English Language Program Formal Complaint Form

English Language Program Formal Complaint Form
1. If you have a question or concern about a class, please talk to your teacher first. It is best to talk
during your teacher’s office hours or set up an appointment at a time that is good for both of you.
2. If you have questions and concerns about anything else in the ELP, you can always ask someone in
the ELP office or make an appointment with an ELP advisor by going to the ELP office in Fairchild 205.
We understand that sometimes talking to a teacher, an advisor, or the office staff may not solve your
problem. In that case, please complete this form. The Assistant Director of the ELP will consider your
situation and contact you in a few days.
Name/s: __________________________________________________
WID: _______________________________
Date: _____________
Level: __________
Actions I have already taken to solve this problem:
_____ I have talked to a teacher about this complaint.
_____ I have talked to an ELP Advisor about this complaint.
_____ I have talked to the ELP Office staff about this complaint.
_____ Other steps I have taken: __________________________________________________________
_____ I am uncomfortable talking to a teacher, an ELP advisor, or the ELP Office staff about this.
Please describe your concern or complaint on the lines below:
Please describe what you would like to happen:
For ELP Office Use Only:
Reviewed by: ________________________________________
Actions taken:
Date: _____________
By whom:
People to be notified:
By whom:
Dates notified: