Urban Ring Phase 2 Proposed Circumferential Transit Project Urban Ring Compact Meeting April 6, 2009 1 Urban Ring Phase 2 Agenda MEPA Certificate Notice of Project Change Requirements RTP Status, Issues Implementation Plan Evaluation Criteria Different Approaches ABC Roadmap – Early actions throughout corridor Minimum 2 Discussion Urban Ring Phase 2 Operating Segment (MOS) MEPA Certificate MEPA Certificate issued on March 6, 2009 Requires NPC for: 3 Early Action Implementation Plan Implementation Plan for Full Project Comment Response Urban Ring Phase 2 Notice of Project Change Requirements Early Action implementation plan Identify “early action items” to improve transit service Identify engineering tasks that can be accomplished in the near term to bring the early action items closer to realization Implementation Plan for the full project Define overall project phasing Provide “schedule for resolving the key remaining technical, routing, and implementation issues” Comment response 4 EOT must “thoroughly respond” to the 75 comment letters (not counting the multiple form letters) Urban Ring Phase 2 Project Implementation 1996-2001 Overall Urban Ring Plan Corridor 3 Phases Draft Environmental FTA Approval – Enter Preliminary Engineering Preliminary Engineering, Final Environmental FTA Approval – Enter Final Design We Are Here Design FTA New Starts Application • Cost-Effectiveness Full Funding Grant Agreement • State, MBTA Financial Condition • 5 Urban Ring Phase 2 MUST BE IN MPO RTP Construction RTP Status, Issues Boston Region MPO – Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) update Reflect State Implementation Plan (SIP) changes Green Line Extension Fairmount Branch commuter rail improvements 1,000 parking spaces on MBTA system Design of Red Line – Blue Line connection FINANCIALLY CONSTRAINED to 2030 6 REALISTIC projections of revenue sources (based on existing conditions) Urban Ring Phase 2 Implementation Plan - Evaluation Criteria 7 Ridership Costs and cost-effectiveness Environmental Justice benefits Economic Development benefits Percentage of dedicated running way Continuity/Independent Utility Feasibility/right-of-way and abutter issues Local support Urban Ring Phase 2 ABC Roadmap Concept Leverage funds in 2008 Transportation Bond Bill Build support for full Urban Ring with early enhanced bus service throughout corridor Roadmap study has two parts 8 Part 1: Early action before FTA New Starts and before NEPA Record of Decision on full project Part 2: Resolve outstanding design issues on full project while completing FEIR/FEIS Timeframe is 2009 through 2017 Urban Ring Phase 2 Issues with Early Action/Incremental Approach 9 Ridership – Early action is not continuous for any single route. Must wait for major improvements in any segment of corridor Costs – Early action is spread over wide geographic area. Costs of Full Project don’t fit within RTP Local support – provides targeted improvements over wide geographic/political jurisdictions Economic Development – Early action lacks focus which may diminish impact Environmental justice – Early action provides minor improvements over wide area vs major improvement in smaller area Urban Ring Phase 2 Issues with Early Action/Incremental Approach 10 Percentage of dedicated running way – Early action unlikely to meet 50% BRT threshold, and travel time improvements will be incremental Continuity – Early action does not provide any single route with continuous BRT operating environment. Unlikely to meet the “independent utility” test, not ideal for New Starts Feasibility – incremental improvements may ease implementation Urban Ring Phase 2 ABC Roadmap Concept 11 Urban Ring Phase 2 Schedule and Projected Cost of Each Early Action Component 12 Urban Ring Phase 2 ABC Roadmap Concept (cont.) 13 Urban Ring Phase 2 ABC Roadmap Concept (cont.) 14 Urban Ring Phase 2 ABC Roadmap Concept (cont.) 15 Urban Ring Phase 2 ABC Roadmap Concept (cont.) 16 Urban Ring Phase 2 ABC Roadmap Concept (cont.) 17 Urban Ring Phase 2 ABC Roadmap Concept (cont.) 18 Urban Ring Phase 2 MOS Proposals 19 Minimum Operating Segment (MOS) proposals were evaluated and presented to CAC in May 2008 MOS Candidates Logan Airport to Kendall Square, “Northern Tier” Logan to Wellington Wellington to Kendall Assembly Square to Yawkey Kendall to Logan with tunnel Kendall to Logan, “Southern Tier” without tunnel Harvard to Logan with tunnel Harvard to Logan without tunnel Urban Ring Phase 2 Daily riders 184,000 % Reserved ROW 53% Capital cost (2007) ~ $2.4 bn Cost-effectiveness ~ $15-20 Ev er e t t Wellington Downtown Chelsea Station Me d fo r d Somerville Assembly Square Ch e l se a Sullivan Square Harvard Square E a st B o st o n New Lechmere Airport Ca m b r i d g e Recommended Project Logan West Garage Cambridgeport Kendall / MIT World Trade Center A ll s t on Yawkey Broadway BU Bridge LMA Ruggles Washington Street Br o o k l i n e S o u t h Bo s t o n Proposed Alignment 20 Mixed Traffic Buslane Busway (Surface) Busway (Tunnel) Proposed Stop Urban Ring Phase 2 Newmarket Dudley Square Ro x b u r y JFK/UMass D o r ch e s t er Logan-Kendall Eve re tt Me df or d Som er vi lle Daily riders % Reserved roadways, lanes Capital cost Cost-effectiveness Che l sea East Bost on ~ 64,000 C am br i dge ~ 63% ~$450 M Logan West Garage Al ls ton Kendall / MIT ~$7-10 Br ook lin e South B o ston Roxb ury D orch est er Mixed Traffic Buslane Busway (Surface) Busway (Tunnel) Proposed Stop 21 Route Options Urban Ring Phase 2 Logan Wellington Eve re tt Wellington Me df or d Som er vi lle Daily riders % Reserved roadways, lanes Che l sea ~ 34,000 East Bost on C am br i dge ~ 70% Capital cost ~ $280 M Cost-effectiveness ~ $10-13 Logan West Garage Al ls ton Br ook lin e South B o ston Roxb ury D orch est er Mixed Traffic Buslane Busway (Surface) Busway (Tunnel) Proposed Stop 22 Route Options Urban Ring Phase 2 Wellington Kendall Wellington Me df or d Som er vi lle Daily riders % Reserved roadways, lanes Capital cost Che l sea ~ 31,000 East Bost on ~ 35% C am br i dge ~ $170 M Al ls ton Cost-effectiveness Eve re tt ~ $6-9 Kendall / MIT Br ook lin e South B o ston Roxb ury D orch est er Mixed Traffic Buslane Busway (Surface) Busway (Tunnel) Proposed Stop 23 Route Options Urban Ring Phase 2 Kendall – Logan (with tunnel) Eve re tt Me df or d Som er vi lle Daily riders % Reserved roadways, lanes Capital cost Cost-effectiveness Che l sea ~ 104,000 East Bost on Logan West Garage C am br i dge ~ 55% ~ $1.9 B Al ls ton Kendall / MIT ~ $23-26 Br ook lin e South B o ston Roxb ury D orch est er Mixed Traffic Buslane Busway (Surface) Busway (Tunnel) Proposed Stop 24 Route Options Urban Ring Phase 2 Kendall – Logan (w/out tunnel) Eve re tt Me df or d Som er vi lle Daily riders % Reserved roadways, lanes Capital cost Cost-effectiveness Che l sea ~ 88,000 East Bost on Logan West Garage C am br i dge ~ 50% ~ $280 M Al ls ton Kendall / MIT ~ $4-7 Br ook lin e South B o ston Roxb ury D orch est er Mixed Traffic Buslane Busway (Surface) Busway (Tunnel) Proposed Stop 25 Route Options Urban Ring Phase 2 Assembly Sq Yawkey Eve re tt Me df or d Assembly Square Som er vi lle Daily riders % Reserved roadways, lanes Capital cost Che l sea ~ 47,000 East Bost on C am br i dge ~ 65% ~ $280mi Al ls ton Cost-effectiveness ~ $6-9 Yawkey Br ook lin e South B o ston Roxb ury D orch est er Mixed Traffic Buslane Busway (Surface) Busway (Tunnel) Proposed Stop 26 Route Options Urban Ring Phase 2 Harvard – Logan (with tunnel) Eve re tt Me df or d Som er vi lle Che l sea East Bost on Harvard Square Daily riders % Reserved roadways, lanes ~ 104,000 54% Capital cost ~ $1.9 bi Cost-effectiveness ~ $22-25 Logan West Garage C am br i dge Al ls ton Br ook lin e South B o ston Roxb ury D orch est er Mixed Traffic Buslane Busway (Surface) Busway (Tunnel) Proposed Stop Route Options 27 Urban Ring Phase 2 Area of Ongoing Analysis Harvard – Logan (w/out tunnel) Eve re tt Me df or d Som er vi lle Che l sea East Bost on Harvard Square Daily riders % Reserved roadways, lanes Capital cost Cost-effectiveness ~ 91,000 56% Logan West Garage C am br i dge Al ls ton ~$320 mi ~ $4-7 Br ook lin e South B o ston Roxb ury D orch est er Mixed Traffic Buslane Busway (Surface) Busway (Tunnel) Proposed Stop Route Options 28 Urban Ring Phase 2 Area of Ongoing Analysis Issues with MOS Concept 29 Ridership – continuity can provide strong ridership in segment Costs and cost effectiveness –Separation from Full Project may reduce overall cost effectiveness of remaining segments in the future Local support – more likely to get focused support in segment Economic development – major investment and strong transit identity supports TOD and Development Environmental Justice – depends upon segment Urban Ring Phase 2 Issues with MOS Concept 30 Percentage dedicated running way – depends upon segment Continuity – provides end to end route improvements and has independent utility – more attractive for New Starts funding Feasibility – depends upon segment – issues with most segments Urban Ring Phase 2 Next Steps 31 Boston MPO RTP coordination, spring 2009 FTA discussions on project segmentation, spring 2009 EOT CSX acquisition – June 15, 2009 Urban Ring Phase 2 Discussion Please visit our website at www.theurbanring.com 32 Urban Ring Phase 2