Student Services Council Wednesday, January 15, 2014 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. Present: Dennis Bailey-Fougnier, Sandi Moore, Laura Verduzco-Thurman, Barbara Rigg, Lyn Hood, Rachel Mayo, Jay Jackson, Tama Bolton, Margery Regalado Rodriguez, Karen Reyes, Sesario Escoto, Anya Finke, Carter Frost BP 2410 (Board Policy and Administrative Procedure) This new policy from the president’s office revises the review and approval process of our policies/procedures. A special short-term committee (during the initial switch to the League number system) will be formed consisting of a broad group to ensure that all components are aware of the policy/procedure. Final policies will be taken to CPC. League Policy Updates: • BP/AP 5050 (Student Success and Support Program) • AP 5055 (Enrollment Priorities) • BP/AP 5130 (Financial Aid) • BP/AP 5140 (Disabled Student Programs and Services) The above policies were updated by the League in October 2013 and have been sent to the appropriate managers for review and to compare with current policies. AP 5140 will need the OCR language added. • BP/AP 3440 (Service Animals) The BP/AP was approved by SSC, although discussion about some needed changes at the state level were discussed. This policy will replace the Student Services original policy AP5140A. All Cabrillo policies have now switched to the League numbering system and language. Jane Wright has been reviewing all policies for redundancy or need of updates. Annually, we will review new/updated League policies. Building 100/200 Moves • Overall, despite a lot of issues involving the fast-paced move, everyone is maintaining a positive attitude and coming together to make things work. • Signage has been changing as suggestions arise. Feedback is welcome. • A Google doc has been set up as a venue for listing needed repairs, services, etc. • A map will be sent out showing where everyone’s offices are. • • • • A&R and Financial Aid services for students will be in the kiosk outside of building 200; A&R/FAO staff is located in two classrooms; most counselors are in individual offices throughout the building (although two are in the library and two are in the VIC); C&ESS offices are in the former dressing rooms. Giant colored flags have been ordered and will be placed around upper campus where counselors are so that students can be directed to the markers. The facilities crew has been addressing issues quickly and receives kudos from everyone. Better signage for the College Bank (now adjacent to the mail room) is needed. Welcome Tables Tables will be in the Quad and in SAC Plaza the first two days of school from 7:30-2:00 and then from 5:00-6:00. Volunteers needed and welcome!! Contact Sandi. Program/Department Updates FTTW • 146 CalWorks students last semester. • Karen has scheduled a meeting with the new CalWorks program manager. • Moving from certificates to degrees. • 26 WIA slots with 25 on the list. • BBQ next week for CalWorks students to pick up book vouchers – they will first need to get their parking permit and fill out a survey. Counseling • Following up on academic standing/program dismissal workshops, students have been tracked: 70% of students who attended the workshops have made significant academic progress. • Positive changes are anticipated for the March release of Student Planning. Student Employment • Lyn has been auditing 3000 student accounts. Student Senate • Carter will be attending the CCLC annual leadership conference in Sacramento. Assessment • 1000 students have assessed for this term. • Staff are still hand entering scores. C&ESS • Margery noted four counselors are not in the 200 building; two are in the library and two are in the Veterans Information Center. • Judy Jackson is in the VIC, not the Transfer Center; she is also working part time in DSPS. 2 Enrollment Services • Patty is back in the VIC T/W/Th afternoons. • Tama expressed concern that students are unaware of the semester’s early start. Advertising is underway. • Instruct students to get parking permits in SAC East. (A&R will only provide them if the student has other A&R business.) • Holds for academic standing will be placed on 1/17/14. Students will receive an email and should be referred to Counseling’s home page. • Incorrect/missing social security numbers were listed on some 1098Ts (where the college reports to the IRS what the student paid in fees that year), which resulted in the college being fined. Students will receive an email from the college notifying them what they need to do. Watsonville Center • Rachel is applying for a new Title V grant which would begin this October for five years. Priorities are tech-focused. The impact on Student Services would be from plans to open a portal for better communication with students. There would be just one login for the portal which would get them into WebAdvisor, email, etc. A survey will be sent out that must be returned by the end of flex week. Rachel asked everyone to complete the survey by the deadline. Student Affairs • New criteria for Borrow A Book: applicants must have received a BOG A or B. (After discussion, those with a BOG C who have been referred by FTTW will be able to apply.) • No UCSC housing this year. Perhaps fall 2015. • Preparation for graduation has begun. Encourage students to see a counselor and petition early. Deadline is 4/11/14. • Sesario offered hospitality funds for events. He needs two weeks advance notice. • Food pantry is open starting the first day of school. • Vera will speak, representing Cabrillo at an SLV outreach event on February 13. Suggestions were made to contact Carolyn Jackson and Antonio Alarcon for some presentation materials. VPSS • Dennis reminded everyone about program review annual updates due the end of spring semester. • As requested by Laurel, all non-course related SLOs in the VPSS component will now be called SSLOs (Student Services Learning Outcomes). Sandi has updated the template and is in the process of updating all current SLOs and program plans to reflect the change. • Dennis will serve on an accreditation team in March. 3