—a program designed to help students in developing the skills, habits
and tools needed to succeed in mathematics at the precalculus level and beyond.
►Are you motivated to improve your understanding and performance in math?
►Are you willing to invest time and effort into learning how to master skills needed for
success in precalculus?
►Do you want to keep the doors open for yourself into majors in the science fields?
If your answer is yes to these questions, you are an excellent candidate for PREP.
What would your responsibilities be?
Faithfully attend an intensive program just before the Spring 2016 semester. Days and times
for the intensive are January 4th through January 15th daily from 8:30 am -12:30 pm.
Faithfully attend weekly Friday workshops throughout the semester from 9-11am.
Be enrolled in Math 104, section 92710, and one of these two Math 4 sections 92093,
meeting MTWTh 8-9:05 OR section 92097, meeting MTWTh 11:10-12:15.
Note: students who are enrolled in these sections who do not attend the intensive that
begins three weeks before the semester will be dropped from both the Math 104 and the
Math 4.
What would you gain?
Increased skill, confidence and success in college-level math topics.
The ability to identify errors, to use graphing principles and to solve word problems.
Improved study habits and an understanding of your own strengths and weaknesses.
Experience in working effectively in small groups and using math vocabulary.
Take advantage of this valuable resource so we can help you achieve your potential in a science,
engineering or math major! You will be surprised at what you can do when you learn to apply
yourself effectively. To be part of the program, enroll for Math 104 and the accompanying Math 4
that is a co-requisite. PREP takes place on Cabrillo’s Aptos campus in the STEM Center, Room
To Apply:complete the online application here:
further questions, please call (831) 479-6503, or contact
PREP was originally developed through a grant from the National
Science Foundation and implemented by the Cabrillo MESA