83 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT December 5, 2011 SUBJECT: Governing Board Goals for 2011-2012 REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION Action ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 2 C.9 Background: On October 29th, the Governing Board held its Fifth Annual Retreat. The board discussed district goals and reaffirmed its commitment to student success. Based on this commitment, the board determined a number of priorities for 2011-2012 which focus on student success. In addition, monitoring the district’s fiscal situation continues to be of utmost importance to the board. Recommended: It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the attached 2011-2012 Board Goals as presented. Administrator Initiating Item: Brian King Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition Approved 84 BOARD GOALS FOR 2011-12 1. Student Success will be the priority in determining: Compensation and benefits for all employee groups that are sustainable and comparable with best practice for similar organizations; Staffing patterns that conserve resources to support student achievement; Allocation of resources to creatively address student needs and increase achievement of student goals. 2. The Board is committed to shared governance and values the timely recommendations of the College Planning Council to inform board decisions. 3. The Board supports the development of a process that will result in a green, paperless delivery of all Board materials to the members of the Governing Board, the college community, and the public.