MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ADA/SECTION 504 TRANSITION PLAN SCOPE OF WORK Introduction The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), enacted on July 26, 1990, provides comprehensive civil rights protections to persons with disabilities in the areas of employment, state and local government services, access to public accommodations, transportation, and telecommunications. The ADA is companion civil rights legislation to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. This plan is also developed in conjunction with the requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, based on the development of the ADA to incorporate by reference the remedies, procedures, and rights that exist under Title VI. With respect to public entities, the ADA mandates that qualified disabled individuals shall not be excluded from participation in, denied the benefit of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity. The Act also provides disabled employees with certain protections and requires employers to make reasonable accommodation for disabled applicants and employees. The ADA is divided into five parts, covering the following areas: Title I: EMPLOYMENT Under this title, employers, including governmental agencies, such as the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MASSDOT), must ensure that their practices do not discriminate against persons with disabilities in the application, hiring, advancement, training, compensation, or discharge of an employee, or in other terms and conditions of employment. Title II: PUBLIC SERVICES This title prohibits state and local governments from discriminating against persons with disabilities or from excluding participation in denying benefits or programs, services, or activities to persons with disabilities. It is under Title II that a “Self-Evaluation” is prepared. The Self-Evaluation is intended to outline programs, services, and the transportation-related facilities of MASSDOT, and to evaluate what policies, procedures, or structural changes must be revised or implemented to affect the non-discrimination policies contained in Title II. The Self-Evaluation is also the precursor to the “Transition Plan (the Plan).” MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ADA/SECTION 504 TRANSITION PLAN - SCOPE OF WORK Page 1 of 8 Title III: PUBLIC ACCOMMODATIONS Title III requires places of public accommodation to be accessible to and usable by persons with disabilities. The term “public accommodation” as used in the definition is often misinterpreted as only applying to public agencies, but the intent of the term is to refer to any privately funded and operated facility serving the public. Several examples of MASSDOT facilities which must provide public accommodation in accordance with ADA, regardless of funding source include but are not limited to the Registry of Motor Vehicles sites on the Massachusetts Turnpike, rest areas, public information centers, Park and Ride facilities, maintenance facilities (if applicable) and administrative buildings. Title IV: TELECOMMUNICATIONS This title covers regulations regarding private telephone companies, and requires common carriers offering telephone services to the public to increase the availability of interstate and intrastate telecommunication relay services to individuals with hearing and speech impairments. Title V: MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Title V contains several miscellaneous regulations, including construction standards and practices, provisions for attorney fees, and technical assistance provisions. The Department of Justice’s [DOJ] regulations implementing Title II of the ADA dictate that a public entity must evaluate its services, programs, policies, and practices to determine whether they are in compliance with the nondiscrimination requirements of ADA. The DOJ regulations were issued in July, 1991. These DOJ regulations mandate that each public entity is required to examine activities and services and identify problems that may limit accessibility for persons with disabilities. The entity must then proceed to make the necessary changes resulting from the SelfEvaluation. The DOJ regulations implementing Title II of the ADA further require that a Transition Plan be prepared to describe any structural or physical changes required to make programs accessible. The MASSDOT Transition Plan will be a companion to the MASSDOT Self-Evaluation Plan; however it will be prepared in a separate document. MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ADA/SECTION 504 TRANSITION PLAN - SCOPE OF WORK Page 2 of 8 CONSIDERATIONS ON ADA/SECTION 504 TRANSITION PLAN AND THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE MASSACHUSETTS ARCHITECTURAL ACCESS BOARD The Architectural Access Board (AAB) is a regulatory agency within the Massachusetts Office of Public Safety. Its legislative mandate states that it shall develop and enforce regulations designed to make public buildings accessible to, functional for, and safe for use by persons with disabilities. To carry out the board's mandate, the "Rules and Regulations", which appear in the code of Massachusetts Regulations as 521 CMR 1.00, have been developed and amended. These regulations are incorporated in the Massachusetts building code as a "specialized code", making them enforceable by all local and state building inspectors, as well as by the Board itself. In reviewing and addressing the removal of physical barriers or the revision of policies and procedures, it will be done in compliance with the applicable ADA and Section 504 guidance that is in effect, such as 49 C.F. R. Part 27 with respect to Section 504, and with the provisions of 521 CMR, the Accessibility regulations of the state of Massachusetts, applying the more stringent of the two. Section 504 Considerations The Section 504 regulation at 49 CFR §27.11 and the ADA Title II Regulations at 28 CFR §35.150(d), provide that recipients with 15 or more employees and any public entity with 50 or more employees complete a Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan The Massachusetts Department of Transportation’s Highway Division (hereinafter “MassDOT”), receives federal financial assistance from the United States Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration (hereinafter “FHWA”). As a condition on receiving this money, MassDOT’s Secretary/CEO makes certain assurances, or promises to comply with the federal laws and regulations applicable to private, state and local government entities that accept federal financial assistance, including those pertaining to civil rights. For MassDOT, this obligation requires that the agency have in place and implement an Affirmative Action Plan, a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program, a Title VI/Nondiscrimination program, and an Americans with Disabilities Act/Section 504 Transition Plan. MassDOT also receives federal financial assistance from the United States Department of Transportation’s Federal Transit Administration (MassDOT Rail and Transit Division, including the MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ADA/SECTION 504 TRANSITION PLAN - SCOPE OF WORK Page 3 of 8 MBTA), Federal Aviation Administration (MassDOT Aeronautics Division), and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (Registry Division). As part of MassDOT, these Divisions are also required to have ADA Transition Plans in place, and this Transition Plan is intended to incorporate those divisions as part of the overall initiative as part of the effort to respond to FHWA’s primary interest in this Plan and its implementation. SCOPE OF WORK (SCOPE) The MASSDOT ADA Transition Plan Scope of Work (SCOPE) is designed to make findings that will identify and examine structural and physical barriers, designs, specifications, regulations and standards, programs, practices, policies and procedures, activities and services, including communication barriers that limit full participation to persons with disabilities. Consultation with the Massachusetts Office on Disabilities and similar-minded organizations will take place during this examination. This Scope is subject to periodic revision and updating as the Transition Plan Working Group conducts its work, as a result of applicable changes to law, policy and/or practice that may necessitate a particular modification. The MassDOT ADA/Section 504 Transition Plan will evolve through a focus on those shared services that impact all MassDOT divisions, as well as highway related assets, programs, policies and activities linked to funding from the FHWA. Where there are intersections with the other MassDOT Divisions, such as a Registry facility being hosted at a Highway facility, the ADA/Section 504 Transition Plan will evaluate the accessibility of that use. MassDOT is also endeavoring to conduct a broader study of all MassDOT owned facilities that provide programs, activities or services to the public. The other Divisions will incorporate their current plans for accessibility and work with the MassDOT Civil Rights unit to self-evaluate their operations and structure plans to address identified accessibility deficiencies. The MassDOT ADA/Section 504 Transition Plan will also address accessibility as directed by the appropriate Federal oversight agency and pursuant to Commonwealth Executive Order 526 and Administration and Finance’s Administrative Bulletin 19, which establish a policy of nondiscrimination and equal opportunity in the delivery of state programs, services and activities, and a policy and program format for Commonwealth agencies to meet ADA objectives, respectively. A. The SCOPE will include the following elements: MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ADA/SECTION 504 TRANSITION PLAN - SCOPE OF WORK Page 4 of 8 1. A self-evaluation of the agency’s policies and practices with respect to its programs, services, and activities to determine the existence of any physical or communication barriers that limit full participation of persons with disabilities. Samplings of the policies, procedures and operating practices to be examined include, but are not limited to the following: • MASSDOT’s Statement of Non-Discrimination (28 CFR 35.106 & 49 CFR 27.11) and method of public dissemination • MASSDOT’s ADA Grievance & Complaint Procedures and method of public dissemination • Review of MASSDOT’s policies and procedures for the use and application of accessible pedestrian signals and other accessibility issues for which there was no technical or legal standard in place to ensure compliance with 28 CFR 35.149, using PROWAG as best practice guidance. • A review of communication access afforded under MASSDOT programs, services, and activities providing a public benefit, including the extent to which auxiliary aids are provided by MASSDOT and a procedure for handling individual requests for such devices (28 CFR 35, Subpart E – Communications). • A review of how communications access is provided to persons with impaired speech and hearing. Are TTY/TDD’s provided at facilities and how are Massachusetts Relay or other access numbers publicized by the agency? • Public Hearing and Public Information Meeting Procedures, specifically provisions therein to ensure physical and communications access to persons who are mobility, hearing, or speech impaired. • Project Development and Design Guide • Bridge Manual • Standard Specifications for Highways and Bridges • Construction Standard Details • Maintenance Snow Removal Policy • Relocation Assistance Policy 2. MassDOT will create a corrective action plan to modify or implement policies and practices as identified in the self-evaluation. 3. MassDOT will conduct a survey of agency owned, operated, or maintained facilities, other than curb ramps, to determine if physical MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ADA/SECTION 504 TRANSITION PLAN - SCOPE OF WORK Page 5 of 8 barriers exist that deny full access to any program, service, or activity housed within a facility. 4. MassDOT will establish a Curb Ramp Schedule: This component of the plan includes an inventory and survey of all agency owned, operated, or maintained curb ramps or locations within the state public right-of-way (PROW) where pedestrian paths cross public roads. A Traffic Signal Schedule will also be included in this item. GIS technology will be utilized in the development of both schedules. 5. MassDOT will develop a schedule and budget for making access modifications/alterations for items 3 & 4 above over a multi-year plan. 6. MassDOT will establish a Public Participation Plan that affords interested persons and organizations an opportunity to participate in the development of the plan by submitting comments, including participation in the self-evaluation in item 1. 7. MassDOT will describe the specific standards/checklists to be used to determine technical compliance with regard to the inventory/survey of sidewalks and facilities. 8. MassDOT will describe the approach and method(s) to be used in making all facilities and curb ramps accessible; the approach and methods will be described for each year of the plan’s implementation. 9. The transition plan will indicate the agency/public official responsible for implementation of the plan; the assigned official must have sufficient authority to direct resources and activities necessary to carry out the plan. 10. MassDOT will designate an ADA/504 Coordinator who is responsible for coordinating all agency efforts to comply with the Regulations; this person is also responsible for handling ADA/504 complaints. 11. MassDOT will establish grievance procedures and disseminate public notice(s) that conform to ADA/504 requirements (See 49 CFR 27.13 & 27.15; also see 12. MassDOT will develop a plan to track scheduling, construction, and inspection/completion of all alterations to be made throughout the implementation of the transition plan. 13. MassDOT will develop a monitoring and status reporting plan; a copy of the original plan and any updates will be made available for public inspection for three years following the completion of the selfevaluation. B. The removal of the barriers identified through the self-evaluation process will be prioritized into two established ADA categories, MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ADA/SECTION 504 TRANSITION PLAN - SCOPE OF WORK Page 6 of 8 Priority 1 and Priority 2, and a schedule along with a budget for making modifications will be established for each category. Priority #1 items will identify those barriers whose removal is essential to providing access to specific elements under the jurisdiction of MASSDOT (i.e. curb ramps, parking stalls, etc.), to access programs not otherwise accessible by modification of programs and practices. Those programs and services, located in buildings and facilities, and identified as requiring architectural modifications to provide access to qualified persons with disabilities, will be included in the Priority #1 listing along with a timeline for completion. Within the listing of the two priority levels, this plan will incorporate a series of the subcategories, as needed, to ensure the greatest definition on the most critical needs, and to facilitate the coordination of work on multiple priority areas concurrently, as feasible. For example, within the Priority 1 focus on barriers, this scope will apply a format that will rank based on variables (Situation) that include location, degree of utilization and degree of non compliance. The strategy for these priorities will be developed in connection with what the data leads us to understand in terms of the remediation needed. Priority #2 items will identify all other architectural barriers whose removal will be completed as planned alterations are made to a specific building or facility with a forecast date. It is anticipated that Priority #2 items will be addressed as part of the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and/or with state bond resources (nonfederal resources). Additionally, an estimated schedule and budget will also be provided for Priority #2 items. Under Priority #2 items, the same sub-categorization approach referenced under Priority 1 items would be incorporated as well, as warranted by the nature of the barriers identified. C. The Plan will contain a narrative of the key elements pertaining to its development including the names of key MASSDOT personnel and their responsibilities/roles (including the designation of the MASSDOT ADA/504 Coordinator, who will be responsible for coordinating efforts to comply with federal ADA/504 regulations, including the investigation / processing of complaints). Also included in this narrative will be a summary (by category) of all facilities that were inspected and the results of said inspections. MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ADA/SECTION 504 TRANSITION PLAN - SCOPE OF WORK Page 7 of 8 D. In addition to the aforementioned, MASSDOT will establish a policy to address ADA conformity for projects designed by or at the expense of MASSDOT, constructed by or through MASSDOT, and owned or accepted for ownership by MASSDOT. E. As a result of the Transition Plan, it is anticipated that training will be provided for both design and field personnel regarding ADA policies and procedures as related to their respective functions. F. During the effective implementation of this plan and the requirements under Title II of the ADA/Section 504, the MASSDOT Transition Plan Manager will prepare and submit quarterly reports to the FHWA Massachusetts-Division Office, with an email copy to David Chandler, FHWA Civil Rights Specialist. The first report shall be submitted on April 1, 2011. Each report will contain commentary concerning MASSDOT’s progress toward implementing all tasks, specified and implied, to effectuate this plan and the general ADA/504 requirements. MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ADA/SECTION 504 TRANSITION PLAN - SCOPE OF WORK Page 8 of 8