Charles D. Baker, Governor Karyn Polito, Lt. Governor Stephanie Pollack, MassDOT Secretary & CEO September 17, 2015 Pamela Stephenson Division Administrator Federal Highway Administration 55 Broadway – 10th floor Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142 Dear Ms. Stephenson: On behalf of Secretary Stephanie Pollack, I am writing to request your approval of the attached statewide and regional highway actions pertaining to the Federal Fiscal Years 20152018 State Transportation Improvement Program, as endorsed by the Boston Metropolitan Planning Organization after an abbreviated 10 day public comment period and advanced by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation: 0.67 35.01-35.03 Statewide Adjustment Boston September 17, 2015 September 17, 2015 These actions do not require an air quality conformity determination. If you have any questions, please call me at (857)368-8865. Sincerely, David J. Mohler Executive Director Office of Transportation Planning cc: Steve Woelfel, Director of Strategic Planning Trey Wadsworth, Manager of MPO Activities Bryan K. Pounds, MPO Activities William Betts, FAPRO Federal Transit Administration Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence Ten Park Plaza, Suite 4150, Boston, MA 02116 Tel: 857-368-4636, TTY: 857-368-0655 Massachusetts Department of Transportation - State Transportation Improvement Program Highway Actions Report 2015-2018 PROJECT INFORMATION Project Location ID # MPO .67 STATEWIDE EWO STATEWIDE CURRENT Description Source Total AWARD ADJUSTMENTS, CHANGE ORDERS, ETC STP STP REVISED Year Source Total Federal FINANCIAL CONSTRAINT NonFederal Year Amendment Description Federal Non Federal Date $19,614,754 $15,691,803 $3,922,951 2015 STP $19,496,445 $15,597,156 $3,899,289 2015 ADJUSTMENT:Decrease Cost 09/16/15 $26,250,000 $21,000,000 $5,250,000 2015 STP $31,739,370 $25,391,496 $6,347,874 2015 AMENDMENT:Increase Cost 09/16/15 Reduce from $19,614,754 to $19,496,445 35.01 BOSTON 603711 MULTIPLE NEEDHAM- WELLESLEYREHAB/REPLACEMENT OF 6 BRIDGES ON I95/ROUTE 128: N-04-020, N-04-021, N-04-022, N-04-026, N-04-027 & W-13-023 (ADD-ALANE - CONTRACT V) AMENDMENT:Change Addl Info increase of $5,489,370; AC Yr 2 of 5; NHPP+BR+Statewide Infrastructure Total Cost = $164,919,140 ($87,828,443 programmed within FFYs 2015-18 TIP) 35.02 BOSTON 604652 MULTIPLE STONEHAM- WINCHESTER- WOBURN- TRICOMMUNITY BIKEWAY CMAQ $5,429,110 $4,343,288 $1,085,822 2015 CMAQ $5,429,110 $4,343,288 $1,085,822 2016 AMENDMENT:Move Project 09/16/15 35.03 BOSTON 603711 MULTIPLE NEEDHAM- WELLESLEYREHAB/REPLACEMENT OF 6 BRIDGES ON I95/ROUTE 128: N-04-020, N-04-021, N-04-022, N-04-026, N-04-027 & W-13-023 (ADD-ALANE - CONTRACT V) NHPP $30,000,000 $24,000,000 $6,000,000 2016 NHPP $24,570,890 $19,656,712 $4,914,178 2016 AMENDMENT:Decrease Cost 09/16/15 AMENDMENT:Change Addl Info decrease of $5,429,110; AC Yr 3 of 5; NHPP+BR+Statewide Infrastructure Total Cost = $164,919,140 ($87,828,443 programmed within FFYs 2015-18 TIP) Date: 9/16/2015 2015 - 2018 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program Fiscal Constraint Charts Federal Fiscal Year 2015 I ANTICIPATED NET APPORTIONMENTS OF FEDERAL FUNDS FUNDING CATEGORY NATIONAL HIGHWAY PERFORMANCE STP FLEX II ACTUAL BALANCE FROM FY 2014 $305,023,572 $53,776,670 $2,766,821 $15,939,977 BRIDGE-OFF SYSTEM $28,456,838 STP NON-FLEX $72,218,612 -BOSTON URBAN AREA III ANTICIPATED TRANSFER OF FUNDS IV TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE (10/1) SUBJECT TO OBLIGATION AUTHORITY $25,000,000 ($25,000,000) 2015-2018 rev011 VI ESTIMATED BALANCE REMAINING V PROGRAMMED OBLIGATIONS NET CHANGE IN PROGRAMMED OBLIGATIONS $332,790,393 $44,716,647 $312,768,599 $36,467,143 $20,021,793 $8,249,504 $215,116,118 $243,572,956 $17,517,726 $85,748,867 $0 $18,671,504 $90,890,116 $77,732,407 $13,157,709 $0 $0 $4,296,849 $45,136,794 $3,316 $45,140,110 $45,140,109 $1 $0 -BARNSTABLE URBAN AREA $2,724,025 $7,349,935 $10,073,960 $3,064,386 $7,009,574 $0 -SPRINGFIELD, CHICOPEE, HOLYOKE $5,869,846 $4,162,993 $10,032,839 $10,032,838 $1 $0 -WORCESTER URBAN AREA $5,008,531 $7,155,261 $12,163,792 $8,443,306 $3,720,485 $0 -PROVIDENCE, PAWTUCKET $2,873,988 $6,074,567 $8,948,555 $446,340 $8,502,215 $0 $10,605,428 $0 $10,605,428 $10,605,428 $0 $0 STP-ENHANCEMENT $0 $46,651,144 $46,651,144 $15,432,600 $31,218,544 $48,000 SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOLS PGM. TAP RECREATIONAL TRAILS $0 $847,732 $847,732 $600,000 $247,732 $0 $1,186,729 $3,296,728 $4,483,457 $800,000 $3,683,457 $0 TAP FLEX $5,268,579 $9,696,702 $14,965,281 $2,648,799 $12,316,483 $0 TAP NON-FLEX $5,268,579 $7,873,084 $13,141,663 $3,985,003 $9,156,660 $0 $3,289,194 $6,041,263 $9,330,457 $2,920,743 $5,509,714 $0 $198,504 $393,616 $592,120 $175,953 $416,167 $0 $0 -OTHER AREAS (RURAL & SMALL URBAN) -BOSTON URBAN AREA -BARNSTABLE URBAN AREA -SPRINGFIELD, CHICOPEE, HOLYOKE $427,746 $848,182 $1,275,928 $379,151 $896,777 -WORCESTER URBAN AREA $364,980 $723,724 $1,088,704 $323,517 $765,187 $0 -PROVIDENCE, PAWTUCKET $209,432 $415,286 $624,718 $185,639 $439,079 $0 $338,467 $851,013 $1,189,480 $32,218,108 $14,316 $32,232,424 -OTHER AREAS (RURAL & SMALL URBAN) HWY SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PGM. HSIP - High Risk Rural RLWY/HWY CROSSINGS- HAZARD ELIMINATION RLWY/HWY CROSSINGS- PROTECTIVE DEVICES SUB-TOTAL> CMAQ PLANNING FEDERAL AID SUB-TOTAL: Federal Aid Programming and Reimbursement Office September 17, 2015 $0 $28,175,470 $1,189,480 $0 $4,056,954 $0 $0 $5,304,843 $5,304,843 $0 $5,304,843 $0 $1,212,443 $12,372,204 $13,584,647 $3,900,000 $9,684,647 $0 $1,212,443 $8,015,029 $505,842,573 $290,465,755 $60,820,818 $20,038,477 $40,086,735 $33,674,246 $586,701,868 $364,226,737 $9,227,472 $3,900,000 $5,327,472 $0 $847,103,932 $503,927,747 $208,174,665 $0 $100,907,553 $53,712,723 $71,272,252 $24,800,000 $29,635,302 $28,912,723 ($4,343,288) $0 $1,001,724,209 $599,999,998 $266,722,690 $1,561 FEDERAL OBLIGATION LIMITATION GUIDANCE $600,000,000 $0 $0 Page 1 of 8 2015 - 2018 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program Fiscal Constraint Charts Federal Fiscal Year 2015 I ANTICIPATED NET APPORTIONMENTS OF FEDERAL FUNDS FUNDING CATEGORY II ACTUAL BALANCE FROM FY 2014 III ANTICIPATED TRANSFER OF FUNDS IV TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE (10/1) SUBJECT TO OBLIGATION AUTHORITY HIGH PRIORITY PROJECTS $0 $147,060,180 $0 $147,060,180 FERRY BOAT DESC SECTION 115 PROJECTS $0 $0 $87,262 $777,603 $0 $0 $87,262 $777,603 SECTION 117 PROJECTS $0 $186,027 $0 $186,027 SECTION 125 PROJECTS MISCELLANEOUS / OTHER / UNDETERMINED $0 $0 $0 $4,142,809 $8,813,446 $48,709,245 $0 $57,522,690 $0 $1,211,500,780 FEDERAL AID TOTAL > STATE MATCH FOR FEDERAL AID NON-FEDERAL AID + FEDERAL AID TOTAL > Federal Aid Programming and Reimbursement Office September 17, 2015 $595,515,313 $ 561,047,054 $ 112,209,411 2015-2018 rev011 VI ESTIMATED BALANCE REMAINING V PROGRAMMED OBLIGATIONS $11,068,170 $0 $0 $0 $950,000 NET CHANGE IN PROGRAMMED OBLIGATIONS $135,992,010 $0 $87,262 $777,603 $0 $0 $186,027 $0 $3,192,809 $0 $10,284,475 $47,238,215 $0 $622,302,644 $454,196,616 $1,561 $133,017,716 $755,320,360 Page 2 of 8 2015 - 2018 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program Fiscal Constraint Charts Federal Fiscal Year 2016 I ANTICIPATED NET APPORTIONMENTS OF FEDERAL FUNDS FUNDING CATEGORY NATIONAL HIGHWAY PERFORMANCE STP FLEX II ESTIMATED BALANCE FROM FY 2015 $305,023,572 $43,842,580 III ANTICIPATED TRANSFER OF FUNDS $20,021,793 $8,249,504 IV TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE (10/1) SUBJECT TO OBLIGATION AUTHORITY $0 $325,045,365 $52,092,084 V PROGRAMMED OBLIGATIONS STIP 2015-2018 rev011 VI ESTIMATED BALANCE REMAINING NET CHANGE IN PROGRAMMED OBLIGATIONS $259,561,685 $50,612,284 $65,483,680 $1,479,799 ($4,343,288) $0 BRIDGE-OFF SYSTEM $28,456,838 $85,748,867 $114,205,705 $28,779,296 $85,426,409 $0 STP NON-FLEX $72,218,612 $13,157,709 $85,376,321 $72,218,612 $13,157,709 $0 $45,136,794 $1 $45,136,795 $45,136,794 $1 $0 -BARNSTABLE URBAN AREA $2,724,025 $7,009,574 $9,733,599 $2,724,025 $7,009,574 $0 -SPRINGFIELD, CHICOPEE, HOLYOKE $5,869,846 $1 $5,869,847 $5,869,846 $1 $0 -WORCESTER URBAN AREA $5,008,531 $3,720,485 $8,729,016 $5,008,531 $3,720,485 $0 $0 -BOSTON URBAN AREA -PROVIDENCE, PAWTUCKET -OTHER AREAS (RURAL & SMALL URBAN) STP-ENHANCEMENT $2,873,988 $8,502,215 $11,376,203 $2,873,988 $8,502,215 $10,605,428 $0 $10,605,428 $10,605,428 $0 $0 $0 $31,218,544 $31,218,544 $10,805,308 $20,413,236 $0 $0 SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOLS PGM. TAP RECREATIONAL TRAILS $0 $0 $1,186,729 $0 $3,683,457 $4,870,186 $800,000 $4,070,186 TAP FLEX $5,268,579 $12,316,483 $17,585,062 $6,475,572 $11,109,489 $0 TAP NON-FLEX $5,268,579 $9,156,660 $14,425,239 $3,985,003 $10,440,236 $0 -BOSTON URBAN AREA $0 $3,289,194 $5,509,714 $8,798,908 $2,920,743 $5,878,165 $0 -BARNSTABLE URBAN AREA $198,504 $416,167 $614,671 $175,953 $438,718 $0 -SPRINGFIELD, CHICOPEE, HOLYOKE $427,746 $896,777 $1,324,523 $379,151 $945,372 $0 -WORCESTER URBAN AREA $364,980 $765,187 $1,130,167 $323,517 $806,650 $0 -PROVIDENCE, PAWTUCKET $209,432 $439,079 $648,511 $185,639 $462,872 $0 -OTHER AREAS (RURAL & SMALL URBAN) $338,467 $1,189,480 $1,527,947 $0 $1,527,947 $0 $32,218,108 $4,056,954 $36,275,062 $32,024,683 $4,250,379 $0 $0 $5,304,843 $5,304,843 $561,600 $4,743,243 $0 $1,212,443 $9,684,647 $10,897,090 $400,000 $10,497,090 $0 HWY SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PGM. HSIP - High Risk Rural RLWY/HWY CROSSINGS- HAZARD ELIMINATION RLWY/HWY CROSSINGS- PROTECTIVE DEVICES SUB-TOTAL> CMAQ PLANNING FEDERAL AID SUB-TOTAL: Federal Aid Programming and Reimbursement Office September 17, 2015 $1,212,443 $5,327,472 $495,908,483 $207,926,934 $60,820,818 $20,038,477 $29,635,302 $28,912,723 $576,767,778 $266,474,959 $6,539,915 $400,000 $6,139,915 $0 $703,835,417 $466,624,044 $237,211,373 $0 $90,456,120 $48,951,200 $87,172,153 $24,800,000 $3,283,967 $24,151,200 $4,343,288 $0 $843,242,737 $578,596,197 $264,646,540 $0 FEDERAL OBLIGATION LIMITATION GUIDANCE $600,000,000 $0 $0 Page 3 of 8 2015 - 2018 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program Fiscal Constraint Charts Federal Fiscal Year 2016 I ANTICIPATED NET APPORTIONMENTS OF FEDERAL FUNDS FUNDING CATEGORY II ESTIMATED BALANCE FROM FY 2015 HIGH PRIORITY PROJECTS III ANTICIPATED TRANSFER OF FUNDS IV TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE (10/1) SUBJECT TO OBLIGATION AUTHORITY V PROGRAMMED OBLIGATIONS STIP 2015-2018 rev011 VI ESTIMATED BALANCE REMAINING NET CHANGE IN PROGRAMMED OBLIGATIONS $135,992,010 $135,992,010 $113,135,966 $0 FERRY BOAT DESC SECTION 115 PROJECTS $450,000 $0 $450,000 $0 $450,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 SECTION 117 PROJECTS $186,027 $186,027 $0 $186,027 $0 $0 $0 $47,238,215 $47,239,175 $1,027,109,949 SECTION 125 PROJECTS MISCELLANEOUS / OTHER / UNDETERMINED $960 FEDERAL AID TOTAL > STATE MATCH FOR FEDERAL AID NON-FEDERAL AID + FEDERAL AID TOTAL > $450,341,211 $90,068,242 $0 $205,421,990 $22,856,044 $0 $0 $0 $2,512,638 $44,726,537 $0 $604,414,879 $422,695,070 $0 $127,630,868 $77,791,122 $732,045,747 NOTES: MISCELLANEOUS / OTHER / UNDETERMINED Apportionment Includes estimated NHPP Exempt. Federal Aid Programming and Reimbursement Office September 17, 2015 Page 4 of 8 2015 - 2018 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program Fiscal Constraint Charts Federal Fiscal Year 2017 I ANTICIPATED NET APPORTIONMENTS OF FEDERAL FUNDS FUNDING CATEGORY NATIONAL HIGHWAY PERFORMANCE STP FLEX $305,023,572 $43,842,580 II ESTIMATED BALANCE FROM FY 2016 $65,483,680 $1,479,799 III ANTICIPATED TRANSFER OF FUNDS IV TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE (10/1) SUBJECT TO OBLIGATION AUTHORITY ($10,000,000) $4,000,000 V PROGRAMMED OBLIGATIONS STIP 2015-2018 rev011 VI ESTIMATED BALANCE REMAINING NET CHANGE IN PROGRAMMED OBLIGATIONS $360,507,252 $49,322,379 $279,639,842 $47,810,225 $80,867,410 $1,512,154 $0 $0 BRIDGE-OFF SYSTEM $28,456,838 $85,426,409 $113,883,247 $28,456,768 $85,426,479 $0 STP NON-FLEX $72,218,612 $13,157,709 $85,376,321 $72,218,612 $13,157,709 $0 $45,136,794 $1 $45,136,795 $45,136,794 $1 $0 $2,724,025 $7,009,574 $9,733,599 $2,724,025 $7,009,574 $0 -BOSTON URBAN AREA -BARNSTABLE URBAN AREA -SPRINGFIELD, CHICOPEE, HOLYOKE $5,869,846 $1 $5,869,847 $5,869,846 $1 $0 -WORCESTER URBAN AREA $5,008,531 $3,720,485 $8,729,016 $5,008,531 $3,720,485 $0 $0 -PROVIDENCE, PAWTUCKET -OTHER AREAS (RURAL & SMALL URBAN) STP-ENHANCEMENT $2,873,988 $8,502,215 $11,376,203 $2,873,988 $8,502,215 $10,605,428 $0 $10,605,428 $10,605,428 $0 $0 $0 $20,413,236 $20,413,236 $14,350,000 $6,063,236 $0 $0 SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOLS PGM. TAP RECREATIONAL TRAILS $0 $0 $1,186,729 $0 $4,070,186 $5,256,915 $800,000 $4,456,915 TAP FLEX $5,268,579 $11,109,489 $16,378,068 $4,747,559 $11,630,509 $0 TAP NON-FLEX $5,268,579 $10,440,236 $15,708,815 $3,985,003 $11,723,812 $0 -BOSTON URBAN AREA $0 $3,289,194 $5,878,165 $9,167,359 $2,920,743 $6,246,616 $0 -BARNSTABLE URBAN AREA $198,504 $438,718 $637,222 $175,953 $461,269 $0 -SPRINGFIELD, CHICOPEE, HOLYOKE $427,746 $945,372 $1,373,118 $379,151 $993,967 $0 -WORCESTER URBAN AREA $364,980 $806,650 $1,171,630 $323,517 $848,113 $0 -PROVIDENCE, PAWTUCKET $209,432 $462,872 $672,304 $185,639 $486,665 $0 -OTHER AREAS (RURAL & SMALL URBAN) $338,467 $1,527,947 $1,866,414 $0 $1,866,414 $0 $32,218,108 $4,250,379 $42,468,487 $32,684,706 $9,783,781 $0 $0 $4,743,243 $4,743,243 $561,600 $4,181,643 $0 $1,212,443 $10,497,090 $11,709,533 $2,000,000 $9,709,533 $0 HWY SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PGM. HSIP - High Risk Rural RLWY/HWY CROSSINGS- HAZARD ELIMINATION RLWY/HWY CROSSINGS- PROTECTIVE DEVICES SUB-TOTAL> CMAQ PLANNING FEDERAL AID SUB-TOTAL: Federal Aid Programming and Reimbursement Office September 17, 2015 $6,000,000 $1,212,443 $6,139,915 $7,352,358 $2,000,000 $5,352,358 $0 $495,908,483 $237,211,373 $0 $733,119,856 $489,254,315 $243,865,541 $0 $60,820,818 $20,038,477 $3,283,967 $24,151,200 $0 $64,104,785 $44,189,677 $67,886,881 $25,800,000 ($3,782,097) $18,389,677 $0 $0 $576,767,778 $264,646,540 $0 $841,414,318 $582,941,196 $258,473,122 $0 FEDERAL OBLIGATION LIMITATION GUIDANCE $600,000,000 Page 5 of 8 2015 - 2018 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program Fiscal Constraint Charts Federal Fiscal Year 2017 I ANTICIPATED NET APPORTIONMENTS OF FEDERAL FUNDS FUNDING CATEGORY HIGH PRIORITY PROJECTS II ESTIMATED BALANCE FROM FY 2016 III ANTICIPATED TRANSFER OF FUNDS IV TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE (10/1) SUBJECT TO OBLIGATION AUTHORITY V PROGRAMMED OBLIGATIONS STIP 2015-2018 rev011 VI ESTIMATED BALANCE REMAINING NET CHANGE IN PROGRAMMED OBLIGATIONS $113,135,966 $113,135,966 $106,599,993 $0 FERRY BOAT DESC SECTION 115 PROJECTS $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SECTION 117 PROJECTS $186,027 $186,027 $0 $186,027 $0 $0 $0 $44,726,537 $44,726,537 $999,462,848 SECTION 125 PROJECTS MISCELLANEOUS / OTHER / UNDETERMINED FEDERAL AID TOTAL > STATE MATCH FOR FEDERAL AID $0 $422,695,070 $84,539,014 NON-FEDERAL AID + FEDERAL AID TOTAL > $0 $199,892,570 $6,535,973 $0 $0 $0 $44,726,537 $0 $589,477,169 $409,985,679 $0 $0 $109,894,464 $89,998,105 $699,371,633 NOTES: MISCELLANEOUS / OTHER / UNDETERMINED Apportionment Includes estimated NHPP Exempt. Federal Aid Programming and Reimbursement Office September 17, 2015 Page 6 of 8 2015 - 2018 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program Fiscal Constraint Charts Federal Fiscal Year 2018 I ANTICIPATED NET APPORTIONMENTS OF FEDERAL FUNDS FUNDING CATEGORY NATIONAL HIGHWAY PERFORMANCE STP FLEX II ESTIMATED BALANCE FROM FY 2017 III ANTICIPATED TRANSFER OF FUNDS IV TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE (10/1) SUBJECT TO OBLIGATION AUTHORITY V PROGRAMMED OBLIGATIONS STIP 2015-2018 rev011 VI ESTIMATED BALANCE REMAINING NET CHANGE IN PROGRAMMED OBLIGATIONS $68,729,501 ($6,207,924) $0 $0 $28,456,837 $85,426,480 $0 $72,218,612 $13,157,709 $0 $45,136,794 $1 $0 $9,733,599 $2,724,025 $7,009,574 $0 $5,869,847 $5,869,846 $1 $0 $3,720,485 $8,729,016 $5,008,531 $3,720,485 $0 $8,502,215 $11,376,203 $2,873,988 $8,502,215 $0 $10,605,428 $0 $10,605,428 $10,605,428 $0 $0 STP-ENHANCEMENT $0 $6,063,236 $6,063,236 $0 $6,063,236 $0 SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOLS PGM. TAP RECREATIONAL TRAILS $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,186,729 $4,456,915 $5,643,644 $800,000 $4,843,644 $0 TAP FLEX $5,268,579 $11,630,509 $16,899,088 $2,964,717 $13,934,371 $0 TAP NON-FLEX $5,268,579 $11,723,812 $16,992,391 $3,985,003 $13,007,388 $0 $3,289,194 $6,246,616 $9,535,810 $2,920,743 $6,615,067 $0 -BARNSTABLE URBAN AREA $198,504 $461,269 $659,773 $175,953 $483,820 $0 -SPRINGFIELD, CHICOPEE, HOLYOKE $427,746 $993,967 $1,421,713 $379,151 $1,042,562 $0 -WORCESTER URBAN AREA $364,980 $848,113 $1,213,093 $323,517 $889,576 $0 -PROVIDENCE, PAWTUCKET $209,432 $486,665 $696,097 $185,639 $510,458 $0 -OTHER AREAS (RURAL & SMALL URBAN) $338,467 $1,866,414 $2,204,881 $0 $2,204,881 $0 $32,218,108 $9,783,781 $0 RLWY/HWY CROSSINGS- HAZARD ELIMINATION RLWY/HWY CROSSINGS- PROTECTIVE DEVICES $305,023,572 $43,842,580 $80,867,410 $1,512,154 BRIDGE-OFF SYSTEM $28,456,838 $85,426,479 $113,883,317 STP NON-FLEX $72,218,612 $13,157,709 $85,376,321 $45,136,794 $1 $45,136,795 -BARNSTABLE URBAN AREA $2,724,025 $7,009,574 -SPRINGFIELD, CHICOPEE, HOLYOKE $5,869,846 $1 -WORCESTER URBAN AREA $5,008,531 -PROVIDENCE, PAWTUCKET $2,873,988 -BOSTON URBAN AREA -OTHER AREAS (RURAL & SMALL URBAN) -BOSTON URBAN AREA HWY SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PGM. HSIP - High Risk Rural SUB-TOTAL> CMAQ PLANNING FEDERAL AID SUB-TOTAL: Federal Aid Programming and Reimbursement Office September 17, 2015 ($12,000,000) $0 $2,000,000 $373,890,982 $45,354,734 $305,161,481 $51,562,658 $44,001,889 $27,246,291 $16,755,598 $0 $4,181,643 $4,181,643 $0 $4,181,643 $0 $1,212,443 $9,709,533 $10,921,976 $400,000 $10,521,976 $0 $1,212,443 $5,352,358 $6,564,801 $400,000 $6,164,801 $0 $495,908,483 $237,802,305 ($10,000,000) $723,710,788 $493,195,599 $230,515,188 $0 $60,820,818 $20,038,477 ($3,782,097) $18,389,677 $10,000,000 $67,038,721 $38,428,154 $72,557,188 $24,800,000 ($5,518,466) $13,628,154 $0 $0 $576,767,778 $252,409,886 $0 $829,177,664 $590,552,787 $238,624,876 $0 FEDERAL OBLIGATION LIMITATION GUIDANCE $600,000,000 Page 7 of 8 2015 - 2018 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program Fiscal Constraint Charts Federal Fiscal Year 2018 I ANTICIPATED NET APPORTIONMENTS OF FEDERAL FUNDS FUNDING CATEGORY II ESTIMATED BALANCE FROM FY 2017 III ANTICIPATED TRANSFER OF FUNDS IV TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE (10/1) SUBJECT TO OBLIGATION AUTHORITY V PROGRAMMED OBLIGATIONS STIP 2015-2018 rev011 VI ESTIMATED BALANCE REMAINING NET CHANGE IN PROGRAMMED OBLIGATIONS HIGH PRIORITY PROJECTS $0 $106,599,993 $106,599,993 $98,107,989 $0 FERRY BOAT DESC SECTION 115 PROJECTS $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SECTION 117 PROJECTS $0 $186,027 $186,027 $0 $186,027 $0 SECTION 125 PROJECTS MISCELLANEOUS / OTHER / UNDETERMINED $0 $0 $0 $0 $44,726,537 $44,726,537 $980,690,221 FEDERAL AID TOTAL > STATE MATCH FOR FEDERAL AID NON-FEDERAL AID + FEDERAL AID TOTAL > $403,922,443 $80,784,489 $0 $196,138,044 $8,492,004 $0 $0 $0 $0 $44,726,537 $0 $599,044,791 $381,645,429 $0 $112,054,244 $84,083,800 $711,099,035 NOTES: MISCELLANEOUS / OTHER / UNDETERMINED Apportionment Includes estimated NHPP Exempt. Federal Aid Programming and Reimbursement Office September 17, 2015 Page 8 of 8 2015 Statewide Categories Transportation Improvement Program Amendment/Adjustment Type ▼ MassD OT Project MPO ▼ Municipality Name ▼ 09/17/2015 Endorsed MassDOT Project Description▼ MassD OT District Funding Source ▼ Total Programmed Funds ▼ Federal Funds ▼ Non-Federal Funds ▼ Additional Information▼ - - ►Section 1A / Federal Aid Target Projects ►HSIP - Highway Safety Improvement Program ►CMAQ - Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program ►TAP - Transportation Alternatives Program ►Non-CMAQ/HSIP/TAP (Other) ►Section 1B / Federal Aid Bridge Projects ►Statewide Bridge Maintenance Program ►On System ►Off-System ► Statewide Bridge Inspection Program No Projects Programmed $ - ►Section 1C / Federal Aid Non-Target Projects ►Other Federal Aid ►Section 1D / Federal Aid Major & State Category Projects ► Regional Major Infrastructure Program ► Statewide Infrastructure Program ► Statewide HSIP Program ► Statewide Safe Routes to Schools Program ► Statewide CMAQ ►Statewide Transportation Enhancements ►Statewide ITS ►Statewide Interstate Maintenance Program ►Statewide NHS Preservation Program+ No Projects Programmed $ Statewide NHS Preservation Program Subtotal► $ - No Projects Programmed - $ - $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►Statewide RR Grade Crossings ►Statewide Stormwater Retrofits $ - ►Other Statewide Items ADJUSTMENT:Decrease Cost EWO STATEWIDE STATEWIDE AWARD ADJUSTMENTS, CHANGE ORDERS, ETC 0 STP $ 19,496,445 $ - 15,597,156 $ 3,899,289 Reduce from $19,614,754 to $19,496,445 - ►Section 2A / Non-Federal Projects ►Non Federal Aid No Projects Programmed NFA $ - $ - No Projects Programmed NFA $ - $ - ►Section 2B / Non-Federal Bridge Projects ►Section 2B / Non-Federal Bridge Projects T he f ile you have accessed is ent it led “Draf t Amendment F our t o t he F F Ys 2015 – 18 T ransport at ion I mprovement Program. ” Cont ained in t he f ile are t he Massachuset t s Depart ment of T ransport at ion’s project ident if icat ion number, project descript ion, dist rict number, f unding source, programmed f unds, and t he split bet ween f ederal and non-f ederal f unds f or each of t he years of t he highway sect ion. Similar inf ormat ion is cont ained f or t he t ransit sect ion. T his f ile is not current ly available in an accessible f ormat . T he Massachuset t s Depart ment of T ransport at ion is working collaborat ively wit h each of t he st at e’s regional planning agencies t o address t his issue. W hile t his work is ongoing, alt ernat ive f ormat s are available by calling 617-973-7100 or emailing 07/10/2014 Endorsed 2015 Boston Region MPO Transportation Improvement Program Amendment/ Adjustment Type ▼ MassDOT Project ID ▼ MassDOT Project Description▼ 09/03/2015 Update to Draft Amendment Six MassDOT Funding District ▼ Source ▼ Total Programmed Funds ▼ Federal Funds ▼ Non-Federal Funds ▼ Additional Information ▼ Indicates a change in project cost Indicates removed from TIP (cost not reflected in total) Indicates a project moved in from another TIP element Indicates a project moved out to another TIP element (cost not reflected in total) Indicates a new addition to the TIP (action taken as denoted) Indicates a new funding category ►Section 1A / Federal Aid Target Projects ►HSIP - Highway Safety Improvement Program 605146 SALEM- RECONSTRUCTION ON CANAL STREET, FROM W ASHINGTON STREET & MILL STREET TO LORING AVENUE & JEFFERSON AVENUE 4 HSIP $ 1,955,000 $ 1,759,500 $ 195,500 STP+HSIP+CMAQ+Statewide CMAQ Total Cost = $9,724,081; previously $7,867,762 605657 MEDWAY- RECONSTRUCTION ON ROUTE 109, FROM HOLLISTON STREET TO 100 FT. W EST OF HIGHLAND STREET, INCLUDES REHAB OF M-13-012 3 HSIP $ 3,000,000 $ 2,700,000 $ 300,000 STP+HSIP+CMAQ+TAP Total Cost = $12,062,567 HSIP Subtotal ► $ 4,955,000 $ 4,459,500 $ 495,500 ◄ 90% Federal + 10% Non-Federal 4 CMAQ $ 2,000,000 $ 1,600,000 $ 400,000 N/A CMAQ $ 400,000 $ 320,000 $ 80,000 ►CMAQ - Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program 605146 1559 SALEM- RECONSTRUCTION ON CANAL STREET, FROM W ASHINGTON STREET & MILL STREET TO LORING AVENUE & JEFFERSON AVENUE INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM STP+HSIP+CMAQ+Statewide CMAQ Total Cost = $9,724,081; previously $7,867,762 606284 BOSTON- IMPROVEMENTS TO COMMONWEALTH AVENUE, FROM AMORY STREET TO ALCORN STREET 6 CMAQ $ 5,000,000 $ 4,000,000 $ 1,000,000 STP+CMAQ+Statewide CMAQ+Earmarks (SAFETEA-LU, Section 125 and 129, STPP, TCSP) Total Cost = $18,552,875, previously $16,866,250 605657 MEDWAY- RECONSTRUCTION ON ROUTE 109, FROM HOLLISTON STREET TO 100 FT. W EST OF HIGHLAND STREET, INCLUDES REHAB OF M-13-012 3 CMAQ $ 5,000,000 $ 4,000,000 $ 1,000,000 STP+HSIP+CMAQ+TAP Total Cost = $12,062,567 CMAQ Subtotal ► $ 12,400,000 $ 9,920,000 $ 2,480,000 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal T he f ile you have accessed is ent it led “Draf t Amendment F our t o t he F F Ys 2015 – 18 T ransport at ion I mprovement Program. ” Cont ained in t he f ile are t he Massachuset t s Depart ment of T ransport at ion’s project ident if icat ion number, project descript ion, dist rict number, f unding source, programmed f unds, and t he split bet ween f ederal and non-f ederal f unds f or each of t he years of t he highway sect ion. Similar inf ormat ion is cont ained f or t he t ransit sect ion. T his f ile is not current ly available in an accessible f ormat . T he Massachuset t s Depart ment of T ransport at ion is working collaborat ively wit h each of t he st at e’s regional planning agencies t o address t his issue. W hile t his work is ongoing, alt ernat ive f ormat s are available by calling 617-973-7100 or emailing 07/10/2014 Endorsed 2015 Boston Region MPO Transportation Improvement Program Amendment/ Adjustment Type ▼ MassDOT Project ID ▼ MassDOT Project Description▼ 09/03/2015 Update to Draft Amendment Six MassDOT Funding District ▼ Source ▼ Total Programmed Funds ▼ Federal Funds ▼ Non-Federal Funds ▼ Additional Information ▼ ►TAP - Transportation Alternatives Program 605657 MEDWAY- RECONSTRUCTION ON ROUTE 109, FROM HOLLISTON STREET TO 100 FT. W EST OF HIGHLAND STREET, INCLUDES REHAB OF M-13-012 3 STP+HSIP+CMAQ+TAP Total Cost = $12,062,567 $ 2,548,719 $ 2,038,975 $ 509,744 TAP Subtotal ► $ 2,548,719 $ 2,038,975 $ 509,744 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal TAP ►Non-CMAQ/HSIP/TAP (Other) AMENDMENT:Incr ease Cost,AMENDMENT :Change Additional Information 605146 SALEM- RECONSTRUCTION ON CANAL STREET, FROM W ASHINGTON STREET & MILL STREET TO LORING AVENUE & JEFFERSON AVENUE 4 STP $ 3,867,884 $ 3,094,307 $ 773,577 606284 BOSTON- IMPROVEMENTS TO COMMONWEALTH AVENUE, FROM AMORY STREET TO ALCORN STREET 6 STP $ 7,446,852 $ 5,957,482 $ 1,489,370 605657 MEDWAY- RECONSTRUCTION ON ROUTE 109, FROM HOLLISTON STREET TO 100 FT. W EST OF HIGHLAND STREET, INCLUDES REHAB OF M-13-012 3 STP $ 1,513,848 $ 1,211,078 $ 302,770 603711 NEEDHAM- WELLESLEY- REHAB/REPLACEMENT OF 6 BRIDGES ON I-95/ROUTE 128: N-04-020, N-04021, N-04-022, N-04-026, N-04-027 & W-13-023 (ADDA-LANE - CONTRACT V) 6 STP $ 31,739,370 $ 25,391,496 $ 6,347,874 603711 NEEDHAM- WELLESLEY- REHAB/REPLACEMENT OF 6 BRIDGES ON I-95/ROUTE 128: N-04-020, N-04021, N-04-022, N-04-026, N-04-027 & W-13-023 (ADDA-LANE - CONTRACT V) 6 NHPP STP+HSIP+CMAQ+Statewide CMAQ Total Cost = $9,724,081; previously $7,867,762 STP+CMAQ+Statewide CMAQ+Earmarks (SAFETEA-LU, Section 125 and 129, STPP, TCSP) Total Cost = $18,552,875, previously $16,866,250 STP+HSIP+CMAQ+TAP Total Cost = $12,062,567 increase of $5,489,370; AC Yr 2 of 5; NHPP+BR+Statewide Infrastructure Total Cost = $164,919,140 ($87,828,443 programmed within FFYs 2015-18 TIP) AC Yr 2 of 5; NHPP+BR+Statewide Infrastructure Total Cost = $164,919,140 750,000 ($93,257,553 programmed within FFYs 2015-18 TIP) $ 3,750,000 $ 3,000,000 $ Non-CMAQ/HSIP/TAP (Other) Subtotal ► $ 48,317,954 $ 38,654,363 $ Total Federal Aid Target Funds Programmed ► $ Total Non-CMAQ/HSIP/TAP (Other) Programmed ► $ 68,221,673 $ 48,317,954 $ 68,221,673 ◄Total Target 44,786,168 ◄ Max. NonCMAQ/HSIP/TAP $ $ Total HSIP Programmed ► $ Total CMAQ Programmed ► $ Total TAP Programmed ► $ 4,955,000 $ 12,400,000 $ 2,548,719 $ 4,774,123 ◄ Min. HSIP 16,112,664 ◄ Min. CMAQ 2,548,719 ◄ Min. TAP $ $ $ 9,663,591 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►Section 1A / Fiscal Constraint Analysis - Target Funds Available (3,531,786) Non-CMAQ/HSIP/TAP (Other) Exceeds Maximum (180,877) HSIP Minimum Met 3,712,664 CMAQ Minimum Not Met TAP Minimum Met Remaining HSIP, CMAQ, and TAP Funds $ 3,531,787 - T he f ile you have accessed is ent it led “Draf t Amendment F our t o t he F F Ys 2015 – 18 T ransport at ion I mprovement Program. ” Cont ained in t he f ile are t he Massachuset t s Depart ment of T ransport at ion’s project ident if icat ion number, project descript ion, dist rict number, f unding source, programmed f unds, and t he split bet ween f ederal and non-f ederal f unds f or each of t he years of t he highway sect ion. Similar inf ormat ion is cont ained f or t he t ransit sect ion. T his f ile is not current ly available in an accessible f ormat . T he Massachuset t s Depart ment of T ransport at ion is working collaborat ively wit h each of t he st at e’s regional planning agencies t o address t his issue. W hile t his work is ongoing, alt ernat ive f ormat s are available by calling 617-973-7100 or emailing 07/10/2014 Endorsed 2015 Boston Region MPO Transportation Improvement Program Amendment/ Adjustment Type ▼ MassDOT Project ID ▼ MassDOT Project Description▼ 09/03/2015 Update to Draft Amendment Six MassDOT Funding District ▼ Source ▼ Total Programmed Funds ▼ Federal Funds ▼ Non-Federal Funds ▼ Additional Information ▼ ►Section 1B / Federal Aid Bridge Projects ►Statewide Bridge Maintenance Program No Projects Programmed $ $ $ Statewide Bridge Maintenance Program Subtotal ► $ $ $ ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►On System 600703 LEXINGTON- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, L-10-009, ROUTE 2 (EB & WB) OVER ROUTE I-95 (ROUTE 128) 4 NHPP $ - 14,886,555 $ - 11,909,244 $ - 607338 GLOUCESTER- BRIDGE PRESERVATION, G-05-017, ROUTE 128 OVER ANNISQUAM RIVER (PHASE II) 4 NHPP $ 2,064,424 $ 3 NHPP $ 6 NHPP 6 NHPP 607273 605883 608019 FRANKLIN- BRIDGE DEMOLITION, F-08-005, OLD STATE ROUTE 140 OVER MBTA/CSX & NEW PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION DEDHAM- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, D-05-003 (33K), NEEDHAM STREET OVER GREAT DITCH BOSTON- ADVANCED UTILITY RELOCATIONS FOR BRIDGE B-16-237, MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE (ROUTE 2A) OVER COMMONW EALTH AVENUE 2,977,311 AC Yr 3 of 4; Total Cost = $35,108,000 1,651,539 $ 412,885 AC Yr 2 of 2; Total Cost = $10,514,424 1,780,272 $ 1,424,218 $ 356,054 $ 3,918,939 $ 3,135,151 $ 783,788 $ 6,000,000 $ 4,800,000 $ 1,200,000 On System Subtotal ► $ 28,650,190 $ 22,920,152 $ 5,730,038 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►Off-System No Projects Programmed $ $ $ Off-System Subtotal ► $ $ $ $ $ $ - ► Statewide Bridge Inspection Program No Projects Programmed $ Statewide Bridge Inspection Program Subtotal ► $ - - - - - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal $ - - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal T he f ile you have accessed is ent it led “Draf t Amendment F our t o t he F F Ys 2015 – 18 T ransport at ion I mprovement Program. ” Cont ained in t he f ile are t he Massachuset t s Depart ment of T ransport at ion’s project ident if icat ion number, project descript ion, dist rict number, f unding source, programmed f unds, and t he split bet ween f ederal and non-f ederal f unds f or each of t he years of t he highway sect ion. Similar inf ormat ion is cont ained f or t he t ransit sect ion. T his f ile is not current ly available in an accessible f ormat . T he Massachuset t s Depart ment of T ransport at ion is working collaborat ively wit h each of t he st at e’s regional planning agencies t o address t his issue. W hile t his work is ongoing, alt ernat ive f ormat s are available by calling 617-973-7100 or emailing 07/10/2014 Endorsed 2015 Boston Region MPO Transportation Improvement Program Amendment/ Adjustment Type ▼ MassDOT Project ID ▼ MassDOT Project Description▼ 09/03/2015 Update to Draft Amendment Six MassDOT Funding District ▼ Source ▼ Total Programmed Funds ▼ Federal Funds ▼ Non-Federal Funds ▼ Additional Information ▼ ►Section 1C / Federal Aid Non-Target Projects ►Other Federal Aid 606889 BOSTON- IMPROVEMENTS ALONG GAINSBOROUGH AND ST. BOTOLPH STREETS 6 HPP $ 1,012,389 $ 809,911 $ 606889 BOSTON- IMPROVEMENTS ALONG GAINSBOROUGH AND ST. BOTOLPH STREETS 6 TI $ 2,505,854 $ 2,004,683 $ 4 HPP $ 2,587,214 $ 2,069,771 $ Construction; HPP 2012 (MA153); SAFETEA-LU Earmark + HPP TI 180 Earmark Total Cost = $3,518,243 Construction; TI 180 (MA216); SAFETEA-LU Earmark + HPP TI Earmark Total Cost = 501,171 $3,518,243 202,478 606284 SOMERVILLE- RECONSTRUCTION OF BEACON STREET, FROM OXFORD STREET TO CAMBRIDGE C.L. BOSTON- IMPROVEMENTS TO COMMONWEALTH AVENUE, FROM AMORY STREET TO ALCORN STREET 606284 BOSTON- IMPROVEMENTS TO COMMONWEALTH AVENUE, FROM AMORY STREET TO ALCORN STREET 6 Sec 129 $ 980,000 $ 980,000 $ - 606284 BOSTON- IMPROVEMENTS TO COMMONWEALTH AVENUE, FROM AMORY STREET TO ALCORN STREET 6 Sec 125 $ 475,000 $ 475,000 $ - 606284 BOSTON- IMPROVEMENTS TO COMMONWEALTH AVENUE, FROM AMORY STREET TO ALCORN STREET 606284 BOSTON- IMPROVEMENTS TO COMMONWEALTH AVENUE, FROM AMORY STREET TO ALCORN STREET 6 TCSP $ 1,250,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 607839 MEDFORD CLIPPERSHIP LINEAR PARK AND BIKEWAY 4 Sec 125 $ 475,000 $ 475,000 $ N/A MEDFORD WATER TAXI, Phase 1 - Feasibility Analysis 4 FBD $ 155,000 $ 124,000 $ N/A Essex Coastal Scenic Byway Visitor Center Kiosk System 4 SBYW Y $ 370,000 $ 296,000 $ Other Federal Aid Subtotal ► $ 11,524,855 $ 607209 6 6 HPP STPP $ $ 1,114,501 $ 599,897 $ 891,601 $ 599,897 $ 9,725,863 $ 517,443 Construction; HPP 431 (MA118); SAFETEA-LU Earmark+NFA Total Cost = $8,940,346. 222,900 Construction; HPP 682 (MA124); STP+CMAQ+Statewide CMAQ+Earmarks (SAFETEA-LU, Sections 125 and 129, STPP, TCSP) Total Cost = $18,552,875, previously $16,866,250 - 250,000 Construction; Section 129 (MA246); STP+CMAQ+Statewide CMAQ+Earmarks (SAFETEA-LU, Sections 125 and 129, STPP, TCSP) Total Cost = $18,552,875, previously $16,866,250 Construction; Section 125 (MA252); STP+CMAQ+Statewide CMAQ+Earmarks (SAFETEA-LU, Sections 125 and 129, STPP, TCSP) Total Cost = $18,552,875, previously $16,866,250 Construction; STPP (MA267); STP+CMAQ+Statewide CMAQ+Earmarks (SAFETEA-LU, Sections 125 and 129, STPP, TCSP) Total Cost = $18,552,875, previously $16,866,250 Construction; TCSP (11MA008); STP+CMAQ+Statewide CMAQ+Earmarks (SAFETEA-LU, Sections 125 and 129, STPP, TCSP) Total Cost = $18,552,875, previously $16,866,250 Construction; Section 125 (MA250) of $475,000 + local funding sources of $502,487 Total Cost = $977,487 Feasibility Study Analysis and Preliminary Engineering; Ferry Boat Discretionary (FBD) 31,000 Program; City of Medford match Construction; National Scenic Byways Program 74,000 (NSBP) Program 2012 award; MassDOT match - 1,798,992 ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source T he f ile you have accessed is ent it led “Draf t Amendment F our t o t he F F Ys 2015 – 18 T ransport at ion I mprovement Program. ” Cont ained in t he f ile are t he Massachuset t s Depart ment of T ransport at ion’s project ident if icat ion number, project descript ion, dist rict number, f unding source, programmed f unds, and t he split bet ween f ederal and non-f ederal f unds f or each of t he years of t he highway sect ion. Similar inf ormat ion is cont ained f or t he t ransit sect ion. T his f ile is not current ly available in an accessible f ormat . T he Massachuset t s Depart ment of T ransport at ion is working collaborat ively wit h each of t he st at e’s regional planning agencies t o address t his issue. W hile t his work is ongoing, alt ernat ive f ormat s are available by calling 617-973-7100 or emailing 07/10/2014 Endorsed 2015 Boston Region MPO Transportation Improvement Program Amendment/ Adjustment Type ▼ MassDOT Project ID ▼ MassDOT Project Description▼ 09/03/2015 Update to Draft Amendment Six MassDOT Funding District ▼ Source ▼ Total Programmed Funds ▼ Federal Funds ▼ Non-Federal Funds ▼ Additional Information ▼ ►Section 1D / Federal Aid Major & State Category Projects ► Statewide Regional Major Infrastructure Program 606146 CANTON- NORWOOD- WESTW OOD- RAMP CONSTRUCTION ON I-95 (NB) & IMPROVEMENTS ON DEDHAM ST/CANTON STREET, INCLUDES REPLACEMENT OF C-02-034, REHAB OF C-02-024, C02-002=N-25-016=W-31-002, NEW PED BRIDGES C02-049 & C-02-050 & 3 SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS 5/6 NHPP $ 15,172,085 $ 13,654,876 $ 90% Interstate portion. NHPP Interstate+NHPP 1,517,209 Bridge+NHPP Intersections+CMAQ+STP Total Cost=$53,014,560 606146 CANTON- NORWOOD- WESTW OOD- RAMP CONSTRUCTION ON I-95 (NB) & IMPROVEMENTS ON DEDHAM ST/CANTON STREET, INCLUDES REPLACEMENT OF C-02-034, REHAB OF C-02-024, C02-002=N-25-016=W-31-002, NEW PED BRIDGES C02-049 & C-02-050 & 3 SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS 5/6 NHPP $ 16,259,735 $ 13,007,788 $ 80% Bridge portion. NHPP Interstate+NHPP 3,251,947 Bridge+NHPP Intersections+CMAQ+STP Total Cost=$53,014,560 606146 CANTON- NORWOOD- WESTW OOD- RAMP CONSTRUCTION ON I-95 (NB) & IMPROVEMENTS ON DEDHAM ST/CANTON STREET, INCLUDES REPLACEMENT OF C-02-034, REHAB OF C-02-024, C02-002=N-25-016=W-31-002, NEW PED BRIDGES C02-049 & C-02-050 & 3 SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS 5/6 NHPP $ 11,890,885 $ 9,512,708 $ 2,378,177 606146 CANTON- NORWOOD- WESTW OOD- RAMP CONSTRUCTION ON I-95 (NB) & IMPROVEMENTS ON DEDHAM ST/CANTON STREET, INCLUDES REPLACEMENT OF C-02-034, REHAB OF C-02-024, C02-002=N-25-016=W-31-002, NEW PED BRIDGES C02-049 & C-02-050 & 3 SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS 4,286,280 $ Pedestrian bridge, sidewalks and bicycle lanes. NHPP Interstate+NHPP Bridge+NHPP 1,071,570 Intersections+CMAQ+STP Total Cost=$53,014,560 606146 CANTON- NORWOOD- WESTW OOD- RAMP CONSTRUCTION ON I-95 (NB) & IMPROVEMENTS ON DEDHAM ST/CANTON STREET, INCLUDES REPLACEMENT OF C-02-034, REHAB OF C-02-024, C02-002=N-25-016=W-31-002, NEW PED BRIDGES C02-049 & C-02-050 & 3 SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS 3,467,204 $ Bridge widening necessary to accommodate sidewalks and bike lanes, and meet Complete 866,801 Streets requirements. NHPP Interstate+NHPP Bridge+NHPP Intersections+CMAQ+STP Total Cost=$53,014,560 5/6 5/6 CMAQ STP $ 5,357,850 $ 80% NHS Intersections portion. NHPP Interstate+NHPP Bridge+NHPP Intersections+CMAQ+STP Total Cost=$53,014,560 $ 4,334,005 $ Statewide Regional Major Infrastructure Program Subtotal ► $ 53,014,560 $ ► Statewide Infrastructure Program DISTRICT 4- HIGHWAY LIGHTING BRANCH CIRCUIT RE-CABLING FROM SIX (6) LIGHTING LOAD 607700 4 STP $ CENTERS ALONG ROUTE I-95 (128) LEXINGTONW OBURN Statewide Infrastructure Program Subtotal ► $ 2,500,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 500,000 2,500,000 $ 2,000,000 500,000 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal 43,928,856 $ $ 9,085,704 ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source T he f ile you have accessed is ent it led “Draf t Amendment F our t o t he F F Ys 2015 – 18 T ransport at ion I mprovement Program. ” Cont ained in t he f ile are t he Massachuset t s Depart ment of T ransport at ion’s project ident if icat ion number, project descript ion, dist rict number, f unding source, programmed f unds, and t he split bet ween f ederal and non-f ederal f unds f or each of t he years of t he highway sect ion. Similar inf ormat ion is cont ained f or t he t ransit sect ion. T his f ile is not current ly available in an accessible f ormat . T he Massachuset t s Depart ment of T ransport at ion is working collaborat ively wit h each of t he st at e’s regional planning agencies t o address t his issue. W hile t his work is ongoing, alt ernat ive f ormat s are available by calling 617-973-7100 or emailing 07/10/2014 Endorsed 2015 Boston Region MPO Transportation Improvement Program Amendment/ Adjustment Type ▼ MassDOT Project ID ▼ MassDOT Project Description▼ 09/03/2015 Update to Draft Amendment Six MassDOT Funding District ▼ Source ▼ Total Programmed Funds ▼ Federal Funds ▼ Non-Federal Funds ▼ Additional Information ▼ $ $ $ $ ◄ 90% Federal + 10% Non-Federal ► Statewide HSIP Program No Projects Programmed $ Statewide HSIP Program Subtotal ► $ ► Statewide Safe Routes to Schools Program 607920 607892 MILTON- SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL (GLOVER 6 TAP $ 725,000 $ 580,000 $ ELEMENTARY SCHOOL) SOMERVILLE- SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL (HEALEY 4 TAP $ 700,000 $ 560,000 $ SCHOOL) Statewide Safe Routes to Schools Program Subtotal ► $ 1,425,000 $ 1,140,000 $ 145,000 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal 140,000 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal 285,000 ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source ► Statewide CMAQ ACTON- MAYNARD- ASSABET RIVER RAIL TRAIL 604531 605146 606284 SALEM- RECONSTRUCTION ON CANAL STREET, FROM W ASHINGTON STREET & MILL STREET TO LORING AVENUE & JEFFERSON AVENUE BOSTON- IMPROVEMENTS TO COMMONWEALTH AVENUE, FROM AMORY STREET TO ALCORN STREET CMAQ $ 6,602,569 $ 5,282,055 $ 1,320,514 4 CMAQ $ 1,901,197 $ 1,520,957 $ 380,239 STP+HSIP+CMAQ+Statewide CMAQ Total Cost = $9,724,081; previously $7,867,762 STP+CMAQ+Statewide CMAQ+Earmarks (SAFETEA-LU, Section 125 and 129, STPP, TCSP) Total Cost = $18,552,875, previously $16,866,250 6 CMAQ $ 1,686,625 $ 1,349,300 $ 337,325 602000 W ESTON- INTERSECTION & SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT ROUTE 30 (SOUTH AVE) & WELLESLEY STREET 6 CMAQ $ 2,609,514 $ 2,087,611 $ 521,903 608068 BURLINGTON- ADAPTIVE TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL SYSTEM INSTALLATION ON CAMBRIDGE STREET, MIDDLESEX TURNPIKE & BURLINGTON MALL ROAD 4 CMAQ $ 2,100,000 $ 1,680,000 $ 420,000 Statewide CMAQ ► $ 14,899,905 $ ►Statewide Transportation Enhancements ACTON- MAYNARD- ASSABET RIVER RAIL TRAIL 604531 Statewide TE+Statewide CMAQ Total Cost = $7,849,648; previously $6,510,045 3 3 STP-TE $ 11,919,924 1,247,079 997,663 Statewide Transportation Enhancements Subtotal ► $ 1,247,079 $ 997,663 $ Statewide ITS Subtotal ► $ $ 2,979,981 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal 249,416 Statewide TE+Statewide CMAQ Total Cost = $7,849,648; previously $6,510,045 $ 249,416 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal $ $ ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal Statewide Interstate Maintenance Program Subtotal ► $ - $ - - $ - - ◄ 90% Federal + 10% Non-Federal - - - ►Statewide ITS No Projects Programmed ►Statewide Interstate Maintenance Program No Projects Programmed - - T he f ile you have accessed is ent it led “Draf t Amendment F our t o t he F F Ys 2015 – 18 T ransport at ion I mprovement Program. ” Cont ained in t he f ile are t he Massachuset t s Depart ment of T ransport at ion’s project ident if icat ion number, project descript ion, dist rict number, f unding source, programmed f unds, and t he split bet ween f ederal and non-f ederal f unds f or each of t he years of t he highway sect ion. Similar inf ormat ion is cont ained f or t he t ransit sect ion. T his f ile is not current ly available in an accessible f ormat . T he Massachuset t s Depart ment of T ransport at ion is working collaborat ively wit h each of t he st at e’s regional planning agencies t o address t his issue. W hile t his work is ongoing, alt ernat ive f ormat s are available by calling 617-973-7100 or emailing 07/10/2014 Endorsed 2015 Boston Region MPO Transportation Improvement Program Amendment/ Adjustment Type ▼ MassDOT Project ID ▼ MassDOT Project Description▼ 09/03/2015 Update to Draft Amendment Six MassDOT Funding District ▼ Source ▼ Total Programmed Funds ▼ ►Statewide NHS Preservation Program+ CHELSEA- REVERE- RESURFACING & RELATED 607174 4 NHPP $ W ORK ON ROUTE 1 BEVERLY - RESURFACING & RELATED W ORK ON 607891 4 NHPP $ ROUTE 128 Statewide NHS Preservation Program Subtotal ► $ Federal Funds ▼ Non-Federal Funds ▼ 10,490,952 8,392,762 2,098,190 5,718,991 4,575,193 1,143,798 16,209,943 $ 12,967,954 Additional Information ▼ NHPP+TAP Total Cost = $10,815,386 NHPP+TAP Total Cost = $5,938,411 $ 3,241,989 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal $ ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►Statewide RR Grade Crossings No Projects Programmed $ Statewide RR Grade Crossings Subtotal ► $ $ ►Statewide Stormwater Retrofits 607174 CHELSEA- REVERE- RESURFACING & RELATED W ORK ON ROUTE 1 607891 BEVERLY - RESURFACING & RELATED W ORK ON ROUTE 128 608131 606997 4 4 STP-TE STP-TE $$ DANVERS- MEDFORD- STORMW ATER 4 STP-TE $ IMPROVEMENTS ALONG ROUTE 1/I-95/I-93 BRAINTREE- MILTON- BOSTON- WEYMOUTHSTORMW ATER RETROFITS ON I-93, ROUTE 3 & 6 STP-TE $ ROUTE 18 Statewide Stormwater Retrofits Subtotal ► $ ►Statewide ADA Implementation Plan No Projects Programmed NHPP+TAP Total Cost = $10,815,386 324,434 - - 259,547 64,887 - - NHPP+TAP Total Cost = $5,938,411 219,420 175,536 43,884 2,950,000 2,360,000 590,000 1,620,450 1,296,360 324,090 5,114,304 $ 4,091,443 $ 1,022,861 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal $ $ ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal Other Statewide Items Subtotal ► $ - $ - - $ - - ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source - - $ Statewide ADA Implementation Plan Subtotal ► $ ►Other Statewide Items No Projects Programmed ►Section 2A / Non-Federal Projects - ►Non Federal Aid 1568 FAIRMOUNT IMPROVEMENTS N/A NFA $ 4,863,082 $ 4,863,082 Lists cash flows (based on state fiscal year) for Fairmount Improvements MassDOT made a formal request on Aug. 1, 2011, to remove this project from the State Implementation Plan regulation. The MPO is continuing to reference this project in the document until the process is complete. RED LINE-BLUE LINE CONNECTOR DESIGN 1572 N/A NFA $ 10,000,000 $ 10,000,000 Non-Federal Aid Subtotal► $ 14,863,082 $ 14,863,082 ◄100% Non-Federal T he f ile you have accessed is ent it led “Draf t Amendment F our t o t he F F Ys 2015 – 18 T ransport at ion I mprovement Program. ” Cont ained in t he f ile are t he Massachuset t s Depart ment of T ransport at ion’s project ident if icat ion number, project descript ion, dist rict number, f unding source, programmed f unds, and t he split bet ween f ederal and non-f ederal f unds f or each of t he years of t he highway sect ion. Similar inf ormat ion is cont ained f or t he t ransit sect ion. T his f ile is not current ly available in an accessible f ormat . T he Massachuset t s Depart ment of T ransport at ion is working collaborat ively wit h each of t he st at e’s regional planning agencies t o address t his issue. W hile t his work is ongoing, alt ernat ive f ormat s are available by calling 617-973-7100 or emailing 07/10/2014 Endorsed 2015 Boston Region MPO Transportation Improvement Program Amendment/ Adjustment Type ▼ MassDOT Project ID ▼ MassDOT Project Description▼ 09/03/2015 Update to Draft Amendment Six MassDOT Funding District ▼ Source ▼ Total Programmed Funds ▼ Federal Funds ▼ Non-Federal Funds ▼ Additional Information ▼ $ $ ◄100% Non-Federal ►Section 2B / Non-Federal Bridge Projects ►Section 2B / Non-Federal Bridge Projects No Projects Programmed 2015 Boston Region MPO TIP Summary NFA $ Section 2B / Non-Federal Bridge Projects Subtotal► $ TIP Section 1: ▼Total ► $ 149,792,949 Federal Funds ► $ 120,835,838 Non-Federal Funds ► $ 28,957,110 TIP Section 2: ▼ $ $ Total of All Projects ▼ 14,863,082 $ - 164,656,031 ◄ Total Spending in Region 120,835,838 ◄ Total Federal Spending in Region $ 43,820,192 ◄ Total Non-Federal Spending in Region 14,863,082 $ 701 CMR 7.00 Use of Road Flaggers and Police Details on Public Works Projects / 701 CMR 7.00 (the Regulation) was promulgated and became law on October 3, 2008. Under this Regulation, the CMR is applicable to any Public works Project that is performed within the limits of, or that impact traffic on, any Public Road. The Municipal Limitation referenced in this Regulation is applicable only to projects where the Municipality is the Awarding Authority. For all projects contained in the TIP, the Commonwealth is the Awarding Authority. Therefore, all projects must be considered and implemented in accordance with 701 CMR 7.00, and the Road Flagger and Police Detail Guidelines. By placing a project on the TIP, the Municipality acknowledges that 701 CMR 7.00 is applicable to its project and design and construction will be fully compliant with this Regulation. This information, and additional information relative to guidance and implementation of the Regulation can be found at the following link on the MassDOT Highway Division website: The file y ou hav e ac c es s ed is entitled “Draft Amendment Four to the FFYs 2015 – 18 Trans portation Improv ement Program.” Contained in the file are the Mas s ac hus etts Department of Trans portation’s projec t identific ation number, projec t des c ription, dis tric t number, funding s ourc e, programmed funds , and the s plit between federal and non-federal funds for eac h of the y ears of the highway s ec tion. Similar information is c ontained for the trans it s ec tion. This file is not c urrently av ailable in an ac c es s ible format. The Mas s ac hus etts Department of Trans portation is work ing c ollaborativ ely with eac h of the s tate’s regional planning agenc ies to addres s this is s ue. While this work is ongoing, alternativ e formats are av ailable by c alling 617-973-7100 or emailing 2016 Boston Region MPO Transportation Improvement Program Amendment/ Adjustment Type ▼ MassDOT Project ID ▼ MassDOT Project Description▼ 07/10/2014 Endorsed 09/03/2015 Update to Draft Amendment Six MassDOT Funding District ▼ Source ▼ Total Programmed Funds ▼ Federal Funds ▼ Non-Federal Funds ▼ Additional Information ▼ Indicates a change in project cost Indicates removed from TIP (cost not reflected in total) Indicates a project moved in from another TIP element Indicates a project moved out to another TIP element (cost not reflected in total) Indicates a new addition to the TIP (action taken as denoted) Indicates a new funding category ►Section 1A / Federal Aid Target Projects ►HSIP - Highway Safety Improvement Program WEYMOUTH- ABINGTON- RECONSTRUCTION & WIDENING ON ROUTE 18 (MAIN STREET) FROM 601630 HIGHLAND PLACE TO ROUTE 139 (4.0 MILES) INCLUDES REHAB OF W-32-013, ROUTE 18 OVER THE OLD COLONY RAILROAD (MBTA) MARLBOROUGH- RECONSTRUCTION OF ROUTE 85 604810 (MAPLE STREET) 6 3 HSIP $ 1,000,000 $ HSIP $ 3,397,727 $ HSIP Subtotal ► $ 4,397,727 $ 100,000 AC Yr 1 of 4; STP+HSIP+TEA-21 Earmark Total Cost = $60,053,518 ($53,453,518 programmed in FFYs 2015-18 TIP) 3,057,954 $ 339,773 HSIP+CMAQ Total Cost = $5,397,727 3,957,954 $ 439,773 ◄ 90% Federal + 10% Non-Federal 900,000 $ ►CMAQ - Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program 1559 1569 604810 605110 AMENDMENT:Move Project - (FROM 2015) 604652 CLEAN AIR AND MOBILITY GREEN LINE EXTENSION PROJECT (PHASE II), COLLEGE AVENUE TO MYSTIC VALLEY PARKWAY/ROUTE 16 MARLBOROUGH- RECONSTRUCTION OF ROUTE 85 (MAPLE STREET) BROOKLINE- INTERSECTION & SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS @ ROUTE 9 & VILLAGE SQUARE (GATEWAY EAST) STONEHAM- WINCHESTER- WOBURN- TRICOMMUNITY BIKEWAY ►TAP - Transportation Alternatives Program BROOKLINE- INTERSECTION & SIGNAL 605110 IMPROVEMENTS @ ROUTE 9 & VILLAGE SQUARE (GATEWAY EAST) N/A CMAQ $ 374,850 $ 299,880 $ 74,970 N/A CMAQ $ 8,100,000 $ 6,480,000 $ 1,620,000 3 CMAQ $ 2,000,000 $ 1,600,000 $ 400,000 HSIP+CMAQ Total Cost = $5,397,727 6 CMAQ $ 244,171 $ 195,337 $ 48,834 TAP+CMAQ+Private Sector Contribution ($1,000,000) Total Cost = $5,591,009 4 CMAQ $ 5,429,110 $ 4,343,288 $ 1,085,822 CMAQ Subtotal ► $ 16,148,131 $ 12,918,505 $ $ 4,346,838 $ 3,477,470 $ 869,368 TAP Subtotal ► $ 4,346,838 $ 3,477,470 $ 869,368 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal 6 TAP Yr 1 of 6; CMAQ+STP Total Cost = $190,100,000 ($78,000,000 programmed within FFYs 2015-18 TIP) 3,229,626 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal TAP+CMAQ+Private Sector Contribution ($1,000,000) Total Cost = $5,591,009 The file y ou hav e ac c es s ed is entitled “Draft Amendment Four to the FFYs 2015 – 18 Trans portation Improv ement Program.” Contained in the file are the Mas s ac hus etts Department of Trans portation’s projec t identific ation number, projec t des c ription, dis tric t number, funding s ourc e, programmed funds , and the s plit between federal and non-federal funds for eac h of the y ears of the highway s ec tion. Similar information is c ontained for the trans it s ec tion. This file is not c urrently av ailable in an ac c es s ible format. The Mas s ac hus etts Department of Trans portation is work ing c ollaborativ ely with eac h of the s tate’s regional planning agenc ies to addres s this is s ue. While this work is ongoing, alternativ e formats are av ailable by c alling 617-973-7100 or emailing 2016 Boston Region MPO Transportation Improvement Program MassDOT Project ID ▼ ►Non-CMAQ/HSIP/TAP (Other) Amendment/ Adjustment Type ▼ AMENDMENT:Decrease Cost,AMENDMENT:Cha nge Additional Information 07/10/2014 Endorsed 09/03/2015 Update to Draft Amendment Six MassDOT Project Description▼ MassDOT Funding District ▼ Source ▼ Total Programmed Funds ▼ Federal Funds ▼ Non-Federal Funds ▼ Additional Information ▼ 29492 BEDFORD- BILLERICA- BURLINGTON- MIDDLESEX TURNPIKE IMPROVEMENTS, FROM CROSBY DRIVE NORTH TO MANNING ROAD, INCLUDES RECONSTRUCTION OF B-04-006 (PHASE III) 4 STP $ 21,691,442 $ 17,353,154 $ 4,338,288 AC Yr 1 of 2; STP+Northern Middlesex Council of Governments contribution ($1,000,000) Total Cost = $29,296,348 603711 NEEDHAM- WELLESLEY- REHAB/REPLACEMENT OF 6 BRIDGES ON I-95/ROUTE 128: N-04-020, N-04021, N-04-022, N-04-026, N-04-027 & W-13-023 (ADDA-LANE - CONTRACT V) 6 NHPP $ 24,570,890 $ 19,656,712 $ 4,914,178 decrease of $5,429,110; AC Yr 3 of 5; NHPP+BR+Statewide Infrastructure Total Cost = $164,919,140 ($87,828,443 programmed within FFYs 2015-18 TIP) 3,800,000 $ 3,040,000 $ 760,000 AC Yr 1 of 4; STP+HSIP+TEA-21 Earmark Total Cost = $60,053,518 ($53,453,518 programmed in FFYs 2015-18 TIP) 50,062,332 $ 40,049,866 $ Total Federal Aid Target Funds Programmed ► $ Total Non-CMAQ/HSIP/TAP (Other) Programmed ► $ 74,955,028 $ 50,062,332 $ 75,009,821 ◄Total Target 52,939,052 ◄ Max. NonCMAQ/HSIP/TAP $ $ Total HSIP Programmed ► $ Total CMAQ Programmed ► $ Total TAP Programmed ► $ 4,397,727 $ 16,148,131 $ 4,346,838 $ 4,296,710 ◄ Min. HSIP 13,427,220 ◄ Min. CMAQ 4,346,838 ◄ Min. TAP $ $ $ 601630 WEYMOUTH- ABINGTON- RECONSTRUCTION & WIDENING ON ROUTE 18 (MAIN STREET) FROM 6 STP $ HIGHLAND PLACE TO ROUTE 139 (4.0 MILES) INCLUDES REHAB OF W-32-013, ROUTE 18 OVER THE OLD COLONY RAILROAD (MBTA) Non-CMAQ/HSIP/TAP (Other) Subtotal ► $ 10,012,466 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►Section 1A / Fiscal Constraint Analysis 54,793 Target Funds Available 54,792 Non-CMAQ/HSIP/TAP (Other) Available (101,017) HSIP Minimum Met (2,720,911) CMAQ Minimum Met TAP Minimum Met HSIP, CMAQ, TAP Overprogrammed $ (2,821,928) ►Section 1B / Federal Aid Bridge Projects - ►Statewide Bridge Maintenance Program No Projects Programmed $ - $ - $ - Statewide Bridge Maintenance Program Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►On System 600703 600867 604173 607685 606553 LEXINGTON- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, L-10-009, ROUTE 2 (EB & WB) OVER ROUTE I-95 (ROUTE 128) BOSTON- BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, B-16-237, MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE (ROUTE 2A) OVER COMMONWEALTH AVENUE BOSTON- BRIDGE REHABILITATION, B-16-016, NORTH WASHINGTON STREET OVER THE CHARLES RIVER BRAINTREE- BRIDGE REHABILITATION, B-21-060 AND B-21-061, ST 3 (SB) AND ST 3 (NB) OVER RAMP C (QUINCY ADAMS) HANOVER- NORWELL- SUPERSTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT, H-06-010, ST 3 OVER ST 123 (WEBSTER STREET) & N-24-003, ST 3 OVER ST 123 (HIGH STREET) 4 NHPP $ 5,108,000 $ 4,086,400 $ 1,021,600 AC Yr 4 of 4; Total Cost = $35,108,000 6 NHPP $ 3,135,181 $ 2,508,145 $ 627,036 AC Yr 1 of 2; Total Cost = $9,100,020 6 NHPP $ 1,000,000 $ 800,000 $ 200,000 AC Yr 1 of 5; Total Cost = $112,700,000 ($49,035,161 programmed within FFYs 2015-18 TIP) 6 NHPP $ 6,668,480 $ 5,334,784 $ 1,333,696 6 NHPP $ 8,554,209 $ 6,843,367 $ 1,710,842 On System Subtotal ► $ 24,465,870 $ 19,572,696 $ AC Yr 1 of 2; Total Cost = $11,434,190 4,893,174 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal The file y ou hav e ac c es s ed is entitled “Draft Amendment Four to the FFYs 2015 – 18 Trans portation Improv ement Program.” Contained in the file are the Mas s ac hus etts Department of Trans portation’s projec t identific ation number, projec t des c ription, dis tric t number, funding s ourc e, programmed funds , and the s plit between federal and non-federal funds for eac h of the y ears of the highway s ec tion. Similar information is c ontained for the trans it s ec tion. This file is not c urrently av ailable in an ac c es s ible format. The Mas s ac hus etts Department of Trans portation is work ing c ollaborativ ely with eac h of the s tate’s regional planning agenc ies to addres s this is s ue. While this work is ongoing, alternativ e formats are av ailable by c alling 617-973-7100 or emailing 2016 Boston Region MPO Transportation Improvement Program Amendment/ Adjustment Type ▼ MassDOT Project ID ▼ MassDOT Project Description▼ 07/10/2014 Endorsed 09/03/2015 Update to Draft Amendment Six MassDOT Funding District ▼ Source ▼ Total Programmed Funds ▼ Federal Funds ▼ Non-Federal Funds ▼ Additional Information ▼ ►Off-System 607345 COHASSET- SUPERSTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT & SUBSTRUCTURE REHABILITATION, C-17-002, ATLANTIC AVENUE OVER LITTLE HARBOR INLET 5 STP-BR-OFF $ 6,416,550 $ 5,133,240 $ 1,283,310 Off-System Subtotal ► $ 6,416,550 $ 5,133,240 $ 1,283,310 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ► Statewide Bridge Inspection Program No Projects Programmed $ - $ - $ - Statewide Bridge Inspection Program Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►Section 1C / Federal Aid Non-Target Projects ►Other Federal Aid 601630 WEYMOUTH- ABINGTON- RECONSTRUCTION & WIDENING ON ROUTE 18 (MAIN STREET) FROM HIGHLAND PLACE TO ROUTE 139 (4.0 MILES) INCLUDES REHAB OF W-32-013, ROUTE 18 OVER THE OLD COLONY RAILROAD (MBTA) 6 HPP AC Yr 1 of 4; STP+HSIP+TEA-21 Earmark Total Cost = $60,053,518 ($53,453,518 programmed in FFYs 2015-18 TIP) $ 8,600,000 $ 6,880,000 $ 1,720,000 Other Federal Aid Subtotal ► $ 8,600,000 $ 6,880,000 1,720,000 ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source $ ►Section 1D / Federal Aid Major & State Category Projects ► Statewide Infrastructure Program 603917 605733 MEDFORD- STONEHAM- WOBURN- READINGHIGHWAY LIGHTING REHABILITATION ON I-93 4 STP $ 15,000,000 $ (PHASE II) DISTRICT 6- HIGHWAY LIGHTING SYSTEM REPLACEMENT ON I-93, FROM SOUTHAMPTON 6 STP $ 2,500,000 $ STREET TO NEPONSET AVENUE IN BOSTON Statewide Infrastructure Program Subtotal ► $ 17,500,000 $ 12,000,000 $ 3,000,000 AC Yr 1 of 2; Total Cost = $17,500,000 2,000,000 $ 500,000 AC Yr 1 of 3; Total Cost = $8,250,000 14,000,000 $ - $ $ 3,500,000 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ► Statewide HSIP Program No Projects Programmed $ Statewide HSIP Program Subtotal ► $ - $ $ - - ◄ 90% Federal + 10% Non-Federal ► Statewide Safe Routes to Schools Program 607997 607998 607999 608000 SAUGUS- SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL (VETERANS 4 TAP MEMORIAL) EVERETT- SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL (MADELAINE 4 TAP ENGLISH) REVERE- SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL (GARFIELD 4 TAP ELEMENTARY & MIDDLE SCHOOL) BEDFORD- SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL (JOHN 4 TAP GLENN MIDDLE) Statewide Safe Routes to Schools Program Subtotal ► $ 676,000 $ 540,800 $ 135,200 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal $ 624,000 $ 499,200 $ 124,800 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal $ 936,000 $ 748,800 $ 187,200 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal $ 780,000 $ $ 3,016,000 $ 624,000 $ 2,412,800 $ 156,000 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal 603,200 ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source The file y ou hav e ac c es s ed is entitled “Draft Amendment Four to the FFYs 2015 – 18 Trans portation Improv ement Program.” Contained in the file are the Mas s ac hus etts Department of Trans portation’s projec t identific ation number, projec t des c ription, dis tric t number, funding s ourc e, programmed funds , and the s plit between federal and non-federal funds for eac h of the y ears of the highway s ec tion. Similar information is c ontained for the trans it s ec tion. This file is not c urrently av ailable in an ac c es s ible format. The Mas s ac hus etts Department of Trans portation is work ing c ollaborativ ely with eac h of the s tate’s regional planning agenc ies to addres s this is s ue. While this work is ongoing, alternativ e formats are av ailable by c alling 617-973-7100 or emailing 2016 Boston Region MPO Transportation Improvement Program Amendment/ Adjustment Type ▼ MassDOT Project ID ▼ 07/10/2014 Endorsed 09/03/2015 Update to Draft Amendment Six MassDOT Project Description▼ MassDOT Funding District ▼ Source ▼ Total Programmed Funds ▼ Federal Funds ▼ Non-Federal Funds ▼ Additional Information ▼ ► Statewide CMAQ 601579 602165 605189 606316 WAYLAND- SIGNAL & INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AT ROUTE 27 (MAIN STREET) AND ROUTE 30 (COMMONWEALTH ROAD) STONEHAM- SIGNAL & INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AT ROUTE 28/NORTH STREET CONCORD- BRUCE FREEMAN RAIL TRAIL CONSTRUCTION, FROM COMMONWEALTH AVENUE TO POWDER MILL ROAD, INCLUDES 2 RAILROAD BRIDGES & 1 CULVERT (PHASE II-C) BROOKLINE- PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE REHABILITATION, B-27-016, OVER MBTA OFF CARLTON STREET ►Statewide Transportation Enhancements No Projects Programmed 3 CMAQ $ 1,931,854 $ 1,545,483 $ 386,371 4 CMAQ $ 3,268,366 $ 2,614,693 $ 653,673 4 CMAQ $ 5,753,887 $ 4,603,110 $ 1,150,777 6 CMAQ $ 1,847,452 $ 1,477,962 $ 369,490 Statewide CMAQ ► $ 12,801,559 $ 10,241,247 $ 2,560,312 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal $ Statewide Transportation Enhancements Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal $ Statewide ITS Subtotal ► $ - -$ - $ - - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►Statewide ITS No Projects Programmed ►Statewide Interstate Maintenance Program FOXBOROUGH- PLAINVILLE- WRENTHAMINTERSTATE MAINTENANCE & RELATED WORK ON 606176 5 NHPP $ I-495 (NB & SB) Statewide Interstate Maintenance Program Subtotal ► $ ►Statewide NHS Preservation Program+ No Projects Programmed 14,692,038 13,222,834 14,692,038 $ 13,222,834 $ 1,469,204 ◄ 90% Federal + 10% Non-Federal 1,469,204 $ Statewide NHS Preservation Program Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal $ Statewide RR Grade Crossings Subtotal ► $ - -$ - $ - - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal $ Statewide Stormwater Retrofits Subtotal ► $ - -$ - $ - - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal $ Statewide ADA Implementation Plan Subtotal ► $ - -$ - $ - - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal Other Statewide Items Subtotal ► $ - -$ - $ - - ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source ►Statewide RR Grade Crossings No Projects Programmed ►Statewide Stormwater Retrofits No Projects Programmed ►Statewide ADA Implementation Plan No Projects Programmed ►Other Statewide Items No Projects Programmed The file y ou hav e ac c es s ed is entitled “Draft Amendment Four to the FFYs 2015 – 18 Trans portation Improv ement Program.” Contained in the file are the Mas s ac hus etts Department of Trans portation’s projec t identific ation number, projec t des c ription, dis tric t number, funding s ourc e, programmed funds , and the s plit between federal and non-federal funds for eac h of the y ears of the highway s ec tion. Similar information is c ontained for the trans it s ec tion. This file is not c urrently av ailable in an ac c es s ible format. The Mas s ac hus etts Department of Trans portation is work ing c ollaborativ ely with eac h of the s tate’s regional planning agenc ies to addres s this is s ue. While this work is ongoing, alternativ e formats are av ailable by c alling 617-973-7100 or emailing 2016 Boston Region MPO Transportation Improvement Program Amendment/ Adjustment Type ▼ MassDOT Project ID ▼ MassDOT Project Description▼ 07/10/2014 Endorsed 09/03/2015 Update to Draft Amendment Six MassDOT Funding District ▼ Source ▼ Total Programmed Funds ▼ Federal Funds ▼ Non-Federal Funds ▼ Additional Information ▼ ►Section 2A / Non-Federal Projects ►Non Federal Aid 87790 CANTON- DEDHAM- NORWOOD- WESTWOODINTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENTS AT I-95/I-93/ UNIVERSITY AVENUE/I-95 WIDENING RED LINE-BLUE LINE CONNECTOR DESIGN 1572 Non-federal aid 5/6 N/A NFA NFA $ 190,000,000 $ $ 29,000,000 $ Non-Federal Aid Subtotal► $ 219,000,000 $ 190,000,000 29,000,000 MassDOT made a formal request on Aug. 1, 2011, to remove this project from the State Implementation Plan regulation. The MPO is continuing to reference this project in the document until the process is complete. 219,000,000 ◄100% Non-Federal ►Section 2B / Non-Federal Bridge Projects ►Section 2B / Non-Federal Bridge Projects No Projects Programmed 2016 Boston Region MPO TIP Summary NFA $ Section 2B / Non-Federal Bridge Projects Subtotal► $ - TIP Section 1: ▼ - $ $ TIP Section 2: ▼ ◄100% Non-Federal Total of All Projects ▼ Total ► $ 162,447,045 $ 219,000,000 $ Federal Funds ► $ 131,866,613 $ Non-Federal Funds ► $ 30,580,433 $ 219,000,000 $ 381,447,045 ◄ Total Spending in Region 131,866,613 ◄ Total Federal Spending in Region 249,580,433 ◄ Total Non-Federal Spending in Region 701 CMR 7.00 Use of Road Flaggers and Police Details on Public Works Projects / 701 CMR 7.00 (the Regulation) was promulgated and became law on October 3, 2008. Under this Regulation, the CMR is applicable to any Public works Project that is performed within the limits of, or that impact traffic on, any Public Road. The Municipal Limitation referenced in this Regulation is applicable only to projects where the Municipality is the Awarding Authority. For all projects contained in the TIP, the Commonwealth is the Awarding Authority. Therefore, all projects must be considered and implemented in accordance with 701 CMR 7.00, and the Road Flagger and Police Detail Guidelines. By placing a project on the TIP, the Municipality acknowledges that 701 CMR 7.00 is applicable to its project and design and construction will be fully compliant with this Regulation. This information, and additional information relative to guidance and implementation of the Regulation can be found at the following link on the MassDOT Highway Div ision website: