Biomedical and Scientific Research Ethics Committee (BSREC) Application Form for Ethical Approval of Substantial Amendment SECTION 1. PROJECT DETAILS 1.1 Project Title: 1.2 BSREC Reference: SECTION 2. APPLICANT DETAILS 2.1 RESEARCHER Researcher’s Title: Researcher’s Forename: Researcher’s Surname: Researcher’s Faculty/School and Department: Researcher’s Status: Undergraduate Student Taught Postgraduate Student Research Postgraduate Student Staff Other Please specify: If Student: Name of course/qualification: If Staff: Researcher’s Post: 2.2 RESEARCHER’S CONTACT DETAILS BSREC Application form for Ethical Approval of Substantial Amendment; version number: 02; version date: 23Feb16 1 Warwick e-mail address: Daytime telephone number: Postal address: 2.3 SUPERVISOR - COMPLETE FOR ALL STUDENT PROJECTS Supervisor’s Title: Supervisor’s Forename: Supervisor’s Surname: Supervisor’s Post: Supervisor’s Faculty/School and Department: Supervisor’s Warwick e-mail address: Supervisor’s daytime telephone number: SECTION 3. SUMMARY OF SUBSTANTIAL AMENDMENT Guidance notes for completing this section: Briefly summarise the main changes proposed in this amendment; Explain the purpose of the changes and their significance for the study; Highlight all amendments in the supporting document(s) so that they can easily be identified. What changes to the research design or methodology are proposed? (e.g. a changed research strategy; the inclusion of a new group of participants/population; or an addition to the content of the study in some way): What specific ethical issues are raised by the changes, and how are they addressed: What changes to the research team are proposed: SECTION 4. DETAILS OF AMENDED DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED Document Title Version Date BSREC Application form for Ethical Approval of Substantial Amendment; version number: 02; version date: 23Feb16 2 SECTION 5. SIGNATURES AND DECLARATIONS 5.1 RESEARCHER/APPLICANT I undertake to abide by the University of Warwick’s Research Code of Practice in undertaking this study. I understand that I must not implement substantial amendments to a previously approved study until I have received approval from the relevant Research Ethics Committee of the University of Warwick. I understand that any changes that I would like to make to this study after receiving approval from BSREC must follow BSREC procedures as detailed on the BSREC web pages. Name of Researcher: Signature: …………………………………………………………………… Date: NB: The applicant must post a signed copy of this form to: BSREC Administrator, A010, Medical School Building, Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL. 5.2 SUPERVISOR AUTHORISATION FOR STUDENT PROJECTS I confirm that I have read this application and will be acting as the student researcher’s supervisor for this amended project. The amendment is viable and the student has the appropriate skills to undertake the amended research. I understand that substantial amendments to research and related projects with human participants must not be implemented without approval from the relevant research ethics committee of the University of Warwick. Name of Supervisor: Signature: …………………………………………………………………… Date: NB: An e-mail from the Academic Supervisor that states the above, in lieu of a wet ink signature on this form, may be sent to: BSREC Application form for Ethical Approval of Substantial Amendment; version number: 02; version date: 23Feb16 3