REQUEST FOR INFORMATION RELATIVE TO THE LOT 5 PARKING FACILITY UNDER THE I-93 VIADUCT IN BOSTON Addendum 1 January 30, 2015 The following amendments, additions, and clarifications are hereby made to the “Request for Information; December 10, 2014; Lot 5 Boston, MA” (together with all figures, appendices, and prior addenda attached thereto, the “RFI”) issued by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (“MassDOT”). This Addendum 1 and all attachments to it are hereby made a part of the RFI. To the extent that there is any conflict or inconsistency between this Addendum 1 and the text of the original RFI, the language of this Addendum shall govern. In all other respects the content and requirements of the RFI remain unchanged. Capitalized terms in this Addendum 1 shall have the meanings set forth in the RFI. All Reservations and Conditions in Section 1.5 of the RFI shall apply fully to the information in this Addendum 1. References to section, subsection, paragraph, subparagraph, or page numbers or names are to those in the RFI unless otherwise noted. MassDOT does not warrant the accuracy, currency, completeness, or correctness of any of the information in this Addendum 1. Appendix B: Pre-submission Meeting and Site Tour Attendees January 14, 2014 1. John Tamvakologos, Mobil 2. John Kiger, GTI Properties 3. Eric Brown, GTI Properties 4. Mario Nicosia, GTI 5. Paul McNamara, SP Plus 6. Paul Pirhofer, SP Plus 7. David Konetski, Marsella Development 8. Cristina Garmendia, Opportunity Space 9. Brian Haley, Laz Parking 10. Corey Zehngebot, BRA 11. Ted Tye, National Development 12. Sam Gajewski, Nat’l Development 13. Jaymeson McIntosh, VPNE Parking 14. Mohamed Warsame, VPNE Parking 15. Bill Bradford, Bradford Parking 16. Garrett Fazio, Impark Appendix C: Answers to Written Questions Question 1 Submitted by Pinar Bradford, Bradford Parking. Questions 2- 7 Submitted by Christopher Marsella, Marsella Development Corp. 1. Question: Will MassDOT require a deposit like the other lot (Lots 2 and 4) and how much will it be for? Answer: 2. Yes, MassDOT will require a security deposit equal to two months’ rent. Question: Would you please clarify who will be responsible for real estate taxes. If the operator is responsible, then what will the estimated real estate taxes be? Answer: MassDOT is not liable for local real estate taxes, however, per Section 49 of the Enabling Act lessees are taxed “in the same manner and to the same extent as if such lessee or his assigns were the owner of the land in fee 1”. Please refer any inquiries about the estimated real estate taxes to the City of Boston. 3. Question: Who pays for the parking license and how much is it? Answer: The operator of Lot 5 will be solely responsible for obtaining and paying for any and all licenses, permits or other approvals necessary to operate and maintain Lot 5 for under the terms of any agreement. However, MassDOT has already received a Downtown Parking Freeze Permit/Exemption (#2011) from the City of Boston Environmental Department permitting 432 commercial parking spaces at Lots 2, 4 and 5. MassDOT has allocated 235 permitted spaces to Lots 2 and 4 and 175 spaces to Lot 5 so Lot 5 is already permitted by the City of Boston Environmental Department for the operation of 175 commercial parking spaces available to the general public for a fee. In addition the operator will be required to apply to the Boston Transportation Department for an open air parking space license. 4. Question: How will trash pickup work and who pays? Answer: The operator of Lot 5 will be solely responsible for trash pickup including any associated costs. 5. Question: Who pays for the special events at each location? Who pays to market these events? The operator of Lot 5 will be solely responsible for special events including any associated costs. Answer: 1 M.G.L. 6C Section 46A Addendum 1: Request for Information Lot 5 Page 2 6. Question: Who pays for the insurance (garage keeper, liability for dogs, basketball courts, climbing hills, etc.). MassDOT anticipates entering into an agreement with an operator of Lot 5 which requires the following types of coverage, at a minimum: Commercial General Liability Insurance, MA Worker’s Compensation Insurance, Automobile Liability Insurance, Umbrella Liability coverage, Garagekeeper’s Legal Liability coverage, and such additional or different coverage and/or coverage amounts as MassDOT may require from time to time while the agreement is in effect including with respect to special events, or as may be required pursuant to applicable law. Answer: 7. Question: Who pays for the upfront install of parking equipment, and who owns the system at the end of the agreement. MassDOT anticipates that the Lot 5 operator will pay for the install of parking equipment, fixtures and other minor related improvements which will remain the personal property of the Lot 5 operator at the end of the agreement. Answer: Addendum 1: Request for Information Lot 5 Page 3 Appendix D: DOWNTOWN PARKING FREEZE Permit/Exemption #2011 Addendum 1: Request for Information Lot 5 Page 4 Addendum 1: Request for Information Lot 5 Page 5