Current process: Municipally initiated project Municipal Project Idea project need District receives Project Need Form District can provide guidance for project planning project planning District receives Project Initiation Form – Pre-Project Review Committee evaluates / scores projects and Project Review Committee determines funding eligibility Highway Division oversees project design and permitting MPOs Could be identified from an MPO planning study in the Unified Planning Work Program MPO could provide technical assistance through Unified Planning Work Program project initiation MPO evaluates and scores projects design/ permitting MPO decides project investment priorities in TIP MassDOT provides state match for federal funds approved by MPO or identifies funding through CIP/STIP MassDOT advertises construction after design is completed and all permits and ROW is secured funding construction Current Highway Process: MassDOT initiated project MassDOT Project Idea Project idea is recommended by district staff, a planning study, or an asset manager Project Review Committee discusses project and approves project for advancement project planning project initiation Highway Division oversees project design and permitting design/ permitting MassDOT identifies funding through the CIP or STIP funding MassDOT advertises construction after design is completed and all permits and ROW is secured construction Recommended process: Municipally Initiated Projects Municipal Project Idea MPOs District receives Project Need Form project need District can provide guidance for project planning District receives Project Initiation Form MassDOT evaluates and scores projects project planning scoring/ evaluation MassDOT establishes performance and funding targets for the 5-year CIP Highway Division oversees project design and permitting Scoring Committee rescores projects and rebalances projects as appropriate to meet established targets Could be identified from an MPO planning study in the Unified Planning Work Program project initiation Projects that do not score well may be held back from advancing to design/permitting or have their project scope revised MPO could provide technical assistance through Unified Planning Work Program MPO evaluates and scores projects target setting design/ permitting MPO decides project investment priorities in TIP funding allocation/comparison to targets/rebalancing MassDOT advertises construction after design is completed and all permits and ROW is secured construction Recommended process: MassDOT Initiated Projects MassDOT Project Idea Project idea is recommended by district staff, a planning study, or an asset manager Project Initiation Form is submitted to Scoring Committee project planning Scoring Committee evaluates and scores projects MassDOT establishes performance targets for the 5-year CIP scoring/ evaluation Projects that do not score well may be held back from advancing to design/permitting or have their project scope revised target setting Highway Division oversees project design and permitting Scoring Committee rescores projects and rebalances projects as appropriate to meet established targets project initiation design/ permitting funding allocation/comparison to targets/rebalancing MassDOT advertises construction after design is completed and all permits and ROW is secured construction