April 8, 2013 strict’s Initial Proposal to CCFT: Adopt the Di

April 8, 2013
Adopt the District’s Initial Proposal to CCFT:
CCFT/District 2013-16 Contract negotiations
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In compliance with the public notice provisions of the Educational Employment Relations Act (EERA),
the District’s Initial Proposal for negotiations with the Cabrillo College Federation of Teachers (CCFT) is
as follows:
1. Utilize Interest-Based Bargaining principles and techniques in its negotiations with CCFT.
o To promote and maintain collegial employer-employee relationships.
o To base decisions upon objective standards and criteria.
2. Improve contract language to more effectively meet student and program needs.
3. Improve and maintain the quality and safety of the college environment to ultimately benefit
students and employees.
4. Effectively manage the resources of the college during these times of fiscal uncertainty for
community colleges including, but not limited to, the shift of funding from a census based model
to funding for completion.
5. Maintain flexibility in order to implement policy and legislative changes currently in
development related to the Student Success Initiative and the possible shift of the Adult
Education Program to community colleges and other Title 5 changes.
6. Develop a total and sustainable compensation package.
7. Complete contract negotiations in a timely and efficient manner.
Board Goals
1. Student Success will be the priority in determining
Compensation and benefits for all employee groups that are sustainable and comparable
with best practice for similar organizations.
Staffing patterns that conserve resources to support student achievement
Allocation of resources to creatively address student needs and increase achievement of
student goals.
con’t page 2
It is recommended that the Governing Board adopt the District’s initial proposal for 2013-16 contract
negotiations with CCFT.
Administrator Initiating Item:
Victoria Lewis
Academic and Professional Matter
If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement
Senate President Signature
 Yes  No
 Yes  No
Final Disposition
2. The Board is committed to shared governance and values the timely recommendations of the
College Planning Council to inform Board decisions.
3. The Board supports the implementation that will result in green, paperless delivery of all Board
materials to the members of the Governing Board, college community and the public.
4. The Board will engage the community through broad discourse to chart the path for Cabrillo’s
continuing legacy in light of the unprecedented fiscal challenges facing the college and the state
of California.
In accordance with the Board goals, the District will pursue changes in the following Articles and related
Appendices including, but not limited to, the specific items listed below:
o Article 9: Professional Development Leaves
 Clarification of limitation on additional compensation for faculty during a
sabbatical term
o Article 11: Workload
 Work Year Schedule Flexibility for counselors
 Workload provisions including, but not limited to, potential changes related to
non-credit courses
Cross-Disciplinary Team Taught Courses
Cross-Disciplinary Assignment Requiring Additional Work in Designated
Learning Communities
Release time for Faculty Senate
Release time for CCFT officers
o Article 13: Salary
 Salary Schedules
 Non-credit Salary Schedule
o Article 14: Health & Welfare Insurance Coverage
 Flexibility in changing the low HMO plan
o Article 16: Adjunct Faculty
 Reemployment Preference for retiring faculty
o Article 17: Evaluation and Tenure
 Impact of temporary contracts on tenure and evaluation
 Modification of faculty self-evaluation form (Appendix L.1)
o Article 18: Retirement
 Retiree Medical Benefits
 See Article 9
o Article 21: Duration of Agreement
o Article 26: Reopening of Agreement and Specific Provisions of Agreement