Brucehill tots speak Scots Brucehill Early Education and Childcare Centre

Brucehill Early Education and Childcare Centre
Brucehill tots speak
Learning bag contents
Brucehill Tots Speak Scots
Bonnie Beastie Kim’s Game
1x Horse – Cuddie
1x Monkey – Puggie
1x Dog – Dug
1x Pig – Grumfy
1x Cow – Coo
1x Fox – Tod
1x Hedgehog – Hurcheon
A story book
A CD with a story for you to listen to
Bonnie Kym’s Game
Lay all animals out on table.
Discuss the name of the animals in English and Scots language.
Cover the animals with a wee Tartan blanket to keep them cosy.
Asks the children to close their eyes (een).
Take an animal away from under the blanket.
Remove the blanket to display the remaining animals.
Ask your child to tell you what animal is missing in both English and Scots language.
To simplify use less animals.
To extend this activity ask your child to use only Scots language.
Bonnie Beastie Prepositions
Other ways to extend the learning
Use prepositional language such as under, over, on, beside etc.
Put the Grumfy on top of the Coo.
Put the Puggie under the Tartan rug.
You can make this activity creative and full of fun for example – pit the Grumfy
behind your lug!
Please turn over
*Please complete the evaluation form in the bag
Why are we learning together?
Curriculum for Excellence promotes the development of our children as
successful learners, confident individuals, effective communicators and
responsible citizens. It is important to develop the literacy skills of our young
children in order to enable them to confidently meet the challenges of a
changing world. Developing the listening and talking skills of our children,
together with the development of reading and writing, will enhance their
confidence in all aspects of life.
Having the confidence to speak both English and Scots allows for effective
communication in a variety of ways and settings.
Expected Impact on the child’s development.
Enhance concentration
Learning together with family
The ability to hear the sounds in words
Children understanding the meaning behind instructions
Children learn new words Bonnie, Lassie, Laddie, Bunnet, Troosers, Breeks,
Simmit, Kilt
Children will be able to distinguish between a Scots word and an English
Self help skills
Brucehill Tots Speak Scots
Bonnie Lassie and Bonnie Laddie
Contents of the learning bag
Bag of adult clothes with a simmit, bunnet, breeks kilt
Bag of children’s clothes with a simmit, bunnet, breeks kilt
A timer and some Scottish music.
A CD recording of a story and a different story book to read
How to play the game
Explain the game to your child
Set out all the items in two piles and name all items of clothing in Scots and
in English explaining what is what.
Bunnet or Tammy
Troosers or Breeks
Turn the timer on and start the music the adult and child put the clothes on,
try and beat the timer.
When this is completed the adult asks the child using the Scots word to take
an item of clothing off e.g Take off your bunnet.
After the adult asks the child to take off an item of clothing the child then
asks the adult to do the same thing.
Adult and child can ask each other to name clothing in both languages.
*Please complete the evaluation form and put it in the bag when
you return the bag to nursery
Please turn over the page.
Why are we learning together?
Curriculum for Excellence promotes the development of our children as
successful learners, confident individuals, effective communicators and
responsible citizens. It is important to develop the literacy skills of our young
children in order to enable them to confidently meet the challenges of a
changing world. Developing the listening and talking skills of our children,
together with the development of reading and writing, will enhance their
confidence in all aspects of life.
Having the confidence to speak both English and Scots allows for effective
communication in a variety of ways and settings.
Expected Impact on the child’s development.
Enhance concentration
Learning together with family
The ability to hear the sounds in words
Children understanding the meaning behind instructions
Children learn new words Bonnie, Lassie, Laddie, Bunnet, Troosers, Breeks,
Simmit, Kilt
Children will be able to distinguish between a Scots word and an English
Self help skills
Brucehill Tots Speaking Scots
Tattie Soup
Yer Messages
4 Tatties - (potatos)
1 Neep - (turnip)
1 Angan (ing-in) - (onion)
1 Carrot
1 Stock cube
Whit tae dae
How to make tattie soup?
Talk to your child about making soup
Have fun naming ingredients in Scots and English
Use other Scots words to describe what your doing and whats happening
(eg that soups
smells rare)
Expected Impact on the child’s development.
Enhance concentration
The ability to hear the sounds in words
Children understanding the meaning behind instructions
Children learn new words tatties, neeps, angan, messages, peenies (apron)
Children will be able to distinguish between a Scots word and an English
Self help skills
*Please complete the evaluation form in the bag
Yer Messages
4 Tatties - (potatos)
1 Neep - (turnip)
1 Angan (ing-in) - (onion)
1 Carrot
1 Stock cube
 Wash your hawns
 Put yer peenie on
 Wash and peel yer neeps, carrots and tatties
 Peel and chop yer angan
 Grate vegetables into a big pot
 Boil kettle and add water and stock cube
 Leave to simmer for 20 minutes
 Gie it a mix every couple o minutes
 Dish it up and enjoy.
Brucehill Tots Speak Scots
Domino and Snap game
1 set of animal dominoes
1 parts of the body snap game
A story book
A CD with a story for you to listen to Dominoes
Domino Game
Show the children the pictures on the dominoes.
Discuss the name of the animals in English and Scots language.
Explain the rules of the game
Share out the cards evenly and decide who will start the game
The person starting places a card on the table or floor
Child and adult take turns matching the animals naming them in English and Scots
If you cannot match an animal the person says chapping and the other person
continues until all cards are placed down
When the game is finished ask the child if they know e.g. what is a puddock? and so
Snap Game
Share out the cards evenly and decide who will start the game
Child and adult take turns placing one card on top of the other naming the body part
in Scots and in English
When two cards are matched then the person shouts SNAP
The person with the most cards is the winner.
To extend learning
Turn all the snap cards face down onto a table or floor
Get your child to turn one card over at a time and say what the picture is naming
the body part in Scots and English
Match the cards and put them all into separate piles
This should give you 8 piles
Sing the song Head shoulders knees and toes in English
Sing the song in Scots the words are on the back of the sheet
*Please complete the evaluation form in the bag
Why are we learning together?
Curriculum for Excellence promotes the development of our children as
successful learners, confident individuals, effective communicators and
responsible citizens. It is important to develop the literacy skills of our young
children in order to enable them to confidently meet the challenges of a
changing world. Developing the listening and talking skills of our children,
together with the development of reading and writing, will enhance their
confidence in all aspects of life.
Having the confidence to speak both English and Scots allows for effective
communication in a variety of ways and settings.
Expected Impact on the child’s development.
Enhance concentration
Learning together with family
The ability to hear the sounds in words
Children understanding the meaning behind instructions
Children learn new words Tod, Puddock, Dug, Coo, Grumfy, Cuddie,
Heid, Shooder, Knaps, Taes, Een, Lug, Mooth and Neb.
Children will be able to distinguish between a Scots word and an English
The Song
Head shoulders knees and toes knees and toes
Head shoulders knees and toes knees and toes and eyes and hears and mouth and nose
Head shoulders knees and toes knees and toes
Heid shooders knaps and taes knaps and taes
Heid shooders knaps and taes knaps and taes and eens and lugs and mooth and neb
Heid shooders knaps and taes knaps and taes