD. Mark Sutherland Robert J. La Tremouille Joel N. Weber II Karen Wepsic Alternatives for Community and Environment Cambridge Redevelopment Authority Charles River Watershed Association (CRWA) Chelsea Dept. of Planning/Development Executive Office of Health and Human Services Department of Public Heath (DPH) The Fenway Alliance Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 2/10/09 2/10/09 2/10/09 2/10/09 2/10/09 2/10/09 2/11/09 2/11/09 2/11/09 2/12/09 2/12/09 2/12/09 2/12/09 2/12/09 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 2/13/09 2/13/09 2/17/09 2/17/09 2/17/09 2/17/09 2/20/09 2/23/09 2/25/09 3/3/09 3/10/09 3/10/09 Massachusetts Port Authority (MassPort) Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) Partners Health Care Wentworth Institute of Technology Kenneth J. Krause Representative Frank I. Smizik Boston Redevelopment Authority Emerald Necklace Conservancy Harvard University Cambridge Executive Department Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) Sierra Club Wheelock College Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) Northeast Regional Office Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Boston Parks and Recreation Department Audubon Circle Neighborhood association Children’s Hospital Boston Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) Fenway Community Development Corporation A Better City Boston Environment Department Fred Salvucci Shirley Kressel Marilyn Wellons Wig Zamore List of Comments Received in Support of the Winsor School Board of Trustees and Director’s Letter (Listed by date included on the letter) 1. 01/13/09 Deborah Hill Bornheimer 2. 01/13/09 Michelle Riffelmacher 3. 01/13/09 William P. Collatos 4. 01/13/09 Ellen T. Giannuzzi, Esq. 5. 01/13/09 Kimberly Heald Krawshuk 6. 01/13/09 Peggy O’Brien Eysenbach 7. 01/13/09 Bridgitt Evans 8. 01/13/09 Jane Brock­Wilson 9. 01/13/09 Saul J. Pannell 10. 01/13/09 Margaret C. Bell 11. 01/13/09 Sasha E. Polonsky 12. 01/14/09 Clarissa J. Marshall 13. 01/14/09 Julia Harrison 14. 01/14/09 Margaret P. Mazzucco 15. 01/14/09 Sharon R. Gorberg 16. 01/14/09 Sloan Sable 17. 01/14/09 Courtney Jackson 18. 01/14/09 Gloria W. Coren 19. 01/14/09 Xiaodong Zhao 20. 01/14/09 Sarah Macauley 21. 01/14/09 Lauren E. Martin 22. 01/14/09 Caitlin Blois 23. 01/14/09 Laura I. Antuna 24. 01/14/09 Jill Valle 25. 01/14/09 Robert J. Walsh 26. 01/14/09 Thomas I. Wensink 27. 01/14/09 Lisa Soltani 28. 01/14/09 Midlaine S. Baker 29. 01/14/09 Robin Ryan 30. 01/14/09 Karen Geromini 31. 01/14/09 Valentina Paez 32. 01/14/09 Laura Bravo Melguizo 33. 01/14/09 James E. Jer­Don 34. 01/14/09 Linda Hansen 35. 01/14/09 Geneva Tiggle 36. 01/14/09 Maeve McHenry 37. 01/14/09 Jennifer L. Toon 38. 01/14/09 Patricia Carver 39. 01/14/09 Susanna Ryan 40. 01/14/09 Aneiage Van Bean 41. 01/14/09 Jacquelyne E. Arrington 42. 01/14/09 Kate Groetzinger 43. 01/14/09 44. 01/14/09 45. 01/14/09 46. 01/14/09 47. 01/14/09 48. 01/14/09 49. 01/14/09 50. 01/14/09 51. 01/14/09 52. 01/14/09 53. 01/14/09 54. 01/14/09 55. 01/14/09 56. 01/14/09 57. 01/14/09 58. 01/14/09 59. 01/14/09 60. 01/15/09 61. 01/16/09 62. 01/16/09 63. 01/16/09 64. 01/16/09 65. 01/16/09 66. 01/16/09 67. 01/18/09 68. 01/19/09 69. 01/19/09 70. 01/20/09 71. 01/20/09 72. 01/20/09 73. 01/20/09 74. 01/20/09 75. 01/20/09 76. 01/20/09 77. 01/21/09 78. 01/21/09 79. 01/21/09 80. 01/21/09 81. 01/21/09 82. 01/22/09 83. 01/23/09 84. 01/27/09 85. 01/28/09 86. 01/29/09 87. 02/01/09 88. 02/02/09 Alice F. Stern Laura Houlette Jennifer Ciccarelli Sally A. Hatcher Andrea Chase Sharon J. Eby Christophe de Bord Leslie Smith Lisa Taillacq Helen C Goldberg Adelbert Spitzer Roger T. Servison Jane Hoeffel Otte Rebecca Rice Thomas J. Flanagan Libby Parsley LP Nash Perry M. Traquina Eugene H. Pool Tiffany Young Kaitlin K. Yaremchuk* Maria Minkoff Helen Schultz Lauren Conway­Russell Jennifer S. Skeele Marion Kilson Dorian Bowman Lynn Randall Elisabeth Peterson Leslie Bernstein D Higgins Thompson Katherine Lee Cole Michael S. Gordon Kate Connolly Chris A. Kauth Julia C. Livingston Katharine T. Baker­Carr Adrienne M. Penta Emilie Kaulbach Kendall Jennifer Reardon Cheryl Alexander Mark Edwards Pamela S. Henrikson Ethel McFarlan Hamann Susannah Barton Tobin Anne N Robertson 89. 02/02/09 90. 02/03/09 91. 02/04/09 92. 02/04/09 93. 02/04/09 94. 02/04/09 95. 02/08/09 96. 02/08/09 97. 02/08/09 98. 02/08/09 99. 02/12/09 Lee T. Sprague Joseph J. O’Donnell Carol G. Deane* Anne Ruggles Anne Deane John M. Westcott, Jr Al Kerry P. Brennan Zwic Cohee Bridgett Br Cornelia Hurley McPeek Italicized names were not clearly legible.