179 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT April 8, 2013 SUBJECT: Cabrillo College - 2013 Spring Census Report REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ITEM NUMBER INFORMATION H.8 ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 4 Background: Cabrillo College - 2013 Spring Semester Census Report. Spring 2013 semester enrollment numbers show a profile of an institution that has become smaller once again. Whether measured by headcount, weekly student contact hours (WSCH) or by full-time-equivalentstudents (FTES), this semester marks the fourth year of substantial decline in volume. Measures of institutional size show a 16% reduction when compared to Spring 2009, when Spring semester Census headcount reached an all-time high of 15,550 students. Census headcount for this semester is 13,050 students, which is about 4.2% below that of Spring 2012 (13,617 students). Both FTES and WSCH for the current semester show similar decreases when compared with this time last year. The demographic changes occurring in California and in the local region are reflected in the ongoing demographic trends observed in the student population. Four years ago, in Spring 2009, the percentage of Hispanic/Latino students at Census was 25.4% and White students was 57.4%. This semester, the percentage of Latino students has reached 36.2% of headcount, and the percentage of Whites has declined to 51.3% of headcount.i These trends point toward a likelihood of no ethnic group reaching 50% by this time next year. Meanwhile, over this same period, there has been a gradual increase in the proportion of full-time students. In spring 2009, students taking 12 or more units constituted 29.7% of headcount, while the percentage for spring 2013 has reached 31.8%. Correspondingly, the average unit load this semester compared to four years ago has risen by about 0.5 units. Another ongoing trend is that more students are more enrolling in Online courses as is evidenced by the increase in headcount and in FTES in online courses in Spring 2013 compared to Spring 2012. Meanwhile, though the Aptos and Watsonville locations show decreases in headcount, the Scotts Valley location data shows a modest increase. Closer inspection shows no increase in number of sections, but that the 13 additional headcount and 3 more FTES (than in Spring 2012) are due to better filling of these sections this semester. Student enrollment status in Spring 2013 is characterized by very slight decreases in the proportion of continuing students (from 70.9% of headcount to 70.6%) and in the proportion of new students (from 11.1% 180 to 10.7% of total headcount) when compared with the prior Spring semester. The number of concurrently enrolled high school students decreased as well. The majority of Cabrillo College students are 18-25 years old. The percentage of students in this age range is unchanged (at 57.3% of total headcount) from Spring 2012 to Spring 2013. When the 18-20 and 21-25 year old groups are combined, the decline, in numbers from Spring 2012 to Spring 2013 for the two groups is about 2.5%, which is well less than the overall decline. This appears to be offset by greater-than-average headcount decline among those in the 41-50 and in the 51-60 year-old age groups. A census web page is available through the Planning & Research Office (PRO). In addition to the collegewide census report comparing Spring 2013 with Spring 2012, location-specific reports are compiled and posted for each of the five locations – Aptos, Online, Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley, and Watsonville. These reports, as well as reports from prior semesters are available at: http://www.cabrillo.edu/services/pro/ i Ethnicity data collection procedures were changed in Summer 2009, in line with the U.S. Department of Education requirements. The survey asks all respondents to first identify themselves as either Hispanic or non‐Hispanic. It also allows respondents to identify with multiple races. Only students who have applied and registered since Summer 2009 have encountered the new ethnicity questions. Continuing students were not re‐surveyed; their earlier responses (to a single‐choice survey) remain in the system. As more and more students encounter the new version of the survey, there is greater opportunity for selection of multiple ethnicities. This is the likely explanation for the 13.7% increase in the number of students selecting multiple ethnicities in Spring 2013 as compared with one year ago. 181 CABRILLO COLLEGE Spring 2013 Census Enrollment Compared to Spring 2012 Spring 2013 vs. 2011 All Students Total Student Count Non-credit (only) Students Units Enrolled Average Units FTES (Resident) WSCH (Residents) Spring 2013 13,050 145 107,763 8.26 4,874 151,238 Spring 2012 # Change % Change 13,617 136 111,961 8.22 5,093 158,984 -567 9 -4,198 0.04 -219 -7,746 -4.2% 6.6% -3.7% 0.4% -4.3% -4.9% Spring 2012 # Change % Change 11,979 91,434 7.63 4,147 -586 -4424 0.00 -250 -4.9% -4.8% 0.1% -6.0% Spring 2012 # Change % Change 63 859 0.20 49 1.9% 8.4% 6.3% 9.0% FTES values contain a projection applied to Positive Hour attendance sections. Aptos Student Count Units Enrolled Average Units FTES (Resident) Spring 2013 Online/TV Student Count Units Enrolled Average Units FTES (Resident) Spring 2013 Santa Cruz Student Count Units Enrolled Average Units FTES (Resident) Spring 2013 Scotts Valley Student Count Units Enrolled Average Units FTES (Resident) Watsonville Student Count Units Enrolled Average Units FTES (Resident) 11,393 87,010 7.64 3,897 3,327 11,102 3.34 589 3,264 10,243 3.14 540 # Change % Change 124 136 1.10 13 -83 -95 -0.10 -10 -66.9% -69.9% -8.8% -76.9% Spring 2013 Spring 2012 # Change % Change 13 82 0.17 3 7.2% 11.9% 4.4% 12.2% # Change % Change -66 -619 -0.16 -11 -3.3% -6.5% -3.4% -2.9% 41 41 1.00 3 194 771 3.97 27 Spring 2013 1,931 8,839 4.58 359 Spring 2012 181 689 3.81 24 Spring 2012 1,997 9,458 4.74 369 Aptos includes class offerings at the main campus. Santa Cruz includes offerings at sites in the Santa Cruz area. Scotts Valley includes classes offered in Scotts Valley. Watsonville includes classes offered at the Watsonville Center, or at other Watsonville area locations. Spring 2013 In-county (SC) Students Out-of-state Students Fast Track to Work BA+ Degree Students International Students Veterans and Dependents Applications for Admission 11,331 163 198 1,401 67 186 5,142 Spring 2012 11,859 170 378 1,494 46 211 5,259 # Change % Change -528 -7 -180 -93 21 -25 -117 -4.5% -4.1% -47.6% -6.2% 45.7% -11.8% -2.2% In-county by residence zip code. International and Out-of-state by MIS SB09 Residence code for fee purposes. Fast Track to Work from FTTW Office. Veterans data courtesy Cabrillo A&R Cabrillo College Planning & Research 3/22/2013 2:08 PM 182 Spring 2013 Enrollment Status Continuing New Returning Concurrent High School TOTAL # 9,218 1,393 2,294 345 13,050 Spring 2012 % 70.6% 10.7% 16.0% 2.6% 100.0% # 9,655 1,515 2,079 368 13,617 Spring 2013 vs. 2011 % # Change % Change 70.9% -437 -4.5% 11.1% -122 -8.1% 15.3% 15 0.7% 2.7% -23 -6.3% 100.0% -567 -4.2% Status is determined empirically from enrollment records. Returning students have been away one or more major terms. Full/Part-time Full-time Part-time TOTAL Spring 2013 # 4,172 8,878 13,050 % 32.0% 68.0% 100.0% Spring 2013 Race/Ethnicity Categories African American Asian Filipino Hispanic/Latino Native American Pacific Islander White Multiple-Ethnicities Other TOTAL # 158 303 125 4,729 64 29 6,698 621 323 13,050 Spring 2012 # 4,335 9,282 13,617 Spring 2013 vs. 2011 % # Change % Change 31.8% -163 -3.8% 68.2% -404 -4.4% 100.0% -567 -4.2% Spring 2012 % 1.2% 2.3% 1.0% 36.2% 0.5% 0.2% 51.3% 4.8% 2.5% 100.0% # 176 319 124 4,631 70 38 7,326 546 387 13,617 Spring 2013 vs. 2011 % # Change % Change 1.3% -18 -10.2% 2.3% -16 -5.0% 0.9% 1 0.8% 34.0% 98 2.1% 0.5% -6 -8.6% 0.3% -9 -23.7% 53.8% -628 -8.6% 4.0% 75 13.7% 2.8% -64 -16.5% 100.0% -567 -4.2% In Spring 2009, new ethnicity data collection procedures, including the option to select multiple ethnicities, were implemented in compliance with the U.S. Department of Education. * Among Hispanic/Latino students, 311 (or 6.5%) also identify with one or more non-Hispanic/Latino ethnicities. ` Spring 2013 Gender Female Male Unknown TOTAL # 7,100 5,896 54 13,050 Spring 2012 % 54.4% 45.2% 0.4% 100.0% Spring 2013 Age under 14/unknown 15-17 18-20 21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 over 60 Overall # 18 258 3,906 3,704 1,591 1,405 885 767 516 13,050 # 7,498 6,056 63 13,617 Spring 2012 % 0.1% 2.0% 29.9% 28.4% 12.2% 10.8% 6.8% 5.9% 4.0% 100.0% # 15 260 4,164 3,642 1,627 1,482 1,071 826 530 13,617 Spring 2013 vs. 2011 % # Change % Change 55.1% -398 -5.3% 44.5% -160 -2.6% 0.5% -9 -14.3% 100.0% -567 -4.2% Spring 2013 vs. 2011 % # Change % Change 0.1% 3 20.0% 1.9% -2 -0.8% 30.6% -258 -6.2% 26.7% 62 1.7% 11.9% -36 -2.2% 10.9% -77 -5.2% 7.9% -186 -17.4% 6.1% -59 -7.1% 3.9% -14 -2.6% 100.0% -567 -4.2% Spring 2012 FTES (overall and online) and overall WSCH values were corrected after discovery of a data error. The amounts shown here are the corrected values, and thus do not match those published in the Spring 2012 Census Report. Data Source: Cabrillo Information Technology (unless otherwise noted) Querying and Reporting: Cabrillo Planning & Research Office (PRO) Cabrillo College Planning & Research 3/22/2013 2:08 PM