Request For Information Massachusetts Department of Transportation December 10, 2014

Request For Information
December 10, 2014
Lot 5
Boston, Massachusetts
Massachusetts Department of Transportation
Frank Depaola, Acting Secretary
Issuing Office and Contact Information
This RFI is issued by MassDOT’s Office of Real Estate and Asset Development (OREAD). All
correspondence, including questions, clarifications, and final responses shall be addressed to:
Massachusetts Department of Transportation
Office of Real Estate and Asset Development
10 Park Plaza, Suite 5720
Boston, MA 02116
RFI Schedule
December 10, 2014
January 14, 2015
January 21, 2015
January 30, 2015
2:00 pm February 11, 2015
December 10, 2014
RFI made available to Responders
Pre-Proposal Meeting/Site Visit
Written Question Due Date
MassDOT Responds to Questions
Deadline for Submitted Responses
1.0 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................3
1.1 Purpose…………..................................................................................................................3
1.2 Background………...............................................................................................................3
1.3 Infra-space 1 Phasing............................................................................................................4
1.4 Location and Transportation Access……………….............................................................5
1.5 Reservations and Conditions.................................................................................................5
2.0 SUBMISSION PROCESS AND PROCEDURE...............................................................6
2.1 Required Submissions…...……............................................................................................6
2.2 Optional Submissions………................................................................................................6
2.3 Submission Schedule.............................................................................................................6
2.4 Submission Procedures……………......................................................................................6
2.5 Pre-Submission Meeting and Site Tour…….........................................................................6
2.6 Questions about the RFI………….……...............................................................................7
2.7 Explanation by Addendum Only.………..............................................................................7
3.0 QUESTIONAIRRE.............................................................................................................8
3.1 Lot 5 Operations Form...........................................................................................................8
3.2 Lot 5 Utilization Form….......................................................................................................8
4.0 AGENCY OVERVIEW AND STRUCTURE...................................................................9
4.1 Liabilities of MassDOT…..…………………………….......................................................9
4.2 Ownership of RFI Responses…...……………………..........................................................9
4.3 Public Records Law…………....……………………...........................................................9
Figure 1: Infra-Space 1 Locus Plan……….……..……..............................................................10
Figure 2: Infra-Space 1 Site Plan….…........................................................................................11
Figure 3: Lot 5 Site Plan..............................................................................................................12
Figure 4: Public Access Amenity Zone Site Plans.......................................................................13
Figure 5: Public Access Amenity Zone Renderings.....................................................................16
Appendix A: Lot 5 Operations Form……….……..……............................................................18
Appendix B: Lot 5 Utilization Form…........................................................................................23
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Lot 5 Parking Facility
December 2014
1.1 Purpose. The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (“MassDOT”) is constructing
a new facility known as Lot 5 beneath a large elevated portion of the Central Artery viaduct
south of downtown Boston consisting of a 175-space surface parking lot (the “Parking
Area”), pedestrian paths and community amenity spaces (the “Path and Amenity Area”),
landscaped areas (the “Landscape Areas”), and a stormwater management landscape (the
“Stormwater Area”).
MassDOT anticipates entering into an agreement with a single, integrated team to operate a
commercial parking facility at Lot 5 who will also take responsibility for staffing, security,
landscaping, trash and snow removal, and maintenance throughout the Parking Area, the
Path and Amenity Area, the Landscape Areas, the Stormwater Area, and will facilitate the
use of Lot 5 for arts, cultural and community events in order to activate the entire site.
MassDOT is seeking responses to this Request for Information (the “RFI”) from businesses,
non-profit institutions, real estate developers, community organizations, and other parties
(“Respondents”) interested in:
1. Lot 5 Operations: entering into an agreement with MassDOT to operate a
commercial parking facility at Lot 5 that is open and available to the public 24 hours
a day, 7 days per week, and 365 days a year (“24/7”); or
2. Lot 5 Utilization: utilizing ten (10) parking spaces or more in the Parking Area of
Lot 5.
1.2 Background.
MassDOT is a public instrumentality of the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts established pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 6C, as amended (the “Enabling
Act”), to, among other things, own, construct, maintain, repair, reconstruct, improve,
rehabilitate, use, police, administer, control and operate the State Highway System. As
defined by the Enabling Act, the state highway system includes “parking facilities…that the
department owns, constructs or operates and maintains” and grants MassDOT the authority
“to construct or contract for the construction of…parking facilities.”, “to lease such facilities
in such manner and under such terms as it may desire” and to establish “parking, pedestrian
access facilities and bicycle parking and access facilities as may be deemed necessary and
desirable” and to “charge reasonable fees for the use of such facilities”.
MassDOT is constructing Lot 5 as Phase 2 of a larger project to redevelop approximately
eight acres of property beneath the I-93 Central Artery viaduct previously used by
MassDOT for construction staging and materials storage (“Infra-Space 1”). MassDOT
intends to develop Infra-Space 1 as a model project which integrates major existing
highway infrastructure with a parking facility, multi- modal transportation access, public
realm improvements, and natural systems.
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Infra-space 1 is being developed primarily as a multi-user parking facility serving different
customers throughout peak commuting hours, overnight hours, and weekends in order to
provide activity, light and security to the site 24/7. MassDOT is also pursuing a number of
secondary strategies to activate the site facilitated by the lighting and security provided by
the parking facility. These include improved connectivity between the surrounding
neighborhoods for pedestrians and bicyclists, enhancing the ability of the traveling public to
shift transportation modes at the Facility, urban design enhancements which create a sense
of place, and additional public access to the site for community uses and amenities.
MassDOT has worked extensively with representatives from the community and the Boston
Redevelopment Authority to identify both temporary and permanent urban design
enhancements that MassDOT is implementing in and around the Facility. These include
ornamental lighting and art installations, a new extension of the Boston Harborwalk along
the Fort Point Channel, and public access and amenities on portions of the site that will not
include commercial parking.
1.3 Infra-Space 1 Phasing. Infra-Space 1 is being constructed in two phases:
Phase 1 was completed in January of 2014 and included two surface parking lots
constructed beneath the I-93 Viaduct containing 235 parking spaces. In addition to the
conventional parking lot lighting MassDOT included temporary ornamental lighting
along the edges of the site and at major crossings for pedestrians and bicycles. Earlier
this year MassDOT entered into a five-year agreement with GTI Properties, a locally
owned and operated property management and development company, to operate Lots 2
and 4. The agreement with GTI Properties includes a requirement that the parking lots be
open, staffed and secured 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The agreement also provides
some parking accommodations for local users, vehicle-sharing services, electrical
vehicles, bicycles, and arts, cultural and community events at the facility. In addition
GTI Properties is required to work with MassDOT to maintain revolving artistic lighting
installations. MassDOT intends to replicate and expand upon this model for Phase 2 of
the project.
Phase 2 will be completed in 2015 and includes construction of Lot 5 and some
additional improvements to the lighting and pedestrian conditions around Lots 2 and 4.
Lot 5 consists of a 175-space surface parking lot (the “Parking Area”), pedestrian paths
and community amenity spaces (the “Path and Amenity Area”), landscaped areas (the
“Landscape Areas”), and a new stormwater management landscape (the “Stormwater
Area”) beneath a large elevated portion of the Central Artery viaduct and along the Fort
Point Channel south of downtown Boston.
MassDOT anticipates entering into an agreement with a single, integrated team to operate a
commercial parking facility at Lot 5 who will take responsibility for staffing, security,
landscaping, trash and snow removal, and maintenance throughout the Parking Area, the
Path and Amenity Area, the Landscape Areas, the Stormwater Area, and will facilitate the
use of Lot 5 for arts, cultural and community events in order to activate entire site.
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1.4 Location & Transportation Access. Lot 5 is strategically located to the south of
downtown Boston where I-90 and I-93 highway ramps converge with local roads,
multimodal paths, transit connections, and the Fort Point Channel, offering a single location
where the travelling public can access multiple modes of the local and regional
transportation system.
Lot 5 is located on the eastern edge of the South End neighborhood of Boston and to the
West of the Fort Point Channel and South Boston. Access to, and egress from the Parking
Area of Lot 5 will be available on Traveler Street, which runs one-way for vehicular traffic
between Albany Street and I-93 Frontage Road. This means that vehicular access to the
Parking Area will be from Albany Street and local roads on the South End neighborhood
side of Lot 5, and vehicular egress from the Parking Area will be to Frontage Road, South
Boston via the Broadway Bridge, or the adjacent highway ramps to I-93 northbound, and I90 westbound and eastbound, including a dedicated access ramp for high occupancy
vehicles travelling to Logan International Airport.
MBTA Red Line service is available near the Facility at Broadway Station, approximately
¼ mile away from Lot 5. In addition three stops of the MBTA Silver Line are accessible
nearby in the South End neighborhood at the Herald Street, East Berkeley and Union Park
Street stops, and a number of MBTA bus routes run adjacent to the Facility, including
routes 11, 15, 47 and 9. To the north, the Facility offers access for pedestrians and bicycles
to Kneeland Street, Chinatown, the Leather District, the Rose Kennedy Greenway and
South Station via a pathway adjacent to Albany Street at a separate grade. In addition, the
partially completed South Bay Harbor Trail runs past the Facility, offering access for
pedestrians and bicycles to the Boston Harborwalk to the east, and the Southwest Corridor
Park to the West. The Fort Point Channel is immediately accessible from the Facility,
offering direct access to the waterfront and major waterways.
1.5 Reservations and Conditions. This RFI is issued as a means of gathering information
and to determine the initial level of interest in the use of parking spaces at the Facility. This
RFI is not being issued by MassDOT under any statutory requirement. MassDOT may, or
may not utilize the results of this RFI in drafting an RFP. MassDOT may, or may not utilize
the results of this RFI to enter into negotiations with a Respondent for a lease or license
agreement for the use of parking spaces at the Facility. Any decision by MassDOT about
how to use the responses to this RFI and whether to develop a future RFP shall be final.
This RFI should not be construed as a solicitation; nor should it be construed as an
obligation on the part of MassDOT. Participation in this RFI is voluntary and MassDOT
will not pay for the preparation of any information submitted by a respondent or for the use
of that information. MassDOT reserves the right to suspend, withdraw, or amend this RFI
at any time, for any reason.
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2.1 Required Submissions. MassDOT invites all Respondents to complete the attached
forms following instructions contained in Section 3. Respondents should also provide a
cover letter on official letterhead briefly summarizing their responses. Cover letters should
be no more than two (2) pages long.
2.2 Optional Submissions. MassDOT invites Respondents to provide additional
information about their organization, experience, or proposal to enter into an agreement
with MassDOT. These materials should total no more than ten (10) pages.
2.3 Submission Schedule. The following is the timetable for the RFI. MassDOT reserves
the right to change or amend this schedule at its sole discretion:
December 10, 2014
January 14, 2015
January 21, 2015
January 30, 2015
2:00 pm February 11, 2015
RFI made available to Responders
Pre-Proposal Meeting/Site Visit
Written Question Due Date
MassDOT Responds to Questions
Deadline for Submitted Responses
2.4 Submission Procedures. Responses must be received at MassDOT’s main office by
the time and date shown above as the Deadline for Submitted Responses. Responses must
be submitted by ground mail, hand-delivery, or email at the following address:
Massachusetts Department of Transportation
Office of Real Estate and Asset Development
10 Park Plaza, Suite 5720
Boston, MA 02116
Attn: Robin Blatt, Project Manager
All Respondents must include a digital copy of responses in a CD-ROM or USB storage device,
or via email, including all attachments. Proposals submitted must contain all required forms and
information, and must be in the format described in this Section. Proposals must be complete,
and must provide sufficient information for MassDOT to evaluate them. No additions or
supplements to Proposals will be accepted after a Proposal is submitted, unless specifically
requested or allowed by MassDOT. Once submitted to MassDOT, all Proposals and
accompanying materials are the sole property of MassDOT. All Proposals are subject to the
reservations and conditions specified in this RFI.
2.5 Pre-submission Meeting and Site Tour. A Pre-Submission Meeting/Site Tour has
been scheduled for the Facility on the date shown above. The Pre-Submission Meeting and
Site Tour will be held at a time and location to be announced. Prospective Proposers must
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confirm their attendance in advance of the Pre-Submission Meeting and Site Tour with
MassDOT, by e-mail at cc:
All prospective Proposers who confirm their attendance via email will be informed via
email of the location of the Pre-Submission Meeting and Site Tour, as well as any changes
to the schedule. The preliminary agenda includes a walking tour of the site and discussion
of planned and ongoing improvements. If there is insufficient interest from prospective
respondents, the meeting will be canceled, and MassDOT will hold a conference call
2.6 Questions about the RFI. All questions regarding this RFP document or any matter
relating to the RFI process must be submitted in writing by e-mail to cc: on or before the Written
Questions Due Date, shown above. All questions received will be responded to in writing
and posted as an addendum to the RFI on the ( or
COMMBUYS website ( Proposers are responsible for ensuring that
their questions have been received and should re-submit their questions if they do not
receive an email acknowledgement from MassDOT. MassDOT will post a document with
answers to questions received by the date shown in the schedule above. MassDOT will not
discuss this RFI during the period open for Submissions, except for requests to obtain
copies of publicly available documents, procedural questions, or to discuss the process for
submitting questions to be publicly addressed by the stated deadline.
2.7 Explanation by Addendum Only. MassDOT will not make any interpretation of the
meaning of any of the provisions in this RFI or correction of any apparent ambiguity,
inconsistency, error, or any other matter pertaining to this RFI to Proposers orally. Every
request for interpretation or additional information regarding this RFI shall be made in
writing, to the contact address provided on the cover page of this RFI. MassDOT is not
obligated to respond to requests for such interpretation or correction. Upon the discovery of
an ambiguity, inconsistency, or error, MassDOT retains the right to make this discovery
publicly available on its website and to make available a corrected or added document(s).
Proposers should check the MassDOT Real Estate website (
or COMMBUYS website ( to learn about and gain access to addenda
to this RFI.
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3.0 QUESTIONAIRRE. MassDOT invites all Respondents to complete either a Lot 5
Operations Form or a Lot 5 Utilization Form. In addition all Respondents should provide a
cover letter briefly summarizing your answers, along with any other information that you
think would be helpful to MassDOT.
3.1 Lot 5 Operations Form. Please complete the Lot 5 Operations Form included as
Appendix A to this RFI if you are a Respondent interested in entering into an agreement
with MassDOT to operate a multi-user parking facility and provide for the operations and
security staffing at Lot 5 24/7/365;
3.2 Lot 5 Utilization Form. Please complete the Lot 5 Utilization Form included as
Appendix B to this RFI if you are a Respondent interested in utilizing ten (10) parking
spaces or more at Lot 5 but do not have the willingness or ability to provide for the
operations and security staffing. Although MassDOT will attempt to accommodate
Respondents which submit a Lot 5 Utilization Form this RFI is only a solicitation of interest
for potential uses of MassDOT property, does not represent a contractual obligation, and
might not result in an agreement to provide parking for Respondents.
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Agency Overview and Structure. In June 2009, Governor Deval Patrick signed
Chapter 25 of the Acts of 2009, “An Act Modernizing the Transportation Systems of the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts.” This landmark transportation reform legislation
required the Commonwealth to integrate transportation agencies and authorities into a
new, streamlined entity, known as the Massachusetts Department of Transportation. This
new organization, established on November 1, 2009, oversees four operating divisions:
Highway, Rail and Transit, Aeronautics, and the Registry of Motor Vehicles.
A five-member Board of Directors appointed by the Governor with expertise in
transportation, finance, and engineering oversees the new organization, while serving as
the governing body of both MassDOT and the MBTA, which is part of MassDOT but
remains a separate legal entity.
MassDOT is the merger of the former Executive Office of Transportation and Public
Works, the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority, the Massachusetts Highway Department,
the Registry of Motor Vehicles, the Massachusetts Aeronautics Commission. The Tobin
Bridge formerly owned and operated by the Massachusetts Port Authority as well as
responsibility for many of the bridges and parkways formerly operated by the Department
of Conservation and Recreation are now subject to oversight by MassDOT.
Liabilities of MassDOT. This RFI is only a solicitation of interest for potential uses
of MassDOT property. No contractual obligation on behalf of the Massachusetts
Department of Transportation may arise from the RFI. This RFI does not commit
MassDOT to pay any cost incurred in the preparation or submission of any response to
the RFI. All costs incurred by Respondents in the preparation and submission of a
response are the sole responsibility of Respondents.
Ownership of RFI Responses. All Responses to this RFI shall become the property
of MassDOT and will not be returned.
Public Records Law. Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 4, §7(26) and M.G.L. c. 66, § 10, all
books, papers, maps, photographs, recorded tapes, financial statements, statistical
tabulations, or other documentary materials or data, regardless of physical form or
characteristics received or created by MassDOT are considered public records, unless
such materials or data fall within an exemption. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Public Records Law requires that public records be promptly disclosed by MassDOT
upon request unless the records are specifically exempted from disclosure. Exemptions
are narrow and explicit and are listed in the General Laws. Respondents should be
familiar with the Massachusetts Public Records Law and the limits of record disclosure
exemptions. For more information, visit the Secretary of State website for the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, at If you
have any questions about disclosure of the records you submit with your informational
material, please contact
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Figure 1: Infra-Space 1 Locus Plan
Figure 1: Infra-Space 1 Locus Plan
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Figure 2: Infra-Space 1 Site Plan
Figure 2: Infra-Space 1 Site Plan
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Figure 3: Lot 5 Site Plan
Figure 3: Lot 5 Site Plan
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Figure 4: Lot 5 Path and Amenity Area Plans
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Figure 5: Path and Amenity Area Renderings
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Appendix A:
Lot 5 Operations Form.
1. Name, Title:
2. Organization:
3. Phone #:
4. Email Address:
5. Briefly describe the purpose or mission of the Respondent organization:
6. Would Respondent be willing to enter into an agreement lasting ten (10) years or less to
operate a commercial parking facility at Lot 5?
7. Would Respondent enter into an agreement lasting ten (10) years or more to operate a
commercial parking facility at Lot 5?
8. Approximately what rate would Respondent pay to secure dedicated parking spaces at the
Facility: $____/parking space per day/month/year (circle one)?
9. Is Respondent willing to enter into an agreement with MassDOT to operate a multi-user
parking facility at Lot 5 that is open and available to the public 24 hours a day, 7 days per
week, and 365 days a year?
Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence
Ten Park Plaza, Boston, MA 02116
Tel: 857-368-4636, TDD: 617-973-7306
10. For which purposes would Respondent utilize parking spaces (mark all which apply):
Customer parking
Employee parking
Offsite parking for a development project
Car-sharing services;
Shuttle services to Logan International Airport and/or large area employers;
Other (provide brief description below)?
11. Which types of parking uses specified above would occur during each of the following
hours listed below?
a. peak daytime hours (weekdays 7am – 7pm)
b. peak weekend hours (weekends 7am – 7pm)
c. overnight hours (7pm – 7am)?
12. When would Respondent begin to utilize parking at the Facility:
a. As soon as available (estimated by end of 2015)
b. Future Date (explain)
13. How would Respondent operate and control access to the Facility?
14. Would spaces at the Facility be dedicated to specific users, open to the general public, or
some combination of the two? Please explain how this would work.
15. Would any specific parking for any specific community institutions be accommodated at
Lot 5?
16. Would overnight resident parking and other community benefits be available to South
End, South Boston, Chinatown, and Leather District residents?
Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence
Ten Park Plaza, Boston, MA 02116
Tel: 857-368-4636, TDD: 617-973-7306
17. Would Respondent be willing to make at least 18 spaces available to residents of the
South End, South Boston, Chinatown and the Leather District free of charge during a
Snow Emergency declared by the Mayor of Boston?
18. Please explain any plan Respondent has to introduce shuttle service at the Facility,
offering access to large area employers, special events, and Logan Airport.
Maintenance, Snow and Trash Removal:
19. Would Respondent be willing to provide a security deposit, to be held in escrow for the
term of the agreement, equal to two (2) months’ rent?
20. Would Respondent personnel patrol Lot 5, including the Parking Area, the Path and
Amenity Area, the Landscape Area, and the Stormwater Area, including the adjacent
sidewalks, at least once daily to remove trash and debris?
21. Would Respondent personnel sweep the entire Facility at least two times per year?
22. Would Respondent personnel mow, trim and clear leaves at Lot 5, including the Parking
Area, the Path and Amenity Area, the Landscape Area, and the Stormwater Area once per
week from May 1 – November 30 of each year?
23. Would respondent restripe all pavement markings on the Parking Area no later than July
1 of years 3, 6, & 9 of the agreement?
24. Would Respondent handle all snow removal at the Facility?
25. Would Respondent be amendable, from time to time, to performing additional repair and
maintenance items as pass through expenses to be deducted from the rent, including, but
not limited to, power washing, electrical, lighting, pavement and structural repair, graffiti
Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence
Ten Park Plaza, Boston, MA 02116
Tel: 857-368-4636, TDD: 617-973-7306
removal, signs, fence repairs, landscaping, and damages due to vandalism, theft or acts of
Staffing and Security:
26. Would Respondent be willing to staff Lot 5 24/7/365 with a minimum of 1 uniformed
parking attendant and 1 uniformed security staff?
27. Would Respondent be willing to install and monitor digital security cameras with a
digital storage hard drive at up to ten locations at Lot 5, including the Parking Area, the
Path and Amenity Area, the Landscape Area, and the Stormwater Area?
28. How many uniformed parking attendants will be staffing Lot 5 during each of the
following hours:
a. peak daytime hours (weekdays 7am – 7pm)
b. peak weekend hours (weekends 7am – 7pm)
c. overnight hours (7pm – 7am)?
29. Would security staff be employees of Respondent or a third-party security company?
30. Would respondent be willing to implement regular roving security patrols for Lot 5,
including the Parking Area, the Path and Amenity Area, the Landscape Area, and the
Stormwater Area?
31. Would roving security patrols operate in a marked vehicle and have radio access to fire,
local and state police departments?
Programing, Arts and Events:
32. Would Respondent commit to hosting at least 24 events per year at the Facility to the
extent that there is sufficient demand?
33. Does Respondent have the capacity to curate revolving art and lighting installations, or
events at Lot 5, including the Parking Area, the Path and Amenity Area, the Landscape
Area, and the Stormwater Area?
Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence
Ten Park Plaza, Boston, MA 02116
Tel: 857-368-4636, TDD: 617-973-7306
34. If the answer to the question above is no, would Respondent be willing to coordinate with
a third-party for these purposes?
35. Please provide a general narrative describing your parking needs and including any other
information that you think would be useful to MassDOT?
Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence
Ten Park Plaza, Boston, MA 02116
Tel: 857-368-4636, TDD: 617-973-7306
Appendix B:
Lot 5 Utilization Form.
Respondent Information:
1. Name, Title:
2. Organization:
3. Phone #:
4. Email Address:
5. Briefly describe the purpose or mission of the Respondent organization:
Utilization Information:
6. What is the approximate number of parking spaces Respondent would utilize?
7. For which purposes would Respondent utilize parking spaces (mark all which apply):
Customer parking
Employee parking
Offsite parking for a development project
Car-sharing services;
Shuttle services to Logan International Airport and/or large area employers;
Other (provide brief description below)?
Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence
Ten Park Plaza, Boston, MA 02116
Tel: 857-368-4636, TDD: 617-973-7306
8. Which types of parking uses specified above would occur during each of the following
hours listed below?
a. peak daytime hours (weekdays 7am – 7pm)
b. peak weekend hours (weekends 7am – 7pm)
c. overnight hours (7pm – 7am)?
9. When would Respondent begin to utilize parking at the Facility:
a. As soon as available (estimated to be at the end of 2015)
b. Future Date (explain)
Agreement Information:
10. Would Respondent be willing to enter into an agreement lasting five (5) years or less to
guarantee the use of the desired parking spaces?
11. Would Respondent enter into an agreement lasting five (5) years or more to guarantee the
use of the desired parking spaces?
12. Approximately what rate would Respondent pay to secure dedicated parking spaces at the
Facility: $____/parking space per day/month/year (circle one)?
13. Please provide a general narrative describing your parking needs and including any other
information that you think would be useful to MassDOT?
Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence
Ten Park Plaza, Boston, MA 02116
Tel: 857-368-4636, TDD: 617-973-7306