UNIVERSITY OF MALTA METHODS OF ASSESSMENT FOR UNDERGRADUATE AND POSTGRADUATE STUDY-UNITS The method of assessment should indicate to the students precisely how they are going to be assessed. Assessment Type Analysis Task Application Assignment Artefact Business Plan Case Study (Take Home) Case Study (Exam Conditions) Child Assessment Choreography Classwork Clinical Assessment Clinical Report Competencies Composition Composition Portfolio and Dissertation Computer-Based Examination Dissertation Dissertation & Oral Examination Dissertation, Presentation & Oral Examination Essay Examination Examination: Maltese Sign language Competences Exhibition Fieldwork Game Prototype Group Skills Helping Skills Intra-Interpersonal Skills Literature Review Logbook Long Essay Management Skills Mock Negotiations Multiple Choice Questions Examination MCQ & Examination Objective Structured Clinical Examination Objective Structured Practical Examination Online Moderated Discussions and Postings Online Postings Online Quiz Open Book Examination Oral and Written Exercises Oral Examination Performance Performance and Dissertation Placement Notes For this purpose, assignment means an essay set for students to be done away from the classroom and submitted by a set date. Examined during a pre-set time. Competence is the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities at a level of expertise sufficient to be able to perform in an appropriate work setting (within or outside academia). Used by the School of Performing Arts only. Used by the School of Performing Arts only. A dissertation is an extended written report involving research by the student, usually undertaken individually, which contributes significantly towards a final assessment for a degree. A written assessment held under supervision on a set date, at a set time and venue, the result of which contributes to the final mark of a study-unit. Used by the Institute of Linguistics only. Practical work conducted in the natural environment. A systematic record of work done or experiences. Multiple Choice Questions and Written Examination Used by the Faculty of Health Sciences only. Used by the Faculty of Health Sciences only. Process of performing a piece of music or staging a theatrical production. Used by the School of Performing Arts only. Assessment Type Portfolio Poster Practical Practical Exercises Presentation Presentation and Writing Skills Problem Sets Progress Test Project Quiz Recital Reflective Diary Report Research Paper Review Paper Screenplay Seminar Paper Short Film Simulation Sketchbook Subject Test Take Home Examination Teaching Practice File Thesis & Oral Examination Transcription True/False Questions Examination True/False Questions & Examination Video Workbook Worksheets Workshop Written Exercises Written Tasks Notes A systematic and organized collection of a student's work that exhibits to others the direct evidence of a student's efforts, achievements, and progress over a period of time. It should include representative work, providing a documentation of the learner's performance and a basis for evaluation of the student's progress. Portfolios may include a variety of demonstrations of learning that have been gathered in the form of a physical collection of materials, videos, CD-ROMs, reflective journals, etc. One or more written tests which students take at specific times during the course of the study-unit to assess basic knowledge and comprehension of material and to promote learning throughout the study period. A complex assignment involving more than one type of activity and production. Projects can take a variety of forms, (e.g. a mural construction, a shared service project, or other collaborative or individual effort). Used by the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery only. A formally presented written report based on independent research which is required for the award of an SThD or PhD degree and an Oral Examination. Musical arrangement for an instrument. True/False Questions and Written Examination A record of work done. A meeting for concerted discussion or activity. These methods of assessment were used in the past but are no longer being used: Assessment Type Attendance Continuous Assessment Coursework Discussion Intra-Interpersonal Skills & Competencies Module Result Online Participation Participation Reflective Diary & Written Tasks on Competencies Seminar Test Tutorial AST_FEB_2016