Project Selection Advisory Council April 14, 2015 Meeting 1 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | April 14, 2015 Today’s Agenda Remarks from the Chair Updates on the prioritization formula Existing scoring process presentations Approach to scoring illustrative projects Public comment 2 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | April 14, 2015 Prioritization Formula Updates • MassDOT SGR: Added environmental objective (10 points) • Reduced preservation and cost effectiveness measures (5 points each) • • MassDOT/MBTA Capacity: Increased weight for mobility measure • Increased weight for economic impact • Decreased weight for cost effectiveness • Removed Regional Priority • 3 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | April 14, 2015 Prioritization Processes: Existing Bridge Program Pavement Program Municipal Projects MBTA Capital Investment Program RTA Capital Requests Division reps to present on: 1. 2. 3. 4. 4 Project origin / timing of prioritization Evaluation criteria Staff responsible for scoring Relationship to PSA Council | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | April 14, 2015 Bridge 5 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | April 14, 2015 The Criteria Highway Evaluation Factor Evaluation of Functionality Load rating and posting, condition ratings, inspection frequency, AASHTO SR, detour length, ADT Condition Loss Measure of current loss of condition from perfect bridge Health Index Change Uses PONTIS to estimate the change in a bridge’s Health Index for a future year - Deterioration Rate The System An objective way to identify those bridges that need work sooner rather than later in order improve the overall condition (Health Index) and safety of the Commonwealth’s bridges Ranking does not mean that bridge 1 must be done before bridge 2 Generally, bridges in the top group should be worked on before the next lower group Local needs may require that some low rated bridges be done sooner Pavement 8 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | April 14, 2015 • Pavement Preservation Project Identification • Data Collection • Data Analysis • Pavement Rehabilitation Strategies • Project Scope • Funding 4/21/2015 Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence 9 • Data Collection • Pathrunner • Capable of collecting data while travelling at nearly 60 miles per hour. • Pavement Roughness – Lasers and Accelerometers • Pavement Condition – Laser Strobes and Three Dimensional Cameras (identifies the length, width, depth and location of surface cracking and rutting) • Interstates and Limited Access Highways are surveyed every year. • All other roadways owned by the Highway Division, as well as municipally owned roadways on the National Highway System are surveyed on a two year cycle. • Full GPS and GIS Integration 4/21/2015 Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence 10 4/21/2015 Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence 11 4/21/2015 Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence 12 • Data Analysis • International Roughness Index (IRI) • Based on the roadway profile • Does not adequately consider cracking and rutting • Value that is reported to FHWA on a national level • Pavement Serviceability Index (PSI) • Composite Index • • • • 4/21/2015 Pavement Distress – Types and Causes of Cracking Raveling – Aggregate Loss in Pavement Surface Rutting – Wheelpath Deformations Ride Quality - Roughness Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence 13 4/21/2015 Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence 14 • Pavement Rehabilitation Strategies • Deighton DTIMS Pavement Management Software (Asset Management Software). • MassDOT Network ~ 5000+ pavement sections. • Potential Project limits identified by changes in condition, construction, etc. • Treatment Selection Matrix developed for all pavement distress types and roadway classes. • Treatment Matrixes applied to each pavement section for the duration of the analysis period. • Treatment Matrices incorporate Pavement Performance & Deterioration Modeling. • Performance models forecast future conditions & economic impacts of deferred maintenance. 4/21/2015 Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence 15 • Pavement Rehabilitation Strategies • The Pavement Management System is a tool – Educated decisions are required. • Coordinate with Districts for feedback. • Projects with a need for safety improvements are prioritized. • Need to balance preservation with resurfacing. 4/21/2015 Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence 16 • Project Scope • • • • • 4/21/2015 Safety Bridges Stormwater Intelligent Transportation Systems Multimodal Accommodations Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence 17 • Funding • Federal Aid • Interstate Maintenance • National Highway System • Western Turnpike • Metropolitan Highway System • Non Federal Aid 4/21/2015 Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence 18 Municipal Projects 19 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | April 14, 2015 • The Project Development and Design Guide • Chapter 2 Outlines the Project Initiation Process • • • • • 4/21/2015 Project Need Form (PNF) Project Initiation Form (PIF) Pre-Project Review Committee Review Project Review Committee (PRC) PRC Notification Letter Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence 20 • Project Need Form • The purpose of this form is to describe a problem, need or opportunity to be addressed through a transportation project. • Common problems or needs include: • • • • 4/21/2015 A Safety Concern A Congestion Problem A Need for Better Multimodal Accommodation Facility Condition Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence 21 • Project Need Form (Cont.) • The Project Need Form is prepared by the project proponent. • The Form is reviewed by the District Office. • Typically there is a dialogue between the District Office and the project proponent. • Possible outcomes may include a recommendation to proceed with the completion of the Project Initiation Form, suggestions for additional planning, or a determination that a project is not warranted at this time. 4/21/2015 Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence 22 • Project Initiation Form • The Project Initiation Form is typically prepared by the project proponent with assistance from the District Office. • The Project Initiation Form provides detailed information on the scope of work for the project and how the project will address the problem defined in the Project Need Form. 4/21/2015 Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence 23 • Pre-Project Review Committee • Meets three times per year (2 weeks prior to PRC Meeting) in Worcester • Chaired by the Highway Design Engineer • Members include the six District Project Development Engineers, Environmental, Pavement Management, Office of Transportation Planning and FAPO • Evaluates municipally proposed projects with respect to the following: • • • • • • 4/21/2015 Asset Condition Mobility Improvements Safety Economic Development Environmental Impacts and Improvements Community Effects Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence 24 • Pre-Project Review Committee (Cont.) • The Committee applies the same evaluation criteria to all project types. • Comparing the scores of different project types is not particularly effective. • Comparing scores within one specific project type can be useful, however the scoring range is often fairly close. • Members have observed that the conversation generated by the process yields a greater understanding of a project’s merits than the actual score itself. 4/21/2015 Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence 25 • Project Review Committee • Meets three times per year in Boston • Chaired by the Chief Engineer • Members include representatives from each District, Environmental, Right of Way, Bridge, Pavement Management, Traffic, Office of Transportation Planning and FAPO. • Reviews information provided by the PreProject Review Committee and makes a determination • Projects may be Denied, Tabled (additional information is required) or Approved. 4/21/2015 Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence 26 • PRC Notification • If a project is approved by the PRC, a notification letter is sent to the Project Proponent by the District Office. • The letter template developed for this purpose provides detailed information to the project proponent on the project development process including: • Funding and Programming Requirements • Project Development Requirements 4/21/2015 Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence 27 MBTA SGR 28 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | April 14, 2015 MBTA Project Selection Schedule May: Confirm rating criteria and weights June – July: Submission period for capital funding requests August: Rating period for requests September: Initial project selection based on prioritization exercise October: Final project selection November: Release of draft CIP 29 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | April 21, 2015 Project Development Capital funding requests are typically at a conceptual level (i.e. 5% design) when they are submitted for the CIP After a project is selected, its design is completed prior to the application for federal funds The application for an FTA grant also depends on the availability of capacity in the TIP 30 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | April 21, 2015 DST Metrics and Weights 31 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | April 21, 2015 DST Rating Methodology 32 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | April 21, 2015 Illustrative Projects In 2014, staff rated a set of 14 projects using a working set of objectives/metrics Significant changes to scoring system suggest a repeat of this exercise Two goals – Understand how projects will be categorized See effects of new weights/objectives 33 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | April 14, 2015 Illustrative Projects Provide feedback on proposed metrics by 4/17 (there will be other opportunities to refine them) Test against a combination of last year’s illustrative projects and major projects that will not be funded in the new CIP Present results at 4/30 joint PSAC/AMAC meeting 34 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | April 14, 2015 Calendar April 15-May 30: PSA Council on MPO agendas April 30: Joint meeting with AMAC May 14: State House Meeting - Present draft report outline May 15-May 30: Public comment period June 1*: Present draft report and comments received June 15*: Present revisions to final report June: 18: Circulate final draft to Council June 24: Deadline for Council to submit edits/feedback June 30: Final report * = potential meeting date (not confirmed) 35 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | April 14, 2015 Public Comment 36 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | April 14, 2015 Measuring Economic Impact Important metric, to measure? Mobility improvement (SGR or capacity) X ADT or # of passengers seems a good indicator – but is double counting Projects directly resulting in site-specific economic activity may only be shifting activity within the MA to respond to investment Projects located with specific geographies (sustainable development areas, business districts, etc) have not garnered Council support Is there an “economic impact” metric that is a differentiator and doesn’t duplicate others? 37 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | April 14, 2015