ANJALI SANDIP 6717 NW, 2nd Street, Lincoln, NE, USA 68521 Email: EDUCATION Doctor of Philosophy, Mechanical Engineering May 2014 University of Kansas, Lawrence GPA – 3.78/4.0 Dissertation Title: An experimental investigation of microalgal dewatering efficiency of belt filter system Master of Science, Mechanical Engineering May 2011 University of Kansas, Lawrence GPA – 3.3/4.0 Dissertation Title: Design and development of cooling system for use with current hospital ventilators Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Vasavi College of Engineering, Osmania University, India GPA – 3.54/4.0 May 2009 RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Research Associate September 2014 – Present Department of Surgery, University of Nebraska - Medical Center Computationally modeled interaction of arterial wall (anisotropic hyper elasticity) and stent (Nitinol) for improved stent design using Abaqus/Explicit Developed a finite element (FE) model of Nitinol (super elastic plastic behavior) stent Conducted biaxial tensile tests on the artery Developed a user subroutine (VUMAT) to incorporate constitutive material model (4 fiber family) of arterial wall subject to large deformation using Fortran Conducted simulations of artery under thermomechanical loading conditions using experimental data in Abaqus/Explicit Applied high performance computing (HPC) techniques Validated the developed FE model by reproducing the experimental test results Collaborated with laboratory test engineers and clinicians Submitted for national and international conferences Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, University of Nebraska - Lincoln Computationally modeled thermal response of sample material (polymers and metals/alloys) to a heated atomic force microscope (AFM) probe using Abaqus - contact modeling Developed a FE model of probe-sample interaction to aid in measurement of sample’s thermal properties at nanoscale using scanning thermal microscopy Graduate Researcher June 2010 – May 2014 Intelligent Systems and Automation Laboratory, University of Kansas January 2011 – May 2014 Funding Agency: University of Kansas Transportation Research Institute Led and successfully completed microalgal dewatering and drying system for biofuel production project Designed, developed and evaluated a prototype microalgal dewatering and drying system - Belt conveyor system - from concept generation through detailed design (GD&T, DFM and DFA), finite element analysis, design optimization, manufacturing, assembly and testing Implemented design of experiments – improved the dewatering (machine) efficiency Dynamic analysis of the developed prototype using MD ADAMS Collaborated with ecology, chemical and environmental engineering researchers University of Kansas and University of Kansas - Medical Center June 2010 – May 2011 Funding Agency: Institute for Advancing Medical Innovation, University of Kansas – Medical Center Designed, developed and evaluated a prototype portable energy efficient cooling system which would assist the overall hospital ventilator system in inducing hypothermia in patients with cardiac ailments Developed and validated a predictive computational Multiphysics (Thermal/Fluid mechanics) of the prototype by reproducing the experimental test results Mentored undergraduate students on their senior design project - Hypothermia inducement cooling system Intern January – May 2009 Vama Industries, Hyderabad, India Designed a trailer which could carry a load of 2 tons for aerospace industry Modeled the trailer chassis in Unigraphics (NX5) and imported the model into ANSYS Performed Static, Modal and Harmonic (fatigue analysis) analysis in ANSYS TEACHING EXPERIENCE Instructor University of Kansas Leadership Program - Duke Tip Scholars: Course Name - Power of Design: Developing products for green industry March 2013, November 2013 Introduced, demonstrated and guided students to create designs, perform finite element analysis and apply motion constraints using 3D Computer Graphics Software (Solidworks and Autodesk Inventor) - in the development of an energy efficient product for a specific problem Graduate Teaching Assistant August 2012 – May 2013 University of Kansas Mechanical Engineering: Computer Graphics January 2012 – May 2013 Introduced and demonstrated 2D and 3D computer graphic software programs – Solidworks and Autodesk Inventor to a class of 100 undergraduate students Mentored undergraduate students and graded lab reports University of Kansas Mechanical Engineering: Basic Engineering Thermodynamics August – December 2012 Led and facilitated discussion sessions for students Monitored student’s progress and also met individually during office hours for a class of 120 undergraduate students PAPER, PATENT AND PRESENTATIONS Sandip A, Smith VH and Faddis TN. “An experimental investigation of microalgal dewatering efficiency of belt filter system.” Energy Reports 1 (2015): 169-174. Provisional patent application filed - Systems and methods for inducing hypothermia (US61/490,227) - with Dr. Sergei Shushunov and Dr. Ronald Dougherty. Sandip A, Smith VH and Faddis TN, October 1, 2013. Belt filter dewatering of flocculated microalgal suspension: Experimental optimization of process and machine parameters (Poster). Algae Biomass Summit. Orlando, Florida. Sandip A, Smith VH and Faddis TN, September 12, 2013. Belt filter dewatering of flocculated microalgal suspension: Experimental optimization of process and machine parameters. National Advanced Biofuels Conference and Expo. Omaha, Nebraska. SELECTED HONORS AND ACTIVITIES University of Kansas: Mechanical Engineering Department Scholarship - Excellence in Engineering (2009,11) Lab Manager for Intelligent Systems and Automation Laboratory, University of Kansas (2013 - 14) - Project management, developed lab procedures and gave lab tours Active member of University of Kansas ASME and SWE Chapters; 2009 – 14 Cultural Chair for University of Kansas Cultural India Club (2010 - 11) - Conducted Indian cultural events on campus SELECTED GRADUATE COURSEWORK Continuum mechanics Theory of finite element method Mechanical engineering analysis System design and analysis Advanced dynamics with Adams Dynamics and vibrations Bone biomechanics Biomechanics of Human Motion SKILLS Computer-Aided Design Software and Simulation and Analysis Tools: Unigraphics Nx 5.0 and 10.0, AutoCAD, Catia, Autodesk Inventor, Solidworks, Pro/E, ANSYS, MD Adams, ABAQUS Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis Software: Maple, MATLAB, LabVIEW Programming Languages: BASIC, C, C++, FORTRAN, Python, Java Standards: ASME, ANSI, ASTM Statistical Analysis Software: SPSS, Microsoft Excel, Minitab Other: CNC mill and lathe operations, Rapid prototyping, Welding, Injection molding, Soldering and Material characterization techniques