AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT September 12, 2011 SUBJECT: Student Course Materials/Bookstore Update REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER INFORMATION E.7 Page 1 of 1 BACKGROUND: One of the biggest challenges facing our students today is the high cost of course materials. A recent article in the Chronicle of Higher Education noted that a nation-wide survey revealed that more than seven out of ten students have skipped buying a textbook because of its cost. In addition to the challenge of the rising costs of textbooks for students, college bookstores are also facing a tremendous reduction in textbook sales as more and more students turn to online providers like In response to increased expenses and declining revenues, the Board has approved expense reduction plans for the Cabrillo bookstore including the elimination of two vacant positions, closure of the bookstore on Fridays, and the elimination of service in Watsonville. During recent Flex Week activities before the first week of classes, faculty expressed concerns about the elimination of services in Watsonville. The Vice President of Administrative Services attended the orientation session for faculty and staff at Watsonville during Flex Week, and worked directly with faculty to develop a plan to deliver bookstore services to Watsonville students during the first two weeks of the fall semester. The plan included reallocating resources to provide a bookstore staff member to be available to take book orders and deliver books to students from 8:30-11:00 and 4:00- 7:00, Monday through Wednesday of the first week of classes and Tuesday through Thursday the second week of classes. Exemplifying collaboration and leadership, the bookstore staff, admissions and records staff, and Watsonville staff and faculty worked together as a team to make it possible to provide bookstore services to Watsonville students. We will continue to evaluate how best to meet the needs of our students in Watsonville as we address the overall challenges the bookstore faces. College bookstores around the nation are in the midst of a volatile period of transition in the coming months with respect to on-campus processes to deliver course materials including textbooks. Another element of transition at the Cabrillo bookstore involves the recent resignation of Cabrillo’s bookstore manager, effective September 12, 2011. The college’s administration is currently in discussion with locally owned bookstores to explore the possibility of securing interim bookstore management services as quickly as possible to avoid a disruption of services for students. Administrator Initiating Item: Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition