STARS First Year Experience: English for Bilingual Speakers STARS First Year Experience: English for Bilingual Speakers is a one-year program that offers classes and activities designed to successfully TRANSITION bilingual students into college level writing and reading. The program orients you to college, offers essential English and reading skills for bilingual learners, and gives support and classroom activities designed to foster a smooth transition and environment for STUDENT SUCCESS. Practice success-oriented habits, use campus resources, manage time, learn study and test taking techniques, strategies to thrive in college, and get connected to supportive campus resources and a positive academic community. Fall 2016 and Spring 2017 semester schedule: STARS & Cabrillo Orientation: 1-2 day Orientation August 18-19, 2016 Fall semester 2016 courses ESL 255 – Low-Int. Academic ESL (comparable to English 255) ESL 255L – Academic ESL lab DMCP 130 – First Year Experience Seminar CG 51 – Planning for Success Optional course/s - student choice based on their educational plan Spring semester 2017 courses ESL 100 – High Academic ESL (comparable to English 100) Math 254, 154, 142/152 or transfer-level math (Statistics or pre-calculus) – includes math support and peer-led tutoring through SI Optional courses - student choice based on their educational plan Apply online at: Eligibility: You can join the STARS program if you: Placed into ESL or English 255 or above Commit to taking STARS courses and attending STARS activities during school year Want support in successfully transitioning to Cabrillo College STARS FYE Program offers students… Priority classes - convenient block schedule and guaranteed class enrollment 1-2 day Orientation – activities and information designed to improve your transition to Cabrillo English courses designed for Bilingual speakers and learners Make new friends – take classes together and meet other students at Cabrillo! FYE Seminar and Success Planning course introduce college life, strategies, and expectations Math Tutoring and extra support through peer-led tutoring called Supplemental Instruction (SI) First Year Experience Instructors who are caring, committed, and dedicated to your success For more information contact: Eric Grabiel – STARS First Year Experience Coordinator phone (831) 477-3340 or email at: You can also visit the Learning Communities Center Rm. 501 (Aptos campus) or online at STARS First Year Experience: English for Bilingual Speakers FALL 2016: STARS English for Bilingual Speakers Section Course/Number Day/Hour Units Instructor Room 95085 ESL 255 M/W 9:00-12:35 6 Malone, J. 355 95091 95089 ESL 255L or ESL 255L 1 2 Phillips, N. LRC 1060 95114 CG 51 (Intro to College) Arr. – 3hrs/week Arr. 6 hrs/week Friday 9:00-11:05 p.m. 8 weeks only: 9/2-10/21 1 Hernandez, C. LRC 1091 94783 DMCP 130 - STARS First Year Experience Seminar Tues 9:00-10:50 am 1 Grabiel, E. 517 The section number is the identification number of each class. Check for all required lab sections. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 DMCP 130 First Year Exp. 9:00-10:50 am 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 CG 51 Intro to College 9:00-11:05 pm ESL 255 9:30-12:35 ESL 255 9:30-12:35 8 weeks only 9/2-10/21