83 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: November 7, 2011 2011-12 thru 2014-15 Budget Planning REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION INFORMATION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 5 D.1 BACKGROUND: The college has concluded the budget planning cycle for 2011-12 and is beginning the planning cycle for 2012-13. The College Planning Council has reviewed the budget calendar, the updated budget planning assumptions for 2011-2 through 2014-15, and the operating reserve balance. The documents are included as an information update for the Governing Board’s information. The college will provide an update on the use of carryover, one-time fund allocations and other planning updates at the December Board meeting. Administrator Initiating Item: Graciano Mendoza Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature No Final Disposition CABRILLO COLLEGE Base/Categorical Budget Development Timeline Draft FY 2012-13 and 2013-14 Board Meeting November 7, 2011 September 7, 2011 September 21 & 22 SANTA CRUZ COUNTY COMMITMENT KICK OFF BUDGET TOWN HALL MEETINGS CPC MEETING - Budget Planning Kick Off For 2012-13 September - December, 2011 FACULTY SENATE- Program Review Task Force meets to develop recommendations October 3, 2011 BOARD MEETING October 4/5, 2011 October 25/19, 2011 October 4-November 30, 2011 October/November November 7, 2011 November 8/2, 2011 November 22/16, 2011 December 5, 2011 December-February December 6/7, 2011 December 20/21, 2011 January - June 2012 January 9, 2012 January 10, 2012 January ?, 2011 January 10/4, 2012 January 24/18, 2012 February 6, 2012 Information Items: - Budget Presenation 2012-13 - Review of 6/30/11 Ending fund balance ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/MANAGER'S MEETING/CPC MEETING Information Items: - Budget Planning Parameters for 2012-2014 - Budget Reduction Goals (Base, Categorical Budgets & Other funds) - Budget Development Timeline ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/CPC MEETING Carryover and One-Time Fund review by Components, Cabinet, Admin. Council and CPC Faculty Prioritization Process/ Determine FON requirements for Fall 2012 BOARD MEETING Action Items: - Budget Planning Parameters for 2012-2014 - Budget Reduction Goals (Base, Categorical Budgets & Other funds) - Budget Development Timeline - Review Faculty Obligation number for 2012/ FTES Projections for FY 2012-13 ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/MANAGER'S MEETING/ CPC MEETING ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/MANAGER'S MEETING/ CPC MEETING BOARD MEETING Information Items: - Budget Update Carryover and One-Time Fund review - Program and Service Reduction Reviews for 2012-13 SPRAC Review of Program Reduction Plans for 2012-13 ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/MANAGER'S MEETING/ CPC MEETING ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/CPC Negotiations- All groups BOARD MEETING 2012-13 GOVERNOR'S STATE BUDGET STATE BUDGET WORKSHOP ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/MANAGER'S MEETING/ CPC MEETING ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/CPC BOARD MEETING Information Items: - Update Budget Parameters FY2012-13 and FY 2013-14 - Update Budget Development Timeline- FY 2013-14 - FY 2011-12 Mid Year Cuts from the State - FY 2011-12 Mid Year Report (Projected Ending Balance for 6/30/12) 84 CABRILLO COLLEGE Base/Categorical Budget Development Timeline Draft FY 2012-13 and 2013-14 Board Meeting November 7, 2011 February 7/1, 2012 February 21/15, 2012 March 5, 2012 March, 2012 March 6/7, 2012 March 20/21, 2012 April, 2012 April 2, 2012 April 3/4, 2012 April 24/18, 2012 May 2012 May 7, 2012 May 8/2, 2012 May 29/16, 2012 May 25, 2012 June 11, 2012 June 12/6, 2012 June 26/20, 2012 August 6, 2012 August 7/1, 2012 August 28/15, 2012 September 10, 2012 September 11/5, 2012 September 25/19, 2012 85 ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/MANAGER'S MEETING/ CPC MEETING ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/CPC BOARD MEETING Action Items: - March 15 Notices to Faculty- Reduction or Discontinuance of Services - First Round-Resolution-Reduction or Discontinuance of Classified/Confidential/Management Service First Principal Apportionment 2011-12 Received ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/MANAGER'S MEETING/ CPC MEETING ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/CPC MEETING Continue to Evaluate/Revise Planning Parameters BOARD MEETING Action Items: - Budget Parameters FY2012-13 and FY 2013-14 - Budget Reduction Plans for 2012-13 (Base, Categorical Budgets & Other funds) ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/MANAGER'S MEETING/ CPC MEETING ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/CPC Second Principal Apportionment 2011-12 Received BOARD MEETING Action Items: - Final Notices to Faculty- Reduction or Discontinuance of Services ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/MANAGER'S MEETING/ CPC MEETING ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/CPC MEETING Governor's May Revise for 2012-13 released BOARD MEETING Action Items: - 2012-13 Preliminary Budget ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/MANAGER'S MEETING/ CPC MEETING ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/CPC MEETING BOARD MEETING Information Items: - Update Budget Parameters FY2012-13 and FY 2013-14 ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/MANAGER'S MEETING/ CPC MEETING ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/CPC MEETING BOARD MEETING Action Items: - 2012-13 Final Budget ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/MANAGER'S MEETING/ CPC MEETING ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/CPC MEETING Board Meeting November 7, 2011 Difference between ongoing Revenues & Expenses (Structural Deficit) Increase in State Revenue Anticipated General Apportionment adjustment Part-time faculty compensation Gen. Apportionment reduction- $400 million net of student fee increase Increase in Student Fees $110 mil to offset apportionment reduction 2011-12 Student Fee Revenue Shortfall Net change in revenue 86 2011-12 through 2014-15 Base Budget Planning Parameters 2011-12 State Enacted Budget 2012-13 Mid-Range Projected 2013-14 Projected 2014-15 Projected (145,000) (3,478,200) (5,746,200) (7,267,700) (1,000,000) (4,412,000) 1,097,000 (250,000) (3,710,000) (4,478,200) 0 0 150,000 (395,000) 0 (230,000) 0 (66,000) 200,000 (345,000) (112,500) (345,000) (112,500) (345,000) (575,000) ? (85,000) (333,000) ? (30,000) ? (100,000) (633,000) ? (145,000) (36,000) ? ? ? (100,000) (150,000) (696,000) ? (145,000) (24,000) ? ? ? (100,000) (150,000) ? ? ? ? ? ? (1,268,000) ? (1,521,500) ? (1,572,500) ? (7,267,700) (8,840,200) Net Increases in Ongoing Expenses Full-time Faculty Position changes (-3, -4, +3, +3) (net of adjunct backfill) Step, Column, Longevity Increases, etc. Classified Positions Medical Plan Rate Increase-- 4%, 10%, 10%, 10% Management Positions Retiree Benefit Increase PERS Rate Increase STRS Rate Increas Worker's Comp, Unemployment Insurance New Facilities Supplies & Operating, Staff Utilities Net Operating Increases District Contribution- Bus Pass Program Retiree Benefits- New Employees Labor agreements Reduction in Indirect Reimbursements from grants Total Expenditure Increases Budget Reductions Budget Reductions Phase I, Round I Budget Reductions Phase I, Round II Ongoing Shortfall* 730,500 97,653 (3,478,200) (5,746,200) Allocation of 66 2/3% of operating reserves 3,478,200 2,500,000 0 (3,246,200) Deficit net of One-time funds 0 (194,353) 0 0 174,000 100,000 ? ? (135,000) (596,353) *Estimates will change as more information becomes available 87 CABRILLO COLLEGE GENERAL FUND BALANCE Board Meeting November 7, 2011 Projected Operating Reserves OPERATING RESERVES Beginning Balance (Mid Year-Bridge Fund Reserves, Final Budget) ADD: Projected Ending balance 2012-13 Estimated One-Time Subfund Allocations Projected FY 2011-12 1,309,000 1,500,000 (500,000) LESS: 66.67% Allocated to 2012-13 Deficit Projected Ending Operating Reserves = (2309000+1500000) *66.67% Projected @ 66.67% FY 2012-13 2,309,000 1,500,000 (2,500,000) 2,309,000 1,309,000 3,809,000 2,539,460.30