Charles D. Baker, Governor Karyn Polito, Lt. Governor Stephanie Pollack, MassDOT Secretary & CEO June 17, 2015 Pamela Stephenson Division Administrator Federal Highway Administration 55 Broadway – 10th floor Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142 Dear Ms. Stephenson: On behalf of Secretary Stephanie Pollack, I am writing to request your approval of the attached regional highway actions pertaining to the Federal Fiscal Years 2015-2018 State Transportation Improvement Program, as endorsed by the Central Massachusetts Metropolitan Planning Organization, Martha’s Vineyard Transportation Planning Organization, Merrimack Valley Planning Organization and Southeastern Massachusetts Metropolitan Planning Organization 19.01-19.03 20.01 21.01-21.10 22.01 Martha’s Vineyard Southeastern Mass Central Mass Merrimack Valley May 20, 2015 May 19, 2015 May 20, 2015 N/A These actions do not require an air quality conformity determination. If you have any questions, please call me at (857)368-8865. Sincerely, David J. Mohler Executive Director Office of Transportation Planning cc: Steve Woelfel, Director of Strategic Planning Trey Wadsworth, Manager of MPO Activities Bryan K. Pounds, MPO Activities William Betts, FAPO Federal Transit Administration Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence Ten Park Plaza, Suite 4150, Boston, MA 02116 Tel: 857-368-4636, TTY: 857-368-0655 Massachusetts Department of Transportation - State Transportation Improvement Program Highway Actions Report 2015-2018 PROJECT INFORMATION # MPO Project Location ID 19.01 MARTHA'S 607586 MULTIPLE VNYD Description EDGARTOWN, OAK BLUFFS, and TISBURY Drainage improvements on Edgartown/Vineyard Haven Road. Safety improvements in various locations. CURRENT Source Total HSIP $34,441 Federal $30,997 REVISED Non Federal $3,444 Year Source Total FINANCIAL CONSTRAINT Federal NonFederal Year Amendment Description Date 2015 HSIP $34,441 $30,997 $3,444 2015 AMENDMENT:Change Project Desc 05/20/15 2015 CMAQ $116,238 $92,990 $23,248 2015 AMENDMENT:Add Funding Source 05/20/15 Total estimated cost $1,000,000; multi-year construction programmed in 2015-2016 19.02 MARTHA'S 607586 MULTIPLE VNYD EDGARTOWN, OAK BLUFFS, and TISBURY Drainage improvements on Edgartown/Vineyard Haven Road. Safety improvements in various locations. 19.03 MARTHA'S 607586 MULTIPLE VNYD EDGARTOWN, OAK BLUFFS, and TISBURY Drainage improvements on Edgartown/Vineyard Haven Road. Safety improvements in various locations. AMENDMENT:Change Project Desc STP $457,717 $366,174 $91,543 2015 STP $341,479 $273,183 $68,296 2015 AMENDMENT:Change Project Desc $700,000 $560,000 $140,000 2015 AMENDMENT:Add Project 05/20/15 Total estimated cost $1,000,000; multi-year construction programmed in 2015-2016 20.01 SE MASS FLAP02 NEW BEDFORD 21.01 CENTRAL MA607484 NEW BEDFORD - SAFETY ENHANCEMENTS AND STRUCTURAL REHABILITATION OF ELM ST GARAGE - FLAP PROJECT DISTRICT 3 - INSTALLATION OF CCTV CAMERAS AND VMS ON I-290 BETWEEN I-295 AND I-90 2015 OTHER FA CMAQ $1,300,000 $1,040,000 $260,000 2015 05/19/15 AMENDMENT:Remove Funding Src 05/20/15 $260,000 2015 AMENDMENT:Add Funding Source 05/20/15 Construction / Design Status = TBD / Total Project Cost = $1,300,000 21.02 CENTRAL MA608018 WORCESTER WORCESTER - BLACKSTONE VISITOR CENTER AND BIKEWAY EARLY ACTION SITE WORK 2015 CMAQ $1,300,000 $1,040,000 AMENDMENT:Change Addl Info Construction / HPP#2351 - MA158, HPP#4283 - MA202, HPP#2218 - MA157, HPP#2509 - MA165 / Design Status = Pre 25% / CMAQ + TAP + HPP Total Project Cost = $4,368,638 21.03 CENTRAL MA608018 WORCESTER WORCESTER - BLACKSTONE VISITOR CENTER AND BIKEWAY EARLY ACTION SITE WORK 2015 TAP $226,039 $180,831 $45,208 2015 AMENDMENT:Add Funding Source 05/20/15 AMENDMENT:Change Addl Info Construction / HPP#2351 - MA158, HPP#4283 - MA202, HPP#2218 - MA157, HPP#2509 - MA165 / Design Status = Pre 25% / CMAQ + TAP + HPP Total Project Cost = $4,368,638 21.04 CENTRAL MA606629 WORCESTER WORCESTER - BLACKSTONE VISITOR CENTER TAP $226,039 $180,831 $45,208 2015 AMENDMENT:Remove Funding Src Construction / TEC Score = 2.43 / Design Status = Pre 25% / Total Project Cost = $226,039 Date: 6/9/2015 05/20/15 Massachusetts Department of Transportation - State Transportation Improvement Program Highway Actions Report 2015-2018 PROJECT INFORMATION # MPO Project Location ID 21.05 CENTRAL MA608018 WORCESTER Description WORCESTER - BLACKSTONE VISITOR CENTER AND BIKEWAY EARLY ACTION SITE WORK CURRENT Source Total HPP $1,500,000 REVISED Federal Non Federal $1,200,000 $300,000 Year 2015 Source HPP Total Federal $2,842,599 $2,274,079 FINANCIAL CONSTRAINT NonFederal Year Amendment Description $568,520 2015 AMENDMENT:Increase Cost Date 05/20/15 AMENDMENT:Change Addl Info Construction / HPP#2351 - MA158, HPP#4283 - MA202, HPP#2218 - MA157, HPP#2509 - MA165 / Design Status = Pre 25% / CMAQ + TAP + HPP Total Project Cost = $4,368,638 21.06 CENTRAL MA605820 WORCESTER WORCESTER - BLACKSTONE RIVER BIKEWAY (SEGMENT 7), INCLUDING BRIDGE REHAB, W44-041, MCGRATH BOULEVARD OVER MADISON STREET HPP $4,411,942 $3,529,554 $882,388 2016 HPP $5,939,173 $4,751,338 $1,187,835 2016 AMENDMENT:Increase Cost 05/20/15 AMENDMENT:Change Addl Info Construction / HPP#4283 - MA202, HPP#2218 - MA157, HPP#2509 - MA165 & MA006 / Design Status = 25% / Total Project Cost = $6,058,072 21.07 CENTRAL MA605820 WORCESTER WORCESTER - BLACKSTONE RIVER BIKEWAY (SEGMENT 7), INCLUDING BRIDGE REHAB, W44-041, MCGRATH BOULEVARD OVER MADISON STREET HPP $96,500 $77,200 $19,300 2016 HPP $118,900 $95,120 $23,780 2016 AMENDMENT:Increase Cost 05/20/15 AMENDMENT:Change Addl Info Design (25%-PSE) / HPP#2509 - MA165 / Design Status = 25% / Total Project Cost = $6,058,072 21.08 CENTRAL MA606629 WORCESTER WORCESTER - BLACKSTONE VISITOR CENTER HPP $6,449,200 $5,159,360 $1,289,840 2016 HPP $5,014,925 $4,011,940 $1,002,985 2016 AMENDMENT:Decrease Cost 21.09 CENTRAL MA606629 WORCESTER WORCESTER - BLACKSTONE VISITOR CENTER, BIKEWAY & BRIDGE 05/20/15 AMENDMENT:Change Addl Info Construction / HPP#2351 - MA158 / Design Status = Pre 25% / HPP + NFA Total Project Cost = $8,908,667 HPP $1,120,000 $896,000 $224,000 2016 HPP $442,675 $354,140 $88,535 2016 AMENDMENT:Decrease Cost 05/20/15 AMENDMENT:Change Addl Info Construction / HPP#4283 - MA202, HPP#2218 - MA157, HPP#2509 - MA165 & MA006 / Design Status = Pre 25% / HPP + NFA Total Project Cost = $8,908,667 21.10 CENTRAL MA606629 WORCESTER WORCESTER - BLACKSTONE VISITOR CENTER 2016 NFA $3,451,068 $0 05/20/15 AMENDMENT:Change Addl Info Construction / Design Status = Pre 25% / HPP + NFA Total Project Cost = $8,908,667 22.01 MERRIMACK 607776 NORTH ANDOVER North Andover - Safe Routes to School (North Andover Middle) $3,451,068 2016 AMENDMENT:Add Funding Source TAP $1,129,440 $903,552 $225,888 2016 TAP $1,086,000 $868,800 $217,200 2015 AMENDMENT:Move Project Total Project Cost = $1,086,000TAP is 80% Federal +20% Non-Federal (Construction) (C) Date: 6/9/2015 06/09/15 STIP Action #8 (Highway) Funding Category Net Change 2015 Martha's Vineyard Commission (MVC) Transportation Improvement Program Amendment Amendment/Adjustment Type ▼ MassDOT Project ID ▼ MPO ▼ Municipality Name ▼ 4/15/15 Draft Released May 2015 Endorsed MassDOT Project Description▼ MassDOT Funding District ▼ Source ▼ Total Programmed Funds ▼ Federal Funds ▼ Non-Federal Funds ▼ $ $ $ Additional Information ▼ ►Section 1A / Federal Aid Target Projects ►HSIP - Highway Safety Improvement Program AMENDMENT:Change Project Description 607586 Martha's Vineyard Multiple EDGARTOWN, OAK BLUFFS, and TISBURY - Drainage improvements on Edgartown/Vineyard Haven Road. Safety improvements in various locations. 5 HSIP 34,441 30,997 $ - $ - $ HSIP Subtotal ► $ 34,441 $ 30,997 $ 116,238 $ 92,990 $ Total estimated cost $1,000,000; 3,444 multi-year construction programmed in 2015-2016 3,444 ◄ 90% Federal + 10% Non-Federal ►CMAQ - Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program AMENDMENT:Add Funding 607586 Source,AMENDMENT:Change Project Description Martha's Vineyard Multiple EDGARTOWN, OAK BLUFFS, and TISBURY - Drainage improvements on Edgartown/Vineyard Haven Road. Safety improvements in various locations. 5 CMAQ $ 23,248 $ - $ - $ CMAQ Subtotal ► $ 116,238 $ 92,990 $ - No Projects Programmed $ - $ - $ - No Projects Programmed $ - $ - $ - TAP Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ - 341,479 $ 273,183 $ 23,248 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►TAP - Transportation Alternatives Program no TAP for MVC ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►Non-CMAQ/HSIP/TAP (Other) AMENDMENT:Change Project Description 607586 Martha's Vineyard Multiple EDGARTOWN, OAK BLUFFS, and TISBURY - Drainage improvements on Edgartown/Vineyard Haven Road. Safety improvements in various locations. 5 STP $ Total estimated cost $1,000,000; 68,296 multi-year construction programmed in 2015-2016 $ - $ - $ Non-CMAQ/HSIP/TAP (Other) Subtotal ► $ 341,479 $ 273,183 $ - Total Federal Aid Target Funds Programmed ► $ Total Non-CMAQ/HSIP/TAP (Other) Programmed ► $ 492,158 341,479 $ $ 492,158 ◄Total Target $ - ◄ Max. Non$ CMAQ/HSIP/TA P Total HSIP Programmed ► $ Total CMAQ Programmed ► $ Total TAP Programmed ► $ 34,441 116,238 - $ $ $ 34,441 ◄ Min. HSIP 116,238 ◄ Min. CMAQ - ◄ Min. TAP 68,296 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►Section 1A / Fiscal Constraint Analysis $ $ $ - Target Funds (341,479) NonCMAQ/HSIP/TAP (Other) Exceeds Maximum - HSIP Minimum Met CMAQ Minimum TAP Minimum Met Remaining HSIP, CMAQ, and TAP Funds $ ‐ ►Section 1B / Federal Aid Bridge Projects ►Statewide Bridge Maintenance Program No Projects Programmed $ - $ - $ - No Projects Programmed $ - $ - $ - Statewide Bridge Maintenance Program Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ - Martha's Vineyard Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) FFY 2015‐2018 Construction underway ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal Page 11 ►On System 604029 Martha's Vineyard Multiple OAK BLUFFS / TISBURY - BRIDGE REPLACEMENT: BEACH ROAD OVER LAGOON POND DRAWBRIDGE 5 NHPP $ 7,000,000 $ 5,600,000 $ 1,400,000 $ - $ - $ On System Subtotal ► $ 7,000,000 $ 5,600,000 $ No Projects Programmed $ - $ - $ - No Projects Programmed $ - $ - $ - Off-System Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ - No Projects Programmed $ - $ - $ - No Projects Programmed $ - $ - $ - Statewide Bridge Inspection Program Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ - AC Year 3 of 5. Total estimated project cost $38,277,479 1,400,000 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►Off-System ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ► Statewide Bridge Inspection Program ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►Section 1C / Federal Aid Non-Target Projects ►Other Federal Aid No Projects Programmed $ - $ - $ - No Projects Programmed $ - $ - $ - Other Federal Aid Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ - ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding ►Section 1D / Federal Aid Major & State Category Projects Please see appendices for statewide lists. ► Statewide Infrastructure Program No Projects Programmed $ - $ - $ No Projects Programmed $ Statewide Infrastructure Program Subtotal ► $ - $ $ - $ $ - $ $ $ - $ $ $ - - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ► Statewide HSIP Program No Projects Programmed No Projects Programmed $ $ Statewide HSIP Program Subtotal ► $ - - ◄ 90% Federal + 10% Non-Federal ► Statewide Safe Routes to Schools Program No Projects Programmed $ - $ - $ - Funding Split Varies by Funding Source No Projects Programmed $ - $ - $ - Funding Split Varies by Funding Source Statewide Safe Routes to Schools Program Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding - ► Statewide CMAQ No Projects Programmed $ - $ - $ No Projects Programmed $ Statewide CMAQ ► $ - $ $ - $ $ $ - $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal $ - $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal - - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►Statewide Transportation Enhancements No Projects Programmed $ No Projects Programmed $ Statewide Transportation Enhancements Subtotal ► $ - No Projects Programmed No Projects Programmed - ►Statewide ITS $ $ Statewide ITS Subtotal ► $ ►Statewide Interstate Maintenance Program Martha's Vineyard Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) FFY 2015‐2018 Page 12 No Projects Programmed $ No Projects Programmed $ Statewide Interstate Maintenance Program Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ - ◄ 90% Federal + 10% Non-Federal No Projects Programmed $ No Projects Programmed $ Statewide NHS Preservation Program Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal No Projects Programmed $ No Projects Programmed $ Statewide RR Grade Crossings Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal No Projects Programmed $ No Projects Programmed $ Statewide Stormwater Retrofits Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal No Projects Programmed $ No Projects Programmed $ Statewide ADA Implementation Plan Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ABP GANS Repayment Award Adjustments, Change Orders, Project Value Changes, Etc. DBEs, FAPO, Pavement Lab Retrofits, and Misc. Programs Planning Statewide Design and Right of Way Statewide Recreational Trails Other Statewide Items Subtotal ► - - - ►Statewide NHS Preservation Program+ ►Statewide RR Grade Crossings ►Statewide Stormwater Retrofits ►Statewide ADA Implementation Plan ►Other Statewide Items $ $ $ - - - $ $ $ $ - - $ - ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding NFA $ NFA $ Non-Federal Aid Subtotal► $ - $ $ $ - ◄100% Non-Federal No Projects Programmed NFA $ No Projects Programmed NFA $ Section 2B / Non-Federal Bridge Projects Subtotal► $ - $ $ $ - ◄100% Non-Federal $ ►Section 2A / Non-Federal Projects ►Non Federal Aid No Projects Programmed No Projects Programmed ►Section 2B / Non-Federal Bridge Projects ►Section 2B / Non-Federal Bridge Projects 2015 MVCTIP Summary TIP Section 1: ▼ Total ► $ Federal Funds ► $ Non-Federal Funds ► $ 7,492,158 5,997,171 1,494,988 Total of All Projects ▼ TIP Section 2: ▼ $ - $ - $ $ $ 7,492,158 ◄ Total Spending in Region 5,997,171 ◄ Total Federal Spending in Region 1,494,988 ◄ Total Non-Federal Spending in 701 CMR 7.00 Use of Road Flaggers and Police Details on Public Works Projects / 701 CMR 7.00 (the Regulation) was promulgated and became law on October 3, 2008. Under this Regulation, the CMR is applicable to any Public works Project that is performed within the limits of, or that impact traffic on, any Public Road. The Municipal Limitation referenced in this Regulation is applicable only to projects where the Municipality is the Awarding Authority. For all projects contained in the TIP, the Commonwealth is the Awarding Authority. Therefore, all projects must be considered and implemented in accordance with 701 CMR 7.00, and the Road Flagger and Police Detail Guidelines. By placing a project on the TIP, the Municipality acknowledges that 701 CMR 7.00 is applicable to its project and design and construction will be fully compliant with this Regulation. This information, and additional information relative to guidance and implementation of the Regulation can be found at the following link on the MassDOT Highway Division website: Martha's Vineyard Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) FFY 2015‐2018 Page 13 Proposed Amendment #2 2015 SRPEDD Transportation Improvement Program Amendment/Adjustment Type ▼ MassDOT Project ID ▼ MPO ▼ Municipality Name ▼ 05/13/2014 Draft Released 06/17/2014 Endorsed 07/03/2014 Adjustment #1 10/21/2014 Adjustment #2 MassDOT Project Description▼ 04/21/2015 Amendment #1 MassDOT District ▼ Funding Source ▼ 05/19/15 Amendment Additional Information ▼ Total Programmed Funds ▼ Federal Funds ▼ Non-Federal Funds ▼ $ 1,560,000 $ 1,404,000 $ HSIP ($1,560,000) / Statewide TE ($843,066) Total 156,000 Cost = $2,403,066; Construction; EC Score 26 Of 93; Status 100% HSIP Subtotal ► $ 1,560,000 $ 1,404,000 $ 156,000 ◄ 90% Federal + 10% Non-Federal ►Section 1A / Federal Aid Target Projects ►HSIP - Highway Safety Improvement Program 606729 Southeastern Mass Taunton TAUNTON - COUNTY ST (RTE 140) RECONSTRUCTION FROM RTE 24 TO MOZZONE BLVD TO WIDEN RR TRACKS AREA 5 HSIP ►CMAQ - Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program 605848 605368 Southeastern Mass Southeastern Mass Dartmouth North Attleborough DARTMOUTH - IMPROVEMENTS ON GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC HIGHWAY (U.S. ROUTE 6) AND FAUNCE CORNER ROAD (PHASE 1) 5 CMAQ $ 2,308,045 $ 1,846,436 $ 461,609 CMAQ ($2,308,045) / TAP ($428,067) Total Cost = $2,736,112; Construction; EC Score 59 Of 93; Status 100% Eligible for CMAQ Funding NORTH ATTLEBOROUGH - TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AT EAST WASHINGTON STREET (ROUTE 1), SOUTH WASHINGTON STREET AND HOPPIN HILL ROAD (ROUTE 120) 5 CMAQ $ 1,843,146 $ 1,474,517 $ 368,629 CMAQ ($1,843,146) / Statewide CMAQ ($1,805,589) Total Cost = $3,648,735; Construction; EC Score 43 Of 93; Status 100% Eligible for HSIP & CMAQ Funding 4,151,191 $ 3,320,953 $ 830,238 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal $ 428,067 $ 342,454 $ 85,613 TAP Subtotal ► $ 428,067 $ 342,454 $ 85,613 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal $ 5,851,116 $ 4,680,893 $ 1,170,223 Non-CMAQ/HSIP/TAP (Other) Subtotal ► $ 5,851,116 $ 4,680,893 $ 1,170,223 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal CMAQ Subtotal ► $ ►TAP - Transportation Alternatives Program 605848 Southeastern Mass Dartmouth DARTMOUTH - IMPROVEMENTS ON GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC HIGHWAY (U.S. ROUTE 6) AND FAUNCE CORNER ROAD (PHASE 1) 5 TAP CMAQ ($2,308,045) / TAP ($428,067) Total Cost = $2,736,112; Construction; EC Score 59 Of 93; Status 100% Eligible for CMAQ Funding ►Non-CMAQ/HSIP/TAP (Other) 603893 Southeastern Mass Dartmouth DARTMOUTH - PADANARAM BRIDGE CAUSEWAY PROJECT, D-04-002, BRIDGE STREET OVER APPONAGANSETT RIVER 5 STP STP ($5,851,116) / § 330 (2003) ($342,125) / FY2002 SAA - BDP ($1,308,114) Total Cost = $7,501,355; Construction; EC Score 12 Of 93; Status 100% ►Section 1A / Fiscal Constraint Analysis Total Federal Aid Target Funds Programmed ► $ 11,990,374 $ Total Non-CMAQ/HSIP/TAP (Other) Programmed ► $ 5,851,116 $ Total HSIP Programmed ► $ 1,560,000 $ 14,226,542 ◄Total Target ◄ Max. Non9,442,869 CMAQ/HSIP/TA P 995,567 ◄ Min. HSIP $ (564,433) HSIP Minimum Met Total CMAQ Programmed ► $ 4,151,191 $ 3,360,039 ◄ Min. CMAQ $ (791,152) CMAQ Minimum Met Total TAP Programmed ► $ 428,067 $ 428,067 ◄ Min. TAP $ HSIP, CMAQ, TAP Overprogrammed $ $ 2,236,168 Target Funds Available $ 2,236,168 - Non-CMAQ/HSIP/TAP (Other) Available TAP Minimum Met (1,355,585) ►Section 1B / Federal Aid Bridge Projects Prepared for Metropolitan Planning Organization Meeting on May 19, 2015 No Projects Programmed $ - $ - $ - No Projects Programmed $ - $ - $ - Statewide Bridge Maintenance Program Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal Page 1 of 5 Proposed Amendment #2 2015 SRPEDD Transportation Improvement Program Amendment/Adjustment Type ▼ MassDOT Project ID ▼ MPO ▼ Municipality Name ▼ 05/13/2014 Draft Released 06/17/2014 Endorsed 07/03/2014 Adjustment #1 10/21/2014 Adjustment #2 MassDOT Project Description▼ 04/21/2015 Amendment #1 MassDOT District ▼ Funding Source ▼ 05/19/15 Amendment Total Programmed Funds ▼ Additional Information ▼ Non-Federal Funds ▼ Federal Funds ▼ ►On-System 605223 Southeastern Mass Fall River FALL RIVER - INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENTS AT ROUTE I195/ROUTE 79/ROUTE 138 5 NHPP $ 6,600,000 $ 5,280,000 $ 606525 Southeastern Mass Attleboro ATTLEBORO - BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, A-16-053, I-95 (NB & SB) OVER NORTH AVENUE 5 NHPP $ 2,710,161 $ 2,168,129 $ On System Subtotal ► $ 9,310,161 $ 7,448,129 $ This project was combined with 606354 for a total construction cost of $270,626,756. - $171,911,637 is for the I-195/Route 79/Route 138 Interchange Improvements (Spaghetti Ramps) of which $167,600,637 is identified as GANS funding (federal & state match), $3,317,500 is additional 1,320,000 state funding, and $993,500 is Section 330 federal funding designated for Route 79. - $98,715,119 is for Structural Repairs, Cleaning and Painting to the Braga Bridge. This portion of the project is being advance constructed with federal Bridge funds over FY 2013-2016 (Year 3 of 4) 542,032 AC Year 1 of 2; Total Cost $12,075,000 Adjustment #1 - Redistribution in funding split between FY15 & FY16, FY15 From $7,110,161 to $2,710,161, FY16 From $4,964,839 to $9,364,839 1,862,032 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►Off-System 604589 Southeastern Mass Norton NORTON - BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, N23-017, PLAIN STREET OVER THE CANOE RIVER 5 STP-BR-OFF $ 2,005,055 $ 1,604,044 $ 401,011 Status 75% 606372 Southeastern Mass Wareham WAREHAM - BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, W-06-002, PAPER MILL ROAD OVER WEWEANTIC RIVER 5 STP-BR-OFF $ 2,039,319 $ 1,631,455 $ 407,864 Status 25% Off-System Subtotal ► $ 4,044,374 $ 3,235,499 $ 808,875 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ► Statewide Bridge Inspection Program No Projects Programmed $ - $ - $ - No Projects Programmed $ - $ - $ - Statewide Bridge Inspection Program Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►Section 1C / Federal Aid Non-Target Projects ►Other Federal Aid AMENDMENT:Add Project 603893 Southeastern Mass Dartmouth DARTMOUTH - PADANARAM BRIDGE CAUSEWAY PROJECT, D-04-002, BRIDGE STREET OVER APPONAGANSETT RIVER 5 Other FA $ 342,125 $ - $ 342,125 STP ($5,851,116) / § 330 (2003) ($342,125) / FY2002 SAA - BDP ($1,308,114) Total Cost = $7,501,355; Construction; EC Score 12 Of 93; Status 100% 603893 Southeastern Mass Dartmouth DARTMOUTH - PADANARAM BRIDGE CAUSEWAY PROJECT, D-04-002, BRIDGE STREET OVER APPONAGANSETT RIVER 5 Other FA $ 1,308,114 $ - $ 1,308,114 STP ($5,851,116) / § 330 (2003) ($342,125) / FY2002 SAA - BDP ($1,308,114) Total Cost = $7,501,355; Construction; EC Score 12 Of 93; Status 100% 607314 Southeastern Mass Rehoboth REHOBOTH- EMERGENCY REPAIR OF CULVERT R-04-002 ON WHEELER STREET 5 ER $ 1,536,119 $ 1,228,895 $ 307,224 FLAP02 Southeastern Mass New Bedford NEW BEDFORD - SAFETY ENHANCEMENTS AND STRUCTURAL REHABILITATION OF ELM ST GARAGE FLAP PROJECT 5 Other FA $ 700,000 $ 560,000 $ 140,000 Other Federal Aid Subtotal ► $ 3,886,358 $ 1,788,895 $ Prepared for Metropolitan Planning Organization Meeting on May 19, 2015 Status 100% Adjustment #2 - Project moved from FY14 to FY15 2,097,463 ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source Page 2 of 5 Proposed Amendment #2 2015 SRPEDD Transportation Improvement Program Amendment/Adjustment Type ▼ MassDOT Project ID ▼ MPO ▼ Municipality Name ▼ 05/13/2014 Draft Released 06/17/2014 Endorsed 07/03/2014 Adjustment #1 10/21/2014 Adjustment #2 MassDOT Project Description▼ 04/21/2015 Amendment #1 MassDOT District ▼ Funding Source ▼ 05/19/15 Amendment Total Programmed Funds ▼ Additional Information ▼ Non-Federal Funds ▼ Federal Funds ▼ ►Section 1D / Federal Aid Major & State Category Projects ► Statewide Infrastructure Program No Projects Programmed $ - $ - $ No Projects Programmed $ - $ - $ Statewide Infrastructure Program Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ► Statewide HSIP Program No Projects Programmed $ - $ - $ No Projects Programmed $ - $ - $ Statewide HSIP Program Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ - ◄ 90% Federal + 10% Non-Federal ► Statewide Safe Routes to Schools Program 607716 Southeastern Mass Mansfield MANSFIELD - SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION & RELATED WORK ON EAST STREET AT THE JORDANJACKSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (SRTS) 5 TAP 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal Status 100% $ 900,000 $ 720,000 $ 180,000 Statewide Safe Routes to Schools Program Subtotal ► $ 900,000 $ 720,000 $ 180,000 ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source 1,805,589 $ 1,444,471 $ 361,118 1,805,589 $ 1,444,471 $ 361,118 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal $ 843,066 $ 674,453 $ 168,613 Statewide Transportation Enhancements Subtotal ► $ 843,066 $ 674,453 $ 168,613 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ► Statewide CMAQ 605368 Southeastern Mass North Attleborough NORTH ATTLEBOROUGH - TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AT EAST WASHINGTON STREET (ROUTE 1), SOUTH WASHINGTON STREET AND HOPPIN HILL ROAD (ROUTE 120) 5 CMAQ $ Statewide CMAQ ► $ CMAQ ($1,843,146) / Statewide CMAQ ($1,805,589) Total Cost = $3,648,735; Construction; EC Score 43 Of 93; Status 100% Eligible for HSIP & CMAQ Funding ►Statewide Transportation Enhancements 606729 Southeastern Mass Taunton TAUNTON - COUNTY ST (RTE 140) RECONSTRUCTION FROM RTE 24 TO MOZZONE BLVD TO WIDEN RR TRACKS AREA 5 STP-TE HSIP ($1,560,000) / Statewide TE ($843,066) Total Cost = $2,403,066; Construction; EC Score 26 Of 93; Status Pre 25% - Plans Received 01-23-14, Comments to DE 03-04-14 ►Statewide ITS No Projects Programmed $ - - No Projects Programmed $ - - Statewide ITS Subtotal ► $ - No Projects Programmed $ - - No Projects Programmed $ - - Statewide Interstate Maintenance Program Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►Statewide Interstate Maintenance Program $ - $ - ◄ 90% Federal + 10% Non-Federal ►Statewide NHS Preservation Program+ No Projects Programmed $ - - No Projects Programmed $ - - Statewide NHS Preservation Program Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►Statewide RR Grade Crossings Prepared for Metropolitan Planning Organization Meeting on May 19, 2015 No Projects Programmed $ - - No Projects Programmed $ - - Statewide RR Grade Crossings Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal Page 4 of 5 Proposed Amendment #2 2015 SRPEDD Transportation Improvement Program Amendment/Adjustment Type ▼ MassDOT Project ID ▼ MPO ▼ Municipality Name ▼ 05/13/2014 Draft Released 06/17/2014 Endorsed 07/03/2014 Adjustment #1 10/21/2014 Adjustment #2 MassDOT Project Description▼ 04/21/2015 Amendment #1 MassDOT District ▼ Funding Source ▼ 05/19/15 Amendment Total Programmed Funds ▼ Additional Information ▼ Non-Federal Funds ▼ Federal Funds ▼ ►Statewide Stormwater Retrofits 608132 Southeastern Mass Multiple MANSFIELD-SWANSEA-SOMERSETNEW BEDFORD - STORMWATER IMPROVEMENTS ALONG I-495 AND I195 5 STP-TE $ 1,885,161 Statewide Stormwater Retrofits Subtotal ► $ 1,885,161 1,508,128.8 $ 1,508,129 377,032.2 $ 377,032 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►Statewide ADA Implementation Plan No Projects Programmed $ - - No Projects Programmed $ - - Statewide ADA Implementation Plan Subtotal ► $ - ABP GANS Repayment $ - - - Award Adjustments, Change Orders, Project Value Changes, Etc. DBEs, FAPO, Pavement Lab Retrofits, and Misc. Programs Planning $ - - - $ - $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►Other Statewide Items $ - - - $ - - - Statewide Design and Right of Way $ - - - Statewide Recreational Trails $ - - - Other Statewide Items Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ - ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source ►Section 2A / Non-Federal Projects ►Non Federal Aid No Projects Programmed NFA $ - $ - No Projects Programmed NFA $ - $ - Non-Federal Aid Subtotal► $ - $ - No Projects Programmed NFA $ - $ - No Projects Programmed NFA $ - $ - Section 2B / Non-Federal Bridge Projects Subtotal► $ - $ - ◄100% Non-Federal ►Section 2B / Non-Federal Bridge Projects ►Section 2B / Non-Federal Bridge Projects 2015 SRPEDD TIP Summary TIP Section 1: ▼ Total ► $ 34,665,083 Federal Funds ► $ 26,567,875 Non-Federal Funds ► $ 8,097,208 Total of All Projects ▼ TIP Section 2: ▼ $ $ ◄100% Non-Federal - - $ 34,665,083 ◄ Total Spending in Region $ 26,567,875 ◄ Total Federal Spending in Region $ 8,097,208 ◄ Total Non-Federal Spending in Region 701 CMR 7.00 Use of Road Flaggers and Police Details on Public Works Projects / 701 CMR 7.00 (the Regulation) was promulgated and became law on October 3, 2008. Under this Regulation, the CMR is applicable to any Public works Project that is performed within the limits of, or that impact traffic on, any Public Road. The Municipal Limitation referenced in this Regulation is applicable only to projects where the Municipality is the Awarding Authority. For all projects contained in the TIP, the Commonwealth is the Awarding Authority. Therefore, all projects must be considered and implemented in accordance with 701 CMR 7.00, and the Road Flagger and Police Detail Guidelines. By placing a project on the TIP, the Municipality acknowledges that 701 CMR 7.00 is applicable to its project and design and construction will be fully compliant with this Regulation. This information, and additional information relative to guidance and implementation of the Regulation can be found at the following link on the MassDOT Highway Division website: Prepared for Metropolitan Planning Organization Meeting on May 19, 2015 Page 5 of 5 2015 Central Mass MPO Transportation Improvement Program Amendment/Adjustment Type▼ MassDOT Project ID ▼ MPO ▼ 05/14/2014 Draft Released 06/25/2014 Endorsed Municipality Name ▼ MassDOT Project Description▼ MILLBURY - SUTTON - MEDIAN BARRIER REPLACEMENT ON ROUTE 146, FROM ROUTE 122A TO BOSTON ROAD MassDOT District ▼ Non-Federal Funds Additional ▼ Information ▼ Funding Source ▼ Total Programmed Funds ▼ 3 HSIP $ 1,000,000 $ 900,000 $ 100,000 3 HSIP $ 1,000,000 $ 900,000 $ 100,000 HSIP Subtotal ► $ 2,000,000 $ 1,800,000 $ 200,000 ◄ 90% Federal + 10% Non-Federal 3 CMAQ $ 1,300,000 $ 1,040,000 $ 260,000 Construction / Design Status = TBD / Total Project Cost = $1,300,000 3 CMAQ $ 1,300,000 $ 1,040,000 $ 260,000 Construction / HPP#2351 - MA158, HPP#4283 MA202, HPP#2218 - MA157, HPP#2509 MA165 / Design Status = Pre 25% / CMAQ + TAP + HPP Total Project Cost = $4,368,638 Federal Funds ▼ ►Section 1A / Federal Aid Target Projects ►HSIP - Highway Safety Improvement Program 606485 Central Mass Multiple 606347 Central Mass Sturbridge STURBRIDGE - RESURFACING AND RELATED WORK ON ROUTE 20, FROM ROUTE 49 TO I-84 Construction / Design Status = 25% / TEC Score = 2.3 / STP + HSIP+ SW HSIP Total Project Cost = $5,350,000 Construction / Design Status = Book Job / TEC Score = 3.3 / STP + HSIP Total Project Cost = $2,700,000 ►CMAQ - Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program AMENDMENT:Remove Funding Source 607484 Central Mass Multiple AMENDMENT:Add Funding Source,AMENDMENT:Change Additional Information 608018 Central Mass Worcester 605964 Central Mass Millbury DISTRICT 3 - INSTALLATION OF CCTV CAMERAS AND VMS ON I-290 BETWEEN I495 AND I-90 WORCESTER - BLACKSTONE VISITOR CENTER AND BIKEWAY EARLY ACTION SITE WORK MILLBURY - BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, M-22020, ROUTE 146 (NB & SB) OVER WEST MAIN STREET AND IMPROVEMENTS ON ROUTE 146 @ ELM STREET, ELMWOOD STREET & WEST MAIN STREET (ROTARY) 3 $ 2,317,000 $ 1,853,600 $ Construction / Design Status = 25% / TEC Score = 6.90 / Total Project Cost w/NFA Funding = $13,647,354 / See also NFA Bridge Project under 463,400 Section 2B CMAQ Subtotal ► $ 4,917,000 $ 3,933,600 $ 983,400 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal CMAQ ►TAP - Transportation Alternatives Program TAP01 Central Mass Multiple CMRPC REGION - BIKE RACKS INTALLATION 3 TAP $ 100,000 $ 80,000 $ 20,000 Construction / TEC Score = 1.03 / Total Project Cost = $100,000 TAP02 Central Mass Worcester WORCESTER - INSTALLION OF INFORMATIONAL KIOSK AT UNION STATION 3 TAP $ 100,000 $ 80,000 $ 20,000 Construction / TEC Score = 1.23 / Design Status = Pre 25% / Total Project Cost = $100,000 AMENDMENT:Add Funding Source,AMENDMENT:Change Additional Information 608018 Central Mass Worcester WORCESTER - BLACKSTONE VISITOR CENTER AND BIKEWAY EARLY ACTION SITE WORK 3 TAP $ 226,039 $ 180,831 $ 45,208 AMENDMENT:Remove Funding Source 606629 Central Mass Worcester WORCESTER - BLACKSTONE VISITOR CENTER 3 TAP $ 226,039 $ 180,831 $ 45,208 TAP Subtotal ► $ 652,078 $ 521,662 $ Construction / HPP#2351 - MA158, HPP#4283 MA202, HPP#2218 - MA157, HPP#2509 MA165 / Design Status = Pre 25% / CMAQ + TAP + HPP Total Project Cost = $4,368,638 Construction / TEC Score = 2.43 / Design Status = Pre 25% / Total Project Cost = $226,039 130,416 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►Non-CMAQ/HSIP/TAP (Other) 606485 Central Mass Multiple 605559 Central Mass Warren 606686 Central Mass Warren MILLBURY - SUTTON - MEDIAN BARRIER REPLACEMENT ON ROUTE 146, FROM ROUTE 122A TO BOSTON ROAD WARREN - RESURFACING & INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AT ROUTE 67 & ROUTE 19 (WARREN TOWN CENTER) WARREN - RESURFACING AND RELATED WORK ON ROUTE 67 @ WEST WARREN AND WARREN TOWN CENTERS 3 STP $ 3,100,000 $ 2,480,000 $ 620,000 2 STP $ 1,398,000 $ 1,118,400 $ 279,600 2 STP $ 1,530,000 $ 1,224,000 $ 306,000 Construction / Design Status = 25% / TEC Score = 2.3 / STP + HSIP+ SW HSIP Total Project Cost = $5,350,000 Construction / Design Status = 75% / TEC Score = 4.57 / Total Project Cost = $1,398,000 Construction / Design Status = 25% / TEC Score = 1.7 / Total Project Cost = $1,530,000 606347 Central Mass Sturbridge STURBRIDGE - RESURFACING AND RELATED WORK ON ROUTE 20, FROM ROUTE 49 TO I-84 3 STP $ 1,700,000 $ 1,360,000 $ Non-CMAQ/HSIP/TAP (Other) Subtotal ► $ 7,728,000 $ 6,182,400 $ Total Federal Aid Target Funds Programmed ► $ Total Non-CMAQ/HSIP/TAP (Other) Programmed ► $ 15,297,078 $ 7,728,000 $ Total HSIP Programmed ► $ Total CMAQ Programmed ► $ Total TAP Programmed ► $ 2,000,000 $ 4,917,000 $ 652,078 $ 340,000 Construction / Design Status = Book Job / TEC Score = 3.3 / STP + HSIP Total Project Cost = $2,700,000 1,545,600 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►Section 1A / Fiscal Constraint Analysis 13,797,888 ◄Total Target 9,147,480 ◄ Max. NonCMAQ/HSIP/TAP $ $ (1,499,190) Funds Over Programmed (1,499,190) Non-CMAQ/HSIP/TAP (Other) E 965,570 ◄ Min. HSIP 3,258,799 ◄ Min. CMAQ 426,039 ◄ Min. TAP $ $ $ (1,034,430) HSIP Minimum Met (1,658,201) CMAQ Minimum Met (226,039) TAP Requirement Exceeded! Construction / Design Status = Pre 25% / Bridge Maintenance + Interstate Maintenance + Stormwater Total Project Cost = $19,053,780 HSIP, CMAQ, TAP Overprogrammed $ (2,918,670) ►Section 1B / Federal Aid Bridge Projects ►Statewide Bridge Maintenance Program 605588 Central Mass Multiple WORCESTER, WEST BOYLSTON INTERSTATE MAINTENANCE & RELATED WORK ON I-190, INCLUDING W-44-124, I190 OVER ROUTE 12 & RAMP B 3 NHPP $ 3,501,980 $ 2,801,584 $ 700,396 Statewide Bridge Maintenance Program Subtotal ► $ 3,501,980 $ 2,801,584 $ 700,396 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal $ 4,168,395 $ 3,334,716 $ 833,679 On System Subtotal ► $ 4,168,395 $ 3,334,716 $ 833,679 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal STP-BR-OFF $ 4,806,620 $ 3,845,296 $ 961,324 Off-System Subtotal ► $ 4,806,620 $ 3,845,296 $ 961,324 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►On System 605972 Central Mass Southbridge SOUTHBRIDGE - BRIDGE PRESERVATION, S-21-002, SR 131 (MAIN STREET) OVER QUINEBAUG RIVER 3 NHPP Construction / Design Status = TBD / Total Project Cost = $4,168,395 ►Off-System 604675 Central Mass Holden HOLDEN - BRIDGE REHABILITATION, H-18020, RIVER STREET OVER QUINAPOXET STREET 3 Construction / Design Status = 25% / Total Project Cost = $4,806,620 ► Statewide Bridge Inspection Program No Projects Programmed $ - $ - $ - Statewide Bridge Inspection Program Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►Section 1C / Federal Aid Non-Target Projects ►Other Federal Aid 604892 AMENDMENT:Increase Cost,AMENDMENT:Change Additional Information 608018 Central Mass Central Mass Worcester Worcester WORCESTER - BIKE PATH CONSTRUCTION, FROM TAINTER STREET TO KILBY STREET AND ROAD RESURFACING OF GARDNER AND KILBY STREET. WORCESTER - BLACKSTONE VISITOR CENTER AND BIKEWAY EARLY ACTION SITE WORK HPP $ 2,918,510 $ 2,334,808 $ 583,702 Construction / HPP#918 - MA136 & HPP#4288 MA207 / Design Status = 75-100% / Total Project Cost = $2,918,510 HPP $ 2,842,599 $ 2,274,079 $ 568,520 Construction / HPP#2351 - MA158, HPP#4283 MA202, HPP#2218 - MA157, HPP#2509 MA165 / Design Status = Pre 25% / CMAQ + TAP + HPP Total Project Cost = $4,368,638 Other Federal Aid Subtotal ► $ 5,761,109 $ 4,608,887 $ 3 3 1,152,222 ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source ►Section 1D / Federal Aid Major & State Category Projects ► Statewide Infrastructure Program No Projects Programmed $ Statewide Infrastructure Program Subtotal ► $ - $ $ - $ $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ► Statewide HSIP Program 606485 Central Mass Multiple MILLBURY - SUTTON - MEDIAN BARRIER REPLACEMENT ON ROUTE 146, FROM ROUTE 122A TO BOSTON ROAD 3 HSIP Construction / Design Status = 25% / TEC Score = 2.3 / STP + HSIP+ SW HSIP Total Project Cost = $5,350,000 $ 1,250,000 $ 1,125,000 $ 125,000 Statewide HSIP Program Subtotal ► $ 1,250,000 $ 1,125,000 $ 125,000 ◄ 90% Federal + 10% Non-Federal ► Statewide Safe Routes to Schools Program No Projects Programmed $ Statewide Safe Routes to Schools Program Subtotal ► $ - - $ Statewide CMAQ ► $ - $ $ - - $ $ - $ $ - $ $ - - Funding Split Varies by Funding Source ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source ► Statewide CMAQ No Projects Programmed - - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►Statewide Transportation Enhancements $ - Statewide Transportation Enhancements Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ - $ Statewide ITS Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal No Projects Programmed - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►Statewide ITS No Projects Programmed ►Statewide Interstate Maintenance Program 605588 Central Mass Multiple NHPP WORCESTER, WEST BOYLSTON INTERSTATE MAINTENANCE & RELATED WORK ON I-190, INCLUDING W-44-124, I190 OVER ROUTE 12 & RAMP B 607181 Central Mass Northborough NORTHBOROUGH - MARLBOROUGH INTERSTATE MAINTENANCE & RELATED WORK ON I-290 $ 14,317,162 12,885,445.8 1,431,716.2 Construction / Design Status = Pre 25% / Bridge Maintenance + Interstate Maintenance + Stormwater Total Project Cost = $19,053,780 3 NHPP $ 11,643,083 10,478,774.7 1,164,308.3 3 Statewide Interstate Maintenance Program Subtotal ► $ 25,960,245 $ 23,364,221 $ Construction / Design Status = TBD / IM + Stormwater Total Project Cost = $12,055,380 2,596,025 ◄ 90% Federal + 10% Non-Federal ►Statewide NHS Preservation Program+ No Projects Programmed $ Statewide NHS Preservation Program Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal $ Statewide RR Grade Crossings Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►Statewide RR Grade Crossings No Projects Programmed ►Statewide Stormwater Retrofits 607181 605588 Central Mass Central Mass Northborough Multiple NORTHBOROUGH - MARLBOROUGH INTERSTATE MAINTENANCE & RELATED WORK ON I-290 WORCESTER, WEST BOYLSTON INTERSTATE MAINTENANCE & RELATED WORK ON I-190, INCLUDING W-44-124, I190 OVER ROUTE 12 & RAMP B STP-TE $ 412,297 329,837.6 82,459.4 STP-TE $ 1,234,637 987,709.6 246,927.4 Construction / Design Status = TBD / IM + Stormwater Total Project Cost = $12,055,380 3 Construction / Design Status = Pre 25% / Bridge Maintenance + Interstate Maintenance + Stormwater Total Project Cost = $19,053,780 3 Statewide Stormwater Retrofits Subtotal ► $ 1,646,934 $ 1,317,547 $ 329,387 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►Statewide ADA Implementation Plan No Projects Programmed $ Statewide ADA Implementation Plan Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►Other Statewide Items ABP GANS Repayment Award Adjustments, Change Orders, Project Value Changes, Etc. DBEs, FAPO, Pavement Lab Retrofits, and Misc. Programs Planning Statewide Design and Right of Way Statewide Recreational Trails $ $ - - - $ - - - $ $ $ - - - Other Statewide Items Subtotal ► $ - NFA $ Non-Federal Aid Subtotal► $ - $ - $ - ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source $ $ - ◄100% Non-Federal ►Section 2A / Non-Federal Projects ►Non Federal Aid No Projects Programmed ►Section 2B / Non-Federal Bridge Projects ►Section 2B / Non-Federal Bridge Projects 605964 2015 Central Mass MPO TIP Summary Central Mass $ 11,330,354 $ 11,330,354 Construction / Design Status = 25% / TEC Score = 6.90 / Total Project Cost w/CMAQ Funding = $13,647,354 Section 2B / Non-Federal Bridge Projects Subtotal► $ 11,330,354 $ 11,330,354 ◄100% Non-Federal MILLBURY - BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, M-22020, ROUTE 146 (NB & SB) OVER WEST MAIN STREET NFA 3 TIP Section 1: ▼ Total ► $ Federal Funds ► $ Non-Federal Funds ► $ TIP Section 2: ▼ 62,392,361 $ 52,834,913 9,557,448 $ Total of All Projects ▼ 11,330,354 $ $ 11,330,354 $ 73,722,715 ◄ Total Spending in Region 52,834,913 ◄ Total Federal Spending in Region 20,887,802 ◄ Total Non-Federal Spending in Region 701 CMR 7.00 Use of Road Flaggers and Police Details on Public Works Projects / 701 CMR 7.00 (the Regulation) was promulgated and became law on October 3, 2008. Under this Regulation, the CMR is applicable to any Public works Project that is performed within the limits of, or that impact traffic on, any Public Road. The Municipal Limitation referenced in this Regulation is applicable only to projects where the Municipality is the Awarding Authority. For all projects contained in the TIP, the Commonwealth is the Awarding Authority. Therefore, all projects must be considered and implemented in accordance with 701 CMR 7.00, and the Road Flagger and Police Detail Guidelines. By placing a project on the TIP, the Municipality acknowledges that 701 CMR 7.00 is applicable to its project and design and construction will be fully compliant with this Regulation. This information, and additional information relative to guidance and implementation of the Regulation can be found at the following link on the MassDOT Highway Division website: 2016 Central Mass MPO Transportation Improvement Program Amendment/Adjustment Type ▼ MassDOT Project ID ▼ MPO ▼ 05/14/2014 Draft Released 06/25/2014 Endorsed MassDOT Municipality Name ▼ Project Description▼ MassDOT District ▼ Funding Source ▼ Total Programmed Funds ▼ Federal Funds ▼ Non-Federal Funds Additional ▼ Information ▼ ►Section 1A / Federal Aid Target Projects ►HSIP - Highway Safety Improvement Program 604864 Central Mass Westborough WESTBOROUGH - INTERSECTION & SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT ROUTE 9 & LYMAN STREET 3 HSIP $ 2,473,120 $ 2,225,808 $ 247,312 Construction / TEC Score = 7.9 / Design Status = 25% / HSIP+CMAQ Total Project Cost = $6,529,120 606207 Central Mass Spencer SPENCER - REHABILITATION ON ROUTE 9 (MAIN STREET), FROM HIGH STREET TO GROVE STREET 3 HSIP $ 904,800 $ 814,320 $ 90,480 Construction / Design Status = 25% / TEC Score = 5.1 / HSIP + CMAQ + TAP Total Project Cost = $3,192,800 HSIP Subtotal ► $ 3,377,920 $ 3,040,128 $ 337,792 ◄ 90% Federal + 10% Non-Federal ►CMAQ - Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program 603251 Central Mass Worcester 604864 Central Mass Westborough 606207 Central Mass Spencer WORCESTER - SIGNAL & INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS @ HOLDEN STREET, DRUMMOND AVENUE & SHORE DRIVE Construction / Design Stage = Pre 25% / CMAQ + Statewide CMAQ Total Project Cost = $2,642,434 / Additional funding is provided by the Statewide CMAQ Program 3 CMAQ $ 900,640 $ 720,512 $ 180,128 WESTBOROUGH - INTERSECTION & SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS AT ROUTE 9 & LYMAN STREET 3 CMAQ $ 4,056,000 $ 3,244,800 $ 811,200 Construction / TEC Score = 7.9 / Design Status = 25% / HSIP+CMAQ Total Project Cost = $6,529,120 SPENCER - REHABILITATION ON ROUTE 9 (MAIN STREET), FROM HIGH STREET TO GROVE STREET 3 CMAQ $ 1,872,000 $ 1,497,600 $ 374,400 Construction / Design Status = 25% / TEC Score = 5.1 / HSIP + CMAQ + TAP Total Project Cost = $3,192,800 CMAQ Subtotal ► $ 6,828,640 $ 5,462,912 $ 1,365,728 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►TAP - Transportation Alternatives Program 606207 Central Mass Spencer TAP03 Central Mass Worcester SPENCER - REHABILITATION ON ROUTE 9 (MAIN STREET), FROM HIGH STREET TO GROVE STREET WORCESTER - WRTA STORMWATER MITIGATION 3 TAP $ 416,000 $ 332,800 $ 83,200 3 TAP $ 156,000 $ 124,800 $ 31,200 PROJECT TO BE DETERMINED $ TAP Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ Construction / Design Status = 25% / TEC Score = 5.1 / HSIP + CMAQ + TAP Total Project Cost = $3,192,800 Construction / TEC Score = .70 / Design Status = TBD / Total Project Cost = $156,000 - 572,000 $ 457,600 $ 114,400 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►Non-CMAQ/HSIP/TAP (Other) 603486 Central Mass Brookfield 604739 Central Mass West Brookfield BROOKFIELD - RECONSTRUCTION OF ROUTE 148 (FISKDALE ROAD) FROM MOLASSES HILL ROAD TO STURBRIDGE T.L. INCL. WEBBER ROAD WEST BROOKFIELD - RECONSTRUCTION ON ROUTE 9, ROUTE 67 & INTERSECTIONS AT SCHOOL STREET 3 STP $ 2,548,000 $ 2,038,400 $ 509,600 2 STP $ 1,664,000 $ 1,331,200 $ 332,800 Non-CMAQ/HSIP/TAP (Other) Subtotal ► $ 4,212,000 $ 3,369,600 $ 842,400 Total Federal Aid Target Funds Programmed ► $ Total Non-CMAQ/HSIP/TAP (Other) Programmed ► $ 14,990,560 4,212,000 $ $ 15,170,796 10,858,343 Total HSIP Programmed ► $ Total CMAQ Programmed ► $ Total TAP Programmed ► $ 3,377,920 6,828,640 572,000 $ $ $ 869,013 2,715,666 727,774 Construction / Design Status = Pre 25% / TEC Score = 2.8 / Total Project Cost = $2,548,000 Construction / Design Status = 25% / TEC Score = 6.5 / Total Project Cost = $1,664,000 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►Section 1A / Fiscal Constraint Analysis HSIP, CMAQ, TAP Overprogrammed $ (6,466,107) ►Section 1B / Federal Aid Bridge Projects ◄Total Target ◄ Max. NonCMAQ/HSIP/TAP $ $ ◄ Min. HSIP ◄ Min. CMAQ ◄ Min. TAP $ $ $ 180,236 Target Funds Available 180,236 Non-CMAQ/HSIP/TAP (Other) A (2,508,907) HSIP Minimum Met (4,112,974) CMAQ Minimum Met 155,774 TAP Minimum Not Met ►Statewide Bridge Maintenance Program No Projects Programmed $ Statewide Bridge Maintenance Program Subtotal ► $ - $ $ - $ $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal $ On System Subtotal ► $ - $ $ - $ $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►On System No Projects Programmed ►Off-System 607113 Central Mass Dudley DUDLEY - BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, D-12-009, CARPENTER ROAD OVER ABANDONED RR 3 STP-BR-OFF $ 2,305,800 $ 1,844,640 $ 461,160 Construction / Design Status = TBD / Total Project Cost = $2,305,800 606303 Central Mass Rutland RUTLAND - BRIDGE SUPERSTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT, R-14-004, INTERVALE ROAD OVER EAST BRANCH OF WARE RIVER 3 STP-BR-OFF $ 1,814,400 $ 1,451,520 $ 362,880 Construction / Design Status = TBD / Total Project Cost = $1,814,400 604468 Central Mass West Brookfield WEST BROOKFIELD - BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, W-19-008, WICKABOAG VALLEY ROAD OVER SUCKER BROOK 2 STP-BR-OFF $ 2,376,648 $ 1,901,318 $ 475,330 Construction / Design Status = Pre 25% / Total Project Cost = $2,376,648 Off-System Subtotal ► $ 6,496,848 $ 5,197,478 $ 1,299,370 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ► Statewide Bridge Inspection Program No Projects Programmed $ - $ - $ - Statewide Bridge Inspection Program Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►Section 1C / Federal Aid Non-Target Projects ►Other Federal Aid 604893 604893 AMENDMENT:Increase Cost,AMENDMENT:Change Additional Information 605820 AMENDMENT:Increase Cost,AMENDMENT:Change Additional Information 605820 606888 Central Mass Central Mass Central Mass Central Mass Central Mass Worcester Worcester Worcester Worcester Worcester WORCESTER - STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS AT MAIN STREET & MAYWOOD STREET 3 WORCESTER - STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS AT MAIN STREET & MAYWOOD STREET 3 WORCESTER - BLACKSTONE RIVER BIKEWAY (SEGMENT 7), INCLUDING BRIDGE REHAB, W-44-041, MCGRATH BOULEVARD OVER MADISON STREET WORCESTER - BLACKSTONE RIVER BIKEWAY (SEGMENT 7), INCLUDING BRIDGE REHAB, W-44-041, MCGRATH BOULEVARD OVER MADISON STREET WORCESTER - BLACKSTONE CANAL STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS ON HARDING STREET 606434 Central Mass Worcester WORCESTER - CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS 605674 Central Mass Sturbridge STURBRIDGE - GRAND TRUNK TRAIL AMENDMENT:Decrease Cost,AMENDMENT:Change Additional Information 606629 Central Mass Worcester WORCESTER - BLACKSTONE VISITOR CENTER AMENDMENT:Decrease Cost,AMENDMENT:Change Additional Information 606629 Central Mass Worcester WORCESTER - BLACKSTONE VISITOR CENTER, BIKEWAY & BRIDGE TI $ 2,285,798 $ 1,828,638 $ 457,160 Construction / TI#177 - MA213 / Design Status = Pre 25% / Total Project Cost = $2,297,798 TI $ 120,000 $ 96,000 $ 24,000 Design / TI#177 - MA213 / Design Status = 25%PSE / Total Project Cost = $2,297,798 HPP $ 5,939,173 $ 4,751,338 $ 1,187,835 HPP $ 118,900 $ 95,120 $ 23,780 Design (25%-PSE) / HPP#2509 - MA165 / Design Status = 25% / Total Project Cost = $6,058,072 Sec 129 $ 735,000 $ 588,000 $ 147,000 Construction / MA238 / Design Status = 25% / Total Project Cost = $735,000 HPP $ 5,625,000 $ 4,500,000 $ 1,125,000 Construction / HPP#4266 - MA185 / Design Status = 25% / Total Project Cost = $7,277,015 HPP $ 507,500 $ 406,000 $ 101,500 Construction / HPP#2439 - MA162 / Design Status = 25% / Total Project Cost = $507,500 HPP $ 5,014,925 $ 4,011,940 $ 1,002,985 Construction / HPP#2351 - MA158 / Design Status = Pre 25% / HPP + NFA Total Project Cost = $8,908,667 HPP $ 442,675 $ 354,140 $ 88,535 Other Federal Aid Subtotal ► $ 20,788,971 $ 16,631,176 $ 4,157,795 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Construction / HPP#4283 - MA202, HPP#2218 MA157, HPP#2509 - MA165 & MA006 / Design Status = 25% / Total Project Cost = $6,058,072 Construction / HPP#4283 - MA202, HPP#2218 MA157, HPP#2509 - MA165 & MA006 / Design Status = Pre 25% / HPP + NFA Total Project Cost = $8,908,667 ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source ►Section 1D / Federal Aid Major & State Category Projects ► Statewide Infrastructure Program No Projects Programmed $ Statewide Infrastructure Program Subtotal ► $ - - $ Statewide HSIP Program Subtotal ► $ - $ Statewide Safe Routes to Schools Program Subtotal ► $ - $ $ - - $ $ - $ $ - $ $ - - $ $ - $ $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ► Statewide HSIP Program No Projects Programmed - - ◄ 90% Federal + 10% Non-Federal ► Statewide Safe Routes to Schools Program No Projects Programmed - - - Funding Split Varies by Funding Source ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source ► Statewide CMAQ 603251 ►Statewide Transportation Enhancements 606434 Central Mass Central Mass Worcester Worcester WORCESTER - SIGNAL & INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS @ HOLDEN STREET, DRUMMOND AVENUE & SHORE DRIVE 3 WORCESTER - CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENT $ 1,741,794 $ 1,393,435 $ 348,359 Construction / Design Stage = Pre 25% / CMAQ + Statewide CMAQ Total Project Cost = $2,642,434 / Statewide CMAQ ► $ 1,741,794 $ 1,393,435 $ 348,359 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal CMAQ STP-TE $ 1,652,015 Statewide Transportation Enhancements Subtotal ► $ 1,652,015 1,321,612.0 330,403.0 3 Design & Construction / Design Status = Pre 25% / STP-TE+HPP Total Project Cost = $7,277,015 $ 1,321,612 $ 330,403 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal $ - $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►Statewide ITS No Projects Programmed ►Statewide Interstate Maintenance Program 605592 ►Statewide NHS Preservation Program+ 607176 607473 Central Mass Central Mass Central Mass Sturbridge Multiple Multiple $ Statewide ITS Subtotal ► $ - NHPP $ STURBRIDGE - HOLLAND - INTERSTATE 3 MAINTENANCE & RELATED WORK ON I-84 Statewide Interstate Maintenance Program Subtotal ► $ 11,486,592 SHREWSBURY - WESTBOROUGH RESURFACING AND RELATED WORK ON ROUTE 9 WEST BROOKFIELD - BROOKFIELD RESURFACING & RELATED WORK ON ROUTE 9, FROM SOUTH MAIN STREET WEST BROOKFIELD TO OLD WEST MAIN STREET BROOKFIELD (3.3 MILES) 11,486,592 10,337,932.8 $ 10,337,933 1,148,659.2 $ 1,148,659 Construction / Design Status = Pre 25% / Total Project Cost = $11,486,592 ◄ 90% Federal + 10% Non-Federal NHPP $ 11,859,906 9,487,924.8 2,371,981.2 Construction / Design Status = TBD / Total Project Cost = $11,859,906 NHPP $ 3,504,883 2,803,906.4 700,976.6 Construction / Design Status = TBD / Total Project Cost = $3,504,883 Statewide NHS Preservation Program Subtotal ► $ 15,364,789 3 2/3 $ 12,291,831 $ 3,072,958 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►Statewide RR Grade Crossings No Projects Programmed $ Statewide RR Grade Crossings Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal $ Statewide Stormwater Retrofits Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal $ Statewide ADA Implementation Plan Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►Statewide Stormwater Retrofits No Projects Programmed ►Statewide ADA Implementation Plan No Projects Programmed ►Other Statewide Items ABP GANS Repayment Award Adjustments, Change Orders, Project Value Changes, Etc. DBEs, FAPO, Pavement Lab Retrofits, and Misc. Programs $ $ - - - $ - - - Planning Statewide Design and Right of Way Statewide Recreational Trails $ $ $ Other Statewide Items Subtotal ► $ - - $ $ - ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source ►Section 2A / Non-Federal Projects ►Non Federal Aid AMENDMENT:Add Funding Source,AMENDMENT:Change Additional Information 606629 Central Mass Worcester WORCESTER - BLACKSTONE VISITOR CENTER $ 3,451,068 $ 3,451,068 Construction / Design Status = Pre 25% / HPP + NFA Total Project Cost = $8,908,667 Non-Federal Aid Subtotal► $ 3,451,068 $ 3,451,068 ◄100% Non-Federal NFA 3 ►Section 2B / Non-Federal Bridge Projects ►Section 2B / Non-Federal Bridge Projects No Projects Programmed 2016 Central Mass MPO TIP Summary NFA $ Section 2B / Non-Federal Bridge Projects Subtotal ► $ - TIP Section 1: ▼ Total ► $ Federal Funds ► $ Non-Federal Funds ► $ 72,521,569 59,503,706 13,017,863 $ $ TIP Section 2: ▼ $ 3,451,068 $ 3,451,068 - ◄100% Non-Federal Total of All Projects ▼ $ $ $ 75,972,637 59,503,706 16,468,931 ◄ Total Spending in Region ◄ Total Federal Spending in Region ◄ Total Non-Federal Spending in Region Project costs have increased by 4% a year to account for inflation. 701 CMR 7.00 Use of Road Flaggers and Police Details on Public Works Projects / 701 CMR 7.00 (the Regulation) was promulgated and became law on October 3, 2008. Under this Regulation, the CMR is applicable to any Public works Project that is performed within the limits of, or that impact traffic on, any Public Road. The Municipal Limitation referenced in this Regulation is applicable only to projects where the Municipality is the Awarding Authority. For all projects contained in the TIP, the Commonwealth is the Awarding Authority. Therefore, all projects must be considered and implemented in accordance with 701 CMR 7.00, and the Road Flagger and Police Detail Guidelines. By placing a project on the TIP, the Municipality acknowledges that 701 CMR 7.00 is applicable to its project and design and construction will be fully compliant with this Regulation. This information, and additional information relative to guidance and implementation of the Regulation can be found at the following link on the MassDOT Highway Division website: 2015 Merrimack Valley MPO Transportation Improvement Program Amendment/Adjustment Type ▼ MassDOT Project ID ▼ MPO ▼ Municipality Name ▼ 02/28/2015 Draft Released 04/09/2015 Endorsed MassDOT Project Description▼ MassDOT District ▼ Funding Source ▼ Total Programmed Funds ▼ HSIP $ Federal Funds ▼ Non-Federal Funds Additional ▼ Information ▼ ►Section 1A / Federal Aid Target Projects ►HSIP - Highway Safety Improvement Program 608075 605181 Merrimack Valley Merrimack Valley Lawrence Lawrence - Intersection Improvements at Lawrence Street and Park Street Methuen Methuen- Interchange reconstruction on I-93 at Route 110/113 ROTARY, including removal of M-17-017 & M-17-018, Rehab of M17-007 & New Bridge Construction of M-17040 4 4 492,173 $ 442,956 $ 49,217 Total Project Cost = $1,265,561 = FY 2015 HSIP & CMAQ & TAP & STP (Construction) TEC = 10.53 out of 18 (C) $ 492,173 $ 442,956 $ Change FY 2015 HSIP Funding to CMAQ AC Year 3 of 4. Total Project Cost = $77,236,601 = FY 2013, 2014,& 2015 Regional Major Infrastructure (CMAQ) & Statewide STP-TE & TAP (2015) + FY 2016 Regional Major Infrastructure (CMAQ) + FY 2013 49,217 HPP #2434 (2005) + 2013 IM (2010 Discretionary)+ FY 2013 STP & HSIP + FY 2014 CMAQ & HSIP+ FY 2015 CMAQ + FY 2016 STP (Construction) TEC = 9.63 out of 18. ( C ) HSIP Subtotal ► $ 492,173 $ 442,956 $ 49,217 ◄ 90% Federal + 10% Non-Federal HSIP ►CMAQ - Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program 606669 Merrimack Valley Amesbury Amesbury- Powwow Rriverwalk Construction,from Main Street to Water Street, Includes ped Bridge A07-034 (Phase I) 608075 Merrimack Valley Lawrence Lawrence - Intersection Improvements at Lawrence Street and Park Street 4 CMAQ $ 492,173 $ 393,738 $ Change FY 2015 HSIP Funding to CMAQ AC Year 3 of 4. Total Project Cost = $77,236,601 = FY 2013, 2014,& 2015 Regional Major Infrastructure (CMAQ) & Statewide STP-TE & TAP (2015) + FY 2016 Regional Major Infrastructure (CMAQ) + FY 2013 98,435 HPP #2434 (2005) + 2013 IM (2010 Discretionary)+ FY 2013 STP & HSIP + FY 2014 CMAQ & HSIP+ FY 2015 CMAQ + FY 2016 STP (Construction) TEC = 9.63 out of 18. ( C ) 4 CMAQ $ 1,625,603 $ 1,300,482 $ 325,121 4 CMAQ $ 194,807 $ 155,846 $ 38,961 Total Project Cost = $1,931,026 FY 2015 CMAQ + FY 2015 TAP (Construction) TEC = 6.47 out of 18. (C) Total Project Cost = $1,265,561 = FY 2015 HSIP & CMAQ & TAP & STP (Construction) TEC = 10.53 out of 18 (C) 605181 Merrimack Valley Methuen Methuen- Interchange reconstruction on I-93 at Route 110/113 ROTARY, including removal of M-17-017 & M-17-018, Rehab of M17-007 & New Bridge Construction of M-17040 606503 Merrimack Valley Newburyport Newburyport - Clipper City Rail Trail along the City Branch (Phase II) 4 CMAQ $ 450,000 $ 360,000 $ 90,000 Total Project Cost = $4,061,158 = FY 2015 CMAQ + Statewide STP-TE + Statewide CMAQ (Construction) TEC = 5.75 (C) 604585 Merrimack Valley N/A Flex to FTA for MVRTA new bus upgrade to cleaner fuel buses 4 CMAQ $ 450,000 $ 360,000 $ 90,000 (M) CMAQ Subtotal ► $ 644,807 $ 515,846 $ ►TAP - Transportation Alternatives Program 128,961 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal 2015 Merrimack Valley MPO Transportation Improvement Program Amendment/Adjustment Type ▼ MassDOT Project ID ▼ MPO ▼ Municipality Name ▼ 02/28/2015 Draft Released 04/09/2015 Endorsed MassDOT Project Description▼ 606669 Merrimack Valley Amesbury Amesbury- Powwow Rriverwalk Construction,from Main Street to Water Street, Includes ped Bridge A07-034 (Phase I) 608075 Merrimack Valley Lawrence Lawrence - Intersection Improvements at Lawrence Street and Park Street MassDOT District ▼ Funding Source ▼ Total Programmed Funds ▼ Non-Federal Funds Additional ▼ Information ▼ Federal Funds ▼ 4 TAP $ 305,423 $ 244,338 $ 61,085 Total Project Cost = $1,931,026 FY 2015 CMAQ + FY 2015 TAP (Construction) TEC = 6.47 out of 18. (C) 4 TAP $ 305,423 $ 244,338 $ 61,085 Total Project Cost = $1,265,561 = FY 2015 HSIP & CMAQ & TAP & STP (Construction) TEC = 10.53 out of 18 (C) TAP Subtotal ► $ 305,423 $ 244,338 $ 61,085 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►Non-CMAQ/HSIP/TAP (Other) 605114 Merrimack Valley Groveland Groveland Rehabilitation of Route 97 (School Street & Salem Street) 608075 Merrimack Valley Lawrence Lawrence - Intersection Improvements at Lawrence Street and Park Street Total Project Cost Same Just moving some funding from 2016 to 2015 AC Year 1 of 2. Total Project Cost = $6,341,761 to be converted to FA STP FY 2015 + FY 2016 (Construction) TEC = 6.72 out of 18. (M) 4 STP $ 4,301,259 $ 3,441,007 $ 860,252 4 STP $ 273,158 $ 218,526 $ 54,632 Non-CMAQ/HSIP/TAP (Other) Subtotal ► $ 4,574,417 $ 3,659,534 $ Total Federal Aid Target Funds Programmed ► $ Total Non-CMAQ/HSIP/TAP (Other) Programmed ► $ 6,016,820 $ 4,574,417 $ 7,033,097 ◄Total Target 4,574,417 ◄ Max. NonCMAQ/HSIP/TAP $ $ 1,016,277 Target Funds Available - Non-CMAQ/HSIP/TAP (Other) A Total HSIP Programmed ► $ Total CMAQ Programmed ► $ Total TAP Programmed ► $ 492,173 $ 644,807 $ 305,423 $ 492,173 ◄ Min. HSIP 1,661,084 ◄ Min. CMAQ 305,423 ◄ Min. TAP $ $ $ - HSIP Minimum Met 1,016,277 CMAQ Minimum Not Met - TAP Minimum Met Total Project Cost = $1,265,561 = FY 2015 HSIP & CMAQ & TAP & STP (Construction) TEC = 10.53 out of 18 (C) 914,883 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►Section 1A / Fiscal Constraint Analysis Remaining HSIP, CMAQ, and TAP Funds $ 1,016,277 ►Section 1B / Federal Aid Bridge Projects ►Statewide Bridge Maintenance Program 603682 Merrimack Valley Amesbury Amesbury - Bridge Replacement, A-07-026, Route I-495 (NB & SB) Over the bikeway (Abandoned B&M RR line) 4 NHPP $ $ Statewide Bridge Maintenance Program Subtotal ► $ ►On System ►Off-System No Projects Programmed No Projects Programmed No Projects Programmed 11,288,692 $ - $ 11,288,692 $ 9,030,954 $ - $ 9,030,954 $ 2,257,738 Total Project Cost = $11,288,692. (Construction) (M) 2,257,738 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - On System Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal 2015 Merrimack Valley MPO Transportation Improvement Program Amendment/Adjustment Type ▼ MassDOT Project ID ▼ MPO ▼ Municipality Name ▼ 02/28/2015 Draft Released 04/09/2015 Endorsed MassDOT Project Description▼ MassDOT District ▼ ► Statewide Bridge Inspection Program Non-Federal Funds Additional ▼ Information ▼ Total Programmed Funds ▼ Federal Funds ▼ $ - $ - $ - Off-System Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Other Federal Aid Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ - No Projects Programmed Funding Source ▼ No Projects $ Programmed No Projects $ Programmed Statewide Bridge Inspection Program Subtotal ► $ ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►Section 1C / Federal Aid Non-Target Projects ►Other Federal Aid No Projects Programmed No Projects Programmed ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source ►Section 1D / Federal Aid Major & State Category Projects ► Statewide Infrastructure Program No Projects Programmed No Projects Programmed Statewide Infrastructure Program Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ $ $ - $ $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal - ► Statewide HSIP Program No Projects Programmed No Projects Programmed $ - $ - $ $ Statewide HSIP Program Subtotal ► $ - $ $ - $ $ - - - ◄ 90% Federal + 10% Non-Federal ► Statewide Safe Routes to Schools Program AMENDMENT:Move Project (FROM 2016) 607776 Merrimack Valley North Andover North Andover - Safe Routes to School (North Andover Middle) 4 TAP $ $ Statewide Safe Routes to Schools Program Subtotal ► $ Total Project Cost = $1,086,000 TAP is 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal (Construction) (C) 1,086,000 $ 868,800 $ 217,200 $ 1,086,000 $ $ 868,800 $ - Funding Split Varies by Funding Source 217,200 ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source ► Statewide CMAQ 605181 Merrimack Valley Methuen Methuen- Interchange reconstruction on I-93 at Route 110/113 ROTARY, including removal of M-17-017 & M-17-018, Rehab of M17-007 & New Bridge Construction of M-17040 606503 Merrimack Valley Newburyport Newburyport - Clipper City Rail Trail along the City Branch (Phase II) ►Statewide Transportation Enhancements Change FY 2015 HSIP Funding to CMAQ AC Year 3 of 4. Total Project Cost = $77,236,601 = FY 2013, 2014,& 2015 Regional Major Infrastructure (CMAQ) & Statewide STP-TE & TAP (2015) + FY 2016 Regional Major Infrastructure (CMAQ) + FY 2013 4,761,600 HPP #2434 (2005) + 2013 IM (2010 Discretionary)+ FY 2013 STP & HSIP + FY 2014 CMAQ & HSIP+ FY 2015 CMAQ + FY 2016 STP (Construction) TEC = 9.63 out of 18. ( C ) 4 CMAQ $ 23,808,000 $ 19,046,400 $ 4 CMAQ $ 491,158 $ 392,926 $ 98,232 Statewide CMAQ ► $ 491,158 $ 392,926 $ 98,232 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal Total Project Cost = $4,061,158 = FY 2015 CMAQ + Statewide STP-TE + Statewide CMAQ (Construction) TEC = 5.75 (C) 2015 Merrimack Valley MPO Transportation Improvement Program Amendment/Adjustment Type ▼ MassDOT Project ID ▼ MPO ▼ 605181 605181 606503 Merrimack Valley Merrimack Valley Merrimack Valley Municipality Name ▼ 02/28/2015 Draft Released 04/09/2015 Endorsed MassDOT Project Description▼ Methuen Methuen- Interchange reconstruction on I-93 at Route 110/113 ROTARY, including removal of M-17-017 & M-17-018, Rehab of M17-007 & New Bridge Construction of M-17040 Methuen Methuen- Interchange reconstruction on I-93 at Route 110/113 ROTARY, including removal of M-17-017 & M-17-018, Rehab of M17-007 & New Bridge Construction of M-17040 Newburyport Newburyport - Clipper City Rail Trail along the City Branch (Phase II) MassDOT District ▼ 4 4 4 Funding Source ▼ Total Programmed Funds ▼ Non-Federal Funds Additional ▼ Information ▼ Federal Funds ▼ $ 458,334 366,667 91,667 Change FY 2015 HSIP Funding to CMAQ AC Year 3 of 4. Total Project Cost = $77,236,601 = FY 2013, 2014,& 2015 Regional Major Infrastructure (CMAQ) & Statewide STP-TE & TAP (2015) + FY 2016 Regional Major Infrastructure (CMAQ) + FY 2013 HPP #2434 (2005) + 2013 IM (2010 Discretionary)+ FY 2013 STP & HSIP + FY 2014 CMAQ & HSIP+ FY 2015 CMAQ + FY 2016 STP (Construction) TEC = 9.63 out of 18. ( C ) $ 458,334 366,667 91,667 Change FY 2015 HSIP Funding to CMAQ AC Year 3 of 4. Total Project Cost = $77,236,601 = FY 2013, 2014,& 2015 Regional Major Infrastructure (CMAQ) & Statewide STP-TE & TAP (2015) + FY 2016 Regional Major Infrastructure (CMAQ) + FY 2013 HPP #2434 (2005) + 2013 IM (2010 Discretionary)+ FY 2013 STP & HSIP + FY 2014 CMAQ & HSIP+ FY 2015 CMAQ + FY 2016 STP (Construction) TEC = 9.63 out of 18. ( C ) $ 3,120,000 2,496,000 624,000 STP-TE TAP Total Project Cost = $4,061,158 = FY 2015 CMAQ + Statewide STP-TE + Statewide CMAQ (Construction) TEC = 5.75 (C) STP-TE Statewide Transportation Enhancements Subtotal ► $ 3,120,000 $ 2,496,000 $ 624,000 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►Statewide ITS No Projects No Projects $ $ Statewide ITS Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►Statewide Interstate Maintenance Program 606549 Merrimack Valley Multiple 607985 Merrimack Valley Multiple Georgetown- NewburyWest NewburyNewburyport- AmesburySalisbury- Interstate Maintanence & related work on I-95 4 NHPP $ 21,240,000 $ 19,116,000 $ 2,124,000 Total Project Cost = $21,240,000 (Construction) (M) 4 NHPP $ 7,788,000 $ 7,009,200 $ 778,800 Total Project Cost = $7,788,000 (Construction) (M) Statewide Interstate Maintenance Program Subtotal ► $ 29,028,000 $ 26,125,200 $ Lawrence - North Andover Interstate Maintenance and Related Work on I-495 2,902,800 ◄ 90% Federal + 10% Non-Federal ►Statewide NHS Preservation Program+ No Projects $ No Projects $ Statewide NHS Preservation Program Subtotal ► $ - $ - No Projects No Projects $ $ Statewide RR Grade Crossings Subtotal ► $ $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal - $ - $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal $ $ Statewide Stormwater Retrofits Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal $ $ - ►Statewide RR Grade Crossings ►Statewide Stormwater Retrofits No Projects No Projects ►Statewide ADA Implementation Plan No Projects No Projects - - 2015 Merrimack Valley MPO Transportation Improvement Program Amendment/Adjustment Type ▼ MassDOT Project ID ▼ MPO ▼ Municipality Name ▼ 02/28/2015 Draft Released 04/09/2015 Endorsed MassDOT Project Description▼ MassDOT District ▼ Funding Source ▼ Total Programmed Funds ▼ Statewide ADA Implementation Plan Subtotal ► $ - Non-Federal Funds Additional ▼ Information ▼ Federal Funds ▼ $ - $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►Other Statewide Items ABP GANS Repayment $ - - - Award Adjustments, Change Orders, Project Value Changes, Etc. DBEs, FAPO, Pavement Lab Retrofits, and Misc. Programs Planning Statewide Design and Right of Way Statewide Recreational Trails $ - - - $ - - - $ $ - - - $ - Other Statewide Items Subtotal ► $ - NFA $ NFA $ Non-Federal Aid Subtotal► $ No Projects NFA $ No Projects NFA $ Section 2B / Non-Federal Bridge Projects Subtotal► $ - $ - ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source - $ $ $ - ◄100% Non-Federal - $ $ $ - ◄100% Non-Federal $ - ►Section 2A / Non-Federal Projects ►Non Federal Aid No Projects No Projects ►Section 2B / Non-Federal Bridge Projects ►Section 2B / Non-Federal Bridge Projects 2015 Merrimack Valley MPO TIP Summary TIP Section 1: ▼ Total ► $ Federal Funds ► $ Non-Federal Funds ► $ Total of All Projects ▼ TIP Section 2: ▼ 51,030,670 $ 43,776,553 7,254,117 $ - $ $ $ 51,030,670 ◄ Total Spending in Region 43,776,553 ◄ Total Federal Spending in Region 7,254,117 ◄ Total Non-Federal Spending in Region 701 CMR 7.00 Use of Road Flaggers and Police Details on Public Works Projects / 701 CMR 7.00 (the Regulation) was promulgated and became law on October 3, 2008. Under this Regulation, the CMR is applicable to any Public works Project that is performed within the limits of, or that impact traffic on, any Public Road. The Municipal Limitation referenced in this Regulation is applicable only to projects where the Municipality is the Awarding Authority. For all projects contained in the TIP, the Commonwealth is the Awarding Authority. Therefore, all projects must be considered and implemented in accordance with 701 CMR 7.00, and the Road Flagger and Police Detail Guidelines. By placing a project on the TIP, the Municipality acknowledges that 701 CMR 7.00 is applicable to its project and design and construction will be fully compliant with this Regulation. This information, and additional information relative to guidance and implementation of the Regulation can be found at the following link on the MassDOT Highway Division website: 2016 Merrimack Valley MPO Transportation Improvement Program Amendment/Adjustment Type ▼ MassDOT Project ID ▼ MPO ▼ Municipality Name ▼ 02/28/2015 Draft Released 04/09/2015 Endorsed MassDOT Project Description▼ MassDOT District ▼ Funding Source ▼ Total Programmed Funds ▼ HSIP $ Non-Federal Funds Additional ▼ Information ▼ Federal Funds ▼ ►Section 1A / Federal Aid Target Projects ►HSIP - Highway Safety Improvement Program 606159 Merrimack Valley North Andover North AndoverIntersection & Signal Improvements at Route125 & Massachusetts Avenue 4 $ HSIP Subtotal ► $ 492,173 $ - $ 442,956 $ - $ 492,173 $ 442,956 $ 1,661,084 $ 1,328,867 $ 49,217 Total Project Cost = $1,612,800 after 4% inflation rate applied to 2015 cost. FY 2016 STP + FY 2016 HSIP (Construction) TEC = 7.70 out of 18. (C) 49,217 ◄ 90% Federal + 10% Non-Federal ►CMAQ - Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program 606161 Merrimack Valley Haverhill Haverhill Improvements on Main Street (Route 125) Total Project Cost = $3,026,676 after 4% inflation rate 4 CMAQ $ 332,217 applied to 2015 cost. FY 2016 STP + FY 2016 CMAQ (Construction) TEC = 9.32 out of 18. (C) $ CMAQ Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ 1,661,084 $ 1,328,867 $ 520,893 $ 416,714 $ 332,217 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►TAP - Transportation Alternatives Program 606669 Merrimack Valley Amesbury Amesbury- Powwow Rriverwalk Construction,from Main Street to Water Street, Includes ped Bridge A07-034 (Phase I) 4 TAP $ $ TAP Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ 520,893 $ 416,714 $ 265,982 $ 212,786 $ 104,179 Total Project Cost = $786,875 after 4% inflation rate applied to 2015 cost. FY 2016 STP & TAP (Construction) TEC = 3.85 out of 18. (C) 104,179 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►Non-CMAQ/HSIP/TAP (Other) 606669 Merrimack Valley Amesbury Amesbury- Powwow Rriverwalk Construction,from Main Street to Water Street, Includes ped Bridge A07-034 (Phase I) 4 STP $ 2,040,502 $ 1,632,402 $ Total Project Cost Same Just moving some funding from 2016 to 2015 AC Year 2of 2. Total Project Cost = $6,341,761 to be 408,100 converted to FA STP FY 2015 + FY 2016 (Construction) TEC = 6.72 out of 18. (M) 4 STP $ 1,365,592 $ 1,092,474 $ 273,118 applied to 2015 cost. FY 2016 STP + FY 2016 CMAQ 212,837 $ AC Year 4 of 4. Total Project Cost = $77,236,601 = FY 2013, 2014,& 2015 Regional Major Infrastructure (CMAQ) & Statewide STP-TE & TAP (2015) + FY 2016 Regional Major Infrastructure (CMAQ) + FY 2013 53,209 HPP #2434 (2005) + 2013 IM (2010 Discretionary)+ FY 2013 STP & HSIP + FY 2014 CMAQ & HSIP+ FY 2015 CMAQ + FY 2016 STP (Construction) TEC = 9.63 out of 18. ( C ) 605114 Merrimack Valley Groveland Groveland Rehabilitation of Route 97 (School Street & Salem Street) 606161 Merrimack Valley Haverhill Haverhill Improvements on Main Street (Route 125) 605181 Merrimack Valley Methuen Methuen- Interchange reconstruction on I-93 at Route 110/113 ROTARY, including removal of M-17-017 & M-17-018, Rehab of M17-007 & New Bridge Construction of M-17040 4 STP $ 53,196 Total Project Cost = $786,875 after 4% inflation rate applied to 2015 cost. FY 2016 STP & TAP (Construction) TEC = 3.85 out of 18. (C) Total Project Cost = $3,026,676 after 4% inflation rate (Construction) TEC = 9.32 out of 18. (C) 4 STP $ 266,046 $ 2016 Merrimack Valley MPO Transportation Improvement Program Amendment/Adjustment Type ▼ MassDOT Project ID ▼ MPO ▼ 606159 Merrimack Valley Municipality Name ▼ North Andover 02/28/2015 Draft Released 04/09/2015 Endorsed MassDOT Project Description▼ Non-Federal Funds Additional ▼ Information ▼ Funding Source ▼ Total Programmed Funds ▼ STP $ 1,120,627 $ 896,502 $ Non-CMAQ/HSIP/TAP (Other) Subtotal ► $ 4,792,703 $ 3,834,162 $ Total Federal Aid Target Funds Programmed ► $ Total Non-CMAQ/HSIP/TAP (Other) Programmed ► $ 7,466,853 $ 4,792,703 $ 7,732,899 ◄Total Target 5,384,814 ◄ Max. NonCMAQ/HSIP/TAP $ $ 266,046 Target Funds Available 266,047 Non-CMAQ/HSIP/TAP (Other) Available Total HSIP Programmed ► $ Total CMAQ Programmed ► $ Total TAP Programmed ► $ 492,173 $ 1,661,084 $ 520,893 $ 442,956 ◄ Min. HSIP 1,384,237 ◄ Min. CMAQ 520,893 ◄ Min. TAP $ $ $ (49,217) HSIP Minimum Met (276,847) CMAQ Minimum Met - TAP Minimum Met North AndoverIntersection & Signal Improvements at Route125 & Massachusetts Avenue MassDOT District ▼ 4 Federal Funds ▼ 224,125 Total Project Cost = $1,612,800 after 4% inflation rate applied to 2015 cost. FY 2016 STP + FY 2016 HSIP (Construction) TEC = 7.70 out of 18. (C) 958,541 ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►Section 1A / Fiscal Constraint Analysis HSIP, CMAQ, TAP Overprogrammed $ (326,064) ►Section 1B / Federal Aid Bridge Projects ►Statewide Bridge Maintenance Program No Projects $ Programmed No Projects $ Programmed Statewide Bridge Maintenance Program Subtotal ► $ ►On System ►Off-System ► Statewide Bridge Inspection Program No Projects Programmed No Projects Programmed No Projects Programmed No Projects Programmed - $ - $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - On System Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Off-System Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Other Federal Aid Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ - No Projects $ Programmed No Projects $ Programmed Statewide Bridge Inspection Program Subtotal ► $ ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►Section 1C / Federal Aid Non-Target Projects ►Other Federal Aid No Projects Programmed No Projects Programmed ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source ►Section 1D / Federal Aid Major & State Category Projects ► Statewide Infrastructure Program No Projects Programmed No Projects Programmed $ - $ - $ $ Statewide Infrastructure Program Subtotal ► $ - $ $ - $ $ - - - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal 2016 Merrimack Valley MPO Transportation Improvement Program Amendment/Adjustment Type ▼ MassDOT Project ID ▼ MPO ▼ Municipality Name ▼ 02/28/2015 Draft Released 04/09/2015 Endorsed MassDOT Project Description▼ MassDOT District ▼ Funding Source ▼ Total Programmed Funds ▼ Non-Federal Funds Additional ▼ Information ▼ Federal Funds ▼ ► Statewide HSIP Program No Projects Programmed No Projects Programmed $ - $ - $ $ Statewide HSIP Program Subtotal ► $ - $ $ - $ $ - - ◄ 90% Federal + 10% Non-Federal - ► Statewide Safe Routes to Schools Program 607776 Merrimack Valley North Andover North Andover - Safe Routes to School (North Andover Middle) 4 TAP $ No Projects $ Programmed Statewide Safe Routes to Schools Program Subtotal ► $ Total Project Cost = $1,086,000 TAP is 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal (Construction) (C) 1,086,000 $ 868,800 $ 217,200 $ 1,086,000 $ $ 868,800 $ - Funding Split Varies by Funding Source 217,200 ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source ► Statewide CMAQ No Projects Programmed No Projects $ - $ - $ $ Statewide CMAQ ► $ - - - $ $ - $ $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal No Projects $ No Projects $ Statewide Transportation Enhancements Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal No Projects No Projects - $ - $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal Programmed - ►Statewide Transportation Enhancements ►Statewide ITS ►Statewide Interstate Maintenance Program 606574 Merrimack Valley $ $ Statewide ITS Subtotal ► $ Andover NHPP $ 10,514,650 $ 9,463,185 $ 1,051,465 $ Statewide Interstate Maintenance Program Subtotal ► $ 10,514,650 $ 9,463,185 $ 1,051,465 ◄ 90% Federal + 10% Non-Federal Andover - Interstate Maintenance and Related Work on Route I - 495 4 Total Project Cost = $10,514,650 inflated 4% from 2015. (Construction) (M) ►Statewide NHS Preservation Program+ No Projects $ No Projects $ Statewide NHS Preservation Program Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal No Projects No Projects $ $ Statewide RR Grade Crossings Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal $ $ Statewide Stormwater Retrofits Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal No Projects $ No Projects $ Statewide ADA Implementation Plan Subtotal ► $ - $ - $ - ◄ 80% Federal + 20% Non-Federal ►Statewide RR Grade Crossings ►Statewide Stormwater Retrofits No Projects No Projects ►Statewide ADA Implementation Plan ►Other Statewide Items 2016 Merrimack Valley MPO Transportation Improvement Program Amendment/Adjustment Type ▼ MassDOT Project ID ▼ MPO ▼ 605181 Merrimack Valley Municipality Name ▼ Methuen 02/28/2015 Draft Released 04/09/2015 Endorsed MassDOT Project Description▼ Methuen- Interchange reconstruction on I-93 at Route 110/113 ROTARY, including removal of M-17-017 & M-17-018, Rehab of M17-007 & New Bridge Construction of M-17040 MassDOT District ▼ Funding Source ▼ Total Programmed Funds ▼ $ 4 Non-Federal Funds Additional ▼ Information ▼ Federal Funds ▼ 4,832,356 3,865,885 966,471 CMAQ Award Adjustments, Change Orders, Project Value Changes, Etc. DBEs, FAPO, Pavement Lab Retrofits, and Misc. Programs Planning Statewide Design and Right of Way Statewide Recreational Trails $ - - - $ - - - $ $ - - - $ - - - Other Statewide Items Subtotal ► AC Year 4 of 4. Total Project Cost = $77,236,601 = FY 2013, 2014,& 2015 Regional Major Infrastructure (CMAQ) & Statewide STP-TE & TAP (2015) + FY 2016 Regional Major Infrastructure (CMAQ) + FY 2013 HPP #2434 (2005) + 2013 IM (2010 Discretionary)+ FY 2013 STP & HSIP + FY 2014 CMAQ & HSIP+ FY 2015 CMAQ + FY 2016 STP (Construction) TEC = 9.63 out of 18. ( C ) ◄ Funding Split Varies by Funding Source ►Section 2A / Non-Federal Projects ►Non Federal Aid No Projects No Projects NFA $ NFA $ Non-Federal Aid Subtotal► $ - $ $ $ - ◄100% Non-Federal No Projects NFA $ No Projects NFA $ Section 2B / Non-Federal Bridge Projects Subtotal► $ - $ $ $ - ◄100% Non-Federal ►Section 2B / Non-Federal Bridge Projects ►Section 2B / Non-Federal Bridge Projects 2016 Merrimack Valley MPO TIP Summary TIP Section 1: ▼ Total ► $ Federal Funds ► $ Non-Federal Funds ► $ Total of All Projects ▼ TIP Section 2: ▼ 19,067,503 $ 16,354,685 2,712,818 $ - $ $ $ 19,067,503 ◄ Total Spending in Region 16,354,685 ◄ Total Federal Spending in Region 2,712,818 ◄ Total Non-Federal Spending in Region 701 CMR 7.00 Use of Road Flaggers and Police Details on Public Works Projects / 701 CMR 7.00 (the Regulation) was promulgated and became law on October 3, 2008. Under this Regulation, the CMR is applicable to any Public works Project that is performed within the limits of, or that impact traffic on, any Public Road. The Municipal Limitation referenced in this Regulation is applicable only to projects where the Municipality is the Awarding Authority. For all projects contained in the TIP, the Commonwealth is the Awarding Authority. Therefore, all projects must be considered and implemented in accordance with 701 CMR 7.00, and the Road Flagger and Police Detail Guidelines. By placing a project on the TIP, the Municipality acknowledges that 701 CMR 7.00 is applicable to its project and design and construction will be fully compliant with this Regulation. This information, and additional information relative to guidance and implementation of the Regulation can be found at the following link on the MassDOT Highway Division website: Charles D. Baker, Governor Karyn Polito, Lt. Governor Stephanie Pollack, MassDOT Secretary & CEO June 12, 2015 Mary Beth Mello Regional Administrator Federal Transit Administration 55 Broadway – 9th floor Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142 Dear Ms. Mello: On behalf of Secretary Stephanie Pollack, I am writing to request your approval of the attached transit action pertaining to the Federal Fiscal Years 2015-2018 State Transportation Improvement Program, as endorsed by the Boston Metropolitan Planning Organization. Project additions are highlighted in green. These actions do not require an air quality conformity determination. If you have any questions, please call me at (857)368-8865. Sincerely, David J. Mohler Executive Director Office of Transportation Planning cc: Steve Woelfel, Director of Strategic Planning Trey Wadsworth, Manager of MPO Activities Bryan K. Pounds, MPO Activities Tom Schiavone, Manager of Transit Programs Federal Transit Administration Federal Highway Administration Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence Ten Park Plaza, Suite 4150, Boston, MA 02116 Tel: 857-368-4636, TTY: 857-368-0655 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Project List (FY2015) FTA Program Transit Agency FTA Activity Line Item Project Description Carryover or Earmark Detail Federal Funds RTACAP MAP ITCCAP TDC SCA LocalFunds Total Cost 5307 5307 5307 5307 5307 Cape Ann Transportation Authority Cape Ann Transportation Authority Cape Ann Transportation Authority MetroWest Regional Transit Authority 117A00 5307 MetroWest Regional Transit Authority 5307 MetroWest Regional Transit Authority 5307 MetroWest Regional Transit Authority 5307 MetroWest Regional Transit Authority 5307 MetroWest Regional Transit Authority 117C00 5307 MetroWest Regional Transit Authority Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority 5307 (MBTA) Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority 5307 (MBTA) Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority 5307 (MBTA) 117A00 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 111203 BUY REPLACEMENT 30-FT BUS (1) 114220 ACQUIRE - MISC SUPPORT EQUIPMENT 113403 TERMINAL, INTERMODAL (TRANSIT) ACQUISITION OF BUS SUPPORT 114200 EQUIP/FACILITIES 119208 PURCHASE SIGNAGE $193,391 $0 $320,000 $80,000 $16,700 $4,176 $262,791 $156,180 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $48,347 $0 $0 $0 $241,738 $400,000 $20,876 $418,971 $20,000 $15,176 $5,000 $3,794 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $25,000 $18,970 $22,940 114209 ACQUIRE - MOBILE SURV/SECURITY EQUIP ACQUISITION OF BUS SUPPORT 114200 EQUIP/FACILITIES NON FIXED ROUTE ADA PARA SERV 113303 TERMINAL, INTERMODAL (TRANSIT) Government Center (Blue Line 123402 Modernization) $5,735 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $28,675 $3,524 $1,378,983 $20,000 $881 $0 $5,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $344,746 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,405 $1,723,729 $25,000 $32,761,068 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $8,190,267 $40,951,335 123302 Elevators/Escalators $25,924,448 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $6,481,112 $32,405,560 $12,000,000 $0 $72,939,021 $260,766 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $344,746 $3,000,000 $17,719,726 $15,000,000 $91,264,259 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Subtotal 5309 Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority 5309 (MBTA) GREEN LINE EXTENSION: COLLEGE 132303 AVE/UNION SQ SPUR $100,000,000 $100,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $225,202,000 $325,202,000 $0 $225,202,000 $325,202,000 $91,784 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $22,946 $114,730 $53,559 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $13,390 $66,949 Subtotal $662,600 $807,943 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $662,600 $698,936 $1,325,200 $1,506,879 Subtotal $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 122404 Bridge & Tunnel Program $60,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $15,000,000 $75,000,000 123402 Stations - T-GAPS $40,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $10,000,000 $50,000,000 119400 Systems Upgrades $21,190,546 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,297,637 $26,488,183 $50,454,867 $171,645,413 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $460,800 $0 $0 $0 $92,160 $0 $0 $460,800 Subtotal $5,287,027 $5,747,827 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $92,160 $0 $0 $1,321,757 $1,321,757 $6,608,784 $7,069,584 Subtotal $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 113303 Ruggles Station Modernization $20,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $10,000,000 $30,000,000 122400 Charlestown Seawall Replacement $13,391,443 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,463,815 $17,855,258 Subtotal 5310 5310 City of Salem (NSCC) Mobility Management - Employment 442700 Express Mobility Management - Employment 442700 Express (Grant 2) 5310 City of Salem (NSCC) 300900 Employment Express - Operating Assistance 5310 City of Salem (NSCC) 5311 5337 Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority 5337 (MBTA) Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority 5337 (MBTA) Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority 5337 (MBTA) Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority 5337 (MBTA) 122403 Resiliency Program Subtotal $12,613,717 $63,068,584 $42,911,354 $214,556,767 5339 Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority 5339 (MBTA) Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority 5339 (MBTA) 111440 REHAB/REBUILD SPARE PARTS 119400 Systems Upgrades 5320 Other Federal Other Federal Other Federal Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) Other Federal Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) 112303 Green Line Fenway Portal Flood Proofing Subtotal Other Non-Federal Other Non-Federal Other Non-Federal Cape Ann Transportation Authority Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) 111204 BUY REPLACEMENT <30 FT BUS (1) 121221 HEAVY RAIL CARS - Red/Orange Lines Subtotal Total $21,673,689 $55,065,132 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $7,224,564 $21,688,379 $28,898,253 $76,753,511 $0 $121,824 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $121,824 $0 $0 $0 $121,824 $406,205,336 $382,590 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $82,130,340 $82,130,340 $0 $0 $0 $82,130,340 $82,252,164 $0 $92,160 $344,746 $391,672,492 $798,605,164 Fiscal Constraint Analysis - 2015 Federal Funding Source Current Year Available Carryover Programmed Funds Unprogrammed Funds Change from prior STIP Action State Funding Current Year Source Available Programmed Funds Unprogrammed Funds Change from prior STIP Action 5310 $908,805 $0 $908,805 $0 $0 TDC n/a $952,552 5311 $2,734,326 $2,761,670 $2,734,326 $2,761,670 $0 MAP $93,491 $93,491 $0 5337 $240,253,324 $121,965,273 $174,668,442 $187,550,155 $50,454,867 ITCCAP $0 $0 $0 5339 $14,318,379 $7,703,009 $8,983,071 $13,038,317 $0 Local $375,280,104 $375,280,104 n/a $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $12,613,717 $0 $55,615,132 $55,615,132 $0 $0 $634,249,345 $431,983,212 $428,456,171 $637,776,386 $50,454,867 Total NonFederal Aid $416,954,838 $415,213,313 $0 $12,613,717 5307 $372,364,357 $199,553,260 $141,161,527 $430,756,090 $0 RTACAP $18,153,021 $18,153,021 $0 5309 $3,670,154 $100,000,000 $100,000,000 $3,670,154 $0 SCA $23,428,222 $21,686,697 $0 n/a Discr. Federal Funds Fiscal Constraint Analysis - 2016 Federal Funding Source Current Year Available Carryover 5307 5309 5310 5311 5337 5339 Programmed Funds Unprogrammed Funds Change from prior STIP Action $430,756,090 $201,548,794 $133,297,659 $499,007,225 $3,670,154 $150,000,000 $150,000,000 $3,670,154 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,761,670 $2,789,286 $2,498,397 $3,052,559 $0 $187,550,155 $123,184,924 $124,226,215 $186,508,864 $0 $13,038,317 $7,780,038 $8,983,071 $11,835,284 $0 $0 $1,042,292 $1,042,292 $0 $0 $637,776,386 $485,303,042 $419,005,342 $704,074,086 $0 Discr. Federal Funds State Funding Current Year Source Available RTACAP SCA TDC MAP ITCCAP Local Total NonFederal Aid $16,015,665 Programmed Funds Unprogrammed Funds Change from prior STIP Action $16,015,665 $0 $0 $21,569,237 $21,569,237 $0 $0 n/a $467,522 n/a $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Cost Total Cost n/a $0 $37,584,902 $37,584,902 $0 $0 Fiscal Constraint Analysis - 2017 Federal Funding Source Current Year Available Carryover 5307 5309 5310 5311 5337 5339 Programmed Funds Unprogrammed Funds Change from prior STIP Action $499,007,225 $203,564,284 $98,066,616 $604,504,893 $0 $3,670,154 $150,000,000 $150,000,000 $3,670,154 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,052,559 $2,817,180 $2,523,223 $3,346,516 $0 $186,508,864 $124,416,773 $123,587,796 $187,337,841 $0 $11,835,284 $7,857,836 $6,253,054 $13,440,066 $0 $704,074,086 $488,656,073 $380,430,689 $812,299,470 $0 State Funding Current Year Source Available RTACAP SCA TDC MAP ITCCAP Local Total NonFederal Aid Programmed Funds Unprogrammed Funds $56,550,513 $56,550,513 $0 $21,554,775 $21,554,775 n/a n/a $378,000 n/a $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $397,270,070 $397,270,070 n/a $475,375,358 $475,375,358 $0 Change from prior STIP Action Fiscal Constraint Analysis - 2018 Federal Funding Source Current Year Available Carryover 5307 5309 5310 5311 5337 5339 Programmed Funds Unprogrammed Funds Change from prior STIP Action $604,504,893 $205,599,926 $95,642,959 $714,461,860 $0 $3,670,154 $150,000,000 $150,000,000 $3,670,154 $0 $0 $0 0 $0 $0 $3,346,516 $2,845,350 $2,548,297 $3,643,569 $0 $187,337,841 $125,660,941 $124,311,768 $188,687,014 $0 $13,440,066 $7,936,418 $6,262,715 $15,113,769 $0 $812,299,470 $492,042,635 $378,765,739 $925,576,366 $0 State Funding Current Year Source Available RTACAP SCA TDC MAP ITCCAP Local Total NonFederal Aid Programmed Funds Unprogrammed Funds Change from prior STIP Action $0 $13,118,605 $13,118,605 $0 $19,206,508 $19,206,508 $0 $0 n/a $0 n/a $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $386,905,906 $386,905,906 n/a $0 $419,231,019 $419,231,019 $0 $0