A Progress Review of the Healthy Transportation Compact Legislative Charge Actions towards Charge I. Promote inter-agency cooperation on implementing healthy transportation policy that efficiently incorporates state and federal policies and programs • • • • Planning Ahead for Growth Mass in Motion Complete Streets trainings Built Environment Community of Practice II. Develop a healthy transportation framework that increases access to healthy transportation alternatives that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improves access to services for persons with mobility limitations and increases opportunities for physical activities. • • GreenDOT & Mode Shift Goal Global Warming Solution Act III. Develop methods to increase bicycle and pedestrian travel, incorporate the principles, findings and recommendations of the Massachusetts bicycle transportation plan and establish a framework for implementation of the Bay State Greenway Network. • • Mass in Motion Healthy Transportation Directive Promotion of Bay State Greenway through our work with MPOs Develop and implement policies to support the construction of complete streets for all users, consistent with the most current edition of the Project Development and Design Guide. • IV. • • • Healthy Transportation Directive MA Healthy Community Design Tool Kit: Leveraging Positive Change Complete Streets Trainings V. Establish methods to implement the use of health impact assessments to determine the effect of transportation projects on public health and vulnerable populations. • • Grounding McGrath HIA Pilot Incorporation into existing planning efforts VI. Facilitate access to the most appropriate, cost-effective transportation services within existing resources for persons with mobility challenges. • • Mass in Motion Statewide Coordination Council on Community Transportation VII. Expand service offerings for the Safe Routes to Schools program. • Continued outreach VIII. Explore opportunities and encourage the use of public-private partnerships with private and nonprofit institutions. • Limited Focus to Date IX. Establish an advisory council with private and nonprofit advocacy groups as the compact sees fit. • Limited Focus to Date X. Institute a health impact assessment for use by planners, transportation administrators, public health administrators and developers • • • Grounding McGrath Speed Limit Healthy Neighborhood Equity Fund Grounding McGrath Logan Airport Health Study Beginning next year we will complete an annual report XI. Develop and implement a method for monitoring progress on achieving the goals of this section and provide any other recommendations that would, in the judgment of the compact, advance the principles set forth in this section. • • •