GREENDOT PERFORMANCE STRUCTURE: OUTCOME MODEL AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES GreenDOT Outcome Model MassDOT Inputs and Activities: Direct MassDOT actions Immediate Impacts: Changes resulting from MassDOT actions Invest in expanding and improving transit, walking, and bicycling infrastructure Community has access to transit, walking, and bicycling infrastructure Educate travelers on safe and sustainable travel behavior Walking, bicycling, and transit are safe and convenient Invest in alternative fuel infrastructure Educate driving public about vehicle choices and eco-driving practices Invest in intelligent traffic management systems and operational improvements Update business specifications, processes policies, and Train MassDOT staff Invest in improved energy, water, and recycling systems Improve sustainable procurement practices Figure 2-3: GreenDOT Outcomes Model Drivers have access to alternative fuel infrastructure Drivers are aware of travel choices, and the benefits and impacts of different choices Drivers are aware of efficient eco-driving practices Final Impacts: Outcomes related to GreenDOT goals Trips shift to walking, bicycling, and public transit MA drivers use more efficient vehicles Transportation Sector Outcomes: Transportation sector GHG emissions are reduced and public health is improved Vehicles driven on MA roads use lower carbon fuels MA road network allows vehicles to operate as efficiently as possible Network managed to reduce delays Staff and travelers have access to recycling infrastructure MassDOT activities reduce waste Facilities are built and operated to be energy and resource efficient MassDOT’s impacts on water quality and habitat are reduced Purchasing decisions favor environmentally preferable goods and services System infrastructure and operations protect wildlife and preserve water quality Vehicles are fuel efficient and driven in a way that maximizes efficiency MassDOT suppliers minimize environmental impacts MassDOT Internal Business Outcomes: MassDOT’s environmental footprint is reduced their MassDOT facilities and fleets produce less GHG emissions Top photo: MBTA customers using the Pedal and Park facility at Alewife Station (photo courtesy of the MBTA) Bottom photo: MassDOT crew using warm-mix asphalt February 2015 Proposed Performance Measures for GreenDOT Transportation Sector Performance Management Final impact/outcome measures Massachusetts transportation sector CO2 emissions, total and per capita Commuter mode split Bicycle and pedestrian miles traveled* Person miles traveled (PMT) on transit Daily vehicle miles traveled Fatalities and injuries by mode Intermediate impact measures The percentage of Massachusetts residents with access to transit services and pedestrian and bicycle facilities Percentage of boardings using Charlie Cards MBTA on-time performance Percentage of toll revenue collected through E-ZPass Highway congestion measures* Nominal fuel efficiency of Massachusetts fleet* Length of existing pedestrian and bicycle facilities Bicycle parking facilities at transit stations* MassDOT input and activity measures Regional Transit Authorities’ revenue miles and hours Number of E-ZPass accounts MassDOT ITS expenditures and projects Number of Drive Smart and Save campaign events Number employed by MassRides participant organizations MassDOT smart growth development projects Number of pedestrian/bicycle design exception approvals Capital expenditures on bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure* Capital expenditures on public transit Capital expenditures on total motor vehicle infrastructure MassDOT Internal Business Performance Management Final impact/outcome measures GHG emissions from MassDOT fixed assets GHG emissions from MassDOT fleets Intermediate impact measures Facility water consumption* Energy use by MassDOT fixed assets Energy use by MassDOT fleets Weather normalized salt usage Average energy used per passenger trip on the MBTA transit system Electricity generated by renewable resources on MassDOT properties as a fraction of MassDOT electricity consumption* MassDOT input and activity measures Area of land transferred for recreation/conservation Ratio of warm mix asphalt to hot mix asphalt on MassDOT projects Installed capacity of renewable energy generation on MassDOT assets Expenditure on environmentally preferable goods and services* Completion of facility audits and upgrades under the Accelerated Energy Program Numbers of hybrids and plug-in vehicles purchased* Nominal fuel efficiency of new on road non-revenue vehicle purchases* Efficiency of new revenue vehicles* Number of electronic RMV transactions* Figure 2-4: Proposed performance measures for GreenDOT February 2015 *These measures require improvements in data collection or calculation methodologies before being used as part of the performance management framework