Editorial Contact: Chris Myers, SmartSynch 601-362-1780; cmyers@smartsynch.com SmartSynch Builds Network to Foster Collaboration and Interoperability for the Smart Grid GridRouter EcoSystem to Forge Common Solutions that Enable Faster, Broader Smart Grid Deployments Based on Public Wireless Networks JACKSON, Miss., April 6, 2010 – SmartSynch, Inc., a smart grid infrastructure company utilizing standard IP communications via public wireless networks, today announced the formation of the GridRouter EcoSystem™. Supported by a group of industry leaders, the GridRouter EcoSystem’s mission is to establish an interoperable, IP-based communications business network for the smart grid. By joining the GridRouter EcoSystem, companies will gain access to a collaborative network of crossvendor innovation, made possible by the SmartSynch GridRouter™. The GridRouter is the industry’s first universal smart grid communications solution supporting multiple communication networks (public or private) and connectivity to any smart grid device. The GridRouter EcoSystem is intended to promote the transformation of competition into collaboration and thus provide utilities with a high quality, differentiated choice of smart grid solutions that are certified for interoperability. The GridRouter EcoSystem offers several benefits to participating companies: • Recognition as highly visible smart grid leaders • High quality, tested and certified products • Better use of technologies to provide maximum benefit to customers • Integrated best-in-class smart grid hardware and communication technologies • Standard hardware development kit (HDK) and standard software development kit (SDK) • A simple and replicable framework for product collaboration The GridRouter EcoSystem is designed to allow participating businesses to better serve the growing smart grid market. According to forecasts from Pike Research, “Smart grid infrastructure, including grid automation upgrades as well as smart metering, represents a huge market opportunity and will attract $200 billion in worldwide investment between 2008 and 2015.” (December 2009). Companies currently supporting the GridRouter EcoSystem include AT&T, Inc., Motorola, Inc., Cooper Power Systems, Battelle, T-Mobile, Rogers Communications, Inc., Itron, Inc., Daviscomms USA, Inc., Futaba Corporation (Japan) and AuthenTec (which acquired SafeNet’s Embedded Security Solutions). “The GridRouter EcoSystem presents a unique opportunity for the entire smart grid market to join forces and drive innovation while working towards a common goal,” said Stephen Johnston, SmartSynch’s chief executive officer. “The market is at a turning point and interoperability is crucial to bringing a nationwide smart grid to fruition, so we’re spearheading that effort by fostering the GridRouter EcoSystem and collaborating with the best in the business.” “AT&T is pleased to join the GridRouter EcoSystem and applauds SmartSynch’s move toward industrywide collaboration and interoperable smart grid solutions,” said Chris Hill, vice president, mobility product management, AT&T Business Solutions. “We look forward to working with SmartSynch and the other companies participating in the GridRouter EcoSystem in leading the development of the smart grid.” For information about the first meeting of the GridRouter EcoSystem, to be held April 26-28 at the Roosevelt Hotel in New Orleans, please visit http://www.smartsynch.com/conference2010/. Additional information about the GridRouter—including a virtual product demonstration—is available at www.gridrouter.com. About SmartSynch SmartSynch has been the only provider of standard, IP communicating end-to-end smart grid solutions utilizing public wireless networks for the utility industry since 2000. Our clean-tech innovations in the two-way delivery of real-time energy usage data over public wireless networks, in lieu of proprietary networks, have to-date simplified deployments for more than 100 major North American utilities, while enabling their clean-energy initiatives and delivering greater Returns on Resources. As a smart grid infrastructure company, SmartSynch’s IP-based solutions are capable of delivering grid intelligence to and from any device. Our products and services include SmartMeters™ and SmartBoxes™ that immediately IPenable the grid, software solutions, and network management services for utilities and their customers, as well as clean-tech companies in need of remote communications and control functionality for products ranging from solar panels to plug-in hybrid vehicles. IP-based public wireless networks enable utilities to strategically and rapidly deploy more secure and scalable smart grid solutions with minimal capital expenditures. IP networks and solutions may be remotely upgraded to interface with new technologies, since they are built upon open standards and leverage existing programs and tools. SmartSynch’s IP-based Smart Grid communications infrastructure encourages rapid application innovation and delivery of new functionality by allowing the broadest spectrum of EcoSystem participants to focus on providing maximum benefits to utilities and their customers. For more information, visit www.smartsynch.com and follow SmartSynch on Twitter at www.twitter.com/smartsynch.