AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT September 12, 2011 SUBJECT: CEED Professional Service Contracts REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 1 A.6 Background: Career Education and Economic Development (CEED) carries out a number of projects that are externally funded and which we do not have the internal capacity to staff. We wish to renew contracts with the following for the 2011-12 fiscal year: Alex Kramer serves as Coordinator and provides program development, marketing and implementation for the South Bay Business & Entrepreneurship Center (BEC) and the Youth Entrepreneurship Program (YEP) for the 17 south Bay Area community colleges. The contract amount is for $80,424. Audries Blake, CTE Partnerships Director, provides expertise in facilitating and managing CTE program alignment and coordination among the area high schools, the ROP program, and the college. The contract amount is for $87,888. Claire Laughlin provides community outreach, curriculum development and program management for the Contract Education Program to serve the needs of the community and generate income for the College. She also provides coordination for our partnership activities with other workforce development stakeholders. The contract amount is for $101,700. Kitty O’Doherty facilitates and coordinates regional industry and education partnerships and provides project management for the Bay Area Community College Consortium. The contract amount is for $111,228. Fiscal Impact: Expenditures of $381,240 funded by various revenue sources including Chancellor’s Office grants and Contract Education fees. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Governing Board authorize the Vice President of Administrative Services to execute professional service contracts with Alex Kramer, Audries Blake, Claire Laughlin, and Kitty O’Doherty. Administrator Initiating Item: Rock Pfotenhauer, Dean, CEED Renée M. Kilmer, VP Instruction Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition Approved