Project Selection Advisory Council Presentation to the Healthy Transportation Advisory Council

Project Selection Advisory Council
Presentation to the
Healthy Transportation Advisory Council
June 2, 2014
Sheri Warrington, Office of Transportation Planning
| Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence |
June 12, 2014
Project Selection Criteria and Formula
Chapter 46 of the Acts of 2013
Section 7: MassDOT’s 5-year comprehensive state transportation plan
must be consistent with the PSA Council criteria and formula
Comprehensive State Transportation Plan
weMove Massachusetts (WMM)
Capital Investment Plan (CIP)
Amends requirements of Chapter 25 of the Acts of 2009
Section 11:
develop a “uniform project selection criteria to be used in the
development of a comprehensive state transportation plan”
“The project selection criteria developed under this section shall include a
project priority formula or other data driven process…”
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Project Selection Advisory Council Members
Appointing Authority:
Practical experience in planning and policy
Secretary Richard A. Davey
David Mohler, MassDOT Deputy
Secretary of Policy
Registered civil engineer with at least 10 Frank DePaola, MassDOT Highway
years’ experience
Member of a regional planning agency
Linda Dunlavy, Executive Director
of the Franklin Regional Council of
Governments (FRCOG)
Senate President
Expert in transportation finance
Jeffrey Mullan, Foley Hoag
Senate Minority Leader
Member of the construction industry
John Pourbaix, President of
Construction Industries of
Massachusetts (CIM)
Speaker of the House
Representative of transportation
consumer organization or other public
interest organization
House Minority Leader
Member of a business association
Steve Silveira, ML Strategies
Massachusetts Municipal
Representative of the Massachusetts
Municipal Association
Selectman James Lovejoy Mount
Washington, MA
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Project Selection Advisory Council’s Proposed
Project Evaluation Criteria
The six draft criteria selected for the PSA Council’s (PSC)
proposed method for project prioritization are based on several
MassDOT’s Mission Statement, Vision, and Goals
MassDOT Policy Directives and Comprehensive Transportation Plan
Capital Investment Plan (CIP) and WeMove Massachusetts (WMM)
GreenDOT, Healthy Transportation Compact, Complete Streets, Mode Shift Goal
Provisions of Chapter 25 of the Acts of 2009
Provisions from Chapter 46 of the Acts of 2013
Provisions from the latest Federal Transportation Authorization Bill MAP-21
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June 12, 2014
Comprehensive State Transportation Plan =
weMove Massachusetts + Capital Investment Plan
weMove Massachusetts (WMM) – Statewide strategic
plan that utilizes multi-modal, scenario-based planning
to look at long-range system outcomes
The Capital Investment Plan (CIP) – 5-year spending
plan that details MassDOT’s funding sources and
uses for state FY2014-2018
Sources: Federal funding, state bond funds, toll revenue
Uses: Prioritized multi-modal transportation investments
Together, WMM and the CIP respond to
Transportation Reform and our customers’ need for a
safer and more effective transportation system
PSA Council products will inform project prioritization
in future updates
January 28, 2014
Existing Performance Management and
Evaluation Criteria Systems
Federal funding
MPO process – approval of all federal funding through use of regional
evaluation criteria, MassDOT project prioritization
MAP-21 – Pending federal requirements for measures, targets
State funds + toll revenue
MassDOT project prioritization
Transportation Reform Law – MassDOT’s goals and progress toward goals
MassDOT policies and initiatives – GreenDOT, Healthy Transportation
Compact & Policy Directive, Mode Shift Target
January 14, 2014
Regional Project Evaluation and Programming
All federal funds must be programmed through MPO process
“Regional target” projects selected by MPO
Regionally-significant statewide projects (both federally-funded
and state-funded)
Statewide funding from FHWA is
allocated by MassDOT in annual
STIP development process
Four-year STIP/TIPs must be
fiscally constrained and comply
with Title VI/Public Participation
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MPO Transportation Evaluation Criteria
Existing criteria and weighting by MPO vary among 13
regions for TIP development
Example: Safety & Security, System Preservation/Modernization/
Efficiency, Livability, Mobility, Smart Growth/Economic Development,
Environment/Climate Change, Quality of Life, Environmental Justice
MPOs are in the process of reviewing evaluation criteria in
anticipation of federal performance measures and targets
Changes must be approved by MPOs
Scales for scoring criteria and prioritization weighting are not
consistent across MPOs
For instance, some use a point based scoring system, others employ a
scale of -3 to +3, while others are rated 1 to 10
Some criteria may have higher maximum score to weight priority
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Current Statewide Project Evaluation Criteria
Bridge projects rated and ranked by Health Index
Allows MassDOT to rank Structurally Deficient (SD) and
non-SD bridges
Identifies non-SD bridges that need preservation action
Evaluation criteria for highway projects by funding
Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funds
based on high crash locations and fatalities
National Highway Performance Program (NHPP) based
on pavement management data
Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) based on
air quality impact, congestion, and vehicle miles traveled
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PSA Council Meetings and Public Hearings
The Council has met six times in 2014 to review best practices
and current prioritization methods and to develop draft criteria to
be presented at initial public hearings
Economic Development
Social Equity and Fairness
Healthy Transportation
System Preservation
Public Hearings:
One in each Highway District
Scheduled in conjunction with MPO meetings as possible
Final recommendations to the Legislature by December 31, 2014
PSA Council web site:
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SAFETY: The ability of the transportation system to allow people
and goods to move freely, without harm in a secure environment.
This measure is used to assess whether a project addresses,
maintains and improves safety of the system while ensuring the
security of the people and goods in transit.
Identify intersection crash locations, types (car, bike, pedestrian) and
Incorporate safety elements into intersection design and
maintenance projects.
Determine if the project improves bicycling/pedestrian conditions in
locations that have experienced pedestrian and bicycle crashes.
| Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence |
June 12, 2014
MOBILITY/ACCESS: The ability of a project to provide efficient movement of
people and goods between all destinations and by all modes.
This measure can be used to assess whether a project provides
transportation choices and mode shift goals and promotes more connectivity
within the Commonwealth.
• Estimate the reduction in person-hours
of travel.
• Estimate the reduction in transit personhours of travel.
• Determine whether the project will
reduce commuting times after adjusting
for seasonal variations and for changes
in the economic activity in the region.
| Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence |
June 12, 2014
Economic Development
project to facilitate or support business
development and employment.
This measure is used to assess whether a
project has the potential to generate revenue or
will support economic development.
Use geographical analysis to determine whether
the investment is located within an economically
distressed area.
Perform analysis to determine whether the project
is located within a high-employment density area.
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Social Equity and Fairness
SOCIAL EQUITY AND FAIRNESS: The assessment of a project as
it relates to existing communities and population centers and to the
ability of the transportation system to efficiently move people, goods
and services without excessive delay or inconvenience and in
accordance with state and federal laws that define protected groups.
This measure would assess whether a project supports equitable
investment in existing communities and provides community
enhancements, such as sidewalks or Safe Routes to School,
equitably by distributing both the benefits and burdens of
development among all communities.
Determine whether a project is located within an area that includes
Environmental Justice (EJ) or Title VI populations.*
* See handout for complete definitions of protected groups under state and federal laws.
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Healthy Transportation
HEALTHY TRANSPORTATION: Assessment of the transportation system’s
impact on quality of life, the natural environment and healthy transportation
choices with the recognition that we seek to act as better stewards of our
This criterion measures whether a project mitigates actual or threatened
damage to the environment, including but not limited to: air quality, water
quality, energy use, impacts on natural and urban environment, and impacts
to collective and personal human health.
Does the project accommodate bicycling, transit and walking options?
Perform analysis to determine whether the project is located within a public health
distress area.
Estimate the change in Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
Determine whether the project can shift people between their modes of travel.
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System Preservation
SYSTEM PRESERVATION: The ability of projects to improve the physical
condition of existing transportation assets and to ensure resiliency during
extreme weather conditions.
This criterion assesses whether a project contributes towards preservation of
existing assets and the extent to which the project meets operating objectives,
as described in the comprehensive state transportation plans (CIP and WMM)
and in regional plans.
Perform a Life Cycle Analysis on major infrastructure projects.
Determine if the project address future climate change resiliency planning measures.
Determine if the project addresses existing poor transport infrastructure conditions.
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