Directions Survey Description: This survey is being administered in order to more systematically assess departmental climate as well as faculty's engagement. It will help the department obtain ideas about departmental directions for the future. Opening Instructions: The department head has requested the Office of Planning and Analysis to assess selected aspects of the departmental climate. Please complete the survey knowing that all responses will be anonymous and compiled into a summary report. Work Environment 1. Using the provided rating scale, please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree to each of the following statements pertaining to your work environment: Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree I do not know 1.1 I feel that the amount of work I am expected to do is reasonable 1.2 I am able to effectively incorporate new technology in my work environment (for example, new equipment, systems, or processes) 1.3 Adequate measures are taken at my location to ensure team member safety 1.4 I have the resources I need (e.g., tools, equipment, supplies) to do my job effectively 1.5 My physical work environment (heating, cooling, accessibility, aesthetics, etc.) is adequate and not a limiting factor in my work 1.6 Please provide any additional feedback about the work environment in your department/work unit: Psychological Atmosphere and Member Involvement 2. Using the provided scale, please indicate the extent to which you have encountered such intimidating and hostile incidents: Never 2.1 With what frequency have you experienced sexism in the department/work unit? 2.2 With what frequency have you experienced racism in the department/work unit? Once a semester Twice a semester Once a month Every week Every day I do not know 2.3 With what frequency have you experienced bullying in the department/work unit? 2.4 To what extent do you find the general social or psychological atmosphere within the department/work unit to be intimidating, hostile, or offensive? (E.g.: experience or witnessing of sexual harassment) None Little Some A Lot I do not know 2.5 To the extent you are willing, please offer descriptions of the kinds or cases of racism, sexism or intimidation that you have experienced in your department/work unit: 3. Using the provided rating scale, please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree to each of the following statements pertaining to member involvement in your department/work unit: Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree I do not know 3.1 The department head does a good job of seeking the opinions and suggestions of members 3.2 I feel encouraged to come up with new and better ways of doing things 3.3 I feel free to voice my opinions openly 3.4 I have the decision-making authority I need to do my job effectively 3.5 Please provide any additional feedback about member involvement in your department/work unit: Communication and Quality Orientation 4. Using the provided rating scale, please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree to each of the following statements pertaining to the communication in your department/work unit: Strongly disagree 4.1 I understand the department’s mission 4.2 I understand the department's Disagree Neither agree nor disgree Agree Strongly aggree I do not know future direction 4.3 Communication within my department is good 4.4 I personally communicate well with my co-workers\ 4.5 I personally communicate well with my supervisor 4.6 If I saw misconduct at the department, I would feel comfortable to report it to my supervisor or through the Department Head 4.7 Please provide any additional feedback about the communication in your department/work unit: 5. Using the provided rating scale, please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree to each of the following statements pertaining to the quality orientation in your department/work unit: Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree I do not know 5.1 The department is on a path of continued improvement 5.2 Where I work, day-to-day decisions demonstrate that quality is a top priority 5.3 The quality of work in my work area is above average 5.4 Please provide any additional feedback about the quality orientation of your department/work unit: Performance Management and Teamwork 6. Using the provided rating scale, please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree to each of the following statements pertaining to the performance management in your department/work unit: Strongly disagree 6.1 I have a clear understanding of my job responsibilities 6.2 I understand the measures used to evaluate my job performance 6.3 I think my performance on the job is evaluated fairly 6.4 My performance reviews are conducted on a regular and timely basis 6.5 My performance reviews have been useful in helping me improve my job performance Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree I do not know 6.6 Please provide any additional feedback about the performance management in your department/work unit: 7. Using the provided rating scale, please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree to each of the following statements pertaining to teamwork in your department/work unit: Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree I do not know 7.1 In my work area, we are encouraged to work as a team to solve problems 7.2 People within my work group cooperate to get the job done 7.3 There is good cooperation across department 7.4 Please provide any additional feedback about teamwork in your department/work unit: Supervision and Department Head Effectiveness 8. Using the provided rating scale, please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree to each of the following statements pertaining to the supervision in your department/work unit: Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree 8.1 My immediate supervisor deals fairly with everyone 8.2 My immediate supervisor encourages suggestions from team members 8.3 My immediate supervisor gives me regular feedback on my performance 8.4 My immediate supervisor clearly communicates goals or assignments 8.5 My immediate supervisor encourages teamwork 8.6 My immediate supervisor keeps team members informed about management actions or decisions 8.7 My immediate supervisor motivates team members to do their best 8.8 Please provide any additional feedback about the supervision in your department/work unit: I do not know 9. Using the provided rating scale, please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree to each of the following statements pertaining to the department head effectiveness: Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree I do not know 9.1 The Department Head does a good job of explaining the reasons behind decisions to department members 9.2 The Department Head gives me a clear picture of the direction in which the department is headed 9.3 The Department Head shows genuine interest in the well being of department members 9.4 In my opinion, the Department of XXXX is well managed 9.5 Please provide any additional feedback about the effectiveness of the department head: Recognition,Career Development and Training 10. Using the provided rating scale, please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree to each of the following statements pertaining to the department head effectiveness: Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree I do not know 10.1 The Department Head takes the time to recognize good performance 10.2 The department members are recognized for good performance 10.3 Overall, I am satisfied with the recognition I receive for doing a good job 10.4 Please provide any additional feedback about being recognized in your department/work unit: 11. Using the provided rating scale, please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree to each of the following statements pertaining to the career development and training in your department/work unit: Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree I do not know 11.1 The department does a good job of providing opportunities for career growth/development 11.2 The department does a good job of promoting the most competent people 11.3 The department has done a good job of providing the training I've needed to do my job well 11.4 I am given the chance to learn new skills 11.5 I understand what it takes to advance in my career in the department or at Kansas State University 11.6 I take advantage of learning opportunities provided to me at the department 11.7 Please provide any additional feedback about career development and training in your department/work unit: Engagement: Job Content and Satisfaction;and Organizational Image and Commitment 12. Using the provided rating scale, please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree to each of the following statements pertaining to your job content and satisfaction: Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree I do not know 12.1 My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment 12.2 My job makes good use of my skills and abilities 12.3 Considering everything, I am satisfied with my job 12.4 Please provide any additional feedback about your satisfaction and job content: 13. Using the provided rating scale, please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree to each of the following statements: Strongly disagree 13.1 I would recommend the Department of XXX to others as a great place to work 13.2 I would prefer to remain with the Department of XXX at Kansas State University even if a Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree I do not know comparable job were available in another organization 13.3 I am proud to say that I work for the Department of XXX at Kansas State University 13.4 Considering everything, I am satisfied with the Department of XXX at Kansas State University 13.5 I feel valued as a member of the Department of XXX 13.6 I feel secure in my position at the Department of XXX 13.7 Please provide any additional feedback about these statements in the space below: Demographic Information Gender Male Female Other Employee Classification Faculty Professional Staff University Support Staff GRA/GTA/GA Hourly Student Other: Years employed at K-State This is my first year 1-2 Years 2-3 Years 5-10 Years Over 10 years Faculty Rank: Instructor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Not Applicable Other: Closing Statement To submit your responses, click the next button. When clicking next you will no longer have access to the survey; you will not be able to return, edit, or add responses. Be assured your information will be kept confidential and responses anonymous. Your participation is greatly appreciated!