The Research Passport and Streamlined Human Resources Arrangements

The Research Passport
and Streamlined Human
Resources Arrangements
Guide for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)
Before a research project can begin in the NHS, both the project
and the people who undertake it must be approved. The ‘Research
in the NHS: Human Resource (HR) Good Practice Resource Pack’
describes the process for handling HR arrangements and
provides a streamlined approach for sharing details of the preengagement checks researchers have undergone with the NHS.
The ‘Resource Pack’ includes details of:
The Research Passport System for issuing honorary research
contracts (HRCs) or letters of access
NHS to NHS arrangements for sharing and accepting preengagement checks between NHS organisations.
The Research Passport
Is for researchers with no contractual relationship with the NHS
who need pre-engagement checks
Provides assurances from the substantive employer about
the researcher
Provides evidence of the pre-engagement checks the substantive
employer has carried out
Is the mechanism for non-NHS staff to get an HRC when
the research they propose to carry out is likely to impact on
patient care
When completed, can be accepted by other NHS organisations,
removing the need for duplicate pre-engagement checks
Streamlines the application process by minimising duplication,
reducing delay and removing inconsistencies.
Does not replace the need for an honorary research contract
or letter of access.
NHS to NHS arrangements
Researchers with an established relationship with the NHS, for example
NHS-employees or NHS honorary clinical contract holders, do not need
a Research Passport. NHS host organisations can rely on checks
undertaken by other NHS employers, so duplication of checks is not
necessary or appropriate and NHS to NHS arrangements can be used.
Which system should I use?
HEI employees with NHS honorary clinical contracts (Clinical
Academics) - NHS host organisations will process your request on the
basis of your existing relationship with the NHS. You do not need to
complete a Research Passport form. Please refer to ‘Process Flowcharts NHS to NHS arrangements: all types of research’ on the NIHR Research
Passport webpage
HEI substantive employees - NHS host organisations will process
your request using the Research Passport System. Please refer to
‘Process Flowcharts - Research Passport System’ and the ‘Guide to
completing the Research Passport form’ on the NIHR Research Passport
webpage or liaise with your HEI’s contact lead
HEI students on formal healthcare placements - Where a formal
healthcare placement agreement is in place between your university
and the NHS host organisation, this will cover HR arrangements for
your research activity. Please confirm this with your HEI’s contact lead
HEI students who are also employed by the NHS - NHS host
organisations will process your request on the basis of your existing
relationship with the NHS. You do not need to complete a Research
Passport form. Please refer to ‘Process Flowcharts - NHS to NHS
arrangements: all types of research’ on the NIHR Research Passport
HEI students carrying out research (no healthcare placement) NHS host organisations will process your request using the Research
Passport System. Please refer to ‘Process Flowcharts - Research Passport
System’ and the ‘Guide to completing the Research Passport form’ on the
NIHR Research Passport webpage and liaise with your HEI’s contact lead
Where can I find out more?
The Research in the NHS: HR Good Practice Resource Pack
The pack is hosted on the NIHR website:
The NIHR Comprehensive Local Research Networks (CLRNs)
CLRNs support the implementation of this guidance across HEIs and
the NHS in England. Please contact your local CLRN Lead RM&G
Manager if you have any questions:
HR Good Practice Leads
Based at each HEI and NHS organisation in England and listed on their
local CLRN’s website:
Queries for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
For queries on implementation in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
please refer to the relevant lead organisation:
This project is being undertaken
with assistance from:
The Department of Health
H lth departments
t in
i the
th devolved
d l d nations
NHS R&D Forum
NIHR Clinical Research Network (NIHR CRN)
Universities and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA) Universities UK (UUK)
Association of Research Managers and Administrators (ARMA)
Medical Schools Council (formerly CHMS)
NHS Employers
RP1 Version 2 (September 2010)